uor o as. .:at O DISPATCHES OOOOOOO u o o 0 o o o o o f i 4 .1 J TODAY. o o o o V VOLUME X&I. r NO. CONCORD. N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1922. !T9. Jl i. . 5 jffil LO'.DKiG OF FREIGHT GREATEST SI UCF 1970 I II v '-Indications ' of the Rapidly, 11 V " ".T ,u 51"1" i . - ..v "J 'niiirt. ntlu 111 liiatnl nf nMrif Improving Conditions the County's General in ess Life Are Seen. 1,003,759 CARS OF ' V - FREIGHT LOADED Trfa la On nt ihn Ttact In , Y " . ' " . aexes 10 business Londi- finna Thmiio-hnnr rnnnln, That Can Be Found. - '". fair tha Aaaaetatf Praaa.) ; V- .. Washington, Nov. I. Indication of nipun- improving- condition 111 tue Jt. i , "" . rJveo today in renrta to the mr aer-vlee-aection of the American. Railway AHHiK'liitlon which a Dion x other things, ahowed the grewtear weekly loadiflK of freJirht from which the railronda de- rived revenue in two yenra. The re ixirt . disclosed jhnt with the excep tion of fonr weeka in ieptemher and (k tolier of the londlng of 1.0)13, 7"l car of -revenue freight tbe week of October 21at waa the r en tent tn record. -..i. " -, ' . 'RHtaMlsliment of this record," t n atnteroent by the Atwocintlnn atd,j"ia oil the moro Wnlllcant becaie ."the!1" hx ta'f hHvb!,"lJ;.,n - loedlnir of , nierrhnniUxe and niiwei loneona freiaht is one of the bent In- ilexcn to btiHine condliiona that can ' lie fonnd"; -,-. .i .. 1.LH0ITSIITK FALLS FROM FF.RRI WITH MAN AND WIFK INSIDE Major and Mrs. Kane, of Went Point, Submerged to Nek When Boat , fiumpa Hudson Pilinx. New . York, Oct 30. Friends "of i' Major P. V. - Kane. ; inntructor of modern languages at West Point, to day told the story of a few -minutes iV1ijor Kane aSil hia wife opent near death last Saturday when they wtere trapped, in a limousine which tumliled from a Hudson River ferryboat and was parUy submerged.; ' V ; i i" , v Qtajor and- Mrs. Kane were return . ing by motor ,-, from - the- Yale-Army : fWba'l Yiime. C'rojwlna the Hudson at West Point,- their, caf t-was' parked as the foremost df thone on . Tbe ferry boat HiKbland. The-Jlerry,' In arriving at the xHp. bumped pllias jthruprty Before (Major Kant; could apply the" wanes me iniicuiue 'weni ? over ,:uie side. Major Kane and his wife were Imprisoned. One mudguard, caught on a piling,-was all that kept the car from; entire submersion. With only their " heads and shoulders, above. Bttvcr me w.uier auu (u n inwi vali y to open the doors. Captain Church, of the Highland, had immediately, thrown the .ferry engines into reverse tox prevent the boat, from crushing the- limousine. His men trussed the car hurriedly, to prevent its sinking. Then they chopped a hole through the . roof - of the limousine, through which Mayor' and uMrs. Kane were hauled. , .. , Both were taken to the' Academy Hospital, suffering - from ImmerHlon and shock. Major - Kane returned ,to bis t duties tmlay. -. . ,! ' , THE COTTON MARKET AmJ IM t iwitmi a liwm ft i p.i.i,:i!..tt.i a.ni. h ' the South, . (By th AaaoelaM Fresa.) A ; ' "New York, 'Nov;: 1. The cotton, mar ket' opened- easy at a decline of from -it in 07 nntnf-a In rpnnnnne fro' velnf tvp. Ivi weak Liverpool vibles,mllzlng, ! aDeech an slan ore to be the sub and scattered sellinai hv the South.. 'K'ts of a. hation-wtde campaign by Cotton f utnrea opened easy r, Decem ber 24.06; January 23.80; March 23.85; May, 28.07; July 23.45. - . ;: , ..A.t Societies Join In -Forget-Me-Not" Day. ' JjlStaX'w- 'SSjS . - are taking an active part in ine P-l"l i rntlona of the national "Forget-Me-Not'1 Dayi to be blwerved. November 4, accordingx to . Hamilton Cook, - Nat- ' 1 wnnl Commander of the; Disabled . vet emns qf the World War. v .''''"-'f 4 Proceeds derived ! from the Bale of the flowers will be used, in tbe lnter iests df the" wounded and disabled Am- - ericah veterans 'of the recent war. i ih welfare and relief, - national v leglsla- ; tlve assistance, rehabilitation and hos pitalization aids -and numerouai other lieneftts, said Commander Cook.-,1 ' The serricef) of the Boy Scouts were offered br James E. West, of 'New York,' chief scout executive. The scouts will act as liaison ofjiceri be- tween the various committees, ana wui on t nil the hendouarters of the citl . aens' committee and other offlciala as- sodated with the actlvltlea of the day. 1 i j Itt the ' manufacture of automobiles - and trucks in the United States last rear, more tban 313,000,000 - feet of i'umiber wasusedrv-, More men die of Idleness than of ..- hard "work.: - ",.? ; '-. 'i:'-S-' '. K)OOeOOeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfMCOOt3C)OOOOOOOOOt If Concord is Good Enough to Live In It Ought to Be Good Enough ' to Trade In. TOE LONDON TIMES I . WaUer raaally. I'jndon. Vht 1 n f.u4 that Tk Tlnxa of l-omV-n, t Ll-to ut KimliKb- men re-t rd ii Mlkatal Iwrtirutiuu i sod not inerely a a nraiirr, In to revert to the Walter family afiar hav- reve flfto been out of rbeir runt rot for about The Walter who bow I at- alter, who founder the famon newspaper. In V.m C. Arthur Pearson outlined control, and during tha past few year tbe acrp-iper baa bwi one of the chain mvnrd by the late Lord'Xorth- i-)lce . ' - It la no min compliment to tar that Time la part of Brlthdi drill- laatlon For considerably more than century it b belonged, with ti Established Church and tha Brit tab. fon&lituthia. to the historic grealnetut of the raw. ;...-, - ' It has la-cn no fmm ihr beginning. The Time wo a child, of fonr when it rounder, tha Ort John Walter. an put Into Jnll for censuring the J hike Tu f York. Itnt flier could not Inmrl.n j ha Tunes, and even while John Wal ter w in Newgate he was sentenced again for aeTerely crltlciKinn the Prlnc of Wales antTwcciiidnc the ' IMike of Clarence, of louring. his ahlp wjfhout leave. r The (tovernmontr witjwlrew fta ' ad rerllRenienta and ita printinR contract, lint The Time went on it Incorrup tible way. . 'It. made Cabinet ' and broke them, exposed plot and averted them. At .leant once., at a" coat of IA-..000. TheTlme nlppwl ln the Midi an internittional - ronHniracy - . which Kurope, and therf- are two M-hnlarHhlps lu jmlon schools.-. -endowed by a thanksgiving fund then 'raised to The Tiine. . When the railway ' mania waa at It highest, , The Times eacrl flwl a fortune In advertising by de nouncing the . spirit of reckleHne. 'which was abroad.' and neither t'ae penalties of the' lnw, thej enmities of statesmen, nor the loss of revenws luis arniled ngninst the fearless de termination of The Time to sny the thing it thlnks. i - i -r - ' v: v There were dramatic' spectacles 'at times, when the gfeat-newspapex fought not only -its owni,' but foreign gorern-' nient. ; Nanoletin, oliiiwlf, who fear ed an editor-more than an army, Is said to have wanted to bring an action fori libel against The Times, and Quhsot,. the great French n 'iFttSr ot a later ttay, did more."' To puplslLThe Times for .Its !innfrlenailhefc herde tnlned Mta courier 1; ParK 'delaying it deatnbea, 'a ... '-a ; Jt was the Puke of Wellington who 'wild ht the, editor of The Times -was There was nothing the editor did not knowv-.few things fie could not do. It was thionKh.; The Tliws that Lord John Rimsell learned of the Indiscre tion of Palmerston which led to an apology to the King of Naples.; it jwas The Times which . accused Lord Melville, the friend of Pitt, of the inractlees for which he was luiDfaclied. a 'tragic destlnly which broke. .Pitt's heart. ' It was -The STiines . which 'startled the world one morning by an nouncing that. Peel v would, repeal the corn laws. It was The Times, which published the Berlin treaty in London two hours liefore it was signed In Berlin.- It was The Times correspondent in Paris to whoin Alfonso XII,- lean ing niai Inst the. ' mantlepiece in bis study. ' told the story of, ? theVonp d'etat in Madrid which had made him King of Spain. It was. in The Times that Charles Dickens wrote tbft' burn-t lng letters which brought, an- end to public executions. And it :.was in me Times tnat . liont- Krangiram. Miicanlny. Disraeli, Denn Stanley, famous men were proud to write; 1 Lannch Betttr Speech Week. Iowa City, Iowa,: Oct 31.t-Incorrect I country,' according to Prof. Glenn N. Mjrry,-. head of the. department of speech of the Unlveerslty of Iowa and ' 5S?U . '"T jrXZ"L "i the National Association of Speech itnd the Oeneraf w 1na,ifllttnir th. mnvamont ar Instituting the better movement , "Women's clubs . will attack In correct speech the next week" he said.' Schools will take up the attack the third week In February. In both in stances the action will ibe concerted throughout the country and will be an effort to erase 'the bad features of our language."' , :-v ,'-''J The committee recognizes; Professor Merry said, that our language la .not fixed and dead,; but living and sub ject, to constant change;. i.'that two general standards of '. nsage . exist, good English and vulgar English, and that the usage by the educated class should set the standard of American speech. " 1 ; ; "The1 policy of the committee is de termined. by, a broad ideal of avoid ing purism, fadism and .. artificial speech on one band and vulgarism on the other," he- said. "Distinctness of Utterance' and agreeable voice .quality are achievements in speech worthy of cultivation." , , It matters, not' how ong live, but how.:-v ';..' ''"'.''.",. ".'-;';; A Live Vire in l!:2 Salesmanship Clab r 1 Miss Mabel Reel, Kannapelis . alls teel Is going after one of the big prliseB in a manner tbnt Justities special mention. - Being one of Knu napolis' most iMipnlnr a well as at tractive yonn Indies, she is. finding rote and subscriptions plentiful. Miss Keel is working with a vlra this week to break all past records in -getting votes under the big offer closing Sat urday night. x , 'y - v. ADMITS SHE TAPPED PIPF.S Woman Is Made to Pay For Gas She rsed Free For Months. ) Pott8ville, Pa., Nov. ,1. A Port Car bon business woman whose name was withheld was arraigned before Alder man ODonnell .today, charged by Manager McKnlgbt, of the PottSvllle (Jas ComiHiny, with connecting and us ing the gas service ,of . the company without the knowledge of tbe com pany and. without paying for it. , After being caught in the act by McKnlght ' aud Captain Gerheart, of tbe State police, the woman admitted her guilt and claimed to have tapped the. pines and put the gas fixtures in her store with her own hands.- She was heavily lined and compelled to pay gas bills for a number of months, j Barrjr Is Penred to the last Freckle. renrod ;8'hofleld,uthe ipst devilish Ioy in fprtnlbelnbl lr.orltfWTt Yotrn knT fctlli? 1-nsttme Thftifre where - the Marshal Neilan SHrst; Na tional attraction, ' "renrod," basetl on Booth' Tnrkington's InimltHble' stories of .American boyhood, is making a bit. From this screen version of the famous character, Marshal Neilan has utilized the gervii-es of Freckles Barry, who is said to be lennxl to the last freckle. - 'The capable supporting cast Includes about forty adults und juve niles among whom arc Tully Marshall, Marjorice Daw and Kuguue Besserer. Fenrod ' will remain at the ragtime Theatre tomorrow also to accommodate the many friends who have expressed a desire to make his acquuintuuee., .With Our Advertisers. ; Hoover's hns clothing that was styled for -yonng men. You can- get the. latest and best there in, suits, ov ercoats and other men's equipment. . Tjuilr At Hutait in ntiil 'lanvn fihnnt ICHne's new ad. in-today's paper. .'Owing' to its size and strength the Citizens , Bonk and Trust Company Ms in posiuon to otier you exceptional service says new .ad. today. :;. v -r You will feel : better In your own home than in a rented home. The Cit izens Building and Loan Association con help you own your borne, N ew ad. todn.V gives particulars. The Ten Day Sale at the Concord Furniture Co. Is now on. New ad. to day points out some' of the fine bargains-to be secured while the sale lasts. : ' - Parties '.For Mrs. II. G. Gibson. j Mrs. H. O. " Gibson, who has been spending several weeks here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. it. K. Kldennonr, and who will relurn to her home in Florida this week, has been the honor guest at several iinrtles, given this week. '" y r--'' ."';-?."-:' . On Monda. night Miss Naomi Moqre entertained at a f'movle" 'party for Mrs. Gibson. - After leaving the thea tre the guests went to the home of Mrs. C. A. Cannon, -with whom Miss Moore lives, where refreshments were served. - -' ;-.." - : ' "Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Gibson was honoree at a bridge party given by Mrs. Ernest Porter.. Sixteen guests nlaved and after -play .refreshments were served..- . -' Contributions to Tiny Tim Fund. .The Tiny Tim Fund, beipg raised by the King's Daughters to aid crip- nled ch ldren. . stands as loupws: . L. M7 Richmond 5.00 P. O. Hi of A. 23.00 lira Martha Stockton ,..-u.i 5.00 Mra vt'.'H. Gorman 6.00 A. S. Welib ...i... -.Sa "1.00 Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Smith 5.00 Junior Order No. 25 i 10.00 Mrs.-5!eb Moore i.L..U.., ' 5.00 Mrn 3. P. 'Allison i 5.00 M. L. ' Cannon .L.- J.i.-" 10.00 T... ..! Vn ACl . 1 9S Oft Cook ' 5.00 Total $121.00 "Members of the Danish nobility, a leount and hia wife, recently hired, out I to a Saskatchewan farmer posing as laborers. They decided that to Jour- ,ncv to Canada as a laborer and his wifo would lie a novelty, and so they rnnie, travejing ny a Harvesters , ex. curslon train to Region from the East two w-Moatinr v-nyiNF.rs DiK I. JOHAhTOM tt)l.n (Vrh ef Ctr1 I - rWd Ca Hdbtie fr Mtert'T lrtes la Htit. tar iw a fi x 8uUthrld. X. C or. L Two Deta nrrattr (dkUriea fur cunty oaVr died ft-w huura fjrj here early to day. W. H. HteTna. clerk of khe Jotin(na County IfiiprTkir TVirt t Xi Tears, drofped Ud at his boat about TutU ihiA mralng while mik ing a ire. and 0 . Moore, Lta orrathTatMlidate T-t aberltf. died at a loral boNiltuI Uf-t Bight following an lllBcsa of eretol daya. ' Mr. Moore, who altuot 3T yean of age. had served; ax deputy I'ulted State Mandiai- ber4 6 several year. He wa nominated to succeed Klieriff V; F.' Maasey and;bd conducted as a-tlve ejnipaigB apt until he. was tave rn sericR-ly ill several day ago. He Is survived by hislwiilow and three small children. t " . , Mr. Stevens, T2 year of age, waa a candidate fWr rr elect ion. Beside his widow, be. Is korrlved by four daugh ters and three sons.' - .- , Ftttteral arrangements for neither had been cumplefedlearly today. 4- K ILLS BLUB HIHBAXD. Enraged Woaraa of 6 Beats W-Trar-- Old Hpcase to Death. , Chlcakgo. Oct 3(X Isaac dick, 9a blind aud feeble; wait clubbed to deatb this morning by bis wife Mary", CO. She wrenched-out the leg of a heavy morris chair and used it as a weapon Neighbors, aroused by screams and sounds of Fighting, p-ered in the win dows and saw the woman beating bet aged spouse to death. when the police arrived. Mrs. Click wild she and her husband had quarrel ed over Insurance-, and that she struck him In self-defense. He was rushed to i liosnita', but died' as he was being carried inside. His skull had been fraq tured, and one of his ears 'was hang ing by a ehred. Glide Is said th have several sons who arei well-to-do. . . I, i , ... AMERICA MAY BE REPRESENTED IN COURT Of International Justice, Informal Ne , gotlatioBs Now Going Oa Geneva. Nov, l;(By the Associate1 Press). Iiformnl - negotiations' have bef n going on for some time between the league of nations and the Stntr Department in Washington to make possible American participation in tlu election of judges to the permanent court of international justice, Jt waj Hiiid at the league headu.unrte.rs hen tlay.':-; The statement followed re ceipt of Washington advices stntlnr that adjustment ver in progress look ing toward American government rep repejitiitlon In the tourt. which waf created under. the.Jtrea.ty.of .yeisnll- TWO DEAD IN -FIRE Two-Story Rooming House' Destroyed at Winston-Salem. Narrow Escapes..' "' Br th Associated Pre.) Wlnston-Salejtn, Nov. 1. Two live were lost in a nre which badly dam aged a two-story frame boarding and rooming house conducted by Miss Ora Brock, on North Liberty Street, at 2 :30 this morning. I Antonio Borzi, nn Italian,' and an expert tile fitter. and James A. Dhrgan. a plumber, for merly of ; Savannah,;; : Ga., ' were ' thr names or the two men wso lost their lives by fnifriKHtion. though both bodies were badly burned. Several of the other roomers hnd narrow escapes. Dinner for. Miss Margaret Hendrix Miss MargarPt Hendrix, who will. he married to Mr. J. ('. Springs, of Char lotte,' on November llth, was honor guest at a six o'clock ' dinner given Tuesday evening by Mrs. Boy T. Trout ihnn, at, the home of -her parwitsr, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ('line, on East Corbin Street. c V;.': 'i- ' jln addition to the honoree, the guests were.?' Miss-' Mary McLaughlin, Mr. Ia-A. Thomas, Mrs. Joe Hendrix, Mrs Gilbert Hendrix, Mrs. O- A. Meis. Miss Beuluh Ridenhour. Miss Ruth Black- welder and Mrs. A. C. Cline. f Chrysanthemums were used profuse ly in - the decorations in ' the dining room and living. room of the home.. Bear Down on Driven Who Operate . Autos While Urunk. Danville, Va., Oct. 31. Mayor Har ry Wooding yesterday in the police court served notice that he intends to increase the fines he Imposes on per sons convicted of driving automobiles while In an intoxicated condition. He said that he had Iteen in the habit of fining such persons $50, but that he hnd come to the belief that such driv era were a menace not only to them' selves, but to others.'. The con it said that In future his tines would range from $100 to $500, the maximum, ac cording to the evidence in each case. Fisher School. The school at Fisher's schoolhouse will begin next Monday, . November G, with Mr. Fred Isenhour. of Concord, principal and Miss Juanita Morris; of hear- Concord,' assistant teacher. The natrons are requested to meet- at the schoolhouse Saturday, November 4th, at 1. o'clock promptly, to oil the floors, clean up, etc.- . - , - , By order of committee. - Gas 20 Cents in Middle West. Chicago, Oct 30.-Another reouc tion of one cent a gallon in tha price of gasoline was announced today by the Standard Oil Company or Indiana. This will make the price 18 cents a gallon at tank wagons, nnd 20 cents at service stations throughout tha ; 10 'Middle Western States served by the company. : v , i ' r Mrs. Harding Recovers From Collapsft. Br Aaalata Pr-w , Wnsliinirfniv. Nov. 1.- Mr. Harding. It was said today at tha White House, I has recovered from t slight relapse, she1 suffered a few day ago and - - , ame again to sit up ior unci penous several times a day. AH APPEALTO "ALL . II 'ederal Council of Churches OI CnrLSt in America Makes An Appeal for Impartial Law Enforcement FIGHTS RETURN 'OF BEER AND WINES Says Forces Opposed to Pro hibition Are Trying to Elect Men Who Favor Sale of Beer and Wines. Br th Aaaartafe Pta .y WaRlilngton, Nov. 1. An anneal to all Christian people to exert everv In- luence to aexnire the imiwrtinl enforce nent of all laws" wa Issued todar liv he Federal Council of the Churches of I Christ in. America. It declared the 'announcement of the program of the! n niOT in nrnni r LtltltdllAHrtUrLt forces opiiosed to prohibition is a dl- least, is what she told a correspondent .vet .challenge to the churches and theiof the Dally Express today. menus or orderly government, be-l a use they proiswe to support candl-i bites In tbe coming election who will ote to legalize the manufacture and 31 le nf beer and wines. The npiieal, prepared by a special ommlttee including William Jenings Bryan, asserts that opponents of the Volstead net, demand "restoration of be manufacture and sale of beer and vine In face of the fact that both are intoxicating and therefore cannot lie egalized without first changing the onstitutliin." and that such action would lend inevitably to the return of Jie outlawed saloon." MEXICAN GEJfEBAL SHOT. Rebel General Francisco Mutveuia Shot at 9 o'clock This Morning Sr Itt Aaaaciafca Inui El Paso, Nov.. 1. Oen. Francisco Murgeula was executed by a flrlps squad at 9 o'clock this' morning ac- Jording to a telegram from Mexico ity received at the customs house in luarez. An Earlier Story. Mexico City, Nov. 1. (By the As ociated Press) Gen. Francisco Mur- jeuia. ar,ch enemy of President Obfe jon for many years, and one of the nen who took part in the Aflght that irought death - to,- former President arran7, has fallen into the hands cf FfdftraR ti"oops nnd jiya,. as and ;huL career aa. a ;langeroW-5elr: iV thouW'tfee ;ome to an end. MUSSOLINI AND HIS ADVISERS GET TO WORK Begin the Task of Reestablishing Peace and Order Throughout Italy. Rome. Nov. 1 (By the Associated Press). The excitement and enthusi asm marking the rise, of the 'fascist! 'o power and the inauguration' of the Mussolini government gave place to- iay. to earnest worlt.by Premier Mus solini and his advisers In beginning the ask of reestablishing peace and order hronghout Italy. , , Premier Mussolini worked virtually the entire night giving instructions to his end. - Death of Capt. T. C. Davidson. (Special to The Trlbuae.) Snlisbury. Nov. lrr-Cnpt. T; C. Dav idson,' freight conductor on the mam line of the Southern Railway, dropped lead at his boarding house in Spencer tills morning shortly after fl o'clock. Capt. Dovldson had been feeling rath er unwell for a day or two, but was apparently able to .go out on his run todny. Shortly after being called for his run, he complained of a pain in his chest, and a . few moments latev fell over. He Is survived by his. wife and several daughters. His wife at he time of bis death, was visiting one of her daughters in Chicago. Protest Against Action of New York . . : - Courts. ' ' New York Nov. 1 (By the-Associat ed Press). The Mexican consulate closed last Friday as a protest against the action of the New York courts in issuing 'u writ of 'attachment on Its nroperty In connection with civil ac tions brought by the Olives American Trading Company, was reopened . to day.-. -'.. ''-'. 'v: - - .''. May Solvo New York Fire Mystery. ' IBr fka aaMMfst ram.) ; New York Nov. l.-rJoseph Presto monacl was arrested early today aa he ran from the hallway of . an uptown apartment where a fire bad been start ed. Police are inclined to Ibelleve the arrest may aid 'in solving the mystery of two fires In uptown apartments recently la which 22 lives were last. Italian Ambassador at Washington Re- ' '' ': ;,' signs. Rome, Nov. 1 . (By the Associated Prow). Vlttorlo Rolandl Rlccl, Ital' ion ambassador at Washington, has oresented his resignation like his col leagues at Paris and Benin, wisning to- leave Premier Mussolini free to choose his own trusted men for such important posts.v "? ' .t .'v. f .- )'; Padrick Cay Goes to -lury. Br Aaaodated Preaa. '., ;!- Stntesbro, Ga, Nor, 1. The fate of Elliott Padrick, former, minister, who confessed to the slaying of his girl wife and mothcr-ln-law, now. rests with a Superior court. lary. ;."inaica Hons this morning were that a ver dict would be reached during the day. Every' thought generated In the Is brain is a need which must produce Its . imrveii -luinur or roses. ; weea or wheat,, THE TR IBt E-TTM KS PRIZE (AH ( HE) ROUT KLW MOD El. Depart Par ltr4 Ttw ia Draica of H4j Wkirh 1 hugMly Largw. Tbe e mtuM CbevroM rar. wbirb I tbe third prise U Tbe Trlbot Tuuta sutarrlptluai ranpain. a1 been admired by every oo who ha een It. la the new model the flterralet df- body detdgn. The touring car appears Mlghtly larger, baa a pleasing at ream line body and tuany refinement in It equipment. Merbanh-alty tbe aew rar offer several Improvement which tbe local dealer feel will greatly Increase tbe performance of he rar. Tbe Chevrolet la sold here by the Motor A Tire Service Comiany. .The company I enthusiastic about tbe line, anil tbe motto of tbe wiling force now Is "A Chevrolet A Day." i FIANCEE OF EX-KAISER LOVES HIM VKBV DEARLY Says Many Other Women Became Jealous When Her Engagement to Him Was Annouaeed. Ixmdou, Oct. 31 Princes H ermine. of Reuss, thinks her fiance, tbe former German Kaiser," is one of the moat gen erous, klndhearted men that ever Uv- "I, and he Is sure she la going to be the happiest woman In the world after Iheir marriage next Sunday. That, at l konw x love tne Kaiser, sne said. "Surely be is not an rich that It can 'lie said I am marrying him for his money. The Princess said a lot of other wom en were anxious for the heart of the former German emperor, and descril- ed how mnd some of them were with envy and jealousy .when ber engage ment to William wa noised around the world. "They did their liest to hinder our engagement by intrigue," she said. "I bail a hard tight. All my moods and so called friends had their own plans. A'ou know several prominent widows,' Including the widow of Col von Dyrchow thought of marrying the Kaiser." ' The Princess said all the former Kaiser's children would attend . the wedding. Fle.ld Marshal von Hlnden- burgjind Gen. Ludemlorff had not lieen Invited, she declnred. CRl'SADE IS STARTED AGAINST ALL SLANG Iowa University Professor Asks Many Organizations to Help Him in the Work. ' ' ' Iown City, Iowa, Oct. 31. Incorrect speech and slang are to be the sub jects of ii natlon-wtde campaign by women's clubs and '' schools of 'the country,.' according to Prof. Glenn S; lAlerrr. bend : of the dennrtment bf bf chairman of the joint committee of the National Council of Teachers of Eng lish, the National Association, of Teachers of Speech and the General Federation of Women's clubs, which are Instituting the better speech move-' ment; 1 ' "Women s clubs will attack incor- rect speech the next week," he said. "Schools will take up the attack the third week in February. In both in stances the action will be concerted throughout the country and will be an effort to erase the bud features of our language." The committee recognizes, Professor Merry sold that our language is not fixed and dead, but living and subject to constant change; that two general standards of nsage exist, good Eng lish and vulgar English, and that the usage by' the educated class should set the standard of American speech. "The policy of the committee Is de termined by a Jiroad Ideal of avoiding purism, faddism ,and artificial speeca on one hand nnd vulgarism on the oth er." -he said, "Distinctness of utter ance and agreeable voice quality are achievements in speech wortny or cul tivation.'', . -;.-' '- J With Few Exceptions Forest Firea In Mountains Are out. Asheville, Oct. 81. Except for a few scattered forest fires In the neighbor hood of Smokemont and Crefltmont, in Haywood county and near tbe Tea nessee border in Madison county, Hie flames that have wrought thousands of dollars in damage the past live days In the. mountain sections near here hod been brought under control todny. Wardens declare that conditions never were more favorable to the spread of flumes and the number of lookouts have been' Increased throughout the entire swtlon. Unless rains occur speedily, It Is feared the fires will become general . . , v " St Own Your ' Home . ''"-"':." .'' ':. "tJiwaiiiiai iiatei"7,. Ag1; r' tit !j:':(f ' ;';. ;s:'K:;S-:'-. v.':-r-S : ' : ;'.'?. ',,;. ':-:.;': V.ki -W?;: - ' . Life In a rented house bf ndt one of perfect contentment and happiness.. To enjoy life thoroughly yon need the freedom and feeling of secnri,ty enjoyed only In a HOME OP. YOUR OWN. , " Our 84th series Is now open and we will be glad to have you subscrilie to some BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK with , us and '; 'pay for your borne the easy way. : -v rV-ty , : .' ' " , i'--.-VV--:!'':.' VAl.':-' . Loans made promptly, apon approval of applications., f." v V Citizens Bdldirj & Lcn Asscci;!:::! : , ' " (Office in Citizens Bank) .: MRS. G13S0H GiiES ' further testi:;o:ii rpirfM4; n Under 1 .vrt'o ' Apple Tree Ex claim Then Explain These Letters r THEN THE SHOOTING WITHOUT WARNING Three Men Answering: De scriptions Given by Mrs. Gibson Are . Kept Under Surveillance by Officials. New Brunswick. N. jr Nor. 1. (By ' tbe Associated Press). In her eye witness account of tbe Hall-Mills mur der on September 14th, Mrs. Juno Gibson, farmer woman, told the so thoritles, it was learned today, that u few moments before tbe fatal shoot ing she beard one of the women under . the crab apple tree exclaim lndig- . nantly: "Then explain these letters I" This port of My. Gibson's story came to light through a conversation she had with a neighbor after making her statement to the Investigators. There was a moment or two of heated argument. It was stated, after the ex planation was demanded, then wit hi out warning the shooting, a . , Notes that were said to have passed lietween the Rev. Edward Wheeler j Hull and his choir leader, Mrs. Klen-, uor It. Mills, the murder victims, were -found strewn about their bodies un der the tree. ' .. - Movements of tbe investigators' to day, though veiled in secrecy, '.? a lea red to lie centered for the most part in keeping under surveillance three men answering the descriptions given , by Mrs. Gibson. It was reported that Special Deputy Attorney General Mott , intended at an opportune moment to bring the three before Mrs. Gibson. 7 .; BLUE RIDGE CONFERENCE ' . OPENS AT STATES YDLLE Will Be Presided Over by Bishop ; Luther B. Wilson, of New York. . tBur ttw Aaaactatea TTaa Stutesvtlle, Nov. 1. The annual j meeting of the Blue : Ridge Atlantic . !onferenc of the Methodist Eplsco pal Church opened here this morning; at 9 o'clock at the Boulevard Method-. 1.' -Episcopal Church Around forty deleente were tin hand for the onen- 'tfieTtlelegal es' being. , expected this afternoon or r to night. Among those expected tonight is the presiding officer. Bishop .Luther B. Wilson, of New York. : Today is lie- ing spent' in examinations aud this evening Mayor Bristol . Will welcome " the visitors and Rer. W. H. Pleas will make the response. ' . ; ; . Eftrd's Employes Enjoy Concert By , Their cuiii.' . - Charlotte Observer. " ' , Efird's Choral club, composed of . : employes of the big department store, . entertained fellow employes with a . concert recital Monday night. The club; which is under directum of C. Talmadge Day's, was- assisted in its program by the Southern En tertainers ; orchestra. ? Halloween decorations were effectively used .on t-, the second floor of the store, whera ; the i concert was held. Villa Is Shot While Combatting Upris- mg. El Pnso, Texas, Oct. 31.--Frnnclsc' ; Villat Cantulillo rancher and formt.r rebel : chief, was shot and sllghil ' wounded while trying to put down an uprising headed by Jesus Lopez, age 1 father of the late Martin Lopes, for years Villa's right hand; mani accbrd- v ing to reports to anti-Abregon circles ; in El Paso today. '; .The uprising oo-'. curred on Villa's ranch. . - ' Death of Two Prominent Citizens. (Bt th Aaaoelatefl Preaa.) . . ' ( Leaksville, N. C- Nov. 1. While ar- rrangeme.nts were being made, today t close all business houses. here durinj the funeral tomorrow of D. Frankll i . King, banker and business man, !', T. Neal,' father of Mrs. Franklin KiV Jr., died at his. home at Reid.yill -at the age of 66. -;, '-. , : ':a,-yi'- Mr. King, whose death came at hii home here late yesterday, was born In Henry, county, Virginia, In 1843. IT'.' V:

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