Ji, X o c: O O Q - i -.- ... X 1 . UOOUQOOO v- U W VOLUME XXII.' CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922. NO. 230. EES DILLS DIFFERS FRDal THE Vi'IDDV HALL JLem." a picture vblcb-la being pru ' ' tduced la Coward aivl Cabarnia coua CMlfl in TlpnrA in Tim v for PUe theatre. Driving a t J m,Ueara lmieS big MtB.Mwkrr truck, keuled with lie Saw Her the Day Af ter J at a rapid ran-, young dart. devil Murder-An Hour and a . . Half DifTerene in Time. HAD NOT HEARD ANY. GOSSIP ABOUT TFE , , . , " ' It IT. IT4 TT. W..1J XI II tie Had, He YVOUla iNOt Have KeDt Job at Church. r Heard Plenty of Gossip , About Choir Members. ' (Br a asfte (s rraaa.) ' New -Bronswlck, NV j; Nov. 2. " Looking np from work In coal bin In ' ' the basement of the Hcbonlbonse where he la Janitor. Jsines Mills, whose wife. Eleanor, waa murdered with the Iter. Edward Wheeler Hall on September c 14, today took Issue with some of the -' statements made yesterday by. the ' 4ergymen's widow In an Interview. He differed with Mrs. Hall chiefly In re ' gard to the tmea he raw her the day - after the murders. ,'" 'I never hen nl any gossip about my wife and Dr. Hall," Mills alao aniiL ''If I hud, X would not have stood for ' It for a single minute,, - I am man ' enough not to hare kept that Job at the church If I thought there waa any thing wrong between the minister and my wife."' . , Mills said he had never, heard of bis . wife hnving trouble, with anybody, anil wild be knew of ji enehiles that Dr. Ilnll might have hatL ' tThere wns plenty of gossip oliont members of the choir, though,":., he added. Mills mid that he met Mrs. Hall at the .church vat 8:80 o'clock -on ( the the chmvh vat 8:30 .Vkck ,on , theL - . iiiomlng of September 15th. Mrs. Halt wld yestertlay that she was at the - ' church at 7 o'clock " - , ,rt,..." T."?,.f- ... : Her than' 8 :30," snld Mills, -because my children had already gone to, mgn scnoois wimi iw , schooL" '- ' ized as possible, the merit rule shaU "The firat thing Mrs. HaU asked me not apply to prevent recommendations was: -Was anybody sick at your house of either sex ahonld the ratio between 'Inst night?'. We then commented on sexes warrant a choice.' - -'. the fact that both my wife and her The Teachers' CounclV of the a- husband were missing, .'and I said: tional Woman's Party is rallying wo 'Mnvlw they have elofied. - r ; nK.n the country over to fight this pro- ";No,' was Mrs. Hull's reply." . posal. vTuey say: '"No,'v was ; Mrs. Hnll's reply, 1 ; "This is an alarm bell, warning the tlifnk somethiug has hapiiened to women teachers of the Nation- to aafe 'theni.' . -:: v guard the position they have won tn . "it nnnn n-hon Mm ' tTnll YHimp tn my house I told her I had not heard V auvthlne and she said she had not . ..".'.. either." .-.Vs f-S' . i '. . viaranfn on .Mi-s. nliifl's tf. - - ment that ne wms-nor vmoictiTe an' that she did not care to see anyone ' -. nnnlshed for the murtlers. Mill snttrt "I m not vindictive eitner,: out i want to see the murderer punished. ? 1 believe it . was a' woman's deed.;.; AH these theories about blackmail and robbery and things are rot It ' was Jealousy and I think her throat was cut for -spite because of her beautiful sluging." . " . ." - - " - OFFICERS CHOSEN AT - STATESVILLE CONFERENCE Blue Ridge Atlantic Conference Elects Rev. C M, White, Secretary, and - . Rev. J. IV Dennht Treasurer. , ; f ' , . (Bf,th Asaoelated Freaa.1 ' Rtatesrllle, Nov 2. The Bine. Kidge Atlantic Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church now in annual 'ses sion here opened today program', at nine, o'clock this morning with ,the -ad-ininistering of the sacrament of j, the Lord's Supper. Assisting BUhop Wil son in : this wub the Kev John W. Mimre.tpRstor of Broad Street Method dlst Churchy The conference ndonted 'a resolution i - - , . V. i .. i. ll'i l mm WC1COIUIUK CllnUUU IT llnuil lu lur, ITVii - ferenee. Rev. C; M, White was elected secre tary for the" coming year: Bev. J. I i- Tfennls, treasurer, and - Rev. S, , W. JohnKton, statistician. r s ' Bishop Wilson . addressed the con x fi'rence at 11:00 ocJock . President Harding Celebrates Birthday . v Quietly. 1 (By the Associated Press.) I Washington, , Nov..k 2. President - : Harding today celebrated the B7th nn- ' nlversary of his blrthi almost as nnlet : ly simply sa the average American ' cltlsien olerves a birthday , - .' . - . There were, no Judications at ," the White Hotise , of ' anything more than Just an ordinary day in the life, of . the -viuer Executive. .. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . Suppose You Were You would be alert at all times to offer for sale only the btfch est quality merchandise' obtain able. Voir would be prompt in caring for yonr customers' needs. Tou wouldwy 'your "employes and creditors on time, and you would run vour business in a punctual, orderly manner. But what -would yon expect, ot your .customers In ' return - for this superior service? You would Start on the tight rond today. Out out all your unpaid bills and show your merchants that you intend to uphold your part pf the bargain. They will be able to (flvd you better service, and you will. ' profit in manywoyg.'; "': . V :,V v,v '"-v ('V ',;'f PAY YOUR BILLS PROMPTLY - tKMOOOOOOOQCCS'XOOCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (ON CORD PICTURES V oMssansjeasjei One of the Thrilling Rceae Far U( Ua" Takn This WmL ' Th lead.ng character In a iatrsel comedy sraa seen risking bts u .1ft tills wee, making It puiJle le f. one i f (ha thrUltnc acenra for 'Lin Btmir ht ZrruZ ovsr a rifVT fool cut. Although tba act was exceedingly dangerous, due to tlx ragged nr(ic ua tup of cut. th action bad bp wall timed by tba cameramen and all went war. Notwithstanding the tact that every- I thing i possible waa dona to keep tba '"" mi thla scene a secret in onter to ,r,,id the "curlom' crowds, several Bundre p"016 Keed shooting of this dig aceue. many closed hej yea aa tie huge truck speeded orr tba steep cut and ihe young nan leaped to safety. (Tha local movie troupe haa been tn different parts of tha county this week making scenes. Tha cameramen in charge of tbla - picture stated that Cabarru county possesses many rtea! scenes for notion pictures activities, and that some of the scenes alreidy taken for this picture cannot he ex celled In any part of the wor:d. Laxy Urn" is an MAH-Conrd-Cast" production with all scenes made In the county. The work on this- pic ture was Completed Tuesday and the cameramen state that this - comedy will prove a great success. Th pic ture la now being prepured for the screen by one of the big producers and will be shown at the rtatlma ueair" within the next wek or ten days, and If the comedy Is then taken over, and --doctored" by one of the big" ex changes IK will iear the Imprint "Miade-ln-Concprd. North Parollna." WOMEN TAKK DECIDED v STAND ON EDUCATION National Woman's Party for Educa . tion of Women and Women aa Edu rators. , r . - "?"! D' . V " . Ti o- li ' tnvor of h passage of Ithe following regutatlonf "Sin, It is hlahlr desirable that number of men and women W the nnr millHi 0linol SVBtpm as a result Of patient and aelf-aacrmcing effort. Tie united States Burma at Eudation re- tbat, in 15)20 (the latest flgnres nvnllnhln wppe 70.42(1 ouiPIl teactiei's tn our mgn scnoois nnu owy 22.630 men. ' 4 If . the Chicago ruling were in effect throuchotit the. Nation, something like thirty-three and one- third per cent of our women teachers would have to be dismissed in favor of men." t::'- ' r" Tle National Woman s Party w to undertake the " estabiisnment or a forum In , Washington, and will direct a campaign in forty-two state during the next few months, looking to the repealing of i'laws .-, discriinlnatlng against women, and preparing the way for the i urging of a constitutional amendment giving women esunl - civil and legal rights with men, and mnk In special laws In her favor, such as the eight-hour law. Impossible. pe Nationay Woman's Party holds that all such, special privilege lows, while seemingly for the. benefit of . woman, are ' really '"pampering" her nnd- are. Infringements of her rights as a citl zen of the Nation. " 1 '. .-. PHTIIPPINE SENATE - - WANTS INDEPENDENCE Asks. United States Congress to -CaH I. ' ' fynrht,tftitlnnl Cflnuinltn ' . v ' m iwowiuiiotmh vvmivu.w.w Manila, Nov. 2 (By the Associated Press). The Philllplne Senate; today adopted-1 uiionlmously ' a resolu(!on asking the Congress of the United States to authorise the Philllplne leg islature f to call a constitutional con ventioiuto-. create a future indepeiid- republic , In the Philippines and to de termine what relation it should bear to the American government. : The resolution was sent'ta the House of MUis Bertie Dry entertained twenty guests nt a birthday .party Wednesday evening. The - home was beautifully decorated with gold and yellow leaves find m white v chrysanthemums, t After playing various games and contests a salad course was served. "i:;: ; r ;:- a Merchant at least,' expect- that they show ' their appreciation : by- paying ' their bills on time. If you have unconsciously devel oped a habit of neglecting to pny you' mercnan s wnen mlMIa 1 'du, you are breaking ground- .fVw "i.'"."' "' . chnnf a books. It is Just as easy to pay your bills on time,; - You will have more enjoyment from - everything yon buy when you know that-yon are playing (air. orz on act t rsrnr.sK ' . PA Or U. LMilMATORS ImjMrUnt Aiwirtimt U ('MMltittlM U i 1 tu m nl Tnnrtij Ur. taitor: la the esHtrnetit of 41Iac panic ular raadldates for varlooa vltk-ea, Ur voters of the ttate and rouoty aaaf averluok aa Important aoKodiorot Ibat la to I voted upna M-xt TiMVHlay. This aamidnMt U lo iacrrase the pay uf atemben f the WtMal AnnuUI frcn $4 to f 10 a day. That surh aa intendment ahuuld be adopted long baa beea recognlaed by Jienple who are familiar with living ' renditions at KmMkb during 'the smmIoim of the iieoeral Aaaeqibly. No Httam. we tie lleve. will roeteod that $4 a day la ade quate pay for a sua competent to rejK ment his county in the General Assembly.- No clrlseu, w believe, will on tend that It (a fair to ask a repre sentative ritlsefl to go to Ualeigh and stay sixty days it H i day. There fore, In fairness to the men raTb-d nit on to go tn Kaleigh, the ctlisena of the state should adopt the amendment on next Tuesday. Its provisions follow: An Act t Amend the Constitution ( the Stat of North Carolina, Rela tive to Compensatiwr of Manner of the (ieneral Assembly. The Uenernl Assembly of North' Car olina do enact - Section 1. That the Constltutfain of he State nt North Carolina be a ml the -same la herelty amended tn man ner and in form aa follows: Strike int all of section 4wenty-elght, article two, and Insert in lieu thereof the following: ' - .' ' ."v ! "Sec. 2S. l"ay of members ajid offi cers of the Uenerul Assembly; extrn session. The uemliera of the tieneraliand numbers his friends by. the huu- Anwiiiui ir mo irrm lor wnicn meyi have been elected shall receive as com. pensation for their service the sum of. ten dollars per day for each day of their session, for a period not exceed ing sixty days: and should they re main longer In session,- they, shull serve without compensation. They shall also be entitled to receive ten ents ier mile, both while coming to the seat of Government and while re- urnlng home,- the said distance to lie omputed by the nearest line or route of public travel., The comiiensation of the presiding officers of the two bous es shall be twelve dollars per day and mileage. Should nn extra session of the General Assembly lie called, the memlters and presiding officers shall eceive a like rate of compensation for a period of not exceeding twenty days."; - Sec. 2. That this amendment shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the whole State nt the next general election. Sec. 8. Th.f the. electors favoring the adoption or-this amendment shull vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed "For - increase of pay of Legislators," and whose opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be writ ten or printed the words "Acntnst in- crease' of pay of legislators." : s aec. 4. Thnt the election upon the mendmWrUall' hdV'ofcrtuctefl. in the same manner 'and ' under - the same rules and regulations as provided by the laws governing general elections; and- if the majority of the vote cast m favor of the amendment, it shall lie the duty of the Governor of the State to certify the1 amendment under the seal of the State to the Secretary of State. who shall enroll the said amend ment so certified amount the perma nent , records : of his office, and the same shall be in force, and every part thereof, from and after -the date of such certification, ' : ' ' Sec. 5,. Thnt this net shall be In! force from and after Its ratification. Ratified this the 6th day of March, A, I)., 1021. . . 4: THE COTTON MARKET Opened Steady at a Decline of 15 Points on October, But uenerauy a to 10 Points Higher. - ' (Br the Associated PMna.i New York, Nov. H. The cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline of 15 points on October, but- generally 5 to 10 points higher, on relatively steady cables, rumors thnt Canadian' mills had been heavy -buyers to fix prices In the local market late vesterdav and overnight buying orders. "Cotton futures opened steady:- De cember 24.40 1 January 24.00; March 24.15: May 24.07: July 23.78. ' HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS, ANNUAL MKKTINU Meeting Being Held at Wilson. Dr. i. A. Williams, of Oreenshoro,- t'resiu Infr . - - CBy the Associated Freaa.1 Wilson, N. C., Nov.-2. One hundred and fifty doctors and nurses of the State are in Wilson today for the fifth annual session of the North' Carolina Hospital Association. . ',-- ! , The meeting , - was called to order this morning with the President, Dr. J, A. Williams, of Greensboro, presid ing. ... ' Case o( American Consulate Settled. London, Nov, 2 (By the Associated Press) The case ot the American con- sulate at Newcastle has been settled ln principle, It Is understood In diplo- niatlc circles here,, but the opinion is expressed that the. United. Stttes will desire an apology in connection wun tbe charges of discrimination against British shipping which, led to the closing of the consulate Inst summer. Pleads Guilty tf Abduction. (Or ike Associate Frees.) , B Wilson, of Grand Rapids, was ar JoW 8 the time of his inauguration. - cordial relations which had existed be rested last night on a charge of ild , Theodore Roosevelt, at forty-two, was , tween pr, verneri. and Coneord men napping Rosalie Shanty. - Ho iplead guilty to a charge of abduction wnen arranged In circuit court hece at noon today. He was returned to Jail await sentence, ,, r, , , j Buif-rfiies .ni'.t ttmaa hrontJit down by shot from a 12 'bore shotgun In tiopical regions. If you are ashamed of your position you should be ashamed ot yourself. A Strong Contender for Highest Honors : Mr. F. A. Millsapps, Coneord. Mr. Mlllsnppa Is an active enthus iastic member of the' Salesmanship Club and expects to win one of the very best prises offered. Mr. MUlsanns J la time keeper for. the Gibson Blllls aretls. He is making splendid prog ress thus fur lo his endeavors. .. 8AM SMALL LAST NIGHT Well Known Lecturer Entertains and fcdlflea Coneord Audience, -8am Xmnll, the well known preach er and lecturer, spoke to a good-sized congregation at the First l'resbyter- lon Chureh last night on "Smashing the Commandments.'' He came under the auspices of the National Beform Association, :. the oldext iiHHociatkm of its kind in America. For an, hour and a half Dr. Small held the very close attention of his audience with his messnge of wisdom and sallies of wit He spoke of five things that are opposed to the Chris tian Sabbath, as- follows : The Illegal Liquor Traffic. ; Organized Baseball, The Moving Picture Industry, v The Horse Racing Fraternity, The Pleasure , Parks of Cities. In-' speaking ' of the first, two, Dr, Small said no one enjoyed a good clean game of baseball or a good clean mov ing picture more than be, but organiz ed baseball and the organized moving picture, industry were both openly des ecrating the Christian Sabbath. Dr. Smalt is 72 years of age,- and Is l-stlll lert an4sHackhothjta jnind and noay. we is one or tne nest Known lec turers on the American platform to day, Is a mnn of wonderful informa tion and large attainments nnd is wit ty to the hist degree.' His humor Is spontaneous and original, and his sal lies were; thoroughly enjoyed. v With Our Advertisers. The Ritchie Hardware Co. is mak ing a special price now on auto tires and'- tubes. See the tires offered by this company before buying. Real economy and comfort in the kitchen means a Cole's Down Draft ltilnge. H. B. Wilkinson, r. Only . experienced men are employ ed by. the Bell & Harris Undertaking Parlors. This experience is offered to make perfect service. . V The making of a will is very import ant - i You can get expert advice on this subject at the Citizens Bank nnd Trust Company. .. -. , Satisfy your idea in furniture for the home by purchasing from the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. ( --i . The' Motor and Tire Service Co. is Sffering- some fine bargains in auto casings now. , In a new. ad. today the 'company says tire prices will advance, 'so yon will be wise to buy at the pres ent reuueeu prices, in nan a page ad. the company tells you Of some the bargains It offers., Head ad. care fully. ! - . The Great Atlantic and' Pacific Tea Co. ts offering muny grocery specials. New ad. today gives some price par ticulars. V : ' The- II. B.' '.Trout man. Grocery Co. bus just received a fresh shipment of Danish cabbage. ' President Harding Is 57. Washington. D. C, Nov. 2. Presi dent Harding today reaches his 07th year. He is now of the, same, age as were Washington, Jiaaisoiu- jenerson, and J. Q. Adams at te time of their inauguration. The average age at which ,. Presidents took office was 55, and the average period, -of. their lives Infter that was 15 years. k the twenty-five Presidents of the United , State who have . died, only twelve reached the age allotted to man by the Psalmist. Only one, John Ad- am8, reached four-score and ten, and no President since John Quincy Adams has lived to be eighty The three old est Presidents were the immediate sue cessors of Washington. But. In a wav. the Psalmist scores after all, for the average age of thein(jmiration 0f r)r, a. W. Verner, lnte 1 :iTesiaenis nas uvku Beypiiiy,- "" nrsc Harrison was m uiurai w elected. President, nnd the. most brief in service. , He was alxty-elght years 1110 yuungvBi 10 puLn uin 11 uo Of the Ave who died younger pan ne were file victims of assassins. Look - lo 8 paca upon ma . -t. y.r S co I than those of Lincoln and- McKlnley. Position with the Porter Drug Com ! I The number of diplomas" a young man has in his pocket- isn't halt as important aa the amount of determine quoted at 24 cents per pound; cot nation be has In his head. KOTAKIAV1 HMITKf) DlBTlNOt 1HKD MP Dr. SsKvlfl and Dr. !ls A4dm Lav raj lUtariasH as Hechl MtmUm mm UrttnMday. - Khurt talk by Dr. SuruliL tubrrru UUs rxis-rt. and I. Lrwta, lYnitol of KcuHa Wata-a a Cullrgr, tm BO. d featami to ias irauUr pmaraai at the wt-kly aaevtlag of the Cuarortf R tary Clnb at the Y Wednesday. Both asm were brd with kvennrt ialereat. J" Itubertstsa. of the KalMmry CI nli, also waa prswnt at the axvtlnc. It waa stated during tn A - Br.lux that lm.fflmi of all rlnua la tbr Stnte have heea ankml to mwt la Ral eigh next wk with State Health He (artment oflh-iala for the purpose of dlscoaKing waya if helping rrlpided cblldrea. PreMblent Ulchuiond dei-lar-d It would Ih ImiNMNihle for him l attend the meeting aud he aptwinted I. Arrhie Cannon delegate from the C'Wcord cluli. Bill Caswell sMke briefly, when the cause of crippled children 'was taken nil. Bill dn-lnred Ave children from this county are being treated at the orthoiaedlc hospital in Gnstonia ; six others are going bock and fjirth to the hosplml for treatment; two others are on the waiting list and nine more can not go for lack of money. He moved that Miss May Stockton, rounty health aurse, lie allowed to draw on the Ro tary Club each year for the amount of Km to help these crippled children pay their expenses at the hospital. The motion was not put In order. President Maury declaring be thoiurht it best to wait until after the Raleigh meeting to make any appropriation, as the various clubs In tbe State might tie asked there to make a contribu tion. Fab J. Haywood, chairman of n committee npHilnted to -onfer with the finance committee of the Y, re imrted that the Y 1-onimlttee hod made no plans so fur, and his committee could not reixirt until the finance com mittee makes known what the Y will need. John Oglesby told the memtiers of the club that a new movement Is on i foot to start a country club here. He. said It is planned to get 50 members. to pny an Initiation fee-of f 0 and monthly dues of $8, so thnt a good coUrse can lie built at once on the projierty bought some time - ago for the club. The club wns not asked to give anything to the new club, John stating that he "just wanted to let the members in on a good thing." Dr. Sprnill, who Is conducting a tu berculosis clinic here this week, was heard with much Interest. He declar ed that tuberculosis is not an Incura ble disease, but rather is one of the easiest of all diseases to cure if the patient is given treatment early enough. He also paid tribute to the work, of the Rotary Club, declaring that formerly clubs were organized to provide a loafing place for their mem bers, where smoking, drinking and card playing all selnsh interests were enjoyed by the members... "But dur inghis inWting b dcclnredyfj, nay heard Hot one word of selfishness. I am glad to see '.this organization is aiming 10 lmpiove cuuuiuons ior Ot tum-nlo er people. Thirty-seven persons died in this county Inst year with tuberculosis, Dr. Sprain pointed out. "These deaths must be laid at someone's door. If there had been 37 deaths anions pure bred cattle, all from the some disease, we would have become alarmed, and asked Washington to sand an expert. But over these human lives we have shown no particular interest. We are accustomed to our people dying. And .conditions In Cabarrus are found in other counties. People are dying be cause they have no chance to live." Dr. Spruill stated that he had con ducted about 10,000 examinations but when he had to stand face to face with a man nnd tell him he Is going to die unless he gets treatment and the man answers he has no money for the treatment, he always feels sad and discouraged. "In spite of all the wealth in this country, and all the Churches," he added, "there Is not a bed on which a patient can be laid except a the county home, and that is the last place in tne worm to senu a person with tuberculosis. Dr. Spruill stated further that but two counties in the State had taken advantage of a law passed In 1910 in which the State offers land free to counties for cottages at Sanatorium. These counties are Guilford and Gas ton. He explained that if the coun ties would build cottages at Sanator ium, as many have dune at tbe Jack son Training School, the State would na.V all overhead expenses. He thinks tbe nlnn of several counties building a hospital together Is all right If it can he done, but politics w.ill take a and th the matter, he said, and spoil every thing If. the builders are not very par ticular. - He nlend with his hearers to- do something to give this stricken pedple a chance to be treated, ror in oeing . .. a , . . 1 .1 treated tnev can ue snven, ue nam. Dr. Lewis, who was the guest of Gus Hartsell, made a very fine impres sion on the clubv members. He de clared that everywhere In the city he had been very cordially received, and that this treatment meant much to htm, a stranger coming here to take nn an important work, , He also expressed.- delight that he had heard so many fine expressions of President or Scotia, wno uiea nere re- centlv.' ur. s verner-was one 01 ins insent friends. Dr. Lewis declared n,i ne expressed the hope that the 'ouill lie conimueu ynu uia auuiiuia- tratlon at Scptia, i ;, ' Mr. Lee WlnccofT lias returned from pany, pf this city. Cotton on the local 'market today ton seed at 00 cents per bushel, VM. LEMJK M CTI MB ' TO FAILU.1T1C ATTACK Well Kani ( it tins M wt fasxa Away Afur a Brief llla-a. lr. W. X. LraiM, w of lb asurt prunlaral ritlsma at Morcnatua, sjtcd at hi bntM there ymtetxlar aftmtfeaj. ksith fuliumlnc a armae af paralrtn whirh waa Buffered Monday morning. He had been cuaniwsl to bia mvmtr tar arreral wevka, tsat waa aptareotly math better natU Sunday nbea he took a turn fur tbV tan Dr. l-llc waa born and reared lo Concord but for 2S years had conduct ed a drag store la Morgantoa. lib fair buidneM dtalinga and Interest In, all proBTwlve uoveateuta for town and county gained for him the enteral and good will of a wide, circle of friends and acquaintance. Leslie's Img Store, which be sold three years ago to establish the Morgantoa Maao Sicturlng Co., one- of the leading drug establishments In western North Carolina. l-eslle Is auniveil by his wife. who was Miss Aunie McKesson; two sons and a daughter, William, Charlie and Annie. Five sisters, Mrs. Thomas HomC Mra. Hal Jarrett. Mrs, W. 1. Bell, and Misses Iena and Betty Les lie, all of this city, and one brother, Mr. John C. Leslie, of New York City, also survive. T. DcWITT (TYLER DEAD. Found Dead In the Private Car af the President of the Pennsylvania Rail road. (Br h AaMdatc4 Prcaa.) - Philadelphia, I'a., Nov. 2. Thomas DeWitt Cnylcr, n director of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and chairman of the Railroad Executives' Association, was found dead today in the private cor of President Rea, of the Pennsylvania in Broad Street sta tion. Aisiplexy was the exact cause of death, physicians said: Mr.' Cnylcr was a lawyer, but most of his time wns taken up with railroad and financial affairs. He came prom. Inently before the country in the re- c-ent railroad shop strike by virtue of his iMisition as chairman of the Rail rood Executives, and took a Hrm stand against some of the demands of the strikers, ' especially that relating to seniority. Mr. Cuyler was born in Philadel phia 08 years ago. FARMER STABBED AND HULLED BY A NEGRO After Arguing Over Weight of Some Cotton, Negro Stabbed the Fanner Five Times. I Br tkm AjMUMiatca PrH.t Wilson, N. C, Nov. ,2. W. F. Boy ette, a tenant farmer, was stabbed to death kite yesterday afternoon at his home near here. Wm. McMillan, a negro charged with the murder, fled 1 1, ,i uutia lull- vnfl o T-l-Otit u.l noar 1IUIU , 1, . 1 - , V ,,hu u..u-v.u " " . Wilson Mills this morning. According to the authorities, Boy- ette and McMillan entered into an af- gument . over ' some cotton picked by McMillan ahoT belh weigBelrr 807 ette. McMillon went to his home, It is aliened, and returned with a large. oiu-iknife ttnd stabbed Boyttte nve times, tomorrow morning nt 10 o clock In 1 . t 11...!.. 'lu.ti . 1. iri a. i' 1 -a r n death resulting Immediately.' COMMITTEE WORK WAS FEATURE Or SESSION Of the Methodist Protestant Confer ence -in Henderson Today. (Br the Associate Picas.' Henderson, N. C Nov.' 2. Commit tee work was the order of the day at the morning session of the second day of the North Carolina Methodist Protestant Conference in session here. Devotional exercises were conduct ed by Dr. George R. Brown, of High Point. A brief business session was presided over by th retiring presi dent, Dr. R. M. Andrews, of Greens boro. Tnnius ifi,'Piri Will. CHANGE HER ATTITUDE Premier Bonar Law Thinks This Coun try Will Finally Take an Interest in League of Nations, v 0 London. Nov 2 (By. the Associated Press). Prime Minister Bonar. Law in an address at a meeting of women this afternoon reiterated that his pol icy was one of tranqullty and stability. "Aa rami rila. mv forpiern olicv."-he added, "1 venture to express the hope that America may gradually take, an Interest in the league of nations, in some form or other and may gradually feel that it is her duty to help in the chaos in which the war has left the. world."- , Either a man must be competent. or he Is being carried through life on somebody's back. Own Your Home Life m n rented house Is not one of perfect contentment arid happiness. To enjoy life thoroughly you need the freedom and feeling, of security enjoyed only In a HOME OF YOUR OWN. 1 Our 34th series is now open and we will e glad to have you subscribe to some BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK with us and ; pay for your home the easy way. , y - Loans niade promptly upon approval of applies Hons. - ' ' Citizens Building & Loan Association " . N ' (Offife in Citizens Bank) JOSEPHUS OAlilELS GAVE YtORLJl FACTS Th! tXl,nmTzes T&zt Attorney General Gilbert . Employed Scheme to Era ' ploy Republican Students. AS INVESTIGATORS AT POLLS TUESDAY Young Men Were ta-Ce Paid . $10 a Day Ont of a Fund of. $100,000.-Would Not Em ploy Young Daniels. . New York, Nov. 2. Declaring it ob tained its information from 'Josephns Daniels, f-.mner Secretary of the navy and his son, Jonathan, a student at . Columbia University, the New - York. World today printed a atory charging ' deputy Attorney Genera-: Gilbert bad evolved a "partisan" plan to employ " republican students at the Univer -tty -as special deputies and investigators -at the polls next Tuesday. , The young men would be paid at the rate of $10 a day out of a 100,000 fund authorized by the legislature for ballot pu:ging purposes, the( World charges. . ;'- Young Daniels, according to the -World, heard that some of his fellow students at Columbia Law School were -going to make some "easy money" at election time, and inquired how- he might do likewise. He was referred to ". Miss Edith E. Falrchlld, secretary to . Dean Stone, of the Law School, who, the World says, admitted she . wkj making up such a list. "But you're a Southerner, and -they're all Democrats," Miss Fair child said to young Daniels, as quoted '. In the World. "Why, yes," he replied, and Miss Fairchl d then told him it would do n good for him to apply. Itie yonnt; man told his father, who was in th i city yesterday, what had occurred, and the elder Daniels informed'The World. MANY MESSAGES OF SYMPATHY AT PAGE HOMC Among Them Were Messages - From , President Harding and ex-President ' Wilson. , v . r the Associated Preas.) ' -..v Richmond, Va., Nov. 2. Messages ; expressing the universal sorrowfelt : over the death of Thos. Nelson Page, n.AwA nntwtn. 1 tha rtaA ' Vi -o-i r-. ' n ; J, ,.111 lull. 111, uv,v . '11. Inn's liovhood home in Hanover Couc- ty from the four corners of the &rtU J today.- - ;; .-"vV - "5: f Among the wfjrsj; jnessagei .recKe-l tfei.roid President Hinliutr "and foV--..-: mer lesident Woodrow Wilson. ; The funeral sen-Ices will take nlnoa '' "Old Fork Church," , where Mr. Pags was christened and where he attended 1 church services as a lad. After the simple funeral service tn the i little church the body will be taken to Ash land and forwarded to Washington. The burial will be at 4 o'clock tomor row afternoon. Mr. Page's flual rest- lng place will be beside that of his second wife, -who died hist year. A Dv A. R. AT HIGH POINT ,'v Election of Officers Is to Take Place This Afternoon. . v (By the Associate Press.) ' High Point, Nov. 2. Featuring the morning session of : the 22nd annual conference of the North Carolina Daughters of the . American Reyoln- I " usu iuuy :'C1J ? a various chnpters of the State, and re- ports of standing committees.- Today's session opened with an invocation by Rev. Jns. A. Clark, pastor of the local Baptist church, and: a short musical program. At noon the delegates were guests at a luncheon in their honor given by the local Klwanis Club.; Election ot state officers Is a part of the business for the afternoon see--slon, after which the conference, will adjourn, for a motor ; ride to Greens- -boro, where' the delegates will attend the unveiling of a tablet in honor of Alexander Martin, a hero of the Rev olutionary War. ' Jeweled dresses valued at as .much as $500,000 have been worn in Lon don recently toy .the wives of American millionaires. v f 'I .3 ; '; ' i ' s