o Q o o o u o c o as.; .;:atll o i ;,i.ss . O DISPATCHES ooooooo o o o o o 111- I VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922. NO. 231. Lj .J j ij N L S TODAY. o o o" o Tin I. ': T ii I JLl UlNiJQ HOTTGETTMCy All Persons Connected With Hall-Mills Murder Except : Mrs. Halt Will Be Given Another Examination. THINK MRS. HALL HAS TOLD FACTS As She Knows Them, and She : Wilr Not Be Called James . Mills Believes Story of Mrs. Jane Gibson. '. - New Brunswick. X. J., Nov. S. (By the Associated Press). All persons counected with the Ilall-llills niurder mp with the eiceptlon of the fibrin i, rector's widow. "Mr. '.France Xiiel . . Xteveim Hall, were summoned to the "') coiirf bouse today by 8iei'ial lHputy Attorney Ocneral Molt for a chevkliiK. - II waa reimrted, uf evidence to he suh lnltted to the grand Jury. The Inves tifciitont. It was learned. Intended to question these persona in the order in which they npitearrd In the case, lie ginulng with the two New Brunswick IMillt-enien who discovered the hod leu of the Rev. Kdward Wheeler Hnll and hia choir leader, : Mrs. Flenuor R. Mills, under the' crab apple tree on the l'billli Farm. The- statement made by Mrs. Hall Wednesday when she answered a long - questionnaire propounded by new-spa-per men, probably will lie taken as her story for the grand Jury, It was said, and it wan for this reason that She wan not lulled today. Mr. Mott has discovered another eye-witness of the murder, according to reporta here. James- Mills, buslmnd of the slain singer,; visited the scene, of the crime for the first time last night. He (de clared that he thought the authorities had made a mistake in their failure to arrest all meniliers of both families immediately, and said "It is too late now." " Mills added that' he believes the "eye-witness story" told hy Mrs. Jnne (iibson, the farmer woman. - Mott Has Nothing to Say. Newark," N. 3.; Nov. 3. Wilbur A. Mott, special deputy Attorney General i investigating the Hall-Mills murder case, refused here today ' to either affirm or deny that warrants bad been swurn out ' for .; auvdne lu connexion with the MmerTTT . ' FX'NERAL"8ERVICE8 FOB THOMAS NELSON PAGE Sen Ices Were f Held In "Old Fork" Cliureh, Attended by Hundreds of Persons. - .i . ibt the Associated Press.) . Richmond, Nov. at Every bit , of ! available space In ' the little "Old Fork" Church near his late home In ; Hnuovc.r county was occupied this morning at the funeral services for Thomas Nelson Pag, author, diplomat, and lawyer, who died suddenly Tues day, while walking in the garden of ins ancestral, plantation "Oakland." Many of the country folk unable to . gain admission, stood outside with bared heads , as. the, Kev. K. I. Good- win, rector emeritus of St Janies : Episcopal Church, Ashland, conducted , the last rites -in the presence of a i . group of notables, relatives and friends. Tenants on the, Page, farm served as active pall bearers at the services, af , ter which the body was pnt,abonrd the noon train for Washlngtotri, where an other funeral will be held tomorrow morning. . .' . -. ;: New Italian Ambassador to r United : States. London. Nov. 3 (By the Associated Press) '-Baron Romano Aveftaano has lieen appointed Italian ambassador to ' the United States, which post he for- merly held, to succeed Vlttorlo Rolandl Kieei, resigned,' according to Rome advices received here, - Two Reported Killed. . New York; Nov, . Two to sis won en were reported to have been killed today by jumpingf roni windows when a lire broke out in a celluloid factory on 13th street;, f Four , ambulances were rushed .to the scene. Several . girls were reported Injured. J -, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mr., I.Irs., or Lliss Club Member s Do you raelize the, importance of getting your Promised Subscriptions collected up and turnedj in this week?::"Do you appreciate , the fact that it is the number bf votes you se-r-cure and , not . the actual" number of dollars ; you collect for subscriptions' that1 will decide the winners of the prizes? Do you know that " you must, do your best work now while vthe - Biggest Extra Vote Orfers are bn in order to get the Winning 'Votes? Better wise up if you are , expecting o drive a. prize car this ' seaspru Tjomorrowv night ends the 215,000 Extra, Vote Offe,r,r GT BUSY. ' " voooooooooooocoooqooooooooooocooooooooooooooooocc NOTED TRKVi ROBRfTB AND N til COMPANION KILLED Jar Kennedy Faulty 8M Smi Af Mr KooMiif Matt Cr.ftalred HUteo?Tt. Jlo. Nov. a iBy the Aa misted I'rvmLi J- Kennedy, vet eran lilssourl trail robber, and ram-, pauioa who mi la bettered to hare jlveo Loaa. w-n abot aad killed early iooay oy pnigar inspectors aner tbey had ruuljed a luall tar on a sonta boiiDd passenger trail of ths Ht. Louia and Man Frin-tsi-o Kailruad. Tboatul en nrU, a boat 1U0 reaistered letter, were recovered. -, j Hlx ptsUorBre Inepertora. three' rail road special agents and two depnty xherilta were waiting near the seme of the robbery, which had been antlci- I uated through knowledge of Kennedy 'a Kennedy and Inran were making for their antomolille with Ibe atolen mall when the onVera ordered them to halt. . Inmwtor Bol Ward, of 8t. IxhiIr, who waa In charge of the ofltcera, said the Indie of the two roMiera were found with revolvers clutched iu their hamls. A coroner's Jury held an In quest before daylight, ami returned a verdict of just I liable homicide. BLl'K RIDGE CONFERENCE HEARS MANY FINK REPORTS ' Considerable Progress Noted in Blue Ridge . Atlantic Conference Last ' Year. '. -. ' -.: ; iBy the Associate Proas.) StatesTllle, v Nov. 3 The - reportsJ miule to the Blue Ridge At Inn tic Con ference of the Meth(Hllf Kptscopal Church in session here yesterday .a f-1 tcrnnon show considerate Increase lu memltershlp, financial conditions good, and considerable building being done. A new church has recently been or ganized in . Winston-Salem with iO meinliers. The evening session yesferday con stated of addresses by Dr. D, W. Don aldson, director of religious training, and by Dr. M.. O. Fletcher, president of the Washington, (N. C.,) Collegiate Institute. An executive meeting for -conference nicmlers only was held this morning and a laymen's meeting conducted by Dr. R. M. Martin, of Chattanooga, Tennessee. . The Bishop's address oc cupied the rest of the morning. WARRANT READY " FOR SIGNATURE Has Been PrepamL Awaiting Word ."oM Iroa Prosecutor in the Hall. XIUs Case. " New Burnswlck, N..J., Nov. 2. A warrant has been prepared for ser vice by the authorities Investigating the double murder of Rev., Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. B eanor Rein hardt (Mills, It was said tonight ov a county offloIIJ1fnTaose'rdUcH with, tne" Investigators. v - " : , "The warrant has heen prepared," the officials said, "and will fee signed Whenever Mr. Mott says 'go.1 " It was reported here tonight that Deputy Attorney General Mott would return to New Brunswick to morrow. Clock Worked by Radium. New York, Nov; 3. One of the most wonderful . clocks the world has ever known Is designed to run for a thou sand years without winding. It- Is worked by radlnin-power. At the bot tom of th? clock Is a tule, nt the foot of which is n tiny grain of radium. The rays from thfe radium ..strike on two thin strips of metal, which hang down parallel with each other until they be gin; to get charged . with electricity through the Influence of the radium rays. ;-;-t . ---y. . , As the strips become charged they gradtully ; separate until v they stand out In opposite directions. When this happens they come in contact with two metal electrodes, through which they discharge their current. Then they drop back Into their former posi tions am the charging process s starts all over again. ' ) . Woman Beaten to Death With Sticks ' '.' : .. .- and Stones. v Columbia," S. C., Nov. 2. George and ' J. C. Boyd;, negroes, brothers, aged 15 and 13. respectively, were lodged in the county jail here today charged with beating Anna Boyce, a negro woman, 4o death with sticks and stones. The woman, familiarly known i.s "Aunt Ann," attempted to whip one of the iboys.; it was testified at a coroner inquest, when a ? wheel '.he was rolling ibruefaed some bundles in her hand, and he and his brother at tacked hei. After the first blows the boys realized the woman was serious ly Injured, and they summoned aid. WANT FAFBtM OTrtCT HtRE MOStJi TO &W.THLKN DtPOT Ural MereXaaJa Sabmlt PhIUm Ask bit Kettiheaatera l kUks lb Chaser 1 Oawe. A large anmber of loral boslneaa me hare forwarded to W. F. Terrell, un eriateiMlrar of Ibe Hoct beastem Kx presa Company. Charlotte, a petlttoo asking that the office of the express Mopaay In Concord be changed frvm ira present location to a point near the pasamger station of the railway company. In the petition the merch ant and other bustnesa men point out that under the present arrangement all expresa baa to be bandied twice, cens ing delay: that frequently the deliv ery wagons of the company are de tained and stand Idle at. the railway station waiting for a train when they conld lie delivering express matter, and that present .menna of delivery, via. : by horse and wagon 1 slow and nnmilted for this city. . To relieve these conditions the Con cord men ask that the company erect a new home Just south of the passen ger station and get motor trucks to de liver the tankages. By erecting its own home near the tracks of the rail way comiwny It is pointed out that the delivery trucks could devote all of their time to the delivery and collec tion of imckages, and employe of the comtmny Instead of waiting for trains could remain In the building at work until the train actually reached the station. About 200 names have lieen affixed to the petition so far. WORK OF METHODIST PROTESTANT CONFERENCE Committee on Social Reform Makes Reports-Select 1933 Meeting Place Tomorrow. (By se Associated Press.) Henderson, N. C., Nov. 3. A com mittee on social reform of the North Carolina Methodist Protestant Confer ence in session here, today presented its- report to the conference, going on record ns being "opposed to any and all organizations or efforts to enforce ment of the law, or uphold society under nver of secrecy, darkness or disguise." It recommended that the stnte en act a law making the purchaser of intoxicating liquors equally guilty lie fore the law with the seller.. It de plored whnt It descrllied as the laxity of morals inythe wake of the world wor and resolved to "attack prevailing vice with renewed vigor and effort" urging parents to keep their children under proper restraint. Hint "they may grow In the way of the Lord. The place for the 1923 conference will be selected at tomorrow's session. Tbomasvllle appears: to be The general favorite' at this time. . i BODY OF BABY.Foi'sfl' fcVtKEEK -AT pfcKMmrrON Efforts Being Made Now-by Police to Find Mother of, the infant. IBy ths Associated Press.) Burlington, Nov.- 3. The body of a white new born infant was found in creek - four miles from town this morning, where it bad been thrown few hour)? . before. The Infant was undressed and wrap ped in a newspaper. :' The county coroner was called, and declared that the child was alive, when born' and was killed by exposure, or when thrown into the creek. ': Efforts are being made to find-the mother and those guilty of the deed. MIRPHY SPEAKS Leader of Tammany Sees Big Demo- crane Victory in If ew lork state Next Tuesday. :. . . V (By the Associated' Press. , New York, Nor. 3.-Chas. F. Murphy, the closellpped leader of Tammany Hall, burst Into print today with a 200 wordy prediction of "an unprecedented Democratic vietory," -.- in New York State next Tuesday. " V aiurpny, wno seinom preaicis, aia not intend to he quoted this time, his Secretary explained:.,. The 1 prediction was made in a letter to members ot thA .Affile committee, a coiw of. which fnimil i , a . o i. IntA tha hnnila fit ilia I Evening Telegram. 27 Tears Poll Tax Paid By Unknown Man. .- . Lexington,, Nov. : 2. A Randolph county man. whose name waa not dis- . . . - , , . dosed, stepped Into Sheriff Sink s i of - flee yesterday and said he wanted to pay noil tax that he was i due , the county 27 years ago. He said he bad lived in the county long enougn 10 list taxes at the time he came of age, but immediately moved to another county. There was no record available of the tax but the Randolph man, who made a special trip here, was al.owed to Puy, 2. ' : .-A'.': Sallorday Benefactors' Day at Trinity ....!.' toaefte. . Durham, Nov. 2.--Saturday is bene factor's day at Trinity college. At 10 o'clock In the morning the alumni criuncll will meet. At noon the board of trustees will be called to order and at. 2 o'clock menrbera of tooth bodies t will meet for luncheon in the dining ( room at South gate 'Memorla'. building, j At a o'clock " will come the Trlnlty Oglethorpe football game with .the tntsteea and alumni coucjlmen : as honor guests at the game, All chteses will be suspended during the day. v J Assembly at Angora Considers Treaties , . - Null and Void. : . ' Angora, Nov. 3. (By the Associated. Press).-rThe' Turkish nationalist as sembly at Angora has announced' that It considers null and void all treaties and conventions concluded since March 10, 1020, by the Constantinople admin istration. " ; .. , ... ' , , . In Kansaa this year', nominations for public offlce were sought by be tween 309 and 400 women. . . :', v. i Fair-haired girls make the beit waitresaas according, to one expert, m they r quicker ln'movement. , An Attractive - Club' Member I ii'lVi' MISS ZELIAH BEAdiWELDER, Conrd ' Miss Blackweldor is losing no time lu actptaintlng her mends with her in tention to drive oneof the very big lest cars in the $0,) prize list. Her I wine uiiiiiuiiiraut? is siuiaiing ner ini ilK1""1 stead in tne tie race, 't hose who' expect to get knore vote tlinn Miss Blnckwelder under the big oner closing Haturday wlfi have to put in lone good week frora present reports. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL TREE HA DISAPPEARED .- Tree Was Planted by Montgomery, Ala., Boy Scouts. Last Friday. (By the Assoninteil Press. Montgomery, Ala;," Nov. 3. The Roosevelt Memorial Tree, which has lieen the subject of a, controversy since it was planted on the Alabamu capital lawn by Montgomery; Boy Seputs last Friday, mysteriously-; disappeared last night, and today officials still were without the Identity Of the miscreants. - A note discovered Where the tree had stood by the capltol night-watch--) man read:. v;' I "Montgomery, Aht, Get this, Ala bama. , HV "To all concerned:-:, "The Dftnghters" ot the Confetleracy are our mothers (wir mothers) and this is tjie South. There are no trees in , honor . of . SotttherV' gentlemen in the capital ?ad-atljtUKhingtonv and our War Mothers do notwant this one here." " . The Daughters of the Confederacy and other organizations contended it was improper for the memorial to stand on the capital grounds within earshot, of the place where Davis be came President of the Confederacy. Sl'LTAN OF TURKEY HAS , BEEN DEPOSED, SAYS REPORT Action Deposing Sultan Was Taken by the Nationalist Assembly at Angora. ' London, Nov. 3 (By. the Associated Press. A report that the Turkish nat ionalist assembly at Angora has pass ed a law suppressing the Sultanate of Turkey, and the law ot suceesison to the throne, Is contained In a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Its Constantinople correspondent Which quotes dispatches from .Angora. Such action by the nationalist as sembly would mean, of course, that the Sultan Is deposed. In the future, according to the disiiatches, the only caliph in Turkey would be periodical ly elected without government protec tion, all power being in tbe hands of the nationalist assembly. M'READY AND KELLY . .AFTER ANOTHER RECORD Trying to Fly From San Diego to New York without waning stop: ' B- the Assoclsta Pres.. . San Deigo Calif., Nor; 3. Meats. John A. MacReady and Oakley Kelley, army aviators, took off at Rockwell Field at. 5:50' a. m. today In an at tempt fo cross the continent from Sail IDIUUl 1 1. IIW. IIIC ' ..,11.11.111 .. ... 1 vl toNew York without a stop in the great monoplane T-2. ' f Movies at Y Saturday Night Instead of . ; . Friday., ' , I The Y. M. Cj A. announces that be- i iriunlntt- this week. Its s movie show j wm given on Saturday nights in- stead of Friday nights as has lieen the custom recently. i ' Tomorrow night It promises one of tbe best shows, yet given with three fine reels. Everybody Is .welcome. ... 1 ' - Optimism parts the clouds and the tangles and cost nothing. ? : ,-' "T"V OUt Hrw BUiltMMC L mm mi nkaiumc commiiOh ii iff mi N0YEMBC8 MFFTTNG OF BUAKDOF A1DCRMN City Fataers CsnfrsaUd With a Nass bt of Isasortart Mailer, Maajr of Mldrk Were Acted I km. At their Noreuber meeetng held at' the city hall Thursday night the mtnu bers of the Brd of Aldennea were confronted with a number of laiportaut led the abow, aad eeryMM en pre id mattera. and they acted npoa serenil'Wl1il with the ahow and the meaa of the mure haisirtant noes. I offered. The exact amount ( money The extenslim of the Hty limit taken la ba BxH been Mo traullc. north and west of the cemetery lirvtight a spirited Debt. Artorners Hsrt. Ml. Williams, and UcWiv were heard on. the matter and orstorj flowed rery freely while tbi subject wa nader dlsmssion. The Isiard Anally Hei-tdl to make a personal survey of ibe Held, and thl will be done this afternoon. The limits will be extended, but sunie of the bouses on the Kannapoli road which were Included In the first sur vey prolmhly will lie left out of the new one. The widening of Church street lsj tween Isit and Corhin streets, also brought forth mia-h comment. "It was at lirxt pnMiHed to widen the street on one side only, but after lunch dis cussion the aldermen passed au ordi nance forbidding any one lo build a M-rniaueiit structure of any kind clos er than 17 feet to the curbing on each side of the stnet. This will widen i the street ten feet on each side. TUe'iirlze Mrs. Butte. street will not Ik widened now. but ! Best collection of chrysanthemums, this action was taken to provide forlfirst priae Mrs. A. M. Brown, the future, when the street proliablyj Best collection cbrvsanthemumn, sec will have to lie widened. lond prize Mrs. J. H. Rntledge. rhe iMuird will meet again on the 13th at which time the City Rnirlneer will stflimlt figures showing what the streets jinder construction, already iwved and ordered to le jtaved wiil cost. This information is Usired by the lsiard meinliers who proUihly will order other streets paved after thev get the estimate of what already has leen spent. The nieuiliers of the Ixmrrt passed a resolution authorizing the City Clerk ! trading. The opening was Bnn nt an to advertise for bids for paving the, advance of 1(1 to 31 points on relative western approach of the bridge over jl.v firm cables. , the Southern Railway tracks near the' Cotton futures opened firm. Dee company's passenger station here. The 24:74; Jan. 24:4."; March 24:45; May bids will be opened Xovetulwr 17th 24:30;; July 23:05. arid the contract will be let to the low-, ' est bidder. The resolution authorizes, the clerk to draw up a contract for the paving of the road to the city lim its, and also authorizes the City Engl- neer to cret tin a cost of the work. The railroad comimny' will Is? notified of the cost of the work and If It falls to; provide funds to pay for tbe paving, 1 the City Treasurer will pay It and the; charges will be assessed against the railroad company. Queer Occupations Listed. 1 London, Nov. 3, Hnve you ever met d maggot breeder? Prolinbly not, but that Is one of the queer trades and professions that! will be found in vol umes containing the results of the: ulng the results of the;rpt, uummi nrf thiwi mwHiim nf the last Brtttitfr censmf, ahibe. Hon discovered hy the census is tfcat of a "rat charmer." " Animals, indeed, seem to fill up the time of a large mmiler of people. The quaintest con fession comes from a "beetle and cock roach manipulator and bed bug wrest ler." -A woman was responsible for the en try: "Korelady gravy thick." When light dawned upon tne census officers ii. mm iiuiuu liittt iiic jrcisuu ill ejufn' tion was superintendent of a soup fac tory, evidently in the "thick" depart ment, In many cases the true meaning of entries was never discovered, and the officials trusted to luck. One girl stat ed that she was a "tlperottst.'! Viri ons solutions were tried, including that of "tripe-roaster," and finally she was placed among the typists. "Squirmer" remained a mystery, though it was sup posed to lie something to do with elec tric lighting. . Motor Accident Rate High in This State. Washington, Nov. 2. One hundred and thirty-nine people were killed during, 1921 In North Carolina by auto mcbi.es, motor trucks or commercial motor vehicles, the census bureau re ports. Of these 135 were residents r,t the state. This vas a tatio of 5.Z for each 10!,000 people, which is high, compared -with other years, but low compared with other states. In 1917 the total killed was 66; 1918, 78 ; 1919, MM; and 1920, 133. . Farley's Offering Attractive Bargains. In a page ad. today Fnrley's Is offer ing some attractive bargains in cloth ing. . The store 'now has a full line of Winter goods for men, boys and wom en, and the goods are sold on easy terms. 1 ' Read the ad. carefully, and call now to see some of the attractive bargains offered. Forty Years Married, He Wants ' Divorce Now. Raleigh, Nov. 2. Charging his wife with cruelty, W. A. Qrabtree, of this city,' married 40 years, filed suit for divorce here today. The Crabtrees have been separated for six years. Modern Business requires thoroughly adequate banking service in order, to achieve maximum results. ' Business men will !find it advantageous to make use of the progressive,; co-operative service of , the Citizens Bank and Trust Company. ' " FLOW ER SHOW WCCt&S HiHMb-eds a PsssmW VblUt Y 1to day While Um Am nU M Waa ha The. FWwer Show held Tharsday at the Y. M. C. A. by la ladiea f m. J sates Ijitheraa. t aun-h, a si rery am i enftiL lliwdreils ut nemss eUlr- ' The following priae were awarded Best ingle rbryaaatliemnm Mr. Batte. Best three pinks Mr. A. Wal- ker. Best three creoa-Mr. J. A Wal ker. i Best three yellow Mr. Waller Ha frit. Best three white Mrs. Batte. ' Best three red Mrs. Walker. Best three bronse Mr. U. K. Rid lenbnnr, Jr. Best three lavender Mrs. Walker Best three vnrlegnted Mr. A M. Brown. . Best bouquet dahlias Mrs. Batte Best three purple Mrs. J. II. Ruti ledge. Best six chrysanthemum of differ ent colors, first prixe, Mrs. A. M. Brown. Best six chrysanthemums, second Best Potted riant Mr. Zeb Morris, Best Fancy Work Mrs. Wheeler. THE COTTON MARKET Showed Coutiiiued Firmness During Early Trading Today. (Br the Asssasled Press.) New York. Nov. 3. The cotton mar- I ket showed continued firmness with in- creasing activity during today's early Central Methodist Bible Class to Con duct Sunday Afternoon Meeting at V The Y. M. C. A. will begin its Sun day afternoon meetings Sunday after-'one noon Xovemlier 5th. The Ben's Bible Class of the Central Methodist Church will conduct the first meeting, and they ; are planning a program that should prove very interesting. Mr. Lee Crowell. Jr., will speak on "The Christian and Politics," and Rev. W. A. Jenkins wll speak on "Chic Du ties." Otherswlll also take part on the program. The Concord Orchestra will furnish music. . "i The theme for the November meet ings will be "Christian Citizenship.' Division, nnd the fourth Sunday ,a special moving picture' will be Bhown. This is the general plan for tne sun- dav afternoon meetings throughout the .received dally by the campaign depart veiir. A detailed program will belinent. There has been a remarkable made out In the near future and fur- speeding tip during the past week and nished to all the churches. the majority of the members are Just The Religious Work Committee of! now "hitting their stride," and from the Y. M. C. A. Is fortunate in secur-. illg tnp services of the Concord Or- chestra to furnish music at all of the meetings. This orchestra has just re cently been organized and is making rapid progress. , Some excellent talent Is found In Its memliers. ) All boys and young men are wel come at these meetings. With Our Advertisers. C. C. Catlett In a new ad. today is offering some special tire prices. New ad. gives particulars. Do yon want your money's worth In shoes? Then call to see the line sold, bv Pounds Shoe Store. You save best when you have the encouragement of a strong Institution like the Citizens Bank & Trust Com pany, lour account gtatuy ucccpieu by this bank. , Do you get what you want? C. H. Barrier' & Co., can supply your every want in groceries and fresh meat, says new ad. Dolls, dolls, dolls at Cline's Phar macy. Select yours now ana get what you want. The Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co., has another shipment of solid Danish cab bage. The Browns-Cannon Co., offers yon line materials, excellent patterns In the latest styles In clothing for men. In new ad. It says It can prove that it is cheap in the long run to buy clothes there. iMore than 26,000 strikes have dis turbed industrial America during the past decade, it is estimated. Own Your Home i M Life in a rented house is not one of perfect contentment and happiness. To enjoy life thoroughly you need the freedom and ' feeling of security enjoyed Oaly in a HOME OF YOUR OWN. . Our 34th series is now open and we will be glad to have you subscribe to some BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK 1 with us and ' pit? for your home the easy way. ; , Loans made promptly npon approval ofnpplleatlons. , ;;,.-, Citizens Building & Loan Association (Office in Citizens Bank) ss-akil ounaflUCffUilluT Candidates Are Showinz" ' More Pep as the Big Sales manship Club .Nears Sec ond Lap of the Race. EXTRA VOTE ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT Tomorrow Night Marks the Close of 215,000 Exra Votes For $30 Clubs. Less Votes to Be Given Next Week. ' November 4th. December 2nd. ' w ' These are the two big date in the . big Kalexmanshlp Club in whicn three automobiles are included in the JUS.OllO priae list. ' . On the first named date tbe rery biggest Extra Vote Offer, for $3O.0O clubs expires. The other date is tbe end of the club. Reference to jive' calendar will show that both will lie here shortly. The Club members who expert to own the classy new automobile know it too. That is why they are show, log speed and hustle as never liefore. Every effort la now being centered oi tbe big offoY which ends Saturday night, as everyone on the ' big offer realises the urgency of getting vote' now to further enhance their wlnninf posalhilUles at the end of the drive. The special offer is this: 215.003 EXTRA VOTES will be credited on each and every club of $30 werth o subscriptions turned in ly ineuilier this week. The. offer is very brief and only two more days are. allowed in which to get such great -rote value' for their subscriptions. All subscriptions ' apply on the big, offer, and more than club can be secured and turned in bv a member. In fiict the mort clubs one secures the better bis or her chance of driving one of the very best automobiles becomes. Great Interest. This week's offer has caused such a struggle for subscriptions, such a turmoil nf excitement, and such rival- i ry in the three sections that one woo ders how It will all end. There ma:.. .' have been exciting times before. thl9 bnt.tiey .now uffer mightily in com. parison. J : ,., , .-' S i ; '' .wAj.jat.jfMt( It is quite -evident that the members mean business. : One can read it be- : tween the' lines of letters ' that are - now on the: club will go forth wltu great enthusiasm., " Towns Active. 1 Out of town memliers are working. beyond the limits of their towns and seeking new fields to conquer. Neigh boring towns and rural districts offer unlimited opportunities for get tin? subsctlptlons. City members are finding, too, that it is a big mistake, to take It for granted that the field has been work-, ed. . There are hundreds 'Upon hnn- : dreds of folks who have not even been: ' approached for their subscriptions right here, in Concord and Cabarrus - county. "Mve prospects' for yearly " and tw year subscriptions are being pHsseu up aauy aim nave not even -been approached by the members up to this date., . Hundreds who should subscribe, in , advance to The Tribune and Times can lie landed If approach-, ed. In the majority of instances ' they would prefer paying their sub scrlptlons In advance instead of get-! ting their papers otherwise. . They would be glad to assist a member to win a beautiful touring car. This week is the week to take fresh stock, : in one's prospects and get their sub- scrlptlons. t . M. C. A. Board to Meet Sunday Af .. ternoon. i - There will be a ' meeting of the Board of Directors Sunday? afternoon nt the Jt. M.- C. A. at 2 o'clock.; All member are requested, to be present. Any time is a good time ,Tto start cotryjng out a good idea. ( K .