L, u I' 0 ( w O V TODAY'S- O O NLw'S" O O TODAY. O oooooooo 2 GGI,JCC2B :iDAILY ' TRIBUNE D O O o a: j:.,u o ruiss O DISPATCHES C oooooooq iL ii ii ii VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1922. NO. 233. THE LAUS.MIIIE PEACE C011F1IICEPUI0FF l . i rAnf.n fnl (I Mf ftn V.uv. -.vv v- -.j.. .. , the 13th Has Been Foet;"H a total iixaso poned, According to an An nouncement From London. ' . - TURKISH ACTION " ! IS RESPONSIBLE Rafet Pasha Demands the Al lied Military Occupation of . Constantinople. Be Elimi nated in the Future, . London, Nov. 0 ( B.r the Aoclatid I Yes). A a result of the new sitiln - tlon created in Constantinople, by the demand of llnfrt Pasha -that tbe Bi lled military, tm-npation .tot the city cease, the pence conference Called to lie held at l-aumnne November 13 baa lieen positioned possibly for two wk, It was announced here today. It ia stated in authoritative ch-cles that In no circnmstanerii will the Brit ish point of view regarding the pre ence of allied troop In Constantinople 1 changed. .The Rritish Jut end . to .uphold the Mudnnla armistice agree ment, and remain In J he neutral wine with their trooji. . If the Angora government, however, desires to send civil administrative of ficers to Chnnak, GalllnoU- and Con stantinople, there will le no objection, It ia declared. So far na can lie learned today, the Sultan hna not nltdlentprt. It Is be lieved the British authorities are tak ing measures to protect him and the ,, Prince, hi heir. . SEARCH CONTINUES FOB - MISSING BANK CASHIER Nothing Haa Been learned of Where about of A. W. White, of Htony Point.' ' - Tnylorsvllle, Nov. 4. At a lnte. hour tonight nothing had been learned re garding the mysterious disappearance, of A. W. White, cashier f the Iwnk at Stony Pointj from whom nothing haa been heard alnce he left Stony Point for Statesville Thursday. Friends are under the impression that lie. lias met with foul play. The doors of the; hank, were closed as soon as the disappearance becauie io ne now enptm u in iuiikiiik no nmnv of the books, t It fat not believed, how ever, that anything will be found wrong with the affairs of the bftnk, It is expected that the audit will be coimileted Monday. The wife of the missing cashier Is an Id trf be nrotra ted over his disap pearance, which hns mystified- all of his relatives and friends. A general alarm was sent out under the author! aitlon of relatives 'this afternoon In an effort to obtain someelue that might lead to a clearins up of the , mystery : . ' ' ". GREENSBORO DAILY RECORD HAS CHANGED HANDS Newspaper Ia Now tlte Property of Julian Price, of Greensboro and R. C. Kelly, or Winston-Salem. I By the AMinr4 1km. ' Greenslwro, Nov. 0. Julian Price, of this city, and R. C. Kelly, of Wlnston Salein, are now; sole owners of the Grtvnsboro Daily Record, Mr. Price ,. having acquired the, stock - of C. M. Wayuiok, the retiring mannger, it was . announced today. Messrs. Price and Kelly have been pnrt, owners - of the Rrd for some time. , ' ' Surprise Party; c On last Friday . evening, Novemlier ' v 3rd, a surprise , birthday party , was given ii t the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Castor, s The ocens ' ion was ' in honor- of their : talented ' daughter Rebecca, to whom the party was a complete' surprise. The home .was tastefully decorated with -brand's, v t- chryRanthemuina and ferns, while Re ; lie-a was . putiently s waiting for a friend to arrive, the guests gathered at the home of Miss Hama castor. -. v AH- rushed in about 8 o'clock,. 'pre- " aentlng to the honoree many nice gifts. After many games. ? contests, stunts, etc., Ihe guests were invited Into, the . dining room,v where cake, pickleg,can-i , dy, fruits etc:, were, served.. The din-1 ing room was beautifully, decorated With pink chrysanthemums and ferns. Pickles were given to the most love- sick couple whiA was Miss Virginia ' Trammel and Mr. Leon Winecoff, both of Kanunpolls. - Those present were: Miss Margaret Shlnn, Mr, William Fincher, Miss Maude Smith, Mr. Ar ' : thur Chambers, Miss Anna Propst, . 'Mr. Hmoot Castor, Miss Virginia Tram v . mel, Mr. Harry Propst, Mr. 'Heary ' Crninsbaw, Miss Mary Castor, Mr. Grady Ross, Miss Hama Castor, Mr. Leon Winecoff. Mr. Bay Castor. Mr. Edward Shlnn, Mr, Chns. Brown Cas 1 tor, Mr. Joe Castor, ?: ' ' J Tbe friends departed wishing Miss ' Castor many more happy birthdays. 1 , ONE PRESENT. . '. i 'v A number of our subscribers insist , on paying the carrier boys during the contest, and we ask: that this be hot , done, as the contestants are doing the 1 Collecting and the carrier boys have - ' orders not to receive money from sub acriliers during the contest.' If you wish to nay your subscription call at thp office, or phone one of the contest ; ants who will visit you and give you a; receipt for the amount of money paid. . u ' Do not in any instance pay the car- rler boy.' If yoo have paid any money n thlsworld and work may. he de o the carriers you will please phone liahtfiil. noble, exhilarating, fasclnat the date, of payment and amount to thla office, at once. 'XMi P sntiaraction. oxjoy ana happiness., coMMUTr dutribitf THE HAIL BIOK.M FUND Tei f $IM 14 Vu Clre By rkr- ms reopte rc tim Mb eulered I ma Krreat Krm. The i-uttmltte atppnlniol mor tla o to rullw-t ana distribute fund t person who Buffered treat re- Jceftt kali storm la thla rmtntr. bar to tbe hiia to i-ocnmlnee atnalma thought collected, and thl aauNiot haa tier distributed. Tbr fulbm-lng are those who gave to the fnoj, and ! iicnint given: ) Rereipta B. r fuiberger 8.00 D. iL Furr ft.00 K. 8, Drvin .... -5.00 ( U Krinimlnger 1.00 ff V,wl'"er 'V J J v. A. uooomnn , l.(K) ('. J. Goodman . 10.00 Mra. W. B. Morefaead 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 J. B. RoleitHon ; W. A. Kink r..r Trammels Htore, Kanna polls IL M. EarabanU J. (I. Mmim .... l.ool J. A. 1ine ,... 1M C. Htontreet Ji 10.00 O. L. Siieara , . i mi i Rev. T. W. Wmlth . W. L. Moore t John Goodman ... . . Ik V. Kriiumlnger . . 1.00 1.00 5.00 o.00 5.00 1.00 ntlwns Bank and Trust Co. J. P. Alllxon . :. John A. Bernhardt ........ A. B. Ponnda ... i 2'.(N C. W. Bwlnk . 5.00 ('. 51. Powell, Knniiapolls 3.l0jcept by special Veruiisslon of the An - O. H. Richmond . n.M Kra givernment. Mrs. J. M. (Well 10.00 J. 8.. Price . . 1.00 Mrs. R. A. Brown .. 5.00 John W. Promt 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 W. U Bell A. 8. Webb ., U L. Manldln . -. J. W. Oollett It. A. Moose Bnyless Pes. Bible Class l J. A. Stroud . 3.00 Homer II. Winecoff 2.00 Mrs. J. N. Winecoff 1.00 Dr. W. C. Houston 10.(K) I T. Bost 1.00 Frank Armlleld 5.00 J. D. McAnulty 1.00 Vt A. Dorton - 2.00 J. Fred Bnrnhnrdt 2.00 Cash , .. . 14.50 J, B. Sherrlll ... $ 5.00 Total .'. . $180.50 W. F. Goodman, 5 Sacks Flour The following shows how the money was distributed: ' ' , John Miller, (col.) 17.00 and one sack nonr. - , IrajatJIoricejcrrtOJ Tofnour iy-"ww. ii-v--:.r- Bob Overcash $14.00. IT. S; Earnhardt $14.00. ' H. E. Huffman $H.O0 and one sack or nour. W. H. Krimmlngere $8.00. Eli KimbiUl $13.00. . J. A. Edgison $13.00. John Christy $10.00. Frank Allison, (col.) $7.00 and one sack of flour. - J. W. Mullis $10.00. Harris Crawford (col,) $1.00 and one sack of flour. Mrs. Eliie Eddleman $21.00. W. L. Sides $9.00. June Cline $10.00. , A. Hnm Overcush $7.50. Boyd Gibson, (col) $10.00. . THE ELECTIONS TOMORROW Democrats Expect Usual " Majorities t' 1 A II nniMlI. Vi.mlr.MW (By tne Associated Pru. Jlalelgh, Nov. C The voters of North Carolina tomorrow will elect ten Congressmen, a corporation com missioner, associate justice for the Su preme Court, 11 suiierlor court Judges, a number of solicitors, members of the legislature and cpunty officers. - Aside from local tights principal in terest seems to lie centered in the races in several Congressional districts, where the republicans are seeking to defeat the Democratic nominees. - In the Fifth District Mrs. Lindsey Pat terson, of Winston-Salem, is opposing Representative Btedman: In the Eighth District Dr. J. I. Campbell Is opposing Representative Doughton; and in the Tenth district Representative Weaver is being opposed by It, R. Fisher, of Brevard. V- - : - -:. " ' nemocratic leaders here say they ex pect the.-"usual majorities for their enmiiiintes: while the republicans de clare, they "are hopeful of carrying two and possibly inree i;ongruuiuu districts. These districts, they say, are the 5th, 8th, and 10th. , FORMER GERMAN WAR LORD ' ' MARRIES PKINt'ESS HKKnUNU Ceremony Occurs in Doom House, In Holland; Much secrecy nuunuuncu. Doom. Holland. Nov. 5. The former German Emperor, 'once all hlgheBfc-of the empire, and Princess Hermuie, or Keuss, were - married - today , at the House of Doom, where the War lru abides in exile. This second venture was in strtnge contrast with that flay In , 1881 when. . as Crown' Prince, he wedded Augusta Victoria; "Baughter of Grand Duke Frederick, of Hchieswig- Holsteln., -w' 'V s , -..m:V,j- jBeverahof the offspring of that flrst union' were present today t set the seal of family approval to tne new al liance. ',.'-'." -.,'-v,',i-"'i-!-: "'-....; . There, were tw ceremonies, a civil contract drawn up and signed by "Wllhelm II" . and Hermlne Reuss, as they affixed their names; the second a religious ceremony conducted by the former court' chaplain, Dr. VogeL ac cording to the. Lutheran rites, v Work good, hard, honest work will achieve almost any material thing jnR, . , work may be full of excitement, JHETURXSPMim TROUBLE WITH ALLIES; After Overthrowing the Sul tan's Government at Con stantinople, Declaring; Him ; Bereft of All Civil Power. ARE NOW SEEKING FRESH CONQUESTS After Taking Over Constant!. nople the Nationalists De mand the Withdaraw af Al lied Troops From" City. Constantinople, Nov. 9 (By the As- 1.00ic'Htl I'rem.) The Turkish nation. alista after overthrowing the Sultan- government and declaring blm dereft of all hla civil i tower, are now ack. l.oo'fhg fresh conquest, in manner that may bring trouble with the allies. Ijist night after taking over con trol of (natantlnoile, the nationalists demanded withdrawal of the allied trootw from the city, and served no tice that ullled or American sailors would not lie permitted to land from their warshliia at Kemalist ' iwrts ex- An estraqrdlnary meeting of the al- lied commissioners quickly assembled to dorldo what Mand they should tnkei mined that they, would refuse cate- gorlcnlly the nationalist demand for military evacuation of Constantinople by the allied forces. Another Demand of the Turkish Nat ionalists. Constantinople, Nov. 0 (By the As sociated Press.) The Turkish nat ionalist government has handed a note to the ullied high commissioners to the effect that the warships of all nations must ask it for authorization to pass the Straits of the Dardanelles, the Havas- correspondent here has been informed. They must also sa lute the new government of Turkey. ASHEVILLE MAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND THEN HD1SELF William H. Presley Fires Four Shots into Wire's Body and One Into His Own Brain. (By tk AuHlttnl Jresa.) Ashefflle. Not-. 6.-After tiring four ehtaviwrf nt 4tbriilf -iiAtfte liod.V of his wife, Mrs. Llllie Preasley, Win. II. Pressley, ngetl about 50, of 81 Wood row Avenue, placed a revolver to 'his own hend tind killed himself about io o'clock this morning. Mrs. Pressley is at a local hospital, believed to lie fa tally wounded.- In a statement to the police she said her husband shot her because she had contributed 25 cents to a church collection Sunday night The statement also sets out that Press ley had suhtnined an injury to bis head about, two years ago and since then had been, subject to irrational spells. Fine Address at If. M. C. A. Meeting f Yesterday, fine program with two short addresses yesterday featured the oiv enlng of the Y. M. C. A. Sunday meet ings. : The addresses were delivered by J. Lee Crowell, Jr., and Rev. W. A. Jenkins, both of the Central Church whose Bible class had charge of the semes. : : Gray Bost read the scripture lesson, after which : Mr. Crowell spoke 'on 'Christianity in Politics." Mr. Crow ell reminded that "what the world needs today is not a change of cabi nets, as It seems to be almost a erase in foreign countries, but a change of mind. The world seems to think that a change of front will solve the world's Ills while In reulity a change of heart is necessary, r The spirit of the Christ is needed to solve all of mortal ills and without that it cannot be accomp- mi,i ...... UOUCU. , VollmvW Mr nrnwell. Mr. Jenkins snoke on "The Christian iu the Coin - munltv. iie saw in part mat tuc community needs flrst of all to make its greatest concern, which in every case was its business life and commer cial activity,' Christian. No commun ity can even claim to call itself Chris tian unless it centers its religious ac tivity on that thing to which the com. ninnity gives most of its time that of making a living. The next thing It must. 'do Is to get the right kind of men to run lor office so that the lead-' ers - of the community from a civic standpoint can put the right stamp of Christianity ,pn the communal me. Last of all We must make our schools places where our ideala of Christianity can find easy "f expression. Finally the churches and Sunday schools must hold up high Ideals and set the stand ards for all the 'othei; phases of com munity life to lollow." Honor Roll, Central School A Fourth grade Florence v Chllders, Alice Mar Fuller. Catherine McLel land, Llnwood Browa, Mary N. Harrl- AilnA.'. A,mflnljl Tnluo -Ttlnme. msu, . iiu..v... - Haran rrances iisuer. neiim ZeU Roberts. .Frances Weddlngton,, James Uruton, Uoya MCKay, Artnur flitelt.'- i -, .-. .''".' : Fifth grade Edith Blume, tsauie. Harris, Lea Ritchie, Ben Pants, rsaran O., Davis, uorotny uarueii, eiine Peck, Marguerite. Presiar, - Dongiaa Archlband, LUllan, -Stewart, Ernest Peele, uavia sears, en xorae, ynris-1 ary tiarrlei. foP The TrbUne and tine Linker, f '' . 4 - '..' Times on Route No. 8 of the city, suc Sisjh grade Dorothy Foil, Mabel peeking Master Smoot Barrlnger whll Henry, augar nusseii; iwinnuy nuiuer, Margaret Taiblrt. (Miss lry s report late.).' , ' ;. Seventh - grade Mary Cannon, Os wald Phillips, John Brown, field Crav en,' Jay Joyner, Edgar Melchpr, , ' Getting Votes Tast r , s 1 4 t "s -V hi RET. E. B, McGILI, Davidson. A more determined worker will be hard to fiml as Her. Mr. GUI ia pnt- ting forth every effort to finish high in the list of winners when the big count I uiKni iinie. . iun wine nnii lavurauie acquaintance is a Wg asset and these friends are supiorting hlra In'the race suliHtnntmlly. Thla week will lie a big 'one for this Davidson contestant and J from present report will fur surpass any of Ills prevlotia rwords getting votes. imaihmaw rvuj nnnt, As Chnirmnn of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committees I have never yet given out any interview in regard to the outcome of the election on Novem lier 7th. I feel very" confident that if the Depiocrats will go to the pells and work and get out the vote, that each and every nomiuee or the Democratic party will be elected tomorrow. The outlook is the most promising since I have liecn actively connected with pol itics ln Cnlmrrus County, and I sin cerely houpthnt every Democrat will get lius.dJ?Jo hla piirt on tomorrow, and CalMinVrfT County will be. Demo cratic Wednesday, Novemlier 8th. W. A, FOIL. Chairman, Democratic County Executive ' -.: Committee. CONFERENCE CALLED IN HALL-MILLS. Ml RDER CASE To Perfect ttte .Long. fihaln f.EUhfeiWday..V-l;-- ..vWv: ,-. to Be -Submitted 4 the Grand Judy. (By the Aawtriatca -Pieia.1 - New Brunswick, N. J Nov. 0. Aitionnl Senatorial Committee, hns had conference between Attorney General McRnn and all the Investigators of the Hall-Mills murder cn-se hns been cal led. It was learned today, to perfect the long chuln of evidence to lie suli mltted to the grand jury Inter hi the week. This conferenc-e will determine also, it Is said, whether Mrs. Frances N. Stevens-Hall, the slain rector's wife, will be permitted to nppear before the grand jury as she has requested. The authorities already have declared they would make "every effort to prevent Mrs. Hall from telling her . story .to the grand jury. Several of the members of the Hall household, and close friends of . Mrs. Hall,- probably will be summoned be fore the investigators during their con ference, : ; -v MECKLENBURG-CABARRUS PASTORS TO MEET IN CHARLOTTE Baptist Ministers and Other Leaders tto Hold Conference in Charlotte Thursday. . A conference of oil the Baptist pas tors of the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus As sociation and other church leaders will be held In the First Baptist Church of Charlotte next Thursday, beginning " "cconiing auuoiu..ui-ul made Sunday. . : I ... jM, ... .Ua -iue coniejem-c m i vu uir ! Present vuemrorcement' campaign oe- i wuitoi m.v..v.. i .. of the Southern Haptist convention, as a sequel to the $7."i,OOO,O00 campaign conducted three years ago. Rev. W. M. GiUnore, of Raleigh' and Sanford. who is one of the field workers (n the Reinforcement campaign, will be preBT ent and take part in tho conference Thursday. The Meekleriliurg-Cabarms : Associa tlton Includes all the white Baptist churches of Mecklenburg and Cabar rus counties. . . ; " CONFISCATE COAL FOR ; , SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES Schools Had Been Unable to Open on ; Account of the Shortage of Coal. - . .. . By the Aaaoclat4 fra., ' Scranton, Pa., Nov, 6. Ten, school buildings in the borough of Ollphant, I'lonml for two weeks liecniMft of coal Uhortage. although in the heart of the nntharette reirion. were, able to onen - ' their floors to the 'fSl)0 minll todav. for a throng of citizens led by Bur- . n n T. v - geEM x . iJVtii:y jcoiciuu.j umivucti Km tne Delaware & iiuasou, Kaiiroaa .nrt confiscated 100 tons of coal from i tR rg, xhe borough's nine churches .lan Wam nmVl.liMl with tnM nan rp gnt 0f the raid which followed refusal ;of pi companies to sell their products jn the borough. - . ' - : ; ; Master Oscar Robhlns Is a tempor- embraces Grove, Georgia avenue, iFrnnklln avenue, a part of North IKerr: Isalielle. Odell.. Elm. . Duval - Academy,, and other . streets between - the Cannon Mill, Kerr Bloachery and Gibson Mill. . t , MEETING OF W0M1VS CUB HELD M TIED AT OrraailntUM WiH Bo DliWM Lata Thrar DrtawlaneaUa. Dr. SfiraiU 1 Hu4 WkUa lntemc ' The nMfttng uf tlx ITomaa'a' (lull behl at tVntral Graded tVhuui Hatnr day afteraoaa waa well attended. Klxry-Bre aarabera wvre. enrol 1M. i It waa derided to bar tkroe depart 'aent line aria, wlik-h Includea Bto - kk-, litrratiiro aasl art; botno ecuou I mint; and pool Is welfare work, which HiKHndia physic, health, edncattoai and tanriul aenrk. . A long talk by Dr. HpruUL of the State Board of Health, In telling of (he nrgeut need of a ftobarras hospital at Sanatorium and the neceity fur our Interest In the sale of Red Cror-s Heala made, an Impression upon those present. Every effort to aid the eon snmptirea is a step forward In the elimination of the great WhltePlagne, which Ir. Sprnill declarea la cnrable but sluHild first be preventable and In time three thing will come, he said. For the reason that the meuibem en rolled" were not given an opportunity to select the. department they desired to work In it is deemed advisable to call a meeting for Wednesday at 4 p. nu to perfect the organisation of the Hub. The 05 women enrolled are very much in earnest and they will welcome all women who nre interested ln moral welfare of the, town Into the organlxatlon. "r o x dii ,v i. itc.-i hi- denci-d by the club song from the clever peu of one of our Interested meuiliers. Mix. I.. D. Coltrnne, snug t" the ' Battle Hymn or the. Republic:" If you would boost your Woman's Club, An sure ns you nre liorn, Ton must, throw nwny your hammer nmLgn buy yourself a horn. For the doubters and the seorners. We will set apart forlorn Am wp go inarching by. Chorus Pull together for old Concord 1'se lioth tact and Vac. on Concord, "Clinging" vines won't clean up Con cord. We must go mnrcblng on. MRS. W. H. GORMAN, Pres. DEMOCRATS WILL GAIN AT LEAST F01R SENATE .SEATS Hampton Issues Forecast as to Politi cal Complexion of Next Senate. Washington, Nov. 5. Expressing his conviction that the. Democrats will have a net gnln of not less than four scats in the Senate and perhaps, live. Frank A. Hampton, secretary-treasurer of the Democratic Nntionol Senatorial Committee, tonight issued n forecast as to the political complexion" of the Sen- 11 f.l ft. 1 1ll. MMllllf li 1 tl 1. Ill A. I IT. 1.11 Mr. Hnmptnn. by virtue, of the posi tion. he holds wilh the Democratic Na- exceptional opportunities to investigate the trend of events an they apply to the Senatorial elections. He divides his estimate into three parts, Demo orotic pains in the Senate, Republican seats held to be in doubt with chance? favoring the Democrats and Democrat ic sents'in doubt with chances favoring the seating of the present Demorntic Senators who nre iip for re-election COL'NT SF0RZA ATTACKED BY ITALIAN FASCISTI Was Going for Conference With Ital ian Premier When the Attack Was Made. Rome, Nov. 6 (By the Associated Press.) Count Sfor&n. Italian nuibas sndor to France,-was the object of a hostile demonstration by the fascist! when he arrived at Buzzoleno, in the province of Turin, on the Italian fron tier, while returning to Rome for o conference with the new Premier. Mus solini. Tin? fascist! detached the car riage In which the Count was riding from the train but carabineers rushed in and rescued him. Fascist! and Nationalists Fight. Rome, Nov. 0 '(By, the Associated Press). The fascist! nd nationalists clashed today at Tnrento, in southeast Italy, over questions of local politics. In the fight, which ensued seven were killed and a number were wounded. casualties lieing suffered by both sides. Blue Ridge Atlantic Conference Ad journs. ,'Bt tka fciMdaua rnu.l Statesvllle, Nov. 0. The Blue Ridge Atlantic conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church adjourned its annual conference here, lost night, and the ap pointments for the Winston-Salem. Asheville and Washington districts were read this morning. Special ap pointments were M. O. Flltcher, presi dent of Washington, (N. C.) Collegl- nte Institute and D. W. Donaldson, director of religious education of the same Institution. The conference will be held next year at Washington, N. C. Methodist Protestant Confereno Closes Today. (By tfce AaMwlat4 Praw.) Henderson, N. C,.Nov. 8. Reading of appointments, stationing the various preachers for the 'coming year, featured the closing session here today of the North Carolina Methodist, Prot estant Conference. The Conference to day unproved a nlan tor raising 25: 000 to be used as an onaovnnent tor the support: of superannauted minis ters. The report of the nnance com mittee was adopted as presented. . Eamonn de Valera Denies Peace Ru- ;:)-'v,i:?'- mors, svr r-r.'r- Dublin, Nov. u (By the. Associated Press). A i long statement issued as a "Dall communlque,', and. signed by Eamonn de Valera as President, sn- nounce definitely that there Is no truth to the rumors or peace negotia tlon' lietween his party and the Free State government. ; ; - More men fall through Ignorance of their strength than through knowledge of their weakness. E ru Mir I Between 90 and 93 Miners Caught When Explosion Occurs Early Today in Spangler, Pa, Mine. MEN ILAD BARELY STARTED TO WORK When the Explosion Occur red Somewhere in work ings of Reilly Mine Owned by Reilly Coal Company. Spongier, Pa., Nov. C (By the Asmo- la ted Press). A terrific explosion somewhere ln the working of the Reil ly Mine of the Reilly Coal Company here at 7:30 this morning entomlied between 00 and 115 workers, who bad gone to their work scarcely half an hour liefore. Later Three Bodies Found. Spangler. Pa., Nov. 6. (By the As- ocliited Press) The first rescue party to enter the Rll y Coal Mine after the explosion this morning reported at noon today that they had found three bodies and feared that some, if not all of the other 9U men entombed are dead. Tho rescue pmty entered the mine under the direction of Supt. O. J. Fian nagan, and had proceeded to the third entry on the right t the main entry when they came upon the bodies. The dead miners were brought to the toot ir the shaft, and the party went back or further exploration. The rescuers came to the surface ifter their second trip into the mine, but declined to give out any further nfownatkm. A se-ond rescue party immediately ,vent Into the workings: The rescuers were composed' of. volunteers chosen from hundreds of men who had gnth- sred at the shaft. Silent groups of wet-eyed women ind children huddled together close to he mouth of the shaft, mutely await ing some hojie from the miners who went down to search for their hus- Ninds and fathers. A steady rain was falling, hut the women, many of them bareheaded, paid little attention to the weather. One of the rescuers said he thought a fourth Imdy bad been found. AND THIRTY INJIIRKD INlJK,!'u Property Loss From Tornado In Colo-1 rado Estimated at Hair a minion ; Dollars. Dinniiicht Okla Nov 5 Six tier- inumugiir ukia., inov. .. ix per ions were killed and more man tnirty injured, seven seriously, 125 persons are homeless and more ta $5.0,000 worth of property was decoyed in the uauu southeast of here Saturday, evening it was lenrned definitely today. In addition to the property damage, oil men estimated that loss of produc- tion wouiu toiai $imo,uuo. Included in the property loss were 133 oil rigs, 31 houses a half dozen plants and numerous other smaller HUKimgK. The dead are: Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Jennings, Cleo EXPLOSION IH HIH Jennings, 12, Wilfred Dobson, 15. ; night will be accepted to apply-upon ... The storm struck three miles north- the offer, provided A of course,", they east of Shamrock and swept a patch ;were mailed in time. " This can be de 300 yards wide, in a northeasterly di- termined by having ; the letter post- rection to within two miles of Drum- marked to show that the subscriptiors , ight. THE COTTON MARKET Near Eastern Situation Party Respon sible for Profit .Taking at Opening of the Market. . 1 Bt the Associated Preaa.1 New York, Nov. 0. Nervousness over the Near Eastern situation and the easier riding of foreign rates were considered partly responsible for very heavy realizing or profit taking in the cotton market at the, opening today The selling was very general and heavy, and first prices were easy at a decline, of 20 to 32 points, but offerings were rapidly absorbed by a continued trade and commission house demand. with the result that the market soon steadied up from the lowest. Cotton futures opened easier: De cember 25.2" ; January 24.93; March 24.70; May 24.50; July 24.15. Charlotte Child Dies. Charlotte, Nov. 4. Emma, the little daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Thadens Adams, died this afternoon of aiph therla after a brief illness. The funeral will be held Sunday. Notw Open New series of stock in this great home-; building and savings institution. ; . . " - '. -We can make loans immediately upon ap-. ' ; provafof application- no waiting necessary. Citizens Building & Lc:n Assochticn (Office in Citizens Bank) . E 205.000 EXTRA VOTES TJTbrary New Proposition In Salesman. ship Club Drive Will Inter , est the Candidates for the Rich Prizes. BEST AND LAST $30.00 CLUB OFFER $30.00 Club Offers Come to An End Next Saturday Night With a Big Decline in Votes Following. . ' In order to give the club member a final otMNHlunlty to secure - a great voe score liefore the $30 clubs are withdrawn, the Salesmanship Club de partment make the following offer, which last for period of just one week ending next Saturday night,- . Novemlier 11th. Two hundred and five thousand (205,1X10) Extra or Addition.' al rote upon each $30 club ef sub . script ions will lie allowed during thl period. Six full dny of opportunity ' confront the memlier who mean bust- . new and nre intent uimn winning one of the big prixe in the magnificent $0,000 array. Last Club Offer. The hist opiKirtnnlty to secure m-h a large number of Extra Vote end Saturday night. Thl Is a final on-lHii-tunlty to poll up areserve vote via the $30 club way. To say that it will lie grasped eagerly i hardly describe , the manner in which' the Interested workers will apply their effort thl week. Several off ers have been made heretofore Imsed upon $30 Club. The plan of this campaign ia such as to .' give, n great advantage to those ex erting their liest effort during the early stages of the club. - Therefore, ' inasmuch as this offer is the final one for $30 clulis, it is reasonable , to lie- ' -lieve that each memlier will break all previous records securing subscrip tions bo as to have plenty of votes on ; hand to use as a bulwark against .; competitors when the final count - ' comes. Outlook Is Bright. - The outlook Is indeed bright. As a topic of conversation. . the Anderson . -Ultra Sport and the other automobiles, and the niany other prizes that are to ' hejtovjshjfsd 'aaatwtSfMfnl' uirauiers me , ciuee oi , iub tirivi-, - mi. un-qnuiic n Icussion. Wonderment is everywhere expressed at the lllierallty of the prize uc..u,..u..... led by the meuiliers to win one of the beautiful automobiles, fully equipped, . . ,.,,., tn rietflii ni , , YA TtT T; reaa5L!? L .'..., .j wi v. TsXri monHn T-ld.! gQ - ant and necessary to succeed in tne- fh .j w tB nrdel unon the ereatest amount of )n ilt, ,ho memhArs hr ,t B not tne monev that counts ;its vote8. Therefore, one -readily grasps ' flle ostreme necessltv of doing their )est work naaer tue biggest; extra, vote period and next Saturday niglt ns the end of the very latest ?au ciuo .offer. - - v t : : Subscriptions mailed 1U Saturday enclosed were not secured later thai. Saturday. Even though the subscrip. tions are received the following Mon- -day they will count to apply upon the offer just the same. This gives an ad vantage to no one ns far a time is com-erned -os all will have an eqnul opportunity to devote the entire day,' Saturday for securing subscriptions oa this last club offer. WOMAN'S NECK BROKEN IN i . AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Mrs. Henry James, of Alamance Coun- , ty, Thrown From a Car. . . I By th Aaaoetatca Prena. - , Burlington, Nov. 6. Mrs. Henry ' ; 3ames,. of Swepsonvllle, Alnmanco ; county, was thrown from an auromo- ;,' bile eight miles north of Burlington , on the Reidsville road yesterday after- noon aliout 5 o'clock, when a car In which she wa riding collided with an- i other car coming in 'from a- side road. . Mrs. James was thrown from the au- 4 tomobile and sustained a broken neck, i She waTushed to the hospital herot. where she lived until about 0 o'cloclc 1,1 this morning. ' ' r ' 1'