rj o e o as:: ..:.v;d o i ;.. . 3 c O DISPATCHES C oooooooc O . AIL O , NLS O o ; today; o oooooooo VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1022. NO. 234: Trib jhe 3 Y r ! SIM-TIMl ii ! A i Tha TWip of Fiftv Miners . . Have Been Recovered and Those of Thirteen Lay in Sight in the Mine. THIRTY-TWO ARE IN THE HOSPITAL There Were 112 in the Mine , When the Explosion Came. . The Total Now Account ed for is 95. v Spongier, ra.Nov. 7 (By the Aeao daUd PreiwO. The ' bodies of ,00 .miners who lost .. their' live in tha Rellly Mine explosion here yesterday, lay In the. temporal?- morgue at 0 o'clock (hla morning. Thirteen uiore, were In sight In the mine, rescue work era said, and &2 Injured Were In the miners' hospital.- V, -' , . leaders of the rescuers summarised the Kitnation at that hour: ' - -.Men In the mine when the explosion occurred, not more than 112 H . ' Bodies recovered W). Bodies located Mi the mine, 13 . : .Injured, In hospital 32. ; ' " ; ' Total accounted for Ki. There waa still anme uncertainty as to the niuniter of men who went to work yesterday but It was pointed out if the total was 112. as some authorl tha believe, . the missing 17 : miners would probably le found In the 8th heading where the water had risen so rapidly that exploration this morning had been .Impossible. Even If then men had trone Into the mine,' It was asserted, they bad prohablv perished. ..... Spangler. Pa., Nov. 6. Between 60 and 60 miners were rallied via Uy Rellly mine of the Rellly CoaL cora pnny, near b:ire this morning, accord ing to an official estimate made public at midnight by rescue workers . and . company officials'. i . , ' Exploration of the workings' by trained rescuers was. being continued tonight None of the doad had been , brought to the surface at .10:30 o'clock.- Thirty survives of the explosion, most of them yoMnjt imet. lay - on s a double row: of cotg la the miners' hos- pital, here, tojilght.' anxiously ,atching niuuv ail i vu . I t a it. uiua rpfSrffirTiiow Wwl 'survivorafii-e : 94 miners who went Into the mine this morning a few minutes before : ,a terrific explosion. The exact number of dead was still undetermined. The vigil began when the' first eight . were brought to the hospital. The : mtrance of ', stretcher bearers meant ' that another comrade had beeft drag ged from an undorground sea of gns. : . At 7 :0 o'clock this, morning - the , explosion occurred in the heari'1 of .; the mitva As soon as : miners ; from neighboring pits ; 'could reach : the mine preliminary work 'of rescue be- gan. and R was supplemented later : in the day by trained engineers- from the United States bureau of mines In Plt?tourgh and the rescue : crews of neighboring mines. , , ; Hie Kscue men all told the same s 1 017. as they came to tlie surface , They deriared bodies were scattered through the workings fori mora than 500 feet. "The sad wart of it," said , one aturdjf miner, "Is that at least 20, of ' - the . victims were within a hundred I feet of frtah atr when they were over- come by the gas. , feev. Edwin Fullenwider Closed Sec ond Year In His Pastorate. - i Salisbury. Nov. - S.Rev. v Edwin : Fullenwider today closed "his-second 1 year as pastor of St. John's Lutheran ' Church, this city, and nt the morning " service a brief report of some, of the . activities of the two years was mftue, v -. ' Thirty-one accessions to the member x ahlp were received at. this service, this r bringing tbe totatl'of new adult mem. . bers received in the two years to 873. , The Sunday school has grown from a 'i' membership of about 300 4o its p'resent i' enrollment of 753: The present church and Sunday, school building hns' been , outgrown and the congregation has re cently purchased a place near the cen n tcr of the -ultjfr at, a price of $35,000, where tuey , propose to soon titmu coinmodious' new church home. '. Say Hooneyham Has Chance of Be. ;'. i"'.-. covery. ;. .-.. : Charlotte, Nov. S. Albert Hooney- - ham. of Raleigh, who was seriously , injured in an automobile accident yes terday near Albemarle in which two men were killed was said at the hos pltal here today to have a chance' for recovery. Ralph Smith and James - Stagg. of Durham, were killed in the - accident. .v . : -.i At the hospital it was said Moohey ban probably would be operated upon during tbe day. His skull was injur ed and at 3 v'clock this morning be was thought to be dying. y;t , "! ' ; 1 witlTour Advertisera. Tbe Bell "4 Harris -Furniture, Co, has many One bedroom' suites-espe-'claliv deslened. on hand now. Call . to see htis furnKnre beiore buying. 1 The days of rain and mud are near. The Motor A Tire Service' Co- has - three pits and is In position to wash ivnnr car st anv time, t - :-.. , Tha C10zns Bank A- ' f rust Cbra onny has been helpful in the np-bulld Ing of this community. It can be. helpful to you in money matters, as new ad. today states, .- ' Iove will bring tbe light and make . the rough road smooth, and brush tb MmeiM IL VT-.Xllt'. away tho difficulties. CHAJtLT A. DRY Dim AT HIS HOME HC.KE MONDAl -'Death u Caused v PnUii F I ml SmUn ItrM at Heet Thl CLar.r A. Iry. .4rnlant LiuiB maa of I til dlry, dii-d at hla home oe I Hoot a t'aloa Wm Mooday af ttmna at P JO o rturk. foUowlag a wee a 111 ri.hi of Mr Drye death, be. within tn i rtcht uT More'lu roo,,"(oa became to critical Una oar mi no oopr was cnn-nainaa rw hi reporery. . ., , Funeral srrrlces were bejd this af ternoua at the ume at a o'rlork, roe dnrted by Iter. V. A. .TtMMnaa, paatoi of St. Jatnea Latberaa Cbnrch. In twiuent waa made In Oakwood rem terr:. - .... , : ' Mr. Dry waa tut years of age. and was a native of tuU eouuty. . He was married on November 31, 1HS.1 to Mi Hudie Llppard. . To the xtUmr ttU children were born,. Ave of whom stir vive. For a good many year be wa owner of a grocery store located ot BuffHlo Htrnet, and during his life wa identified with a nnmlier of anreessfn) buslnemi venture here. . ' Surviving are his wife and five ctall dreit, Mlsaea Nellie; Hnth and findle May Dry, Harold and Irvlu Dry, one nrotner, ueorge i)ry, and one sinter. Mrs. V. C, Lenta. Mr. . Dry became a member of St. Ja lues Lutheran Church at a" youny mnn. and was conn mini in that church I which he remained a memlier. He waa always active la church work, aaf wiso took much interest In the polltl cat ami ctvio lire or the city.-! Tht nnouncenient of bis death was re eetved with genuine sorrow in hit Ule circles of friends. BODIES OF ACCIDENT VICTIMS TAKEJf TO DIBHAX The Third Occupant of . Wrecked Car - , In Charlotte Hospital. 'AHKmarle, Nov.. 6. The bodies of Ralph mith and Jim Stsgg, of Durliaai,'!whn met death in an auto mobile accident between Albemarle and Pee Dee bridge yesterday after noon, were shipped early this morning xo uurnam in care or juie a. smith brother of Ralph Smith, and othtt friends of the dead men, word comes here from Charlotte that Mr. Hooneybam, the other oc enpant ot .the wrecked , autnmobl', who was carried to a Charlotte hos pital last night, will likely reeoveer, Tbo actual cause of the fatal acci dent will hardly be known until Mr. Moonebara has auOk-kutly recovered to relate the. facta of the incidents as there does not seem to have been any eye witnesses., The car dashed down an embankment, about one m be West a. A i. , . . 4 ... ?J,A" Ihto 4 tree. Evidently the' driver was tended by dust as the car ran off on the left-hand side f the road. The car did not turn over. The injuries were the Tsult of the occupants being thrown against the tree or front part of the' car. The front end of the car was completely demolished, It was. a Nash roadster and it is significant thut this same' car was in another wreck about two years ago at or pear Charlotte when two yersons were killed AXERICAT IXRrSSI - MAY HAVE BEEN MURDERED Disappearance of Philip- Shield, of Kicnmona,- uemg luvestigated. Moscow- Novi 7. (By the Associated Press.) The police at Simbirsk, who re investigating "the disappearance three weeks ago. of Philip J. Shield, American Relief -Worker, of Rich mond, v a., are' holding a, woman who told them that l ate on the1 evening of October 18th she say two men lug ging a sack from which two human legs protruded. : ' The authorities arrested the woman id the belief that she was an acces sory.' They declare the cbthces are that Shield was murdered, j . "Romeo and Juliet" FridayNlght., It is too f requtntly argued that the intelligent' public 1 has:, lost its desire for the plays, of! Shakespeare and for good plays in genernl.-. This is a fnl Uicy. The public -icillates. It is true, but there is always a demand in each growing generation for the best of the drama1 and for Shakespeare's 'plays. Popularizing such plays is the mission of the Devereux. Company, headed by Mr. Clifford Devereux with Miss Zln- ita Graf in chief support, who will ap in "Romeo and Juliet", t Central Graded School on Friday night Those who made this interesting engagement, possible deserve a tribute of praise and the- congratulation . of lovers of real dramatic aft,, for the free and flexible method , of the Devereux Company is widely -acknowledged, impressed , as it is upon tbe critical audiences they have entertained through their -well balanc ed reading and perfect enunciation ,of the beauty of Shakespearean text. t-f 4. 11,. i" I .-ii., Blue Ridge Atlantic Conference. Washington,'- Nv C' ' November. 1 Choosing Washington, N. C., vas its meeting place next year, the, annual sessions of : the Blue Rldga-Atlnntic Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Chnreh, which, hps been in convention here eince '.last Wednesday,' adjourned Itonday, .t-t'V.'J-.v . ... v. . a -'t Among the appointments In this see tlon aret '; ;. . v--' vu '':',''; '.v, ';: t- . KannapoliB W. Q. A. Graham. . ' Mlsenhelnier J. I Dennla. ; ' AecldeatalW KUIed by Brolber'.ln-Law 1 Greensboro, Nov.- 6. Ernest Trai ler, aged 27, waa shot and. instantly killed by hia brother-in-law, ,' Ralph Wolfe, aged 25, while the two were hunting on the farm of Trox'.er'a lath er, Monroe Troxler, four miles south of Rld8vllle today. Tha shooting was accidental. - Wolfe lives here, as, vdo Cleverness without principle is no good, and learning la no good without Icoiunion sense to apply !(. , 1 A EUAN LAY POKMVRl R FOB tANTtSOFlX Mar Declare Martial law U 11 BerBa Paris, Nw. 7 I By tha AworiUd Pmm). TV allM high cummlwtiwrr it taMtaatlaopie ave aknl thrir inrrrameata f author laatlua to take Ul unwary aiesmim to nuttntala er la CbOxtaatlBopl U was aa- tuuixvd hrra thta aftrraoun. The ommlssloaen. It was staled, will de- -bir aMrttal law. If necessary. A Kreix-h drradnaugbt will leavr roulon today to Joia tbe allied fleri it Cooslsaftnople. . More Torita Called to tha Col art. Constantinople, Nov. 7 (Ily the A- tnclated Pre Three additional 4sKseit of Turkish soldiers have been fled to the colors. r . BriUsh Retir frua XesrL ConsUntlnopla. Nov. 7. (By th As ociih'd Prtss.) According to Turk- h nationalist headquarters, tha Urlt- ib forces are retiring from iMosel on be Tigris, in northern Mesopotamia nd the KtmalUta are entering th .vacnstod area. - "arkkh Editor Ondcainei to Death. Constantinople, Nov. 7. (By the A oclated Press.) All Kemal Bey, edi hr of the CoOMtaantinople antl-nation- ulist newsiwper, Halwb, has lieen ar- -ested aUtl condemned to death by tbe Turkish airthorUiea here, the allies uive been Informed. . Lata1 last night he allied representatives gave the aew civil governor of the city 48 hours n which to release him, LIGHT VOTE IN SOUTH PREDICTED FOR TODAY (n Most Southera States There la No . Real Opposition to the Demorratif Candidates. ' ' . Br tha Anrtta Prasa.) Atlanta, Gn Nov, ' 7. Rainy or lowW.' 'weather over a majority of he southern states, together with a reneral lack of interest due to the fact that nominations in the democrat ic State primaries .made elections jractically certain, waa expected to ring out a light vote in the general elections today in this section tot the .wintry. -C , - I tmly in Tennessee and those dis tricts in Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia . where the republicans were offering real opposition to the demo- rntic nominee was interest keen, and t heavy vote predicted. BOMB THROWERS GET IN WORK - ATJROCKY. MOUNT Home ef Caast Line Employee Shat teredNo Clue as to Perpetrator. Associate Piw.l ' -Rocky Mount, ; Nov 1 A terrific ex-' causal by dynniuito Uouili.-jvreolLed the front porch and almttered the. home of Robert Breedlove in the Wllleford sec tion of Nash county, on the Outskirts of this city nt 1 :45 a. m. today, : No oue was injured.. , Breedlove is employed in the shop.s of thS Atlantic CoastsXiim railway at Soutb Rocky Mount, police say. . No cine to the person placing the bomb in the home has been found. The blast was plainly heard all over Rocky Mount. . . GIANT ZEPPELIN IS BEING CONSTRUCTED United States Government Is Having a ureat Airsmn mint in Uermany. Friedrichshafen. Germany. Nov. 6. The keel has lieen laid for the giant Zeppelin to be built for the United States government mider the contract signed on June 2ft. A number of con struction details are still awaiting de cision following requests made by tbe commission of experts, which; the Am erican' government is understood . to have assigned to supervisory duty. Among the pending questions is oYie as to whether the Americans prefer new motors, specioUy built for the airship, or those already in stock, left over from the war. ; V - : The dirigible is expected to be com pleted not earlier than August.' 1023. aiici 1 1 ... . uiuia ,ii v. 1,1.1.1111,, , .11...,-,, ery to America by air will, be undof- After trial flights in .Germany, deiiv- taken, and it is reported here that the American commission - will 'make the trip in order to obtain specific knowl edge of the methods of operating the craft The builders estimate that 70 hours will lie required for the tranB-Atlantic yoyaga. , ' - Special Drive Launched to Clean Up 1017 Tax Matters. . Washington, Nov. . A sriecial drive Is Itelng made by the revenue bu reau to clean up pending 1917 tax cas es involving many millions of dollars before the statute or limitations be comes effective,' next smhrner, It was said today at the treasury. -.. ; ; In connection wttn tne government s efforts to collect outstanding back tax es ' it- was -disclosed today at the treasury that Secretary Metfon had bfiJZ? r v '..! TZ oae case personally. adviseS tbe. pay-: wnoon at 8 oVlock, addthe re ment of 17 cents by a tax payer. Mr. 1 1W to rest' in Oakweod ceme, Mellon. it was explained, while at Hot terf e Keat profusion of flowers Springs, Va., was consulted by. hla'w the .large crowd of relatives and barber regarding some correspondence 'friends present attested the esteem in from the Richmond revenue office over which the. deceased waa held. ' ; She a dlscrenancv of 17 cents in the bar - lier'a ta return. -The treasury secre - tary advised payment of the , govern ment's claim. , , Congress to Meet November 20, - (Br U Aaaactotee Praa.t Washington,' Nor.' ', 7. President Harding expects to Issue a call Thhrs - day or Friday for a special session of Coneress convening ' November 20, It waa announced today, at the White House. . .. -..'- '-. ,-, . -Ji,-..;-, ' 'i Clinton, Conn., . Nov. 0. Wllliao H. Vanderbllt, of Newport and New York, The, Star again today ' U offering was -fined $25 and 111.60 costs here.Bettv Compson in the feature "The yesterday for speeding In his antoroo- mle. - liie police said nis car waa go ing 60 miles an hour. He was i th wheel himself. - r ,v - Is Getting Yotes : vBytfe'Thoismds 1 : 1 1 MISS MILDRED BARRIER -.''"-, Mt. Pleasant. -Miss Barrier represents Mt. Pleasant and that vicinity In the Salesmanship Club. " The big Ultra Hport Is her goal and from the sncceas-she is haying lately, the. Indications are that some real campaigning will lie necessary on the, part . of her co-workers . in the drive If the Ultra Sport goes elsewhere MIks Mildred Ik the beautiful and tal ented daughter of Mr, D. I. Barrier and enjoys n wide aequantnnce. WILL ASK FOR INDICTMENT . - AGAINST THREE PERSONS Mrs. Jane Gibson' Story Has Been Definitely Corroberated by Mrs, Fraley. .. ' .New Brunswick; N, J., Nov. 0. The story told by Mrs. Jane Gibson, woman of considerable mystery, the. self styled "eye-witness"? of the double murder of the RerEdward Wheeler Hull and Mrsiuabor R. Mills ou September 14, bist, has been definitely corroborated, authorities said tonight. It nUo was - imoflicuill.v reported that the grand itlry would be asked tot return' Indictments' aganst a wonian and two men. . ; An ittornes who- bad figured prominently 'i the Investiga tion said legal preparations already were being made to clinhat the indict ment , 1,1 The corrobtrntlnj4tnesa- of Mrs. Gibson's, story tluvt- site saw the rector and the choir singer slain- while she was searching tor farm looters on the Phillips farm. Special Detective .Tames Mason announced, is Mrs. A. C Frnley. who lives near he pcene where the two bodies were found. Slgpurney Smith, grave digger, who boards at the'-. Fraley house, has been questioned by state troopers, and the substance of his testimony is being closely guarded. When approached hv newspaper .writers Smith haa de clined 4o talk and lina repeatedly de clared the detectives have warned blui not to discuss the double murder. , In preparation for presenting tbe entire case to the grand jury the au thorities today Miegnn n general re questioning of all persons who have previously been mentioned In connec tion with the ease. APPOINTMENTS ANNOUNCED. M. P. CONFERENCE ADJOURNS Conference Approves Plan for Raising : $25,000 Endowment Fund for Super annuated Ministers. Henderson, Nov. 0. Reading of ap pointments stationing the various preachers for " the coming year fea tured -the. closing session here today Of the North Carolina Methodist Prot estant 5 Conference, The conference tnHnv, flnnrnVBrt a ntnn - fhi-, lCAiainv - - " i i--- v. - - $25,000 to be used as endowment for the support of superannuated min isters. . .. The ; report of the finance committee, was adopted as presented. -The following are some of the ap pointments r ; , Concord A. D. Slielton. ' Abemarlew-TA. Williams. ' Allison Grove J. V. Alexander. Fairview s C. J. Kdwards., Haw River E. G. Lowdermllk. Kernersville W. E. Kenne.tti 1 Midland J.: F. Alexander. . f Mt. Hermon A. C. LIndley.r. Roberts -J. T. SJsk. --, ..'Rev. D. A. Braswell was left without appointment at his own request. " Funeral of Mrs. D. A. Searaw The funeral service of Mrs. D. A. Sears was conducted from the home ' was a xaixnrui momer, a consisrenc i church member and a devoted wife. It can trnly be said of her an it was of Mary,.'She hath done-what she could." ; She still lives- not only In llAlll'nn lint1 l V am ( nht . Kwt rvV f- -vVk a ulent hUdrem ' The bereaved husband and family have the deepest sympathy lof friends and loved ones. ' v ' A FRIEND, At the Theafres. - ' "Biasing Arrows," with Leaterun o, - another western feature and . a comedy are being shown at the Pas- time today. Bonded Woman.' ' . " - 1 , At the Peldment today ""Queen o' at the Turf.T ts arnltv being shown. Also two ibig cqmedlca. , .r; '. THE KING'S DAl'CnTKS IstamHac Meetiac HWd , WUi Mn. u. B Airwla. Tbe knl rlrcf of the Riug'a Danga era lw-H a very iDivreHtiug lurvtini Mi MX tar rreclnc at tbe kou of Mrs G. B. Lewis. ,' - The vMtina man ni It tne aiada later eating rert of work duo aavmar tb si-k and awriy; fonr homes vlxited. ami rilrtbe along with other attieast tie were girca aa the rasra dentaaded. Tbe tressnrer reported tbst she h" In band S121 In Ibe Tiny Tim fund Tlie circle manifetted a great apprecl atlon for tbe contributions received and hopes other gifts for tbia fund will follow. - The fotlowtn committee, nnnpooW of Mies Addle White, Mary Kfng aw' Mrs. R, M. King, was appointed W wait on the manager of the loal mo vies requesting them to put on picture ia- Drc?mbef eaipliBKlslng toe spini and vtory of the Christmas season for tbe benefit of tbe children and an In spiration to the grown tips In leading them to a full appreciation of the beau ty of a service In keeping with the occasion. Tbe tuberculosis condition in Cabar rus was dlscnswd with 'much Interest and the King's Daughters are now. ar in the past, patiently hoping to hear of some definite, action lieing taken bj tbe county officials toward a home for tbe afflicted people who have not the dollar. A. committee from this cir cle have already waited upon the conn ty commissioners iu the Interest of this relief. The following, will attend from Con cord the approaching annual conven tion of the . King's Daughters, which meets early in Decemlier In Green vllle, Mrs. J. A. Cannon, as a me.nilier of the executive committee: Miss Mar gie McKnchern. as the state treasurer: Mrs. J. P. Cook, president of the locil circle, and Madames G. IS. Lewis and It. A. Brown, and Miss Jennie Klnttz as delegates from the Stonewall circle. The circle adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. F. Cannon the first Monday In j fce.mner. airs. Knmest Hicks. Mrs. Campbell Cline and Miss Jennie Klutts constitute the visiting committee for the month of November. 4,411 ACCIDENTS AT " RAILROAD CROSSINGS These All Occurred During the Four Months of This Year's Summer Sea- - son. New York, Nov. 0. Rnllroad cross ing accidents during the four summer months of 1022 mounted to 4,4ir in the period 'of the careful crossing cam paign waged by the American Railway Association, that; . organization an nounced today. , . ; ; , -N Althomflr this . represents an, in-, crease- far -cent.ore tlw period in 2t 'the 'association claims the cnuipnign actually r saved-manv lives since 21 per cent, more automo biles were In operation thnn last year. and nearly 10 per cent, more railway cars were transported. The report is lmsed on the casual ties recorded by 108 railroads coverlne 204,001 miles, or four-fifths of the class mileage- in the country. It re veals that from June 30 to Septemlier 30, 003 persons were killed in cross ing accidents, nn increase of 24 over last year, while 1,800 received non-fat al injuries, as compared with 1,758 in the same period of 1921. . MV.es ot to Lose Their Grip on Hit , nation. - ; A Constantinople, Nov. 6; Though the nationalist civil power Is in control' In Constantinople, the entente does not intend for the present at teast to lose its grip on the military authority. Great Britain and France are in accord on the point that the Turks must live up to the oolivention drawn up at Mu- danla, and it is not doubted that the other interested countries will fall Into line with this policy. . " There is every desire, however, to meet Turkish aspirations within prop er limit and to this end the auiea com missioners today issued the following statement: "The inter-allied high commission ers are firmly resolved to observe strict Impartiality , with regard to events which concern the internal pol icy of Turkey. The atl.'ed genera will continue to apply the clauses of the Mud'anla convention and maintain order and security In the zones occu plod by the allied armies.. :V Replying to the last communication with Angora concerning the Lausanne conference, the commissioners, while renouncing the wish interfere with Turkish policy, express the hope there will be only one Turkish delegation to the conference. . . The allied commissioners refuse to discuss the demand of the Angora gov ernment that onlv one warship at time titter Turkish pc-rts and then on'y with the consent of the TurUlsh au thorities. : ' " - Local Police Get Stolen Car and Driver. Local police officers Monday found here a Ford tourmg car - which was stolen from the streets of Charlotte during ttib aftejnoon. A negro, Rich ard Phlfer,. was driving the car nt the time. According to a report to local Officers the car belonged to a man from Huntcrsville. Tha", Charlotte police notified local officers that the' car con tained half ''a bushel of -potatoes, When found here the bushel measure was in the car but the potatoes were gone.' Phlfer was lodged in Jail for the Charlotte officers. s- Three Feet of Snow In West. Deadwood, 8. D., No. ! C Nenrlv three feet of snow Covered the Black Hills today, .completely paralyzing traf fic and communication -with the out side world for a time. . The fall has ceased, t i Working yourself to death la hard, Loafing yourself to : death la easier and much quicker. Money Invested In knowledge pays the best Interest ' 1 . ELECTION XTWS TOMCHT. IW Tritaa has amade arrso"amara a rorelve tbe eiertioa returaa tonight from County, Ktato aad aattao. We atll begta to gH Aaanriaied Preaa re ports at eMufe, aad Ibeaa wUl mo da ne at Intern Is np to 11 40, We will ilao m the returna fnaa tbo county prerlat-ta. aad hope to have tbe complete- reports from ta entire county O- 11 o'clock. HENRY nOTiS WANTS SOMETHING DONE NOW fcys AothoriUea Are Too Rlow Taking Actios la tbe Hall Mills Murder Mystery. fWr tha Aaaaetatao Ffwaa.) Ijivalette. N. J Nor. 7. Henry Stevens, brother of Mrs. Frances Htev- na HhU. -klow of Kev. Edward Wbeeiev Hall, who was murdered with VIra. Eleanor Riiiefenrdt Mills near Rrtuutw'lck on Sejitetulier 14th last, is liscontented at the delay (n tbe official nqulry and contemplates bringing tbe natter to an Issne by leaving town. Mrs. Ethel Stevens, his wife said in in interview here today. "We think that it ia about time that I we should pull up our belongings and to away from here just to force an issue with -the authorities who are in vestigating the murder." she .said. Stevens bas told the Investigators bat he was fishing near Lsvalette on he night of the murder, and has fur- uished the names of several persona. s-ho be said, sayr him. Mrs. Jane Glb n, farmer, has told the authorities hat a man committed the murders. tnd that he wus accoiuimnied by a .vouiaii iu a gray coat. KUKLUX MARCH IW AXD GIVE PASTOR .10. Five Men Materially Help DnUdlng Kand of ChrDsMan Church at New Bern. (Br the Aaaodatad Preaa.) New Bern, NoV. 7. Alighting from closed car which had driven up In front of the Church, five men wearing regalia of the- Ky Klux Han Sunday night walked into tbe (vestfbule of the nristian cnurcn and inquired ni an isher whether the collection had been taken; and when informed of affirma tive, silently filed down one of the ilsles to the rostrum where the leader Ivanded to the Rv. Preston Bell Hall Jve U00 bills. Following this the hooded figures sl- ently. faced about, retraced their steps, reentered thtir car and drove hurriedly away. The congragation was awestruck, but at tbe same time jubi- ent over the fact that their building fund had been materially increased." PHTNRfW- BANFUTH-ARE - ---V HOLDING MISSIONARIES Reports Say H. E. Legard and Madame Soderston and Others , Are Being Held Now. Shanghai, Nov. 7 (By the Associated Press). Bandits who kidnapped H. E. Legard, of the China International Mis sion staff on October 28th, also holding Madame. Soderstorm. of ire np Lutheran Mission, a Friench priest, and another Frenchman at that place, according to advices received here. Madame Soderstorm'a daughter also was captured, but Inter was released. The bandit forces operating along the Peeklng-Hnnkow Railroad, are es timated at 10,000 strong. NOTHING HEARD FROM STONY POINT CASHIER 4. W. White, Who Disappeared Novem ber 2nd, Still Missing. ' f Ur tha Aaaoelata traa. : Statesville, Nov. 7. Nothing has been heard from A. W. White, cashier of the Bank of Stony Point, who dis appeared November 2nd. The books of the bank are being audited, and one of the auditors, I. W." Bingham, stated- this morning that there is now nn apparent shortage of S9.000, but this may be chanced when the work Is. completed. , The bank will open for business tomorrow with, Mr. Bingham in charge. He will remain there until everything Is straightened out. which will require about a week, it is said. ' . Ready For National Field Trials.: AldioAVa., Nov. 7. The National Beagle Club of America begins its thirty-third annual field trials here to morrow, and the results of the week will be watched with great interest Scores of dogs, the product of years of careful breeding and training and the victors of all of the trials of the past yenr, will lie brought into compe tition. A large prize list has been provided for the single classes, open, derby, win ners' stake and pack classes. The National Challenge Cun is offered, as) well as the Somerset Challenge Cup, wus taken to mean the case would be -Watchman Cup, Hermes Plate and presented to the grand Jury Thursday ' Wheatley Frantic Cup. .; ; ;. ; Now Open - New series of stock ia thi? great home- ' ' building and savings institution. ' " '- '- - ' "'' ' .- i- - " ","' "' ' ,''- We can make loans immediately upon ap- ;v - r proval of application no waiting necessary. CitizensxBdlJfcg & Lcm Asscci:ti:D ' ' (Office in Citizens Bank) . , 3 B EL1EVF A nti HAS . Police Are InTestijratinif The ory that Jlra. Iillie Kliraek Has Poisoned at Least Four of Her Husbands. BELIEVE COUSINS WERE POISONED TOO Several Cousins Became lit After Dining at the Klimek , Home, the Chicago Police Have Been Told, . (Br tka aaairlrta Praaa.) Chicago, 111., Nov. 7. Investigation of the life, of Mrs. Lillle Klimek, who, according to the police, la believed to have poisoned at least four husbands, was extended today to Include other lnte relatives of the woman. Her present husband, Joseph Kli mek, Is seriously 111 from poison. Ho recently bad bis life insured. In tbe body of another husband was found enough poison to kill "four mert," ac cording to a coroner's physician, I'lans were made to exhmne tbe bodies of the woman's two other for-." nier biiKliauds. Meanwhile Harry Siildn, a cousin of tbe accused woman, told tbe state's at- . torney office of tbe mysterious death of his sister. Rose, who died after attend ing a dinner at Mrs. Klimek 's home. ' When Sulda's story was told. Eliza beth Wyechowski, another cousin with her two sisters and a brother died nn- -der mysterious circumstances after they dined at the Kllmek'a borne. The two cousins asked to baVe the bodies of their relatives exhumed for . examination. . - TODAY'S EVENTS. ' ' Tuesday,' November 7, 1922. Charlotte Cratree (Lotta), once famous to the American stage, it 75 years old today. The House of Representatives of the v 08th Congress will be chosen in ; the , election today. ! . : - In thirty-three of the States tbe vot ers will make their .selection of United : , States senators. i In twenty-nine States governors and ;: other State officials are to 'lie selected 'br-.tha-'-votera." .-'. j'': In several of the other States' the erHpiarwIirne RrtfflSMT jwTgt amT minor State officials. . . Important initiative and referendum i . measures, and constitutional amendments-will be submitted to. the voters v in many of the States. Bonuses . for soldiers, the sale of ," light wines and beer, bond issues for public utilities and highways, and ! changes in election laws will be in- .eluded, anions these nronosals - ' The names of fourteen women ap- -pear on the ballots as candidates if or. s Congress four of them aspiring ' . to . i seats in the Senate and ten seeking V election' to the House of Representn-tives.- , Fifty years ago ; today one of the greatest mysteries of the sea had its beginning when the brig Mary Celeste sailed; from New Tork.;. About a month biter the vessel was picked u off the Azores with her sails set anl . : everything, on board In perfect order, but with no person aboard. What hal. hapiwned to .the vessel and what be- . came of her crew was never exnla'n- ed. The mystery-, furnished tbe basi3 for one of Poe's most thrilling tales. PLOT TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE IN HALL MILLS MURDER CASE? Inquiry Hampered by Refusal of Some Witnesses to Tell What They Know. : ) (Br tha Aaaaclated Preaa.) - New Brunswick, N. J., .Nov. 7. In-- - vestigation of reports of a plot to oIk struct justice in the Hall-Mills min der case and protect the murdered s was underway here - today. Special Denntv Atrornev General Wilbur A. Mott, who expects to seek the indict- i ments ot tne "woman in gray,: tne lat ter part of the week on the strength of i the eye-witness story of Mrs. Jane Gibson, is said to feel that the inquiry has been hampered by tbe refusal of some of tbe witnesses to' tell all they know. 3 Others, it is said, have placed obstucles' in the' wsjfr of the investlga-. tors, and Mr.- Mott intends to prose cute them on charges of being acces- ' soriea after the fact In tbe event he finds evidence supporting the report. . ' : Definite action was promised by Mr. Mott before the week ends, and this or Friday