- w f v. v, w w O o TCliAVS ' o o nl-s o O TODAY. O oooooooo AILT TRI f I r.lATED - O PiiLSS C O DISPATCHES C oooooooq VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1922. NO. 235. TTb TTTVTTO o as: JDU1NJLY v Vw ' 1 j i II;: 7 n t IF mm V Miss Margie M'Eachern Leads County Ticket In a Sweeping Victory All of the Democratic Candi dates Elected First Time Whole Ticket Was Elected Since-W(4V ;i KANNAPOLIS GAVE DEMOCRATS VOTES That City With Concord Off- . N . .- H'L.i . Republicans Enjoyed From County Precincts. Calwrrna- Comity is ; njrnln Demo rrntle. Cntchlng ate with the reat of the conutry, ami imrticnlurly with oth er ronutlt'H In the rotate whh'h for year have been going Kopulilhun, Cu lm rrua Tuesday rnat a aide tbe Kppnp llcau niaioritlea which it Inia been pil ing up for 1(1 years, and gave Denio (ratio mujoritiea rnnginff from 215 to (iio. v. .-.,. Old politicians declare' the victory the greatest the Democrats have aver gained in Cabarrus County, and this opinion la held by Republicans and Democrats alike. ' Going Into tbe elec tion with the odds apparently against them the Democrats lmlletj tbtir Iwat strength in recent' years, and wiped out large Republican majorities of two yeitrs ago with aubatnhtial gains in every precinct in the county .except one. It waa the first complete Demo cratic victory 'since IfXai. , ji-; To Miss Margie McKuchern goea the honor f sewiriug the largest vote cast In thes election. Opptiwliig-J. Mfli'k Bradford for theoce of iunty tfeas- tirer, aliaa McBlaci 11 idled up a uia jorlty of 1(10. J. 1 ey DfHtn, elect- ed treasurer ,t,wo -K('."n He- ... ,..m.... . -f":- - it'Ut TillHtoi trfclMiti j.,. vfiXlUiJ'frT.iJ - Jtlas McKacheru's ylctory mnklng-r a change of about 1,000 hi the voting. ., . Ij.. Ar. Elliott, of KAnnapolls, oppos ing J. F. Harris, for register of deeds, had the next highest majority. 488. Mr. 'Elliott also had the distinction of poll ing the largest vote In Kannapolls, he having secured a majority of -about 854 in the two Kannapolls boxes. He ran 'well in the county,: and was scratched in but few precincts. . 1 ( .. ,' ' Walter Furr received a majority or 4M over M. G., Lent for surveyor, and Dr. Joe A. lfartsell recehed a major- ,ity of 403 over Dr. J. V. Davis for coroner;" John McAllister's majority . over Cv 0. Stonestreet - for clerk of court was 302. W. B, Roger defeated Tj. C. furner by 370 votes for cotton weigher and ,T. B. Sherrll defeated II. H. Williams by a majority of 220, for the State Legislature. ' - ; y , ' The majority. vfor, Frank Armfleld, lemocratic nominee for tbe 8,tate Sen ate, was 320. ; The vote fof Dewney was about the same. . -" ; , Congressman Doughton received a majority of 300. . : '. 4 The . Democratic candidates - for County Commissioners' ran on a level w ith the ticket with the Exception of 3. F. Dayvault, i-andldate for chair man.' His majority over Luther Wed dinctom the Republican nominee, for -chatl-maii of the board, was 428. The other commissioners ,. enjoyed major! ; ties of about 330. x " ; W. P. Mabery's majority over How nrd Caldwell for the office of sheriff was 215. This majority, the. lowest I enjoyed by vany Democrat, probably "wnh caused by the fact-that the Re i nnbllcans made their hardest light for Mr. Caldwell. Most of the liettlng . none, nemre me eivciiuu mmm ; Caldwell, and he waa considered the Btfotigest man on the ltepubiican iick- : The full Democratic ticket Is an fol lows: " 1 . (Congress R. L. Doughton. ( -' State Senate Frank Armfleld. : ; : State House J. B. Snerrlll. : , tlerk of Courts-John McAIlIster., ' , . Cotton Welcher W.. B. Boger. . . ; Treasnrer Miss Margie McEachern. " ; Register of Deeds L. V. KlUott. v Surveyor AValter Furr. ' Coroner Dr. J. A. Hartsell, Sheriff W.f P. Mabrey. ConntT Commissioners s J. F, Day1 " vault, chalrmam W. D, Harry, W. C. MnKiniev. John H- IIein.e and J., 'M. ' ;The State ticket received the aver- age Democratic vote, the total not be- J na known nt this time. '' ' The vote on tae amenumeui w ru " the pay of legislators from f.4.00 to $10 00 a day also is unknown at this time. ' It will prolwbly take the.offl- clul count to determine the fate of the amendment In Cabarrus, though the several precincts in the county which v made 'a report, show that there was - much voting against It it Is bellev . el, however, that the amendment car i rled In this city, and was dofeated In ITannnnnlia. . i In every" precinct -In the- county ex cept No. 7; the Democrata made gains, 'Vwlth their biggest gains aelng regls- -.wi tn Kiinniinolls. Two sears ago KannapoliB went Republican by a big ' majority, and this year the two boxes there rolled up goou icuiotiiiiu u.o wtiles. with Mlas McFJichern and Mr, Elliott leading. '. Though box one. Township 4. vent Kepuwieaa aa us-, naL the majority -was no no great aa two rear a Kit. and t be vote ia Kan-i un) tolls nuule the box Democratic this I yeaf. , '.,' -j The liest Nggewt iJemooratte aula! was rejiortert Jn Sn, 2 township, at the Ilartxell Mill box. where the Demo- (rata reduced the Republican majority , of two yenra no hy lit In Nod, H. . an.l tbe Demorrara ina.le aalna," with No. 7 abnwinit a Hepnhll.-an (tnln of aimut 1 votee. The Independent eanilidateo, Charlea 'Miller and W. A Joyn;T, 'both aeekinc t be elected sheriff, did not receive a large' nurober' of vote, according to meager reiurna made to tn a otnee. Ac- cording to the few reports made on theBe two candidates Mr. Millet1 receiv ed 25 votes and (Mr. Joyuer 3. snrlse to the most ho,K.fTl)." crata. There were few neVaona in the ! county who felt that the Deinocrata wnnl.l mnko . ..Um .! m. The result of the election came as a' of the betting favored the Republican Mn.ii.i...i -uk '.r':' uSS ftrt S; McKacheTTITnd S?i TmSm- w4re thT two atrongest candidates with Mr. Mc - Alllater next.. The Republicans, as! ... i .i i. tight on Mr, CaHwell, and that he was their moat nomilar ramlldnte la ahnwn ttJSiJSthrr! having aClknlto&a vSte K t secured tne inrgear Keptumcnn ote. - Election night here passed off with the usual shouting, singing, horn blow llng nnd anto rides, but the police stnt- SUSf Tk3 ra"3nit I iirrrhXIIii.i: ionarresi was mane, tne neiennant ne-1 inr' charged with imrslng on the, IfiinwilJ. ., j-. - . 1 The Democrats are. Jubilant Thai T1 1.11 i I J.- mm . nTrr': u. . . . .. . : i v." a"B '"tJ' TO-BUM rMBn-.IUI. ailWW iwh..wi-m ninypj. ..urtowiihiu ,"" ? T . . 1 . UJ: l,V- I 400 this year. '' Mondell Apparently Defeated. , 1 (Br the AsmmImc rm.) " ' Cheyenne," Wyo , Nov. 8. Frank W. Mondell, republican floor leader In the House of Representatives and for more than 25 years almost continuous ly a member of Congress, apparently 1ms been defeated for IT., 8. Senator by John B. Kendrick, democratic incmu-bent.;-; Returns compiled from 307 pre cincts of 050 In the state give Mondell 11,722 add Kendrick 15,122. . Near East Position a Menace to the world. i ' London Vmr tn the Aianciatoi Press). Foreign Secretarv Curzon In 1 338 prelncts out of , a total of 8.107 an address today declared that the'in the state at 11 o'clock this morning, position in the. Near East at this mo-l - ' mailt'- "consHtiire. ,. the ,., definite! Rowan Has Bhr Democratic Majority. menace to the -peace of the world." He 'asserted that the Turkish preten sions are- without Justlllcntion and are notrttt; he tolerated. .. :- 8,139,83 Bales tinned to November 1. New . York, Nor. 8. The census re port showing 8,139,830 bales of cot ton ginned to November 1 waa takVni l,t IfuAl MB ln 1 1 . I uj ,vai , i niit . b na iu line mill xirui crop estimates 1 and . was followed by au opening advance of 25 to 48 points In the cotton market here today. . new iiaimn Amoassaaor at rtasmng- , ion. ' Rome, Nor. 8. (By the Associated Press). Prince Galaslo Caetanl, , a memiber of the Chamber of Depatles, has been appointed Italian ambassador at Washington. ' , - w - Money which is striven for brings wUh it the real qualities of life. ' oMMoBaMMBBBBjBMI - .JeBjaBaaBBMMBMMBaBBBBjoJB , aa-i ' 1 922 .: . : -;: & 7': "Congress State Senate Housci Clerk" CTW'elglierTreasurer Register Surveyor Coroner Sheriff County Commissioners " ,, . . . ... ';'-' : " "' .'-':' , i . i' 1 , : : : . : ' ' i.' Y !'"7- Precinct 1 a a 3 No. 1 j... - 108 242 118 244 132 ; 243 v i 227', 130 ' 221 143 No. 2 Bl ' ' 70 . IW1 " 81 " - 03 78 , 100 : ' 83 TV M -:f". 85 T 02 ' 88 No, 2 B2 - '57 123 52 133 ' 51 144 51 138 ' 52 .137' ,03 No. 2 B3 - 11 53 " 134 i 52 135 ' 82 133 ' 01 - 184 R2 133 70 No. 3 .1 - "120- 8 124 " 71 -124 71 124 71 124 . 60 '-127 No. 4 Bl a-;. ' 200 . 326 22T; 318 v 235 815 , 235 310 i 280 v 325 242 No. 4 B2 258 15 , 254 t 107 2.W' 172 ? , 256 101 ' 254 171 , 258 No. 4 B3 384 270 30(1 . 205 304 ' 205 . 898 2t8 300 208 898 No. 5 80 1B8 89 ' 1 8ft 104 88 102 08 140 04 No. 6 ." , L: 11 156 ' 100 156 188 ' 156- 190 155 191 155 190 No. 7 50 lOS" 50 '174 - 50 174' 54 170 50 173 ' 51 No. 8 , ',384 1 159 373 105 j 875 107 390 '140 377- 107 374 No. fi .177 J24 179 124 177 120 (181 121 182 121 178 NO. 10 .240 208 240 ., 801 252 298 : .249 802 ' 201 285 250 No. It Bl - ri 127 -108 127 108 126' 100 122 ' 113 125 100 122 No. 11 B2 110 203 113 205 100 264 110 202 120257 115 Ward 1 Bl ...i.-r-.- 403' 171 450 183 , 448 102 ! :,' 458, ; 184 ' 455 ' 187 44it Ward 1 B2, ; . 121 108 127 102 .117 103' 135 V il7 136 104 140 Ward 2 327 17T: 828 1T2 827 181 321) 178 , 829 ' 179 r 338 ,Ward3l 170 62. 170 - 03 170 05 170 07, 170 '07 170 Ward 4 285 178 2K2 184 ' 273 180 282 184 282 185 280 'Ward5. - i 228 ', 279 ; 225. x 255 202 285 225 ,284 221 287 245 Total.: J J-. 4230 "Tmso"' 4202 8936 4222 3993 48H 8027 - 4337 8925 4397 Majorities.. 800. 826 . 229, ,. 802 412 610 I LOME MFLECTFD BT 1 I TIKI SMALL MAJOIlTT.j i it Ieat oa tht Face f lk fietanr. ; Rutjurt el Um Teta Tt UI B f Asked. ay Ik MiHrifl fmi, I ' B-ton. Not. I. Senator Henry Cab jot Lodje waa reelected or:r Willlan i A. Gansn, Denmcrat, yesterday by ' j plurality of 1.946. A recount of the nu tor the Senator undoubtedly will be asked by Col. Oastoa, b: associates jy - ' , , ,. r Demceraue Senator Elected la Deta ware, " 4Br tho Aetate4 Pros.) . wumnaton. Del , Not. R Thomas F. Bayard, mm r the late Thomas F. Hurard. who was secretary of state nmlnr nmr PIotpIhimI wb pImhm) tn the t'nltert Ktatea Kenate yeatfrrtny on tn. fnM, -....mrt. illlt nnnfflol.l tnrna ttnm peOaware. Final retnrnH ave Bayard I,7M. ami Senator Cole-1 man Dul'ont, Reptihlican imiimltent SD.431. ' , ' Coneiwman Tjiytnn, .'Keptibllran, .woe defeated hy Wra. H. Boyd by more ' timn 6.0110 uialorlt.r. i Kellogg Defeated In Minnesota. ' t 7 (Br tb nt( prca.i 6t. Paul. Minn.. Nov. 8. When re- tnrns on United States Senator had n received from 1014 of the ttate's , 5." precincts at noon Uaiay the count atoai: KelloRK roDublican. 3.92!:- . Shipatend. farmer-b.lmr, 120-08; nnd Ifieten dim-rt 41 Ksi . m. t-j iBdtaiSolir 2-425 of the S.3M6 P-soinct. in Indiana ' for Vnitetl States -Senator give o 00.279,- Beveridge 383,366. . i Rnls- J tlM MlcWgan, Tvi4 Mm iiR. ih nioA " B toy we Asooctaiea Pr)-Former Sovernor W. N. Ferris democrat, waassured of election to ,. 1T, a,,. .-j... the United SUtes Senate today when .11, ki.i 101 n,nin.. . heard from he waa hnldlnir lead of: Charles E. Townsend i n-i,. M aaa m. ini in inulati "TT 7TL."fT' - . r - . . - - .KUtesvine, Nov. R-lredell County n' TiiAAan'a n Ana ahnn.oil TlomA. Rcpumi,n maj.rity so far In th .. '..i .;.:. " " m,oh votes over ur. ise tnmpneu. Claim 5,000 Majority for Dcugtton. (Special to The Trlbuae.) StatesvUle, ,Npv,. 8. SA B., Miller, campaign manager for Congressman R. L. Doughton, last 'night In a. state ment claimed the reelection of Mr. DoughtOn by a majority 'of 5 OO-i) over hi. .I,hii..n ,sn J.ni Ti. ti, famn J bell. -.: " " .-.i . 1 1 1 j iii, . .- v ' "Wets' Lead in Ohio. .. , (Br tbo A s elated Fnai.) . Columbus, .Ohio, Nov, a The wets had a lead of 5,050 votes" for the'wlne and beer amendment to the Ohio con- stitution on returns available from 5.- BDcelal to Vha Tribune) Salisbury, Nov. 8.; -Rowaa County In Tuesday's election gave Congressman Doughton a majority of 2300 in his con test with Dr. Ike Campbell. Sheriff Krider was reelected by a majority of between 1400 and 1500. . -, CatewbavDemocratie - . " (Special ia The Trltrane.) ' Hickory, .. Nov. . 8. By : majorities . . . .'.v. kiq . frr.t .kn -J j t,7k nn Tn j X' count ( lUllKlllK.lLUUI UVQ 1U IUV uiv uoiuwiuui; ijatawoa uounty in yes- county election the first time this county has ibeen deuocrat.c since 1912. Democrat Ahead in West Virginia. , ' (Br the Aaooetate Preea.) . Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 8.r-Returns from 1,522 ,of the. 2,095 prectnete for United States Senate give Neely, Dem- ocrat, 151,210; Sutherland, Republican, 1 139,543. ' I a -! ! , 09 DEnOCRATSREGAIN Bi? . Republcafi Majorities Piled Up Two Years Ago ; Swept Aside )by Increased Democratic Hctories. COMPLEXION OF HOUSE UNCERTAIN PpflirYia T?pivpH cn Par Civ enH KeceiVeQ SO fST (jlVe uemocrais, Leaa iot a Single Republican Gain in House Has Been Noted. New York, Nov. .8? (By the Aasort- nted Ireti8l. 8weil U'roio a rlsiint title of democratic vft-torlca in jnany states, the treuiemloi re;iiililicuii 111.1- J"" l' up in-iae ii minu land- JZ! ri. " .J" St?$ "T''"1'1 1 ".-Senate nnd in the House of Repro 5 J republican managers declared but th.y JWohM not be wiped out At im .ti time. ST. states had eJ?rtJ2Pt5,,., ,rV0,, lunnt. u , imtkiv-E. ' iT-iiiiuiii nun , IIUI ther toward control bf the House of iRwreaentatives. The vote at that hour stood HeniilillrtiiiH isa- Ttomn.-1 nii. kvuuuii crats 187 ; Sw-Ialtats I. A to control is 218. Iowa was mi. n-hw.h ha. Kiima,i ate which has returned a solid re- nnliliinn ileWntlmi ) I Not a single republican gain in the ed today to ,-ount against tbe Inroads 'the democrats apparently made In ev- r stntn Vnrton imiusa ranrrin,.' ..i.ii.im 1 L.tm V l.nnl1nl,t A MLMh.tl.lA K.. " ITr "' ' V milll, . . v , y y.S 1 . r republican, chairniij' he, JIttitse jB - fdicinry wimmlttee. and author of the renuiuK-an. cuairmaa lobratMl nrohll.lHon enforcement lw tl, n. : : ; , 7. Seventh Minnesota district by the Rev.! O. J. Kvnle, running as an indejiend - ent and who proclaimed himself "dryer than Mr. Volstead." i Volstead was the first of the lm- porta nt chairmen of House committees uroi ui mr ucuiucrunc . hub. Representative flralinm, republican, of ! Pennsylvania, is in line to succeed to cuairmausnip oi luejutuciury com- mittee. ,', .gave each party 178 votes toward the Want Smith For President. ! majority of 218 for which they were . New York, Nov. 8 Governor Smith's straining. ' . smashing victory immediately started. Only 21 states had reported a com- nis menus Dooming nira ior ine iem "era tie nomination for the Presidency in x 1024. He only smiled, however, when be was hailed as "the next Prea- 'dit-ot the United States.' A wild- lh enthusiastic reception was given nira arms netuKiuariei-s. i "The job I've just been elected to is big enough for ' any man," he said. Citizens Ticket Wins In Forsyth (Br the AowH-lnte4 Pnmi Winston-Salem, Nov. 8. The Citi zens ticket composed of democrats and republicans, won in yesterday's elec- diana, on official returns that had been tlon by majorities ranging from 35 to compiled from 1.P98 out of 3,395 prc-351.- Hendrix, Democrat, for the leg- cincts today. The precincts tabulated Islature led' the successful ticket. i Included the vote from (Marion coun- .-r- '".;! : I ty anil all the large cities of the State. T Although ; four times married, a Mr- Ralwton's election seems assured. woman in NeorasKa nas cnangea nor name only twice.1 Her first two hus - did also her third anil fourth. An eminent English Dhyslcian. who recently arav.9 evidence at an inmiest on an woman addicted - to ekcessive cigarette smoking, urged that women should take to smoking ipipes. . I i J I u a 222 87 110 115 , 08 313 '101 ' 250 ,'100 152 , 173 , 104 ,124 ' 205 108 204 ira -181 108 58 , in 8787 4382 488 3894 4315 3(10 REPl"BLICANR HFRE UTCRi: .. . ItRTALN OF WXVOXG Be fenfiiicnt That They Had Pent-Eler-tlen Fropagaada Printed Tuesday Morning. -' That the ReiMihlicans were cer tain of carrying this comity again In the election Tueaibiy la eWdem-ed by the fact that they bad KXt -elect Ion pniinaanda printed Tuemlay morning, so that it' could he distributed among the Democrats aa soon aa tbe returns were beard Tuesday night. Here ia au example: IX MEMORY OF ' tender the afsl . , Lies Major Foil: He tried to win with tricks. But got "ladled." THK WAY THEY FEEI. ABQI'T IT "We are Democrats Nirn. "Wo are Democrata bred; "But after tonight We are Democrats dead." AT THE BLA.IXU POI.I.S THIS TIME. The lioy stood at the blazing polls, And watched the iaople vote; Caldwell got the warmth and comfort. And Mnbrey got the smoke." JCS SO. Mnbrey, the hard worker, Was a candidate you couldn't heat'er. Over tjie country he worked so well Hut-, tonight.- Caldwell lient him like I. ! J' e n.'ps at thw iiott.im lear t'.iis: "Kv i voting R.-i filliiin with ii.l ogles to the Dem i-iats " It n-ems useless to sny that th" pIIjw .-,n not w' (y Ircnlnted. THE NEXT SENATE . ' , . t, . n Democrats t auiure neais r nmi Six a"d Kepublicans m Two States. New York, Nov 8 (By the Asso nated ness). Keturns toaay suppie. om indinun. .Maryland, sew jersey. New York, Michigan and West Vlr- Klnln apparently line been captured cana had capture.! Senate aeataheld T i?mocrnts in enrasKa ami omo. In Delaware. Montana and Minneao tn the nii. hii wore ton dose .. lift. ..minted In Aithei eolnmn "..i,: .. ; " i.i iaX f . aiaaiaisn w ihi ........ .enate: fnW JgLtftJt with, itrosnectsj was shot i a the leg by JosephSutton, of a furthei reilutlon. ; ' "ISnd .replying ff Sutton's fire. Tfslfcr ,mvii a tir Kh rm aa HAS BEEN HEARD FROM ' 1 Democrats and Republicans Tie in j Their Race for Control of House. . Br tbe Associated Pros.) New York, Nov. 8. The reelection oi nepreseniinive iscott, repuniicun, 01 Michigan, tied the Democrats and Republicans in their race for control or tile House ot Keprefentatlvcs. It plete vote, howe.ver, and It was plain tnnt tne iiecuung ngures were to come from the vet and middle west. RALSTON LEABS BEVERIDGE. His Election as Senator from Indiana Now Seems Assured,. (Br the Aeaoclated ITesa.) Indianapolis, Nov. 8. Samuel M. Ralston, Democrat, former Governor, had a lead of 13.729 ovr Albert,' J. Beveridg1;- his Republican opponent for the United States Senate from In , Democratc Senator from Delaware, , 0y the Awm!tutta PreM., Wilmington. Del., Nov, ! 8. Unoffi cial returns received by' tbe "Every Evening" from ail but four of the 204 precincts In Delaware gave Thomas F: Bayard, Democrat,' for United States Senator 39.333; Coleman DuPont, Re "publican. 38.152. M J. X I' a 55 1U ! 258 127 238 12!) 237 138 : 217 . 000 000- 133 129 130 181 , .134 220 238 , 234 i 232 ; 232 0(X) 000 80 1)2 88 91 84 02 80 ' 83 000 000 , 80 . 85 85 84 . 88 89 v 00 , 1)1 01 81) ' 000 000 54 130 . 54 130 53 137 . 48 130 , 000 000 , 54 v 37 52 50 .. 50' . 120 127' 127 127 , 143 (HK) 000 51. ' 135 52 134 58 120 69 124 000 000 53 54 " 53 55 . 53 131 133 ,121) 132 v 132 000 000 124 70 124 72 124 72 ' 118 J 72 000 000 125 124 122 124 124 07 72 7t 71 ' 71 . WK) 060 249 - SOS 235 321 234 323 225 ' 818 000 000 238 23- , 241 . 232 234 - 15 824 321 ,S17 10 000 , IKK) 278 ' 150 -1 253 173 253 172 ' 250 104 "00 000 . 250 , 253 254 248 251 100 . 181 . 172 , 172 - 173 (KM) 000 430 225 ' 8117 203 - 3i)7 205 898 ; 204 4 000 ' 400 3l6 805 ; 395 80.T 200 2(!7 2l 2I0 206 1 000 ' 000 80 4 105 89 V 105 89 105 ; 80 106 000 000 m 00 , 89 8!) -. IX) . 101 161 , 101 ' 101 loft , 000 s 001) 101 157 101 156 102 155 191 155 - 000 (KK) , 391' 191 191; 191 191.155 155 155 135 135 000 , 000 53 ' 107 v 59 155 50 174 . 52 170 000 000 ' 55 4 , 50 . 50 50 ' 50- 104 174 157 174 .174 000 1 MK) 370 ''165 380 100 877 t 106 -377 j 100 , ' 000 -000 380 874 . 377 882 . 874 107 ?: 107 .Uffll 105 , 102 (KM) 000 177 ' 120 179", 124 '179 124 !j 177 C 121 .! 1 ..'OOO 182 182 180 179 182 121 121,123 123 121 000 000 247 305 253 206 251 Z 209 201 280 000 000 ' 250 W 253 248 244 209 203 300 301 230 2!! 000 000 126 109 ; 127 " 109 126 : 109 : 125 ; 108 000 000 126 ,, 120 126 i 123 125 ', 109 109 . 100 100 108 (MM) (KM) 121 259 115 ' 201 120, - 254, 104. '.,204 10 ;t 000 122 111''. ' 109 ' 105 ,lll 258 - 201 -i 200 , 200 201 000 (KM I 454 802 - 455 ' 188 ,454 ; 101 "i 430 : 204 0(K) V OOO 447 451 ' 435 ' 451 , 454 189' 188 187 188 . 105 (MM) 0IHI 143 1 148 1:12 103- 187 188' 100 210 10 1 183 130 181 130 v 138 187 v 198 193 . 1IW , 1!M) 8 8 325 ' 182 831 177 834 ' 175 V 312 197 . 000 000 835 . 833 833 -, 333 , 833 ' 176 177 177 177 1 0(M) (MM) 170 f 08 171 06 171 , 60 . 107 68 000 000 , 107 J 168 - 170 172 170 i 67 67 16 63 05 (MM) OlMl 285 182 283 183 - 284 ' 182 t ' 271.' 189 '' (MM) 2 ' 277 , , 281 2S2 ,281 ; 281 185 ; 14 184 K; 185 '. 180 ' 000 ' 0!H) 230 285 ' 220 , 283 240 267 i 205 V 801' 000 000 225 225 225 223 223 287 287 287. ,287 287 ' (XK) . (KM) 3946 4342 '403 8939 4180 8971 213 ' - ' 25 V Miss Margie McEachern, Democratic Nominee for Treasurer, . elected Tuesday by a majority of 610. DEAD Iff ELECTION ROW IX JACKS0S ( OrSTT Prominent Republican Shot During a Political Argument. (Br tke Auoolated Pre. Asheville, Nov. 8. During a politi cal argument at the po'js in Barker's Creek, Jiickson County, yesterday, (ieorge V. Revis merchant and prom inent Republican, was shot and killed by Walter Fisher. Th latter In turn ent a Duiiet tnrougn Button s nar. Fisher, unable to 'be moved,! Waa plac id und:r guard by the sheriff who took Sutton to the county jail at Sylvia. Wltnes-es said the two men ennged in a heated discussion of the election two year ago, and when the lie was passed Fisher drew his pistol and lired on Revis. Pomerene Decreases Fess' Lead. rlmiilinM. Ohio Nov 8 United states Senator Pomerene' on additional returns received this morning in yes- ' terday's election had decreased 'the 0f Congressman Fess, Republican, to '8.017. Now Open New series of stock in this great home- building and savings institution We can make loans immediately upon ap proval of application no waiting necessary. Citizens Building & Loan Association (Office in Citizens Bank) 3 a a 2 ts n 4327" 42 V 4278 4208 4270 ( 4352 who waa Mixed Ticket Elected in Stanly. A mlxel ticket was elected in Stan-t ly county Tuesdav, according to infor- nuition re-elvel by The Tribune this afternoon nt 2 o'clock trom Mr. O. J. . Sikes, of Alliemaiie, , Mr. Sikes stated thht the Democrats elected included the representative to . the House of Representatives, the cVerk of court nnd four county commission- era. All other candidates elected were Ipubllcniis, Mr. SikeR stntel. (Hr the Aeooelatea rreas.1 . Asheville. Nov. 8. With ' returns from eleven of the thirteen counties comirising the 10th Congressional (lis- trict, compiled by the Asheville Times, . It appeared thlH morning that Con' gressmau Kcbulon AVeaver will have a majority of approximately 8,057 liy, far the largest ever given a candidate -for Congress from that district. v : Cotton futures opened Arm. Dec 2,r):50; Jan. 25:50; Mar. 25:255;- May 25:00; July 24:65. Goldsiborough' Ha l, Princess Mary'u country home, .was 'built about the a ai 1625. 1 B C a 3 : "8-. i . o , . a. a a .5 3899 8976 - 8940 ; 3000 , 4055 pv rr 9 1 . .1 i J