Par! The Concord Daily Tribune ;! VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1922. NO. 242. SUJHFTn SEEKS SAFE PUCEi Lrft (Mutuiople in Brit- nr . . I . mm narenip, ana is ncm Bound For Malta and a Place of Safety. SULTAN FEARED ACTION BY TURKS U'ri la,, Can ll...;,,. Wr0tC LieUj- (,el1' Hirrln?" ton That His Life Was in Danger, and Asked British 1 for Protection. Constantinople, Nov. 17 (Br the An- I'ressi Miiliiiinmeil VI, the punned is the found ng nf a synodaal Turkish Snltnn, Iiiik Med from ( on- parish paper. slum inople on h Hellish warship. ; v An appeal for furthering, the. work liouml for Malta. I of Cbrtttiun colleger was piade by Dr. 1'imn embarking, the Sultan em-'C. H. Boutian. secretn.y of the Board phnsizcd that howns not abdicating of Education who declared' that the hut merely removing himself from Christian College haa a position that Immediate danger. can- be fl 1 1434 by no other institution. The Sultan wrote to Mont. (Jen.1 Harrington. British eommiiiKler-tn-. NEXT CONFERENCE TO BE ehlef on Wednesday evening. staring1 HELD IN ELIZABETH CITY thnt he eonnidered hiH life to lie In'. . danger, ami tectiun. would like British The Snltnn did not propo-e to leave the plnce liefore Friday and arrange ments we.-e made accordingly Tills morning ! car In which were the aet-l"" ing drngouian of the British einbassy MotuotiiRt r.piscojmi rnuren, and (leneral Harrington's aide, drew ' South, will lie held in Ellznlieth City, up at the side entrance of the Sultan's this Invitation lieing accepted by the pilacc. I trieniliers of the Conference this Shortly afterward while the guard morning. Wilmington and Klnston was bc.'iig fhanged. the Sultan with "were oilier towns extending Invltn hls syn nnd six memliers of the palace I Hons. flnff, slipped quietly Into the ear tfhil I Heception of the class of five, young drove to the British nnvnl Jmse wnovr'nien Into full connection' nfter two Genernl Harrington and the acting ' years on trial was the solemn feature British high commissioner received of the morning session. Bishop Denny them. j making the rhiirge to them, and im- The Snltnn immediately embarked on pressing 011 them the fundamental the admiral's barge. j searching questions of the discipline as Hussien Bey Reported AsMasinated. w,ine" h J"hu vpf,le-v' , j- lAindon, Xov. 17 (By the Assoelnted W- r; A. Mnioot presented the work rress.) Hussien Hilmid Bca, Preal- ,,f the "I'til lwrd of the Southern dent of Turkish Soclnllst Pnrtv, has ' Chunk, njl nr. T. N. Ivey, lieen aasasslnntetl In Constimtinople.;of tnp wipprannnitte fund, saya an Exchange Telegraph dispatch ! A '-"mmlttee of the was apolnte,l from that Hty todnv. The crime is as- '"l',nte with the Wni North tilled to isilitlriil moves. iCarolliin conference ami the confer- .. . ,. , . Cnee of the Methodist l'rotestnnt 'rwWsh Destroyer Tries to Escape. Irhir(.h fr .-i,,. Migration. Constantinople. Nov. 17 (By the Assmtinted Press .- -Ap atlegurt by Uie destroyis- AT;hWsni drsgidsei? s a : ... ......1... ....... .. ... .1, , .1.1... , , merchantman, ont of fhe Gulden Horn list the allied control, was frustrat ed last night. . MAIL EARLY WARXS POSTAL DEPARTMENT Postmasters rrgej to Strt -Mall Knrlj" ('amnalgn For Holiday Mail. Washington. Nov. 17. "Wrap we 1, mall early !" This now fnmillar Christ mas slogan of the post office depart ment has started across. Expecting: an extra heavy Christmas business this' season, department officials are warning postmasters to lay melr plans early. So well has- the post office service been organized of late years that no new methods will be tried this year. Postmaster wluise "pairoiWge" is s; large that greaif y augmented' working i;viff8 are needed, have been directed to give first preference in employment to men with families, and those long nut of a job. Christmas always costs Uncle Sam (between four and Ave million dollar for extra clerks, carriers, transporta tion facilities and renting of extra quarters Davidson Students Want to Raise Large Sum cf Money. Charlotte, Nov. 16. One hundred' and 26 David-am college students will besiege Charlotte tomorrow in the interest of building fund. They ex pect to raise 25,000. The student body of 500 wKl attend Davidson-Card ina game. Government of Far Eastern Republic Abolished. Chltn, Far Eastern Republic, Nov. 17 (By the Associated Press). The government of the Far Eastern Repub lic of Siberia was abolished today. The assembly vojied to unite with the Soviet gorernnrent of Moscow. A touch of realism is added to fire drills In Chicago public schools by the explosion of "movie" bombs causing smoke to flood the corridors and exits. There is no tire but the pupils are not nware of- this fact. The conduct of the pupils during the drills is excel lent. with lArwpi, QUt rf Motif Plat Kings Mountain. Nov. II IV' I North mio I -nt be run Hynod m the morning aeaatosi today voted unniil- ZffJT SJKTi tin ' i a.aai.iaaj rcir roe enuuwuiem fu.i r ioir chio. ami iwh ,b ,n"rcb ' -vhm Mkuann- nl. maklnc u. la-rmnuent endon-meo nf $1WH.I. Of the church fund $250.01 mil Cor building Kt. Mnttbewa Lutheran Church, of Kings Mountain. reiHirted flil.Omi 'tt' J5L, i-E- l!r.Sf5? The 5.vnol will adjourn urn late rhlH nf. leruoon. High Point nml Charlotte " ! mminn next year. w,h thi chance favoring chritte I Ihiih for oil ai-:i'inpm nf it mission work by raising an endowment mill by obtaining a larger number of young men nr the ministry and young wo-ii-en f-ir work of inercy were consider ed thin afternoon. Another movement pro-!""' , SVY?"?"? 4o V ,nt iiiiidi-i.i nil" iiiiniaiiiil Protestants IB toe Asoclicl FHHI Ualclgh, Nov. 17. The next session the North Carolina Conference of TRINITY TO PLAY , - .... in,.lli,nlini :,. ..... U.J. at line. I Anmiinccent of (iame Made at Dur ham ; Place and Date Not Yet De termined. ' Durham. Nov. 1ft. State and pos sibly Georgia Tech will be added to llhe Itt38 football schedule of Trinity College, according to an announcement made today by Graduate Manager B. W. Barnard. Mr. Barnard stated in his announcement that negotiations were under way for 11 game with Be.or gia Tech to lie played in Atlanta', Ga.. October 20. The negotiations grew out of an inquiry frrna Tech officials regarding Trinity's' attitude towards a game with the Golden OVrnado. The date and place, for the North Carolina State game has not been agreed upon. It Is further announced by the Trinity graduate manager that games with the I'nivei-sltyi of North Carolina. Davidson, Wake Forest and Guilford llitive be.en arranged for 1B23. CONGRESSMAN l ITCH IN RETURNS TO WASHINGTON After a Long Absence Due (0 Illness. To Be Present at Opening of Con gress. I ( Mr (he luKUtH Frem.1 ! Washington. Nov. It. Representn tlve Kltehln, of North Carolina, the democratic leafier of the House, re- tflraed to Washington today after long absence due tp Illness, to lie pres ent at the opening session Monday. He motored here from his home, and was apparently in gisKl physical condi tion. Krieuds who saw Mr. Kitcbu said he would take things easily and j"t overtax his strength. To Take I'p Ship Subsidy Bill Thurs day. (Br tbc aaaoeiatcd Freaa-t Washington, Nov. 17 Agreement was reached hy House leaders today to take up the ship subsidy hill next Thursday under a rule providing for three days of general debate, and tin limited opportunity for amendments. with a final vote on November . Thursday's Salisbury Post: Mrs. W, T. Kluttz. who has been in the Salis bury Hospital for several days, k re ported to lie In a critical condition. LUTHERAN SYNOD TO Consult Us You plac6 yourself under no obligation by consulting, us concerning the ser vice which this institution renders as. Executor or trus tee under Wills. PREPARES TO SELECT WHhdn. Cuoo, Newly Dedg nated Chancellor, Will Be gin Work Today of Choos ing His Government WILL ORGANIZE A "CABINET OF WORK" To Comprise Members of the Middle and Socialist Par tiesCabinet Not to Be Completed Before Monday. I Sir Ika Amniicd Fun) Berlin. Nov. 17. Wllhelm Cnno, newly designated German chancellor, planned to begin work of selecting a ministry upon his return today from Hamburg where he went to ndjust affair In eonneetlon with Ills position as illrtetor-general of the Hamburg American steamship line. Herr I nno pi-otioses to organise 11 cabinet of work" comprising meinlaM'ti of the middle nml socialist parties, ami was apparently reassured by his advance survey of the situation yes terday, in which he consulted with the various party lender.-. It Is not belie.ved the cabinet i-an be definitely constituted Is-fore next Monday. MRS. Will.!. IBS' SMILES SAVED HER FROM GALLOWS ! Mule Jurors Say So. Women Jurors Not Affected by Them. (Br thr Awmelatetl Prew.1 I.os Angeles, Nov. 17. Men members of the jury which found Mrs. Clara Phillips guilty of second degree mur der for heating Mrs. Alberta T. Mea dows to death with a hammer, were quoted todaV as admitting Mrs. Phill ips' smiles saved her from the gallows. Had it not been for the defendant's smiles, she probably would have l?en convicted jyjrst degree murder wlth- 111 tb oHHRendnlinu for clemency, , .ilUPHlenth the only penalty. theA .4 d And she has the most appealing smile I ever snw,"'wirs the way one Juror was quoted. Bui the women Jurors were not af fected by it. W was stated- as nil three fuvuwd a yerdk-t-jihieh' would the gal- rows. They found a compromli ' 9 i-omlse wiis necessary to nvoid a disagreement. With the defense planning to ask a new trial on next Monday, the time set for passing sentence, which may be any lieriod of years from ten to life, state counsel said they had no omuient to make 011 the verdict. FATHER AND SON HOLD COURT IN, WILMINGTON Judge Henry G. Connor Site I on Federal Bench; His Son at superior Teim. W lmlngton, Nov. 16-Two prom inent jurists of the State are this week K?cupying benches In Wilmington, as Judge Henry G. Connor is sitting at the November term of Foceral court here, while his son, Judge George W. Connor, is holding Super.or Court fn Wilmington, and 'both before the terms are finished will pass on extra Important cases that wilt come up for trial. 'It is not often that a father ami son,, both occuping judicial otnees are in the same city at the same time, and holding separate courts. Judge Henry Connor, although one of the oldest Federal Judges in the State, is owl hale and hearty and conducts his court In a manner that Is the envy of many youngerv judges who desire to emulate his sagacity and wisdom in dealing with cases that are (brought up for action and de cisions. ONE MAN KILLED AND SEVERAL WOUNDED Attacks From Ambush Made on Men Clad ln Kegalian Similar to the Ku Kltix Klan. fair h Associated Prcaa.t Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 17. Pour arrests today were predicted by the county officers Investigating the at tacks from ambush made Tuesday night on a nnmher of men dud in re galia similar to that worn iy the Ku Klux Klan. who had attended n "com munity meeting" at Jcsslevllle, Gar land County, held to discuss measures for luw enforcement and elimination of illicit whiskey distilling, which it -was declared, flourished ln , thnt sec tion of the county. One man was killed hy the shots and several were wounded. . More thtin 40 residents of Marble townBhlp section were arrested by of- flwrs and citizens posses yesterday and held In Juil for imestrsning. ntunlier of stills were destroyed. Parley Store Ready With Winter Goods. The James 11. Farley Htore Is now ready with Winter goods. Women's suits, dresses, coats, ralllnery nnd shoes; men's and boys' suits, over coats, hats and shoes. The prices arc right, and the goods of the best mn terinl. new ad. today states. Be certain to read new ad. careful ly, and call to see the goods. Your credit Is good at this store. New ad. Is certain to interest you. Daughton Spent $2,285. tUr tha AaaofloteU Proaa. Washington., Noy. 17. Representa Wire Doughton, democrat, of North Carolina, spent $2,289 in his campaign, hi statement today showed. L OCCAJWOS CW ( t Mm' Claaa. wn t that grasi " was the first 0, MMlne a iked tb otrwta Toda I Mrulr of the Yonni Claw of Central MetMdMt Chun-h met a ftBo ienlr. Orwat ta the right ward lor ihat tnritey anp ier the Klku Pl- ", Bible Cbuw are ns. MomlajrVpwning at the V. M. C. A. The voting mrm er. sent In the ImniHfnUy iinmt' 1 dining room first, with Hw4fir nr.lers to lear a vacant chair IiHWv.ii each iir of ten. The ajrtr had wnrneil thai any man found dbjoi--ving that islei migtit llnd htmiwlf going out nf the window. But w anderstood too well why those vneaat ehnirs were left. nr. this advice or wanting was altogether unneccfsary. The Koiary dWns room was pro ftt'l.v decoratcH Mil ceigreens and flawiTs and on the table were hand some vases nf chrja 1 !e uiunis Unr log fhe evening vc were delighted with voiiil miloa by Mrs. C. B. Wago ner and Miss Blbmlxih Macey. Both received moat hearty ciii-ore. Mr. J. K. I hi via. 1 1 1 . t . . I . -n t of the Sunday School, reviewed briefly 1 hi-work of the Sum la School during the past year, dwelling upon the splendid record of the two classes present. Mr. 4. Iee f'rewell. .Ir., spoke on class loyalty, awl nrgiil the mem be re of his class to catch something of the tine enthusiasm nf the class of young women. Mr. Jenkins, teacher of the Young Men's Clam expewsed on behalf of his class their Sincere gratitude for the fine nnd elegant day In which they had been entertained. After the supper, 11 most enjoyable I hnn. ..... o.utn, of . r. ....... . ,.C kinds, led bv tha memliers nf fi-s spent at garni Pemlierton's class. We thank you again. Mrs. Pemlier- ton, and your charming class of young ladies, and we hope that when we get our new Sunday School building up. and n room in It tilted for such purposes, we may show our apprecia tion in something of the same splen did fashion, though, id course, we could not equnl yours. Wm. A JENKINS. DR. HARTMAN TALKS TO LTTHEKAN BODY ('onarrtioti of Chnnhes in Nortl t a run na Mini tuner nynous 111s- ft issed. 1 King's MonntaiK Na. 16 The meeting of the North Carolina evan gelical (Lutheran KJfhod here today was featured 'by a ruunner 01 address es on the conpeeMo, work" of the churoli in fhis ami other' synods. Do mestic missions was the theme of Dr A. Stewart Hart-man. of Baltimore who made special p ea for the op portunities offered in this work. "The church must be planted and strength ened at the home base, he said, "if we expect in n small measure to fol low the gospel laid down by Jesus Christ." Ernest Llneberger. prcs'dent of the North Cardllnn f.uther League, was heard in 'the interest' of that work-C The budget for the church work of the synod ! for the coming year war adopted and shows an obligation of $4 tier capita. The Rev. A. Morris Link, fratcrna' delegate from the Virginia synod brought greetings t othe North Caro 1'na Lutherans. Others speaking on the work of the synod were Dr. W H. Greever, orofessor in the Sontlierp Lutheran seminary at Columbia, S C. and the Rev. L S. D- Mil ler, mis sionary to Japan, who told of the work in that field. . BOMB CAUSED EXPLOSION So Chicago Police Think. Three Per sons Killed and Nine injured. (By the Associated Press.) -. ' Chicago, Nov. 17. Police today worked on the theory that a bomh .caused last night's explosion and fire in a moonshine distillery, resulting In the death of thrc." persons nnd the in jury of nt least nine others. The explosion occurred in a mixed foreign quarter of the city, a melting pot for eleven tliflerent nationalities. Two buildings were w recked. In the ruins of one building police and firemen found the wreckage of two stills. The orlcinal report from the firemen wnsi Hint one of the stills had exploded. . Connor Signs Order Preventing I'Kklilllg. Wilm.ngton, Nov. 16. Jndge Henry G. Connor, in United States district, churl today, signed a temporary otrder preventing striking former employes of the Atlantic Coast Line railway from picketlw the shops of the cam nsny at Wlmlngton and Rocky Mount The. order will he 'in effect until March 11 In signin - the order, Judge Connor announced that it was evtdentv that Atlantic OcstLine now maintained a nAka jf ronalila chnnman and licit further pjeketine would only serve to the conflict between the 00m- prolong pany and its former employes. Held Itahv Because Hills Were I!n 1 liuia. Chicago, Nov. 16. A "four months old baby, held by the grand pareni as a hostage for unpaid bills, has been awarded to the mother, by Judge Joseph Sabath. "A baby belongs to Its mother," be said. "It can't oe held for a debt, like a piece of property. The grand parents claimed that the mother, Mrs. Evelyn Olowe, owed them for the baliy's. clothes nnd doctor hills when ihe child was born. Burrls Reunion. There will be n Karris family reun ion at the old Hiram Burrls place, near Love's Grove Church, on Sundny, the 10th. The public Is cordially In ' vlted to be present. BRITISH NEWSPAPER MEN ARE GRATIFIED At the Result of the Election There Wednesday VlWg of Papers Are Carried in Editorial Comments. VARIOUS KINDS OF CANDIDATES CHOSEN rw ma m -a 1 a , une irian Kiieciea is Avowed Communist and Another , . . . . Is Against Liquor Papers Make Comments Public I.ondon. Nov. 17 1 Bv Hie Askim-IiiiisI lreai. tirntiticalion is exiircased bv most of the morning new spa 1 m i s on ton on the iaist. and from prolnbly the result of the Parliamentary atop. I than 11 score of places in lav llons. This was, of course, to be ex- t ween. The railroads Southern, A. IKVted from the, conservative press. In ' l- Norfolk and Southern, and the dew of the retention of the ennaerrn- rest are advertising sisi inl exenr tlve majority but some of the liberal ""''in rates. Every day news comes to newsimpers nlso Hnd certain grounds ClWptl Hill of some new party that for sillsfaction or at least coinpensn- has lsen 'undo up. And there will be tion. .' I many who go by nutoiiKibile. They recognize that Ihe outcome f cours the string of Cnrolinn vlc menns a return to iiarty gbreratneat torlea this season has a great deal to and the disapienrance of all theyjdo with the widespread enthusiasm most dislike In the survival of the about making the trip. The triumph oaliiion long after they regarditl its over V! M. I. In Iticbmond last Satnr- illssolutiiin as due. The I hilly News declares the elec-, tion "lias blown a breath of cleiin nlr into our inscreiiiteii I'liriuimentary in- stltutions," and rejoices at the estab- llshment of n "strong, effective, and able opposition." The Daily Herald, enthusiastic over InlMir's successes. anticiiittes another ttectlon within IK months, nnd says: "If meantime wc play our cards : boldly and skilfully, we ought to have 1 labor government without doubt." For the first time in Ihe history of the British Parliament, a candidate is an avowed communist, was elected. Another new member is a prohibition ist, who, with a uthorlte, defeated Winston Churchill nnd three other nndidates in Dundee, a two-seat COU- jfltueBcy. MRS VANIJKRHJLT BE-BLSCTE0 PRESIDENT OF STATE PAIR She Was Put in Nnanl nation by Gv. Cameron Morrison. V A'wmtefl Praaa. naloiwh, Nov. 17.-iMrs. Bdithi Vantlarbiiti.of mtevc."-'' wftaoae itunt mVrf ftTtae fcrrf-!Wfti elected Preaident of the North Com- has beeu spoken for already by Is!-" Una Agricultural Society after her 1 work and that of the executive cini- 1 inittee in directing the Fair 'ihis year had been endorsed at a meeting of the .irganization here tcday. A denc:t of approximately i4.uw was shown in the a traitor s report ot the Society's operations this year, but t also waa developed that a large number of improvemnts had been nade in equipment and the Fair great y enlarged. Governor Cameron Mor- ison nominated mts. Vnndenont ana ;he was reelected w.thout opposition. With Our Advertisers. V Most good things start from saving. The Citizens Bank nnd Trust Com pany can lie of assistance to you in saving. The C. & L. Motor Battery and Klec- trlc Co., at Forest Hill, now has the Dodge agency. It hns just the car you need, says new ad. I. B. Love bus overcoats that are made from the liest material. Prices range from $15.00 to $85.00. Don't let your bank account become dormant, advises the Cabarrus Sav- ngs Bank in a new ad. today. The ompany can help you help yourself. Fresh shipment of sugar cured hams at the Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. New ad. gives price particulars. Don't forget, it Is time to start your Christmas shopping. And when you start remember also thnt the Mu sette, Inc., hns a complete line of Christmas goods. In new ad. today you will find enumerated some of the many tine things this company now hns ln stock. Before Thanksgiving Sale at Fisher's Everyone likes to dress up tor Thanksgiving. In n new nd. today Fisher's tells how, this can be done. New silk and wool dresses, coats, hats, sweaters nnd till other sport, lothes, capes, silV underwear mid ev- erything that goes to make up the well dressed women. The new ad. gives many of the fea tures offered at this store. It will he to your advantage to read ad. careful ly. . Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt Will Be Offered Third Term. Raleigh, Nov. 16. tMrs. Edith Van derbilt wiH fre extended a third term us president of the North Carolina fair at the annual meeting tomorrow of the agricultural society. It is un derstood she wll accept. Some com: plaints as to policies :if the fair will be aired during the meeting, ft Is re ported. Whether these will inject any "Issues" into the gther:ng is not Imowu. High Point Jewelry Stare Robbed (Br the Associated Prcaa.l High Point, Nov. 17. The theft of three diamond rings, watches and a few other artttcles with a total value of $540.00, from the window of Wn! ger's Jewelry Store In this city was reported to the local police today. The robbery was affected some time last night by breaking a large plate Mass window with an Iron holt. No arrest had been made early tills af ternoon. The best example of cause and effect lb that- a r-n refill anAatler ntn Iroa a ' good saver. THE THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL I t.AME AT ( HARIOTTEmTUF North ( raataa at V tat Day. liurarf r Chapel II UL Nov Old North State Into Virginia atxty-oae rears ago to swell the Confederate armtoa. hat ao many North IroMatana aw on-tb-uard mer the Hue as will en week a ,rT anilloa.Vlrginut ruotiau tame Or. an II u. .old apiear from the tetegmujn sail httara that are ' inn in a steady rl.l Into the office of th gTMilaate manager of ath letics. Chiirlea T Wisdlen. Tlcketa! Tickets! We want tick eta:" la the bin den of the cry. not tm ly from al mini lint also front other North Carolinians wbn look ii.n the imttie as something fr more than, a college nn-uir s a test of stremrth i!'.1"1 ",0"le r.,w. rni arollna. Mr. W 1 ail I en is having to iss the renests on to Charlottes ville. RparUtl Pullman inrs are to la run to CharloMesvllle frtun cities and towns nil over the fstate. from Asbe- '' ln the mountains, from Wlliuing day was nil that was needed to bring North Carolina zeal to the Isiiltng , lmr. 31. 1. oont tirgiqut m to 11, 1 nun iiroiinii neni . ji. 1. i to 1. j Plainly this indicates a goisl chance for Tar Heel success on Thanksgiving :Iay. Carolina exjiectutions hnve been ! disappointed in the past too often for j the invaders to feel i-ocksure. They are never free from suspicion that a dread "something" may turn the ta hies. Yet, with the season's record in view, it would be strange indeed if there were not a pretty general feeling of confidence that this is Carolina's year. A big section of the grandstand at LantbMfc -Kield has lieen reserved for North Carolinians, but every hotly who wants a place had lietter hasten to send a certified check or money order to D. K. Brown, graduate manager of ath letics. University. Vn. He is handling the stile of seats and will fill requests 1,. 11... ,....i.a.. 1.. ..i.i,.h 11. M,... ... ,, , n f tim .,. niiiillcntions here Tickets nre sold at Uv ,iHrs each, It is thtuurht here thnt coiisiderablv forehand football fans.' Mr. Woollen says thnt never liefore ln his experi- eni-e as graduate manager has he seen evidence of such determination, on the part of North Cnrolinn, to see a game so far uwiiv from home. WILLIAM GRAVES SHARP DEAD IN KLYRIA. OHIO Former Ambassador to France Dead After Illness of Several Days. f By the associate Preaa.i Klyrin, Ohio, Nov. 17. William Groves Sharp, aged 67, former ambas sador to- France, died at his home here snortiy serene noon louuy. .tijr. aunvu had been 111 for several days.'' He was ambassador from America to France for five years, serving In Paris dnring the world war. He re signed his post abont a year after the armistice was signed. THE COTTON MARKET Yesterday's Big Break Followed by Irregular Fluctuations. By the Aaaarlatca !.. 1 New York. Nov, 17. Yesterday's big break was followed by nervous and irregular fluctuations In the cotton, market here at the opening today. Liverpool was about as due, but the local market opened steady at. an sd vnnce of 8 to 20 points on covering anil trade buying. Cotton futures opened steady. Dec. 25:60; Jan. 25:30; March 25;30 ; May 25:08; July 24:82. Heme Economis Department of the Woman's Club Meets. The Home Economis Department of (he Woman's club hnd n meeting in the Home Economics class room nt ,'...,.....! .1.,,! Cl.,.,.1 .... IV. .1.. 1- CIllilll UinWtl ncuowi , 1 . 1 1 1 1- . -1...1 . Phe first rnln in many weeks kept all . . ' . but n few members away but the pur- pnse for which the meeting was called wn' accomplished, namely : to sclec a plan of work for the coming months. Mrs. Ben Craven as chairman, Mrs. R. C. Lltaker and Mrs. J. C. Pounds were chosen as 11 committee to work out the. expressed wishes for the de partment as to their work. This committee will be enlarged and Un necessary officers for the clnb will he chosen nt the next meeting which, we hope, will he larger. This is n very Important work. The girls are being taught ln the schools and we mothers must certainly keep ahead In knowledge and practice of the household arts. The times de mand that a woman should know her chief work in life and give it all pos sible attractiveness in order to provide intelligently for tfhe family group and to serve the community more efficient ly. We are fortunate, ln having Miss Spurgeon as n leader anil under her leadership and with the wholehearted interest manifested by the faithful few who attended the meeting, we nre sure that the Home Economics Department lof the Woman's: club will be on of its most important and practical assets. ' COMMITTEE. Four Civilians In Dublin Executed. Dublin, Nov. 17 (By the Associated Press). Four civilians, all residents of the Free State, following trial by a military court, charged' with the un lawful possession of revolvers, were executed at 7 o'clock this morning. 1 w in iitii - IT" far ... IT Km tUaf the QTDnirtJ p NISH IN THE SALESMANSHIP CLUB Big Race For AatosAobtks Is Warming Up as Mem bers Stive to Head the list of Winners on Dec. 2nd. DOUBLE VOTES ON ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS All Signs Point to Usual Ac tivity in the Vote Getting Line This Week on the Present Schedule. "They are going to Imlsh strong." That Is the conclusion nf the cam paign of The Concord Trlbnne and Times Salesmanship Club, in which nearly $4i.lNNI in prises, etc.. will lay distributed shortly. Here's why they think so: .No. 1. KeK)rts from towns outside of Concord show that the majority of the memliers some nf them who a couple of weeks ago were far down in the list, nre tislny among the leadprs. No. 2. The $300 to lie given to the memlsT regardless of the district In which they reside nnd hi addition Hl. nnv other 01-io thev nine win for Itnv.l K turned in the greatest amount of monev for new soi.s.-i-ioi ions to n. t'uneord Trllnuie, is an unusual iiicen- tlve to ambitious members. Double Votes. That Isn't all either. Twice the reg ular schedule of votes will be allowed on all suliscriptions turned in during this period from Monday. Novomlier 13th to Saturday night, Sfpvember 18.: This means thnt tw-lce the number of votes that are allowed according to the regular schedule will lie credited and it does not mean that twice as many votes will lie given this week na hns lieen given heretofore. Big Extra Vote Offer. While the present vote offer is not as great as the preceding extra, vote offers, it ik such, that if a member, re gardless of how far down In the list he or she is at the present writing, puts forth a special effort, can RrueHy increase their chances of owning oaje of the handsome caw to he given on DeceiulH-r L'tul when the drive end One thing is certain With the val ue of the prize list af 'eh u it; . 'i na; ure mni j aa L'n lietert ffort to win how. Some who have cared to show their real strength tip to the present time will irhniis flash tinder the wire as winners wheu the votes nre counted. AH signs point to unusual activity in the vote getting line this week. The race Is fast draw ing to a close and one and all realize the great Importance of wlnulngvotes now. Second Payments Count. A lucrative source of votes coming from ineuiliers folllowing the "Second Payment Plan' by going over the field again. Quite 11 number of small subscriptions were taken hi earlier periods of the club and the rules pro vldet hat here a memlier secure a "second payment" subscription, this "second pnymenf" counts to apply tti on the Extra Yote Offer under which the original snliscrtption was turned in, in order to get credit for the addi tional votes. Memliers are making great strides along this line nnd nre hot letting gross grow under their feet during this weeks offer. Dnring the life of the Club offers have lieen made from time to time, as follows: From October 2 to Octo lier 21, 240,000 extra votes were allow ed on $30 worth of subscriptions (new and old. From October 23 to October 28, 225,000 extra votes were given on $30 worth of subscriptions (new or old.) From October 30 to November 4, 215,000 extra votes were given on $30 worth of subscript ions (both new and old). Right was resedved to add cash prizes for this period. From Novemlier 0th to November 11,'205,000 extra votes were allowed upon $30 of new and old suliscrlptiona From November 13 to November 18 twice the regular schedule of votes will lie allowed on new subscriptions (right Is cserved to include old subserip upon 1 . - . ts oner unu rignt is turtner reserv- ..1 , .. .,.1.1 . .1 1 1,', ...... T,,.. ed to add cash prizes.) From Nov. 20 to 25 twice the regular schedule of votes will be allowed for new subscrip tions ( right is reserved to Include old subscriptions on this offer). . From November 27 to December 2 the regu lar schedule plus 00 per cent, of the regular schedule of votes will be al lowed for new subscriptions (right is reserved to include old suliscriptions on this offer). Extensions or second jmyments of subscriptions apply back' upon the regujnr offer of extra votes, but ho not apply upon any of the cash . prizes that may lie offered from time to time. The Tribune and The Times reserves the right to correct tyisi griiphicul errors or mistakes that may occur from time to time in advertising or rules governing the club. TWO TRINITY STUDENTS j BREAK ALL RECORDS R. W. Pickens, Morgonton, and S. R. Roane, Whittier, Break Lung anil Grip Records Rrmnectlvely. Durham, Nov. 16. R. W. Pickens, of Morganton, and S. R. Roane, of Wn-:ttler, members of the freshmen class at Trinity college appearing be fore Cap. W. W. Gird, director nf the gymnasium, for a physical ' ex amination as is required hy the col lege, have broken previous ecords existing at the Institution. Pickens established a record of a lung capacUg of 400 cubic Inches while Roane showed a grip of 92 kilograms with his right hand or 20J.4 pounds.