i'W The Concord Daily Tribune ! ASS0&A1 DISPATCHES t VOLUME XXII. CONODRD, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1922. NO. 247. PUSH RESCUE WGRK cnuiw is LLADf.B IN LITER ( Work of Removing the Bead 3 is Being Pushed With All Possible Speed. FAMILY OF FIVE IS DEAD IN OHIO HOME EIGHTY-THREE ARE KNOWN TO BE DEAD Cheek Shows That Sixty Were Wounded Most of Dead Are White and Most of Injured Negroes. . of Death of Entire Family of Irvin Henderson is Ex pec ted During the Day. 7 lae I Indsmapol-s, IotL. Nor TBL I ma ay leads ttet world la literary. -j land W. I'oweU, Mtl'ial director af' w" Auri,ui cmmM,m Am- partial Solution of Mystery From Dolomite Mines No.f ,P i,,,, Tll.. i ,,.,! M.f. Is I'li-ieiiii. un i ho literacy lint of h-ading nation. Mr. I'oaell mU. 'mmtriea which have fe-nrer llllier - I ban AjBorirn, avronllnc tn Mr. I'rmoil. are Germany. Don mark. Knit fiijin . Holland. Finland, Norway. Sweden, s.x.i i.t in!. England. Wales ami Ftance. "The 1020 census show ihni more Ifcan five million permm. or nix per rent., of tin' American iopulnlhii. lire Illiterate. In too low. Isvnnse n con- j fcssloii of illiteracy (n a censiw taker wu. mwHsary In ciinill the jiorxoii among linos- ivho run neither mid nor writ.-- Mr. I'owpH derlarod. This made It easy for the Illiterate to rdn nil hi ignorance, since there was M ti-sl i if literary." V ....... In illlt. ........ ..f 117HJ1 I.. luol.c -Int.- .l.irin ihA noHn.1 Klllk. " lf the mystery surrounding till man was f..r the most irt. due ,; snuffing out of the liven of the entire ,i,,.k.. i,..,i h... family of Irvln Henderson father greatest influx of immigrants .n,, I mother, and fmlr ""'" chlMren was file Inst decade, iteiiirdiilg to the state- w "" " Jf IMr Party la! Not. ja The royal stand.! ard ami tor unto. jat i ..( old England , ranra aaa tor in ut :.nw wind from the npimi of the ho- ..f larliuaMt UoUay. silent taken .,f the fart that BELIEVE POISON CAUSED DEATHS Mrs. Henderson Had Been Hi for Some Time and One Theory is That She Admin istered Poison. IB; Ike Aaaelate4 Prr..l Birmingham. Ala.. Nor. 21. Work of removing: the dead from the Doloni iie mines No. H of t h- ,HVnodwnril Iron Coiuiianv. in which 47.1 men were trapiied by nn explosion Twatfiiajt, was renewed with vigor by rescue crews, nlileil by undertakers' assist ants, toduy after daylight. Company ugrlgbl estimated that the list of dead might le increased- from X'.. TIm hocking of the Injured indicated that lite Ifat of tilt wax approximately recl. Of the know dead 3.1 were while men. while abelrt W er eeift. of Hie injured are negrm's, aeiordlii); to coiuimny nfticinlH. At lent .TO men who are Noted in I he casualties were either killed or injureii when n train of trip cars milt ning wild fi-om the tipple, crushed into the mine yard in the main entry. Thin accident canned the snapping of nn electric cable, which in turn set off the dusl which resulted in the explosion. The iiincusfdon rocked the earth for miles around, and occurred so nearly simultaneously wltlf the accident which produced it that the victims were not aware what was happening. As the first streak of dawn swept the eastern sky. weary watchers about the tit upieured to gain new hope that missing loved ones might lie found, de spite announcement that "all the live jiersons" had been removed. White and black huddled in the biting cold iiliout'the pits. Tots of tender years stood through the long night watch ing with sad and eager eyes every crew that emerged. Hiuht) I our Dead. Itlrmlnghnm, Nog, St. Kiglity-four lives were lost and. (Ml ?rsouH were In- iured as n result of an accident a ml Iincnster. Ohio, Nov. J3 i By the As sociated PMM), While pa it In I soln lnent. "The .merlcan Ieglon is appalled at the discovery of Amerii-fl's low stand ing." he snld. "The eornvtloii of this delorable gtale of affairs will lie. one of the foremost activities of the Atn- orlcnnism t'.nnmission nntloii of the vital organs of the two adults nt Columbus today, officials here were Iwsing the tragedy on"Uie supposition that the family died from Hie effects of poison intentionally ad ministered. Foremost in the minds of the inves- orexwc or rtRtiiMEvr IvpmMlwai WW Otot Urn Vnmm Pawar. London. THE STATE S BIG ROAD too day domgnatad tm ibe aaeml4lng Hiffhwav Cnntnirtinn in of the nw parHiBie,,, hmi arrici n,na onsiruciion in i-aonn v aronna jiexi lear Said to Be Largest of Any State in the Union. rba itaiinl crowd)) la -.an to aaatMbli milsble the gam of A .-Htmlnstor Pal are yard at an.aarlv hour, and iw noon ihoiisands of pe.p!o a ero ma huh, I about the outer aBrtam-e-, to th log lalatlre cbambepa. ad the wervh-e of the ihjIIi e were caMtv into reuninllion to make u paibwy ttiruiurh which thoj memtiets might pat-s without being compelled 10 light tfc' ir way through the ranks of ilovr I u - or opsm ents, ns the case inlglit be. The throng was mutuly tory in lis make up, although there was a plentiful sprinkling of I.tbeniN and Radicals who cheereil themelves hiirs4" when ever ie of their (avoritea put In an npiM-arunce. ntnralh . however, the I onaervntivea. wildly enthusiastic ov er the fact that Their rty had liene returned to siwer by such a anbstan tial majority, did nn.-- of the shout ing, and as one. after another of the snpiMirfers of Bonar Uiw came ipnn the scene they cheered and yelled with characteristic Brttiah energy. lnrticnlaiiy noisy were the greet ings liestnwed IIIMHI the l.ihor mem FROM 800 TO 1,000 MILES TO BE BUILT The Estimated Cost Will Be About $20,000,000. Pro gressive Types of High ways Are Being Built. Hnlelgh. N. '.. Nov. as I By the As Mhited I'resst Advancing with Its program of highway const met len. which is said to lie the largest of anv State in the union, the North Carolina titgbwajl t'ommisKion next year will place under construction from WN) to I.IHNI miles of rond building at an es timated cost of $1li.tHKMH to JwtUMKI.- (MKI, according to an uiiuouiicemenl to- 'IS'HOIE STRETCH RACE in ni Hit J Among the first steps which tt2? , "!2!?!I2,, "T II"' Legion will lake is the holding of a fight for tetal exclusion of immigra tion for a period of live years, it was announitHl. The legion's bop is to eliminate Illiteracy by Ht27. according to Mr. Powell. In oo-operntlon with the National Education Association, the Legion has adopted as Its slogan, "Adopt An Illit erate Today," recommending that Its members nnd other patriotic citizens tench immigrants to rend and write ami to make them familiar with Am erican history, American 'institutions and system of government. Army draft tests showed flint out of l,."il!.. :. persons examined, 24.0 lier cent, could neither rend nor write. Mr. Pow ell declared. NEW YORK COMPANY BTY8 A8HKVILLB PLANT French Broad Manufacturing Coin panv Sold to the Muriel Mills, Inc., for About $360,000. (By tkm Aanorlatt Praw.) Usherllle, Nov .23.--S ale. of the French Broad Manufacturing Company plaid nt Owcnby, near this city, to extikmlon lu No. t r'rffeP1 Vf J;toUM"lr'Hl 'l!s 1" "'' Y",u WoodWHrd Tron Camiwiiy, aecorfflngifdr-n cmtfaderattoa of nlamt $3tK).(HKi fo a atatemeiit isaueil at noon today , has been completed, officials of the by M'i)nk ft. t roogani, presmeni or (iimpnny Here iinnnunecii the t'omiwny. M tne liijut-ed, .i were removed to their homes, and 2"i were In hospitals. The work of iden tification at that hour hnd not been completed, but it was lielleved there wore 38 white dead and 20 white in jured. ITINERANT PREACHER IN TEXAS DRAWS BIG FINE Fined $1,000 in Connection With Read ing Alleged Bogus Oath of K. of C. (Br the AMOCIntrd P .) Brevllle, Texas Nov. 23. A jury in the county court nt tieorge West. Live Oak county, yesterday found W. J. Bugg. itinerant preacher, guilty of criminal liliel. and lined him $1,000 in eonne.ction with the rending of an al leged bogus oath of the Ki tights of Columbus to a congregation last Easter .Sunday. Bugg was conducting a tent revival near George West at the time. The case was tried once before, but the. jury was unable to agree. The de defendant's attorneys gave notice, of an appeal. CLEMENCEAl) WELCOMES CRITICISM OF ADDRESS hers. Including C. II. Wilson, who scoi-j,l,lv '' Stale Highway Engineer Chi Reads Criticism of Congressman in a Newspaper and Says "That's Uood. (By the Annoclntcfi Pre mm., New York, Nov. 23. As Georges Clomenceau left for Boston today in Charles M. Schwab's privute car, be snld lie weiconied criticism of bis speeches by members of Congress. "That's good," Clemenceau said wheti he rend morning paper accounts of what Congressmen were saying. "That's what I came io America for, to invite .discussion. That's my idea of democratic free siieecb. It is what I .found when I came here more than no years ago, and I certainly did not cxp?et nny change." Labor Leaden Says King's Statement is Unsatisfactory. London, Nov. 23. (By the Associat ed Press,) J. Fnmsay ijlteDonald, la borltei, assumed his new position as leader of the opposition In the House of Commons this afternoon in the do bate on the speech from the throne, declared that the statement In the King's (addre8 regarding unemploy ment was profoundly unsatisfactory to labor. He said It showed that the gov ernment bad no real appreciation of the terrible tragedy. 1 What is the legal definition of manslaughter? If you don't know, see Cecil B. De Mille's Paramount produc tion of "Manslaughter" at the Star theatre next-Wednesday. Right other plants in South Caro lina, Georgia nnd Alabama have been bought at the same time by the Mar tell Mill. Inc.. and will in the future be operated under the name of the Martel Mills. T. t, Bagwell, super intendent of the. French Broad Manu facturing Company's plant here, said today that the new owners would prob ably take active control of the plant in the near future. Al the present the plant will continue to operate. without changes. The French Broad plant is engaged in manufacturing bed spreads. DEFENDS SHWPING WXL Says It Would Increase Our Foreign Trade, and Create an Adequate Mer chant Marine. (By the Amoclatrd Preaa.) Washington. Nov. 23. Representa tive Green, of Massachusetts, chair man of the House merchant marine committee, .told the House today that the administration shipping bill woulfl create an adequate merchant marine, Increase America's foreign trade, re tain in the country $300,000,000 an nually In freight money, give work to thousands of men, and gunrantee the nation against the necessity for again being faced with the task of building a wartime merchant fleet. "It is becnuse American shipping in the foreign trade alone of all our In dustries has not lveen aided in the past, Hint It has gone down," Sir Green asserted. "In this bill we are seeking to remedy long years of dis crimination and injustice." ' MAKING BOOTLEGGERS' BUSINESS DANGEROUS Judge Webb, in Federal Court, Jjlves Prison and Jail Sentences to Gnilly iMuners. (Br the Associated Press!) Asheville, Nov. 23. Federal officials here today declared that the sessions of the United States District Court now drawing to a close has "broken the backbone" of illicit whiskey manu facture and selling In Westeen North Carolina. Following n concerted drive by prohibition officers, deputy marsh als, nnd sheriffs' forces, the past six months about 500 defendants were ar rested. Judge E. Yates Webb disposed of 130 cases during, this term, of which 0 were senteneed to Federal prison ; 84 to jail terms, and fines aggregating $0,225, imposed. Only one defendant was ucqultted. Department of Justice Studying Mer ger Facta. f Bj the Associated Prss. Washington, Nor. 23. Legal aspects of the proposed merger of the Armour and Morris packing interests are un der study by the Department of Jus tice, it was learned today, with a view to Inylng a comprehensive report before the cabinet at an early meeting. IHissihility that resMinslhility for tin deaths reunited in the family. Mrs. Henderson, according fo Or. It. Wa Mnndhank. n local physician, had been ill for some time, and he laid stress uon the possiaili; that she may have been mentally unbalanced from pro tracted illness. Lancaster. Ou Xov. 22 Authorities investigating the mysterious deaths of Irvine Henderson, his wife and their four small schilren, whose bodies were found scattered about their home shortly before noon today, tonight fcd their first tangible clue. Dr. H. W. Mnndhank, a local phy sician, announced thai Henderson had consulted with him last Friday and several titmes since, over a mysterious malady which had affected members of his family, and had told him that he fenrrd'ihe was being given poison. Henderson, who was employed as n stationary engineer in the Pennsyl vania railroad shops here where the shopmen's strike is still unsettled.'sald ho helic.red he was being poisoned by those who resented his accepting em ploymegt at the shops. ir. Mondliank said. Henderson gave 1dm Ihe name of a man he siisporio.l the physician do-iaroY. fritf this was turned over to the authorities without being made public, i While Prosecutor Rndcllffe made no formnl statement on the case, he said he was Investigating all angles of the situation and' was awiting word from Columbus where vital organs of two of the dead persons had been tak en for analysis by the state chemist. From the first, it was said, the au thorities believed the deaths had lieen the result of either poisoning or as phyxiation. Their minds still were open, they said, on the question whether deaths were accidental, the result of self-destruction, or the work of enemies. . . etl tin unexiiected victory in one of the Sheffield divisions: C. P. Trevely- nn. one of UilH.r limoni-. and Ihe veteran Ben Tilleil. who retained his seat by a narrow margin. iJidvlage Was for hard-surfaced roads Astor. who retained her seat for l'lv- Phall or concrete and ditrin les M. I phalli This action will follow the stale's contract for 2.MKI miles in 1081, it Willi staled, liver one-half of this niile- as- Ihe month, was also given an ovation bv present year nk miles have been coni the crowds. (ploted. Owing to the fact that seats were toj In W23 Hie commission expects to he selected for the entire duration of! finish fifty per cent, more roads than the present purlin men I the inemliers of during 1022. Construction has been mm let restart has af unusual Imports dc lag tbeae laiwliass. and iha the ussnbera of the KHlowsh t' mine for "aaeri af doty" I . me werwy mamag of ihe ( oarard Ho tary dob at the V Wed Deadly 1 he meeting proved ana of aperlal Inter. and Ibe it ml. pin on by Frank Nib lock's team, proved ut.e of the muat auiturtDg nod lutt-reatuu stunts Id the history of the clnb. lrUhat Maury snaounced at tie iiegiiinlns that the publhitv commit- tee was nuking dubs to give h publicity to ihe address here of Dr. Charles Parker, who will lie her on nccraher l.hh. Chairman Ogtesby of the publicity committee, stated that the address will be delivered In the court bouse nod that plans were un der Way to make the apis'nrance of Dr. Ritrker here a big event. Bill Jen kins stated io the club that hv had hen t,l )r Barker, and considered his talk on "ilhgllgu lions of the Father to the Son." a masterful address, lie ex pressed the hojie that the sieaker would lie heard by a large crowd here. Bill Caswell again called the atten tion of the club to the Older Bovs' 'inference, to lie held here Ihe first of lecemlier. He suggested that each Itoiarlan select a hoy as a companion l lie conference. " would like to see Ihe Uolarlails go to the confer- nce sessions with Ihe Ixiys. mid nlso it the lmnitt-l." Frank M block nnd lit I Jarred volunteered lo visit sever al of I lie schools of the count r this week and extend an invitation to the members of the schools to attend the Ubrs r '1 Candidates Are Told How to Make Subscriptions Count Most in Closing Days of the Big Contest the House of Commons were unusual ly early on the scene, and by 1 o'clock the chamber was filled to overflowing. Looking down from the press gallery the veterans who have seen parlia ments come and iiarlliuneuis go could not tail lo lie struck with the number of old faces that were missing, as well ns by the greater number of faces that were to lie seen for the lirst time. MORRISON DIDN'T BURN BAILEY'S LETTER CHECKING UP DETAILS OF HALL MILLS CASE the the Published Latter's Letter, Urging the Appointment of A. II. Watts. Brock Barkley in Charlotte Observer Italeigh, Nov. 22. .1. W. Bailey s latest attack on Tnxt Commissioner A I. Wntts, ns broadcasted through the press this morning, brought a reply from Governor Morrison late this eve ning In the form of a statement and the copy of a letter Mr. Bailey wrote eighteen months ago. recommending the nppolntment of the man he now assails. The governor notes a remarkable change of mind and opinion when he contrasts Mr. Bailey's letter of March 10, 1921, and his "message" of this morning. Then the Italeigh lawyer and aspirant for 1024 gubernatorial honors considered Colonel Wntts fit ted above all other North Carolinians for the Job to which he was subse quently appointed. The insinuations and indirect charges of his latest state ment show a present opinion entirely the reverse. "The new tax program In North Car olina will require of its administrator a high degree of common sense, re sourcefulness and knowledge of taxa tion and of, the people. I don't be lieve the, equal, of Mr. Walts in these respects is to ne , lounu in .orin uur- olinn," Mr. Bailey wrote. Commenting on this Bailey opinion ?f eighteen months ago, Governor Mor ison states that "I am satisfied now Colonel Watts is just as honest a man as Mr. Bailey told me he was ini his letter herewith given the public' The Bailey statement hnd a great deal to ssy In the way of advice to the next general assembly, hut It is generally looked upon here as another of several camouflaged attacks on Col onel Wutts. The reason assigned for these is thnt Colonel Watts, who pre fers A' W. McLean to Mr. Bailey for the next governor, is looked upon by Mr. Bailey as the most effective sup porter of, his expected opponent. Witness Is Said to Have Given Grand Jury a New Story of Double .Murder. (Br tke Asaoelaied Press.) Sunimervllle, N. $.. Nov. 23. Offi cials conducting the 'flail-Mills murder mqniry aevoteii rouny io ciiecKing up details in the case. The Grand jury will resume consideration of the case Monday, having adjourned last night. The witnesses-. heUrd -yesterday inr eluded James Mills, husband, ami Charlotte, daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Klnehardt MlHs, who was murdered with the Kev. Edward Wheeler Hall: and Mrs. Holmes Voorhees, a surprise witness. Mrs. Voorhees was reported to have given the grand jury a new story of the murder. She says that on the night of the murder two automobiles coming from the direction of New- Brunswick halted in front of her home about 10 p. m. The occupants of both curs got out and she heard quar reling. She could not tell how many persons in the groups, but she heard women's voices. She heard two shots and the cars sped away. Mrs, Jane Gibson who says she saw the murder, has been summoned to ap pear liefore the grand jury when it re convenes Monday. AMERICANS PREPARING TO REMOVE PROPERTY From Constantinople, For Fear the Lausanne Conference Will Not Bring Peace. Constantinople, Nov. 23 (By the As sociated Press). American and Brit ish interests are taking steps to re move their property and personnel in the event that the Lausanne confer ence falls to establish peace in the Near East. The lnurast nnd oldest business bouse In Turkey began today to transfer Its stated In official circles entire stock, valued at $1,500,000 to the docks so Its goods can be imme diately removed. This action was a signal for several local firms to dose. American and British firms have char tered large steamers to carry their ef fects, and others have insured then stocks against looting" and incendiarism. delayed here by nation-wide strikes and laid weather at the beginning of the year, said Mr. rphniu. The com mission has recovered from this de lay, he added, and "with highly or gnnized" forces working on a carefully planned schedule" will be in it posi tion to move forward at a greater pace next yenr. As an indication of the progress now being made, figures were cited show ing HO miles of ini red roads and .120 of other tyiies already have been com pleted this month. A survey of the work shows almost every principal city in the slate with n network of improved highways, either completed, under construction or un der contract. The Wlnston-Snlem-Charlotte-Ashe- ville Highway already has many miles of hard surface, while the same is true of tli'e Central Highway, which runs from New Bern to Jliirviliv. From hitrltle to the'-SmiHf-Carost linn line, there is a completed puvetl highway. Konds from Charlotte to Lincolnton. Charlotte to Concord Charlotte to Gastonia, Charlotte to Statesville and to other surrounding points have a large mileage of hard Surface and other portions under con struction. The highway from Raleigh to Durham to Greensboro and other cities also is far advanced, with pin ing still under way. as are the pro! eels in the vicinity of Stutexi ille. Winston-Salem and Lenoir The commission, according to the state engineer, is constructing the so called "Progressive Types of High- ways." Traffic demands determine tin- kind of road built. The first is tin "grading and drainage type." When traffic becomes too great for this kind of highway, it is surfaced with select ed soil and maintained tor traffic us a sub-grade road. The third type is the hard surface -placed on the rond which already lias been prepared for this step through previous work In following this plan, the state does not expend any of its bond funds ex cept for permanent construction, it was asserted. North Carolina's pro gram is lieing promoted on a recent $.".0,000,000 bond issue, federal and county funds. A $11,000,000 liond is sue to continue the work will lie plac ed before the general assembly in January, for consideration. It has been lar monthly night meeting, In presenting the case against the members of the Fellowship Committee. Frank Niblock stated that he bad heard the charges against the .nieni- icrs mid, thought they should Is? heard in open court liefore the club. He asked President Richmond to ap point the members of the court nnd tne tollowing were appointed : Judge. Tom Webb; prosecuting at torney. John Ogleshy: attorney for de fense. Bill Jenkins : sheriff. Aubrev Hoover: clerk of court. Rill Sherrill : members of the Jury. Hnl Jarrett. fore man. A. G. Odell, Bob Ridenhour. J. B. Fetser, L. D. Coltrane and Alex I Iowa rd. Tlie defendants, Gus Hiirtsell. Joe Davis and C. M. Ivey, were placed on i table. The fourth member of the oiiimittee. Bill Gibson, was absent. The warrant as read by Attorney Ogleshy charged "willful and malic ious neglect of duly." The first wit ness amis Frank Niblock. It used to be a fellow with a good horse and buggy would drive his best girl to church on a Sunday evening. but an automobile seem to object to Ueillg PIU KCII 111 II "Ml. Ul HHfMli houses. MUST PRESENT CHARGES AGAINST DAUGHERTY SOON THREE BIG EXTRA PRIZE VOTE BALLOTS Members Are Striving to Be Acclaimed a Winner of a Ballot Fully Realizing the Bigness of Them. The home stretch race is on: really iiH-rensiug their vlgoroiw mv anil gniiiing such remarkable momentum as time slip by that a veritable torrent of subscriptions is sweeping Into the cnmiuilgn headquarters, members of Ihe big Salesmanship Club in which nearly sc. mm In automobiles ami oilier i ash prius and commissions will he awarded shortly nre working at top sseil in Hie crucial ieriod rhat will decide their fate. Just Two Days. Just two days remain in which to work for the "big jirir.e ballots tlm Hiipcr-supreitM' opportunity of the en tire campaign to work and win. anil itlll'et't.tw.n j ! ..'. ...... ...... .in., niinuim Ithe only difference Is'lween having a The meeting next week will be held I iri.M, ,, , lmvl om. Isv, ?f!.S5ltnjS lH ,hP "W- The new prise ballot offer is bringing ess was riauh .Minoch. ,1, rfr,u-ta Jliut "Do y,m s'W wtrnnr-any ouf'Su them have done in performance of their duty, Ogleshy asked. "Nothing, except Gus Hnrtsell has eaten everything in sight and Joe Davis prepared a report, setting, forth In flowery terms what the committee hnd not done." "With the exception of Gus' eating and Joe's flowery report they have done nothing?" "Nothing." "How about Ivey?" "He plays with his children all of the tune. them in by the thousands. It is the pathway to success victory! The greatest exhibition of courage and ten acity ever witnessed in the section of the country is on. The way votes nre polling up and the increased interest being shown on every hand makes it appear that the outcome will be very close. Plans nre made nt night for the tomorrow. The immensity of the cam paign become more impressive every day. Being a Winner. There is a fascination in trying men tal galvanism in going on: satisfac tion in striving, nnd the supreme en joyment of all is to win. There is abundant reward for Ihe winners in The Tribune and Times Salesmanship Club. One and all real ize that if takes effort, real effort to obtain things worth while. It will tuke effort, real effort, to obtain a rich prize in this campaign. A member's reward will lie in direct proportion to nre cautioned against underestimating the strength of the. opponents. They are working just as hard just as earnestly us' anyone else. Again by all means do not do your self the injustice of imderestimnting your possibilities. If a member re solves thnt he or she can and will be a winner, the battle is haltvon. Three Big Ballots. Jist before the curtain falls on the big vote drama and the judges take charge of the vote records and the 1 business turned in, the members are he knew of nothing good about thei6,ven one real big opportunity to dem- defendnnts. Sam ltankin was the next witness lie said the inemliers had done noth ing constructive, "tins bored us-foi onstrnte their campaigning ability as follows : A prize vote ballot of 4.000.000 votes will la' credited to the member who has amount of wo hours lellln ttrhnt the committer turned in the greatest would do, and Joe Davis stmt half an i monf ' for subscriptions up to and In hour reading about what the commit- i1"''lnLt,5is weok- I ri vote ba,lots tee hnd not done." What' is wrong?" Ogleshy asked. 'They are not mentally right of 3,000.000 and .2.000,000 votes re spectively, will be awarded the mem bers who succeed in having turned in TT..,.is,.ii hn. ,Qh. h.-oin- ni. i me seconu nun mini inrgest amounts son has n defective intellect: since the my fo.r 8"bsorition b-V d election .ioe unvis nas neen sintering i ' , ,. , " , from melancholia ; and Charles Ivey has hook worm." Hartsell here asked permission to move further from de fendant Ivey. "In what stage are the men?" "Hopeless." Shlpp Webb was called next. He asked first who had summoned him and asked accordingly when told that he was a State's witness. , nnd one nnd all have an opportunity to earn them. Double Votes. Double votes, or twice the regular schedule of votes will be credited up on each and every suliscription turn ed in this week. This is another rea son why members nre demonstrating their sticking qualities so admirably this week. A subscription this week ReDresentative Keller, Who Seeks Inr peachment, Must Present Facts Not Later Than December t. (Br the Associated. Kress. 1 Washington. Nov. 23. The House judiciary committee adopted a resolu tloiV today calling on Keprcsentativ Keller, republican, of Minnesota, to present by December 1 a statement of facts showing the alleged act or acts for which he asked for the Impeach ment of Attorney General Ihmgherty, Mr., Keller wns further asked to name as far ns possible "the persons involved in each transaction, the time and place thereof, and the witnesses bv which such facts can be establish ed." The committee directed that Mr. Keller be notified forthwith of its ac tion and announced thut it would meet Decern Iter 4th to take up the charges. "As a judge of mentalltv do vou 18 worrn lwo sunscriptions wnne tney think the men are eomiieten't?" Ogles- oa"'-v Jt the regular schedule value, bv asked "The two for one vote schedule will ' "Yes " Play un important part in deciding "Then their neglect hns been wilful M"?1 wl"ner of t"e oholcest and malicious?" prizes will be. The defense Introduced no witness- , , Second Payments, es, and Attorney Jenkins made the 1'lnl attention Is lieing paid to first argument. second payments by each mid every He stared that he lielleved the men ""suwr m me usr. nm iw viiuie ol wore guiltv himself, but as they are m friends of his nnd other inemliers of estimated ns the rules provide for the club he asked the niorov of the thousands of additional votes ,aln on pgnxt every second imyineut subscription ov- Defendnid llarlsell interrupted here . f a no nisive rue iiumiier or votes crei- WiUi Our Advertisers. The Bell t Harris Undertaking Par lors gives the utmost service in time of death. The Motor k Tire Service Co. has alcohol ready for your radiator, to keep the water in it from freezing this winter. The Specialty Hat Shop hns a love- A New York Stats farmer Is press agentlng his process for making "Dasteur'zrd 'apple juice," tout nobody ly line of fancy combs. Is Ilka y to get wildly excited about it I If you open an account with it, the After apple juice Is pasteurized there Citizens Bank and Trust Co. will place 9:ems to be no future for it Its complete facilities at your disposal. A TREAT FOR YOU Wednesday and Thursday, Nov 29, 30 TUB BIG t'OMEDY LAZY LEM Filmed In -Concord nnd Cabarrus County For l's Under Our Supervision With All the Earmarks of a Profes- invited through Senator Simmons, of slonal Production ALSO KATHERINE MeDONALD INFIDEL Her Biggest Picture and Her Greatest Success, Pastime Theatre CLEMENCEAU INVITED TO NORTH CAROLINA Asked to Come to (he Unveiling of the "American Doughboy" at Charlotte. 1H7 the Associated Press. Charlotte, Nov. 23 Georges Cle- niencenu "Tiger of France," has beeji to shout : We don't want mercy. We want a lawyer." That closed the argument for the de fense. Attorney Ogleshy stated, that he thought the men needed no mercy. "We have proved they are guilty. I ask for the full sentence of 'the court." The jury was out-but a few minutes, returning n verdict of "guilty" against each defendant Ited for a subscription of like denomi nation on the regular schedule. Suli- seribers who have given a subscriii tion of n small size are volunteering another one so as to help their favor ite over the winning line. Get second payments members as many as you cim, they are worth more than you at first imagined. Mark Them Carefully. The members are cautioned to pay particular attention to the marking Of Judge Webb suspended judgment i every second payment suliscription as and ordered each defendant to appear, snch. Placing Second Payment on the at each meeting for six months and show good behaVldr. North Carolina, to attend the unveil 1 ing here of the "American Doughboy' statue which will be dedicated to the memory of Mecklenburg County hoys who lost their lives in the World Mar. The bronze statue will be placed either on the Mmt office grounds or In front of the iimrt house, and the time for the ceremony awaits a reply from M. Clemenceau, It was stated to day. Hornet's Nest post No. 0, American Legion, ' has been' asked to j take charge of the ceremonies. Collision on the Seaboard. (Br the Associates' Press. Norfolk, "Xov. 23. Several persons were slightly injured when a Seaboard Air Line passerfger train collided with on extra engine on the main line of the rond near Hngnod. N. C, at four o'clock this m the road here it was said that no one hud been seriously hurt. fuce of ihe subscription and the length of time extended nlso period under which the first or original subscrip tion w-as taken, this identities as such and permits the judRes to trace the foregoing subscription and allow prop er credit. ' ' Baron Sonnint Dying. Rome, Nov. 23 (By the Associated ii igmsi v., niiour preggjitaron 8idney Sonnino, for orolng. At the offices of ,,. ,. ,.,, fnreim minister snf. fered a stroke of apoplexy today nnd is dying. It Is generally understood thnt the1 On the ground that actresses are trord "protective," an In "protective notoriously careless wttb their Jewel tariff," to not intended In any way to ry, British insurance companies re refer to the consumer. fuse to accept as risk against loss.

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