Fhf Concord Daily Tribunes r 9 A TODArS NETS TODAY. o DISPATCHES VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C Fl MEMBER 1. 1022. NO. 253 If NEGROES LEAVE THE Hi RT lOTIDttS IX ( TTOV TOBACCO, SHALL GB.M. ETC. iVla rtatocfaw'hi Baarigi at. Kate l ulhbr Jaaaarj ft-L iw iimihi ri.i 1 KjlHtk N C. Dm. 1. ftaal ar raagesMnu for ccwiuctinr ii short cotiraM m cotton, tooaecs. mmi - in In. fruit and reg t Is grow In; Dicounured bv Failore of f,rai dir)1,, uJi' " i rT n Tl p r",!OI gradiag. frc-n January I t (. Otton (. rop in SOOth Lar- Jvnuary 1 a the North (Ssroima rviina A r4 I Mvinr Farm Stat Col ege have b-n rooiuwted. rV All cordtnc to announced by Dm C. For Northern C ities. b v.iiiam.. Th courses have been arranged ao ,. . VT- rvrvT rtvrv ,b1 rrh I,rra,r aiinding may e.Ux r MAIN I l-UMllNv TU ,tak any one or miy ikr certain pur- NORTH CAROLINA 'lT"h ''iU01 of ,be wo,rt Where An Extensive Road Building ProgTanune 1st Underway. High Wages in Industrial Centers. ' This work has been arranged lo '10 at a leisure time In farm work." jit was stated "ami haa been designed 'especially to meet t lie net.is of ine I busy farmer, both young and olo, no wish to become more modern and business like In hi particular lino ul raimfng. """" "Powtolon lias been made for a y ike Am male ,- 'number of prominent outside ajieciul Columbia, S. C . Thousands'iif south- ists to adl the college in putting on ern negroes dlst-ouraged by the failure th?ge courses ;n the moat helpful of cotton crops under the boll .weevil , manner. condition-, and attracted by ivaapara- -Tlic college probably has neer oe fivejy high wnges in iiidiistriul cities, , fr, hcr aje to put on any wore are leavlug the farim of the South for ! tinnurt int short courses for North' northern cities, according to rnilr.....l Carolina farmers thun wilr Be offered officials, who today, confirmed dis- January. . M. UVKK BtAK Lot Frois air W U linln ba lion based the lOace of the Ute Cap William , at ( .-oroer of Church and aartoia Ttie lt is H4 fori wldv PUHS TO it GAMIZE M BLOC Took Conference hind CI I ,. I SLETLST- iM fw " Movement urn. ii niin Mr. IJnker announced also that he ' nad purcDaant a lot th reel long, on Church otreat. from Mr. Jofaa W Propai. The lot l directly In the rear of the (pt. Props property. In addition to the Prupst property. Mr Linker has purchased threes lot, JO feet frontage, from Mr. Ree nv "riaeh. The property Ilea on the east tide of v.ml, Church street and ad join the roeriy of ir ti. L. tang. U HTH DISTRICT MEETING IMPROVED ORDKK RED MFN to Qtta Definttl used Doors u nize Bloc Form When Held Be- SESSIONS TOj BE HELD TWO DAYS litclies from lievelaiul. saying an other negro migration is lu progress. "No doubt large niunoer ot mtr progressive da.rynien, poultry raisers Miiny also were rejtorted going from ! Lv ,,, tobacco uud small gruln uno states further siMtth to North Caro lina, where un extensive road building program is under way. era oichaiiliKis ami vegeuime ki-ooii will avail themselves of this spie told opportunity to better their cona.tioni Although the exodus Is widespread. anA o recslve new insnii-ation for bet- It Is not of the org.inliel variety. ter things," it was stated. these officials said. It is more, of an ! individual nature, many of those j RADIO TREATMENT TO .traveling north Ireing negro.-- who! 01 NT MONKEY GLANDS wirrkeil In imlii-i rial centers during the j WotU War. and others be.ing kinsmen Life Span of 120 Years and Third Set of negroes who have remained in the of Teeth rromisetl Dy M-ammei. To Be HeM at Kannapoiia Salurdat Aftentoon at :.) O'rlork The. efarhrti district meeting of the Improved Order of Hod Men will bo hold at Kannapolis tomorrow Satur day- afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A Upper will he given at .":." and a torch light para do at i:l.r. The "fol lowing will be tile progrtiiume : Song opening 'ale. Invocation District Prophet. Address of welcome C. C Smith. Baaparwi by District Sachem and oi hers. -llnsiuesa sosslon. Get -acquainted session. Time and place of next meetlns;. Song Closing ode. Adjournment. Supper rU 8:TB. Torch light parade at i:l". CITY TO SELL STREET Senator LaFoIette, Wiscon sin, Called Mbeting Con sidered by Some as Germ For a Third Party. . (Br the Aaooelnirri ptm.i Washington. Dec. 1 The movement to organise a "prajtresslve blia-" in Congnsw took ilelinlte forui today at a i-onfereuee liehlnd rkil chairs, attend ed by more than a score of senators and representative of the present and net Congress. Their meeting was preliminary to a general conference i tomorrow of national progressive lead ers. The executive TBiWliig today, open ing the two daya conTerenie. was-onll-ed by Senator LaFollotte. reimlillcan. North and who are now sending money to bring their relatives to new homes. HOUSE PASSES SHIITINC RILL BY (iOOD VOTE Final ( ouaf Showed 208 For and is I Agaiiist Measure. Washington, Nov. 29.- The admini stration shipping bill, around wutcb . i i . Hi . i I I I ' . naiot lv t 1 o ii.i etlunn II .1 I . 1 f- l 1 I I n l . ' I i r . i l l iii l ll.l ll flght of the present (Vmgress. was I ass ed today by the house with 24 votes to span. The final count was 208 to 184. Sixty-nine republicans broke away from their party organization and op posed thfe -bill, while four democrats supported it. There nearer was much doubt about the i suit, but the qiargin by wuicu It went through waamueii, lover than estimates publlcy g.Ven Dy most of the. leaders. It 'was, however, juat . uont what they figured oh privately. In the tace of threats to delay, if London. Dec. V Monkey glands for rejuvenation -will be put in the shade bv radio active treatment in the coarse of a few years, according to Prof. Itnrton Sctunmel. president of the Ilritish Radium society. A life span of 125 years. freh hair in middle life and hope for a third set of teeth are some of the things promised by him. The new methods only have been applied to the soil. Prof. Scammel says, and are now adaptable for humans. "Oaf of the most important con stituents of human organism in alka line nietnl potash," he says in explaln inp lib? theory. "Ami where there is a full and ndcriuate, supply of this the lardy remains vigorous for long over the Psalmists'a alloted spun. 'The trouble has been to supply the potash in a form in which it can he a.-Mimii'ited by the body and taken system with amnxiug results. It not not prevent Ite passage by the Beirdt ; merely prolongs lire nur Keeps per- iu .,,, tvlll mi M.nirtnv to the sons in attvanceu iniouie age in a emo'to n.Mmii.ui whteh ninna in no. state of iH'i'fect health and' efficiency u u nn. h no hi.no nndi After a few months treatment the the take bill to the floor next week. MOB STORMS MUNICIPAL BUILDING AT MEXICO CITV Death List as a Result of the righting Stands at Seventeen. Mexico City. Dec. 1 ( Ity lie Associ ated Press). Federal triarps guarded a Imdly battered mimii ipal building to dav while 4lie city counted the casual ties of a pitched battle between the police and a mob which attempted to storm the building last night. The death list as a result of the lighting stood at 17 early today, while 18 per sons are known to have been serious ly injured and 3 slightly hurt. It was thought that a check might reveal fur ther casualties. The trouble, which lasted for ulore hair begins to grow afresh and the Lmnsculnr system is completely braced ud. m "We are now experimenting and facing with some hope the problem whether (he human being can not grow a third set of teeth.' If we can discover the exact chemical coinpoxi titon of the. enamel of teeth, success may he attained." THE RISING TIDE OF AMERICAN EXPORTS Appears to Be Underway Mast Fav orable Future is ronenueu. By Hie Associated Pre.t Washington, Dec. 1. The rising tide of American exports appears to be un der way, according to a statement to- TEN OB nraLTB LOSE LIVE IN STEAIlCa ACCIDOfT YrsMi Straw Waal Bra wafer at . TjW Portacr Lath NUo Caral 1 vn York. i AMriM pm4 i Se York. Caloaart. Mkrh n i Tp .u- !" ami dfeiu.N...i.-d roll. i.n.i... ik. ... kove uttracteii annxPm uf baixUts. Canadian atoamor MkebarM are fce- " santwidlao; tboamsolroa with corp. Level I,, have loot t he! i I.e. 0rtT, rui. ou ."' Doe 1 o3. BOYS' CONFERENCE fM OPUS HERE TQMT tU wln the veoort struck tb we i breakwater at Oar Portage -4a ke ship canal Nine otbera of Ike new war reociied by coast guards, it bring poaol Me to reaaoro thetn one at a thne The accident occurred whDe a beavr gale was sweei4nf like Kaperior. Only Sereat Loot Urea. Calumet Mich.. Dec. 1. Cipf. Mn ann Rrrnar.1 and six member of the crew of the Canadian steamer. Map!. hurst, loot their lives early today wbej the ship broke up n mile west of Portage I ;i l Cnual ilnring a heavy gale. Nine others of the i-rer. were rescued one ut h time, juuitlug from the bridge into a llfelxnt. 32 v la noistaut fear of the police were told tndat Two bmti. Mkha4 FloreotiBo J.-ph Viola, arroated charged with carrying euncoaled weapoua. said aaid tlier wore emplured aa body, guards by wealthy booOecgm. whoar various alcsdiolic ciavoctiooo were bringing to them great amounts of money.. Low-type criminals, they said, were 'tllrilll.17 thMif h. il.l. I ll. .nlnllia. M. I Btaaa gian Will Be rield in Central Methotift Church This Afternoon, Beginning at 4 :30. NOTED SPEAKER WILL BE PRESENT FIRE AT NEW BERN Mere Than Score of Honae lu egro Veetion II. -Ii o ,-d. 'H to Anaoelotra Preoa-t New Bern De'. 1. Fanned by ht?h wIihIs of almost gnle fore, fire tialoy deslroyeil more than a jcore of houses In the iic: i-i, section of west New Bern At I o'clock the blaze was still raging, five or six blocks being completely de vastated. Dyninilt is being used in an effort to check Its rap.d wpreao. The entire lire department of New I'.e-ii which had liccii cngagiil in tiglil- ing the fire at the Roper Lumbar Co were always big giiiitiini; 'efforts towartl the iKKitieggerK. : a . imr.ii t m J uv:,i,se they know that tt,e hani Sessions Will Be C otitinued Through Sunday Night More Than 200 Boys Are Expected as Delegates. ment but Senator taFollette discluiin- IMPROVEMENT BONDS h91' "ny lnteutl"n th lncak up present imrtv lines. $350,000 Worth of Bonds Will Be Sold : Agriculture and labor were the of Wisconsin, and ttepresentative Had- saw mill on the opposite side of town dleston. democrat,, -of Alaliama. It was rushed to the scene of the burn was regarded in moat quarters as theiing dwellings, but tire Are had gained germ of a asslble third party move-1 considerable headway before they GOVERNMENT MAY SELL NITRATE TO FARMERS j Senator Smith Urge Sales in Fight Against the Cotton Boll Weevil. Washington. Nov. Jh. Direct sale' to Southern cotton planter of S&jBMl tons ot surplus ulatratc of mla held , ov i ue ar ieuiriiiietii was urgeil lo-1 day by Senator Smith. Decoornt. South Carolina. iimhi Sei-retary Wal-i lace, of the I .;. i m. hi of Agrlelll- ture. and Seeretnry Weeks, of the War I .,,... .... mh, wo,.,., i ms, ,jlv iu ) (.lltra, (;rilrtM School and In in the planter tight against the ImiII 1 y weevil and the two cabinet officer willnr.l Keenms. captain of the r.ii.i in... ...... ei ill" r.c.mi..i nmiiiiM... .. ..,. u,..,,..,! flla., ten in will lie the principal siieakor at the, oning session (bis afternoon. Ejec tion of officer w ill also I e held at Here on the Night of December 11th The aldermen of the citv of Concord held a special meeting this morning at 11 (iciock, at which time thev passed an ordinance nuthorizinir the sale off fl.iO.000 worth of street improvement 'lalgn. OOIHIS. y The DMtda will be sold on the night of Decemlier 11th at S o'clock, and will b delivered on January 3rd. The bid ders must name the rate of interest not exceeding 5 t-2 iar cent, in a mul tiple of 1-4 of one per cent. The money derived from the sale of the bonds will be utilized to extend the street paving program now under way here. princiiml elements represented at to day's Dialling of toe conference. Those attending had been identified with the farm and labor groups in legislation, and in the recent Congressional cani- BIG YARN MILI INCREASES STUCK reaehd the scene. Eighty negroes are homeless as a result of the tire. The majority of the homeless were unable to save any of their personal belonging. Three lH'r- The first session of the Older Boya Conference of the Fourth District, con ducfed under the pusplces of the V. M. A., will lie held here this after noon at 4:30 o'clock in Central M.-tb-Hllt Church. The sessions of the confereru-e will continue through Sun day night, with the various s.vsauis to lie held in different' Churches of the proHisal iiuiui-diate consideration Senator Smith promised that the War Department nitrate lie sold at cum in i..c snme mam er in wuicu . mi- ,h(, artrnmlll eaii nitt-ilt-es were ihslritmteo liv , ic ... . ... . government a few years ago. ((iiccn Alexandra Active at 78 Tonight at 7 o'clock at the Y- the J annual banquet will lie held. "The i World's Need of Torch" will la the sons were overcome by smoke in their I wishes today on tin occasion of her efforts lo remove their valuables from I seventy-eight bii thdav. She was Imii-ii the imrmng buildings. The fire started in the kitchen of of the house occupied by H. I). David, negro, and within 15 minutes six hous- Lond Dec. l.-Queen Alexandra. 8nbw-t "f , XX ' H Mo7t"' S"! the (jueen Mother, was the recipient of tttn Keneral kecretary of the of Hal a tl..d of congratulations and good tlm"'e' wno w,n , , . ,lu' l''''"-ipal HELP COrrON PLANTERS TO GROW BETTER STAPLE State Cooperative Association Aiready Active in uenalt cf tl tnhei-s. -lrriWTrre- trrhvltr. tmr rpcvitnpiifTr awfmgg; n( et uy the BivvJry m ,.ot. snown mar porusn uu.cu wno ni.no active solutions can be taken into the day by Dr. Julius Klein, director of wKlKH who decdared that the factors mynurihle for the water famine entering into mis country uireigu SPOMUlue lor tne water inmiiie. ..on,i n mnat fnrnrshlo fn. ture." The director added that'tbA total of $372,00O.,000 in exports in Oc tober, the largest since March, 1021. marks a progressive increase, and shows the trend definitely npward. Latta Sells Large Tract of Land on the Catawba. Charlotte, Nov. 30. E, D. Latta, Sr., head of the Consolidated Construction Company, has sold to J. A. Abernathy (150 acres of land on the Catawba River for a consideration of $30,000. The tract is a part of the, historic rev olutionary estate of the Davidson fam ily. .Original tract owned by Mr. Ijitta contained 1.040 acres. Mr. Latta stilt owns 300 ac es. Charlotte Elks are making unnsual urenaratlons for the annual memorial service Sunday iu anticipation of coming of Governor Morrison, speaker of the occasion. Mission Band of Reformed Church. The Mission Band of Trinity Re formed Church will meet at the home of Henry Smith Barrier this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Every member is ,re- 'tiliiested to la? present. MRS. L. P. DAVIS, Leader. At The Theatres. "Manslaughter," the great fenture starring Thomas Meighun, Is lajing Shown again today at the Star. The Pastime today is showing In the Days of Buffalo Bill," a Buster Ken i on comedy anil a western drama. At the Piedmont tiainy. Charles Jones is the star In "Boss of Camp No. 4." been no let up in th2 deelivery of cot operatives, the management announces that plans are already being mane to enable members to grow better cotton next year. Arrangements have ibocn umce through Dr. R. Y. Winters, cotton seed specialist with the state experi ment station, to buy 10,000 bushels of improved seed, which will be sold to members of the association. These ssed will be distributed so as to se cure the best results and is a part of tho general campaign to improve cot ton growing business in North Caro lina. 'Notice to members that a second advance wotad be made December 15 on all cotton delivered up to De cember 1 helped to boost deliveries the later part of the month, 'but mere is still much cotton to be delivered by members, it is stated. Since getting established in per manent quarters the cotton coo-i-ra-tives have settled dotwn to steady grinding, and promise quicker aervico to members. The grading department got 30,000 Battel behind deliveries, but it is not gradually catching up and by December 15, the peak of the move ment for thb season wSl have ,,n pass d. Just back from Washington, where he attended a meeting of exteno.on directors, from all the states, Dr. B. W. Kllgore, direotor for the public In- the cotton association, announces that the thouglrt uppermost in the mind of the country today is cooperative marketing and Dm it is here to slay. THE COTTON MARKET I Eighth district meeting of the Im proved Order Red Men will lie held at Kannapolis DecemlH.r 2, t 2 o clock, A supper will be given at 5 :15, and a torchlight parade will take place at 0:15.' Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sides, Novemjier 30th, a son, A. D., Jr. he Qu c om. CMC t XtOBfS NT A. NO COMPLETION ! A Complete Bank In points of facilities, or ganization and equipment, the Citizens Bank and Trust Company is unusually com plete. You can transact your banking business here con veniently, promptly and pleasantly try it. Opened Steady at An Advance of 12 Points to a Decline of 2 Points. (By the Associate FMM. New York, Dec. 1. The cotton mar ket niened steady at an advance of 12 points to a decline of 2 points. There was scattered buying on the rel atively firm showing of Liverpool, and reports of heavy exports over the hol iday.. Cotton futures opened steady. Dec. 2.V40; Jan. 2fi:3r,; March 25:33; May 2.r.;20; July 24:0.r. With Our Advertisers. Your dollars develop and grow in usefulness when deposited in the Citi zens Bank and Trust Company. This is n complete Iwnk in points of fnclli ties, organisation and equipment. Suits and overcoats at $27, $30, $32 and up at the Browns-Cannon Co. All made of best materials, s The Bell A Harris Furniture Co. is now able to fill your every want in the furniture line. Hand-made Christmas gifts at the Specialty Hat Shop. Don't forget the Christmas opening at Cline's Pharmacy today and tomor row. You are Invited. Overcoats and suits for men ; coats ami dresses for gilrs and women, and bargains for all at Farley's. You pay $1 down, and- the rest in easy pay ments. Before buying Bee the stwk of goods this company offers. Prosident Han Johnson ladleves that both Howard Holmes and Emmet t Orinsby will make good as American league umpires. They worked 'In the Western league last seacon. Wiscasselt Mills Increase Capital Stock From ifLSOO.IiOO to $5,0110, 000. Albemarle, Nov. 29. The s tick holders of the WlBCd'sett Mills dm pany, of this city. In a meeting 10- day, voted to increase, the authorised capital stock of the efrporatlon from $1.20MM)0 lo s.,.imhi.(MHi. a pail ol which may be preWrtrd stock. The stockholders al9 ,WWt horlzed the board -of directora-id- issue capital stock for a 200 pet '.tint dividend. The Wdscaset Mills arfiHMaered as por Jwps the Woet 9a!!rm bf the-famon chain of cotton mills. The yarns manuCactu.ed by these mills have a well established reputation through out the country. Joe F. Cannon, for the past sev eral months,' has been general man ger of this plant, and from th? out set his management has promised a progressive development program for his mills, and it is said that the ac tion today is only the first step in that program. Among the out of town persous at tending the stockholders meeting were Hon. Clement. Manly, Winston-Salem ; Mrs. J. W. Cannon, C, A. Cannon. J. W. Cannon, Jr.. ami K. C Barnhnrdt. of ..Concord ; W. A. Smith of Anson vile; Mrs. W. T. Sanford and A. O These, of Charlotte: J. W. Swinlt, of 'China Grove; N. E. Foil, of Ht Pleas ant and Rev. Robt. Patterson, of Charlotte. BOTH HOUSES ADJOURN OCT OF RESPECT TO HA.i J Covunitte Appointed to Accompany the Bed- to Chieatco. (By the Associated Pre.) Washington, Dec. 1. Out of rcsptct for Representative James R. Mnn, tor many years a republican leader in Congress, whose death occurred uere last nignt, OOXIl inn nuuoe auu ijuiia. adjourned today after adopting it-solutions of regret. In the House a committee oi zs members was selected to accompany the body to Chicago for bunal. ai -nouncemi?nt also was made that ser vices would be held at the house cham ber tomorrow. President Harding and his cabinet, the Supreme, Court, tfie Senate, prominent government omcials and members of the diplomatic corps have beeti invited to joint the house in paying tribute to the vetorran !egis tor. The last funeral service held in the house chamber was for former Speak- c Cham"1 Clark. On that occasion Mr. Mann delivered one of tbe eulogies. es adjoining were in flames. The tire spread In the east direction, burning everything in its path. DR. VAN DYKE TO ADDRESS THE TEACHERS TONIGHT Election of Officers of the Teachers' Assembly This .'lftenioon. ny the Aitsoclated Frrsa.1 RnteighD ee. 1. The climax of Hip North Carolina Teachers' Assembly annul conference will he reached I his afternoon with the election of officers and tonight when Dr. Henry VanDyke. of Princeton, N. will deliver an ad dress on'"Poetry ami Nature." Miss rateulietli Kelly, state commis sioner of adult illiterates, and vice president of the Assembly, is slated to be elected President without oppo sition; while .luie C. Warren, secretary-treasurer, seems assured of re election, according to indications, The morning and early afternoon sessions were devoted to departmental meetings. Dr. E. C. Brooks, commis sioner of public instruction, held ,a further conference with . the county superintendents to discuss proposed revisions in the slate's school laws. Bieaker. Mr. Morris will speak again tomorrow morning, and iu addition, Mrs. T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh, and C. C. Polndexter. left guard of the Caro lina football team, will lie heard. Saturday . afternoon a basketball Decemlier 1. 1S4I. the daughter of the late King Christian of Denmark. . Her Majesty is far more active than II, nut iiniiii'ii ii li,, ,iin i. Aii finer file fum-. score ipnrk. She might take her life ! tournament will be held and Saturday far easier than she does, but evident-1 "'Knt Deorge Fisher, imiiistrtal lv ). i . ..i ,., tin. i.iou ,.r i.,t . . secretary ot the at inston-Milem : hii.l on the shelf she Hire I., show Alto C. Roberts, of Asheville herself among the people, and she is School; and W. W. Farm Krockmun. asso- gratitied bv the applaiise with which '"" m worker in . ocnow. ihi.h mil lu. i ,,rii.. i..,,.u iLilie the streakers. This session will be greeted. Undoubtedly it acts, as a sort of psychological tonic upon her, audi helps her to feel as yawns as slu ROPER LUMBER MILL DAMAGED) BY FIRE looks. She crowds many activities, into a day. hat she makes two concessions, to advancing years. She seldom goes out in tho evening, and she goes to bed early, usually playing a game af "Pa-tieni-e" before retiring.- -' International Stock Show. Chicago, 111., Dec. 1. Fresh and clean from the recent use of curry comb and hair brush, thousands of prize cows, sheep, swine and plain and fancy horses are awaiting the opening of the twenty-third annual Interiiat- held at Central School. Sunday afternoon Mr. Roberts will sjieak iu the First Presbyterian Church, and the conference will close. Sunday night with an address liy Rev. J. C. Rowan. About 150'boys arrived in Concord this afternoon, and at least 7." mores are expty-ted tomorrow. They are .staying n jirirntc bntaefi. throughout the city. CHARLESTON MAN IS KILLED IN ACCIDENT Edman M. Rhett Killed 'When Car Hits Pole. Alex Newton Injured. (By the ' !ai,-.i I '.... Fnvotteville, Dec. 1. Edman M. ional Live Slock Exposition at the, 24. cotton buyer, of Char Stockyards here tomorrow. Altogeth-1 ,ost(m s , r fataUy lnJured( er there will be more than 10.000 ani mills on view. This is said to be the largest gathering of thoroughbred uui- u a.s ever .. . ,u phone vole about 3 miles north of Fay- show. Not only are the classes of!' .... TOi.tt .nLi and Alex 'Newton, of this city, was slightly hurt when the automobile in which (hey were riding crashed into a tele- cattle, horses and sheep larger than ever, but the quality of the stock sur passes any exhibition previously stag ed on the American continent. The ex hibition will continue through the coin ing week and is expected to attract thousands of visitors from many sec tions of the United States and Canada. Plant Was Almost Completely Dc stroyed. Three Employees I'aintu) ly Burned. (By tlie Associated Press, I New Bern, Dec. 1. The Roper Lum bcl Mill, operated by the Rowland Tn ,.ninetlon with the stock show Lumber Co.. was almost completely i tuere wiu )e he,(, th, fonrtn inter-1 destroyed by fire here this morning, ni,timml c,mn and Hav Exposition, causing a loss estimated at $300,000, jl0re than 4,000 exhibits of grain will j said to be covered by insurance. Three (,e ghown, workmen were painfully burned about j ' i their faces In figliting the flames. ! Eight Year Old Girl Dies From Auto ' etteville late' last night. Rliett died shortly after being carried to a local hospital. The aeident is said to have been caused by bad lights and nn un noticed sand lied along the side of the road. v. SENATE ADJOURNS WITH FILIBUSTER UNBROKEN The tire started in the saw mill and was said to have been caused by ex treme friction from a belt. The flames Accident. illy the Associate! Press.' Asheville. Dec. 1. Dorothy Robin- Democrats Continue Fight to Make Action, on Dyer Bill Impossible. I By the Associated Press,, Washington. Dec. 1. Senate Demo crats. were relieved of continuing their filibuster against the Dyer nuti-lynch-ing bill today by adjournment of the Senate until tomorrow out of respect to the memory of the late Representa- spreau wymij u.m muu.. ... u u'": son, nged 8 years, daughter or air. tive Mnnn of niinois, whose death oc curred last night. Shakespeare's Wit Called Disgusting. IiOndon, Dee. 1 -Shakes?are's wit was characterized as cheap, exas perating and disgusling by Sir Arthur Qulller Couch in the course of a lec ture on "Much Ado About. Nothing," at Cambridge I'niversity. "With regard to combats. of wit in his comedies," said Sir Arthur, "if we. could rid ourselves of idolatry, and cant when we talked about. Shake speare, we would a.lullt that his wit usually i cheap, not seldom exasper-j ating and at times merely disgusting. "He purveyed this for bis age, cer tninly not for all time, and the more accurately we detect it to put i away men had narrow escapes in getting out jjuia Mrs Wm" KobinsOn, of Wesver (,f the buildings. , villo .lio.1 nt n local hoanltfll eariv The Roper mill, the largest industrial thi ' morninir from inluries received I plant in New Bern, was leased by the . wnP11 struck bv an automobile yester- Rowland Company about a year ago. ; ,inv It employs 300 men. jt' n Owenby, driver of the car vctttf iesilcTT 1srnjlUfnMP4NV which struck the child, is under $1,000 IWRSpSTArJTWK ii. An.Hnent to Charter Granted, In- Hanged for Murder of Aged Wife. creasing Stock From $1,500,000 to '- " AM.atea r. $5 000,000. Walla Walla. Wash., Dec. 1. -James (liy the Associated Press.) E. Miihoney was hanged nt the state Raleigh, Dec. .1. The Wiscasett penitentiary here today for the mitr- Mills Company of Albemarle, was de.r oi his agiMi wire, ivaie .u. Aiiiuoiiey. o-.-,.,.i,wi .... amendment ,,, It charter at Seattle in April, 1921. increasing its capital stock from $1. 000,000 to $5,000,000, and the Oate City Baseball Association, of Gree.nsboro, I was incorporated at $15,000 today by the Secretary of State. Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Sr., of Concord, was named us president of the mill company. The baseball association was incorporated tii operate the Greensboro club in tho. Piedmont, League', The' filibuster, however, was well started for the third consecutive leg islative day when the resolution from the house announcing the death of the Illinois member was received. Davidson Player Suffers Broken Leg. I By the Associated Presa.) GreenviRe, Dee. 1. Guard Dough ton, of the Dnvidsou College freshman football team, sustained a broken leg in n gnine with the Clemson fresh men at Clemson College yesterday, it was learned here today. Duvidson I won the game. 20 to 7. ; ts: :: ::: ::;:;;:::;:::::::::'::::: 'zzz zis z ::;::::::;::.:;;:::: ::z::;::zm ,, FOUR LOSE LIVES IN A PORTLAND, OREGON, FIRE All Other Guests Esraped, Most of Them in Night Clothing. (By the Associated Press. Portland, Ore. Des. 1. Four men lost their lives in a fire early today in the Ben Hur Hotel, formerly known as the more dearly we get his virtues." , the Oak Hotel In the business district " i ...... . VI in i ib . . I ' I . . . . 1 ..... I 1 . . , . , , , Lion iiwre, lvuiii" oi nit? mini ini u uci'u men- Irish Const it ul ion BUI Passes. London, Dec. 1. i By the Associated Press). The Irish constitution bill ifliHl several hours after the lire. All the other guests were reported to hnve escaped, most of them in night cloth- passed unamended loday through the ing. The building was destroyed committee stage m tne House or The cause or tne nre has not neen Lords. It will receive Its tbird and ! determined. The loss is estimated at final reading Monday. I $00,000. , Mtromholl In Violent Emotion. I Mrs. Chas. B. Wagoner and guest, I,ondon. Dec. 1 illy the Associated Mrs. Bessie P. Adams, are spending j press). The volcano of Htromboli on the day in ( harlotte, the Island of that name off the waist of Sicily Is. In violent eruption, says Gas was the first, public utility, a Central News dispatch from Roma Later eame electricity, the telephone today. - and the electric railway. New Series Building and Loan Stock Concord Perpetual 69th Series Open Saturday. December 2nd CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Concord, N. C., ancj at Kannap olis, N. C. Do you want a good, Safe, Tax Free Investment? Do you want to Build or Pay For a Home ? . Then take Stock in This Series. C. W. SWINK H. Y WOODHOUSE, President Sec. & Tfeas. P. B. FBTZER, Asst. Sec. & Treas.