VOLUME XXIL CONCORD, N C , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1922 NO. 257 CONCORD WILL HAVE AN INDUSTRIAL BANK Several Local People Will Shortly Apply for a Char ter to Open Such Institu tion In Tliis City. PLAN I OP BANK GIVEN IN DETAIL Committee Appointed to In vestigate Receives letters of Commendation Prom Various Cities. Much Clothing Sent to New Bern Fire Victims Strml lira ben containing m iu each box U AIM it it pcpaiod for ml hundred poawds at nothing, were Inunedlttd shipment. The first shlp KhlpfMxl tram Otasrerd today to New ment of riot bins from ttaU city should In, to bMp relieve the mtViing oflrMrb Xew Bern tomorrow room In the .ton) rsisrM whm wet made! OirjtrfknrloM nre Mill I vine re in unless there last week by a flrsc relrert. lls Kinrktim isilnied not In that tmvn serai nhont l.tWM homm. fttM iiMttat the tnrt nlnit.lv ship)- ' The lot long waa received ud ship- "We hare wnt niiidi kI Hot blue al d umler the iirvipin of Mis May, ready," she stated, "but c wiint la - - i HI. ' ' f r l ' ut-nitij mil PUJI.UIU mm.-. niHl IJ1''III" W IC, nnir ,,, An Indnstrial Rank la nn nrfenniui tliai nt once iblbuithriili' mid Ifrnd ta ble. Ita primary object Ik not to se mr deiswlts hut tn mail the need of the Hiunll bar tow ft uml f make it pos sible for I. in, to my the u mount ol hi loan wlthoul undue Htmln npon lilm. It will in no way whatever Interfere with hank doing n general NWMti rial business nor with savings hunks or building and loan organlxntions. The Industrial Imnk. ratter than hin dering the work of other bunking in stitution. Ima proved an auxiliary to them and eonaeiiuently Ih endorsed hy them. was appointed chairman of the Red Cms lamiaiiicn here. Some of the clothing waa received by Mis Utarfc ton Tuesday afternoon, hut the Knitt er part of ii was rei-oivM thin morn ing when the wIhmiI children deliver ed it on their way to aebool. "We are deeitfy grateful to the neo jile of Concord for the generosity shown on thla occasion. They have not merely aeni u lot of worn out clothing to my office for distribution nuiniig the tire sufferers. They have aent nun h chI . b.tniiiir. including Isith Inner mid outer garments, mid been al4e lo get their Mcknge to lue should do ho ui Mie. and their sm trilmliona will la- forwarded at on. lo the irtrh-ten i lty. The clothing Is needed at on. and e will t-ohTlniic lo ahip It from Concord us mug nn we receive It." M -- Stockton n I -o reMirieil tlint aevetal i-ash contributions hud heen received hj her during Tuesday after noon niid this morning, mid other mi niiuitioiis were made m this otfh-e The fund here Is growing Htmillly. nuil Hie money will he sent to New Hern as sasm ns a kiiiii sufficient to they have aetil the elotliing in great really do any gissl. has )m rocelvisl iiliuiiilnnis'. We were osiMsiully lie- rersoos who huve eontrlhiitions to lighted with the huge quantity of make are nskeil to luiug them to J. It ehlldren a ml Imliy clothes reeelved. i Sherrlll. ns he litis agreed to handle Maaj of the ilest it iilo in New litem I the funds for Miss SlnckJHi. wlio will Biv tins fluin lit year of agi'. ami It! devote all of her time lo the onllev- NEW8ERN SITUATION WORSE THAN THOUGHT This is Statement Governor Morrison Makes After a Visit to Vast Area Destrov- ed by the Fire. SEVERAL STATE OFFICERS PRESENT To Lend Their Efforts to Suf ferers. M. L. Shipman Will Try to Help Solve the i tabor Problem. IRELANO HAS BECOME A FREE COMMONWEALTH Takes Her Place Among the EarthV Nations Today. Provisional Government Has Ceased to Function. WANTS GOVERNMENT SIX MEN KILLED IN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT BUT LITTLE CHANGE EXCEPT IN NAME Js necessary thnt they Is- properly i lolhed," said Miss Stockton. Miss Slisklon stntisl that several lmes of the elothing were shtpMi to lion and distribution of elothing. Hundreds of children In New Keen iii-ed help. If you rani give money you can certainly send some clothing. one should want to give both. V..... II...... .1 I .1... .1.,.. ....I ... " in'i o online ill,- on.,, iiimi ipiucih BJtw will In. uliliMM! tonlirht nilft t I'nlV I The clothing has been coming in nl-'B-v ll,s n" ' risls nR thi" most contlntiously during the day, and is a man lnensinod. A committee which has inveslignteil 1 - thla remedial loan plan of banking, has received letters of commendation from the Cham Iters of Commerce of the following cities: Atlanta, ftnsh ville, Baltimore, Memphis, Norfolk. Seattle and Springfield, Mass. officers of various Industrial Ranks were tfsk ed concerning the institution, and re plied with Hie strongest of endorse ments. Realizing that the time is rl for such un institution in Concord, sever al local people who will lie joined by others from distant cities, will short ly apply for a charter lo nMn one here. The borrower secures the endorse ment of two of his fellow workers showing thnt he Is a reliable person, secured the amount of money needed, provided that it la an ninount which cWes within the class of small bor rowings, and then to secure his loan, he takes out a cert i Ilea to i of stock, pays tt specified amount each week and then nt tbe expiration of a year, the union nt iar week lieing arranged so na tis meet the amount of the note after a. yeavjtkaivhe Ja-Mnrwlto Tff tShrfh nWTne M is paid in advance. Taking for illustration, a $o0.00 loan is made as follows: The liorrower gives his note, (with two co-workers) for $n0.00 dtie "ii weeks later and pays (! per ceat. in terest in advance and a fee of one dollar. He then agrees to purchase til the rate of $1.00 a week for .TO weeks, a Class "One" certificate of Invest ment. This certificate, which as a rule liears no interest when hyiiothecated is assigned as additional collateral for the loan. At the end of 50 weeks I he liorrower has imiil tflO.OO on this cer tificate: two weeks later his note be comes due: he can then withdraw tin1 IfS&M) pnid on the certificate, pay the note and the transaction is closed. Books of subscription are opened for this hunk and the necessary capital is furnished by the subscribers, ($25,000 lieing the minimum allowed by the State), puyment for the shares sub scribed to lie called for as' needed. An annual dividend is guaranteed on the stock, which Is divided into shares of $100.00 each. The surplus derived from the earnings is credited to this stock, making its book value, and a dividend not exceeding (i per cent. Is paid upon this hook value annually The book or sole value of the stuck increases each year, hence the stock holders get increased dividends each year. The safety of the investments are secured by this enforced neeniuu latlon of a surplus. All Industrial hunks earn at least 10 lier cent This industrial system of hanking which cupittilixes the earnings of the lalKH-er, is not. strictly n eo-npenitlve bank. II lends money on personal In dorsements, thus taking the moral risk. Actual tangible collateral Is not required, no chattel mortgages or the like lieing taken. A remarkable fea ture of this institution which does not secure Its loans as other Institutions do, is that its losses are negligible. The Norfolk company, during two years has lost never a cent, while the Atlanta company has lost hut ortuj small loan, this being due to a forgery at the beginning, of business, 'fhe Washington, Baltimore and other com panies have experienced no losses. Kach week the Industrial Bank re ceives from Itorrowera, in imyment on the Class "One" Certificates purchased and pledged as collateral, nn' amount of 2 per cent, otnhelr loans. There fore in addition to loaning out lta ciinital stock at fl per cent, the Indus trial Bank re-loans 2 per cent, of Ihls capital each week, earning na nddl tional 0 per cent, on this; it also re loans at (1 per cent, two iter cent, on each new loan ; ami also reloans all the Interest deducted on advances. There are two classes of stock ex plained by the following: After the Initial caprtal la loaned ont. Certificates of Investment ( known as Class "Two") ure sold to the pub lie. These certificates carry guaran teed interest at o per cent, per an nam, are issued In units of $50.00 and are sold for caah. Additional resources also are aecur ed through the aale of Class "One' Certificates on tile installment plan. BARH'tf SPRINGS HONE THE BASKETBALL GAME IS RECEIVE MICH HELP BOUND TO BE BIG BOLT to Many Thousands of Dollars Aent Winston-Salem and Concord Vs Orphans Thanksgiving Ky People el ciasn m Annual Affair. State. , I Thursday night of Ihis week is the Rill-linn Springs. December 5. The date set for the nmiunl clnsh between Thanksgiving season bus brought the instoti-Suleni . and the Con much joy and' gratitude to the hearts cord V. All Indications point to the of the famillv at the Presbyterian biggest and lst game of the season Orphans' heme. Contributions ale still on the haul court. Two years ago, the coming in and complete returns can- local team lost lo the strong Twin-City not be given yet; up to Saturday, aggregation ny tne margin nt a single however, it was stated by G5neral point. This year the team Is eonsid M'anager Joseph B. Johnston that the ered to lie ns good if not lietter than money returns amounted to about tne team or Hint year, uist year, the $SC,00t. A number of churches were to Winston team, reinforced by several make contributions Sunday or at college stars, trounced the locals. some later t'.me and this fact will whose team was not up to the stnntl- necessariiy delay tiie milking of UM aril. Tins year tne local is going final reDort of the results of the like wild fire and wnllotung everything Thanksgiving oamDaign. 'they meet. They have lost to only one In addition to money gifts which team, that lieing the fast Davidson have already cimie in, a large number ) Sophomore, for two years class chain of donations of foodstuff and outer plons of the college. needed things have been received from Inek. tne diminutive torwnrd. seems different sections of the slate : the ( to have found his old eyet from the Im-eest r ft at this kind was n oig ' way he dropped them in in the High- IW.ttMraW Monday night. .41 be from Tnvatlra, wltn tne iniormatton puiys tne same kiiki or a game inure thnt .mother itrnrk full was to ouio:dav night. With Dellinger. Wolff, and from that nlace right away. -Long also shooting well, the local I win come ort witn tne long end oi tap CLARA PHILIPS MAKES HER ESCAPE FROM JAIL Woman Convicted of Killing Another With II milliner. Has Disappeared. Lns Angeles, Dec. 5. Clara Philips, who escaped from the Los Angeles county jail early today where she was being held under a sentence, of 10 years' imprisonment after conviction of the hammer murder of Alberta score. Little is known of the Winston team this year, but it is supposed that they still have the same abundance of stars and ex-sturs that, have been playing for years. "Hip Martin, an ex-Trin ity star, and one of the best players in the state jvill probably hold down one of the guard positions. Ferell Allan and Anderson, all players well known in basketball circles in this Meadows, was leparted as having been state will also probably lie in the line- seen in the southwestern secnon oi , ihc city eight boots alter uer escape this morning. No trace of her husband Armour Phillips, has been found. He s said o have 'disappeared y.3stert.ay. Mrs. Philltoa is thought to have made her escape about 2 o'clock this morningA The- bars on her cell win dow had been sawed through and after crawling through the window she droppe dto the roof of an adjoining building and disappeared. Absence of saw fii'ngs on the window ledge led Investigators to believe than the bars were sawed several days prior to her escape. Mrs. Phillips nail several nours start on His authorities, but the in formation greened 'by the drag nel nhiced over southern California was meager. - THE COTTON MARKET real scrap and some classy basket ban is In store for the big crowd' which has been turning out for games this season. Peterson, who refereed the Knnnap- olis game, will again officiate, and a fast game is certain, i A Renewal of Liquidation at Opening Today, But lss Active. (By the Asaoclated Prasa..! New I'ork. Dec. 0 There was a renewal of liquidation at the opening of the cottton market today but it was less actltve after the big break of late yesterday, and prices were steadied by covering. Liverpool was a shade bet ter than due, while firmer ruling oi foreign exchange, was regarded as in dicating a more optimistic view oi Kuronean politics. TIiIr may have led to some scattered covering on the opening advance of 8 to 13 points here. and January sold up to 24 : alter tne call, or about 1 to 20 points net lileher on active months. Cotton futures onenei steady. Dec. 24 :40 ; Jan. 24 :40 ; March 24 :50 ; May 24:42: July 24:20. JUDGE DEVIN DECLARES WOMAN JURY IS ILLEGAL They Nevertheless Tried Case and Held negro Driver tinuty of huiiiiu Boy. Wilmington, Dec,1 4. Action of Coroner A. S. Holden, of New Han over county, ,:n impaneling a Jury of women to investigate the death, of a muo-year-old boy tailtally injureu uiy an automobile, is illegal, according to a ruling made for The Morning Star tonight by Judge W. A. Devin, of the superior court. The Jury, said to be the first of B'milar composition ever assembled in the state, deliberated for four hours today, and then held Andrew Murpny negro driver cf the oar, for the kil ling Murphy was later released under $2.O0f bond. In his -ruling tonight. Judge Devin declared that the constitution requires a Jury of lawful men, and, until the cnstltutlon is amemUd, a Jury of women is illegal, he said. This ruling, however, being private ly rendered, will have no effect on the case in question unless officially brought to She attention" of Judge Devin. Irish Parliament Met With out Ceremony and Elected a Speaker and Nominated . a President. IB, ike Awirtilfl Prwl New Bern Doc. 6. Destruction caused by the fir here last week was leclared to oe worse than pictured In newspaper reports by tiovenor jrlor- Ison lodttv. on his arrival here wllh Krank race, chairman of (be Slate Highway C irjnsslon. 1 his is i at, said the (iovrriiur. "1 had no ideaa the f'Tiintion really was like this. Von may depend on me to lo everything I i an to Help." Al L. Shipman. Commissioner of Labor and Printing, also is here to aid in the unemployment situation. The heath and siin tation work is in direct charge of 'Major Erwin, of Fort Bragg. Ouitsid? assistance continued to come in during the day. LdDorai financial contributions and donations of fiajd and clothing were received. LIST FOrTsI FFERtSs FROM NEW BERN Ulil,. We shall lie glad to acknowledge throngh the columns of our paper all ontributious to the fund to he sent to elleve the sufferers frijni the New Bern fire. The following have been received : Dr. T. N. Silencer , $"i.ih) Maury Richmond - o.iKI T. T. Smith , B.00 Martha C. Stockton ., 2.00 M. Brown 1.00 I). McDonald runi S. A. Sloop 1.00 Mrs. S. E. Rnrnhardt 4 10.00 l Ur, J. I Ilartsell 2.00 No. 2 'School .Ju 's" Miss Cnthleen Wilson I 1.00 G, W. Means ,:, 5.00 J. B. Snerrill t 5.00 Dublin. Iec. r, i Ry the Associated Press!.- Ireland look lier plai-c today among the world's coiuiiioiiwctilths. The provisional government and ur linment H'usiil to function, their place being taken by the MMHI imrlia ment and cabinel of the Irish Kree State and the new common wen lib Is tug foriuully piiM-hiiniiil us an estnh llshed government. The provisional regime which ceased to exist today had such full powers Hint the new one now inaugurate;! marks hut little change except in name. The program of the day provid ed that the pariiamenl meet without ceremony and after its memliers hud taken the oath, elected a speaker and nominated a president, the order of the day called for the naming of the executive council hy the president with a committee of the parliament nomi nated the other ministers. The av rangenienls ninount simply to Hie con forming in office of the' men already there. THE 'COTTON STATES COMMISSION" FORMED For War Purposes and Cheap Accident mturrai at autgiey Fertilizers. Dickinson In- Held n hen Martin traduced a Bill to This Pur pose in the House Today. er Collided With a Fokker While Making l anding. SOLUTION OF MUSCLE SHOALS PROBLEM CAUSE OP THE ACCIDENT UNKNOWN Dickinson Says Some Plan .Two of the Dead Were Offi- of Federal Operation Only cers and the UUiers fcniist Solution That Will Insure Early Completion of Work. ed Men. Accident Follow ed Trial Spin. (Br r Autat4 Prraa.1 tk A tm f rma.1 Washington. lee. 0.- tiovernimnl ! Newport News. lec. d. Major tiny controlled -orH. rations to produce ni-iL- Hearhart. of lnvenworth. Kans.. trales for war purMwes ami cheap I Captain Benton A. Doyle, of St. Uniis. fertiliser for farmers was proposed and four enlisted men. were killed at today us a solution of the Muscle Ijingley Field today when a Martin Shoals lineal ion hr Representative bombing plane carrying the live of Dickinson, repiiblhuii. Iowa. the. lead-' them, and n. Kokker scouting machine, er of the fiirni bloc," who introduced piloted liy The Major, collided alwut a bill to put hi- plan into effect. 25 feet in the air. Both uinoMnea In a statement uiTnmpnnying the , rushed to the earth in Haines. The hill Mr. Dickinson said Hie Ford offer enlisted men killed were : for Muscle Shoals hud is-on subjected I Stag Sergeant Marsh-. Cleveland. ., to such strong criticUm." as to en-1 Private F. J. Blnnka. Chicago: Pri dinirer the future distmsition of the ! vnte Thomas Jordan. Ieep Steep. Uu., ilou i iiwoe i m.ii ,.Ir., ,,.....-...-...... plant, and Ihut he had been lend to the conclusion that some plan of Fed eral operation is the ouly soluttion that will insure early completion of the work. Mr. Dickinson's bill provide that the "federal chemical corporation" con sisting of the Secretary of War. the Secretary of Agriculture and three memliers to he appointed by the Pres ident, be given power to complete and An Earlier Story. Newport News, Va, lec. (I. Major Hearhart, Captain Doyle uml four en listed men weie killed ut' Langley Field this morning when a Martin bomber collided with a Fokker while making u landing. It was reimrted Hint tile Fokker sldeswiM'd the Martin while the two machines were in the air, but otticbils operate lire Muscle Shoals project forlut lriP living station refused to con- THREE TRAINS WRJEi'KED TODAY InftsJ Farmers' Union to Meet In Salisbury . (By the Aaaoelated l-r. Salisbury, n! C. Dw. (I. The an nual meeting of the North Carolina Farmers' Union began herp tonight and will continue three days. Mayor W. B. Strnchnn welcomed the in .the neighliorhood Negro Convention Meets Under Police Protection. CMt the a glut r. St. Louis, Dec. U. Tlie natlonnl ne gro Baptist Convention was In ses sion here today under police protec tion, owing to numerous protests from residents of the West End section against the body meeting In ntheatre Chief of Police visitors In 'behalf of the city and Dr J. M. L. Lyerly spoke for the county. Responses were ninde by Dr. J. M. Tempieton, of Wake county, and B. G. Maxwell, of Dnplln county. The Citizens Bank and Trust Com- hpany wdll act us trnstee of your estate, and the officers of this liana wilt nu glad to discuss with you, this phase ow their service. pothecated, these certificates bear. in terest nfter 2r payments have been made. The fnnds obtnlnwl from the sale These certificates are also iasued.ln of "One" and "Two class certificates units of $50.00 and are paid for i.uu near tne same relation io mis imutu per week for SO weeks. When hot by. Hon na depositors do t a bank. o'BtIoii said a detail of indice was dlsiatched to unrd the theatre anil prevent any demonstration. Rain In 3ft Hours Is Forecast. Or the Associated Press, i Washington, iyec. . The far west ern dlBtnrbance will move rapidly east southeastward, and rain Is prob able within the next 36 hours in the lower Ohio Valley, Tennessee, the East Gulf States, and in the Atlantic States south of Pennsylvania, the (By the Asanelnrrd press.) M One Killed In Wreck ed C & 0. Montgomery, W. Va., Dec 6. One trainman was killed and another in jured ser'ously today near Gauley Ridgd. W. Va., when ChespeaKe & Ohio passenger train No. ! struck a rock. No passengers were nun, rail road reports said. Wreck on Baltimore & Ohio. Snencer. W. Va.. Dec. Eight pas sengers, incliidiug the Rev. . L, Blakc. niore. of Washington, D. ('.. were in jured when a Baltimore & Ohio local passenger train was wrecked near Reedy, -W . Vn., today. TWO coacnes turned over. Coast Line Train Derailed. i'eterslmrg, Va., Dee. B. A north bound Atlantic ("nasi ' Line passenger train known ns the "Savannah spt dill," was derailed nt Enfield, N. C enrlv todav. six of the fourteen cars with the tender. leaving the fracas The engine was not derailed. No one was injured beyond a stink ing up. Richard Garrett Escapes From Jail (By the Associated Press. I Columbus. N. C, Iec. 0. Richard Garrett, charged with the murder last Friday of his wife and small daugh ter, escaped from the I'olk county jail here last night after bentlng up the Jailer. The latter is in a serious con dition from his wounds. A sheriff's IKisse is pursning Garrett iuto the mountains and expect to recapture him today. Garret I recently waa at charge" from an insane asylum. .Guarding Catholic Churches Against Incendiaries. (Ily the Associated Press.) Montreal, Dec. (!. Officials of the various Catholic orders today announc ed elaliornte nlans for guarding church properties against incendiaries believ ed to have been resisinslhle for Hies which have destroyed or damaged sev eral Catholic institutions in Cnimda in the last few weeks. Toronto Syndicate Gets Option on Bos- tcn-American liascnan tiu. (By the Associated Press. i Toronto, Dec. fi The Toronto Star niihlished todav a statement that a Toronto syndicate hits obtained an op Hon on the franchise of the Boston American hasehnll club under a propo sition to transfer the tenm to this city, haa received the approval of Han Johnson, president ot the. American League. ' Senate Wants Information on Packer's merger. Washington, Dec. ii The Senate to day adopted the resolution of Senator LaFollette,, republican, Wisconsin, cal ling upon the Secretary of Agriculture for full information legardlng the pro posed Armour and Morris merger. Will Pay Special Attention to Eradica tion of Insert rests in ( oil on Grow ing Stales. (Mr the Associated Press. i Memphis. Tenn., Dec. !. With n ier manent organization assured, and n definite program of work mapped out. members of the "Cot fon States Com mission" as the new body will lie known expressed confidence today thnt the preliminary work done by the unofficial commission during the two years of irs existence had brought satisfactory re sults, and under the new form oi ov gaulzatlnp more effective results will he attained. A. W. McLeani, f LumbertoB, N. Vr former Assistant Secretary Of the Treirshry, and managing director of the War Finance Corporation, 'stated nt the closing session last night that the meeting had achieved the results desired, in that it had "pointedly call ed to the attention of repMBeutativefi of the. cotton growing states and ex perts of the V. S. Department of Ag riculture to the efforts which the members of the commission made lo bring about concerted action on the part of the Federal government and the cotton states in respect lo the se rious problems of inseef peats, partic ularly boll weevil contrOL HAS MRS. CLARA PHILLIPS ESCAPED INTO .MEXICO? the manufacture of nitrate and ferti lizer, the Intter to lie sold to the con sumer 'at cost, plus 4 1-2 per ce.nt. ; to complete and equip the plans. No charge would be added for equipment already installed. The corporation also would he authorized to sell excess power to stale, municipalities or pri vate enterprises, giving preference to states and citie.s. ENDORSE CERTIFICATION PLAN FOR TEACHERS Teachers Unanimously Endorse Super intendent Brooks' Plan. (Or the AssoeTsted Press- Rnielgh. N. C. Dec. (!. One of the most significant actions of the recent session of the North Carolina Kdiica. ; JOHN Hon Association here was the unani mous endorsement of the certification firm or deny this until they hnd made an investigation. The machines bad lieen sent up for a practice spin. The enlisted men killed were: Staff Sergeant Marick, and Privates Blunka. Leon Rolas. and Thomas Jor don. Their home addresses were not available. Washington, Dec. ('..The War De partment records show that Major Guy L. Gearhart. Leavenworth, Kansas, and Captain Denton A. Doyle, of St. Louis, were stntloned ut Langley Field. A message received by the air service said Major Gearhart and Capt. Dovle and four enlisted men had been kllied, but did not go into the details ns to the accident. hp laccii tft, If SCH L CONTRACT plan of the state department of pub lic instruction, according to Jule B Warren, secretary of the organization who today reviewed the meeting. It is significant." Mr. Warren ex Ten Other Builders Offered Contracts for New Building Contract for Fixtures Not Let. The members of the Concord School Hoard Tuesday awarded the contract plained, "because of the attacks thati for the erection of the new high school Diligent Search is Being Made for the Hammer Murderess-. (By the Associated Press.! Los Angeles, Deo. 0. Search folr Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted of beat ing Mrs. Alberta T. Meadows to death With a hammer, and who escuped early yesterday from Los Angeles county jail was in ucfive progress today throughout southern California f ami Lower California, the Mexican state. Despite various other 'tips" nml "clues" sheriff deputies generally he'd to their original belief that the ham mer murderess" litis fled across the border Into Mexico and plans are made to extend the search today for lier 'us far as the west coats of the Lower California peninsula. Armour L. Phillips, the convicted woman's husband, upon whose story of Ills movements the 2-1 hours preceding his wife's escape "some doubt had been cast, according to sheriff depu ties, still wa in technical custody today. Although t not in Jail he was in charge of a deputy sheriff with whom he sle.pt and with whom he is to take meals "until further notice," it was said. have been conducted, especially In the western part of the state, against the plan of Superintendent Brooks. For some reason, several of the western North Carolina publications have seen lit to condemn the plan. "in order to set at rest the persist ent rumors that the teachers them selves are dissatisfied with the plan, the association passed unanimously the following resolution : " 'That Ve, the delegates to the as sembly representing nil the white teachers in North Carolina, give our unqualified endorsement to the law governing the certification of teachers and to the administration of the same by the department of public instruc tion and that, we condemn any attack upon this law or upon its adnitnistra Hon us an attack upon the education al policy of the state and upon the profession which we represent." , building here to John R. Query, local contractor. Ten other "builders .sub mitted bids. The bids were first opened last week, lint a contract satisfactory to the board was not offered at that titme. Tues day the hoard was in session the en tiiH" day before, accepting Hie Query hid. which was for the naked building. The members of the board slated that the contract for the fixtures would he announced later, and the cost of the building will be known then. About 75 men interested in tha awarding of the contract, attended the sessionssof the board Tuesday. BOOTLEG WHISKEY MAKES MORE COUNTERFEITING Auction Sale of Lots at Rcookwooil. All the remaining lots in Bropkwood, in North Concord, will lie sold at pub lic auction on Tuesday, December 12, lieginning at 10:30 a. m.. rain or shine. A new Ford lonruig car and other prizes will be given away free, (be lug ad. In today's paper stales. Counterfeit Money Being Used to Buy Whiskey on the Border. v (Br the Associated Press. 1 Washington, Dee. fi. The bootleg liquor business has brought about a big increase in counterfeiting, much of which is the work of amateurs, W. Ii. Mora ii. chief of the secret service told the House Appropriations Committee at hearings made, public today. . "We are just now very greatly trou bled with some counterfeit bills of fair workmanship in the eastern half of the country," said Sir. Moran," much of which is lieing used in the purchase of bootleg whiskey. It is lieing done to a considerable extent. On the Canadian border the counterfeiter is defrauding Centre to Play Clenison at Danville, Kentucky. (By the Associated Press.i (ivoenvlllo. Dec. (!. Clenison College will play Center College at Danville, ' the people on the other side of the Ky., October 13, l!iz, It was announc- nomer in me purciiase ol wuisuey eii here today. I which he seeks to bring across." Now Postmasters at Durham and New ' Bern, i (Br the Associated Press.i Washington, Dec. . 0. President Harding today nominated Jos. K. Ma- wenther Bureau forecasts this morn- son to lie postmaster at Durham, N. C, ing; and Roy F. Shupp al isew Born, ft. u Scarcely more than twenty-five years Substitutes for wooden boxes as the case of a half page ad. or more ago the Incandescent light was a lux- freight containers wero first lntroduc- copy should be in the office from two ury used only hy the wealthy. ed about fifteen years ago. to three days before. Rural Credits Legislation Introduced in Both Houses. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 0. Rural credits legislation said to have the approval of admiulstratlton offlclnls ami pro posing to create farm credits depart ment as a part of the present farm loan system, was Introduced simul taneously in the Senate and House to day by Senator Lenront. reoifhlicnn. of Wisconsin, and Representative Ander-! son. republican, of Minnesota. The two hills, similar in most par ticulars, would make available for farm loans n total of $(U,000.(00. dis tributed equally among the 12 farm loan banks. The present government subscription to the 12 hanks totals on ly. $12.000,(X)0. The banks would be authorized to re-dlscount farm lmiiers bnving a maturity of from six mouths to three years. TO OUR ADVERTISERS. The attention of our regular adver tisers Is kindly called to the fact that when they desire any extra space of any size It will be necessary to let us have the copy on the afternoon be fore the ad. Is desired to appear. In New Series Building and Loan Stock Concord Perpetual 69th Series Open Saturday. December 2nd CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Concord, N. C, and at Kannap blis, N. C. Do you want a good, Safe, Tax Free Investment? Do you want to Build or Pay For a Home? Then take Stock in This Series. C. W. SWINK H. I. WOODHOUSE, . j President Sec. & Treas. P. B. FETZER, Asst. Sec. & Treas. :3Xi

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