Thf Concord Daily Tribune !!i volume xxh. NO. A CONCORD, N C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1822 m SEX OUESTIONS ftRE DISCUSSED IDC RKmtrSSmVmrMrsr toHM M II PITY. -U i JL- III Ul I I Waahlactm. Dc. M. Prrt Dr. Charles Barter, Noted Authority on Hygiene, Made Three Addreaace Concord Wednesday. in WAS HEARD WITH GREAT INTEREST Lecturns Prepared Especially for ufrl. Mothers and Fathers Brought Here by the Rotary Club. Deploring the widespread existence of lawlessness In tho Cnltl SfRtos, urging mothers to iond more time with their daughters and more erfurt In rearing them, pleading with yottng girls and young ladies to forbid fn ullinrlty on tbe pnrt of their mnaen- Hirdiac In a letter read todaj at tbc 'IK-niBC nrwlnp of the Natbmil Coun ill at Fanners' Cn-oprnitlTe Market tig Associations, declared that In kurw of "no olagie movetnmt thai prowl.e tore help towards Hie praarot relief and the permanetil hHtemeat of ag ricultural i-oadltlon" than the m-op-eratlre urgaalaatlons of farmer to market their prnrtm-t. The Prfrident letter was read by Senator Krnst. republican. K-u-tin ky. to whom It bml been addressed aa n greeting to the wmnVll. DecUir lng he wanted tbe government to do I "everything within reason and soimd inoiininre for the iild of the fnnn em, Mr. Harding aald he was "still more anxious that the farmer them selvcs eo-oiierute to make the govern ment' effort doubly efficacious." "I know no single monument that promises inure help toward the pre ent relief and the iiermnncnT lietter ineiit of ngrlctilturiil condition than fbl one,'' the letter nddeil. "Whoever has cared u ikiU by r-cc-nt message to the Congress v ill understand the depth of my conviction I nm i inn nun nr I rULLAHU M Ht : I HAD SHOT SOMEBODY I ? n Mua to: ( amtiMn tmi -rm i IT a BAPTISTS ENDORSE THE IM HI It tir.RM N nn liiu i uai i ruirr i -r ia.Mf.s-bi u a y Mil I LI I very near to flapiax e.dUe. nil II In III . HI - J. J. Jones, a Neighbor, Said That Pollard Told Him This at His Home on the Night of the Shooting. line friend. nnK advising fathers to!"1"''' "f to -v ythliig apoke in Concord under!0 helr reIonslblllty to estnoilsh of the Concord Botary! a the ProPer '''Suinent lot to t tho .Hut., ne tho distribution and assurance of Hit most tencb their children to obey the law. Dr. Char lea Barker addressed three large audiences In Concord Wednes- day, and whh heard with great Inter eat at each of the three meeting. Dr. Barker the auspices 'lull. He spoke to the students of the High School at 9 o'clock, to a body of women at Central School at :80 o'elockT and to a large nudlcnce of men in the court house at 8 p. m. I lis auhjeet at the evening meeting wna "A Fnther's Duty to HI Son," and though these tnlka were not limited to sex topics by any mean, they formed the bulk' of the speaker' addresses, and his points. In advising father to teach the youngster to oliey the law. Dr. Barker advocated the use of the woodhonae and an old slipper, declaring these were fine Implement In Impressing this first principle ttMin the young Am erican. Decrying the Ignorance of sex mat ters In this country n "criminal," Dr. Barker declared that It is tire duty of every father to explain the matter to hi ann a anon as the boy is able to understand, lie advocated the use of analogies , of Mowers and birds in explaining reproduction to children. However, he made clear that it i far better for the father to tell hi son trnth on the subject tyith j possIHe to help the farmer through ct me u t era of depression. "In the long run, government aid cannot be made effective unless ine farmers shall be organized nix! alive FIRST WITNESS AT CORONER'S INQUEST Jones Said He Saw the Body of Mrs. Richardson on the Lawn, and Pollard Was Standing on His Steps. Pnuic Minister i be liouar of dwiali-l that tl V hsforraatlon he w llottae on the a titlna. a r U told oo today. . a the nolr i Mid glr tbe U PriH.nt s.-iFOIRTEEIimS SCALDED TO DEATH -t of rcvatra- NKW BKRN F11ar,T0 BF. ( I.OSF.D a imr ie a tiS Tin Itab-tffc. IW. M illy the Aaxiatd Preaa. i iiiabjflnai Ung it imnus- lll for the etiaaaa la rataea la a nntv to ffei the amount of ojuall ! aatlou fuoda to be appropriated from I tbe mate for porpoara and f ulr r,,. .. tTl" ,hr "MnbMloa of public In " TTamc rOTCH I struct out the uiwit to dVteruiiiic emli College Endorsed by Con- V' l,J'"' T . tie and to notlfv the varioun lauinls. vention oy Unanimous hi.i. win he reqnired by law to ww Adoption of Resolution. f " V.i'St m -salon of Uie (icneral A-einblv. j Ir. K. .'. Brooks, commissioner of OCCURRED NEAR piiiun- 1 1 1 m in 1 1 tif , llUMlt IlllII'MJIIf And Approxiaaateiy 17 Burn ed, Several Fatally, Wheal Cylinder Heads or Two Locomotives Blow Out The Tribune and Time fund for the New Bern flr iiflVrrs will be clooed next SnturBa ai 1 o'clock. If you want to coiitrlfci; " please hand your lontrlbutlun tav'fore that time. The l mul now stand us followa: ln.vb,iislv riira.nlnl t90ft, 13 I F. Whit Pbarr . 1.00 Caah .J. 1.00 Will Torrence .R- 1.00 W. R. Kainlumlt 1.2.V llisa Hnttle Alexaader . ' 3.00 Cash 4 2.00 Metbotlist Sunday School Mount Pleasant FINAL SETTLEMENT OF CONTROVERSY cccuomicn: marketing methods, nils association stands precisely for the best, most intelligent efforts to estab lish such methods and to teach the farmer and his friends to utilize them." (By the Aaaortatc Prraa.) Hlchmonil. Vn.. Dec. 14. i. 4. tunes, a neighbor of Thus. Pollard.' mil estnte and Insurance man charg- i-d with killing his former stenogra pher. Mr. Thelma Kb-hardson. at. His home here Mnndny evening, de clared that when he went to Pollard's home soon after the shooting, pollard exclaimed to him : "1 have shot sometssly." Jones was the first witness to Hailed. He was put on the stand af ter Coroner Whitfield refused to re quest of Commonwealth's Attorney (Have Sntterlleld, for a lsjstponetuent ' Against All Person Arrested on Charge oi ine Hearing, .tones sum ne was on of Violating the Volstead Art. his way home when he saw the body Raleigh. Dec. 14. (By the Asaociat- Dr. Maddry Said if Dr. IV teat's Speech Did Not Sat isfy His Critics, Christ Could Not Satisfy Them. (By tfc Auorlated Prr.. i Winaton.-SaV.n, Dec. 14. The out standing feature or the Baptist. tSatc Convention was the final setth inent of the controversy concerning Wake For- 11.00 ,mt College by the unanimous ndontion Miss Meta Castor j I.OOlaf a resolution endorsing Wake Forot Mrs. u. H. t nstor j.isi and President William Lewis PotiMt. IOgan Graded School li.Ll The resolution came from the moun- H. K. Foil .Si o.ooltatn section, written and offered dv Cash Logan graded School J.00 ... M0VEMKNT TO VUA. Si 'ITS TO COLLECT "GSM'INE TAXES" TURKEY WILL JOIN LEAGl'E OF NATIONS A Soon km Peace is Signed at Lau- sane. Say Ismet PSaha. Lausanne. Dee. 14 (By the Asso ciated rresa). Turkey will Join the league of nations as soon as pence is Signed ul Lausanne. I sine! Pa -ha an nounced at the Near Kat conference today. An the league exercise' gen eral supervision over minority populn- tlims. isinct's announcement was in terireted as meaning that Turkey will accept the league's supervision over tbe Christian people of Turkey. ONE KILLED. SEVERAL HURT IN WRECK IN WISCONSIN of the pretty young divorcee on the lawn between the Pollard home and the home adjoining, and that Pollard lard was standing on the steps of his own residence He declared that it was then be approached Pollard and tbe latter told of having "shot some body." .lones said he did not see nnyhody eise around at the time, nor did he notice an automobile in front of the uouse at the time. Mrs. Richardson Is supposed to have ltieen driven to Pollard's home by J. Mosliy West, former employee of Pol lard and now In the real estate business. Pollard Formally Charged. Richwfind. Vn.. Dec. 14. Mrs. Thel ma II. Kicnnruson came to Iter death from a "bnHe( wound that she was snot by Thdmas Pollard in a scuffle." Itev. W. C. Meadows. ment toubrbt. adding that the prouoculs had Is en discussed and approved by conn i y superintendent .,, the. recent meeting of tlx- Tri axis' H1lilJ In Raleigh. Tile legislature also will be asked to increase the special fund used in establishing high schools in rural dis tricts of the state. The amount to lie requested was not revialed by the ciimmissiniier. but he stated a program to build up the. "union school system" through consolidation is ladng develop ed so as to give each county three or four accrcdilcd institutions of this rating. This type of school holds the most important place in North Tarolina' educational progress, according Bo Commissioner I b ooks, and at the end or t lie tear each county will have at HOUSTON, TEXAS Steam Pipe, Torn Loose From Cylinder Head, Crashed Through Car Window and Wrought Death. oa-:o. oi iwr n ( ,H1U, ,... ...... ,.,.,0 - , - 1 i ...n, I 'or. 1 1 1 0 1 11 1 11 1 c 1 .soo.i mi o ot tnc leading ministers or the est. Dr. Mbddry sail this morning ihat If ihe address of Dr. Potent delivered last night did not satisfy the critics then not even Christ himself could satisfy them. The resolution as adoi.ted oy the convcn'Vn was as fo:iow. : "Resolved that the convention com ed Press)r-An epp'.ipation to tho com missioner of Internal Revenue in I H'lichliiirfAn t.. .aana.1 tlta Attio-ncv i Oenerii to instmci each Distri.-t At-,"""" ",,K'- 'np torney in the Unitad States to proceed J'''' "pressed in t ie address ig with the .Ming of salts for collection P'i(lent Patent - endorsing the Bible of "genuine taxes" against all persons- H hAl ffltn- ..J.,i n 0h.,..,f vioitcn the Bind to Is- assured by lire hoard of the SltHI.OOO appropriated for estab lishing such institutions was used dur ing the present year, he said. Teach ing of .vocational subjects in all ac credited schools will be encouraged, ac cording to his plana. The propositi change in the method of distributing the equalization fund is far reaching, lint will serve tbe best interest of the counties and the stnte educational system, Dr Brooks stated. At the present time, he added, the (Br the Houston, Tex.. Dee. 14. Knurli-en persons were cabled to death by steam, and approximately 17 others burned, several prolaibly fatally, when u Houston F.a-t & West Texas railway passenger traiu sideswipe! a switch tngine near the depot at Humble, late Inst night. The. cylinder heads of the twiocnniolives struck squarely but neither engine lost the tracks. The seven were killed when a two-inch steam pipe, torn loose from the cylin der! of the switch engine, swept around and crashed through the win dow of a car of the passenger train occupied by negroes, transforming it Into n cauldron. William t'ampeey was killed instant ly.' M. Young, truln news denier, also died instantly. "Drifting" of the switch engine from near the depot to where the siding inthed menial. Indiscriminate fondling and spoon ing among young i?ople Is undoubted ly responsible for a large proportion of the Juvenile delinquency of the nn tion, said Dr. Barker. He aald that the red-blooded manhood of the youth of the nation Should be appealed to that they "play square" with the girls. Dr. Barker was exceedingly farm and frank in his denunciation of those persons who violate the prohibition law of the country, nntr was even more severe In his criticism of the erat while respected citizen whose pur chases make tbe bootlegger possible than towards the bumble seller of the contraband. ''How can we expect laiy lo have resnect for the law when they see their fathers sneaking down under the ground to buy, liquor of a nigger?' he asked. "Everytlme you break a law of that kind It is practically the same as tearing down nn American flag and spitting upon it." Speaking before tbe women of the city, at a meeting sponsored by the Concord Women's Club, in the after noon, Dr. Barker declared that the type of moral and social characters of the coming generations depend wholly upon the women of our coun try. "The most splendid career," said Dr. Barker, "ia that of a mother who ushers into the world a healthy human being, and then to train that human being into what it should lie." Having as ,his subject" "A Mother's Responsibility to Her Daughter," Dr. Barker did not bandy words In his ef forts to show mothers the seriousness of allowing their daughters to take automobile rides at night alone with their escort, to dance the modern jazz, which he denounced as a sexual, hel lish pastime, and to attend a picture show picturing a sex movie llun. "It ia up to every woman to stop the show ing of the impnre pictnrea by attend inir the really good pictures," he con tinned. "Vice is a monster dancing his way into every part of the united States and it is up to tbe older peo ple to correct ' tbe social and moral standards of civilisation which haye been hanging In tbe balance since the world war." Outlining the most Important rc siHmslblllHea of a mother. Dr. Barker declared that obedience of the child iu the home comes first. As an example of tnls Dr. Barker related the firat Team of Helen Keller's life, whom, he said, he regarded as the moat won derful personality from certain stand nointa. In tbe world. Helen Keller ' never would have been the remark ble person she Is, If she had not been taught to Obey, even wttn ner uanui caps- A child ahould never be unpun ished, and tt ti the mother' duty to Btmlv the child and bfar upon the child the discipline which will give the best results. "What -we need," Dr. Barker de clared, "ia a dose of old-fashioned re llgioua folks." The .nfpdera mothers are getting away from their responsi bility -to God and their chlMren. Bv r narenL if possible, should, with their children, attend Church every Sunday. Another duty which parents ahould not ahlrlc maintained Dr. Barker, Is that H exphlnjing aex life to their children. No matter how young tbe Train From (virago to Minneapolis t oilmen whh r reigiu i rum rotui) . .1. taUio. ' T' - r ' r -r -. ' rrnim trainman was killed and two others were badly Injured and fifteen pas sengers more or less seriously hurt early today when the Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Sault Ste. Murie passenger train No. 8, Chicago to Minneapolis, collided head on with a freight train near here. was the verdict of n coroner's Jury which met here today to Investigate ment. and Rex A.' (ioodsell, of the the killing of the, pretty .voting stenog- southern California district, Mr. tiris raphcr at the home of her former WD- 8om stated. pioVer. r.!' Viy evening. 1'ollard'sl ''3al ' ' Jiiiu,'uyilBTnMrasfc alahi of THOUSANDS PAY TTOMAOB With Our Advertisers. The Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co., wll give fre soap and 'gold dust on Sat urday, leceinber' Kith, for one day only. See ne.w ad. for particulars. The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany solicits your tmtronnge. - All kinds of hand-made Christmas gifts at tbe Specialty Hat Shop. You can always depend on Butter Nut Bread to satisfy. The Concord Furniture Co. has many practical Christmas gifts. New ad. enumerates many of them. Don't forget the coat sale at Fish era. Von can get anything in tbe coat line you wnnt. C. H. Barrier & Co., in a new ad. to day, points out some uf the grocery specials it is offering. Quantity and quality guaranteed. Go Into the store of the Electric Appliance Company and take a free chance at the doll to be given away A demonstration of the Westtnghonse Full Automatic Electric Range will la? given. Biscuits and coffee will lie served. New Lutheran Church For Salisbury. iHy the An nor I uteri Press.) Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 14 A com mittee has been appointed by the St. James Lutheran Church here to for mnlate plans for the building of a new church on West Indes Street site, recently purchased at a cost of $3ii, 000, and arrangements are now being completed. The Oalfboro B. Y. P. U. will ren der a program at 'the Midland Baptist 16, 1921 Church on Sunday afternoon, Decem-tJuiy 23 Iter 17th, at 2 :30 o clock. The genernl public is invited. Volstead uct who vae not made prop er settlement, has ' een made by trustees that this policy will be con i tinned." Gilliam Grissom. collector for Nurlh i 'arboro. dim-tor Carolina, it was anu.ced today. j?,f.,h; mif. ' Kev. fund Is "so intimatelv related to the converge" ltn the main line was ni.ini valuntlon of property thnt any Change ei' for 'nt accident. , in the values lias affected to that ex tent the distribution of the npproprla- BROOKWO0D AUCTION tion" and the administration of the SALE SUCCESSFUL schools. Approximately 080 persons in North Carolina ::lone are Ufpile for action of this nature, the t-uliMtor stated in as serting that he was, ipving to the Dis trict Attorney here Ifjie first case nwn which to act. .X4 Decision to take 1, jsiteli action was reached here seversrt days ago in a conference with C. R. Nash, Deputy! Commissioner of Accounts and Collec-1 tlons n the Internajvltevenne Depnrt- Dr. E. Y. Mtjlllns, M the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louis ville, were the chief speaker at the morning session. Dr. ScaHairo said the .$7"i,O0O.tKM campaign was a mar velous success as n unifying force, as an organizing force, and ns an evan gelizing force, and as having given t the denomination a real vision of the world will of Christ, the financial end About 490 Lots Were Sold During the Sale, Maude (oodnian Winner of rifce killing was continued, and hi pre liminary arraignment in police court was set for December 28. TO JOHN W ANA MAKER OFFICERS FIND "LOVE" LETTERS IN RICHMOND CASK child is, bis questions In regard to sex life should lie answered by the mother or father and in this way a child has a pure, clean vision of sex. Dr. Barker nlso stressed tho Import ance of exercise for the prospective Real Estate Man of Richmond, Will Face Court Today on Charge, oi Murder. Richmond, Vn., Dec. 13. With the discovery today of several notes and a check signed 'Thomas Pollard," the police tonight expressed the bel.ef they finally had gotten a. clue that would result In clearing up the mystery surrounding the death of MVs . Thelma Richardson, a ste nographer, who was shot to death Monday night at the Pot lard home, In a fashionable part of the city. Pollard, real estate and Insurance man, and prominent. Is charged1 with murder In connect- on with the 1?UUng. The letters four of tbem and the check "were found by detectives during a search of the woman's home nine miles from the city. The five bits of paper, it was said, will go a long way toward establishing the relation be tween Pollard and the .woman, and the authorities tbe'.'eve that therein lies the .motive for the killing. The check is dated June 25, Mil, and is signed "Thoniaa Pollprd." It Is drawn on a, local bank and la made payable to Thelma; H. Rlchardaon. No I amount Is written on the face or the draft, that spat being left blank. Detectives po'nted out tonight that during the hearing of the Richardson divorce case It was developed that Mrs. Richr.rdson went to a local nos pital on June 6, 1921, for an operation. Her ilmess at that time and the sub sequent operation flgp-red cotnsplcu ously in the divorce proceeding. Two of the four notes found by the detectives today are dated. One ap parently was written on Jionoay, uay while the other was flatea 1921. The other two letters are not dated. In the note of May 16, the Writer ad dresses the recipient as "Dearest Lit tle Hainan," and goes on to say, "I certainly have missed you this day and do hope you are feeling ibetter by now. I want you to take good care of yourself and hurry and get well, so that you can be with me once more, as It does not seem the same without you." "As you are. as a ruule, auch sunshine to m and I love ao to Body Laid in State in Bethany Presby terian Church For Four Hours This Morning. (Br the Associated Pre-) Philadelphia, Dec. 14. Thousands of persons representing virtually ev ery walk of life did homage today at the bier of John Wanamaker, whose body lay in state from !) o'clock till noon In Bethnny Presbyterian Church, where the famous merchant had wor shipped since boyhood, and where was a familtni'' figures in Sunday School and other religious work. A long line of? persons formed on streets adjacent to the church awaiting turns to iay their respects. Services at both the church and at the Wanamaker mauso leum In the cemetery of St. .lames Tnc Less will be private. COTTON SPINNING SHOWS INl'KKAHKD ACTIV11I More Cotton Used in November Than in Any Month Since 1917. By the Auuclniea i-reu.i Washington. Dec 15 More cotton was milked during November than In anv month since October, 1017, the eenns bureau announced today In its monthly report on cotton consumption. The cotton spinning industry has shown increased activity for several months. Cotton consumed during November amounted to 517,601 bales of lint and 5.1122 of llnters: compared with BSd, 050 of lint, and 02.4k; of llnters in Oc tober thiB year, and 527,040 of lint and 57,040 of llnters In November last year, the Census Ilnreau announced. Find Children Running a Still in a ' Valley ill Mississippi. Mobile. Ala.. Dec. 12. The first case, perhaps, on record of children operat ing an Illicit whisky still was reported from Hinds county. Miss., today, when Deputy Sheriffs seized a forty-gallon still near Pine Valley and with It three, brothers Gilbert Dickey, about 18 years old;: Jlnmiie Dicky, about 14 years old, and Chester Dickey, about 12 year eld. of the campaign Dr. Mullins took as his theme "The Challenge of. Europe toAinericn," showing the need of Christian work among tke poeplesynf Burpee. J.r. 1.1ms k. jiaddy. secretary- e. j., MlddletMi. and J. M. Barnett ssike of the Sunday School work of the demon ination in this state. Rev. Dr. I. .1 "Therefore it w dosirnl.ln tl,nf llto hmSJ.. I I... .1 i L, eiiiiiii,uiK iiiiiu oe a ppon union our t... Va- Z'lT'l.a!0 .,.,',, The auction sale 'of lots a ; Z "'. .V L'"" .? "! ' Mihnrb of Concord; ... ..... .I.....IOO ... , j: I I I ' oil eu rrom tlie state, he continued very successful. Brook-proved about 490 lots being -Th Z i,r.i ,V, . I TP , nring the. two days the sale was j 1?rK.beonLi,I.(Iete"i,inint held. The sale began Tuesday and for several hours, but ow- in advance of the opening of tin schols and the levying of taxes, tbe amount of money that may lie, appro priated from the equalizing fund to the counties. continued ing to the rain of thnt day It was final ly continued until yesterday, when it wa concluded. rPha unit, .,-na 1 o . -t o, I l.f Oliver If the state board of education is'T. Wallace, of Wilmington. N. C. and authorized o determine by June 1 of , Washington. D? C. Marshall J. Free ench year the nmonnt from the equal- mnn fol.-eriy f this city, was the boards of education liefore the taxes ,le8plte tne raln nm) mnd, for the year are levied. thAi the lawi . l-,.,.,i i. ,,.; ,., . i,.o VnnNeas. . secretary of the Sunday '"n ,e"mre tue unr commissionera and Wns .won by little Miss Mamie School Board of the Southern Bap-1 l" "V " ,ux U,1M HMl 10 P"""" me Goodman. 12 years of age. The draw- tlst Convention, ndflressed the conven tion this afternoon. DID DETECTIVES SHADOW MEMBERS OF CONGRESS? icon inner necessary. 1 1.. ,.,. . hoA rrt,ir "If this Is done North Carolina rat- nwl lt created much interest, ing will be specified in the 'law. -The . . .T ,K , met bol of determining how much shall ' Everyone connected with the sale bo nimi.n,.inti fr,,,,, i, ..,.n,i ! expressed gratification at the out- fhnd to each c-obntv most !. left tolnie, and the sale Is generally recog Charges to This Effect Made Today During the Daugherty Impeachmaitj Hearing. ' I By the Aaaoclated Fnn.) Washington. Dec. 14. Charges that i oiieratives of the Department of Jus-j tlee had shadowed members of Con- mother, which aids the bringing of healthy normal child Into the world. The direct responsibility to unborn 1 have you around." MMnn la lout ul irvont IB lifter chll- Another nsra'Tanb reads: "I Want ........... j...-. - - j I - . m - 1 ' VTH I 't ll'UAJ ..ti. 'ill' ' 1 .w dren.nre born, Dr. BarMr malntalnetl. 1 you to know that I think a llttie of f(rmer opinion holding the par e'ear- tho. genernl assembly. This can lie worked out by a rule that will lie fair nnd reasonable. The coiihties then can know in advance how much to ex pect from the state and the rate of tax will be determined by the. local officials in accordance with needs. "The general assembly of 1021." said gress who attacked Attorney General I the commissioner, "provided that after Daugherty were made and denied to-'n county has levied a rate of thirty day at the hearing liefore the House cent for teachers' salaries if this is Judiciary Committee on impeachment not sufficient to run the schools six charges against Mr. Daugherty. ! months, the remaining amount shnll Asserting that Senator Caraway, j be appropriated from the equalizing democrat, Arkansas, and Representa- fnn4 After the law was passed tlve Woodruff, of Michigan, and John-; counties were given certain latitude In son, of South Dakota, republicans, had I reducing their values. been "shadowed by siJh operatives,! "As a result by June following it Jackson C. Ralston, counsel for Rep-: was very apparent that the values in resentntive Keller, author of the Int. the several counties had been cut to penchment charges, asked the commit-j such nn extent that the amount of tee to obtain from the Justice Depart- the equalizing fund would be wholly nizet! ns one of the best ever held in Concord. ment the names nnd the daily reports of the oiieratives. Ai little girl of 8 nr 9 years wns seen running behind the boys on their, way to the stlll.'biit she. was frightened by tlie sight of the officers and ran away, on ident ill ed. I Par Clearance Act Still Held Invalid. Raleigh, Dec. 13. -Without a written opinion, the North Carolina supreme eoiiri todav declined to change its Calcium Arsenate Prices Too High. By the AmcUtxl Preaaui Atlanta, Dec. 14 Annual contracts for calcium arsenate to be used next year In fighting the boll weevil had been rejected by the State. Board of Entomology because the present prices are "too high nnd unjustifiable," ac cording to a statement by the board published here, today. "A full investigation of prices, said the board, had been made, ' , a Charlotte Man Director of Federal Re serve Bank. (Hi the A Mandated Preaa. Washington, Der. 14. The Federal Reserve Board announced today the appointment of Robert Lasslter, of inadequate if no sonnty should be quired to levy more than thirty cents. "The state lionrd of education sug gested this rule as a Way out of the difficulty: That before any county could draw from the equalizing fund It should be required to levy a rate, that would produce as much money ns thirty cents would produce On the, values In existence ns the time the law was passed. "Certain comities appealed lo the courts nnd lt was decided that the rule suggested by the state hoard was THE COTTON MARKET r Increased Consumption in November Stimulating Factor in Market Today. (By the Aaaoclated Pruan. New Vojk, Dec; 14. A report, of the census bureau showing domestic con sumption of 077,501 bales for the months of November against 520.010 bales last year was the stimulating factor in the cotton market this morn ing. ' Tbe figures were considered above the forecast of yesterday, and buying found further encouragement in the relatively firm ruling of Liver pool. First prices were firm at nn advance of 4 to 2s points. Cotton futures opened firm ber 25.42: January 25.43 25.03 ; May 25.75 ; July 25.50. Decem-Mnrch POSSE SCOURING WOODS NEAR BRYS0N CITY Cherokee Indian and Insane Prisoner Escaped from Jail Last Night. (By the Aaaoclated Preaa. Bryson City, N. C, Dec. 14. A posse is scouring the vicinity of Ela today in a search for Jess Arachaiu, .1 Cherokee Indian, and Roy Conner, ji alleged Insane prisoner who escu'ped fair and rftlsonBhle nnd thnt Ifwn. 'trom me wain uoumy jilll ue. ml. made the rule for the stnte." he said ' night Twenty Are Killed. Houston, Texas, Dec 13. Twenty persons were killed and 50 Injured in a Houston East and West Texas train wreck at Humble, Texas ,17 mi es Christmas Sale at Elird's. The big Christmas Sale at Efird's begins Friday and , will continue for eight days. The Company has a two-page ad. In this paper setting Charlotte, N C. nan Hftrti C dlr"vr?r north rf hern nnonrdlne of the Federal Reserven Bank of , telephored to the Scnithern Pacific Richmond. Mr. Lnsaltcr succeeds ! hosp tal at 10:30 tonight. Two am- I James A. M011011 ro January 1st. and takes office The people of Rhodesia. Africa, have decided to maintain their present status and not incorporate in South Africa Union. ibulanccs and a score of physicians are on the vay to the scene. Take your mothers, wives and sweethearts to Mt. Pleasant Saturday ithe 1 night to see the Senior play at auditorium. e in ii' 1 s forth many of the baignliis to be uf ' e 1 1 .....I.;,,., On.. uora.m. iriCU, OJill IHilhlUK WOO- out" oucr tions for Christmas gifts. Dresses, coats, coat suit, men's and boys' clothing and other commodities are to la offered at special prices dur ing the sale, and you will lie wise to look over tbc stock of goods before the buying. Tlie store will lie open at night from now until ChriBtmne, the ad. states. The wise shopper is tho early shopper He mnde an urgent nppenl to the High HChool girls not to allow undue familiarity by boy escorts for the pur pose of retaining their popularity. This, declared the .speaker, Is the be ginning ot far more serious results. "There Is no reason in science or na ture that the physical make up of n man lie not as vabite and clean an that; of any woman, Dr. Marker sain, aim ing that a man be just what a woman demands., He was introduced nt the meeting you, bo l am wruiing you cms, ami you can r?ad it after 1 nave leit you tonight." The letter conclude with "loiius of love for you," and 1 signed "Tom." . Prohibition Officers Achieve f Now Record. Salisbury, Dec. 3. Prohibition officers :n North Carolina captured a total of 8C illicit liquor distilleries, 84,029 gallons of Intoxicating liquors, tuitfAA 99 antnmniM!'pa nnlt ffactnd 44 by Mra, W. H.' Gorman, president of arrests, during the month of Noumer, ine women s uiuo. j largo nuu en-, according to a report '.ssuea touay uy thiMlastlc uudlenee.' including the stufi Prohibition Director R. A. Kotnoaa. rtuntA of Mont Amoeiin Seminary nt i Mt. Pleasant, greeted him. Tbe atu- Marriage license has lieen Issued by Mooiu auo hrmurlit to Concord fur the iteointer of Deeds Elliott to W. M. meeting by member of the Rotary Brine and Miss Theresa Howell, both terday, and the police found lt con and Klwaata club. of Cabarrus. tainea arsenic. snee act of the 1921 general assembly invalid. The case came to the supreme court again on a re-hearing allowed by As sociate Justice W. P. Stacy and Piatt D. Walker on October 20, the original decision In the case known as the Farmers and Merchants bank vs. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va., having been handed down by the supreme court on May 24. Attempt lo Palion Prominent Britisher, London, Dec. 14 By the Associated prPKg),A.n attempt has been made to Basslnate Home Secretary W. C. Brldgeman by mean of poisoned chocolates, sent through the, mall. The canuy arriveu ai me noinc wuw yi-ar r. r t rrrrrri rt COME IN AND TAKE A ::,, :'.f.. .v . ', . ''.'. , " Free Chance on the Doll to Be Given Away at Electric Appliance Co. TODAY AND TOMORROW AT 3:30 P. M. A Defnonstration will also be given on Westinghouse Full Automatic Electric Range. Biscuits and Coffee Will Be Served. All Come.