STLY TRIBUNE TODAY .UME XXII. DECEMBER 15, 1922. Hp Coxco VOI CONCORD. N. C FR1IMV. AMBASSADOR ifi-VE , ; 1110 nrm mi i rn nnur Hfl.N HrrN I fll H I unu ullii unuLLU iiuniL Will Sail on the Bervnjraria December 25. Has Been Recalled foe Consultation. It is Stated From London. NO EXPLANATION HAS BEEN MADE (lege. thh the Kjieakcf) of tb? rainsioii Wl i i ; .. iri, i rai Itnie i ftet ilnre v.n's abas hi evoke is the Imprewion 1 hat Har- ,, applause bj briiium vey Has Been Called in - " u' ubj i -what "i . i nrj,L o IlYatl Sec in lln Min or" was li.n mttrvl L-OnnectlOri With Subject in , ,, buwht. Ir. Daniel ba no of German Reparations. London. Icc. IS (By the AMoeiahsd, Press). ml.a--.ador Harvey lias he.en railed home fo eonxnltaUoat ii styled ai Hip American einlwaay tMw afternoon, f Ht' sail.- mi the Bcrctiguria Ilecem ber li.'i. ' He will Hot bp accompanied tiv Mrs. Harvey, who w ill leave Ihi preceding day on a visit to Muderla 'I he nature at the rooaatMaihtn tor which the ambassador una summoned was ind known at the embassy where H was said tin' message 1 line him lo Washington merely i-nld it was "for a I luisultulion." It is preMiiuei the iIimiiw'Ioiis wltli SeiriMiirv of Kline Iliiahes will cover the whole r:lIiKe of Kiiropeiin nTHiis. iiiclmllin; allied ileht, n'pnralions and kindred snli jects. CinHrmed iit al;i''i;t(vi. Wlisllinston. tS (Ity lie Asso- i-illteil I'hkji. AltllimKl) Stale lis imititient tillieitiln continued today tlie Ixmddn a unoon cement thnt AniliaHBa dor Hiii-vey litiil Ixtii called bOBW for "i-onsiillntion" (hey tieetlnad to hlajte elcfdlMiaUon us in ihe niecifle musttlnns Keel-clary Unfiles Jesiren lo tliaciis w ilh btiK in me alienee of dflWia espiaiMttoti tlie impression inlaeal ciuriTicy tliat Mr. lliirvey bad lai'ii eallisl to Wisli innton in nmnis-liiin with the nituu-. tioji us to Cerumn reimriitio'is nfiw threitniuK a nirhiire Ih-Iwccii Creat Brilaiii ntid Frabea. It lias lics'ii sinfeil In adininlstrntliui circles here that the Washinptoii gov ernment reganls the repn rat ions mat ter today lis the "most Hcule" of Rn ro)ean profotetus today, ninl 1 anxious to afford any aid toward sf.tlcmeut thnt it could prrfperty extend. In view of these official uttoraiiccs, the oxpetv tatlon is lhat the ambaasador's visit will have a direct effect on thai situa tion. It appears cerlain U.n! (he Slate ' . lioi nf ser!i .mJ . aaaWbaJWito. IHiSsihility if Aruerican unrtielpniion in some form In the proposivl econom ic and rlimiiciiil conference at llnis- . sels wiiieh was projected the al IVil stalttnicn. hnl for which it lias I not been possihle to make a delinile plan iiecanse of the split over German reparations.' As (lie confeirnre in its original conception would not have dealt with ' lMililieal matters in Knrope. American participation iuIkIiI conceivably have been possihle, although not on any hits is thai would involve cancellation of allied lidelitedtiess to the l;uiti'd Slates. Amhassailor Harvey would le the logical channel for any Informal ex change of t-iews lietween tlie allied ami America n go'VerninqptS (luriitB tlie interval before the council of jire miein reassemhlew after New Year's. Cabinet Discusses Repartitions Tangle. Washington. DeC. 15 (By the1 Asso- dated Press). The European ioi'a- rations tangle which is threatening a break between Great Itritain rind France, is understood to have lieen dis cussed by President Harding and his anbiuet today at u meeting which last ed more than two hours. One of the nuestions touched on fn the cabinet discussion was said to have been the, proposal for an inter national loan to perniit (ienminy to stabilize tier lintmces. reported in of tlcial advices to the American govern ment, as on the verge of a collapsV. it wtts declared, however, (bat no con crete proposal for such a loan had COBMr to the attention of the Washing ton government. The President and his official family had before them in addition to Infor mal ion which has come to the govern ment through official American sources 11 picture of (ieruiany's financial trou- blcs.. as given by the (Jeruiau Ambassa dor, Dr. Dtta Wiedfeldt, in a long con ference earlier in the day with' Secre- (nrv 1 1 mrlies It was ludiciitetl afterward tmit there bad been no final decision as to Ihe policy of this government toward lite, present difficulties. There were evbleuces, however, thnt the adniinis traliou was preparing to avail itself of jiff possible information on the sub jeet. Willi a view to determining Whether it could be of service in any praclit-al way in bringing about an nd jtistnient. Success cant's. comes iu cans, failure in Sparklers Free With every purchase of 10c or more at RltzValMiext week will give Spurk lers ritEE). H. G. Ritz 4MNCAL NVQ. hoa n ilM Mm mi m Mary i.rrai iPaav cm heM at KauaapnH iam julchi. Iv-alr I Ilk. ai tlx- Mary Et na nan. irvr au-toti dlati.a nana w pntmrtr M'ii. lth tto ptuduci of tLe Cau.Kii V I'.ciiutl fnt i ..lured Towel ami lailh aula llu led ibf watte oa aa-b. J.if. al.lie mi the rear of th door two hu- Aaieri (an Sacs were draped around tlie Cannon that ernibuttteal (be graataat towel roaa-eru It the world, Mr. C. A. Cituinn ivns marter of tvreUKndt-". Itr. K W. Duutel. .-m ciranai Col troBhle in t.oklina: hi mullein C enpti valeil to the miJ. lolioniiiL nan the progrhui: Selection OrWieMtia. Sel 1 ion tjuiirtrttc. Sd.stlon Mlawa ll-leii nnd Knnuie Mb ulioJnW. I S lis (Ion (n.nrtette. Aililreaa Ir. D. W. Itnlel. rtriecllon: "Ood Willi Yon 'Till v Heel Ajpiln Y. M. '. A. Jiun lelli'. Hviiisli.lion Itev. M. I. WithltiajTi M. SENATOR LQIHIR HAMS A t fill h l.lttK AnEMtHKM Start Kail Rolling- Ui Haw.- Sncli a rrapo. ilion Relrncd i &taU Lcuis lalures. Wa-shington. Dec. 13. Senator Lodge, wiu represents a large m..uu taclurlng constitaenty, and one tliat ha,s rlve.'.s in the soulh. todiy si;trletl hhc ball moving for a child1 laoor &av.-ndment to the constitution. He in troduced a resolution for the lutmu aloti of' an ainendment read iig! "The ('rmgreas sha I have power to p:oh.bit or 10 regtilate tbn Inmrs ol i bor in aiines, (JUarrlea, mil!r., e.iu- n.-rii'S. uiirkshonfi, fa Jones or tuann-l fjctiiring etititblUhtnenls of nersiflip under IS years of age, and of Women's."! It (nay lake several ycirs to havo this nmnn4wwnl ratifletk but the present ndiniiKstratlon is behind it.' mil will speed it Hp. ITcsldent Hart iic: eimsidcrctl the matter in ni. recent Message. Tlie supremo court lias thrown out Ivfo chid labor lnvn on lite ground lli.-i : they were uuconstitulional.' The only way to fix the law is by ament! ng the constitution. Afler the states ratified the prfmi bition and Ihe woman suffrage aroenrtmcnts "they cannot turn down a pfcild :ahor amendment. It is just ft Question f going through the routine The eat r south is interested iu this Carolinians believe it is aimed at the scilthern cotton mill operators. t$3i Persons fiiven J'wilions. Kaielgh, N. '., Dee. II. A total of 2,331 persons in North Carolina was placed in connection with positions by the Stale ami United Slabs depart ment of Labor- timing the. month of November, according to the report is sued today by M. li. Shipiiian, eummis Bloner of labor and printing. The reporl follows : , "Ashevllle; skilled 1-1: unskilled .fc"4; clerical and professional 21; de meslie 5S: inilu-trial 0; total 417. "Charlotte: skilled 127; unskilled 420: Clerical and professional 3S;i 90 liiestitc 10: industrial 0; total tllH. "Greejislsiro: skilled 24; unskilled 10r. ; Clerical "d professional 20: do mestic 2i; industrial 5J: total 100. "ltaleigh: skilled 50: unskilled 103 ; clerical and professional tiff; domestic 41 ; industrial 11 ; : total 4 ifiTiCemtstie 41: industrial 0: total 272. "Wilmington' skilled 17:, unskilled 40; clerical and professional 20 : do mestic 21: industrial 11; total 525. "Winston salcm : skilled 51 : unskil led UW ; crcclcnl ami professienal 35; ili.inest-Je 4R' iiKliistrbtl 5: total 305. "i'olnl males. 4.003; femalra, 3.1s. lira ml total, 2,331." . , 1 Lnrgst of All Telescopes. Ottawa. Ont., Dee. 15.--Canada Is to possess the largest of till telescofioB. It will have a; mirror 120 inches In ilianvolt r. ft has already been enf, and is now beiug grounti and pojislied. Tiic latter task is xpected to occupy at east five or six years. The largest existing instrument is the 100-inch glass at. Mount Wilson in Califom'a. It tool four years to grind and polish the tflrror, and in doing so over a ton of glass was remover!. It is the wonderful success of the 100-inch telescope that has led Cana dian astronorners Jo jmike the plunge uid sink $300,000 in a ten-foot mirror. Pbe new telescope will foe set up In an-observatory in urn sn miunioia. It wil: intake a star appear 00,000 time' as bright its ihe eyes sees it. Tlie number of stars, secji throughout le entire sphere of the heavens by e naked eve is about 8,000. The J 20- inch instrument is exported to reveal at least 400.000,0000, at, a million more than can be seen by any other existing telescope. Bank .Messenger Robbed. (My tfee auoetatra Pre. Philadelphia. Dee. 15. Six men in an automobile today held up a liank messenger in Darby, u subuii). and roli- 'bed him of about $20,000. after shaot- ing bim in the cheek. The messenger was taking the cash for payrolls from; Ihe Kin National Bank of Darby to, soicral industrial plants in Philadel phia. Privileged Status to Green Resolution. Washington, Dee. 1... The House Holes Committee voted today to (rive privileged si ul us to the Oreen resolu tion proposing an amondnionl to the COnatitntlOn, under which further Is suance of tax-exempt securities would lie prohibited. xv,'MiK,cmiinnnRniinnnreQR nan. , nin-b, jraumiiounnuuiiLOULO la raar" lib biaoiMl, V . II -riHlivn-tke rrrrtbi f (he waVwafa jMrjr l.b b - I n. ilu( V - lln-iuia lt..t. ardoia. pri.i ti n -rauix r. who wa tta In Hue of liiouias l'id- 1 !ard, 1T faaaii r mployer. aloud '. aSta ber li I..i ir pi- .. Wound fnflb'ti't by 'lb. nun- I'oCuui rtVtei ttre' wurklni on the ial tonlgbt aaaaaat M that tbey rxjwrt lo cuui-pli-te tbatr luresttgutlwa prubapiy tu aorh. hw of the true referred tu br.tbe ib : tire l tlie appMraiur of nn other w..uiaii." but he d"c'lnd to reveal her Men: Ity. farther than to my tliat she Is a raajtt linger in a Imal clitircn. The delerlhe salfl hi- man bad kaanwd that I'ollanl na meu in inui llB,v with "Ihe other wonj.n" several lluiei recently, and this, he snbl. ea lubiishe a moliva for Jlrs. llichi'.rtl n's j Nit to ihe Pollard borne "for tin understanding." The p-aire today praclleullv abnn lonHl the Ibts.ry that .Mrs. Kiehnrtr son wa shot a. , blcnlnlh. gud put forwurd the theory tliat she was shot by i'nllatd In a senffle which thrlry was aoi'pteil by (be coroners jury, ai tlioiigh one metnht-r of (bat bod dis sented from the vonllct. "K.iets we have iseted." said Cap- ijin Wright lonlglil. "lend to. akow lhat rothwd4 raU'Hona with the .voman for tlie past tlir r four years bad Ixsn Intimate. Mrs Kit harnidson was diseharged by I'ollarl. but wn 'ater taken back. She remained in his ohVo but one day. ' She grew des- DOndotll anil then tlMfM t.. U' htm I savings ran lowland at ibis nalnl she want to see I'ollanl at hbt home. There was' a struggle and Mrs. Hfc-h-ardst.H was Uilled." 'iOYEHNHKXT TO ftKSTKOY TIIOI SAM) ('ASPS 01' BOOZS "omjMisetl Tiirgt; "ihe Jfessaue nf Ptwf Seized Year go at Orraeoke. itilietiii. inc. it. AccomiHtnied by I 1 th-puty. United St:iU.-s Marshal R. W, Ward left loday at mm for Wine ; iigton with the order of Judge H. G. "onnor. Cnib-d Stats diatr ct nnirt, o destroy the 12,000 or ntt.ra quartHJ f whlskev which formed the cararnl cargo n't.. 1U ., 1. - -W,,.,, w. n .-. . ' .-.kc ui i ea.e. e.eil Jtl .ii.r a, ,ii',ir iti;o, aim Milieu was lei ircr! confiscated by the govern nen' tut week. Tlie confiscation nf (lie whiskey vug one feature t f the agreement which ended the prosecution, of Cup tain Arthur Coleman, and super argo Waiter Claude. Crahttm. - 't lie argo 0i a thoussnd cases of w hiskey, :aid by tjfpta n Coleman tu rcpre ;eiil a,n oripinal cash investment of p:prootlmntely $32.Bfri is new istl nnted; to be werth on. the basis of pre attrnx -prfttes for bootleg ' whlskrv tiv I'nl $lii.r;iit. its netuil value. H ng now -' A NOKl.p vnon .t witha ueni.lofUir.'e.l nuNliala Id nt1 stairs marshals is in THE COTTON MARKET Realizing Which Developed in Market Yesterday Was in Evidence Again Today. Br the AsNnelplt.l erfB. New York. Doc. 15. The realising ivhlch developed as prices iipproatii; etl the 2fc level in the tntlon markel vestenlay in evidence again al the opening today. It was urolnbly prie uiotert by the relatlvt-ly easy ruling of Liverpool, and first prices here were 4 to 10 poiids lower, January sold off to 2As and March to u'o.tls,' but I.iv erfWOi Was a good buyer,1 while there was scattering local and Wall Street buying on (he talk of a loan to Ger many, and the continued firmness of foreign exchange. Coitou futures opened steady. Dec. SS$0; .fan. 25:86; March U.":72: May 25:80; July 3:60. Window Made of Ititliber. London, Dec. 15. tAs a result of experiment which have extended over a period of four years and npnn which a .'ge sum of money his been spent, two British chemists have 'pro-, duced ft rubber which Is as trans parent as glass and as elastic and non-breakable as ordinary rubber. Tests have shown lhal it is impos sible, to break Ihese rubbers windows iu the ordinary way. A ball bouncing against a 'pane only causes it to bend Mghtty, when it at on;te returns to its or'ginal nositimi undamaged. It is, of course, possible to tear a hole in the new giass by striking it with a heavy missile, hut there are no splinters. In addition to making windows, ltd, transparent rubber can be used for a variety . of purposes. It. is declared to be 'Ideal for lining garments, thereby making them absolutely waterproof. In future bathing caps will be made if the new material, and the effect wil' be invisible Coverings showing the naif yet keeping it dry. With Our Advertisers. Money is a great; constructive force. The Cabarrus Savings liank wil belli you .save if you open an account there. Tbi' Musette in a new ud. today nil vises you to purchase a New Edison Phuuojjcrapb. lite "best gift". New ad. will interest you. Fair, sitnare and easy credit at Farley's. Store now has a line collec tions of clothing, which makes hlrtil gift tor every member nt the mmUy. New ad. today gives price and credit particulars. Wilkinson-W idenhonse Coyln a new ad. today tells of soap specials to he iffered tomorrow. If you have trouble with the valves RMiaxaal I on your tires try Ihe bouk-proot caps' Alaska heme, and he, finds It hard to Hold-by Home Fditcatioiial Company. 1 become acclijnateil Mr. Allman is Labor not In vain- save, advises the .still nursing a sho alder IliAl was partly Citizens Hank and Trust Company. Put froaen, and the wn: m weather , here is part of your money iu the bank eachso different that he finds it almost un- jmy day. II. It. Wilkinson in a new ml. today gives some line Christmas suggestions, and Ihe goods can he found at bis store. f"ree sparklers at RIU's next week. See ad. for partlciHors. Opposes i 'i nwioii the Ii-i'Ussion of ratricr the HI) IVIUX Or rrOdmi. was received, and ulnatd to a hibition Qut tions Intro duced bv Gof . Parker. T3 ARE TWO "TQLCHIEST" QUESTIONS, HE SAID Says the Conference Should Be Devoted to Exchange of Ideas on Administrative Duties of Gorernors fR thr A White Sulidiur D.".. the tiOV- eon-lu-kby. 15. Tlie cxevnila loiirte...ih aimiml eriiors. were turtatd . -? (heir fereme tlis. ussiuua loday to nil sisH-tion of eoal ni.ii. aear He. after engaging ul -Bifti n i lit in Ihe Hi Hurry of tlebuie wttieb has marked Ihe session. Prohibition ami tl Kit Klux Klan were tlie two iUeaaioS which brought a clash of views ml mm the mis-tiug was thrown open tod tat.- slniilly be fore tiii'lulgbl after an iidtlress by tioM'tator iilcotl. of Dri gon, in which beitssaib-,1 the Klttna a national men itec. Uorernor Morrison, t mi. taking the floor, le til the IntrodiH-tloU la:, of either liij lbin or , tions. which iFi-evldi brought up by (Jove Louisiana, in an add', declared prohibit ion f North Caroll larefl be oppos i the conference robibttlon urn-sly had bee. i nor Parker, of ss in which he '.its alums! a lane, anil (hill tlni;l!aii should be curlied by t'ederai lef lation. As two of the ' touchiest" ' .ii"'.i ions before Ihe caitntry, (iovernai. Morrison s:ii.l be opposed (heir caYislilcratioii at it ctonfefeuce, wliicll he! believed shonl.l .... .... .... ...t. ..r :., ' " - ' lr Al v 1 -.' .O.OI. .l "O .1 1. ............ . .hm. . . t I M Jl l tl! 1 1 1 1 SI I it 1 1 C O Lit M - O t ; ovcri'.o! s. I'artlcubttl.v did Mt object, Mr. Mor rison said, to (Jovorpoi Piirker's pro posal that the (onfejoaro adopt reso Itltlons on these quCBions. or any res olutions looking tnwjr.l iiniforui legis lation of si police cBnarter. (lovernor Morristnt further declared that he disagreed with tiovc-rnors Par ker and Olcott on thejli' proisised metb: oils' for fighting the Klan, which he salt! could not be legjslalod ouf of ex istence, but could pe met effectively only by argument. As t" (lovernor Piir ker's assertion that''. prohibition was not being enforced, and his opinion Uhnf . erf Ha"'wl:,e am! beo , ( , pemttttSf mi,ier govern- t . nient regulation m its manufacture anil distribution, Mr. Morrison said In- was "astonished' at wital he de clared iis the Louisiana Coventor's willingness to surrender to the 'law lessness among antt-prohlhitionisis" on the one baud, it in I his desire to light what he coliceive.l to he lawlessness ii: the Klan on Ihe other, (lovernor Par ker rejoined that lie ditl BOl conceive his altitude on prohibition lo be i yielding to lawlessness. LEAGUE MAY LOOK AFTER CHRISTIANS IN TURKEY By Announcing Intention of Joining IiCague of Nntitms Turkey Virtually Admits She Will Accept League's Supervision Over Christians. - Lausanne, Dee. 14. Although Tur key was conciliatory today on the gnat question of accenting stunt- form of supervision from without on the general treatment of the Christian pop ulations inhabiting Turkey, she proved adamant iu insisting upon the deporta tion; from Constaiitiuopfe of tlie su preme patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church. i This is one (f H e most Important issues of the Lausanne conference. Around it surge. all ihe historical anil religious differences lietween Christ ianity and Mol iinedanism, since the. 'Turks consider Constantinople their sacred city they resent thai its sail sltpnld serve as lite permanent suit of the pontiff "f the Greek Chris tian Church ; Ihej maintain lhat Athens or Rome, or some other avow edly Christian'cenlei should be chosen as his place of residence. When" the probinile return of Con stantinople! to tin-Turks was announc ed at Athens as the :nevitahlO'(utcomo of the Greek 'defeat in Asia Minor, the greatest .excitment arose among the Athenians, wilo foresaw the possibility of the patriarch's deportation. ' l''"r itier Premier iVcnizetos has- received countless messages from devqttl Greeks imploring him to make no surrender of the issue of the patriarch. By annouueing todjiy Iter ititentjon of joining the league of nations as soon as peace. Is signed al Lausanne Turkey virtually aomittcd she would uccetit theiengtie of baHons' supervision over the Chrlsllun bopulatliKp in Turkey. Mr. Wilis An interesting Vllman isitoi Here. in Coucortl now Is Mr. Will s Allman. who has I arrived at the home of his father, Mr. ' j. r. Allman to sta nd several wees nf - ter serving with the United Stales ter serving with the Lnlteil States t forestry aorvicc in .viasKti tor several months Mr. Allman declares the temperature here is too hot fee htm after his ! comfortable. i Mr. Allman wa 450 miles inun a darted the home railroad when In ward (rip, and he covered the distance In boats, sleds itinl on fool. He served in Alaska for several months, and was fond of his work and llfe( there. y sp' .-. y. Vi al iitleiiillng n -ai lee of B.UTIST STATK I0MENT1UN Van IWt tor Their tlaarev Br .. aaaai um iwi VaaataaWlaJaaa, lirr 15. -ThV las'. day a nvaloa of ta- Baptbat Ktalr f'uay'. Wahuu(lau Irr. II. -OraW tor tli was featured by a Hi) naiH :h itntiudliai vt tar i;.0au rarw of altriMbinrr, away nn-wbrr bating iimir x-tand . lb- IIHliat h.- i,. r atarliil fur bmhut A pronuaitbai frtau Meaa of iaar . war aaatt today Vtin Illy. uflTerbttx the eHiM.lli.u , from prablbitloa braaqjartrrs la 14 eil mtolitre with iinlrutliata t.,that utidef the North Carolina law, report at the next .-.. m -the carao could not be dbrpoaad of Spntk.ns tor th mliiUtrrs' reibtf . wl;h n the atale to hoapltalt or olhar and annuity fund. Rev Janie N. At- public tnatllntton. sad because of the nrtt NBBartan that u : tit i i...ib wei rerlvlng abl. A touching nwtis .1 ia I srrrtcr was he!d jwst hefnrv adloirrmaent. the ean ventlmi stalKllag while Ur. It. Y C'!1 baii. of Wake Forest, i-nd the bie U I of the eouTcution's oaring the ult The unreiition embavetl the ir.. ion of VeH IVn. to e .n(.-ilite .- OOli for the erection of a new Hapti- lonl..r ,.,.11...... I.. V..u llorn T. . , isHiril of education in accord, to go forward with (he ibins and r'Hir( nexi ytitr. v WOMEN'S O.MPKNSATION IIIU, TO I'l; RKCOMMENDEDj To Re Introduced nt the Next Session of lite (eiirntl .Wcinlilj . Raleigh, N. t'.. lec. 11 t Ity the As Ociated Press!. -A Wurmen's Oompen Mition bill will Is- recisnmeoded by ComiulsHlnner of Ijils-r and Printing M. I.. Sh pnmii anil tntrodtn-eil at Ihe ncxi w-xsloa of the North Cjirollni gdicral asMenildy. it wtt- announced at Ihe CO pi I id today. After iinsticcessfid efforts, last year lo pass such legislation Ixcausc labor reprc.senlatives opposed all propu niea-urcK, ihe bill to he introduced In January probably will be framed by a commit tc of manufacturers ami la I sir delegates, il was staled, and will have the support of women's organiza tions, the democratic party and Com missioner Shipiiian. "We have scanelv begun our labor legislation tilling the line of giving se- (jtirity to tlie working titan m his oii. -aid (lie coiiiniis iouer. V'One step in this direction would he rue ejiaclnient of a workmen's compensation law bas ed upon (he principles of righl aiid Justice to wage earners and those who employ them. "Cutler Ihe present statutory condi tions, when an accident occurs in nine eases out of ten the victim is thrown upon i own resources. Willi a workable compensation law. properly enforced, no matter who is to blame itr the matter of an accident, the la borer would be protected (luring (In the period f disability. Tlie employ er would insure himself ngulnsl acci dents by the Introduction of device, to prevent them. "Me would have a new kind of tax ation, a spocins which it would ii lawful for him to evade, for. lie co'V'd evade tlie tax 'ofi accidents ' by- -preventing the accidents. His claim ngenl would he largely confined to file instil I -billion of proper sufefgeards rather than in securing releases from Injured employes due to oVfc.elive machinery, "Wodkmen's iiltnpensalinn introduces Ihe idea not of miking the employer a petty criminal, but simply making him a taxpayer and giving him an option of gelling rid of his lax by preventing neeidenls, lie would pel iu safety departments and create sal' ely committees from the employe- lo cn-opertito with the mnnagemenl More than forty-two states have pro vided workmen's compensation laws. Why not North Carolina?'' be asked. t 0MPR0.MISE l'OU 11007.1: SMI'GUI.KIt Goventment Gets Iitiior ami ('apt. Coleinau Gets Ship. Raleigh. Dec. 1(5. All federal prose cution of Captain Arthur Coleinau and the crew of the "Message of Peace." British booze ship seized bv prombi Con officers in Ocraeokc in el nearly a year ago were dropped in federal court here loday when District At torney 'f ucker agreed to a eotraproruise proposed by counsel for Coleman, and asked a nolle of the indict ments. By the terms of V Ihe compromts Contain Coleman gets his ship imek. ami the federal prohibition author-it-'cs get the 'huge quantity of liquor lhat has. been held under -lock and key in the Wilmjngton customs house. The ship, which has been tied up in Wilmington, will be taken out at once by the British seamen. Hotel Men Elect Officers. (My lh A MMiM-l.t I pd I'rrnn.) I Wlnston-Snlein, Dec. 15. At this morning's session of ,the Sontbein I IJotel Association; composed of hotel men of Virginia and North Carolina the following officers .were elected : President V. SI. Cloud, Raleigh; vice I presidents, .1. Frank Bell. Norfolk, and I..L.F, Sonicrs, Salisbury; sccrelary- tri.sisurer 11. M. Hinkle, Danville. Tie executive, legislalive and good roads 1 opnitnltteOti were also nanied. Sev eral shiirt iuldre-ses by members of the association were made, nt tlie morning session ht which the session adjourned lo meet nt High Point Ibis afternoon for a luncheon. From Ihere the as- social ion will move on to Grecnslioro, where i ne mini session win Dtp in an tonight 1 nine at ten tv uarns riiroiture to, Sale at Pel! & Harris Furniture Cy, i The Hell & Harris i-'unill lire Co. Is onering some line pianos, player-pianos and Vlctrolas for Chrislmns. These In - strunlents nnike presents that will l appreciated by Ihe entire family, and, will iivst for ninny years. The Vompuny bus a page ad. In Ibis tinner, giving tiarticulars of the Instru- litenls offered. ( al at (he store to see the goods. Also call for Victrola rec ords, which make (ileal gifts. Some of the fashionable women of Paris are wearing wigs made of gold and silver thread. The wigs arc of the bobbed hair variety. uk!. k To OMTBur we - nrjm i iimi oi ltvroi, S-lae4 oa tar Vat Nil Taaas w t N C It ana fuand. oflk-ii. here Mid. iji'.ure of the containerr inv which the ..qucr as tinted l: lmptac tlrable to ..r t la the medbal !trate. WANTS 70 MIU.!0TO UKiy t.KKMAN I'KOPLV ""'.""'F V 1 irapriaic tr W"I HtWren. """"'m. i 1 1. -Aiqiraunanaai " ''"" t""' for rcl.evillg bllUilM' COO- I'litlons in Uennuny and Austria wih iproaMsi in it resolution f n t ... i i to lilay by ReH tentative Newton, ItrpiuY ' lit an. .Missouri. The n-solution. which le.bire. the peotile were in despair, proiides that i in iioi.i o.- . - finin ior piirtiutsi. y too.1 supplies in the I Mted Slates to In- distributed by (he American Red Crow with tin BMststance of Bad tToss organlantbmfl in i.eiuiauy and Austria. Ilitrialueeil in In-half of l inetnberu of Congress, ihe reSolnthiii recited that widespread starvallnn even now pre vails among tin- 7ll million people of Altsliia and liertualiy,'' and (hat tm less telbf is iiuinedtately extended "huadredn of thousands If noi uiillions 1 1 will die of hunger and cold during the i . etiing winter. Itrend riots air "dv li ne o. curias! in a uumlier of tiertmiit cities, lh resolu tion continued. "00 i-r cent, of tlie children of the two countries are un ;de. -nourished, and tlie death rate from I tuhcicuIosU. stomach (roubles .and itlier diseaes hits increased to an ilurnilng extent''" I.ABOK UNION .INVOUNCUS PKIM'IPLUS IT i;PItlL0S ( Unlcti Cues on Record as tin ioscd iu Garnishment and AMI I'lckt ting Law-:. Tut iotte Observer. Announcing opposition of tie- atSte prlimiry law, the Chpr!ot!3 Centra Labor union has' announc-J itself as being collectively in favor of the fol lowing principles and its intention of urging their approval by lite N'artit Croiina general assembly at its next meeting: "Strongly in favor of lian ba lot system, couple 'he Austin 1 v. ilh a eor- nipt practices act. , "Op-poned to repeal of. prison law, .vhich prohibits prison Inmates iron making aiul Beijing artftlea of Com icerc't in enirmeTiTbvn -tr-tr free bu.-r less and free labor. "For i-iactment of a nrixhnum wnrk week for wn-meli anil children uni!er is. years of age. "Bitterly opposed to ! the slate primary law. "In favor of free lex' .ohool children. "Ovjiosed lo a hoard of motion pit tures. ' ' hesire law call lug fot repeal of book:. lip -Camilla I ton iremen and and lie. using of stath nry lit engineers. ' "Opposed to garnishment "Opposed to antl-pieketiug aw. la- t'apiasee for Arrest of Election .nidge and Registrar, inr the Ahanctatea irr.i Greensboro. Dee. 15. Capiases for the arrest of W. L. Coltrane, election indue, and R. L. White, Jr., election registrar, of Randolph County nave heen forwarded to United States Marshall Brownlow Jackson, at Asa. vflle. Both men are charged in au in dictment returned by Federal grand itirv hoie last week Willi reliisiiig permit T. L. Cox. a qualified voter to east his vote ill the 'neralelec (ion on November 7, last. Fob, Ballard Reported Hilled. Ity the Aaaaetated Prwui.l Lexington. Ky.. Dee. In. Samuel Collins, nrohibitlon director, ba ceived word lhat Bob Ralbird, leader of the Menifee foiniU moonsblli aiing souglit for Ihe slaying of tw federal officers last week, was killed in an e.-uiv morning Iwttle with twen rv nrohibitlon agents today. .Guy Cole prohibition agent, was slain in tin clash, the reports said lard, also sought. Wits Charles Bal- wouuded. Give The Tribune or Times as a Christ nuts Present. What could be better for it Christ mas gift than it year's subseriplion to The Daily Tribune or The Semi-Weekly Tillies'? We will send The Tribune anywhere in North Carolina outside the city of Concord tor $5.00 a year, or $.()b in the city or outside of the Slate., We will send The Times any where for $-.011 a year, (who every "... t - ,r week. Poinenre Willing to Witlhtraw. Hii'.les, Dec. 15.--(By the Associated Press) Premier Poiicare after sketch- ! jng briefly and optimistically the pro t gross of the reparations aim iuikibii 1 iieacc negotiations, told the chamber r .lenntlesi tralnv lhat he was ready . .,;,.,,.,,.. lrn,cetullv" if the cham- : l.,.,. .(...a.ri.t ii had ready another cabi- m,t 1cvtiei- qualified than his. to wort ,,,,,. cTaince. Hold Up Bank and tct, SWMWU, tHy the Aointi rreM.i Caddo, okla., Vice. 15. Five held mi the Caddo. Slate. Bank men here today, locked 11 persons J nto the vault, and "escaped in a motor ear wilh ap proximately $10,000 in Liberty bends. Mrs. Helen K. Crockett. Ihe first woman to lmld public office, in Henry Cduuty, Qi. WOS the county clerkship bj- a margin of three votes. MR. KELLAR FAILS TO APPEAR AI HEA1G lijaTf - wtm ivelused Thurs- - utiy (o Participate FurtJier in Impeachment Proceed ings Against Daugherty. WAS Sl'MMONEI) BY THE COMMITTEE Action Against Keller for Contempt Discussed Kel ler's Attorney Asked Post ponement Till Tomorrow. Br the AaaMlate4 Prcaa.) Wa-hiugton. Div. 15. Representa tiie Keller, of Minnesota , failed to ap lnr I. lav liefore the House .Imttciary Cotnaiittee in eaapoMa to the KiimmiHis s.Me.l on him lae yesterday, after be bad refused t-. t iciie further In the presentation of his impeachment . l arge-, ajraitist Attorney General Imugtierfy. Jus. A. Vahey. an attorney of Bos ton, handed to Chairman Votatead a letter from Attorney Jackson II. Rols lon. announcing that Mr. Ralsioti had bis'ii retained us counsel by Mr. Kel- I. i lifer an.i asking a tiostiHiiM-nienl of fur- pito-eediiigs until loniorrbw. tiuiii'iiiuii Volstead said tlie letter Lii.-.c no , . use lor non-nppearnhrc, ind directed (he Sergeant at Ajms to II Mr. Keller's name three times. This was done, but without response, ind there followed a discussion its lo w hat should tx- done. Representative (irahtim, of Pennsyl vania, i a uk' ng re-nubllcaii of the com nilKee. asked that II report lo Ihe House with recoinnieiidal ions for ac tion agains! Mr. Keller for contempt. tit her meudiers. however, suggested thai the postponement nsrod for be rallied, and Mr. Crahanl said be would not press his motion. Attorney Vahey, replying to the com- mifteemen, said be could not say whether Mr. Keller would appear to morrow: thai this would depend upon ihe advce given him by his counsel. Finally the committee voted to grant Mr Keller's request for a delay, until 10 :80 a. m. tomorrow. Young People Will Stage Great Pag. cant. Concord will have during the holl- duvs Ihe opportunity of seeing by far the greatest religions iingeant ever giv en in this section. "ihe l.iglit oi Men," written by the best known au thor .of ri.tiHHi tlrtittia v an A. .pan t. - mimes in America, will lie presented in lite Central Untiled school building on Ihe night of the L'Otli by (lie young people of Forest Bill Methodist Church. . The Light of Men" is built around the Christ child and hits its beginning wilb Adam ami Eve iu the Garden and loses wilh the adoration Of the shep herds and the visit oi tlie wise men to Ihe manger in Bethlehem. y. More limn titty people (mostly adults t will take part and the cos tumes ami scenery will suggest in most vivid and impressive manner the circumstances which through the long centuries kept alive the hope and expectation of the Messiah. "The Light of Men has never be- . fore been given in the Southern States and will be presented this year for tlie lirsl .time in the great church- I es of the North' and Bast. Those who were fortunate enough to see tlie Christmas and waster pageants iven by this congregation two years ago will bail with genuine delight the announcement thai a lugger and bellcr. one is now within 1 heir reach. The congregation that tried to-see the lirsl performance Vrowded the church almost to the point of danger anil il wa s estimated that three hun dred people were turned awny. Treasury Noies and Certificates Over subscrilicil. Hy the AaajpaaaiaM Ira.l Washington. Dec. 15. -Over sub seriplion of the recently announced combined offering of Treasury notes -and cei tillc sites wits assure:! today as the Treasury began dibursement Df a billion dollars in redemption of Vic tory notes, cancellation oi maruriiig cei tifioaies ami indebtedness, ami cer tain interest payments. Norris Bill (Jets Favorable Report. iH (he Aanoctatrd lrca.) Washington, Dec. 15. - The bill of Senator Norris. republican, Nebraska, lo establish a $ llHllt.01MJ.IKM govern? mi ni corporation to finance the sale of agricultural proihicts was ordered favorably reported today by the Sen ale Agricultural Committee. Some of the Idlest dancing slippers for women have red lacquered heels with little Dutch scenes pained on them in white.