I The Concord Daily Tribune Wk TO0AYS TODAY. DISPATCHES VOLUME XXI! Y. DECEMBER 23, 1922 NO. 21 It I o CONCORD. N. C . SATURtW PREDtCTS SHORTAGE OF COTTON IN JUNE Senator Heflin Sya Novem ber CMMunftion and Es timate of Crop Make Short age Almost Certain. SPECULATORS STILL CONTROLLING PRICE Mr. Heflin Says 26 Cents is Not Enough, Especially When the World is Fac ing a Shortage. (Dj k Pi,.. . Washington, D-fi, 23. fcir.ng, that cotton consumption figures tor November as announced yesterday by the Department Indicated a possibility of exhaustion of the American cotton supply by next Juno, Senator lleltlu. i democrat, (if Alabama, assorted in (be Senate today thai present prices of ''. 26 cents a pound for the product show-1 od ' conclusively that the speculatdYs 1 have got control of the market nd sro depressing the price." "We have produced another small 1 cotton crop," a d the Alaham a sena-1 tor, "iiinl during the month of Novem ber we consumed here at home ami ex ported to foreign countries 1.435,898 j bales of American cotton. The world's i cotton crop is short and the demand I for American cotton Is constant. y in creasing. "The government estiinntes the pres ent crop nt less tlmn' KMMXMNMI." "If the coiisiituption (leiminil for No vetulier continues through Decemlar anil on to August, l !'::. the present cotton supply will le exhausted early in June of next year, ami the world will lie face to face with u cotton fam ine "In spite of the fact that the cotton crop is small and the world demnml for American cotton Is great, the cot ton producers of the I'hited Htntcs are not getting a price that will yield fheni n fair profit. 1 "The Commissioner of Agriculture of the stale of Texas, the largest cot ton producing state in the I'liicm,' says that It costs the farmers of Texas nhont 25 cents a pound to produce the I invent crop. "Three-fourths of the crop has gone out of the hands "of the farmer, at price below 25 cents a Doqnd. The law of supply and demand" warn nt a oil DR. MacFARLAND SENDS A LETTER TO WILL H. HAYS Intimates That He Was In Unci iced in His Arbuekle Derision by "Pressure of Financial Interests." (By the Associated PTess.1 New York, Dee. 23. The Itev. Clias. S. MacFarland. general secretary of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, today made public a letter to Will H. Hays, head of the motion picture Industry, calling for nn explanation why he as a member of Mr. Hays' "committee on public rela tions," was not consulted about the re instatement of Koscoe (Fatty) Ar buekle, film comedian, who figured in the iairty that resulted in the death of VlrlsrliiUr Happe, actress. Mr. MacFarlnnd. as General Secre tary of the Church Federation, Is a member of the executive committee of the committee of public relations, "which Mr. Hays 1 organized recently from religious and civic iirgnniziitlfltifi to aid him in putting the movies on a higher plane. 1 His letter, besides raising the point of why he was not consulted, declared that "unfortunately the Impression has gained ground Unit tins was duo to pressure of financial interests invest oil in Arbuekle pictures." Tension' Rise as Christmas Gift for Veterans of Civil War. Washington, Dec.23. A generous in crease In Uncle Sam's pension allow ances to Civil and Mexican war sur vivors promises to be n Government Christmas present to the veterans and theier widows. Legislative action wus completed to day on the Buranm bill to increase their pensions the veterans from $!! to $72 a mouth and widows from $30 to 50 and Senator Bursuui, ltepiibli eaif, of New Mexico, tomorrow hopes to rush the bill the White House so that -it may signed by President Hard in;; and become law by Christmas Day. The conference, report on the Ml af ter adoption by the House was hur ried through the Senate late today during nn executive session. v umSs ,r MARiNC COMMIT! 'list or cavmrBhroM to i 'm uKit hvkh mro Mrs. 0 H Ixt. la efcarpe f the local ratirttjr wort for the King Danjfctrrm. today Made iuMt the fui lowing IH of tmh sod Anna who hare adopted nae of toe ' ns'rtmil rees" nr won bare made rrwtrakuhun fur ib.tn The following la the list :' Coatrttaitloua of cash Klka Ia-k-KlarauU club. Rotary Ctnh. Tb l.nth emu Church, Jnlia Macrader Rook Clnh. Mr. A s. WW Mra. Curl x'orl Motor Co.). Mra M r Hamhardt. Mrm Moggie Rarnbardt. Mr. Tie. M WeWi. Mrs J. W. Cannon. Xr. Mr. (lew Richmond. Mr Ernest Kuhiiison. the King's laughters. Mr. T V Smith Mr I. M llentlrix. Mr. . W Hwiiuc. Mrs Boger, Mtm Maud Rnnui. Mi C W Bi rd. Ir J K sherrill. Mrs tinwan Dnsenberv. Mrs. C. A. Cook Mi-- Helen Patterson. Mra. X. F. oike. Mies Josle Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. P Cook. Mr. I. I). Coltrane. Sr.. Mr ami Mrs. It. 1. Gibson, Mr. II. I. Wood houae. Mrs. 0. H l.c.. Miss Maggie Bexseni. Cash $."i.ttk Mr. A. B. Pounds, one tone of conl. which has been distributed: and fonr loads of wood. .Mr. Palmer, (las Co.. one ton coke.'1 Mrs. Houston, box of apple Sirs, tgyss, several bushels potatoes. Mrs. Win. it. Gibson, oranges ami confecttloneries. Mrs. Foil, cord of wood. Those who have. adopted opportuni ties: Miss Stockton, Dr. and Mrs. Kellers herger'2), Miss Leslie for Circle No. tl First I'lesliyterian.Chni'eh. Mr. and Mrs. heater) Coltrane, .lr.. Miss Mar garel llnrtsell. I. Miss Lucy llarthell 1, Mr. A. F. llnrtsell 1. Mrs. A. F. Hartsell 1. Mr. 1). B. Cidtrnne, Ellon PMberton S. S; Class. Central Meth odist Church: Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mcltne. Miss Mary King. Young Ladies Snndnv School Class Preshvterinn Church. Mr. and Ms. Jnn. P. Alli son. Mrs. Hal .Inrrett. Mrs. Lewis' Sunday School Class Episcoital Church. Mra. D. (i. Caldwell. Mrs. Brandon Means, Lucile White (colored), Mrs. K. s. Young, Mrs. Tmnlinsoii, Mrs. Br- nest Porter. Mrs. Eugene Cannon 2, Miss Frances Ridenhour, Miss Lottie Boyd, Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs. Bessie 'McConnell, Miss Thompson, Araerlcnn Legion. Miss Ada Craven and Sir. ( ra ven, Mr. Maiiry Richmond. Mr. flail Mrs. Howard Caldwell, Mrs. .1. W. Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Lnthef Hartsell. Mrs. Thos. 11. Web and the Misses WVbli, Mr. E. C. Bnmhardt. Sr.. Mr E.'C. Bariibiirdt. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Brown, Mrs. John Hn rutin nit's Cfr- cle Presltyterlnn Church, Woman's Auxiliary Episcoiial Church 2. Mrs. L. D. Coltrane. Sr., Mrs. Chnl. White, Mrs. I. A. Cannon. Miss Jessie Combs. Mra. A. M.-Tnrnep, Mrs. P. U. Cook jajrifcilaWilW iihaiill Hi iniin I'Slie and Mrs. Ross, Miss Annie Can non. Miss Mary Cannon, .Airs. Scott Frlftse mid Mrs. J. ('. Fink, Miss Cot trell Sherrill. Mrs. Bernard Fet.'.er. Mrs. W. A. Foil. These lists are published to show the Interest whtch has been manifested. A great ninny other people have con tributed through the clubs and organi zations mentioned. It is desired that the committees appointed by Elks, King's Daughters, Kiwanis and Ro tary lie at Elks home nt two p. m. Sun day. We also wish to say that the splendid results obtained could never have leeii except for the co-operation of The Tribune and Times. MRS. G. B. LEWIS. SIX MEN ARRESTED Held Pending Investigation into the Bank Truck Robbery at Denver. (11 tbr Associated Prea. Suntn Fe, N. M., Dec. 23. Six meu with heavy suitcases who arrived from Las Vegas in an automobile today were placed In jail jiendiiig Investiga tion In connection with the robbery of the United States Federal lmnk truck nt Denver. I'nited Stntes Marshal's olllce had received a. tip from Ins Vegas, and Deputy Gonpehey and As sistant , Superintendent Dugau of the iienttentinry after observing the sus pects In a restaurant took them into custody. 1 1 i No Paper Monday and Tuesday. There will be no issue of The Trib une Monday" and Tuesday. Monday is Christinas Day, and we think our force is entitled to the extra holiday on Tuesday. They have served you "day In and day out" during the year, and we are sure yon will lie glad to accord them this short vacation season. Republican Prisoners in Dublin, Ire land, Dublin. Dec. 23 (By the Associated Press). Two hundred nnd sixtyifourj republicans held prisoners in Mount Joy prison, were released today, hav ing signed a declaration of allegiance tit the Free State. Four of, those re lensed were women. " To our friend and their friends, to our folks at home and to the "strariger within our gates," to you and to yours we wish the fullest measure of Christmas joy. BLANKET COHCESSIOM ON OIL LANDS GIVEN Promoters of Los Angeles Reach Agreement With Mexican Government for Lease of Oil lands. RttiCrSSiT nPAI IN YIFYM'AV UieiVkDV'il'1',;Prt'- V Idnned to date .HEiAICAii Mia 1 UK I s slightly leas than lasl year. The Los Angeles Group Will Go Into Mexican Oil District and Operate According to Mexican Laws. (By the Aaaafiale I'm .1 Is Angeles. lec. 23 The Los An geles Tiules today reported an an nouncement from the promoters that ki group of Iis Angeles manufactur ers, hankers and oil operators has ob is I mil from the Mexican governniAi't what "amounts to a blanket conces sion on all government lands in the oil district of the East Const." "It it by fnr the biggest oil trans action in Mexican history," the Times said, "and rich workings of the old established companies In the Tamph'o and Tuxjinm districts." The paier further declared "the transaction also has important Politi cal significance, coming ns it docs af- ter the extended controvevsv between the ohregnii government and the Am erican oil comiuinlA in which the 1'uited States government has been as yet an unsuccessful arbitrator." it Is announced that the Ios Ange les group will go into the Mexican oil district and operate according io the Mexican Article XXVII, and under n federal concession on the same royalty basis which established cominnies have decuired confiscatory. The con cession, it is stated, permits them to drill on lands immediately joining the richest wells in Mexico. BANDITS GET $20,000 1 Shot Paymaster of Pittsburgh Coal Co. and Escaped With His Money. iHy the .taaoclatrd rca.i Pittsburgh. Pa.. Dec. 2!t Four tmn dlts today shot Ross Dennis, paymas ter of the Pittsburgh Coal Co., ami es raped with a satchel containing about ISO.OM In currency. The holdup oc curred .on the hills beyond ML Lelm uon near here while a party of com pany ottjeiajs were taking the Christ - . I .1........ ... K.W.J1 ... pn. - County detectives armetl with riot guns, were rushed to Mf. beoRBon from the sherill s nfhee here. Dennis was riding a motorcycle in advance of an automobile in which Superintendent William Young, of the Beadliug Mine and three other em ployes were guarding the pay satchel. The bandits shot 'Dennis without warning. He i' from tne motorcy- cle. Belore the driver or the pay car could ston bis machine the .tfiandlts were upon it. They covered the super intendent and guards, obtained the satchel and escaped. SPECIAL SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE Something Must Be Done to Ptail tlie State Out of the Had. my the Associate!! Prass. Richmond, Vn., Dec. 23. A cull for n special session of the state legislature to meet Wednesday February 28, and for special election to nil five vacan cies in the senate and one vacancy in the House to be held on Tuesday, Wb. ruary 20, was Issued today by Governor E. Lee Trinkle. The extraordinary ses sion of the legislature will be asked to xonsider. in the words of the Governor: "F:rst the Question of providing funds for the highway department to take care of its immediate and respon sible needs. "Second for correcting the errois nt the fast session "of the General As sembly in connection with re-districting the state. "Third to consider any matter that may come up relative to the enlarge ments of our new office building now uni'.er construction." MAY CALL MEETING 0E CATHOLIC EPISCOPACY To Meet in Rome During the Next Jubilee Year. Pope Will Call Meet ing. Home, Dec. 23 (My tne Associated Press). The probability Hiat the Pope will call a meeting of the entire Cath olic Episcopacy In Rome during the next Jubilee year, was announced in the. papal encyclical. Issued today. 'Such a meeting would be a continua tion of the ecumenic council which was held in Rome in 1870. Pope Plus' encyclical recalls the re cent conflicts in Italy and the efforts of the church to quiet them. Among the. peaceful Interests In recent years it calls attention of the 2ti liiteriiallon al Encharistie Congress and the great religious manifestations attendant .up on the transportation of the Image of the virgin from Rome to Loreto. PECKER WAS FOUND GUILTY IN NEW YORK jury Rendered Verdict of Guilty of Murder in the First-Degree. (t the Associate Press.. New York, Dec. 23.- Abraham Beck er' was declared guilty of first degree I'murder in a verdict returned early tn- day hy a jury in the Bronx county 1 court. The penalty for the crime In jNew York State Is electrocution. Sen- I fence win tie pronounced Tuesany. ite 1 was convicted of killing his wife, Jen- nle. . vK.n in I nile.l U Ag l7 Salens. N. C. Oar. Deapila tb fart thai weather naaUtkaas have been paattlffTilurlac la past two week, farming pnun ha been general In Xftrth Crr4lna. aeratillnc to the ataai mtaitbly Imlletln taie, by- the Xorta CartiUnn und Cattr! Suites deiwri axmts of agrirnlrara. The IwUe'ln fblltajrs: "More cotton has been ginned than oxpecied. indbnllna a lanri crop l'lntikiilly all of rtie ,-rop has been quality I good. The iirodncfion for the stle Is estimated al V.l'.ixsi bale of .'am ismnds, crosf weight, or -HH;.-IMt.lKlo isimida at Kill. The produc tion is greater thrmo-i year by alsnit T.ViKKi txle!. and by iil.iMMi bales great er than the ten awn average. The pric1 of -'I ". ceaaa is alsmt cents higher than a year ago "The auction HMHs of toluiivo sold to dnte total nHl.ntjS pounds. The av erage price Is Ml ecrts js-r iioiind, or about -I cents ler tbnn last year. The heaviest sales wen- refsn-ted on (be following markt'i: Wilson. W'ln-sfon-Snlem. CreenrBle. Kinstoii and Roi-ky Mount. . " "Hay prices are grnerallv llrm. The receipts are ample tor the demand. This lias lieen one ol Ibe state's larg est hay cros in Held and acreage. Pastures are furnishing some feed for livestock due to the continued rains and normal temperatures. "Future grain iwU.'es advanced dur ing the week ending DecciilKr 2, anil regained a gissl part of the losses of (the previous weeks. The week closed at $1.1S H-M for the Dccemlier wheat and 711 1-2 cents fnr' the December corn. Red winter wheat Is reisirti-d sen rce. "This has lieen a record breaking year for shipments of pears in the country as a whok with California the leading state, with a production of i.(KKl.tKH) bushels. This state's com mercial , j tear crop is comparatively small. Large quantities of apples are being marketed from this state. "The total shipments of lending lines of vegetables nnd truck have droiped sharply. J Potato markets weakened in spite of decreased ship ments. Prices of calibiige and onions have advanced. Street potatoes ad vanced slightly, dttt to decreased re ceipts. This season s nts of sweet potatoes to Xnvei 25. total 880 nlf of the ship same date. The cars ; which Is nlm ments of 11)21-22 to production is ebngi' greater this year than last "The last two ave lieen gen- erntlv nnsefllerl chnngenble )wel.i about normal as a rule. General rains nnd cloudiness were reported in muny parts of the state during the period, with light snows in some sec tions, accompanied by low tempera tures. However, no serious damage has ,beaa reported from the cooler weather. Farm progress has lieen gen-1 eral throughout the state. The com paratively mild weatherwas favorable to plowing and seeainf or grains. S0MK "OPPORTUNITIES" ARE STILL AVAILABLE Number of Colored Families Have Ask ed For Aid, and List of Needy Has Increased. Mrs. G. B. Lewis, who has churge of the goods and money to be given and srtent for the needy families in the city, stated this morning that thirty five "Opportunities" remain. Mrs. Lewis explained that yesterday a auni- lier of colored families in the city ask - ed for aid, and their solicitations ran the total number of "Opportunities" from 2tl to 35. Persons who want to adopt one of the persons or families who need aid are asked to call Mrs. Lewis at once. The goods will be distributed tomor row. Di cover.! of a $5 Rill Stolen by the Bandits. (By the Associated Press.) Balimore, Dec. 23. Discovery lias been made here of one of the $5 bills stolen by armed bandits in the. raid of the United States Federal Reserve Bank truck at Denver last Monday, police officials here decalred. The bill was passed at tl downtown restau rant .last night, it was Raid. Appeals for Southern Keprcvenl.il ion. (By the Associate Press.! Washington. Dee. 23. An appeal for representation of the South on the, Supreme Court, aixl the semi-judicial agencies of the gtvernment, such as the Interstate Commerce Commission nnd the Federal Trade Commission, was made in the Senate today hy Senn tor Harris, democit, of Georgia. Weather Generalh Fair Next Week. I OT the Assatfated ITsas l aftlpnu way Washingtoft, Dei. 23. The weather date for the Morehouse parish rfpen outlook for the wek beginning Mon-hearing In connection with the More day: house kidnnifiing case, It was learned South Atlantic Sates and East Gulf here rodns. States: Genernllv fair except rains! The Attorney Genera! and a special nre probable the latter part of the. week; temperature normal,' frosts like. ly except in the Honda peninsula. Special Music at St. James Chureh. Siiecial music vlll feature the ser vlees at St. Junies Lutheran Chureh,.at the morning servc, and also at the early Christmas noriiing service. Miss Nina Norman will sing a solo on Sun (day morning; whle at the Matin Ser - vice on Christiuai morning the choir wlll render the nithem "Angela From the Realms of GlffyJ' i It is recorded hat In the desert of Arabia north of Hill, In the foothills of the Sknimmar Motntalns, in February, 'the thermometer (ell from 78 degrees: a little before sulset to 18 degrees n quarter oi an now auer. variations or from 30 to 40 detreta In an hour are not unusua'.. 1 ES OF IN ARE FULLY IDENTIFIED Dodies of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards Now Lie in the Masonic Temple at Mer Rouge, Louisiana. INQUEST WILL BE HELD TOMORROW Guards of Bodies Have Been Instructed to Shoot Per sons Who May Attempt to Spirit Away the Bodies. (ItT the AaMrtalvd Press.) Mer Rouge. Iji.. Dec. 23. The wlre Isiund uritiiutod IssUea of two men r- covered yesterday on Ijike IjiFoiin he ny state troops, believed to Is- those of Watt Daniels and Thomas Ricn- anls, who dlsapHared after being kliliihpiK-d by masked and white rolled men last August, were further identi fied .tlii morning when viewed by Itichards widow; J, L Daniels, aged father of Watt, and a score of other relatives anil friends. Identification of at least Watt Dan iels is complete, according to the au thorities. Iiecause of the Initials "F. W. D." found on a belt buckle, and which buckle Dnniels is said to have worn at the time be was spirited away. The Isidies are lying in the Mason ic Temple where they are guarded by a detachment of Monroe National Guard. The guards are aimed with automatic rifles, and were instructed by Captain Cooper to shoot persons who may attempt to spirit away the 110(111. The inquest probably will lie held late this afternoon, according to a message received this morning from Dr. Fred Patterson. Morehouse parish coroner, who returned today to Bas trop. Dr. Patterson said no efforts had yet lieen made lo .officially identify the bodies. He said he was awaiting in structions from the Attorney General ns to how to proceed. Some resistance Is expected when the state's warrants calling for arrest of men believed to have been the ring leaders of the hooded men are served, it was indicated here. The presence of an additional body of state troops it was believed however, will serve as n precaution against a probable outbreak. i - - liaui.'f8tiors of the- depart- ment ot justice wot inng under I tie di rection of the governor are inid to have a partial list of members of the kidnappers Many names were ob tained several months ago when the investigators reported an attempt was made during the night by a gr0"-P (,f mpn to reach a spot on La fource lake, guarded as the probable resting place of the bodies. The opinion is advanced thnt these same men returned in the dead hours of hist night and placed the charges of dynamite that wrecked a part of the bank near the eastern ferry land- i ing and released the decapitated. wire-bound bodies from the weight that for four months had held them to the, bottom of the lake. Divers spent the afternoon tryjng to locate tlie rusty wagon wheels that were missed from the banks of the lake simultaneously with the disappear ance of tlie men. said to be. the only missing link in tlie chain of evidence tue investigators had submitted to the I governor as their solution ot the mys- tery. While La Fnurehe was being blast ed, what was believed was a decy of eight of 10 men were active in Lake Cooper, 20 miles away, drauing the fire of the state guards and bring ing the entire military company from Mer Rouge lo the banks of the. lake. The military captain announced the investigators mere nt responsible for tlie blasting Inst night, and a search is under may to identify those re sponsible.'' With diving operations concentrated chiefly on the ferry landing, where a chart indicated' the bodies of the missing men most likely were hidden, it was declared the guilty men feared the bodies, would be eventually lo cated, and decided to recover them and remove them to another burial place, in the Interior. The dynamiters evidently became frightened or failed to find their quarry and ran away, the story goes. A ferryman who heard the blasts, reported the finding this morning. Kidnapping Case to Re Heard January Fifth. Monroe, La Dec. 23. Attorney Gen eral Coco has set January 5th as the I train with two companies of Louisiana National Guard, arrived in Bastrop this morning and the guardsmen pitch ed camp on the conn house square. Non Santa For Baby Mother Would Hie. Chicago, Dec. 22. The prospect of a cheerless Christmas with no money to buy presents for her six-year-old win, 1 Bobbie, -caused Mrs. Florence Fern ; uolden to tie ner son to ner ohck ami leap into the Desplalnes river today, she told police after she had been res- j cued by two boys from the Ice caked river. Both, it was announced, will recover. Mr. L. W. Barubardt. teachor in the High School 6f Technology In M- lunta. is spending tne nomta.vs at tne home of his father, Mr. W. N. Barn- . hordt, In No. 4 township. T. FlBMkre Highway Dif si saifcl afirhifaov Kfatfai lai.uc. Mi.b. Par 23 r jitawati m i.-Ki.Mniioa to rcjnntei I Be tl... taxation syleai. ml down the com uf slate gorernmeot. develop the state an grl nltural renter, .tighten the. eEEL'iE T..Ta pt"l"c.i rlianges in (he laws, uf tbr Michigan legislature when ii convenes in ngular aewtnn In January. tmratandina In the prospertlve legia latlon are Ibe followlnv proposals To pno ale a gasoline lax to flname highway uVrelopiiH-ui and mainfeiuime witfaoiil a real prunerty tax. To make suore cnmpacl the een traliaed stale ginemment whlcti was inaugurated two years ago, by car tailing and combining dviartmens. To make the furnishing of Boianuotis liquor pun i -ha I ile a ma nla ugbter To llgbleu the inolor vefairle laws, by prescribing more specifically tie lighting i . in i nn. uit on automobiles, and increasing the penalties for speeding and reckless driving. To delegate to the state agricultural college much of the work done by the state agricultural department. To provide what amounts to a liter acy test for voters. To provide a bill of rights for wom en, which will put them on an equal standing with men in business and welfare mutters. To enact a land certification law which will enable non-residents of the state to invest in Michigan's unde veloped lands nnd to provide Hint the state encourage reforestation of idle 'lands not suited to agriculture by re ducing taxes. The. reapportionment of the state legislative district, which comes ls-- fore the legislature by virtue of the 11120 federal census, stands high in state interest. Other measures in clude provision f(Vr n eugenics law : to devise ways and means of raising money to retire the $01,050,000 state bonded Indebtedness without add ng to the tax burden on real property : and to make Insanity grounds for divorce. An attempt may lie made lo revive the income tax. which was initiated by the 11121 legislature, and defeated by the voters. GOVERNOR ENDORSES TRINITY MEDICAL PlMi Talk of Forming State Chureh is Ridiculous, He Says. Raleigh. Dec 22. Formal approval of Trinity College'. offer to aid (In state in establishing a medical college operating under a state chnrter nnd a board created by tlie general as sembly with the governor as chair man, was given by Gov. Cameron Morrison this afternoon in an nddre.ss before a civic organization. This talk of- the Methodists, the , S,. . . ' ' . ,T,nnrr, nn its face." said the governor. "Wit ' a generosity and bigness Worthy of this great (lay of tolerance and prog ress. Trinity came forward with a .proposition that if the I'nlvedfity could not establish a. medical school there might lie some way for the two to build one "Before we could get out n formal statement to the public on tlie propo sition, the de.vil broke loose and the Indians got busy scattering poison. "Trinty does not want to control the propose! school. Nor does it want to join with the university in controlling, it but desires the insti tution to lie chnrtered by the state, to endow t with $4 000,000, let it be that Bl n wtoWSif run by a board, with the governor as , br ghe has hl chairman, Just as all other state edu- The four llttle cW1u.en t00 yong cational institutions are governed." to rea,,ze the -tragedy which has en FIFTEEN INJURED IN A COAST LINE WRECK Eight Cars, Including Four Sleepers kppP them until the first of next year and the Engine of Train No. 82 en n!1(i t'11'" if n word from relatives has Route to Jacksonville Derailed. J 1)t,e" received efforts to locate homw Rocky Mount, Dec. 23 ( By the Asso-1 fr them will be made, cited Press). Fifteen passengers were! A f,md has been started in Colum Injnred early today when eight curs! bin, contributions to which will be including four sleepers and the en-1 uao1 ' purchase a plot in the ce.me- . giiie.of the Atlantic Const Line train ter? here and to defray burial expeuses No. 82. en route from Jacksonville to New York, were derailed near Lncnma. Two of the injured, Mrs. F. L. Glass, of Laurel, Miss.. Whose back was hurt and Mamie Riddle, negro, of Rneford, N. ' C, nervous shocked, were brought to n hospital here. The others, in jured only slightly, were given atten tion by physicians at J ana ma. Officials advanced the theory that the wi-eol: was caused by a broken rail, after making an investigathm. The fact that no one of the. 250 passenger, was injured seriously as the fast trav eling train left the track, struck an embankment nnd bounded back to the roadbed, was said "to be almost miraculous" by officials. All of the cars were of steel construction. Mt. Olivet Electric Co. Now in Opera tion. ' ' The Mt. Olivet Electric Co.. is now in operation, and it is furnishing cur- North Carolina and oil but. ten conn rent to a number of Churcherf. homes ties in Northern Virginia, will be mov nnd schools along the national high- ed here' shortly after the first of tlie way from Class to Cook's Crossing. jyear, it. is understood by Mr. York. These country homes along this The moving of the headquarters to route now have all .modern conven-1 High Point which was authorized bv lences, Including electric lights, water, l Commissioner of Internal Revenue gas telephones and paved ronds for Bin ir. will bring to this city it staff theif cars. of 11) men. The people living along this route alsn have a modern high school, fine churches and in addition have plenty of butter, eggs, milk, .chickens and oth er foodstuffs whtch nre obtainable In the cities only with difficulty . The Forest Hill Pageant. A rare opportunity to see a most unusual Bible pageant will lie afford- ed Concord people next Tuesday night when "The Light qf Men" will be pre- sented at the Central graded school an- dltorium by' more than fifty young peo- Die of Forest Hill Methodist Church. This great; Christmas pageant has nev- er before been seen in any Southern city. Brand new and written by the greatest religious dramatist in Ameri- en, it is bound to make a powerful ap- peal to those who witness it. I THERE IS HO COLD a as. "T -, til mm it i nLHiiiulfflollifll Thus the Government Weatfc er Men Set at Rest Any Anxiety About Vuletide Weather Prospects. TEMPERATURES WILL CONTINUE TO RISE Path Cleared for Fair and Warm Weather When Dis turbance Off N. C. Coast Turned Northwestward. i Mr the Asm elate Press.) Washington, Dec. 23 There l BO cold wiMtbcx in slgbt." Thus the government weather forecasters thuf morning set at ret ny anxiety that may exist as to Ynletide weather pros pects. Although frost was reported this morning in northern and central Florida, the forecast for the next two days as announced today, calls for somewhat higher tempem l ures in the South Atlantic and East Gulf State. To make it more, emphatic tlie forecast, said the temperatures would continue "above normal over the greater part of the country through Christinas Mon day." The path was cleared early today for the i oniing of a fair holiday when it was reported that Ibe disturbance centered off the North Carolina coast yesterday morning had moved north eastward, and Is now centered in tlie, vicinity of Cape ltroton Island. DEATH OVERTAKES PARENTS, CHILDREN LEFT HOMELESS Itinerant Family From North Carolina Meets Trendy in South Carolina. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 21. A little over three weeks ago pn their way from Pine Level, N. C, to Thoinns vlile, (in.. Sir. and Mrs. Jack Bur nett nnd their -four children, the oldest seven and! the 'yiovmgeit iflx mouths of age, reached Columbia on the train from Camden, .i. C. It was at. Camden that the finances of the family bad become so depleted that the automobile truck In which they were making the trip from North Carolina had to he sold for rendp cash with 'which to buy the necessi ties of life and at Camden tht sex tette had boarded the train for t'o- (iioiiuiu. iierc ii was wilieii vi lmiditu n'lium it wa. lirioe.i ooi'l.- nis nvoressmn slpeo e nil ntmn his profession steeple painting. For three weeks lftw, two bodies have rested unclaimed in the parlors of a Columbia undertaking establish ment. Three weeks ago Mr and Mrs. , Burnett,' weakened by exposure, under nourished and disheartened, within a few hours of each other succumbed to attacks of pneumonia. , Efforts by charity organizations and other, interested persons to locate the families of the deceased resulted in the receipt of a telegram from the mother of Mr. Burnett to fie effect that funds for the return and burial of the bodies were not available in the old home in North Carolina. A sls- ti.y if ATfC I'ltftintl xirlfrl f,., lM. ,.:,!., tered into their lives, have been placed temporarily in the children's home here where it is the purpose to tor Mr. and Mrs. Burnett. Should "the fund be oversubscribed the remainder will lie used for the care of the four orphans. HIGH POINT CHOSEN AS DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS For the Fifth, Divisional Prohibition Agent, Acrerding to Report From the Furniture City. By the Associate 1'reas.l High Point, Dec., 23. According to an announcement made here today by Postmaster O. R. York, High Point Is to lie made headquarters for the Fifth Divisional chfef prohibition agent, de partment of internal Revenue, the lo cal iMistoftlce having received notice to this effect from R. B. Sams, head of the division, who is now stationed nt Norfolk. Va. The office, which hs ! iiirlndlction over h.. With Our Advertisers. Patrons of the Dove-Boat Co. will he. Interested In Its new ad. today. To Its pnirons, its friends and tho "stranger within our gates" the Citi zens Bank and Trust Company extends the season's greetings. The Motor & Tire Service Co. Will be open only two hours Christmas Day. New ad. gives hours. Make Santa Clans a reality. Fish. er's can serve your wants and needs. tM n new ml today A B. Pounda Illiiriks the nnlroiiu who tinvn mniln his business possible during tlie year see Patt Covington's "Greetings of the Season" on page six today . Women should study domestic lence.

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