IThf Concord Daily Tribune Yj TODAY'S NETS TODAY DISPJ VOLUME XXIL NO 216. V Governor Morrison 's Legislative Program GERMAN PEACE PLANS NEW YEN) MT VERY REJECTED BY F 1 will 111 ' CONCORD, N. C, 'AdAY, JANUARY, 1923. b Organizing Hk Fore to K,,.ki;.W it.. Ui n. J uiiinfTiniu .ti MORE BONUS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION " ' Gov. Morrison is Read v to In- , rL uuuuic uii-iiici I rvKnilH Than th An. TWr V.o a ti Ju 7 I -'.. Ago, H B nuita. L ...... . i .U... IK... .xwin. i. i hi me aiw-v i iti - ,n uii , t (in- m,. luul general HHW inhh f hi, udtafiil. imlluii. (iniHimr Cameron Morrison 1 in rendv In liiiruliu v onHc'ln I Hjon an oven gpenier legislative pro- gram than hi t!rt. and mamm the ndrnnoe tfuinl of North Carolina law maker in ltah-igb tonight the prolm Me late these roensurcs will meet Im tile chief subject of dlsousvloll. Taking the position Hl-ii priiotienl Jj every promise hi his itliilforui has Hv'li en fried out.' the mnw - n,.c is ' nrgniiizing his fontm In the stale! shlpplug line eorpinnlinii l.lll ,nnl nth- j er closely aligned measures. Imnrove-1 ..e .... .v .. ' . iii. iii ui iiHu.Tim I" mn mine ami : imtlier ImiI issue tu uromnlc t lit firi'SPllt III: ll!l I'lllWlMMliill l.... Brum Hr- anill tn In' amniiK (lie other Mils h will inc.' for iimrtmrnt. UovmiMr MorrlKon Inld The Akso i'la1t iN-eSH he will not jevinl the de tails of his iiroHisnI to estahifsh MHt(-nuued Hhiiipins lltie milil the nieiismif'enilMi,lyiii( It if piesenteil for possrtu, chiefly. Jioweier. the Wiips would tc eunti'oUeil li.v n inrariUioii roiiiinisMio:i. "eoniposiil of smh men ns now iiinke up Hie bijshwiiy i ouiiuU rfnn." opeiiitins under .inifhoriiy flxwl ly the iissemhly. Ik Knhl. A committee of exiwts l iiwestl- nin ilia i. lot. nil. .b-ii ...m. 11. i to it ii ml then to veiich fl ileciit- on its lo whether It vvmi h he oniei - ... ... im"i.hi..ii in i. iii. en ii. nil' e- v . ... iroeeet wirn oi lmiiii.h ion The Stiwesa Qweinor Kitchin met Trttn lu Ui lir.8islgn of the its nemWy of his,uiliiiiiiistTMiim ,,nd his similar exiierienceSdr Oovrnor Bi-k elt were discussed by some of the leu lain tors in relnllnii to the milliner In which the Morrison pfoRfAm will he reivlveil. The governor, il wns ileehn -ed, will not meet with the same sw; isjs he nehieveil two years ngo with his highway coiislriietion lecislaiion. t'onvorscly. other sennlors and rep resenliilives maintained Hint Uovwn or Morrison now is more popular than tyo years Ugg at the llrst session Jnid that his program is const ructivn anil KBerfeetly safe" as dratrn for adop tion. Little interest is heinj; shown in the selection of the house speaker, and president pro-tem of the senate. John 0. Dawson, of Kinslon. nnoppoS8ti is exie'ted to he nominated for the speakei-sliip by the democrats at a caucus scheiluied for Tuesday eveninit, while the upneY house office nomina tion will Im lietween W. L. I.oiik, of Halifax, and A. A. Hicks, of Gran ville. The sixteen republicans of the assembly have not announced wheth er Ihey will hold a caucus- or make any nominations. Tn the senate, there are forty-six committees and forty-seven democrats. AmoiiB those lieing discussed as chair men of the two most important com mittees are Senator V. R. Varser. of r.umberton, finnilce, and Senator I. F. Giles, McDowell, appropriatiiais. Rep resentative Uufe Houghton, Sparta, is being mentioned for ro-npixiihtnipnt as chairman of the house finance com mittee, while Representative W. N. Ky- The pfficers of The Citizens Bank and Trust Company wish you a most Happy and Prosperous New Year. If through our broad wnich actuates our service we may contnoute in broader measure to your progress, we shall count our New Year a better One. ' MM HCW BUILDING -? Mf ARINC COMPtCTION 6 a ntmkk hiapmm. ( VKK IN I ( I4M1SIASA? Pnirtrmi. fjO, Jan. 1 . Department if .likelier- AfW' Ixtr Wnrf ,ng rtn the 1 .wwiw kidiifi)ntix it ami at in Kberlfl Rred Cnrpenii-r Iff imlm Wft- ItveMfgatlni: tl legnl I blimpplng FY'.duy night ! ,i.'.-'n "' f,x' "f r,ar"w ' .Teejwrtuu 'inn- ktr fur u i-nrlxM vim ' Spy air. Ui . mtir here, re-1 rt "T which : m-eltcd Iff llm! ,,. i ..r c imii and Mil' hlii'nff t ih- '.!. day. Sheriff ("ariMint. wlm 1 I t 1 141 ll'I.MI'l hillll 1.1- ri-imrt. nat away 1 oirn M the 1 cmeifKl T.w.i,m was mil.-1 i .,s vx.h lllKi4l Hll,i , i ih.. - i pie I h. mihmin'i lii i iw itbttox had' or M-mow.1. TV rMenil ixirtol to have i rliliiy nlifhl w'lioni'ii kilini)i 4H lire re i Teeip-Kton Ois l.rf.iri. thi ll Ih heflevtd lo rati tin' t i !- hore Hint they r kr'ioi- us a sIhih wltnnBi at the pnlilii i ....'. i. ...... i ...... i.-.i.i... RKRf.lMHX NOT FOlNli ON THK S. H. Jl'IMTER : ( iiptaln Slid He Was Siirpriseil Tliat m S o Ii HeiMirt Should Have I OrlirinateiL ill) Olr Amxi'i .III. .I 1'ini.l ' 1'ensneola, Fin., Jan. l.-Thc (icnnnn sraatuahip Jupiter, on which was re lioiled lirnvcr .ricvelaml ltergiloll. MM do:lgur. shipped ilisgniseil as a Killlor, arrived in port nat 11 o'clock IJiis uiArUjnz, KxliHHslive scan lies by sailor, iivrived in port at t) o'clock of Justice men f.illed to r.veal the luoseiuc of Hergileli. The fupntin Kiiiri he'was surprised that any sucli a Kepeit iinild hate orlgliialed, as, he was at Cardiff when elinrtereil for Ti ns .cola loinHng. :RMANrT0 MAKE NRW I'ROPOHITIONS On thf Rcpiii-itiiiiis Mailer Expert to Reach Furls Tomorrow. l'aris, Jan. I (By the Associated Pre.s). 7I)r. Wilbelin Mayer, the Ger man aiuuaauadnr, called at the foreign office tlds morning and announced that Kail Bergmann, the. German financial I iffii man governinent. Herr Bergmann is experletl to reach l'aris tomorrow ninrn Ihg. I Schools Opened litis Morning. I Prof. A. S. Webb, superlnto.nilenl of I the Conoord public schools, staled at noon (hill all of the schools opened in I line uliu'pc litis mornlng following the Christmas holidays. All of the teach ers except Miss Ruby ('line II nd Mrs. 1 lliutou Mcl.cod, who are sick anil Miss i Mary Morrison, w ho Is attending the, i funeral of a relative in Wadesboro, were on hiinil for the opening. The '.schools closed on December Kith. I The county schools also opened this. ninrning. lifter enjoying a week s va cation for Christmas. erette, of Kichmond, is esperted to again head the appropriations com mittee. Alex Lussiter is running for re-election as reading clerk of the house, without opposition to date although the name of David P. Dellinger. Cher ryville, is lieing mentioned as a prob able candidate. Otis 1'. Shell, of Dunn, engrossing clerk, is being opposed by Miss ltosa Mttnd, of 1'oacord. the llrsl woman ever lo run for the office. Frank Ilackett. of North TYilkos boro, is unoiiposed for chief clerk of the senate, as is Joe .1. Mackey, of Knleigh, for engrossing clerk. John I'll Hip Cocke, of Ashevllle, and (Veil (i. Broughton,. of Troy, are candidates for cmp-ossing clerk. v and Directors ft facilities and the spirit I CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CONCORD N.C. i..- . i m aaBBBi'r aaa v aai i a 19.. 23 Al.MHON HKAK1MJ HAS UaWV 'i ll l i lk 1 V LigXt li l'VtW tMm il ..' 11 .Fi. 1 1 Wli HraHng Will He Held in Mnrointon iniler Orders of Solicitor Huffman of Morganton. (Br tli Asi.ooint.-ii Press.) Linctflotiini , N. C. Jan. 1. Witness es to !lw fiitnV'Wouiiiling of Freil Al of Charlotte, near here lust Srindaj night, were strttftnoned by Sheriff Ah ernetliy today to appear here lonior row at it hearing ordered by Solicitor It. L. Huffman. A coroner's jury reliiriied a verdict Christmas Day that Allison, alleged by the sheriffs deputies lo have been one ol three men allciiipriiig to haul ill gallons of litinor through Lincoln County, died as a result of a shot tir ed by one of bis companions, both (If whom escaped during the affray with epitty Sheriffs Baxter and Miller. Mr. Huffman, after an investigation. had Deputy Baxter arrested Saturday night on a charge of "the felonious slaying" of Allison. Deputy Baxter, who was released In $10,000 bail on this charge, already was under indictment charging viola tion of the state prohibition laws, and immoralltX. according to Mr. Huffman. Federal officials announced last week that capiases charging violation of the Federal liquor laws had been issued against Baxter, and would he served this week. The hearing here tomorrow was or dered by Solicitor HuffinaJi, the sher iff said. Huffman Off to 'harlot fe. Morgauton, N. '., Jim. 1. -Solicitor R. L. Huffman left his home here to day for Charlotte, where he expected to interview several Charlotte men in connection with his investigation into the killing a week ago of Fred Alii son, aged !J0, automobile mechanic of Charlotte, in Lincoln County. PAY MILLION RUBLES EACH FOR AMERICAN CHJARETTE8 Soviet Qiiailrillionaires" in Moscow Seem to Have rrlce. Moscow, Jan. 1. Americiin-niairV cig arettes now nre on sale in the streets of Moscow for about 1.000.000 soviet rubles each. The Bolshevik ruble has lieen fluctu ating to such an extent lately that it has lieen a common occurrence for deal- era Ao boost many articles billions of rubles over night. These were prtn clpally diamonds, gold and platinum Jewelry, furs and oilier luxuries sought hy speculators, the -ipiaiiriitioiiaire.v and others with loads of the soviet paper cash. One day Iho ruble dropietl lo Sfl.OOO, (11 id to the dollar, and two days later flopped back again to L'T.OOO.OOOO to the Sonar, where It remained "stabilized" for several wee.ks, J)iiring this period the street car fare on the Moscow trams was Increased In one jmiip from fiOO.000 rubles to 1.000,00(1 for a siniflfe ride. 2i Dr. Marion Lafrranee to Speah in harlcttc. iHr Ik Aaaecfav4 Pi mi Charlotte, Jan. 1. Dr. Marion Ijiw- Irence, of Chicago, consulting iecrotnry i of the International Sunday School As- soelution, and I). W Sims, general wipertntendcnt of the North Carolina Sunday School Association, will he ; the prineiiml siieakors during the Sunday School Convention here Jan uary 13, It was announced today, W. E. Price, Is president of the Mecklen burg County Sunday School Associa tion, which is sponsoring the rally. V fn'a Va ' ''Sajaaaa RIOT IN FAS IABI.K IN ST. LOUIS Two Men Shi Woman Injured, PI iics and Knives While C Flew Promi iHy Ho iWfl Prni.i st. Louis. Ja -Two men shot and wounded woman was in-1 UHI HflpET it, "4 lairs. iseans n,l. Bt choirs, .glawJlM -W. .3b&Ja$ s and forks, were I keepers were kept busy receiving turrit 1 ware, plates, knife: hurled priiiniscloiisly in -.1 riot at the! of diplomats .and officials, autl many fashionable Hotel Chase in the wot boxes of flowers were received from end of the city early today when the friends who remembered Mrs. Hard guests in the main dining hull objected lug's convalescence from her recent to the intrusion of prohibition enforce j illness. The I'rc.sidenl remained al ment agents! and a siptnd of police the resilience nearly all of the day. men who were searching for llipior. He met personally ' during the day No arrests were, hiade in connection Governor K. Mont Roily, of Porto Rico, with the disorder which started in his study. However. Governor w hen the enforcement officers com-1 Reily said the visit was only for the menoctl lifting table covers and search-1 purpoae 'of extending the New Year's ing for llqiKir. Failing to fintl any j greetings. of the contrabrand the ofticers first A complete holiday was granted to were applauded, then hooted and 1 all of the President's assistants of the jeered, and finally the riimmis wns in I executive office staff, and the White swing. It tasted only n short while Two shols were fired during the tur moil. One of (hem struck John Paa tlern, vice president of the Consumers' Grocery & Meat Co., who was shot be low the knee as he was dancing with his wife. Jle fell to the floor. Geo. II. Bode, Jr.. was shot in the foot. Mrs. w. H, Robinson wns slightly in jured. ASK SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS HOW THEY ST AM) 0 KXAS Northern 1 (mortal , W1H Not. Sliippiirt Tlieiii t'nle:is 'Ihey Announce They Are Against klau. Washington, Dee 29. Represent :- live pall. van, , democrat, Massa- uay ttial detnaerats who go before rhe tlie parly caucus as candidates for ,mK er of 4he house in the new Congresi, will 'oe called upon by northern tit ino cratie representatives to say where they stand on the question of ihe Ku Kiux Klan. "Mark yon," said 'Mr. Gtallivan, ' wc are going to watch Xu Klux denui crats from the southland, wheuer they come from Texas or any other state, and they will Vt no support from democrats' in the north unless a? the caucus, which w 11 be fallen to elect the party candidate for the sncakershin, these men pronounce their absolute autl unequivocal oppo sition to the infamous organization which at present holds the front pa;e In our da! y newpapers." Mr. Gallivan declared that while he had no candidate of his own, he would not Bunnort Representative Garrett, Tennessee, acting democratic leader, because of his vote agalst the soldier bonus. He said he atai opposed Mr. Garrett because he votefl an amend ment to the retirement act "which would iprohib.t any federal emp bye from receiving the benefits thereof if he had at any time been allied with any labor union or any organization of such character." Thirty-Two Horses Cremated in Hluze. Wilson, Dec. 30. The big onck livery rtable of Lawrence Walston, lit Kenly. wfts totally destroyed by tire about 8:30 o'clock Friday morn ing together with eighty-five barrels of flour and a number of wagons and uovoral fluid of hni'tinqu Them luiri. . lhl, ty.tW( horHCS nnd mu) ln tle hilaln(t ,and thoy wore ni cmna ,,d. The origin of tho blaz Is undcter- m ned and whether or not Mr. Waiston eoirlod any insuranoe M not slated. ' ii. 1 luiiiuuB oi,, null; 1.1 1 "1111 1 ' ' 1 1 , . .10-0 Eilcures in sua'! eating gr"fej them j unlay at his home ln Brooklyn. He boiled while and ervi d piping hot ' had been a sufTerer from heart dls wlth plaitt melted but tier. ease for more than two years. PRESIDENT SPENDS NEW YEAR DAY QUIETLY Received Many Diplomats at White Hoiisf Many New Year Greetings Received During the Day. IKS tll Anaocfvted rri-... Washington, Jan. 1 It was a nuiet New Year's day for the President and House was left almost by Itself. l ailey to Spi aj. at Press Convention (By the ' Assocliuctl HreMS.I High Point, N. C, Jan. 1. I. W Bailey, formerly federal district rev una collector, will be the chief speak er at the annual convention of the 1 North Carolina Press Association! here January 11-12, according to the completed program made public to night. A number of talks on sub jects relating to newspaper manage ments will be delivered hy editorts of the state. J. B. Sherrlll, who was re-elected president of the association at the Shelby meeting, litis tendered bis res ignation. At 11 recent session of the executive cotnpiltteo in Greensboro, however, it was decided to present the mutter to the convention for Una I action. Mr. Sherrlll was elected to the general assembly from Cabarrus county in the recent election. 1 i Methodist Planning A Vigorous Caw pahvrn. . Nashvi le, Trnn.. Dec. 30. The first four months of 1923 will be devoted by Southern Methodists to vigorous ef forts to complete payment of Its 35, 000,000 centenary fund, it was decid ed here today as officials of the church adjourned their campaign congress. Efforts will extend through every Dy way of the Southern Methodist Church and is expected to recall an almost as extensive drive as was launched wnen first efforts were made to the fund. Fourteen mil ion dollars of the en tiro fund was subscribed from 550 city churches, it was pointed out at the conference, with only $8,000,000 having' been paid and for that reason campaign efforts will be more exten sive ',n cities. Work will begin the first Sunday In January. Strong pleas for collection of the subscribed fund were heard today from leading Methodists of the South. Sarah Bernhardt Has Several Faint ing Spells. Paris, Jan. 1 (By the Associated Press). Sarah Bernhardt, who was thought to he milking excellent prog ress! toward recovery fWim her went breakdown, bud it series of fainting spells today. This development gave great concern to her physicians. Death of "Wee Willie" Keelor. IHy I tie AhhocIUk-iI I'ri-m. , New Yml;, Jan. 1. William H Wee Willie" Keeler. one of the most I r.. .,1,1 ii... . l... ...l.. .11 .a. ....... .11. .,1 German Chancellor Says His Counln Offered Non-War Pact to Prance and All Other Countries. UNITED STATES i v 1-11 ,t- n a v No Country, Under Plan, Could Declare War on Any Other Country Without Vote of Its People Hamburg Jan. 1 (By the Associated Prissi. Iterinany's proiostil to Frame for n nnii-war ni niiioug ail the Miwers lllterwteil In the Bhine. which Kranie rcje-ted. was mnde in the Is'lii-f that si able isnin in Knros. was attaimihle only if all the nations ilecldcil to stand on the fnimilalioiis of reality, iletlanil I 'linnccllor Cuno in his sensational revelation hem' of Oermtiny's latest move in conuei'tion with tin' reia ml ions problem. The Chancellor's iinnoiinii'lueiit. made during the course of a spo.-ch liclore the Hamburg Bourse yesterday. ' showed the lieriiuiii go eriuiieiit had ' .sought lo obtain Kraiice's agriH'tiient means of iillei iating Kr b . i'i..i.s t.. ii... iLii,,r ... ,, i.i,. of faith In all the powers Interested. I that for a generation none of them would wage war upon the others without KHvitc authorization from all their peoples in a popular referendum, and that some world power not in terested in the Ithine should act as a guardian or trustee of this pledge. 'This proposal, which was made to Frame through a power not named, was rejected by Iho French, the Chan cellor regret fully announced. Propositie 1 Submitted to Hughes. Paris. Jan. i (By the Associated Press 1. The proposed non-aggression agreement referred lo in the Ham burg speech of Wllhelm Cuno. Ger man Chniifellor. was suggested by the (rormnn ambassador in Washington to Secretaiv of State Hughes, it was seinl-olticially said here today, but the I State Department, it was added, did I not transmit it officially to the French I government. Locke Craig Expected to Recover Hie nn operation wlitch former Cover Health. of nvernor Locke Craig underwent several days ago has not been definitely decided. Drs. Millender, Senior and Junior, said tonight, but they confidently assert his recovery is assured. His rheumatic trouble has seeniingl departed. Although the former gov ernor has suffered a great deal, he 1 in good spirits and most of Iho lim the last few days has rested coiufor ably. As soon as be is well enough travel, the doctors expact Win to to South Florida with the hope t 1 complete rest will restori him to n j mal health. British Plan Cuts Reparation 6-1 Cent, to 12,(10,000,000. er In regard to Mr. Bonar Laws r ration plan, which is believed act rd- u ing to the advices from London can tor approximately ,iJ,(nM the Treaty of Versailles did not any definite sum due from Ger lame iiiny, but specified the various damage under which Genua nnv renarations. of to The duly of assessing the dr-nuHK'' Was assigned to thc.Kcpatationf mission, which alter ri'ceivtJ' f, claims of the various iimo'i'K 1 1"1""' the totnl sum Insllv line lit HwW' 1. km on.. ...a,! miii'Lu or s;c' o'ui pMsUXK! National Commander of Ameria" 16' ion in North fnmliiui .... .-..j .. (ireeushoro, N. C, Jan. 1 Owsley, national commani America 11 Legion, will sper in M. of the two days 111 Norlli ( arolina early in eh, ac- rording to a received here lentative OlrtSWW'i today by Rf2- Inny. state deiinrtment adjutant. rom com- miinder James A. Lockhart of Char lotto. The Itinerary of t le national executive will be 111111011111 ed within the next few weeks. No New Developments Case. in "red Allison Llncolnton, Dec. HI 1 ere are no further developments ic Fred Alli sent writing, reports that son murder up to Hie f Sheriff' W. B. Aberne he is unable to sccurt talis of the killing. y liirtlu r dc ' states that is ready for ible inforniM- when Solicitor Iluffm his Investigation all nv Hon will be placed fore him anil le to clear up every eflort will be n: tiie affair. Thompson Mr. Frank it. T of ('uncord, and Ml ipsou, Tormerly iertrude Ander- son Bowen. of And 011, S. ( .. were married on Decern! 20. 1IU2. at An- derson, S. C. left on their bridal trip to Atlan . Ga., and other return they will Anderson, S. C, cities routs, tin tn make their homo i where Mr. Thonipsoli. service engl hivr for Yuncev Bv-H'oi (arolina At Pa liquet. Alumni mid stu ins of the State University have for the annual elaborate phmS liquet and dance here this evening which will be Wt Seventh-five iioK (iiiN have been ls- sued for tl Ion have 'Clip loriue hanii"' oud WO ln.itu T ... .1 A'-. , ... .,.0 nsnueo 101 10c oaiic.-. will F nelJ al H'1' arid liie latter n f e eivhinhs ud M'hiu factum t'iub. Extremely ret Under Foot But Froi oLtead Stand- point the t Ne York Has Ever lad. SERIES 01 RAIDS ON IE WHITE WAY, A ' Knoek f Dra Out" Af- fair at "Monte uario. s Butler Carted Hilar Off to (Br (MiKlltrO lr. Jan 1. An eijtreiiiely r Hay- under fmil 1m- New VorU wet New VJ I'.ni.l the slniiiilnt- lr est - from a Volstead N'ew Vi-ar's evo that ew York ever ail. It was also t urliilh'Of. I ailen eit ii.piiillsly Imla.V over battij oil hats and smashed lnt-. ties oa ih rtiil striH'ts which a few hours ier were lillil with' lletel I'riiiuentlv grim ugly, inei- in ned and rj niakei v. ho w ere im i i.-si l.-rlty dry In the : 1 hid'- it lin-aiiiiig of the adjljK3 uulreil I'eileral i n ion ' ot agents, ami scleral times. In t of policemen anil plain.' 'I'w o enforcer that nil i !..hes lien caused the New Year ratal be ushef"1 ln " " " P"o inn ;.i,i .aiaii ever tie ore. This was nci-ompllshed by a serie of laid J '" ,llt' White Way district thajBS broiii'hf lu,ny minor buttles between , enfonv "u "' a Wilts anil determined -breaktfls "' ll'.v law. and at leasjv.', one "jfniK.k down and drag out" nf- lalr If"" eiuiveinii tne evening at ma Iill taiiieii .Monte I ario. Ill nwicli Vill ige an out lying sis-- lion on iroilied by the concent ratei drive roadway, however, and reports? front those sections were that lienor I freely- in everything but the The city has set a record tfi."J p number of home iidehratior.s. no pro in pt a numbly wet if one is to take as ur sample one rich Park Avenue le where the butler got so hilarious famiiy lind to have him carted off Jail. i 'elehrntors with lire arms rolled u:i usually list of two fatally wounded 1 seven others less seriously hurt. bile others apparently convinced. ley were burning up, gave the fire, epiirttuents IM 'unnecessary runs in. he hour that straddled the old' and Pet New Year in Mny Other Citfe. Washington, Jan. 1. -The beginning of the New Year wus very wet in most of the eastern Seaboard and far northwestern states, despite the con- ceiitniied activities Of the govern ment s prohibition agents. This information wns given out to day not by the prohibition unit, but by the weather bureau. Prohibition Commissioner llaynes j wns out of the city, and other olllcials of his office had received no reports us , to the endeavors of Federal agents to 1 start the year of 11123 with strict en ! forcement of the Volstead act. The weather bureau, however, pronounced lit "nn awfully wet" New Year iniiug j ural in several sections of the country. The rain began to diminish, howev- er 'n 'le ns' a'1011 the time late cel- coram:. 01 -ew xenrs iisiiixiiics got I home, and the weather bureau promis- led It would be succeeded by clear'and' I moderately cold weather. Clear skies and normal temperatures greeted the new year throughout the country, with the exception of the two wet reg ions. FRANK CONFESSION BY WILLIAM Z. FOSTER Says if He Said What He Thinks He Would Re Arrested on (he Spot. Hy the AHorluted Prow.) Denver, Colo., an. 1.- William Z. Foster, nationally konwn labor or ganiser and leader of the nationwide steel strike two years ago, in an ad dress here last night declared: "1 am a radical. If 1 said what I think I would be arrested on the spot." Foster advocated establishment of 11 workers party by the greater organi zations of workers in the I'nited States, so that he declared, they might "follow the example of the workers in roponn countries." Germany, Russia, Italy and other En He urged his hearers to light "to the bitter end" for their "rights.'' Funds to pay for War Savings Stamps will not be available until January 5th, 1923., JNO. L. MILLER, Postmaster.

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