Concord Daily Tribune The TODAtS NEWS TODAY. ASSOC1 ATEOT PRESS t DISPAfCHES VOLUME XX!!. CONCORD. N. C, MONDAY, JANUARY IS, 1922 NO 2SS. French Tighten Their Hold on Ruhr Valley Germans Order, d to Delivw! WHIT AT i li rnPV No Coal to France or Bel- EXPORTS INCREASE f Believe Several Im 1 d aa.ii.. ii .ii ' . . LEGISLATURE READY I FOR REAL WORK HOW i NEGROCONFESSES TO lAPSSTUC DELEGATE Khun, and France Makes Reply at Onee.. MORE TROOPS ARE MOVED TO ESSEN Week Ending January 13th Showed Biff Increase Overj the Previous Week. portant Matters M ill Come Before Members During the Coming Week. Troops and Tanks Moved Up From Old Zone, and the Ring Around Essen Made Much Tighter. altitude ly I he is cicclcd hi' ille ilcliiui hy lier i' In I hi i.sson, .1 n ii. i i liy imp Akhocm Press I. lb-muse of ll change of Trout liy tin' iiwl magnates and (he repnrtla I Inn of Ihi1 agreement i resume pnal deliveries, tin' French today reinfonvd the occupation movement. Ti s mill tanks were moved up from llie iill 7.nne. nnil l lie rini! Essen was lightened. No Coiil Deliveries. Iterlin. .I:m. I.'i (By the. Assm-hilcd Pros!. The Herman oi.iiinii-sinn has prohibited the innl owners of llie Itiiln from supplying colli or coke to France nr Itelgiiilu even If pnyiupiil is uunle. I'm lite eiutl. ' 'I his stiffening man government precipitate ilriii in iieh government. Evritcnient ;il KiH'hiiiii. Iterlin. .Inn. t.'i t By the Associated Press). Recording llie arrival of the French nl Roohillil. the l.okal Anzei ger snys nil work immediately censed innl excitement prevailed. The com innnists. it mills, began distributing leaflets advocating wnr with France, mill demanding I ho resigns toln of Chanepllor Cnno. Extending '.one of Occupation. 1 leussoldorf . .Inn. Hi l Hy the Ahkih cint eil I'ressi. France's answer to the tioruuin mine owners' refusal to de liver conl on nny terms wns to extend the stem of occupation originally In lended to cover only the Boehlllii reg ion. The new line established hy (len ernl do Coutte's forces is from In to 2(1 l.ilonieters further eastward, coming to tin- edge of (he srent Industrial city of Dortniuad. ' I'. ! lay's operations liielrcle U Itnhr industries of lingo Stjunes, Herman Industrial louder. I rencn wr(fpy rleeltVtmT Bochiun. .Inn. lii i Hy the Assoriiited l'ress I . This city, the henrt of the griiit Stlnnes steel works, wns occu pied by the French today. The oeeu pntioii of (Jelsenkirehen 1ms been com plete. Rupture is Complete. London, .tun. 15 (By the Associated l'ress The. rupture hetween the Franco-Belgian comuiisslon of control in Essen and the Herman industrialists is completed, says dispatch to The Evening News from Essen today. Mil itary penalties more severe and ex tensive than those contemplated yes terday are now being put into effect, it adds, and the advance into Germany has entered upon an even greater stage, Told Not to Co-operate With French. I'll r is, Jan. 15 (By the Associated l'ress I. The (Ipminn government, says a Havas dispatch from Bssen this afternoon, lias sent Instructions to the (ionium industrialists not to co-operate with France in deliveries of coal. M l. BO IS TAKEN TO Till; ASIIEYH.LE JAIL Waililiigtun, Jan. 15. Heavy lo ll remcs In csiris of when t ami corn Imui llie railed Slims for tl.e week Hiding January 13th, i- compared wiih ' llie lirst week of the year are shown in the weekly ri IKiri ismil today lij tie Department of ouiiiieni'. WlnvH ctl-. were .: ".:!::. nun Im-hols as iiml pared w ith l...7S.0JNI bushel the pre I vioiis week, and corn exports 1 .4' I .IMUI bushels as eiilliparlll with 2! Hunt I liushels. I.',!. i. J ii ii 1.. ill. On, -. . i ll ii" I.I..I i-rr. i lrma i The Nnrtl, I'.imllni. i: r-.l V.seilllilV wlilcll ml journal oer llie w.-vk-eud mil of nMmi to the Inenjj. orv of llie lale .1 Bryan 1 1 rimes. Sii -reuir.v of Slate, who illiil bisl '1 Inir--ihiy bight, will reiniivene ii.niuht fur. short soHrt.iii. diMiiU'rs imlay e t M"et the hrtW I hill cnmiii'ttef a -tie will Is inkiMi lids wis'K on lie Vi-.l Mil lulling invest 'in : ion nl Hie suite printing chargiK. thus pm llllK the snhjii I U-rme the A-.selnliy for action. MenilHts are Iwlillisl to Is-lieve that this wii'U will sis- di'tlnite action on several measures of statewide import ance, and their opinions are substan tiated by the fail Hull one at least Hie I io vomer's ship proposal shimld gel to the Hour of Hie Senate by Fri day because of the ciiiiitntttcc hearing which will consider llie measure in all of its aspects on Thursilay morn ing. lleRpile a nilit session lislay il is eNS'lisl a mass of bills will be iiilro- diniil into both branches of the As- nihly. James Miller. Held by Police in Baltimore, Tells Officers That He Killed John Sut ton tast September. SUTTON W PROMIN AS EN VERY T FARMER FRANK MrCl BIUNS I 'I M i SI'Nn.W at SAIISBI RV the Hie Hp IIui! Been (Iprk of Siiierior Court in Rowan for Tupo.1) ears. Siiili.liini Inn 11 I I'll .a M.. I'lllihilis. for Jli years clerk ef I lie I Sn'iorair Imut id Kowan loiimy. and one of the lust known men in llie nullity, ijied suddenly today at iinnu al his lininc mi Smith Main SI reel, death iiiiisi.iI by indigeslion. Mr Mi I'llbliills had not hem in good lie;illh lor some inonths. Inn was tiol serimislv I ill. and his death canie as a great shock to the eoiiiiuuuity. Mr. Mct'iibbinn was boin in April. Nil!, in a liniise on Hie she of his present homo place. His mother died in bis infancy and he was reared in Slnlesvllle by his grandmother, Mrs Theresa l'hoeha Bell, and aunt. Mrs. Mary Bell Haines. Ibe latter of whom died several weeks ago in Florida. Mr. MeCuliliins was twice married, his tirsi wife. Miss Annie McNa'r Krider. dying in Isss, a year after their marriage and an infant son dy ing a short while thereafter. Ill 1S!)3 he marred Miss Mamie (inskill and she. with one da lighter, Mrs. Forrest .lames Allen, of Kustis. Florida, sur vive. Funeral arrangement await the ar rival of llie daughter and llie service will probably he held Tuesday with Interment in Chestnut Hill. Kb. MeCuhhins' tlrsl public office w as chairman of the Rowan comity com ralasionerg and in HKrJ lie was elected clerk of. the court. Last month lie liegan his sixth le.rui in his office. He i-w. h ticflisin In Fir; I I'reubytei Ian i iinreii. a snrtupr, unynl Arcanum and Kn'ghls of l"y thias. a director in the Peoples National Bank and otherwise connected Willi the business life of Hie community. Negro Said Satton Accused Him of Stealing Corn, and After An Argument He Drew Revolver and Shot. Sheriff of Mss Will Be Banished by Presi dent for Participation in Outdoor Religious Exer cises Held Ijtst Week. Mexico City. Jan I.'i iRv the Ass.. pin till I 'reus i. Monslgnor I.ns.i. Filltti. the iis.iol. delegate il. M' ltt bsi. was nuilv nalai in hur iln imnin eitlnr tomorrow night m WetlneiMlay, in i umpliaie wild l'r -idem l Hiregon s lordor exiH-lling boa jtor imrtleipaliiiK in niitdisir religious i-ep-iiiniii In-Ill hisl Tbursila ,f lb. Parish On The Stand M l I (.1 I I.KAHKK OK i Hi Ike Annlatrll O I Balltinore. .Ian. In- Confessing, nc l onliiig to the isilice. to the murder of John Sutton, a farmer, of Kinstou. N. ('., .lames Miller. alias .lames Smith, a negro farm hand, is lockiil j up in a polii-o station here awaiting; Hit ion by the. North Carolina million-! I ies. The negro, who was arrested last i Wednesday as a suspicious character. I made his concession jitter four days in-1 icssant grilling by die mllce. lie said one uiglil lasl Si it . 1 1 1 1 i while ilriv- ing a wagon along a lonely road., he was halted by Sal l mi ami another w hite man. known lo him only as j "t'y." who were in an automobile. sunt. in nnewafirl him .it' utoiilinir ...trn ' BANDIT OROl'P DEAD jnm reroil "Cy to sum n the im-i lice. The fanner then seized the ne-1 gro who drew a revolver ami tired sev eral shots into Sutton's body. The negro, the police said, admitted llie theft of the corn, and stated that when a eeos toil by Sutton ho had Is gallons of whiskey hidden under hay in his wagon. Reward Was Offered. Italeigh.i .Ian. llVA-(lovernor Morri son on Oetolier -ith, last, offered a re ward of !MH for the arrest and con viction of person or persons respon sible for the killing. of John Sutton, a farmer, near Kinston last September Nothing was known :H the Governor's office of Hie arrest of .lames Miller, alias .1 antes Smith, at Baltimore, who the police at Baltimore say. has con fessed to Hie killing nl Sutton. si viola I thill. . It was probable Catholic might bring which it wa nil in iillii cfHiil il il- considered Missihle but iml the dipliiimilir prntesl by lllltilllis repiesclilisl here iniNlillcatioii id' Hie order. I bought w ould be extend ed lo include other foreign iiicmhci who look pan in Hie cereumny. The arch bishop is alleged In havi nllli-taleil al llie laying id the rmiiei stone of a religions iiioiiniiieiil. DR. VAI.KRIA PARKKR WIM. BE HKARI) IN THIS STATK ANOTHER ( ATHOIJC CHURCH IS FIRED j St. Mary's CaThedral Saved Only hy Propmt Action of Fire Fighters. I By il.. ...,. Iiiia.i r , Hamilton. I mi, Jan l"i Faih li emery of a threatening J.lair.- s.imiI Si Mary's Rouuiu Cailmlie rail, dial ' fi lelruelioii ,y Ureal inidliigbl iHffcinls ..t me iln ilepariini'tii pliiin b aiillmriiies w -re unable in ..n. i explaiialioll a- to llie miiim' of I'm lire I w lllell stai'led ill Hie allar I he tin. K Hie tWelllh n which has ilaiuagetl I: an iii,iliilioiis wllbili the lasl v Says He Did Not Deputize ( apt. J. K. Shipwith or Anyone Else to Ad as Dep uties Under Him. TEIJ.S OF ARREST OF ONE FARMER scries He. lie Who Was Brought lo His House by Shipwith and Friends. Said Men Acted Without Proper Authority. TO I'ROBK At TOMORII.K WRKCK MYSTKRY Albemarle Man (barged With Man slaughter of Three Men. AlUliiiule. Jan I:!. The iliyslery surioiinillim Hie ciiiisc of (he fateful automobile wreck in which Italpli luilli and .lalnes Slagg. of and Alls'i-I M icyhaiii. of Kaleili lost their liies. sis-ms to lw nui'a inline I Ii.l . .1 I'r. . I a.. Jan In Fnsl ( 'a r- Body of .Man Believed to Have l.cil Denver Rohhers Found in Denver Garage. I 111 Hie Awaeira I'rui.; Denver, Col.. Jan. In. The daring bandit who stood on Hie running hoard of an automobile as the men who robbed the Federal Reserve Hank truck of fciOO.INKI in front of the Den ver mint on December IStll. lasl. sped away amid a ruin of bullets from the mint guards paid with his life. Descried by his pals, the body of the dead robber believed to have boon llie leader of the bund was found lasl night tu a private garage in Un fashionable Capitol Hill residence dis tricl. A gaping nohnd near the bandit's hearl told the story. In his pocket was a Jarge calibre revolver, while a rltlle Kami a pump shotgun were found in the ear. The man rented the garage annul a week neiole i ne mini in! ii ierrW.wi'"" den d- lia nd i t was found stretched mil in the I'l'onl sea1 ol tile car. lie was frozen ami an ove: be. n thrown over him. THE COTTON MARKKT hail VOKRIS WANTS HIS BILL TAKKN' IT IN SKNATK There Was a Further Advance, and the Opening Was Firm at an Advance of fi l 22 Poinls. (Ir the Ananelntclt PresM.) .New ork, Jan. In There was a lurther advance in Hie potion market during today's early trading. layer pool was better than due with private entiles indicating a continued improve ment in Manchester tnldeK and Hie opening here was flrui at an advance of ti lo L'J points. Colton futures aliened uary ' ; March J7.1H): July 17.7:!: (ictober ai.(M) linn : Mav ,Ian- Haywood OIHeers Feared Mob Vio lence Following Arrest of Negro for Murder. Asheville, Jan. 14. Fearing mob vilejiee after a crowd of several hun dred Waynesville citizens gathered - around the jail this morning fol lowing the capture of (ieorge Love, ne gro, charged with the murder of Hill Brock. Sheriff Cube, of Haywood County, rushed Love, to Asheville this a fternoon. At a coroner's inquest held tilts morning. Hie verdict was thai Itmok came lo his death as a result of gun shot wounds inflicted by Iive. Considerable exeitnient has pre vailed in the vicinity of Waynesville .since Brock was shot, and a posse of citizens scoured that Met ion for 1-1 hours, tihnlly capturing Love in a negro sections. When arrested he of fered no resstance, and made no state ment. Mayor Howard and Chie.f of Pqlice Strlngfleld, of Waynesville, aecom panled the sheriff to Ashpville. Brock was shot Saturday afternoon as he left a store, and ill feeling with the negro is snld to have paused the fatal shooting. Many Professions in Parliament London, Jan. IS. NowlKre can such a varied selection of professions and vocations ic found as in I he Brilish House of Commons. Parliament boasts a chockwelghmun, a locomo tive engineer, a corset-maker, a hair dresser, and a newsagent. The most nuimerotis profession is that of trades union olflcUs, of whom there .tie eighty-three. There are fifty-nine barristers, twenty one solicitors, and twi-nty-eight sold'.ers. Sailors niini- ' ber only eight, and are euualled by schoolmasters. Twenty-two members are directors of public companies, while there are nineteen journalists and authors, invented! shipowners, eleven manu facturers, ten engineers, nine land owners, the same number of farmers and doctors, and six brewers and distillers. One of the most interesting nein l?rs is iMr. iMarlln, the blind I'. When a division occurs it Is Written law that the member nearest to him shall lead him Into the lobby. Temsiorarily Works Efforts to Kegin Consideration of Kami Credits t'rs gnuii. (Hy ihr Auoplateil I'reM.I Washington. Jan. 15. The plan of administration senate ha 'eta to begin consideration on farm ?redil.s program worked out by the banking committee was blockeJ tor.'.norarily t iday by Senator No'iU'. Roptfjlioan, wesrnsKa, chairman of the agrlcultui! com mittee, who Insisted that the senati lake up instPad bis bill lor creation of a govr.ment co-.poratlM empowered b. buy a!d sell fanr pto..ucls. COVINGTON DIRS AT (iKKKNSBORO Jiirj' Lee .larl.sun Birthday Dinner Friilay. The annual Lei'-.Inekson Day din ner for the Confederate Veterans of Cabarrus County will lie given by the locnl chapter Daughters of the Con federacy at the Y on Friday, January 30th. at 12:80 p. ra. Mrs. L. T. Hnrtaell, chairman of the dinner committee staled today that plans have been mnde to entertain ev ery Confederate Veteran of tin I'rimiini id Citizen of Stale Victim of Pneumonia; Native of Wilmington. Cieenslsiro, Jan. 14. C. ('. Coving Ion. of Wilmington, one of the loading business men of North Carolina, died here tonight al !:) o'clock. Mr. Cov ington was visiting his sisiler. Mrs. I V Mninbv. when be was l'orcisl Id his bed several days ago suffering from pneumonia. Charles Coleman Covington was born in Buckingham on .Inly it, 1H."V7. the son of Kdwin Poylhress and Louisa (Coleman) Covington, and represents an old and distinguished family both parental and mineral lines. Aluminum City to Resume Activities. Itadiii. .Ian. lit. Following an nouncement that the aluminum plant here had received large orders from the Ford Motor Company, things are beginning lo hum again: and the works are soon expected lo resume op erations at full blast, anil prospects are thai Hie town will assume its busy air of 1017. Several shops and local enterprises are opening up following the resumption of activities, which would have ftegnn sooner had il not been for water shortage, according to announcement. SAM (iOMPERS FAVORS LIGHT WINK AND BF.F.K To - Mnhulize Fortes ef Labor for a Modi Ileal ion of The Volstead Act. Cincinnati. Jan. 14. Mobizllatlou of the forces of American organized la bor for a modification of the Volstead act, which would provide for the. manu facture and sale of beer and light wine, was arranged for at a conference held today between Samuel (Joiniters. presi dent of the American Federation ef Labor and the general executive board of the Brewery Workers' International union at that organization's headqnar ers here. "We plan to make America once more the home of the sane and the land of the free." Ibe noted labor lead er declared, following an all-day con ference witli the board members, who represent every section of the I'nited Slates and Canada. While the conference was held in secret, il was announced that plans were discussed I'm a nation-wide drive for a revision of Hie prohibition law and thai every member of Con gress would be personally interview ed and made acquainted wilh Hie m sition labor lakes mi the prohibition law. "Wine and of light alcoholic content are sure to come back and Ihey will come back very soon." de clared Mr. (Jumpers, who made a hur ried trip from Washington to attend the conference. RAILROALS APPEAL TO BE HEARD APRIL Hi I II Test Case Against North Carolina Taxes Moved I'p By Highest Court. ;Bt the Amoclate Preaa.) Washington, Jan. lii. Appeals by the Southern. The Norfolk Southern, Hie Atlantic Coast Line and the Sea Im Willi Air Line Itailroads lo test the validity of the franchise and ad va lorem properly taxes levied by North Carolina were advanced by the Su preme Court today for hearing on April tilth. The lower Federal court sustained the law, bill granted an injunction slaying the collection of taxes pending decision of llie Sunreme Court. Clarkson Not Offered the Secretaryship Raleigh, .Ian. 14. Herlot Clarkson. of Charlotte, tonight declared that (lovernor Morrison did not tender him the xecretarvship of state, notwith- ounty Lfondlnff the coventor's outspoken pur- at one dinner. "We are preparing for ,M)Re to 0(fer this place to his campaign l... ll....laull I..I...I ''ull.l manager everyone. Mrs. Hansen stated, ami we exiKVt each Veteran who Is phys ically able, to lie present." An in teresting program in addition to the dinner, has been arranged, Mrs. Hartsell stated. It is a said, "but lice. Mr. secretary. great office," Mr. Clarkson it is a buslnei-B man's of Bverert will make a' great He is a splendid business With Our Advertisers. the bright, newest shapes and In hats at the Specialty Hat Meeting Postponed. (Br the Aaaoelate Preaa. Washington, Jan. LV-The meeting called for today to resume negotia tions betwoou the British and Amerl-1 pr(-ss) . Dispatehes to the dotal An- zeiger roKrt heavy street lighting In kernel, the Baltic urea recently In- man. llie plain mister is gonu io me unless some honor in line with my profession should be given me." Heavy Street Fight in Memel. Berlin, Jan. 1.1 (By the Associated can debt commission was postponed until late tomorrow at the request of the British who said they were await ing Instruction from London. They declined to ludlcnfc the nature of the question on which they had asked advice. Mr. R. W Jewelry store In the Porter Drug Store. See. colors Shop. Miller's Buttter-Nut bread Is wrap ped In waxed wrappers, and keeps out foreign substances. Best line of canned fruits and veg etables, also fre,sh greens nnd Iceherg lettuce at Sanitary Grocery Company. R. W. Horsley has opened a tlrst class Jowelry shop at the Porter Drug Store. See new ad. for particulars. Pnrlnn Hen Chow is sold here by the Sanitary Grocery Co. Large new ad. today will Interest you. The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany has a message today In a new ad. that will Interest you. Noted Lecturer Will Make a Tour of North Carolina Next Month. (By fhr AmMidttted Preaa.) ltaleigh. X. ('.. Jan. I.'i Dr. Valer ia 11. Parker, ill list or of the depart ment of protective social measuri's of the American Social Hygiene Associa tion, will make a speaking tour through the various towns in North Carolina from February 4 to Febru ary 10. officials of the State Board of Public Welfare announced tonight. Dr. Parker's lectures will be deliv ered under the auspices of Hie bureau I of epiderminlogy of . the State Board of Health in conjunction with the State ! hoard of Charities and Public Welfare and the Social Service Depiirtirient to the ltaleigh Woman's Club, il was staled. Social hygiene will be Dr. Parker's general su'.ject. Her talks will be di rected especially to high school and college girls and their mothers. Her itinerary will be as follows: February 4. Wilson; February n. (ireenville and Kinston: February S. Winston-Salem ; February 0, High Point and Salis bury: February 10, Charlotte. "Dr. Parker, who was formerly sc. -rotary of the T'nlted States Interde partmental Social Hygiene Board, has had long experience hi social work ." reads the announcement. "She has not been in regular medical practice since her marriage in lOOTi. In 11)13, she was appointed the lirst woman proba tion officer in her home town. Green wich, Conn. The following year, she became Held secretary of the Connec ticut Social Hygiene Association, and continued to work for this organiza tion until 1010, when she joined the staff of the American Social Hygiene Association. "From 1010 to 1021. she directed the social hygiene work of the National League of Women Voters. She still directs this work In the National Con gress of Mothers and Parent Teachers Associations and also the Social Moral ity of the National Woman's Christian Temperance t'nion. In 1020, when the I'nited States Public Health Ser vice held its institute on venereal di seases, and social hygiene. Dr. Par ker was appointed one of Hie lectur ers, ami she also was a member of the committee of lifty for the All-Ain-erican Conference on Venereal Diseas es of this year. "In addition to her lecture and edu cational work, she has bad experience in (he direction of a home for desert ed and unmarried mothers and their babies, and during, Ibe war. she was appointed under the Connecticut Stale Council of Defense supervisor of a force of six policewomen who formed a part of fhe state police force and acted as law-enforcement and protect ive agents. "In June 1021. Dr. Parker was ap pointed to succeed Dr. Thomas A. Stor ey as executive head of the Govern ment Social Hygiene Hoard. The work of this hoard was restricted to areas near some army post or naval station, that is. places likely to be frequented by soldiers and sailors on leave. The government in its plan for a clean army and navy did its utmost through the board to protect men In the service from evil conditions in communities near which they were stationed. '("Members of the I'nited States In terdepartmental Social Hygiene Hoard were the secretaries of war. navy and treasury nnd three surgeon generals. lied thai these yining nililon death on Sun I l:i -I November .".in 'ailsler. in which Ihey 1 1 will lie rii a 111 not almost lay ii flcnionti n w ben i he Nash n were riding, plunged oil a till and in to a tree on the Italcigh-Allici le- ('harlotte highway, between Albemarle and Ibe Swill Island bridge. Rumors of a sensational nature have been going the rounds for some days culminating in the arrest of Archie Palmer, of Albemarle, on a chaise of manslaughter and for driv ing an automobile while Intoxicated. Palmer is mil under a .S.'i.iKHl bund pending the preliminary hearing, which, it is understood, has ls-en set for January .'11. The evidence upon which the State bases its charge has not been made public It is understood, however, thill wit nesses will testify that Palmer. Frank Smart and two girls, of near Badin. were coining toward Albemarle in a Ford coupe on the day of the trage dy, ami that the young men in the Nash car undertook to pass the Ford and that Hie Nash was caused to leave the road by lieing si rink hy Ibe Ford coupe. None of the young men in the wreck- led car ever regained consciousness to tell how the wreck occurred, died suddenly, another died ln'foi sistancc could be rendered, the other died in a Charlotte hospital a few days after the wreck. Palmer is a young man ami a son of ('. M. Palmer, one of Albemarle's most prominent citizens. The case will, no doubt, crea'te considerable in leresl throughout Hie Slate as the dead men are said to have been well known in Durham and ltaleigh. (Br tbr I Ha si r.,p. I Mliler. slim iff of Morehouse pni ish. denied loday that any entlimfelftiiifl hail il u issued deputizing Capl. J K. isklpwith. lender of Uie Ku Kill KlMN j in Morehouse parish, or any oilier I men in aiTi-si Almim KraddiN-k. who Icstiliisl Saturday be was scixisl al his limine by Skipwilh and several other nun. men, brought to Hast lop ami turned hot I 'penler. Fred Cnjyieiiler. was Hie Hp wlf ness called today and was asked alimil i he seizure of BraildiN'k Im brought Hraddofk In your house? ' "( apt inn Skipwllh. Marvin Picket I, limHon Pratl. Mm. Mcintosh, and Dave I 'ox.'' e a warrant issued or know men i lepiitized b. von i -till- their own :in- FIVE MORE DIVISIONS WILL MARCH ON ESSEN I 'Was tin used V" 1 - Not that ! "Were tin No. sir." "They wi tbnrily." "Yes. oxi-epl Captain Skipwith said be bad found some stills, and nskiil me would 1 deputize him. I told him to go ahead and K''t the si ills." "Was Captain Skipwith issued a I commission by tic court to act as your deputy, or any member of bis party?" ; '"No." McVea Young, a Bastrop drtl-ist, testified lo having received a pack age of slioes rrom Fred Cobb. The witness said be tool; the pack age hut In' did not know who the man was who hroHht ii lo him. i This wilnes-' was used to corrobor ate Fred Cobb, who instilled Saturday he bad been kidnapped by a band of Mue bjack hooded men iitul tfikju to the as- woods anil lectured. He said be iden tified l.aiiiy Calhoun as a member of the kidnapping luind by his mask lie ing torn, and that at the scene of the torture he left a pair of shoes. Mem bers of the band called his attention to Ibis and said Ihey would lake care of the slioes for him. lie said be waited a reasonable lime and then wrote a note to Calhoun asking for the shoes, and the note was delivered to Mrs. ilbouinl. He said the siloes at Young's Drug Store, s son was employed. I .nur were when French Will Send 15,000 Additional .Men Into Germany's Greatest Indus trial Region. illy the Anaoclflted I'rcsN.i Washington, Jan. lo The French embassy Informed the Slate Depart ment today thai live divisions com prising a lolal of I.VXKi men. would lake pail in the new move "to insure control over Ibe Hoi-hum district" as a result of Hie Herman government's or der stopp'iug coal deliveries. M'".('S MEETING it:: IN TWIN CITY North Carolina Association Holding Annual Meeting in Winston-Salem. I ll. Hie ANnoi'lnteil Prefll. I Rirltard Edmonds Commends Morri son For His Program. Raleigh, Jan. 13. Richard 11. Ed mnnils. of Baltimore, editor of Tin Manufacturers Accord, in a messngi In Governor Cameron Morrison, re ceived here tonight, eongralulated 1 hi governor mi the program which wa contained in Ibe stale executive's hi enninl message to the general bly lasl Tuesday. In bis inessagM Mr. (almonds stated that Hie example which North Caro lina is setting in general progress should serve lo stimulate the entin Winston-Salem. Jan. 1.Y The North I Carolina l.: Iter Carriers Association convened in mis pity thin morning at 11 o'clock. Tiore was a small dele l gctinti nrcscnl and the morniiig sp;,- ::;nu ivas taken up ui'h pre ir.iinary i.K.inialioii ami app 'inii-'cet n!-coM-initteps. At I i 'clock adjournment was lake!) for a confer :c: of the com iv! t tees which will report when, ihe' convent! n renaser.iMcs a; " o'clock. Matters of importance to letter car riers of Ihe stale will iie presented I'm' discussion at the aftcpi'jon session. Tlv.s evening al ':"- an informal .-lin ker will ba held al v '.ich riiscus- asseni-'i s:nn of the business or the i invention " ill be c-i'l!iiu:ed. RED RIVER CASE DECIDED in llcrriii Riot Will Give Tlieir Judgment Soon. Marion. III.. Jau. 11. A jury of Willlumson county farmers will deliver judgment next week on the Herrln riots, the greatest tragedy in the In du trial history of Illinois. With their case practically pompletp, counsel for the defense today expressed confidence In the speedy aeqnlttal of Ihe five defendants charged with the murder of Howard Hoffman, one of the 23 men slain during the outbreak Attorneys in charge of the prosecution refused to be quoted Car Stolen and Recovered. Some one carried off the Cndilac touring car of Mr. L. A. Brown Inst night about fi o'clock, from Nortli Union sircel and officer located It this morn ing about 2 o'clock near the cemetery. The car was muddy when found, and evidently had been driven hard from L ... i-j i. .,,i i. nnii r I ii,. i ,., .,,,,t in renalr watches. a ii.iv of fon in Lnndnn Is estimated a-lnia 80.l!4fi bushels and North Caro- Ether was known to the earliest (M'VCl I vU 1 1 V an IUUUU IJJ tyi 'l ivv iii ieix r 1" W -a mm uas " aw r- )k.eri, ' clocks, Jewelry and spectacles. to cost $8,825,000. . Una 40,900. chemlati. smith, and be further said thai if such could be done "we would see in j the HI southern slates greater prog ress than any other section of this country lias ever mnde." "Especially do 1 heartily commend your suggestion for state owned ter minal facilities and for Ihe continuil linn nf your highway work, two things which will help North Carolina solve Ibe transportation problem." said Mr. Edmonds' message. "Business is ex panding far more rapidly than the fa cilities for handling It," Dance Hall Riot Ends in Two Deaths. Taylorsville. Jan. 14 William Mot ley, 42 years old. mayo:' of Kim-aid. III., a mining town ten miles north west of here, and Tony Matinzo, u miner, are dead as a result of u shoot ing tray which look place, al a dance hall at Kllucald early this morning. Mayor Motley and Town Marshal Vincil were cilled lo a dance hall where a disturbance had broken mil. As soon- as the officers reached Ihe l.all, shooting heieiii and Mayor Motley fell filially wounded. The. marshal emptied his pistols into the crowd, killing Matanzo instanly. .losepuus jiuiucis o. .... Reenrder TW nn-l-nv .i-nc oVtWOll VO ,(" "HIP nil'IHICI, .u. t'. . . New York. aJn. 15. If you omcer. i lion uie iiuiuic o. c'iikmi" ' , , - , ,. . ,, ,; f.,,,,1,, r,. nnnilnnlnir thelknoiW jUSt how Ions 5'OU Sleep 11 1 ll il ii ii 1,1 1 r- imnin ,,. .... work of this board after July 1022. Dr. Parker returned to the staff of Iln American Social Hygiene Association.' whether or not you hav less in your sleep, all you have to do 5s to equip your "jed with a macnine which has just bin perfected by scientists. The apparatus, It is claim ed, wil' record et"ry moveitnent you have made in the night. A rubber pad Is placed under one end of the bed-posts to make the bed susceptible to motion. Fixed to lh:: New Governor in Al. hama. j .Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 15. The in wish to auK"ratlon of Juilge W. W. Brand an and governor oi Aiaaa-ma idos p ace ro bnen rest- i UIl-v lllu w'lv aci.auntianu'O Willi nil o Sweet Potato Stocks. Washington, Jan. Mb Storage stisks contlletlng contentions of sweet potatoes totalled l!,R04,fi3J states nnd Texas, tin South Bank of Red River Made Texas Oklaiioma Boundary Line by Court. Nr Ine Aaaoeiaied Preaa.1 Wnahlnotnn. Ian. IB. The South cut hank of the Red River was made ned-post is a ueucare tever wmen is on the boundary line lietween Texas nnd a revolving drum. The least move Oklahoma liy order of the Supreme ment alters the bed's eenter of fmii't todv in the famous Red River gravity, so that the waves on th'3 (.oop, '. :drmn show -when and low The decision Is a compromise of the By linking a! I ihe ceremonies which custom has prescribed for the occasion. A bril liant nr'lltary parade was one or the principal features of th" program. Vsltars fro'.n all slicllons of the State cair.p'to the capital to attend Ihe event. Piedmont Today of the United cut hank, for va.i ,11, ith nan . S "hel PP1 1!5 r 10'W, ost of the distance where the contest .Imnal . omnlele nosseslsoll ; uuic. . ,......i. iweeil me NWI ema ... ou moved. the contrivance with an electric bell in another room it can be subst tuted for a nigbt nurse in the case of sickness. day. Deleware reported the heaviest states Insisted should be made the stocks with 702,703 bushels, while boundary, and the south bank of the A I.U il, ...wi,., ml mav often retire 'sent as much as 200,001) tons of water Georgia had 323,000 Maryland 320,000 Hlver at Us normal stage, which Tex- Horsley has opened a -usnended in the air. I ;n',u Tennessee 276,355 bushels. Stor- ag urged should be made the line. . ii... it.... I i U 1 t ...... ..limbo In nthar utBliia Innl liilnfl Vir. N Scatbern Building Owners. Atlanta, Ga. , Jan. 15 Deleisates from more than a dozen Stages navo arrived in Atlanta to attend the an nual mfieting of the Southern Asso ciation of Bui d n- Owners and mana gers. The sessions will begin tomor row and continue over Wednesday. Neva (ierber and IN- liminy .Morrison "A Yankee Go Getter" A swift moving, cleverly constructed melodramatic screen story. Also X. lit liaUHlWU 1 1UU3C I Fox Sunshine Comedy that wll knock i you cold

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