i The Concord Daily Tribune ! TODAYS ASSOCIATED NEWS TODAY. DISPATCHES VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY. JANUARY 23. I23. NO. French Planning Now to Isolate the Will Sever All Means of C munication With Remain- j , --. -i A .... i I oitiii uermany u mohpr , of Defiance Keep Up. BRITISH POLICY IS ANNOUNCED Policy Will Be a "Hands Off" One Trial of the German i f i MmmIo vuai ..laftiiniv v wnuiiuru at Request of Counsel. Paris, .Inn. 1 ill; Ihe Associated Prfimi. Till noasplBW isolation of the Hnhr valley, ilio alwoliito severance of its cnniiiiuiiiciilluu with the remainder of Ijermnny. wiik mtiioiino.fi in gov- 'I iiiim'iii ilritea today na thtsrficx. slop in the French struggle Hiniinxt uinUMti reslatahtti if Hie iwalaHHMfl eartlnneo. Trials Post polled. Mayenre, Jim. 23 (Hy the Associat ed Pnws). The trial of Prlts Tfc.vs s.'ll 11 nil the live oilier industrial mag nates arrested in the Ruhr, set for lo ilny, hit h l.i'i'ii tost (on.'. I till tomorrow morning. It is understood Hint Frod erlek lirlm. nttorney for the men ac cused of refusing lo obey the orders of the French. Ims pleaded luck of jnris-dk-ttun mill inconiMMence of the French courts. 165,00ft Workmen on Strike. Berlin, .Inn. 23 (By the Assis-liiled Press), Since this morning li.l.OOO em ployes of the SI limes works, mill 100. otX) of-the Thyssen works in the Ruhr region hnve lieen on strike, according to information ohtnincri by Routers this ufternoon. RnKlaml Adopt- "Hainli. Off" Policy. ' London. .Ian. 2.'t I Hy the Associated I Press i. The Brltiah gtivernroenl has inatrncted its military reincsenlativcs on the Ithine not lo Interfere with the nrresl and expulsion of Germnji olll- cials lieiiiK carrieil out by the r rench Al the same lime the Itrilish are I it - HtrOcted tiol to eo-oiornte with the French in such nja-ratioiw. or allow llieiaselves to heiouie involved in any liichlenl of tkjjd itatiir.'. The inslrilelions arc iaisidcr.'d hroiiil. They place the Rrtllah au- tlioiilies on the Hhlne in the position of working out the ileluils for theiu solves ami nUnptlng theuiseh-es to each , new situation. ' Cuatoni House OfflriJk, m Strike. Press). All tin; Germuil customs house officials In (Mnyence and u tavkburg have gone' on strike in pro test attains! the arrest of the director of tut customs office and other offi cials, according to reliable informa tion received here from the occupied zone. t.OYKRXOR MrLEOD WAXTS INVESTIGATION Wants to Know .Why South Carolina Is Not Progressing More in Indus trial Way. i Br l lie Aftsm-tntert Pre ft. I (,'olmnbin, S. t. Jan. 2.'!. Investiga tion to ascertain why South Onrollnii has not 'giiinnl as rapidly in manufac turing industries as have olher'south- ea stern stales, was reeofninendeil to the General Assembly here today by (lovernor 'lTuis. 0. .Mcl.eoil. in a si cial message. He urged the legisla ture to determine whether the tux sit ualion within the state was such as to dlSCOUrage manufacturers from es tablishing factories or branches, pur tlculnrly textile plants in the state. The committee would report within 30 flnys. The Governor, in his message point ed out figures furnished him which in dicated that the number of cotton spin dles in South Carolina had Increased 18 per cent, in ten years, while Xorth Carolina had shown nu Increase of 58 per cent. ; (Jeorgla 34 per cent., mid Alahanin 44 per cent. Father Saves Son By HI Confession. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 22 J. W. Hudson, Sr. confessed OH the witness stand in criminal court- here today thai he and nut. bis son, now on trial on a charge of murder, killled Mrs. Hattie Ferguson, with whom the younger man is said to have been In fatuated and whose .body wus found last spring In an isolated section along Wolf iriver on the northern out skirts of Memphis. Elon College Trustees to Meet. (Br tin Associated Piefs.1- Elon College, Jan. 23. The board of trustees of Elon College will .meet here tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock to plan ways and means of immediate ly rebuilding the administration build ing destroyed by fire last Thursday inn ruing. Silk atockings are more hygienic than cotton hose, says a well-known doctor, but he condemns the too-light shoes worn by many women and girls nowadays. STAR THEATRE Today and Tomorrow Wallace Reid The Ghost Breaker' Cast Includes Ltla Lee and Walter Heirs -Mack Sennet Comedy ADMISSION 10c AND ttc Ruhr Valley 9 652 601 B U ES OF .1 7. fJUTIXJN AKK lil.'NINKU This Number of Bales Ginned Prior to January 16, Report SaVS. th i..ir. iv, . ui-X i. .... " - . i prior ( January nhli amounted Ic mmi running i-aie muming i;..- j bales as hull tales. ,! including ,... i ll...l ,1... . (iinnlrtga prior to January Kill, laat year iolalle.1 IMV'.Vti nuinliiK tales, j rmuilng 12..V.7 round lailes as half 1 bibs, and Including JC!.iSI hales of 1 1 -J, .. T, , An.erln.n-KR.vpth..,. and .I.12l hales of,"' '' f""' Sea Island UinnliMM hV sin.es in-!''.'. ,"R uiultltudes of Mtanlng and rlno: North faroiiiu Ml !KM : Smith Parol UM .-.11.11.-.: Vh-cinla 2a,IKB. . I COTTOX GlXXIXliS IX I STATK SHOW 1XCRKAHK I Mil in- Stair Hud Increase of Annul Ill) Per I'enl. Over I9tl. Raleigh, X. i'.. Jan. 'i I By the As socialiHl Picas.. Kiglit hundred and llfty Ibonttan.), nine li.mdrefl and ele en .'U.ininK luiles of nit Inn, or I III H'r cenl. as nuninrei will. I!K!I. were gin - tied in Xorth 'amlliin up lo January r, lirjll, Frn.rV Parker, of the North Caroliuu anil I niteil Slates depart- ments of agriculture, announced in making public the ginnlnga by eouni ties in the state. "This difference is explained on the ground that the acreage was Increas ed alanit thirteen per cent, for the state as a whole," lie said, "the larg est increase lielng in the northern, or lander counties. wh"rens (he southern, or more seriously infested counties either were the same or reduced. "The yield followed much the line of lucre:. se in acreage for the same reason, exceplhig Ilia! ill the coastal bolt, where weather conditions renult eil in losses. "ll is to he especially noted I lull Davidson ami I l.i vie comities had over 2IKI per cent. Incense in the ginned hales. Kmvnn, Iredell, (utherforil. Lincoln. Orange, ttiirhnni, Warren. AVfllie. Vance, t'lutthnm, MbofP, Norlli anipton. Ptisiiiolauk and some others had nlwi.it fifty Hr cent, or more in- citwse over the previous season. Those counties showing the great est decreases were: Brunswick, which did not gin any cotlou; rolumhUH, 12 ftliA... . IWiiiu. I l.SJW"3fc "."' .-.' iHr cent.: Iitiplln. 73, I'enuer n Onslow 72; Lenoir, S: Robeson, 72. and eleven others under KM) iier cent, from last yenr. "The ginueil flgnres lacked perhaps 30,00d bales of showing the ultimate amount for the season, according to revised estimates. The government estimate of 652,000 bales production will run practically the same as the ginned figures, since 1 Hie luller will average about 488 pounds, while ihe government hales run ntlO pounds. The last year's total ginned crop was 77ii. 000 equivalent oo pound hales, or 8O3,0lH' running hales," he said. THE COTTON MARKET Rallies Which Were in Progress Yes terday ('011ii11u.il at Opening To day. tHr tin- Associated Pkm.i New York, Jan. 23. The rallies which had been in progres a in the late trailing of yesterday continued at the re-opentng of the cotton market to dny. Not only was the balance of yes terday's decline recovered, but the op ening was tirm at ah advance of 12 to 20 points, prices soon made 11 new high record for the season with the general list showing net advances of 30 to 30 points. Cotton futures aliened firm : January 2805; March 28.J25; Muy 28.45; July 28.23; October 20.34. FEAR SEVEN REFUGEE SHIPS HAVE BEEN LOST Missing Vessels Have Not Been Heard From During the Past Two Weeks. Manila, Jim. 23 (By the Associated Press). Four is expressed here Ihnt seven Russian refugee ships, with more Hum 000 persons 0 hoard, have lieen lost in the Chlua Ken. en route from Shanghai to the Philippines, as pgVt of Admiral Stark s fleet ol lad ivoslok exiles, five ships ot wblcU an anchored near here. The missing ves sels have not lieen beard of for more than twoVeeks. To Vote For School Bonds in Hender son. (By the Associate Press.) Henderson, N. C, Jan. 23. Regis tration for the bond election to lie held here January 30 for the purpose of completing two new school buildings now under construction has lieen dos ed. The hoard of trustees of the schools has Issued a statement it will not use the first $1(10,000 of Isinds for any oili er purpose than to retire the bonds issued in August lirjl, and tnat tne re ma Inlng $50,000 will not lie used for any other purpose thnn to complete the building, until that lias neon car ried out. $10,000 Fire at Lexington. I Br the AMweiateS Prsas.t Lexington. N. C. Jan. 23. -The Lee Veneer Company, of this city, was practically destroyed by Ore early this morning, entailing n loss of $10,000, which Is partially covered by Insur ance. Woman Killed by Train. .Hy the Associates Press.) Elizabeth City, N, C, Jan. 23. Mrs. Julia Jennings, aged 7K, was killed near Hie city limits here today when uliuck by u train from Raleigh. tMfKH N II THKN t.IVE WfLOT IN MMU The North CcraUm Ultoraas Aok far turn Utterly. X. t Jan. SI The Sat .mill Lutheran Council, an organlsa Hon reiirovut log the rartmn l.utber- 2.2ftJ! AmTwTi hl" 1"" put on big nnioil n si. ins for the mim ' oi.ir' from American Lutherans , Seven hundred twenty -five tLmnonsl of hi Kim, ,r m. nnil i , . ,i t in 1 1 i i. , l'",,"'rH" Rf1,,f Wurl; ln un.t tej, js'iiipoit of Lutheran Mission lielils I through il... world This In th HUH appeal ot its klml which the NatksMl l.ntlniaii Tumuli hu mil ! in the 1 r?J f . wrtn. "J"" . '", .T ', .... .' . ira r. ',' ' i.ie if ic. miff uiff'ii nil- HJS "f . 7.."TSTa ". T "" """ .""T1"1" R-toJ" "r ' . M " "n ,v" T ""vrH """" sja'iu iiuiuy ' ii. ii . i lis in i:iiroe dlrecl- 'UK Hiix relief. Ilr. Moreh.tid was nt ll,IM' ' resilient ol Komiokc Col- I lege. SM"hi. 'h for ll Mrlnd of 1L' years. I Al the preseni day Lutheran Relief lW orl; is Is-lnn canieil on in Southern I Russia ami in oilier nations recently caiv.nl from Russia and the Ralllc I Slnles. As a resull of this work il is 1 conservatively I'slinuiled that over KMMHNI ienile have been saved fro... ! starvation mid la'tween three and four million have Imsm. restored in pail to their former henllh. In view of them figures mid of the great heed in Ku rope, it Is necessary that thfct work lie continued by the Lutheran church. In this aplieal. North Carolina Luth erans are asked to give $1.00 each to cojitlnue this work. Dr. Morgan, Pres ident of the Lutheran Synod of North Carolina, sends nut the following let ter, addressed to all Lutherans it. ll.e state: "Again we hear the cry for help which comes to us from thousands of starving am) dying men. women and children in the war stricken countries of Ku.iipe and Asia. A large iiorcont- lage of these unfortunate people are liiemliers ol the I.I.I I.ertHI Church. Lei us whom lioil has so In nun i lull blessed, do whul we can lo relieve I heir wants. "A canvass Is now being conducted nil over the I'nlleil States anil in Can ada by the Lutheran Church for both money and clothing for fhosi people. This canvass is under the direction of thft-.Xatioiinl Lutheran Council with Ileadip.arl.eiii in Now York City, with L .f.. !., . .... . 1 .'n. 1- V ii . j.jj.JOkrffi.;jjuii. .-i- ..Ti 1. n Stale Manager for Xhrlh Carolina "Here is an opportunity for the true Christian to demonstrate his faith by his works. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ who said 'It is more hlegaed to give than to receive.' Also, 'inasmuch ns ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye hnve done it unto Me.' In this connection, rend again Matthew 25:31-4(1. "J. L. MORGAN, "President." 3 PERSONS HURT WHEN CAR RUNS INTO A POLE ., , . , Xrr Sr y. Homer Jeniilngg anil W. W. Yf.slal iSeriously Hurt. High Point, Jan. 22.- Mrs. E. G. Bays, of Beuna Vista, Va., and Homer Jennings ami vv. . vesta . 01 mw Point, were seriously injured .vaster- in (ho stam1ard Ice and Fuel Coin day When an automobile in wh.ch 1 .,., nf .....i,.,, ,i. i,,to c,,inm,i Frank they wore riding left the pavement a,nd struck a teleplione pole on the Winston-Salem road near Waughton, according to advices" reaching High Point today. Mrs. Bays and Jennings, the tnore seriously injured of the trio, were taken to a Winston-Salem hospital for med.cal attention, while Vestal was brought to his home, 210 Thistle street, this city. Mrs. Bays is reported to have received two broken legs, Jen nings suffered a deep cut on the head, and Vestal has a broken rib and an injury tn his chest. According to information received here concerning the accident, Driver Vestal, in nn effort to avoid pnllision with another automobile, steered his machine from the road, causing it to strike a telephone pole With such force that Ihe pole was split. The machine was then driven into n fence and another telephone pole with the result ns indicated above. The auto mobile was badly damaged. Elmer Jennings and a 16-year-old daughter of Mrs. Bay, who were in the automobile at the tune of the accident, escaped Injury. Dr. Odum to Edit January Publication Chaiiol Hill, X. C, Jan. 23. A mem lier of the University of North Caro lina faculty. Dr. Howard W. odum, Kenan professor of sociology, litis been 'selected as editor ln charge of the January number of the Annuls of the American Academy ol Political ami Sooiay Science. The volume Is entitled "Public Wel fare in the United States," mid In it are loiiiio arucics oy -uis. ixnie nun . , 1... p . . . 1. Johnson, on "The North Curollna Plan of Public Welfare," two by Dr. Odum on "Newer Ideals of Public Welfare, nnd "Attainable Standards for State Departments of Public Welfare," and one by Jesse V. Steiner, professor of social technology at the University, on "Professional Training for Public Welfare." Says There Is "An I'nderstaiiding." Toklo, .Inn. 23 (By the Assoclnted Press). Premier Kato, replying to an lnteriellntlon hy Viscount Kato, lead er of the Kensel-Kai or opposition party, dechired In the Diet today that while no formal negotiations had oc curred "there Is an understanding lie tween America, Ureal Britain and Ja pn,reganllng steps to be taken" If ihe other powers full to ratify the Washington conference agreements. IS SET FOR TODAY Attorney for Peacock Stated That He Would Fight Ex- tradition of His Client at the Hearing. i ll tttr Asaaetaietl it. i Tall. Miss.. Fit.. .1 in. SI Hearing on the n .plica I iaa n North Carolina atrthorltloi for uw enuuiiiou lo that state of Or. J. - W. I'-fls-k, was sel for Ihla afternoou In the Oovrrnor's olcf'. Of'. l"en.s)t, who rerenlly -- tiHil from the criminal insane de-. lairtmem of the North i a ml inn peal- j tenth. iv. has Is-n 14110ml as saying lie would 1 et urn voluntarily If assur ed no techiiiial charge would lie plac ed against him. His attorney came here 10 apiiear al the hearing, and lo inspect the charges brought hy the Xorth Carolina itntbtritiea. II. il. Carver, one of I'lueook's at torneys, made know that his purHse here was lo coniesl Hie extradition of lr. Peacock - to Xonh Carolina. He Understood, he said, llilil Dr. Peacis k hail sig. tilled a w.flingn.-ss to return voluntarily if assured he would only la- hailed fief ore a sanlly hearing, ll is possible, he said. Ilia I the physi cian has Already left Florida on thai understanding This, however. not affect his end of the case. The hearing was set for 4 o'clock. Lakeland. Fin., Jan. 22. -Attorneys for Dr. .1. . rclnH'k. WI10 eBcapeo.j, from the criminally insane ileiiartmenl of the Xorth Carolina penitentiary last year after having Kliieu the inomas ville chief, said tonight that he would make no further move towards return ing to Xorth Carolina until he learns the nature of the charges Ihe North Carolina authorities want him on. A hearing on Ihe request of North Carolina for extradition for Dr. Pea cock, who bus hern declared sane at Arcadia, Florida, will he l.e.hl tomor row in ffovcrnor Hardee's otltce 111 Tal lahassee. He will he represent eil by counsel, hut il is not believed he will attend in person. Dr. Peoeock has dialed he will re turn voluntarily to North Carolina. If ,.i,o.i,0,. ho i. s.,i... Kn'i noi ,,lof hi Intentions lo go if there are iii.yothc.r charges nguinst him. He has not been sn-u sfnee Sunday night nod efforts to find him proved unnvnlaling. There bus been no warrant l88ll'il foritu. CHARLES M. DAVlttsON IS BEAD. A SUICIDE He Was at One Time a Prominent Charlotte Business Man Health Had Failed Him. Charlotte, Jan. 22 Charles Magill Davidson, native of Charlotte, former prominent business man of this- city committed suicide this morning by shooting himself through the head at him home on Baal Seventh street, the ball penetrating Ihe righl temple. The shooting ocenred about 7 o'clock and death nt 2 p. m. Mr. Davidson was a native of Char lotte, son of the late J. (Riley David I son, and Sarah Wilson Walker, latter Lf slll.sviU(, Ilinrrle(, Miss Kan. Andrews, of Fay el leville, and Wil mington, who with one child. Miss Carrie Louise Davidson, survives Mr ;,,,...,.. rormerlv , stockholder of niarlotte. and Asheville. was a stockholder. Misfortune overtook him nnd later his health failed. He was a member of Tryon Street Methodist Church. Beside his wife and daughter, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Zach Haylor, of Charlotte, and Mrs. R. L. Poston, of Statesville. also several nephews. He was 5.8 years old nnd was a Mason. Murders ill Knitiand to 1I..MI0 In United States. Greensboro. Jan. 22. Sir Basil Thompson, K. C. B.. regarded as th original Sherlock Holmes, the world's greatest detective, the most noted crhnino'oglst in the world, during the world war at the head of the British secret service department and now head of Scotland Yard, England's great police and detective agency, lecturing here tonight, revealed some startling fact3, comparing British and American crime figures. Last year in the United States there were 9.600 murders, in Eng land, 63. Of the 63 all but eight were cleared up and the newspapers of England are demanding why they were not. In one penitentiary in Illinois mere are as many prisoners as in all the prisons of Canada. He attributed the much greater amount of crime In the United St.ites than in England to delays in meeting out punishment and to under-policing. Southern Enterprises Ban AU Fatty Arhurkie Films. Atlanta. Ob., Jan. 22. tMoving pic- tures in which Rosco ("Patty") Ar buckle appears will not be exhibited by theaters In the southern states undef the supervision of k th? South ern Enterprises, Inc., according to a statement issued bore tonight by that concern. This decision was reached, the statement declared, on the ad vice of better fllni committees, and other organizations, representing the public throughout th! south. The Southern Knterprlses, inc.. supervises the operation of thiyucB. On ninth subsldnry companies, in Georgia. South Cmroilno, Oklahoma and Arkansas. - .no. .n iimn tka i,o,.i ti,.mifl u.i.k in i ,!. ,..u 15-WJW0. During the same, period, Canada received 1.318,49 settlers from the United States. milM OF DALLAS HEARD 1HIS MORNING Man Charged With Killing of Joseph Southwell Says the Shooting Occurred During a Struggle. (Br tkr Aswlalvtl Prfrs. . : : N l. Jan. 1?. Her liei t I. I "alius, t luiizisl nlth lue min der of Jorph Sfii.ihweli ilarlng the rail strike hei" l;l-l snuiuiei. lolil lie jury m Ids in:. I here today Ihnt on two iNi-asions prior lo the killing thai Southwell had threatened him. anil inal mice while imiins una uetwrren ears, that Southwell had suddenly started his engine. He recited details of an alleged struggle thai preceded the shooting July IK last. Dallas took the stand in his own de fense. Dallas who had staled he was nil nost caught lietween the hullljlfrs when Southwell was alleged to hae started the engine, said the hitler's remark nlioul the incident was "miI luck." Dallas tidinilleil niiproachlng Soul 11 well with his plslol in his baud jusl iH'fore 1 lie killing. Inn claimed he merely wiuilnl in :isk the engineer I" 1 1 i I "nagging" him. When be spoke 10 Soillhwellfl he said. Ihe latter rush ed al him. sei'.nl the pistol with his right bund, nnd threw his left hand around Dallas' neck. The defendant teslitied he kept both hands on the weapon and that during the struggle ...... ...cidentnllv discharged. II ,i,,nj,,, having pointed it at Southwell ns W.1S (.laime,! by the state. Wilmington. Jan. 22 The state rested its case against Herberl E. Dallas, charged with the murder of Joe Southwell, late this afternoon I after winning the first skirmish of the trial when it succeeded in having the death bed deearation of South well, madi t s his w fe and three wit nesses, admitted as coiniielenl o-sti-mony. This declaration, which a;is sub slantialcil by Chauncey is. Hollenviii. eye .vituess to the killini: charged that Dallas dclMierately shot South well down after first warning hint The defense waged a mighty nal Le to prevent the inclusion ot mis evidence, on thf ground that nothing had been introduced to show that Southwell was aware of his approach ing death at the time h made the f statement. y . . ... - Mrs. Southwell recited the story of her husband's sta!emenl In the James Walker ho-nltal. iwo hours before h; died, say.ng that Southwell told her Dallas approached him on the concourse at the union station, point ed a revolver at his head and said: "Soulhwel , I'm going to kill you." Southwell, so the statement runs, struck the gun with his hand, and denected the muzzle to a level with his abdomen, where it was discharg ed. This statement was corroborated by Mrs. D. D. Boylan ,ind c. S. Tay lor, both of whom were present v. lien Southwell talked to Irs wife. Hoi email testified to essentially th: same thing. Just before Mrs. Southwell fjok the stand this afternoon a pigeon flew into the courtroom, circled thrice nvsr the he:id of court and jury then perched on one of the win dows behind the bench, where it re mained throughout the afternoon. Dallas himself will hs the main witness for ihe defense. Meeting of Merchants Association. A very enthusiastic meeting of the Merchants Association was held at their rooms in the Dixie building on Monday night. The meeting was call ed to order by the president, Mr. A. It. Jarrett. A letter wns rend from our state secretary Mr. J. Paul Leonard, stating that Thursday. January 2"ith, would he merchants' day in Raleigh, and asked that a large delegation in tend from Concord. The president called for volunteers to go ns dele gates and the following persons re sponded: J. V. Dayvnnlt, Leslie Bell, J. E. Davis, o. A. Swaringen. c. si. Ivey and A. II. Jarrett. Those pres- ou Ihought eight or ten ought to go nnd the secretary was Instructed to canvass among the, merchants today and see if others could attend. At the request of Ihe Kiwanis Club n committee was appointed from the Merchants Association to meet with them and the Rotarinns to try to se cure better hotel facilities for Concord. The following were appointed on I hat committee: J. F. Duyvunlt. C. M. Ivey and .. K. Davis. Another meeting will lie called in the near future and a progressive pro gram will lie outlined for this year. W. A. OVBRCASH, Secretary. o Trace ol Grissom Hs Vet Been Found. Jacksonville. Fla.. Jan. 22 After an all-day search of Thomas crees, 20 miles norlh of here, officers tonight were still at loss as to whether any one perished when an mitomooi'le bearing n Greensboro, North Carolina, city license plunged into the stream Thursday night and was submerged in the water until removed yesterday. The theory is that the driver of ilie car lost his life, but the si ream lias been dynamited along Its course for a considerable distance without any bisly being found. Thomas cre"k Is about 15 feet In depth. - The automobile was identities us belonging to H. A. Grissom, a Greens boro druasist. He left here Thursday I icirhi n rul wns to have wired li rai..tiva. when h reached Atlanta, but no word from htm has beiu re- ofived. Thomas creek is at the end of "Wind" road. - l ...l RaMgh. Jan. 31 A i Wall-. Male I KnuiiioueT i.l nVtmar aahl luda . The law require every .:.sl- iier- ami who had In the calendar year 1023 a let Income of 1 .( or m- rc iM..r.T whether they lwd net Inmate or Ofd. lo make a retnru on or before Miink, 15th Xrl ,ii. in.- Is gross Wrnoie less ihe deduction, hut U-fore the per sonal exemption is inkii off The depniv otuuiisioners will Im' lu-n- 1111- in ea. h .-oiiniv ami aasisl laxiners nith iheir return.! Itineraries wiil 11 lie p.eired aisll postM in nil ilw viinlie. Tbee (-(-1 lilies will also furnish Ihe neviKpuJiers niih ihe dales in ihei. i-niiib and ll is ho Mil nev. sn. H'i s will l.nd these anDouncofjietits ,.1 sumclent ln- iensi 10 ilieir readers to pnlrifsh them. The I ommissjoner bus 110 au thority to pa lor such publication. The law prescrilies :..nalt!es for failure lo Hie returns, and for failure to Hie them i.. the lime pn-scrllsil by la w II an indiviihuil is in doiiht wheilier 11 return is required iilltler the law or not. this otlicc or 1. depuiv cuiiuius- loner should he consulted The Stale in m. the salaries ..( all Slate. I 'num. 1. l iiiiicipii I 1. tliiiis .111.I employes, including scbtHil olti.itrs j.nil teachers unit mad eugiu.itrs and other employes. I.ut ihies not ta Ihe sabir- ies of I ailed States i.theers and em ployes. Of course If these iitthiTS and eiuidoyes. Stale, l-'nleral. Cmuily anil .Municipal, had income other limn their salaries, such income should be Included in their returns. "All Individuals, partnerships anil corporations are rtip.ired to report the 1 names ol persons to whotii they pn .il .fl.onii or more during the year WJ2; all partnerships are required to Hie a return lor infonnution. "It is hoinl that all individuals re quired to make returns under 'le law. and all coriMiralions and iiurtuerships 1 make the returns anil reports on in1 before March 15th. and avoid pen alties. "If blanks have not hivn received. 1 hey can he hud :ii I he ortice of each Itegister of De ..Is. Iioiu any Depuly I 'oiniiiissiiincr. or from Ihis ollice." PKIH HtllKIl BKATKN II V VOTti III- SEN l iilliS McDonald's Pronosol tor Such Board Vi.led lloviu When il is llrmiglit l'p. Raleigh. Jan. 22.- The senate would not give Senator McDonald's bill to create a pardon board a moments eon- s deration, although it had been re norted bv the constitutions! aniciid- . . . , ....!.i ...1. 1,.,,! 1 UUOII III. lUUie e.iiiicu v iiuwui .1 dissenting vol". The McDonald bill would have .-nb- mlttcd a constitutional amendment I" " " ' "1 '",; w ,1 d ' rest th" power and authority in the granting of lrdor. and communta- ,,, i . v - IliCi 1. 1111 .ill iiiiiLiiaiiitini ..niut Hons now vested solely in the chief j re,,ueed the Qnc fTOm ?3 t0 $100 the executive, Buncomb county Sill to punish intoxi There has been much talk - cated alItml.(,be (h.,ver, passed its lative action ' relieve the gnetnoi ..... ..,. . u,,c ,n , of the responsibility for oardons hnt the senate':, jmlgtmeni on th" Mi- Diuiaiii L ill tonight gives little en courageincnl 'to those who may have r usidercd Lading in this movement. Go".-ume.!t Morrison personally is opposed to a paruon uo.ini uiu mf general assetnh y shows little disposi tion to relieve him of a burden wlncn he himself does not complain of. DEATH OF DR. EAGLE YFFLED PHYSICIANS Statesville Physician Died in Haiti- The general education bill h- s in More Death' Due to Abscess of Ihe t induced t day by 'Senator Woodson, ijvrp. ot Rowan, chairman of the committee (By the Associated Press.! on education and anuoui.eemeiit was Baltimore, Jan. 23. Raffling efforts made that 11 hearing on it would be of physic! ins of John Hopkins hospital jheld Thursday night by the committee for tiie last seven weeks to diagnose j of both the Hons" and Sec ,te. the disease from which he was suffer- j The hill to incorporate Hiltmore ing Dr. Daniel Eugene Eagle. 20 years I Forest. ISiinomobo. comity, passed its old! died yesterday at the Institution, i third rending in the Seante. Heads of 'all departments were culled j in and physicians not attached to the C V. Prc.' . 1.. 1 , ,, 1 . .. . tsifsi ,.,,n.n t'l twin . nospi.a, e.c .... ... . ................ lint the nature of Dr. Beagle's illness remained a mystery until an autopsy .1 1 ..a.... .I.a. ,L, .11, a-.. fill.' lo III. , , Vu rtbTr.l.vhhns la-en sent lo Slates- ... .. .', ,. ,i. h, ,,, iir XA was' Ualvl sitv of North Carolina in (he. class of W17. and from John Hopkins in Ihe medical class of 1022. ANOTHER INVESTIGATION Federal Trade Commission Will Inves- tigate Calichm Arsenate Indhsiry. ( lly ine amiipibimi i-rrntt. . Washington, Jan. 23. Investigation of the calcium arsenate industry by the Federal Trade Commission was order ed today by the Semite in adopting a resolution by Senator Fletcher, demo crat, Folrida. The. commission was directed to report whether there was any vioffitioii of the anti-lrust laws in the inannfacture or distribution of calcium arsenate used in lighting the cation IhiII weevil. Itenort Has It KIVil ContTiany Will (pen An Augusta Store. . Charlotte, Jan. 22 Eflrd depart - nieiit store Is reported to have bought extensive properly In Augusta, Ga., where it proposes lo ap-en another large ' tnl"i-ptise, making 33 estnb- lishmenls which this concern is op- erntiiKr in the Cnro ina and Virginia. The Augusta store will mark the first advance Into Georgia. Report of pur chase was made in Trade Journal. Shown to J. B. Eflrd today, he said he was not In a pisltlon to affirm dny reports. Journal states that the store buildings have been bought on Broad ctreat. Augusta, and that s Kflrd Droooses to occupy stores Dy ne . esrlv fall. Eflrd slx-Bto y building being built heft to cost between three and four hundred thousand, lot $285,- 000. - oRKOFTHESTAIE LI . Much Debate Followed the Introduction in the House Today of the MeKinnon- Cobb Measure. SEVERAL SPEAKERS i nh'L'h . 1 YTHICYT U1V MJ M. MMir. M rj i r D'tl rl. supporters ol Kin i narge Boss Rule," and Charge Is Vigorously Denied by Several Speakers. Rilelph. Jan. 23. (By the Associat ed Prrss)- The McKlnnon-i obb mea sure to provide a KUM?riiilenden! of public instruction for Kols'nson county by popular vote of the people, brought support and oppOHitlon i.l tile IL.i o! Representatives h-re today. Representative Torvnsend, of Har nett, -aid he was not prejtepl al the mmiuittcc meeting when the hill wan remtrled favorable and moved that it. Is' re-sulanitliil. Henliil deliule r.t sii I' d wlicn H presentative McKlnnidl said the people of the county there willit.il the measure. Representative Burgwyn, Northamp ton, in a sp 1-ch of more than a half hour duration said the time had come in Xi 111 h Carolina when "political Ims. w,s - 1IUS, )pw ,,, ,. ni jung. .,,, ,, H. isnple. Mr. Ilurgwyn asserted that inasmuch as the measure was reported out of the committee favorably it should lie allowed to go to the vote of the House. He siid that a movement against the measure was growing because it was 11 n effort to take county educational mutters out of politics. "The time lias coni.e" be stated, "when we must ring down the curtains on boss rule in the school of North Car olina.'' Iteprcscntnlivo Co. . nf Wilson.- chairman of Ihe iiliienlioiinl commit llee Ihe. 1 denied I hen1 was any bosn rule or ring in educational mallei-. I lieprrsciilui ivc Itoss. of Mere look the stand thai Ihe matter should hi! laid upon Ihe fable, and so moved, j but al Ihe ropiest nf Kepresentutivo I Houghton, of Allegheny, ihe motion to I table was withdrawn and the vote was j held on the motion to IP-refer. A di- islon was called anil oti roll mil voie vote ol iw to si.i. The Martln-Dilhird jury tax- bill, when more than a dozen counties ls gan submitting ameniliiients lo I'X.ept thes unties, was tabled by V' te of Itepresentatlve Hrnham. f Orange i county. With the addition of two dOB?n co.in- B ls - sn;c. 1... A .. :ev riuuse ici: in iuoii aiciuuru bill to appropriate fl.OOfl to rescue and preserve Ihe records of Confederate sailors of North Carolina, and a bill Li erect a monument to North i aro lina troops at Vicksburg. The ''mothers aid" bill, a measure which has the support of the commis sion of public welfare, was introduced today by Senator Charlej U. Harris. '11 was referred to the new committee ,,.,,.,, v. 23 .The sec retary of state has issued the follow ing charters : Ti,c Allslu k Croeerv company, Inc. Meb to conduct genera, gro- eerv business cap. al stock J.i.ikmi I 1!, Mrs. Lil ian Allshrook. Mebnne, and ,! Hit. Louishurg, .nco.poralors. Clark Wiggins Hardware Company. Charlotte: to conduct :. general hard ware business: capital stock. S2,"i,(HI0; paid in $300: IS. B. Clark, J. L. Wig- gins and T. J. Wiggins, all of Chnr- lotte, principal incorporators. Lawrence-Narrow company.. Inc., Kenly ; to conduct a general farm and dnirv and men-ant lie business; capi tal stock $25,000; paid in $4,000: C, L. Lawrence. Addie Lawrence. M. E. Nnrron. all of Kenly, principal Incor porators. Tri-State Medical Society. ' (By the Associated Press.) High Point, N. C, Jan. 2.'!. Physi cians from the Carolina and Virginia nee o-noctod to visit High Point Feh- rnarv 20-21 to attend the meeting of Tri-State Medical Society. 1 Frank .). Slzemore. secretary of the j , haiiils'r of commerce, stilted tonight Uo wnV mailing an Invitation to each j member of the orgnnlzatlon to attend nu. conference. Shot Fired at American Officer. Brussels. Jan. 23 (By the Assoclnl ed Press). Several shots were 11 red today nl nn American liason officer attached to the Belgian headiiun iters or;,,t Aix-hi-Cbanelle. according to a dls- , pn0h to Llvre Belgiiiue. The officer was not bit- Women in Spain have had the right to attend the universities since early, n the 13th century, tut few availed themselves of the pr-vlloge until jately. :GiSLATURE TODAY

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