f' The Concord Daily Tribune I TODAY'S ASSOCIATED M PRESS DISPATCHES NETS TODAY VOLUME XXII. CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY. JANUARY 29. 1023 NO. 301. -.- Riot at Blanford, Ind., Two Men Shot to Death White Trying to Straighten Out Race Trouble, Officers Visited Negro Dance Hall and Riot Followed. SHERIFF RECEIVES SHOUDER WOUND AH the Negroes in the Town Were Ordered to Leave Last Week, After Attack on White Woman. (Br (be Aaaociatra Bliinfnrd. Ind.. Ian. 20. An Inves ligniinn into i ruud of hii outbreak o)f tin- race troubles cvisiing here, re Milled in ii riot early today. ilnriiiK which two unidentified men wm sii.it hi dinth, and Sheriff Jtarry NcwI.-ind iiiul mi uiiidentltiod limn wore wound lit. Acting oh ii ri'jxirt that parsons Iiiul fired nt two negroes, proprietors of u More hw, sheriff Newlnnd gathered n large force of deputies mid visited the section iw( Hi'' store. Tup nnVlal entered ii tiiniro lmil nonrliy where u celebration was in progress ly n crowd, mostly foreigners, find the oejebmtors set upon them, shooting lieaw gmi enil. Two of the dnnce hull patrons were shot to ilenlh by the ileiilties ni.il mother seriously wounded. Sher iff No win nd wns hit in the shoulder by ii l-irilel. Most of the men In the hull, iicei riling to the deputies. nppenred t" he intoxicated. ' A sweeping. Investigation is e'H'i ic. to result. A en 1 1 for help wiis sent lo ufftetals of neighboring towns. Pi-iise lit. LS Attorney A. . Snlicilee was oMHttu' to nrrive liere from Clinton in lime for tho coroner's investigation. Otiti, probably will take ii part in Ihe hu ll) i n vest i pi lion. It could not he burned whether ttil) ldltloual action wns contemplat-il hy Governor MoCrnry. The uovernor hist week ordered officials of the nnt- Innal guard to Investigate the race trouhle here when nil negroes wej'O or dered to leave town. The guard ofti- inls. It was Mid, had not yet mmle their report to the Governor. The negroes who woie fired upon. were two of the few who H! not .leave town lasl wool; nl th nice iroumc Which is said to have In- 'ii n MMUf "I an nltack on n youi - .. i'e r hy NAVAI OKKKT.R KHXS m.MsEi.r on nJAGSint l ieut. CiHaiuander Eugene DeHguWK Wrrleil Over IHsapiM-arante of W , Ship's Stores. j. Manila. Jan. 38 IBy the Assix-inteil Press). Lieut, t'niunmnder Kitgene ll. Diiughiss, paymaster of the Flagship Huron, of the United States Asiatic licet, comniltteed suicide yesterday aboard the flagship while despondent over the disappearance Of the. ship's stores, for which we lias not respon sible, according to a statement issued by Ca,ptniu 0. . Stearns, of the Huron. Captain Stearns paid a higli tribute to the dead officer's de.votlton to duty. WANT PARLIAMENT TO MOVE VP OPENING Ronar I WW Be Asltevl to Call Parliament Before February 14. London, Jan. t By Ihe Associated Press i . -The iinrllanientnry labor imr ly today 'decided to ask Prime Minis ter Bonar Law to convoke Parliaraatil earlier than Kebrimry 14. the dale set for Its re-assembly in order h give conslderntion to thi- situation which lias arisen in the Rnljf valley In conse (Uence of the French occiiimliou. The decision was taken nl a moot ing held under Ihe chairninnship of ltamsey Maclhuiald. Charles Chapllti Will Wed Miss tola j - Negri, Actress. IK'lmont'e, 'Chlif., Jan. 28. Charles Chaplin and Poll Negll motion pic I ture stars, anndunced iHeir engage- merit at Pebble Beach lodge near here today. They refused to say when ' they will be married. Chaplin came from Hollywood on a morning train to visit Miss Negri, he returned home tonight. The actors train -was an hour and a half late. Wheti It arrived Chaplin did Rot get. off at Delmonte, as a result a rumor spread that he bad come in disguise. It developed he had taken an aiito iucbi:e at a nearby pwlnt and motored to Pebble Beach. Later, to assembled uewsnapermeu Mr. Chaplin said, "Yes, wa are engaged." Miss Negri fluid so too, and that ended the interview. The actress will remain at Babble Beach several (tnys longer and then return to Hfllryvood. Buncombe County Sunday School As sociation. ' (Bj Ihr Aulrll l-'mm Ashevllle. N. O.. Jan. 2fl. D. W. Sims, general superintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Asso ciation, was the chief sisnker on the program of the Huncomls' county Sun day School Convention wJilch opened heie Suniln.v. other Speaker scheduled to appear were K. T. Alliertson, general Secre tary of the Indiana Sunday School Council of Reunions Education, Indi anapolis, Hid., and. Miss ltaisy Magee, children's division sHperlntemlo,nt of Ihe North Carolina Sunday School As I not In l ion. Mi- Slins will niiiKar at eacii ses- i.in nf the eonvenUon, which will last hioA dtars. Mr. Alls-rlson and Miss Magee will speak on special training f,.i- Kiinilnv school work, and Bible ruts work and Snnilay school music ANOTHER DOUBLE MURDER MYSTERY Memphis Police Seek Slayer of Mrs. Ruth Tucker and Duncan Waller. IB? Ifcr t..arliir4 Plln M'inilils. Tern.. Jan. 21V City and oniitv Mai I tlaa iMlll had liefori ' ln-iii today ii.' task of i-slnhUshlni: Ike motive and hhniltv of Ihe slave of Mrs. Knih I.-Klwnln Tucker, npil 11. estiiingcil wife of Kills Tueker, of Franklin Tenn.. an. I I'm Wallet. HM III. traveling sntcsiuun of May- Held. Kv . whose i... I Irs that of Wal ler crumpled In ihe seat of an nulo uiohile and the young woliiiiu in n neiirhv Held were foiiiid early yester day wwr the vlllng- of Itercbiir, ii siiliurli of this oily. Hntli had heen I. ill. .1 hy plslol hul lets v.'hh-h entered their heads from t hi res r. KxtRAitiTKo rrvas issi ed i on I'KAt'lH'K Representative nf Tar Heel Governor Leaves For Purts I nkiiuwii. Tallahassee. Kin.. Jan. 27. U. C. Friiice, representative or the North Carolina governor, armed with extra dition papers for I)i J. W Peacock, who several months ago escaped mm he inrnnc department r,f toe North Carolina aemfl Hilary and came Florida, left here this afternoon. Mr. France would not divulge destination. H- intimated he did kn w the presem whereubouv? in h's not of th" iihvsiciun. whom (Jo mo Hnr- dei- decided yesterday crtuid .x truditcd on ihe ground thai there was a crimina offense charged -"gainst hint in that Ue i. w intrd for br-ak ng p ison. Dr. Peacock recently was declared sane at Arcadia, l-'la., and hui Been que'ed as expr'esslna his willingness to return to North t'arollni io he tried as to his sanity. However, UlS counsel Ill's stated he now will tlghl extradit'on, because the charges against hitn are 'unjust-." SITT. GEORGE VOV . MAKES STATEMENT Kai'S Investigation Was Made of the Thoniasville Reports Concerning Pen cock Escape. (Br the Amwlstnl Prea(i ' .JiuliH(...J'iu. 2S. ;Iesir!bltr pijlv lished rcHirts cinanallng from fiiouias vilje to Ihe cited that ll primal em ploye on the inside and an unnamed woman friend of Ihe Peacock family on Ihe Hillside were lust ruiucntal in ihe i -sea pi' of 1 ir. P. W. Peacock from the stale orison on the iilglil of Aug ust 2R, as a "fahricant out of th;1 whole cloth." Supt. tieorge Pun", of the penitentiary slated today that a thor ough investigation had been made of Ihe "veiled charges of improper man ngenient of the prison." Jl'DGE SANFORD GETS FAVORABLE REPORT His Nomination to Supreme Court Unanimously Favored hy Senate Com mittee. (Hy tin- Aftioclnfed Prei. Washington. Jan. The nomina tion of Judge E. T. Snnford. of Ten nessis'. to he associate justice of tin Supreme Court succeeding Justice Pit nev who recently retired, was ordered favorably reported today by a unanl , minis' vote of the. Senate judiciary com luillce. Noah's Ark" at Pastime Wednesday and Thursday . The Pastime Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday will simw panther siory based on the tlld Ti-stanient. I lie suhjivt of this will lie "Noah's Ark. It has been the definite purpose the producers of these stories to give to the world n motion picture version of the Bible so llternl and so faithful in its adherence to the text that then1 could not lie the slightest (banco of antagonizing any sect or creed. Thai the public is interested in thy- Biblical stories and want them shown in their favorite theatres is evidenced in Ihe generous iatroliage of the local theatre which has already exhibited the initial episodes. Sigma Xu Initiate OSes From 0n,al. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Jan. 28. G enu Kcrsh, aged 16, son of M. G. Kersh. city clerk of Tuscaloosa, died today from psyehl-effeols of excitement fol- lowing an initiation at tne sigma imu fraternity bouse upon en III mis Ol ine University of Alabama here accord ing to n verdict of a coioner-.iury to day. The young man, with 16 others, was Initiated into the fraternity and a few minutes after the ceremonies ended he suddenly died, according to the authorities. i A number of witnesses were called before the . coroner's jury, several of whom bad taken the Initiation just previous to Kersh, and their evidence showed that thers was nothing done that could have caused death from bodily Injuries. The whule is worth more oiuiicy than any other living creatine. A single Greenland whale wll have In its mourn aooui a ion oi wnaiepone, $J0,(l0O. From Its blubber trenry-rlye tons of oil may bo obtained, s whale oil brings something Ike $100 a tin. this represents another 'uhstantiul sum. Another species, the "i"1" . nil ll, not Ollij ijliwiucn i-iiui iiiiiuh quantities of the finest oil, but may la in-, ii-,, .In cotiliiin nmhurfif-ia which Is worth considerably nimo than ts weight In gold. i ii roisos irrnn hi t h.imst. hoi i wiiui Ha. Keudled ia larWa.J Mi. alWliinJjU IsMteit. Itah lgii. . ('.. Jan .-, - V - . tS With I lie .'l-t .l.ili lUHhod I'f IMtMsi the lmil wis- il . nut ii- t . - 1 'on neieral natoa farm- In Nntih I'ir- ollna have remitted In inrreaaeil rWds. .'Mug In a bulletin Isnued hy Kranklln n in.nu. rWrf In I .in "The dnst-ilxoii ni-thil f.ir coiuInii tine the wi-evll." the ImllHin rends, "iras tMWtapari nt the l ulled Stale-. I ii-p.iriio.-iii of Agrh-uit mi- Laaantory . at 'lallulan. la., n It t'oud. rkief Siuce alMail P1S II has lie-n t- rapidly and Is now- I- UM'd In all the smithcn stern states. "Very lirictly. It ismsists in apfdy- Ih hum A iim I ll IIK,unlit In -, ,'M ' .1... ...... "M . in.,-1 at nigni. using , in ii pounds per arte, at intervals of fottr hi.VK. giving .'I to ll lii-nlllients. with machines made fur the pnriMiHe. In Sou them North (Tai-olliia in I1B3. the rhal for this work was fnun July L'.'i to Ihe of AaaiM. .Mr. l"oad has written: The pains to U- exnertOd froin this also vary widely, hut usually average on any pcmSTty of -o--ldcnihle size hetween Jim and ll)0 MHluds of siiil cotton per i ere.' it Is reeoiiinieinled more esie.-iall,' flu- lands caiahle of one-half hah- per icre or iM'tter. and is more sure of a profit when the infestation is severe. 'After careful sillily, we unilertooK guide a niiiulHi- of North Carolina farmers in this method in 1022. In six uses I Scot la nil and Bladen counties I plots ( unilusted I I fair, aei urate check were alongside with all the treat ments the same except in Ihe dusling. In addition another test was coiultlct- .1 in (tnslow county under the coun ty agent. In all these cases, the yield if the dusted and unilusted cotton was reisirded, and there also was a calcu lation of cost. Imsisl on the price of poison, labor and wear of machines. In the slate P'sls, the cost was $."i.."hl, per acre for the season. The result Uy counties in ine sinie tests : Scotland- No. farms ." : average gam seed col ton per acre 2iS pounds Itlnden county No. farms 1 : aver- in gain seen col ion per acre -o" pounds. mis ou- count v .no. larms aver age gain ssed coiion ls'i acre i pounds. I nder Ilea prices, n gain oi i pounds seed cotton ier acre would about cover the cost of dusting, inn ing this as a basis an examination or all -'Ii tests shows that four fell neiow thai llgnre while the other hineleen .went above il one only very slighlly. rests were mnduclcd also hy pnvaie piimi'i'v,,, , ....,. , 'If we now nvenitre all .i -Tests we tin.! an average gain ol SCSI pounds seed cot ion per acre, which gives a very good margin of nel profit. While we appreciate Ilia! Ihe cosl of machines, the wear and iiaiuiiiy oi breakage on llicin, is nil important drawback, yet the whole body of ex perience shows that the dust-poison method in addition to the heat cultur al methods for early setting of the crop, is the surest protetiion now m sight for cotton in the heavily in fested sections. t'ALLKI) TO BOOR AM) SHOT IN HIS THAI KN Married Man Mysteriously Murdered By I nknown Persons Who Leave no Tface. Durham Jan. 28. Closely follow the tragedy occurring at Knap-Qf- Reetls, in Granvll e county, late bnt- uiday afternoon, in which J. u. Hur scv. of Durham, shot and killed hh weetheart, Miss Blanche Bullock vnnnir t ranvil e county scuooi icacu er, Charlie Thompson. Granville coun ty man. living at Croedmonr. was ealed from his home Saturday ingin abotu 0 o'clock and shot to death by a pel-son or persons the identity of whom is not yet ascertained' by Gran v.He authorities. When found the body was lying in the front yard of the home. Thompson was a married man, and Is survived by his widow and three children. They were away from home when the shooting occurred. The fact that there apparently were no eyewitnesses to the murder makes the affair one of mystery. No clue has yet been foundi by authorities, but strenuous effiirts are being made to trace the murdered, I lie position oi the hody and how Thompson was dressed gave rise to the opinion that he was sumuMmed from the hause and shot Just ashe left the porch. $36 WW Boy Million Gorman Marks Xow. - N'3-w York, Jan. 27. An over-night I dcoi-eolutioii of 14 ner cent in (M ,., 0i f r. Quoted value of German marks car ried them today to $36 a million or approximately 27,777 to the dollar. The -marks which could be bought to day for a dollar would have, cost more than $6,500 before the outbreak of the war in 1S14 when marks were quoted at 23.8 cents each. The last statement of the German Reichsbank showed a week'y increase of 101,279,276 marks in circulation. Mlslrial Ordered In Ballns Murder Case. Wilmington, Jnn. 27. A mistrial was ordered in die Dallas" murder case here this morning, the Jury lull ing to agreo after 20 hours delibera tion. The final count stood eight for acquittal 4fnd four for conviction of, i rnBri'daUghter Dallas -was charged with Killing Joe 'Southwell, locomotive engineer, during the rait strike last July. The trial began last Saturday and the case went to the Jury at t:40 , Thursday afternoon In the deserts of Magnolia there still ; nvl.tu lii.i-ilu of wll.l hm-iuiu u'hh.li nru suppostd to la? like 4 hose of thousands! 'of years ago. NEWS FRON RUHR IS French Decide to ( enaor All DLspatchea Sent Prom Oc cupied Area, and Put Plan Into Effect. RAILROAD STRIKE STIIJ. SPREADING French Trying to Get Rail Men to Work. Quiet Pre vailed in Valley During the j Week-End. (Br "" tHMllml i'i .. Nupervuoa of pc dissiti-hes from the Klllir valley, and the other mrtt of tieruiiii territory ".cuphil by Ihe l'i'i'lieh has been eSTnhlished hy the French government. Iiivpatches re garded by the suiervU..i as untrue and likely in cause mlsiiiici. are referred to Ihe minister of the interior. News from the Ruhr was meagre to day. The latest advlcc-i indicate that the railroad strike was continuing ef fectively, with the French keeping up ii conciliatory policy toward ihe rail- road w orkers. The coal output of the valley was about two-thirds of normal on Satur day, the last fid working day for which reports were available. fillet prevailed throughout the val ley during Sunday. In Washington Hi" French emhas- sy announciKl that only about rsMSKi French troops were engaged In the Ruhr movement. II made public a lisi of the forces. Wholesale Arrests. DussehJorf, Jan. 29.- (Hy Ihe as sociated Press) The French occupi tional authniities today began a series of wholesale arrests ami expulsions of the highest (ieiiman male olticials, chiefs of bureaus and hiutiicipal heans of services, for refusal to obey ord?rs. Railroad Workers' Strike I'omjHete Dursseldorf, Jan. 20. (By the As sociated Press) The strike of Oeruian rauroau worsers tnrougnoiu five nuur i was complete today as was that of the te egraph employees. , The telephone and postal services are partially af fected. Ex-Soldier Rushes Toward King George, Waving His Crutches, and Is Stopped by Police Officers. London. Jan. 2fl I Hy" the Associated Press). What Is described by the Evening News as an attempt to as sault King George was made today by a crippled ex-soldier when King George and Queen Many arrived at St. Jnncrns station fnun Handringhuni this morning. The newspaper says the soldier, who Iliad been biding . Hashed toward the royal couple waving h:s crutch llireal eningly, ami had gull en within a lew yards of Ihe King when stopped by the police. Other accounts by news agencies de scribe Ihe incidenl merely as an al- tenipl of a Haulier lo attract the King's attention, an I the soldier him self placed litis const ruction on the af fair. Greensboro Woman Is Killed By Motor Car. Greensboro, Jan. 27. Mrs. T. E. Baker, aged 60, was instant'y Killed, and Mrs. C. F. Overman, ag vi 40, a: friend, both of this city, was serious ly if not fatally injured tonight at 8:3ft o'clock by an automobile vnlle waiting for a street car in front of St. Leo's .hospital, where (hey nad been to visit (Mrs. Overman's father, who is a patient there. Mrs. Overman suffered a broken leg, severe curs aud bruises about the b ad and face r.nd Internal injuries. The driver ot toe automobll". it Is said, never stopped after strik ng the ladies. Police head quarters was notil'i il and officers to night are searching for the driver of the car. Llvlnjr Costs 69.5 Per Cent. Higher Than hi Last Pre-War Vear. Washington, Jan. 28.- Final figures nnnounecd today by the Bureau of Labor statistics show that in the conn trp as a whole the cost of living In December, 1082, was ttlt.5 per cent, higher than for the same month In 1013. the Inst year before the World War; 2.S per cent, lower than In De cember, 1021, and 1.0 per cent, higher thnn in September, 1022. FihkI costs for December, 1022, showed an Increase of 4(1.11 per cent, from .the average of December, 11113; clothing an Increases of 71.-r per i-cnt. ; housing costs an Increase (lf 111.0 per cent. : fuel and light att increase, of . si: 1 . ..nl -mil fnrnlioni' no In. crease of 108.2 per cent. The only monument in the world erected "to the memory of Adam, the First, Man," Is to be seen in Baltimore. fh F.ngland. as Into as the eighteenth ' century, it was though unfitting for a clergyman to eat mince pie. Carpenters nre ngaln nt work com pleiing work on Center Grove Church. J WAS ATTEMPT MADE TO ASSAULT KM? VTt lUMv Rl ill. 11. TO M. FORM UJ.Y OPI iT New Haw af i Uianss Baah and Trust naaiJ Will Be Opened a.i WcAieMU). The lmil, I -mi. new building "f Ihe (itixcus Bank nud Trust 'H)ipany has hceu i-onipleted snd Is now ready for mi-npany. ami the Irtrerinrs and twi cers f i in- lustlimiiMi will hdd ''i IIohmv" In thHr new iurt(r- n rfed nemuiy evening of this work from pariu lalrty lo lea o'lturk nt aaith lilU- Ihe piddle in IfMnllaUy Invilisl lii .ill and IlisueH I In- building. Prom lis- slaiiilillil of snhile -ture and iiaisi i ml hm. this is h Cur Ihe U hlisllie--- i, nl has ever lnwi erolisl !n our city it is modern In every respect, bnviiig ls-n deslglHSl, Itiiilt and . . i 1 1 i-l for -I Imtikiiig room, ll has all ihe modern 1 1 nt enleiiii-s thai make for lictter ellieii m-j among eindoyrn ami inaki moie ideasnnl l c i-ustomers Ihelr transactions wilh Ihe lunik. As a Uiuk grows with a growing ciimniuuity. it hceiHili mure and inon the -Iih ''house uf the ireHsiires and talunbles of i ha I coiniiiniiil y. This is mi I ui ally true. Iksiiiihc from Ihe na ture of Its husiiii-si-- it invites its riI lons lo place in ils tare and kisfilng not only their money. Inn Ihelr w eurities and other ia'rs of value. And It is not only proper and riuh-t. hut it is a hank's duly to surround and eipilp itself with Ihe lies! ilia! modern s'i ence and invention can offer in the way of a building ami vault su that il may lie able to give its community Hint high degree of protection and se curity lo which ii is eutilhil. and which it exiecis. The Citizens Hank and Trust Com pany is the projected ideal nf its founders, while Ihe new building is Ihe conformation of Ihe hies, or visi ble manifestation which expresses Hie institution. While Ihe building wns intended lo express strength, safely sei-uriiy. n was niso uesig ... display Harmony, proportion nun syui Inictry of d"sigu. for Ihe building is public, and there should be not only 'impressive-less hid something of heaii ty and an where so much of value .and common weal is within ils cire. During Ihe eighteen years of its ex istence Ihe t'ilissens Hank and Trusl ('olU)Utny has rendered lo ils- patrons a quality of personal and helpful ser vice Ihnl laid the foundation lor iis later growth, and in ils new building it is looking forward to a larger de velopment of the services which il lenders and a greater w ork I linn ever the prosperity and re in nnild.ng sources ol tills section oi .oriu i aro- linn. The bank building and the hanking room is not only a credit to the Ciii y.ons Hank and Trust Company, but il is luosl creditable to Ihe City of Con-, cord and ,th0 Cnunly of Cabarrus. TIIK COTTON MARKKT 0iened Steady al Advance on Cover ing or Keliiiying hy Recent Sellers. ll Ihr Aaatfrlntrit I'rcsa.i New York. Jan. at. The cotton nmr kel opened steaily a l advances of 7 to 2- points on covering er rchuying by recent sellers, who were Influenced hy the relatively firm showing of Liver pool and favorable reports from both Manchester and the domestic market for cotton goods. May went to S:12 and July to 27:74. but Ibis bulge met a renewal of liquidation and Southern selling. Cotton futures opened steady: March 27.85: May : July 27. 73 : October 2."i.2(l: December 24.1)5. With Our Advertisers. The superior duality of Milh Hut - sa vs ter-Nnt bread is easily noticeable, hew ud. today. The Ilichinond-Flowe has grain :mhI feed for sale al wholesale and I I'tnil. New ad. loday gives particulars. You are invited to Ihe opening of the new home of the Citizens Hank and Trusl Company, which will be held on Wednesday. See ad. in Ibis paper for pa rl icula rs. Dr. .1. A. Sliauers, chiropractor, has a new card in Ibis paper. A, H. Pounds is now offering Ihe best coal money can buy. Hats of all kinds nt Fisher's, from 0.1 cents up. Don't fall to read new ad. There is no guess work about Purina Chicken Chow. Guaranteed and sold by Sanitary Grocery Co. Protect your valuables hy placing t Ik-iii ill one of at the Citizens pany. Ihe safe ih'posil Hank and Trusl box' Com- New Charters Granted. By tUe AwM-lalen l'r-i,- Rnlelvh, N. C. Jan. 20. The secre tary of state, has granted the follow-in- charters and amendments to char ters : Yadkin Gravel company. Lilesville, to deal in gravel; capital slock, $S0, (KM); paid in .$10,000: Adlai Osborne. O. H. Roberts and T. T. Patterson. Char lotte, incorporators. Carolina Steel and Iron Company, Greensboro, increasing capital stock from $100,000 to $200,000. W. C. Harms Company, Charlotte, general real estate and Insurance: capital slock $25,000: W. C. Harms, J. Frank Snellgrove and Amanda corporators, K. Harding Wears Carnation. Washington, I). (-., Jan. 20. Presi dent Harding and employes al tin While House odices today wore carna tions In honor of the memory of Pres ident William McKlnley. The carna tion was Mr. McKlnley 's favorite flow er and the custom of ' wearing it on the anniversary of his birth wns in iingnriited the year after he was as sassinated nl the Paii-Auicruan Expo sition. I 'rider the auspices of the Car iiatiin League of American the custom has spread to all sections of the coun try. ' - - 'Babe Ruth, ,who is spending the winter .on his farm at South Subbury, Muss., says he is 15 pounds lighter than he was a year ago. M IM rsnifTF.II B M'HUI Jl R Fid I in llUnk.i and U Other t Wired I atari aw at Returard ia (hhaga. iar t Chhago, Jan. '. Fred Luiidm. for mer i 'ngretsmsn. snd known as il eilriit power lietilnd lis- itollthr' i-hlne of Uaior lisle Taiaaasm Sttt Iwenly ihrii- otht-r-. wen- n.-iim hluliket hi i , i in, i,i ?. ; 'i .1 in innrt tohiy by a i-- i1 grsiHl jup which i Invest lgaiioa ilu- nriiail hoard sf fj. Virtu It'ihl. Ijiadln's sr-phew. alo nu- ainoiig tin- ind. i ' I nn-ti. a niimU-i nf ahum were iadicted previously hy the sauie gra nd Jury la i-uaueHinn wiih Die sdmini! ration of funds ami property 1 1.e Imllctaxnt which mM ales a Idanket iiHisiirniy chsrgi". was ri-- lllllieil In'fofi' Chief lll-liii' Michael I.. McKinev. of tie- criminal coon, who set ihe Isnid of ihe ilcfendlinls at lo. isri each. Lunslin is leputisl in Im in Cuba and Itoliu nsi-iitli was rcrlisl lo ! in l'S Angeles. Itoliu la in the InsurniHi' liu-iicsK and il was said be aiel Lllliiiin were i:i it iters for a tine and did an enor mous business hi school iusuraius. It was said lo In- in onniieollou with lie Insurance ilea Is ihnl Hie grand jury acli'd against 1 imdiii and his m-ph'-iv JENKINS (UYF.K I F HOFK FINDINO (iKISSOMS BODY Thnmas Creek in Florida Was Dyna mited hut Body Was Not Recovered. Jacksonville, Fin.. Jan. 2K L. W. Jenkins, who was associated in busi ness al lireeiislioro. X. ('.. with H A. (irissom. missing since ihe night of Jan nary is, today gave up hope of recov ering Crissom's body, suppos'd to he in Thomas creek, near here, and i re lurned home tonight. (JrUsoniV automobile was found sub nicrgiil in the stream Ihe day after his disappear nice The creek was dyna mited and dragged for several days, I nit Ihe lio-ly was not ' recovered. .Men said lo answer tirissom's de scription have been reported si-en at si .vera I places in Ihe stale since his disappearance, lull efforts of authorities to find I Ikih have proved futile anil Ihe supposition is thai the niis.-dng in in was drowned. MANSEI, SHAVER IS NOT EXPECTED TO RECOVER Was Injured When Auto In Which lie Was ifidiug Collided With Passen ger Train. (By I in- ss ii'Oi.-fil I'rcsi.i Charlotte. Jan. 2!). Manuel Shaver of Ltnicnster. S. ('.. who was injured here yesterday afternoon in a collis ion lu'twis'ii aii automobile and Smith em Hull Way jmnsenger train t.. Hs, in which I easier wa was said M. stis'le. forinerly of Lan- killed. may not recover, il loday al Ihe hospital lo was taken. .(. .1. Sapp. of which lie Lancaster was painfully injured. lull was cNioctoil working as a lo ris-over. Sli-ele carpenler here. was NINETY-EIGHT WANT TO PRACTICE LAW IN STATE This Number of Applicants Presented Themselves in Raleigh for State Ex amination. (Ill the Au'liclHIed Press. Raleigh, Jan. 211. Ninety-eight ap plicants for license io practice law in (bis state presented themselves to the exainliig hoard today. - Five of these applied for license under the comity provisions. Wake Forest ( ollege law school represented by fourty-four ap plicants, sent the largest group to lake the examination, (hie woman w as in cluded among Ihe applicants. Fred V. Mrt'onuell Posl to 'nil Off a Big Event, The Fred Y. McCo 11 Post of Ihe American Legion -lias made prepara tions for a big event tomorrow nigh I -ill the Legion Club rooms, when Ihe Leglonaires will lie hosts at a big: hoslas nt a big barbecue lo Ihe Conn-1 ty Commissioners, Ihe city officials, the School Commissioners, and the of- i lieers of the Kiwanis and ltolary Clubs, as well as all veterans of the Civil and Spanish American wars. In- j vita Hons have been issued for the oc-j caslon, which promises to no one oi the biggest events ever staged by the local post. State Commander, Jim Lockbart, of Charlotte, and Stale Adjutant It. K. Denny, of Greensboro will be present at this meeting, and will deliver short addresses. The committee In charge of prepar ations stated tihis morning to a repre sentative of The Tribune that they are sparing no efforts to make this an unqualified sncces, and that they in tend lo have the best barbecue seen in this city for many a day. They are planning to entertain several hun dred persons on this occasion. The meeting on Tuesday evening will start at 8 o'clock. Charlotte City Hall Land Sells for Over $300,000. I Charlotte. Jan. 27 The city hall j i property. Try On and Fifth streets, was ; sold today to E. C. Frlfflth, agent for n ; syndicate composed of J. H. Cutter. W. C Wilkinson, president of the Mer I chants and Farmers Bank, J. B, Eflrd land other leading financiers of Ghat i lottc for 1306,100, or on u basis of , $3,(i7o per fronlfoot. The sale was I attended with unusual interest. Two ' sealed proposals werttj'Pi hod, one from ; Oriinth and one from Gaston Galloway, l-epresentlng John M. Scott, who bid $200.r00. or $3,500 per front, foot, the figures the commissioners stipulated ns a minimum hid. Mr. Gallowny raised his hid by $780, but filled to meet the last figures of Griffith's cllenU. The building was creeled in 180t at a cost of $10,000 on a side that cost $.1,000. F. B. McDowell was mayor! when the hall was built. j. D Stroupe, contractor, Is to erect a $70,000 apartment house on Norlh church Strict, near (he Charlotte San atoriuiu. LAUSANNE TREATY IS GIVEN TO DELEGATES " - Submitted to Wednesday. Kf!ieed Turks Will Not Accept It. 160 ARTICIJ IN THE AGREEMENT British Seemingly Feel Turks Will Reject Treaty, and More British Soldiers Are Ordered Out. l-iiisuiinc. .lau 20 illy Ihe Asxncl lltisl Press, i A drafl of Ihe proposed irmly oi ni-e wnicn is in lie sui ' millisl to the Turks on Wednesday I was distributed scini-ofm-inHy to all I I he delegations today. The documents contain Hit) article-to which eight I convent Ions nre annexed. There w as ! nothing today to show the Turks were i more favorably dissised toward sign ing. The eight conventions deal resisst Ivety with the Struits, the frontiers of Thrace, the status of foreigners ill Turkey, the Albanian declaration re- i git tiling payment of Ihe iittomnn debt, tin- commercial regime with Turkey, the iirinislioe. declaration, nnd the ex change of populations and exchange of prisoners of war between Turkey and Greece, which last two will lie i signed tomorrow by these two powers. The at Unisphere about the confer ence was tense today the chiefs of the j allied delegations holding lengthy con- - sulfations. I The Turkish representatives said the . situation was so critical and dltScldt Unit they would make no statement ill i Ihoiigh one of the secretaries expressed Ihe hope thai the speeches brought out by the presentaliou of the draft in Ihe eon'oreneo Wednesday would Is- of sui-h a conciliatory nature that a rup. 'lure would he avoided. London. Jan. 25) (l!y the Associated Press). In view of the Turkish at titude al Lausanne, regarding the Mi sill district,' the British army au thorities in the Irak have dispatched a hatallinn of troops and also a few airplanes to the area between Mosul ami jMierghflt. sixty-live miles south of Mosul, as a precautionary measure. . , EXPECT MHDOO Wll-lT i, SPEAK AT Eposrrio ( 8-neron Morrison and Anna Cnse Oiler lleadliiiers For Big tthaw. Ktnslon, Jan. 28. - William G. Mc Ailoo, former secretary of the treas ury, will sneak at the Eastern caro-. I na exposition at Wilson .Tuesday, March 2t5, if possible "to arrange a i hearing of a case in Augusta during i the week of th; exposition." Mr. McAdo.i has wired N. G. Bartlevt, j secretary of the Eastern Carolina j chamber of commerce, that if legal I business in Georgia calls him to the ! southeast about that lims he will i "certainly drop off" at the big snow the commercial organization is pia moting. This announcement was mad" ! by Bartlett today following a meeting here of the exposition com in nines. Mr. Bartl?tt considered the. chancjfc ' for the Presidential possibility's visit I to be good. , , Anna -Case and Governor ( amnion Morrison wi I be other headliners al the exposition, said Barll.'lt III an nouncin" the nearly conmleteii pro grnm. Miss Case will s-ng during' the afternoon and evening of opening day, Monday. March 19. Girls Asked to I se Less ".Make-up." New York, Jan. 20. Women clerks employed in one of Jfetv York's largest retail stoles have been asked by the manager of the concern to use less "make-up" during business hours. In explaining his views on the ques ' tion of cosmetics the manager in ques I tion says : i "The amount of make-up used by I .young women workers is startling. I j ii m not referring to powder or face j cream, bill lo rouge, highly colored lip-salvo, and eyebrow pencils. Some I of the store girls look like actresses viewed from the front row. (Iff the stage actresses have too niuch discre tion to make themselves conspicuous nnd unattractive by the exaggerated use of cosmetics. ."I do not like to " .inlerfert with the liberty of my employes, but 1 luive lieen compelled to ask some of the young women to restrain their enthus iasm for make-up. Many customers from out of town have been Shocked to find such made-up faces in n New York store." David, Lamar Must Go to Prison. (By (he Aaaoclatcd Press.) Washington, Jan. 20. Holding that his motion for a writ of habeau corpus for the purpose of delaying his incar ceration was without merit, the Supreme Court today ruled that David Lamar, "the Wolf of Wall Street," would be minimi to go to the Mercer county jail and serve the sentence im posed on him on conviction on thu lun ge of restraint of foreign com merce. Seattle is the mcst Important dis tributing center for fresh and frozen fish products on the Pacific coast, As a Ashing port II Is exceeded in the Called Slafes, only by ' Boston nnd Gloucester. The San Francisco Industrial As sociation reports thail apprentice, plasters taught in the vocational school operated by the association are In steady demand at from $t.ti) tg $8 a day. IBS

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