1HE L.ONCORD DAILY IRIBUXE-S: VOLUME XXII. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1923 NO. 312, Cry of "Camarade" Will Not Stop French Again General De Goutte Says if Germans Harm a Single French Soldier France Will Start War to Finish. GERMAN BOYCOTT STILL SPREADING In Rhine and Other Ruhr Districts the French Troops Are Being Very Effectively Boycotted Now. Dnesaclilorf, Feb. 12 (By (hp Asso ciated l'ressi Refsirts Hint Hit- Ger mans nre organising iirgenerul strike nt Heine, not far from HiK-hmn.'li.'ive led tn the dispatch of French tiitiks to tbut 1 l:l ' The (,'. ns are boycotting the forces (if (Kvupuflon throughout the Herue district, 4in1 thp French bare been obliged to take oyer Ihe work of mine of the German iiolioc. Tbe boycott, in fact, in Ist-uniing jot ana more pontile r i timuiriioiit the Kuhr iiml the Germans have de tailed In extend l! to F.sm-ii, refusing to ilo business with 'the French nnd Belgian beglnningtoday. Commenting, on (he results of th tint month of orvuimtinu. Gen de Goutte tolil the correspondent that Germany "Ik branded as a quitter be fore the entire world.'' "But I solemnly warn Germany." he continued, "that if a slngie'one of in v soldier Is linriupd and she fnrees another Imtlle mi ns she will not stay onr Iniud hy crying eaniarade." It Will lie a light to the liiilsh.-n ram ldete knockout." Fighting is Reported. . London. KHi. 12 (By the Associated Press). A Central News dispatch from Berlin today says two French NcWIers and one German were killed n a cinsa at (ieiseiiKirciieji, in tne tunr. i ns niiirninir wnen i.priiuni moi- l ers 1 nci :l minor o: r eo i a liner iii'k Toial liinMrrWlH Last Two (Bfethe (Chicago, Fob. 12. A total eclipse of ur sun win ne visutie over pin a ui He 1 ni ted States September 10 this rear, lasting for about tvo minute.. Ch'jCUgD si-' Ht'nHn.l'.wcai ill liave only a -partial eelipie' to ""Vie, ann a very small one at that, even less than was seen here June 8, 101K, when the last total eclipse visited the I'lilted States. v Chicago, though, is becoming rather used to being neglected by sneh solar phenomenal for the available records show that the last lime the moon in tervened nnd totally blotted onl the nun's rays from falling on the southern end of I .ill, i' Michigan was years ago. , This was the year 722 A. P. that Charlauiaguc started his war against the Saxons. The col ipso only took a couple of minutes, but it took Char lnmngne thirty-two years to finish the war. The. best spot for observing the coming eclipse next September will be on Catalina Island, off the coast of California, scientists say. Kdwin B. Frost, director of Yerkes observatory', Williams Bay, Wisconsin, will take an expedition there. The total eclipse will last about two minutes, starting at 12:54 p. m. September 1, at Cata 1!7 . Negro Schools Being Inspected. Raleigh, X. C, Feb. 12. H. O. Sar gent. Washington, of the Federal Board of Vocational Ki location is In North Carolina this week inspecting negro institutions here' in who h voca tionul agriculture is taught. He Is be ing accompanied hy .1. II Bulloi'k, ne gro, of the North Carolina State Col lege and head of vocational agricul tural work among negroes in the stale. Among the schools being Inspected are the WlUtston Industrial school, at Wilmington; Pender County Training School, Rocky Point, and the Harnett County Training School, Dunn. As a result of his investigations to date, the federal official stated he was "well pleased" with the showing made by the schools The teaching of voca tional agriculture Is at an advanced stage among the negroes of this state, lie said. IllllllllllltllllllllllllUllllllllllillllllllllllll WARNING! Don't Break Any of the Ten Commandments BRASS COMMANDMENTS Can They Be Broken? WILLIAM FARNUM Answers the Question at the PIEDMONT THEATRE TODAY . Also a Pox Sunshine Comedy Which Is' a Regular But ton Buster. COMING-- " A FOOL THERE WAS" UIUHUIUIHIHUIHIHlllllltltltlUIIIllilllll! F Two Living and Seventy Dead Miners Have Been Removed From Interior of Dawson Mine No. 1. Dnwson. N. Mex.. Feh. 12 I By the AsaorlatStl 11 (Mi). The tak of re nioving the ImuIIck of thiwe who died In the explosion uf Hiiwsun .Mine No. I. owned hy the Phclps-I lodge Corisir ntlon, pr nimbly win nut 1' completed fur ii week, according to MaiuiKer W. I). Brennmi. Fifty remained to he Found, two living and seventy dead KaSIng lieen tiiken out thus fur. I If the bodies so far recovered, all hut one Iiiik been iilentilieil, nnd many of them were luiricd yesterday. M I H.I STACK HAH i CASE OF SMAI.I l'0 Thought That Motiroe Jurist Con trailed Mated) During Guilford Court. UreenslHiro. Feb. 11. Judge A. M. Stack, who is ill at his home In Mon roe, has smallpox, according tn a let ter received here by the Guilford county clerk of superior court. M. Wi limit. It is the second notification Mr. Cant has received fmin Monroe concerning the judge's illness, the lirst a telegram simply stuting Unit he was ill and would not lie able to hold court here this week. . . It is thought that Judge Stack Con tracted the disease while holding court here, ns one of the Jurors at the same term of court Is down with the disease, lie has only a mild case of the disease, the letter stated. It- was thought whew .lodge Stack hoi-ume luilisiKised here that he was suffering from a mild case of Influ enza. The medical profession, aivord Ing to V. M. Jones, Guilford county physician and health officer, can hard ly distinguish the diffeurence between smallpox and influenza in the early stages of both. He stated that it takes about 12 days for smallpox to he de-. Hvted. as the symptoms, pn'm in the i'WJJaa 'V t "f t head, ami tfeTtnoluWolif'tTie IWidy.' are IdPnti- cal with influenza symptoms. BRITISH iNcTnSsT 8IZE OF THKIR TI'KKISH Fl.EKT I Flotilla of Destroyers From Atlantic Fleet Has Been Ordered to Turkish Waters. I By the Associated Press.) Valetta. Malta. Feb. 12 It is un derstood the British force of destroy ers In Turkish waters is being added to by another flotilla from the Atlan tic tieet. presumably the fourth, which is stated to be enroute to Malta, des tined for the Dardanelles. This will bring the number of British destroyer, flotillas in Near East waters up to five. SIX ASPHYXIATED , IN NEW JERSEY Shoemaker, His Wife and Their Children Dead Oth ers Were Overcome by Gas. By the Associate Pnaaa.) Pittmah, K. J., Feh. 12. A family of six were asphyxiated and a dozen other persons were overcome early today by gas escaping from a broken main In this city. i The dead are I. Puecl, a shoemaker, his wife and four children, ranging in age from 1 to 20 years. Haywood Says Wbard Diilnt ensure j " linn. Charlotte. Feb. W. Denla, that he had been called to Atlanta from New York to explain alleged assumption of authority to. Dr. H W. Evaus, im perial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan was made today ;by Rev. Oscar Hay wood, in a telegram to the Charlotte Observer from Rockingham, N. C. Dr Haywood Bald he was Just from At lanta and had heard no words Of cen sure from the Irdperiaf Wizard His telegram follows: "Your New York dispatch stating I had Sbeen called to Atlanta to explain my assumption of title of National Klokard and my challenge to Thomas Dxon Is absolutely false. I am just from Atlanta where I heard no word ot censure from the imperial wiz ira I do not know what National Klo kard means, and 'Mr. Clarke is not going to Atlanta to accuse me. I am now on my way to New York. Noted Chemist to Speak at Trinity Durham, Feh. 12. Facts regarding the tread of scientific research and Its hearing on future civilization, especial ly as regards the Holds of Industrial and engineering chemistry, will he glv en by Dr. H. E. Howe, noted chemist when he speaks liefore the Norfh Car olina section of the American Chemical Society and Ihe GrowcJl Science Club at Trinity College on the night of Wednesday. February 14. I .ending chemists of North Carolina will b( present to la-nr the address nnd to at lend a special session of their society to be held In the faternoon. Dr. Howe is being brought to Trinity under the auspices of the Crowell Hclenee Club of the college and of the. organisation of State chemists. He In editor of Hie Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry nnd . an anthprlty on the subject. CONTINUETASKO REMOVING DEAD MEN LINCOLN PERFECTOR Of DEMOCRACY IDEA P. S. Lambros, in Lincoln Birthday Address, Com pares the American With Immortal Pericles. BOTH MEN LEFT GREAT HERITAGE Pericles Originated Democ racy and Lincoln Perfected It. the Greek Editor Says in His Address. Chicago. Feb. 1i tBy the Associntcifi l'ressi. Abraham Lincoln nnd lVrl ties were linked ns the "greatest champions of democracy Hie world has ever known," by P. S. Lanilnos. publisher of the Greek Star of Chica go. In an address, prepared for dellv-'i-y in Hie I In ml I ( oil Club's observance uf the 11 Ith anniversary of the birth of the emiiiiclpiitor. He took ns his subject "Pericles' Funeral Oration." and "Uni'Oln's Gettysburg Address." the world's most notable lamentations. Mr. Lambros Isdieves he is the llrst In America to make a comparative study of Lincoln ami Pericles. "Lincoln's birthday is a lesson that' tenches tut to lie mure patriotic let ter Americans, so 'let us have faith to believe that right is might and to lie (inn In. that conviction, let us, to the end. dare do our duty as God gives as to see'." 'Mr. Lambros after telling of his arrival in America years ago. "The iljit.v to our country, the val ue of Americanism, the devotion to our religion, no matter what it is, and the true spirit of love to mankind, have lsen expressed in the above i)m tutlnn of Abraham Lincoln." He declared that the Gettysburg ad dress translated in all languages. Is universally known as the greatest la mentation in history, and that although II is In a class by itself historical rec- irlfs showed another notable funeral oration delivered in Athens by IVri- les, :,Q0ll years ago. By this study the speaker said, it was not his inten tion to compare Lincoln and Pericles, but the striking similarity in the two orations, one representing "the glory that was Greece." and the other "the glory that is America." L ',n" P''" "In ma.i'ng a comparison of the detu- iwnw tit Wih men we tun safely say that l'erlcles was "the orig inator of demiH-racy. and Lincoln was the perfector, he said. VAR8ER BILL Senate Action on Kill Relating to Jur isdiction of Court Clerks Exneried Soon. Illy the Associated Press.) Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 12. An early committee report and action by the Senate are exiHi-tiil on Senator L. It. Yaraprs bill regulating the jurisdic tion of clerks of superior courts. in mntters growing out of judgments nnd decrees rendered by them and confer ring jurisdiction on emergency judges with reference to' speciul proceedings and other matters arising before the clerks. The measure, which was referred to the senate judiciary committee, number one, is as follows: "The general assembly of North Carolina do enact": Section 1. That In all civil ac tions and special proceedings institut ed in the superior court In which a commissioner, or commissioners, are appointed under a judgment by the clerk of the said court, said clerk shall have full iiower and authority nnd he is hereby authorized and empowered to fix and determine nnd allow to such commissioner or commissioners aSjeas ohable fee for their services perform ed under such order, decree or judg ment, which fee shall be taxed as a part of the costs in which action or proceedings, and any dissatisfied party shall have the right to appeal to the judge, who shall hear the same de novo. Section 2. That in till special pro ceedings whore it Is 'now by law re quired thut the orders, judgments and decrees of the clerk shall be approv ed or heard by the judge ot the su perior court, the emergency judges shall have full power and nnthority and jurisdiction to hen and determine such matters under tlu course anil practice of the court. "Section 8. That all laws nnd claus es ef laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. "Section 4. That this act shall be In force from and after lis ratifica tion." Millions Donated for Benevolent Work. St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 12. A total of S2o,08,4rn.08 has been donated in the last ten years for missionary and ben evolent work by the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church') It was announced nt henikiuarteri of the Pnlted (Ihris tlnn Missionary Society her'. This represents a gain of 101 per cent for the ten year period. It was said. Seventy-four new foreign missionaries were sent out in 1021 and 1022, the announcement added. 1 1 i Wilson Athleiir Association Enthu siastic Oy the Associated Press.) Wilson, N. C, Feb. 12.- -Members of the Wilson Athletic Association, the owners of this city's franchise In the Virginia League, are enthusiastic ov er prospects for the 1023 baseball sea son. Plans are being completed to en ter another winning team. -a. T. Ful gbam has been elected president of the association. Ot TUNES u Expert Ten. VUtfi MBaaaW Hue Urrsstr ffwrm Surfrjf-fal. rtvr tas Aaaaasaire I'fi ss I Raleigh. X. CC FHl 12. Baraas- nendlag the doatSBg met bud aa aaw af the heat fur Mahattf m: the cotton bull weevil la the soajrt Franklin Slier man. chief nf ttsSsV ion of entumol ugy. North Carolina ).Yiiiient stn lion. Inst night nasliiied four general, types uf the ssarhl i uveil for the' Work. "In our tests at lftl'.' he said, "the dust poison method paid in every ease where it was faithfully followed to the conclusion and the results aerarately determ.neiL And Ihe tin t also re mains thai these fsrmcts nnd others around them are ialmly proceeding with p.ep.iriitlona to dust more, or all. or their cotton In irrjn. 'The same is trie in other States We. tberefiae, MMsi cmnhatlcally m ominend it to cnrefis fanners who will bring intelligence ur skill Into play, who are In section"" here heavy dam age is exK-cted. "There are many wrong ways to do a thing there are Bmuy wnya to dust cotlnii effectively. It has lieen found that gin! results from the dust pois on method are more eertnln when the work Is done with in.--- bines esiat-lnUy constriicted for the purpose of dusting calcium arsenate on cotton plants fur the control of- boll 'weevil. This of fice outlines four general types of these machines, encti of different cost ami capacity, and Which- detailed In formation will Is' glioii upon reipn-st : "Hand linn: Carried by the man operating it: crank turned by hand: treats one row nt a time: cost V2 to SIS. One machine can attend to 5 to S acres : for larger acreages get more than one. Not advisable to attempt these for more than 20 to 2.i acres (tisi many machines too many delays). One of Hie machines will lust from 1 to S years. Saddle (inn : Sits on back of mule in front of operator, who turns two cranks; treats fl row on each side. Costs around $iiO. one xfnehtue can attend to 80 to 40 acres. Machine should last 2 to 4 ypnrs. "One Mule Machine Huns between rows like walking cultivator on one wheel which Is geared to fan. Oper ator holds handles Mke plow: mule 1h tween shafts; poison blown out of two nozzles behind .operator, treating a row on each side. Cost around !fl00. One machine can attend ."i0 or 00 acres. Should last 8 to 0 years. "Cart Machine: Two wheels, strad dles a row; two mules: wheels geared to fan: operator rides: three nozzles behind operator: treats three rows at a time. Cost aronn.1 $2.10 tn $800. One nf the miichinas can attend to about 100 acres, tfenuld last 8 to (i years. k - - ' - The life of machines depends on care and mechanical ability of opera- rrr.-s. AVe have tried to Ik; reasonable on this iotnt." he said. GAMBLING GAME LEADS TO SHOOTING AFFAIR Jesse Hasty Alleged to Have Beed Shot hy Will Bray, Following a "Skin" Game Sunday. .leHse Hasty, negro, was accidentally shot yesterday afternoon by Will Bray, another negro, and is seriously 11 ot the County Home, according lo reports reaching iailice nllicers, who arrested Bray and several other negroes who are alleged to have been enjoying a game of "skin" when the shooting broke up the contest. The negroes were gambling in n hone In one of the negro sections of the dty, the police have been inform ed. During the "skinning" Bray and Charlie Scott, also colored, had some misunderstanding, and a pistol wan brought Into play. The two men start ed grappling for the weapon, which was accidentally discharged, the bul let striking Hasty in his left side us he lay on a bed. Police were summoned, nnd Bray nnd all of Sallegod gamblers were arrested, and Hasty was carried to the county home, where be is receiving treatment. NEW HOSPITAL FOR NEGRO WAR VETERANS $2,000,000 Plant. Kreeted by Govern ment is Opened at Tuskagee, Ala. I By the Associates Press.) Tuskagee. Ala., Feb. 12 On a spot made memorable by the life and work of Booker T. Washington, the govern ment of the United States today for mally dedicated here to the service, of its heroic sons a rehabilitation hospital costing $2,0000,000. an Institution sec ond to uone in the country in point, of plant and equipment. World War negro veterans will receive care and treatment for all classes of physical infirmities or injuries incident to their service nt. home or abroad. Vice President t'oolldge. Governor Brandon ami a long list of public and private citizens attended the opening of tne hospital, the vice president be ing the principal speaker of the. occa sion. With Our Advertisers. The bride can Had just the things she wants for her new home at the .Bell A Harris Furniture Company. The Musette, Inc.. is now carrying n full line of golf supplies. Spnldiiig nnd 1-iep goods are sold. The citizens Bank and Trust Com pany treats every depositor alike. Make a deposit with the bank, even if it Is hut a small amount. Invisible color pictures are given, uow in each package of Butter-Nut Bread. See ad. for particulars. Fresh shipment of candy at Cline's Pharmacy. Also Valentines of ull kinds. The Victor Dnlicu records can .13 found at tho Bell & Harris Furniture Co. Hats and suits in the latest colors and styles at Fisher's, and the prices are right. If you want the latest things In reasonable prices, call at this store now. Ned ad. will Interest you. f Seven Masked Men Entered Eagles Club at Charlerio. I'a.. and Shot to Death One Club Member. OTHER MEN IN CLUB ROBBED Loot Secured by the Robbers Valued at $5,000 Country wide Search for Bandits is Being Conducted. Chiirlerol. Pn.. Feb. 12. William Ilos was shot dead in a spectnculiir raid by seven masked Uimllts on the Engles Club here early today. The men esi-aissl with money and jewelry estimated to Is- worth $3XK Author ities of three) counties and the stale police Sre searching the eiiuiit rvside ill tin effort to locate the gang. Eighteen men were sitting In the club shortly after midnight, about to leave for their homes when the gang, dressed in blnck robes nnd black hoods, walked into the room and ordered (beta to throw up their hands. Hope did not get his hands up as ipiickly ns the others and one of the bandits imme diately opened fire. He was shot through the head. The Eagles were then ordered to sit down and while two of the bandits covered them with pistols, the others searched them nnd rilled the cush reg ister. HIGHWAY COMMISSION WILL I'SE THE RADIO Each District Offife to Get Instrur tions by the Radio From Mead quarters. itnieigh. N. c, Feh. 12. (By the As sociated l'ressi. A radio receiving station in each district office to re ceive Information and instructions from headquarters In ltnlcigh is ling planned by the State1 Highway Com mission, it has lieen announced. . Arrangements have been made with the North Carolina Slate College to use its broadcasting station at 11 o'clock each morning and at 7:80 each evening to handle the highway de partment's matter to engineers. After making a study of the possi ble,, use of radio. in giving instruction and other material Information to the hundreds of workers throughout the state, the department decided to have the receiving stations in each district anil to urge resident engineers every where to insttill sets so that they amy be in dally touch with the main office. Important Information relating to the condition of various highways al so will Is? broadcast for the lienelit of tourists and other travelers, it was stated. These bulletins, it whs indi cated, will b(" published in the daily newspa pers. Officials pointed out that North Car olina would be one of the first slates in the Union to adopt this method of communicating with its highway de partment employees. Closer co-operation and better and more rapid transmission of messages are expected to result -from the tiro gram, it was stated, while it was add ed that later it might he. possible to establish broadcasting stations in most of the districts. Government- aid, it was understood, will be .asked to car ry out the plans. The receiving stations are expected to he Installed in each of the districts by March h f , . u. SWEEPING INJUNCTION IS GRANTED AGAINST MINERS Are Prevented From Making Any At temut to Unionize Workers. Logan. W. Va., Feb. 10. The United Mine. Workers of America cannot do anything, either by violence or per suasion, lo unionize or cause to he Unionised, the non-union miners in Logan county. West Virginia, under two injimcttioos Issued tialny by Judge Robert Bland In tlx- Ixigan Circuit Court. The Logan action was taken after hearing arguments for the plain tigs in two equity cases, one brought by 80 non-union (Mai companies. The injunctions forbid the union of ficers named as defendants, and their agents, employees or representatives from doing anything that will suppress or unduly restrain the rights of the miners to work us non-union miners or Interfers with their right to contract with their employers. They are. also forbidden to do anything in Logan county "that will create or tend to create and establish a monopoly of miue lnhor," or, from Interfering with or restrlrtlngVree competition. Union mass meetings at any place in ihe -county where coal miners are situated or the massing of union mem bers and marching them in Logan county are also put under the bun along with "anything that will tend to Intimidate said miners while exercis ing their lawful rights while working as non-union miners." Gov Mclieod Not to Address Commer cial Secretaries. (Br tke Associate Press.) Charlotte, N. C, Feh. 12. Governor Mclieod. of South Carolina, has do - dined an invitation to address North and South Carolina Commercial See- retnrles, meeting here Fehruurv Ki-17. Pressure of stnte business and the! meeting of the legislature were given as his reasons for not attending. I o . I Of the 2183 children in New Bed-1 ford, Mass., trom 10 to 15 years of age inclusive, 1200 were employed tn tne cotton nuns, according to tne last census. si w PvroK in st JAMES IS DMTAUfD I d hy RrT. slito. J. L. Margin. D. D, Prr.toVnt of S)isnd. At su lnipiss'Tr srrTlr Jnines KraacHical l.ntbera M rcclrnta.r morning St 11 oijl ftS" U A. TtHUUss sTSS nmi inUr as paslur. Ibc inslallatilua aerrlrra bring mndnrted by Iter. J. I. Morgan. D. D., of Salisbury, president nf the Ncrth Carotins Lutheran Synod. As the text of his sermon. Dr. Morgan chose I Timothy 4:12 Let no man desp'Hp thy youth : be tbou sn example of a believer, in word, in conversation, in love. In faith, in nur- tty," outlinglng the example a ptitnr dumbi set for hi eongregatiiin. and the obligation that the moinlier are under to follow the example. The sermon was lo Isith the iastor ami Hie congregation. By Isdng tin example in the word, the speaker explained, is meant not only in Ihe use by the iiintor of -bobs' language and clean specf-h. but also that he should ls careful In the word he preaches, that he preach the suing truth. The members should follow the example in the use of their words, making use of no words which offend, and having regard for the feeling, of others. In his conversation or manner of living, said Ir. Morgan, the preacher or pastor should set a Godly example. This is the easier to do Is'fore. a people who do the same way. The actions of n congregation will reflect on what the pastor is. and it is iniMirtant that the mm of living of each member should be a good example to others. But the example In word nnd in manner of living. If they do not rope from the heart are only falsi' and will have-' no effect unless there. 1 love at the bottom of it all. Love or charity Is at the bottom of all right living, without charity these things are but as sounding brass or a tinkling tfmbal" ) here true love nliounds. then there will be, evidences of that love, which Is faith. Faith in the word is the force which will make the message of a preacher satisfy both the mind ami soul of his hearers. The iiastor should have the fnith that saves, and the faith that serves. A faith that does not manifest itself in its work is a dead faith. If the congregation lias the true fnith, it will nut lie satis lied to sit idly by and keep this faith to itself, but will be. a working nnd active congregation. The Objective flint the church needs to set for Itself today is the saving of souls n real, active work, which will lie an evidence of our faith. The, pastor and the Christian should be an example in purity, continued Dr. Morgan, who called attention to the awful tragedy which is enacted when a in mister is made a castaway. Or when a menila'r of a congregation lie oomes an object of reproach. Tile lives of the pastors and the people should be of purity, aud should to some measure reflect the image of their Creator, who is all-pUre. Dr. Morgan then officially Installed the. Rev, Mr. Thomas as pastor of the St. .lamps congregation, placing the Synod's stamp of approval upon the pastor's acceptance of the call extended to hlia Inst summer hy the local con gregation. The service was attended hy a large congregation, nnd special music hud been arranged hy the choir for the oc casion. FIVE PERSONS LOSE LIVES IN FIRE Father and Four Children Burned. Mother Escapes and Gives Birth to Child. i fly tbe Assorts ted Indiana, Pa., Fe.b. Press, i 12. Andrew Polaceka and four of his children were burned to deatli in a fire which de stroyed their home in a remote part of Indiana county yesterday. His wife, who was badly burned, was brought to n hospital here, where a few hours Inter she became the mother of a llt- I tie daughter. Physicians said I would live. Will Remain Six-Club. , Charleston, S. C, Feb. 11. W. H. Walsh, president of Ihe South Atlantic League, said tonight that inability of Savannah, 3a., fans to secure a play ing field would probably prevent the expansion of the league to eight clubs this season. He has been in confer ence with funs of that city nnd it had been proposi-d to enlarge the league by taking in Savannah and either Macon, tin., Ashevllle, N. C, or Jack sonville, Fla. President Walsh stated today, how ever that the. plans would not be car ried out this year and the league will open with the same six clubs. Duke Buys Majestic Hotel in New York. Washington, Feh. 11. Benjamin N. Duke, of Durham, has pruchased the Majestic Hotel, New York, between Seventy-First and Seventy-Second striH'ts. The deal involved about I !f;4;,5HU,!,(,' ' 4. nil. i'iikc is it inoiiier in .1. ii. iMiKP, of Charlotte. Mr. Duke recenlly pur chased the Hotel Lorraine, Fifth Avenue and Forty-Fifth street. Thomas Murder Case to Be Tried This Week. Salisbury, Feh. 11. Both sides are apparently ready for the second trial of O. G. (Red) Thomas, wh'ch Is set 1 for this week in Uowan Superior Court. having been removed to this county from Cabarrus. Witnesses have all been summoned and attorneys seem ready, though it Is possible that a 1't may be made for continuance, ' Dr. Thomas O'Hlggins Assassinated. Dublin, Feb. 12 (By the Associated Press . Dr. Thomas O'Hlggins, of Maryborough, father of Kevin O'Htg gins. Free qtratc Minister of Home Affairs, was assassinated lsst evening, VETS FROM GERMANY 1 OF FUTURE - i"" Some of Them. Especially the Married Ones, Will Be Dis charged Soon, and Must Find Work. GLAD TO GET BACK IN STATES But They Will Miss Cheap Beer, Clothes and Food That Could Be Purchased on the Rhine. (Br tke AsseetateS Press.) New York. Feh. 12. Forty-five of the IIQ doughboys who returned from Coblenr. on the transport St. Mihiel yesterday, turned their attention to day tn the future. For these 4.1 are married, most of them to Herman brides, and are soon to lie discharged from the service of I Heir- Sam. And their big problem Is to return to normalcy, sudden descent to tin American dollar standard after their months on the Rhine as "mark millionaires." Awaiting their discharge nt Fort Hamilton, the husbands l.'i of them fathers as well are leaking plans for a radical change in their spending habits. "Sure," said one of them, and he ex pressed the sentiments of his lienedict buddies, "I'm gla1 to get liack. me lie lng a good American and all that. But we sure were sittin' pretty there on the Whine. Nobody can say we weren't, sittin' pretty, no sir. We were getting paid lit American dollars, hut we gut it in marks .TOOO for a dollar. .Sittin' on top of the world I'll say. But sure, I'm glad to get back. It's good to see the States again. But. of course there will lie times when I'll think of that, beer nt half n cent, a seidel. and a full meal for ten cents." He pointed to his wife, a robust franlein flaxen-haired and smiling. "See Ihnt nifty dress?" he asked. "Cost six bucks. The hat? One huc'k. Fur coal, fortt dollars. Yep, it's like that in Coblenx. And rent's the same, and grub." DRY SHIPS FAVORED FOR BAPTIST TRIP Kcpre-jcutaiives lo World Alliance at Stockholm Will Boycott Liquor Car rying Vessels. .Southern Baptists attending the Baptist World Alliance at Stockholm. Sweden, the last week in July (a?nd the indications are the numlier will lie exceptionally large) will make the trip on dry ships if they adopt the suggestion of Dr. A. J. Barton of Alex andria, La., chairman of the South ern Baptist Convention's Commission on Social Service, member of the nat ional executive and legislative com mittees of the Anti-Saloon League, chairman of the National Prohibition Amendment committee that drafted the Eighteenth Amendment, and who has represented the Americnn govern ment on two occasions at the Inter national Conference Against Alcohol ism. Dr. Barton nlnkes the point thut Southern Baptists should answer the argument of certain interests , that American people will not pntrbnize dry ships, should seek t.o uphold the hands of the federal government in declaring all government-owned ves- 1 se's t,rj' Hnd lhat when the? reach Europe they should demonstrate they are loyal, consistent and lnw-ablding American citizens by refraining from liquor both uf home and abroad.' it is understood that the Northern Baptists have chartered a special ves- sel of the V. S. Shipping board, all both!01 waose noais are ury. on wmcii to maue tne trip in a ixsty. Col. Parker to Instruct Troops. (By the Associated Preaa. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 12. Lieutenant Colonel A. A. Parker, infantry. United States army, has been detailed to the North Carolina National Guard as an instructor In Infantry tactics, Adju tant General J. Van B. Metts an nounced tixlay. The instructor has arrived in the city, where he will be stationed. Tbe adjutant general also stilted Captain W. A. Cnpeland. Company A., 120 Infantry, of the state National Guard, Burlington,' has returned from Fort Benning, Gn., where he graduat ed from the infantry school. Lieuten ant F. J. Tiniberlnke. 117th Field Ar tillery, Y'oungsville, has returned from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he grad tinted from the artillery school, while Lieutenant G. W. Hine, Troop K., 1(H) cavalry, Mncolnton, has returned from Hort Kiley, Kansas, where be grad; nated from the cavalry school, he said. Women's Club Oppose Reducing Ktlu cational Funds. (By the AssoclstrS Preaa.) Winston-Salem, N. C. Feb. 12 Tho Woman's Club, of, this city, has for warded a set of resolutions oppostng a reduction in the state educational funds to the general assembly in ltnlcigh. Memorial to Sir Kdgar Buncombe, I Br the Associated Press.) Ashevllle, N. '., Web 12. A memo rial to Sir Hdgar Buncombe, for whom this county was named, will be erected on the court house lawn by the local chapter of tbe Daughters of ' the American Revolution. The county - board of commissioners has vote co-operate with tbe organisation project.

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