TODAYS NEWS TODAY. "HE CONCOttb DAILY TRIBUNE IX I VOLUME XXIII CONCORD. N. C MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1P3 NC r -i- - - - Tragedy at Manhattan Asylum Brings Inquiry Full Investigation Will Be Made by Eight Agencies, in Effort to Place Blame .for Fateful Fire, 25 PERSONS IN BUILDING BURNED Twenty-Two were Inmates, and Other Three Were Loyal Attendants, Who Fought Blaze Bravely. NEW MEMBER OF SUPREME COURT Now York. Feb. 10 ( Hy the Akwm f-1 led Pre). Mud! inquiries were underway today Into, the tragcilv on Ward's Island, ii Utile jntilHK rin k In tli" suii-ilng teuton of Hell (;i,.. Where yesterday lire swept 11 ward of ill" Manhattan state I loNpitnl for the Insane, killing 22 pntHnt nml throe mule u 1 1 em hints Nineteen bodies had hem reiiivered Is-foro dusk dm) removed to the city morgue, Imt six mon remained in the ire covered ruins These. It wnii fenr ed. hiid lieen cremated. The blaze wns believed to have Is-on Hinted by n terrllie blast In Hell Gnte. which broke the insulation on electric wiring, causing n short cir cuit. The one unit of the 75 on the island that wns attack.! by the fl.-unos, hoiis-i-d the most, violently insane men of bomicilnd tendency who uilght at any niomeiit hnve liiicd at the throiils of their rescuer. Rut leiti they did not. A few strug gled as guard IrliHl in push their way to safety through smoke and flame, but. not a single attack upon nu at tendant was reported. The authori ties starting or projecting investiga tions were the tire marshal, medical examiner Harris, the statu .architect. the chairman of the state hospital commission, the district attorney's of- nce. me nnspiinis hoard ot managers. nml ctty detectives, while Brigadier ..cih-i-h i.mi.i in ..ii.n-i,-,, ,,r i ... ........ ... .... ......... ... , ..,i v.. in.- uniis" HI ll incnl-V til ell l' ili'l.W't I ' i 1 s I ii. UilKlUllr bv ihe dl-mliroi-s u-hm I lie i-l.i-. theory were' advaim-d seriously he would inaugurate an investigation nl- TO BE CONDUCTED SOOlfl Campaign In North Carolina Will He Held Early In March. (By the AaaocMird Pmn t . Raleigh, X. C, Feb. 10. The ogri culluml extension service of North Carolina State College utm the De partment of Agriculture, ln'eo-opern Hon with the Putted States Btolqgj. cal Survey, is planning a state-wide cuiuimlgn against ruts. Nine counties already have lieen orgnnizeil to con- iluct drives during the week March JO. f Workers of the extension service es-' limine there is u lpss of live to ten million dollars annually from rat depredations in North Carolina. He plies to circulars sent out by E. It. 'ltnney, of the Farm Engineering Di vision, show an average loss of live per cent, in corn kept in storage. This represents a loss of $R,ouO,000 when .applied to the states $10,000,00 corn nop "While the loss to corn prima hly represents the largest single damage, It is only a small per centage of the total damage," stated J. Silver, of the t'nited States Biological Survey, wljo Is in Baleigh'lo assist in tho oniii imigii. "Hats destroy all manner of farm produce from the time of plum ing until Una! consumption. These liests destroy hy pollution ten times as much as they ent. ' "Losses in storage on the farm. In transit, In warehouses. In markets and in store all effect the ultimate price to the consumer. Nor does the loss stop with foodstuffs; all lands of dry goods, furniture, other house furnishings and miscellaneous merchandise are con stantly being destroyed by their inces sant knawlng. Floods are caused by the rats knawing lend pipes and hy their burrowing in emlmnkments ; foundations of buildings are weaken ed by their tunneling, while destruc tive (tree often are caused by them. "To this list of Indictments, I also add the more serious one of their men ace to public health. The best means of (getting rid of rats is tbe co-opera tive drive against them, followed by a general cleaning, up and where possi ble, to guard against them In con st meting new buildings and in mak ing repairs, ho said. Associate Justice Edward Sanford Takes Judicial Oath This Morning. lb rtele ft,la. I Washington, Feb. 19 Associate JusCer- Edward T. Sanford, of Ten nessee, took tin- judicial oath us m the reconvening of ihe Supreme Court today after IhrW weeks rise. Chief Jdtlco Taft ndmin'stcrcd the oath immediately after the coart met, the n H jnvtin' wenrlyg Ids Judio'nl roln'S. repealing it after him while Ihe court, bur and iiud'etiee stood, lie Mien whs conducted to his seat at the ex treme left of the Chief Justice, tilling the bench for the first lime since the 1. 1. -cut term of the Supreme Court began in October, amD thus making likely the early cvtiMiirr.i t ion of.a number of cases which have been pm off. due to the vacancies. I 193,1 st.m poinds OF TOBACCO SOU) In Independent Warehouses in Httate . During the Past Year. Raleigh. N. C. Feti. 1!) . Hy the As sociated Tress I. "The independent warehouses otierating in Xonh Caro lina thls"s'ason have sold lftUMjQSM iHiunds of producers' rpbaero nt tni average of.ftJ7.7-J Kr hundred ishiiios. iieconllng to their reporls. Tbe co-opl eratlve association hud nvivisl ."it!, TTI.I.'rl iMiuuds I iv January 1, which aceonnts for 3St.9taVttt7 pounds of the liil'J crop to date." This annoiini-uienl ras made ti nlght by Frank l'arker. statistician of the Tniled States and North Carolina departments of agriculture. "iMSt year, at this date, 228,50G,(0 pnii mis had lieen marketed in this state ut $24.18 ier hundred pounds," he continued. "This amount wns til tier cent, of the 1121 crop, mid. ac cording to forecasts of the lf!22 crop, the 251.000.000 pounds reportinl on are 82 per cent, of that crop. "Sales during the jiast season were reisirtiMl as follows: August 1S.1.V.,. 5S0 iHiunds: September 45,2 Hi.lUti : th tdtier tt2.a2.(KtO: November 30,140,132 ; Deee'mlier 1S,14T,I52: January 0S, 010. reports not included in these amounted to 5,800,000 pounds "Last year, tbe Jannury auction sales showed I" TiMi.iWiy jijnimls coin iwreil with the OilfifflMXto" sold this year during January, when the co-pemth'e association received its share." The following is u rejiort of ris-eipts in the Bright I-tif lnlt, furnished the department by the association: Iteceipts to January 1,102:1: North Carolina 50,771,454 pounds. Virginia 30,025,070 pounds. South Carolina 15,S5(I,040 poundii. In 1021, it was stateil, receipts in Kentucky, Indiana. West Virginia a mj Ohio were 120,000,000 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe Testify for Defense in Thomas Case TrvCanay of Mr. ami Mrs. H-rt lwe hMtinwl Satunlr' i uaim at the Thoua trial Tlw fntlnwlag U the SalMuiry IVist't story, of the trial fatnntay : , Then- was aaoiher dramailc mo tion in Kowja Kiiper'itr cuurt lo r today, during rh trial of o N. iBed.i Ttxiftoj . i1iarlMU uutomotillr sales man. harged with the murder ofAr tbur Allen, Concord master to ml., r when Mm. Rols rt towe. who was la the ar it., lo.iii of ihe hianic'de. with 'mt- In her ey ami half Hmkin betwien nbs. deAcriU.I ihe Incident rorrolHirniing Thomas' erMence In U- mil and luainl.iinci iim.r of any improper relations ever having e -t.d between her ami the defendant. Mrs. IiOv was assisted to and from the si a ml by her hilslian.l. Her H -I I nioiiy innk n little less lliiui an hour. Mrs. Iiwe, nerrous and trembling T.alaCa (rll for the drfene II lo .mil ll. i by Ihe dafensp's TIk- ennn a n.Mni hour. It asiralug and TV- huge Barly i.nners to lusr the pror4ii .' u.-re til e I th al 1 do oiirt f rushed related Imt stojy of Ihe murder. She the Infant. hint left a sli-K lie.1 .'n Mislivllle l nil hewrlly late lieiug unable l.trwce pn M Wed irmm a o-.t riiortlr after rn.nven.' Mnaalay Ihe hearings, m wa nicked to the front rows The i, . spectators. Kveryone ItsteBdB eaierly Mrs. I.n.-s i, iiinu.ny aj" Hint of In r hits hand wa- of .i Mm nial 'haractar tbroiighint. Aceomponyiag U ll.n. Iho wife of Ihe deceased lagfi. were ber thtre sens, tin- njiicst lasfcg 7 years of ng ami ihe ynnngetH lVm nlh. During the hearings, the yofui:c-t ildld, whMn she kept in her lara muttered exprcs sTous in hi- Imby latkuage at intervals. She left the conn ro m twice with defense .-latiii. She was visibly weak. She was ctnNcly followed by lu'r bus baud to the stand. .Mr. I .owe made n Th. mills u'ere A Ihr'; liluc suit nml ill order to testify, attorneys for thfla black overall when he entered the court nsmi shortly g-forc i-ourt oH-ned its morning esshigs Mrs. Thomas enlere.1 with a glrfifrieud. .Mr-. A I giHMl witness. He stall1.! tluiMte leu was also ais'thp- I by Mrs. knew of the trips Mrs. UtWC, hls'wife. Meyers, n ministerV wife from 'on luid taken with Mr. Thomas and cord. - . others ami staled that Mr. and Mrs.; Mrs. I)we. a yotig woman around riiomas, Mrs. I.owe and himself, were thirty, wore a dark . t a dark blue REVENUE BILL IY BE PRESENTED TO ASS0IBLY T House Finance Committee Working on Bill Now, and It May Be .Ready for Pres entation by Tonight. on MILLIKEN BILL UP IN SENATE Not Known What That House Will Do With It, but Opponents Say It Will Be Defeated on the Floor. "the liest of friends In addition to tbe testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Iowe. the defense put oh n number of character witnesses and sev eral other witnesses, of minor signifi cance, who gave corrohora live evidence. suit and a rat. Wfore going on Ihe stand, she removed-ber hat. Mr. Lowe! a traveling salesman, is heavy set. middle ed. partially bald, i (Concluded om Page Two.) Orphans in State Need Greater Facilities Now Present Institutions Are Doing Great Work, But They Are Unable to Care for 6,400 Children Who Need Care and Training. Featunts of Some of Orphanages. 4t Haleigh, N. C. Feb. 19 t By the As sociated Press). in the twenty-live orphanages in North Carolina. '12.H40 aepenaeut c-liildren are being cared for at present, according to ii survey of these particular institutions just completed and made public today hy tne state' Hoard or fhtfrilleS mid Puli lic Welfare. The results, which luiTe lSH'ti tabulated, give i npreheusive view of luiw the otpliannges. are meet- TYia Mochino Ing tlie problem of the dependent child , m tins state and form a basis of rec-j W ere Kit ommeniiniions for lii)provemeiits. I y.v a Tllie.,IWlut;)o juiL half. "y A. Ffhe li'nniFier of North fa I'ollna depend-1 GoldsborO em eiiimreu. ollKlnls state. Hivause of hick of room, the orphanages are forced to turtt away yearly more chil dren than they can admit. Estimates THE COTTON MARKET I ndnnzed to 1-4 of a Point Lower Wlih Nrar Months Relatively Firm. (Br the Associated I'resn.i New York, Feb. 1!). The cotton market opened unchanged to 1-4 point lower with near months relatively lirmer on continued covering by March shorts for trade buying. It seemed. however, tBat the advances of late Inst week had eased the technical position to some, extent, and the later months were easier under realizing or selling for reaction 'which was promoted by lower Liverpool cables than expected, and ri'isirts of continued good weather In the South. Cotton fulut'es opened .fairly steady. March L'S:4t); May 2:70; July 28:30;' Oct. 23.82 Pec. 25.50. WANT FARM CREDITS BILL TO GET CONSIDERATION TWO MEN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK Kaleigh, X. C Pah. 19 (By Iho As Focinted Press I. -While Ihp Mouse RltM Coinntitteo giithei-ed Js-re to day for full consideration of the gen eral revenue bill, Senators were pre paring to receive the .Milliken bill fori the regulnt.on of secret orders from the committee which is now consider ing it. j What the Semite will dotto the Mil- llllcln bill no Senator will say. but tin I House memlH'rs who that leg lishuion express themselves by saying (that the bill would not live long once jit came to the floor of the Senate. Prb IllMinontS of the measure, however, while rfiredtcting Hissibly a sharp light, de- ibtri'd there was no cause for fear, and I bey said tbe bill would pass with out further aniemlnienl in the form in which it was sent to the upper body. As finance committeemen settled to the consideration of the tax measure in the hope of being able to make a favorable report tonight or tomorrow, the sub-committee of the educational group in the House was preparing to mii MiMTirn wit in HuHT Hull WF.ETI1 .l U. Ills, H.rd l ( l.f T lire I.I Br M. 1,1 in W Uu!. This Nrr4. AilsuU. Om , Fefc. It. Mem- MVhis la wleatifie dtatraetioa of Hie boll MfVH, as well as pian for rt.on by al the Inter r' larolved In the American ctton . iutr. are expcet.d to result fmni . Mat oral Cotton onference whlrti will meet in Atlanta on Tuesday and Wednesday, for which a Urge attend in re Is expected. The powlbllity of urtny poion gas n d roylng the weevil will be dis cussed hy D. B. Bradner. tnf liembt of the government ' hrmlra Warfare Service and cvjicrinienls in :h" use of X-rays a stetili.rui tgint in pr venting pr ugition of '.he insects will be desriibid by Dr. M cluud I. Pitoin. one of tbtiatlon's foremost electrical rienti-tr. nml l aiem'ier of the fscul of I'ottnUda University of ,:w York. Other uts- tlnguishiHl .mis'- who will speak at the confercm-e arc Hudson Maxim, who wit discuss the lmportanev of scient.flc co ail ination of effort in the warfare upon th;' weevil, and Dr. Miller It.ese Hutchison for many years chief engineer for Thomas A. Edfton and now managing director, of the- National Campaign for Boll Weevil Control. fine Atlanta conference will be unique in that it will assemble in this city the m:n who have dine pioneer work in the search for a toll weevil destruction agent and many leaders in the vnr.ous branches of the cot ton industry who are anxious to find more effective means of combatting; this menac; to the cotton industry NEAR EAST RELIEF DRIVF COUNTY art .. . k lirvT liirri olWllolltAI littrv Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, Local Chairman, Says Ev erything is Now Ready for Campaign Opening QUOTA THIS YEAR SAME AS BEFORE County Will Be Asked to' Raise $3,200. Chairman Feels Certain Local Quota Will Be Easily Raised. Cabarrus county's campaign for Ihe Near Rust Relief will lie held from February 25 to March 4 and will start next Sunday with speakers who have through the horrors of Turkish misrule over Christians In the Near Kast addressing loi-al churchgoers, it was announced today bj' Kev. j. Frank Armstrong, county chairman. ltecentvevents in Asia Minor, and particularly the horrible massacre at Which They Was Struck .Train Near meat places the total of the state's di pendent children at S,fMK 'at the very iowt?st." ference by Dr. entomologist; Dr. W. D. Hunter, in charge of Southern Held crop investi gations, and Dr. B. R. Goad, head of the government laboratory at Tal'u lah. I-a., who developed the use of calcium arsenate as a weevil poiaon. The cotton manufacturing interests will be represented on the program by C. E. Hutchison, of Mt. Holly, N. 0., president of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association. and Robert C. A.nory. of R.iston, president conclude Its hearing in connection of the National Cotton Manufacturers with lr. K. i . Brooks, state supetnn-1 Association. tendent of Public Instruction, with a view to being able to. report back to the full committee on education at leasl by the middle of the week, or Smvnm. have awakened renewed in- I'Jie federal Department of Agrictil- forest in the sense of this grent Su ture will be represented til the cm-I manilnrian organization which has ir. L. 0. Howard, chief 'saved over a million people fnsn Ex-Oovernor R. I. Manning, o? South Carolina, wil represent the cot ton planters and Ctorgo V. Shutt of New York, nres dent at the New York perhaps s tor. Dr. Brooks, chief i -'ton Kxehange will speak as the fratner of the ground work of the edit-1 ,epro8entalive of the dealers in cot ealional bill, expressed satisfaction ov-jton. The national aspects of thi bolt er the proceedings thus far. wewll problem will be presenteo Dy The House totiighvwill take ui Ihe t(.m(,r Senator Hoke Smith ' uT Howie railroad bill 'under special or-. Gec-iR, nmi Senator N. Ii. Dial', or der, and while the f rumors exiK-et to ',--,.,.1, harniliui Umt. siitif .wsuuv..aiii(ul)tii.e i etrer--rrcrB-llta -rh-Wi iiowie annoupi-eii mar ins ameiiniiiein f,.rnce program are J. S'. Wanna to limit the amount of appropriation : mukc.. present of the Ani -'riean which might be called for. to IIO.UUU,- C(,ton' Association; J. J. Brown, (MMk had dispens.'il with the Objections G(M,rg-a commissioner of Agriculrure; of many niemjKMs. ; David R. Cokcr. of Hartsville. S. C; Road Bill for tabarrus. ' Howard W. Ambruster and Bradley Haleigh. Feb. 19. -Representative Stouhton, of New York, internatKm John B. Sherril announml today that aUy recognized engineer who will dis be will introduce a road commission enss the ealcluni arsenate shortage; hill for Cabarrus County at Hie night George D. Smith. Associate Entom sessiou of the House of Represents ologist of the Florida State Paint Duaru. WHO uevtr.uucu mr a ...i m j Method" of nghting the boll weevil fives. (By the Asaoelatrd Press.) OoldslKiro, N. ('.. Feb. Ii). Two men ...a.. i I-III...I ..1,1 ...... r.. from reports Bled with the depart- r!,iU. inillrod ' when ., ,,,ion,dhile i which they were tiding was struck by an Atlantic Const Line passenger train nt a crotMlng on Ihe outskirts A visit to every orphanage recently of this city about 10 o'clock last niglit. was made by Miss Mary G. Shotwell, The dead are James H. Register, of the Bureau of Child Welfare, a part E. R. I'lgford, and Herbert Bnther- or tne state Hoard of Charities and. land, all of Clinton. Public Welfare. The 'administration Sutherland was removed to a local and work of each was studied and a hospital in an uncorteelous condition full report written. To each snperln- and died about four hours after the tendent, wns sent a questionnaire deal- crash. The bodies of Register mul ing with five phases of institutional I'lgford were horribly mangled. The management: nihiiinlstration, finances, victims of the accident are said to number of children received and dis- hnve beeni prominent citizens of Clin missed, education and physical care. top. One thousand, five hundred and An investigation will be held as soon eighty-one applications were received as flip engineer of the train ciin be by the InstitutKins in North Carolina summoned to testify. last year, according to the survey, while only 431. children were admit- TOWNSHIP SUNDAY. ted. Of the 331 children dismissed SCHOOL INSTITUTES from ornha inures rliirinir fhts oeri.,,1 . "47 were graduated; 155 returned' to Being Held Now in This County. relatives: 31 nlaced In homes: 28. ae. Every TowlnshlP to Participate. cured positions: 21 entered college: Tup eounty school officers purpose 27 riin away: 3 sent to Caswell Train- 10 MM a Sunday School institute in IDS School : 2 d hi . and 17 were other- eacn lownsntp peiore April l. es-i wise disposed of (no explanation of terdoy afternoon they held an tasti-; reported, which was a composite draft their distiosition having been made bv tute nt Mt. Olivet (Jhureh in No. 4 nhndvlnff features of more than a superintendents.)" ' township. Last evening they held nn S(.ore of child labor resolutions which Of the 2040 children now in orphan- institute in Westiord Church in No. the committee has been fighting over ages of tlie state, 280!) were in school 11 township. Last Sunilay a week for weeks. hist year, dlstrllMitiHl from the first to "so they held an institute in Oileadj The committees cliild labor amend- the eleventh grade. It was found tnurcn in .-vo. townsnip, ami two j meilt would provide : that there is "marked decrease" in weeks ago in the llarrlsbursr Church -That Congress shall MAY VOTE ON CHILD . Eugene R. Black, president of the LABOR AMENDMENT Atlanta Trust Company, and Frank H. n . , n 77t t c i t i I Barrett, prominent cotton factor of Resolution Providing for Submission AugU(ta Qa of Question to Voters Favorably Re- j The Vnnference will convene Tues-n"r,etl- - rJav morning at 10 o'clock in the At- tBy tkr Aocintr! Prr.i I lanta Baptist Tabernaete. which has a Washington. Keb. 1ft Advocates '" t satiurr capaclly ;f more than three a child labor constitutional amend ment won the first stage of their light today when the Senate Judiciary Com mittee ordered a favorable report on a committee resolution providing for submission of such nn amendment to the states. Proponents of the resolution, how ever, declared they would prevent this adoption by the Senate. There was no record vole by the committee in ordering the resolution thousand. The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and the Atlanta Conven tion Bureau will cooperate in the en tertainment of the large number of delegates who are expected to he present. CHARACTER WITNESSES AT THOMAS TRIAL Seventeen Introduced During Day. Trial Will Continue All Week. . Salisbury, Feb. 10 Seventeen wit nesses most of whom testified to the character of the defendant, followed each other in rapid success'ou on tbo stand at the opining of the fifth day death by starvation in tbe lust four years. It has caused the people of America to realize thpt these unfor tunate Christian martyrs are not beg gars who are allowing America to feed tliein.tuit loyal Christian people whose every move to rehabilitate them selves is frustrated by their stronger Mohauimednil foe. Mr. Armstrong is issuing nn urgent, appeal for funds this week. These should be handed to him or to Mr. L. D. Coltrnne. treasurer. He has the active support of priicti.rilly i.ery minister in the county. He points out that for every $5 sent in. the life of one orphan of a Christian martyr or Armenian war herb will ho saved for a month, so efficient is tlie work of the Near East Relief. Cabarrus county's quota is $3.21(1. the same as last year in spile of the tremendously increased need as the re- I suit of over 00,000 people being driv- . en from -their homes as a result of toe miww...r,,w.w!s. .uioW k-- pie are now ill Thrace, destitute and Without food or clothing, except what the Near Hast Relief i. able to pro vide. Tlie amount of (he quota will pro vide for the fifty-four little children assigned to the county's sacred care and who are lieiug built into tlie new Armenian nation by the American people through the Near East relief. North Carolina is taking care ot .l,:44 of these tots and for this reason rais es $200,000 annually. Joseph us Dan iels is Honorary State Chairman and Col. George H. Bellamy of Wilming ton is State chairman for this work. The children are the paramount consideration of the Near East re lief. However, all funds raised over ' the county's quota, or over the state's quota this year, will lie used to help feed the refugees' from the Smyrna disaster. CHARGES LAWYERS ARE CONTROLLING CONGRESS Chairman Johnson Says Members ot Ear in New York City Have Great Influence. v (By in- AaiftCiHted I'm I Washington. Feb. 10. Charges that a clique of lawyers of New York City buy and sell the inHtieuoe, of senators ami Representatives with out their knowledge was made talay before ihe House rules committee' hy ciuiirninii Johnson, of the House ltn- luive power the number of children who are in ln 9 township. The institutes are eoneunrent with the several states, to limit Or prohibit the labor of persons under the age of IS years." grades higher than the sixth. Six in- being well attended by appreciative atitutlons send their children to the uudiences. public schools in the community In " "ext Sunday afternoon nt 2:30 which they are located. Three send at Aiount Olive Church In No. town- their high school pupils to the city sh'P. these workers will hold an in- uchools and two others receive salary atltute for townships Nos. 0 and 7 from the county for one or more teach- Jointly. The other townships of the era employed in the orphanage school, county win noiu tneirs in tne niontn , The numts-r of volumes in the libra- ' March. The organization, the real .. ii... ...... i. ...... ...... .. work, and workings of Snndnv schools uoopieo i icv ,'i in, in j ui.i,, b i .... iiiiiii hi i - , .... T I Spectacular Klrcs Strike Melropolis. New York, Keb. 18.-Jcw York to day was a city of spectacular Ores. A unit of the Manhattan state Hos pital for the insane on Ward's is laaid, was destroyed w.h a loss of 25 4I. A million dollars' worth of films were incinerated ln a movie studio fire in Harlem. A woman dropped dead from heart failure at u n r in the Bronx alter a fireman had been hurled from a truck which had run into arlmiiw bank wnlle rcsponaing io ine inarm. Firemen on aerial ladders res cued a woman and her daughter Jimt s they were going to Jump from a rourib story ledf In their home In Harlem. Seven Cent Street Car Fare Tomorrow. Beginning on Tuesday, February 20th, tbe car fare on tbe street cars lu Concord, operated by tbe North Carolina Public Hervlee Coiiquiiiy. will bo i educed to 7 coats. Drive Begun in Congress by Lenders of the Farm Bloc. (Br the AMoclntrd Press.) Washington, D. C Feb. 10. A drive was begun today hy leaders of the farm bloc to force Immediate consider ation of the agricultural credits legis lation in the House. Representative Dowell, Republican, of Iowa, began the movement, by circu lating a petition demanding that leg islation pending before" tbe banking committee be brought out. Hargis With Carolina Motor Club, Illy the Aaaaelated Press. V Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 10. Richard It. Hargis has been appointed ndvcrtls- iua and publicity manager of the CaSollna Motor Club, officials of tbe organization announced tonight. Mr. Hargis Is a graduate of the I'nlverslty of Girgia, where he so cialized in advertising and publicity. Id, will tief ns' of the Cfirolimi Mr.rn.-lnr n n.nnlhlv mnnilnn until sh- fOllll Ot I llOCtorS. I I llOllUStS ailll 11 HllVatt A. UHSSolll ed by the club and also will have nurses to look after the health of the from Florida., after 27 days in tne nhnrm of conuilliiie a convriffhtcd cniioren is snowii. unty -u in tne ji sluggish waters ot i nomas ure.u. zi mileage table of Carolina highways, ; n pn.imcc.uui. Including n historical tour of tlie es; m uimisn loom i.msiun ; in iow- ei.s alio -a. asocioi us. "Mental tests have lieen made in on ly one Institution," reads the state ment. "These were given by Dr. Har ry W. Crane, psycho -pathologist ot the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. All children in this orghnn Want Forsyth Separate Judicial Dis trict. (Br 111.- 1 ll 1 n-o.i Winston-Salem, Feb. 19. The For th County Kar Association litis forwarded to tlie North . .. . . , . 1 1 . i i . i ..; .i. in ihe 'small homp nu to three thons- are being considered vat these med- r-""""" , in me snuiii nonie up to uuee inuus th ,,,.,,. -H.-iiiir a set of resolutions requesting legis nnd in the larger, making a total of ln8s- "Hence tne nuetings are giving i,ieh tvnniri mnk-e this ennntv 150T.0 in all the institutions with a vital impetus and real development I la,im wl'uh "ould ,m " ' oum-v ,','"''" 'UK 1Hl"""""8. won. a . i. oetionls separate judicial district. The con total of 120 magazines. to our Sunday schools. gested condition of the district, court (Seventeen of the twenty-five idstl- LAST CHAPTER GRI880M calendar was given as one of the tutlons require a physical examination TRAGEDY AT GREEXSIHlKO ! chief reasons for the separate dis- or eacn cnttit tqion enininee ; iour : trict. have a physical examination nt regit- Druggist Who Has Drowned In lar Intervals and eight hnve regular Florida is Brled Sunday, dental examination. Only one orphan- Greensboro, Feb. 18. The last of the trial of O. G. Thomas, here migrat en committee today. The Charlotte automobile There is in New York City." said illusion.. u-lio Is oluiriroil witli the Mr. Johnson, a place absolutely murder of Arthur J. Allen, n master known as the den of forty thieves, a plunier of Concord, was not expected building full of h wyers who make a to know his fate until the latter part living representing to persons that for of the week, as the state is under- a stated sum they can obtain the in stood to have much rebuttal testi-. liuence of memlier.s of Congress, mony. "I know of one case where friends , of an Immigrant were told that for Proponents of Shipping Bill Lost Point WrOOQ the infiuence of a certain mem Washington, Feb. 1(1. Proponents ber of the House could be hud to get of tlie administration shipping Mil the immigrant into the country under lost a strategic battle today, the Sen- bond. 1 know that the memlier of the ate voting 44 to 42 not to table n mo- House has not the knowledge of this Hon bv Senator Ijidd, republican, of matter. These lawyers got the money North Dakota, to lav aside the ship- and got the Man In under bond wlth plng legislation and take up the filled out ever going near tlie representatives milk bill. , could obtain." whose Influence they claimed they British Give French Railway Line. 1 "Why hasn't Hint case been prose Cologne, Feb. 10 i By the Associated etited?" asked Chairman Campbell. Press). The British today turned oV- "It will lie prosecuted," replied Sir.' With Bill Rouer again coaching fheier n six-kilometer strip on the west. Johnson, "just ns soon ns possible." Tigers football is bound to go om at end of their zone, so us to give Ihe "It, should have been prosecuted age, according to the survey, employs chapter in the GrlssOm tragedy was p,.ceti,n nPXt Fall. Roper lhas been French and Belgians complete Control without delay," declared Mr. Ctimp- u uiiiriiir ut p..,, niuiniiuu. written nere in.s au-emuoi., wiieu makinE gridiron history at Princeton of the double track railroad line frmu Ml. tntiil nl IS .l..,.t..i. lA .Inntlula nml O ii A 1, 1 . , I .... i - " p . - . ... .... .. ... wi.v.. percy Hatigbton at Harviru jiuossckion. a snort strip ot wnnn 7 iluvu fn rhn . ; . I . , . . ,. .. r, . t . i . a few years back. 'ran through the British area. two states. Tbe annual meeting of the club will be held In May. according to E. Stem berger, who added that be expects the membership to num 1st '-',." hi at that time. Among .those who will nttetid the miles north of Jacksonville, was laid to rest In Green 1 1 III cemetery bore. The body, accomplished' by his faltb fi -friend and business associate, L. W. Jenkins, arrived late yesterday. From the morning ot January i!). when bis automobile vas found !n the creek, where it had plunged off a road, .brldgeless. a "persistent search FORD PROPOSAL FIGHT IS AGAIN RENEWED Gave Friend Drink and is Held For His Death 1v the a Mortal eat Pneo.1 Richmond, Va., Feb. 10. Roland L. ...invention u ill lie lleoien C. I lellll ! II ge, ,U it 111 lUUIlllor. W0-O IllVHllll Hint WIUI mAK at sffeftm Ulld ill " president of the American Automobile Kcus of alsmtj 40 or 30 and given Bwamp on either side, lasting 10. days, Andrews was being held without liond Association, and M. C. Kldrhlgo. of group Intelligence test. In all those !w;rh a use of dynamite, uut today while police authorities M nshlugfon, executive chairman. case lu which the child did noticeably waterB refused to dldclase their pleted an Investigation Into the death Th- ns.' it of) iiiieeiois isior work III this test nml ill which of the club will meet within the next their general conduct or school rec few weeks to decide tbe exact lime rl of the instltutiqn suggesting that and place for the meeting. (the individual was not adjusted. Indi- , , . . vidual mental examinations were also Small chance tor Battling Sikl to tfyen. ' , , j . hor u. tendon sh he wl I not tvi-n be I An n result. It was foimd that 43 of pv.iaittcd to land. ' (Continued ou Page. Two.) secret until their own time, when on Saturday night of James A. Newton February 14 a fnrm?r, making His who, detectives charged, died after semi-annual trip do n Thomas Creek drinking whiskey containing a large on a raft of logs found the body float- quantity of poison. An autopsy will lug on tbe surface. .lie performed on the body today by t At ,. AmImmm wa. nn U(a n-.V karvlr IWnii. limn. Wliltflnl.l Ml. WIIWI1I - ' W MHIB 141 'I "'"' ,, ....... ... to Greensboro from a ahart stJV In According to Florida when ho ran Into. the creek, drews and adwiU tRthoritk1 EITert i Being Made to Get Action n Proposal at Present Session of Congress. (Br ttar Aunrlsted ! Washington, Feb. 10. The flgbt for action by the House at this sessional Congress on Henry Ford . Tor Cordon, a farmer of Glen Allen, gave MlIK,.(. shoals was renewed todiiv bo Newton some "bottled in bond" whis- fo.A committee with Chair key Saturday afternoon. Boon after- miin ttmupbell reiterating h's opposl ward he went into convulsions and U)m tUe ground that MrTord had died. Andrews and Gordon were gtatetl he would not accept the proisi questioned, after which Hie latter wa HitUm contained In the bill reported released. hy the military committee. Andrews, a former business assort- " p nf Hi. .Innrl m.n I. ilil lir rlntt. i utrtr. 1.111 uc a mttny ruicrunumi Uvea to lie tbe beneficiary under $15.(100 life insurauei' policy carried Litn, narinuing ai

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