fy t nrv I III: TJ f VT1 I A I 1 4 1 f I llllf'X'I ASSOCIATED f DISPATCHES" t VOLUME XXIII CONCORD . N. r . Ti SDAY. FEBRUARY 0, 1923. NO 43. XK 8E d ll enlnl eqafl te.B entl ud British Intervention in Ruhr is Bonar Law Says It Is Plan of Great Britain to Let the French and Germans Set tle Their Dispute. LEAGUE ACTION ALSO CONDEMNED British Premier Says France Would Not Like Commis sion of League to Interfere at Present. London. Ftb. 31 (By the Associated Press). Scant lltie for British lutor v it 11 ion nt tills lime in the ilisiutt he tweeq France and Germany iH to lie glnincd from Premier Boiinr taw's. speech in the House of ('nminims last evening. The Premier .included the' ih-tmte on the joint liberal niuenilnient to (lie address In reply to the speech from the throne calling upon the league of nations with the help of Aiuerien to investigate Germany's nhll Ify to pay reW rat Ions. The aim nd luetit was lost by a vote of :sn." In lift The Prime Ministeranswering some of the points of David lUbyil George's appeal to Great Britain and America to save France frnnv what he terined :i dangerous position, informed tlie lliinse that intervention hy .n league commission as proioseil in the amend ment would lie consiilereil by France lis an net of hostility. He asserted the government's policy was to keep llfllitih t-r.u.iiu tin 1 tin tthim. ",m Imiki "i 11s possible." Replying to Mr. Lloyd George's conlention that France hurl blunder -r-U od seriously and that America and Ureal Britain were called ufmu to net, I .Mr. Konar Law said he 'lim illil nol I nptirove of the French step. Inn Hial H opposition apparently could uccomp- lish little or nothing inasmuch as the pride of France in forcing the Ger mniis to terms had been aroused. lie pointed out that France already luul refuse to look kindly on intervention In- iho league, and suggested tliat she would hardly he afttennhle to such a step now. I Mr. IJoyd flPorge deiHared that the H French action was both short-slKhled. W 1111 fortunate and unwarranted, and 9 'll.il ll'd It'.ID .i.n Irk illwiuliM- Jlo asserted Hie cellii n. ol rthrtw was evfiteiitVr 1 jiH-t France had "In view. ' 1 T With Our Advert isers. The Citizens ltank and Trust Com i pany hellves It can help !n inereiis Ins your success. Read new ad. to ihUr. Itnndanas have eoine Into their own Sashes, iKH'kerchiefs and hat bands at Fisher's. Xew od gives partlcu Jnrs. If yon carry your car to the Motor & Tire Servlii' Company for repair work it will get the attention of an exiiert. not a ipiack. Cheeks, plaids and whipcords in the latest models nt Hoover's. Can he hnd In Schloss or Cortley Clothes. Don't forget the color pictures that come in ench package of Miller's But tr:Nnt brend. . Tlie Standard Bulek Co., hw expert mechanics now and it can tell you just what your work will cost before it is started. Interest in Minstrel Increasing. Interest in rehearsals for the Amer ican Legion Minstrels increases daily and large crowds are attending night ly practices and becoming experts in the sinning and dancing stunts the uircciur is kohir 10 irouii' i on iicai Tuesday, night. February 27th, at the Central School auditorium. 1 Tickets will be on sale tomorrow hy all Legiouimlres at one dollar for the best seats and fifty cents for the gal lery. Children will be allowed best seats for fifty cents each. The show will consist of vaudeville specialties songs, dnnefs and eight end men will bundle the'joes In the big Minstrel first part. All of the best talent in the city will be included in the cast and It Is expected the tieginn will sell enough tickets to fill the auditorium Horseshoe rttehrrs Start 11 Tomr. ney. St. Petersburg, Flav Feb. 19. Five of the 30 entrants In the fifth mid winter national' horseshoe pitching tournament which got under way here today for the world's championship and 3,000 in prizes, came through with clean slates. They were Harold Fulor, Akron; Ohio; Frank Lundtn, Nsw London. Iowa: Frank Jacxsun, Kellerton, Iowa: C. C. Davis, Co lumbus. Ohio; and U M. Wilkes, TJattle Creek, Mich. Falor won the largest number of games with six while Jackson and Davis came through witli five each, Lundln four and Wl kes three. U- -' ..-iUJ-. . Jf '. " - -m - 1 J Special Joint Meet ing AMERICAN LEGION AND LEGION AUXUILIARY TONIGHT LEGION HALL IMPORTANT BUSINESS Svery Member Please Be Present Not Probable MORE RIGHTS FOR WOMEN ADVOCATED In Address Delivered Man- day in Constantinople by Mustapha Pasha. Const tBtlnofile Fob. 20 i Br ijie i SBlfcllUd Prci. M K.tn.i! Risha. who was recently ioarril to :, daughter of n rich Smyrna noMciu.-m. has mndo ii noteworthy public pro- nounccincnt in favor of cmnmi nation of Turkl-h wisucii. Stroking before the teachers lasM-ntHon mi Itioiiw, he deotilpd tli:il llir wink before I tio n:i- lion niuhl only is-rfivtcd if Tint isii women joined equally with the iik'ii iii educating themselves nun in taking active pails In the tuition's af fairs. Ki'iinil nsrrilMil tin' present sei Ins inn in the ses in Turkey ti Persian miiueiice. " ' Moslem religion. DKATH OF VOK PKAKSAlX - AT HIS NEW BERN HOME Was Cliiiinmin of the Sinl Board of Eleciio.is. Ill Only a Few Hays. 'Ht tkc Ammi,.i rim. 1 Xew Rerii. Feb. 30. 'rt? 1'. M. lVarsiill. chairninn of the state hoard of elections, died at Ids home here early kottay following n wivk's Ill ness of pneumonia. Col. 1'earsall was taken ill at ltal eigh last Tuesday, lie returned to his home here Tuesday rtlgjit and pnoumnnin developed on Wednesday. Col. Penrwill was well known in political ami Masonic circles through out the state, lie was born in Ainni snii county but siicnt much of bis life in Jones county. He served as snper Irttendcni of education in .lohes coun ty for a number of years and also rei resented thai county in the lower branch of the t legislature at one time, lie took 1111 aetl-e pnrl iii'tho cum imign of Chns. B. Aycock for iov ernor and served four j(ars as tv v'ate se'i-etary lo Unvernor .ycnck. He had been chairman of the state board of elections for about tw o years. He is surviverl by his widow ami one'son. Fiinettit services will lie held from the Presbyterian Church here nt 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 1,1 MBI.K C0MPAMEH IN CREENSHOIMI I Wl At.EI) "P tTtttntifterfti tngririefevrfM to imltiroril Minwer t oinpaiiy and E. E. Main & Son. Uy the Associated Ptvaa.) Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 20. A loss of approximately .$Jlo.0(Ml was the cs liuiate niaile loday by the owners, fol lowing a 'lire here last night which destroyed the plant of the Outlford I.itmher Company and a part of the lumber yard of R, E .ftain & Son. The lVanier compiiny siuTcred the greatest loss, but (he plant was fully covered by insuriiniv. The loss oM I'.aiu & Soil, ww around $1."i.lKH) with no In surance. The flrigin of the lire bad not. been determined. The Oiillford 'Company will rebuild Immediately, it was an nounce today. THE -COTTON MARKET Showed Steadiness at Opening, With First Prices Higher. (Br tin .Aaaoclaled Press.) New York, Feb. 20. Tlie cotton market showed renewed steadiness ut the opening today, first, prices being i to 10 point's higher on overnight buying orders and bullish overnight advices from the spot market. Cables and Liverpool were bolow expectn tions, and thre was souie irregylarity after the call as n result of real 'zing. Cotton futures opened steady: March 2K.0O : May 2S.00: .Tidy 2K..'l: Octo ber 25.115: December 25.07. Search Warrant Not Necessary in Bocae Case. Rnlfs .Iniltre. Alantil. Feb. W, Judge Samuel H. Sibley, of (he United Stales court, for the northern district of Georgia, de clared in a statement here today that .prohibition officers have a "pvrfectly legal right" o search and seize auto mobiles on public highways "with out search warrants h th"- hay& evl- rfnce tf at toii1s them to a reasonable belief that a crime Is being c-.mfrnUted In their presence." Judge S:bley discussed the recent ruling of Judge Wil iam H. Barrett, of the southern district of Georgia in which Judge Btrrett was quoted as holding that prohibition officers hud no right to search un automobile with out a warrant, under any circum stance. Judge Sibley said his com meat was based entirely on press dis patches; that he had not yet received a copy of Judge Barrett s decision. Frank Baker Says He is Now (Ud lor the BHr League. Too Tiapne. Md Feb. 19. Frank "Home Run" Baker, of this town wem !wr of thel New York Yankii'S, feels he is getting too old for major league competition and announced today he would ike to play with.tlu Eastern Shore league, a class D, minor league organisation. Baker slated he n old not like to quit baseball entire.-, at. he still Is fuscinated with the game. It is expected Unit several of the ctnbs will andeavor to sign him. The Eastern Shore league comprises teams on the eastern shore of Maryland and Delaware. Jackie Coogan, the child film actor, baa had a wonderful series of teach ers. Pnderewskl has given him piano lessons, Pavlova dancing lessons. Honso orchestral lessons, and Carpen tier boxing lessons. Defense Rests in Thomas" Case; Rebuttal Evidence Sali-IntrT. r.A, VX -The d4ema in, the wiil beariM the case agt'iiri ; . ti nom. II. - UllVU ' 1 bar J. AOeti at Kamupolia OrfiJu r j V. 1RBI. mam kelnc hmni In Kmiu1 HOfXTH nn ran lie number f ihe'r ' trftacase lT In- heard up l I0f he - fun' I hey n-isl lid. .inernoon. ThHr . at itnN Mrs. Taoaaas. wife of the tlrfciMlkiit. w'uu lufl.ti- an eTii-l- ii-ni atiaeaa. Sh. -a'd Mke ami h. r liuUstal and Mr. aial Mm Ixiwe w it very frieadlv die ami Mr. an J Mr aud 1 lie tmo faaiilie bad vtiuird earii I Thcw mm I s ttvn) other often. She laid l o iiu some, and women from oil of the 4uiuunina par'1'- when her 1 Ing SrarVtanhur:!. ga'. iiu-liand and HfK. I were preaeat. ! inarm tcr. She bad espeytid to make the trip to! C. K I ...m 11 ml M n'ln-t n whb thera but was nt able Jap Iiwe. retatlri 10 gel away from "lier duthm In the ! ijnto. tcstlHeil as htircti -lioir and was willing for herlThoina anil as t IM.-I.aiid lo go on with Mrs. I,owo mid 1 lie others of the iariy. She I. .1.1 known of In r liuslmml driving willi ' Urs l.owe and i oilier ladles men t billed in the trial and never hm itiv iiliji-rioiis. It waahis pleasant and 1 hliglug manner ami hi-' ubil'ty to in ike friends that inaile'hiiu so suc cuasfnl in selling atttoatoliitea, she said. Slie leanied of the attempted hold-up ami the killing of Allen from her husband and when be told her Mrs. lwo was along slie was not mad but was glad been use she knew Mrs. tfiwe as a line woman and knew her Story if Ihe Incident would be believed. Tlie stale which bad pin up ten witnesses lust Thursday, resumed us eviditiee this afternoon and had lienrd nine witnesses lieforc. court adjourned for life day. These Included two brothers of tilobte laiwing. alleged cve- witni"S3 to the tragedy, ami their tesi, tni'sg to ine iragedv. and their tesii 1 nv was meant to corroborate hers. . . . . . an The Isiys. Covernor and. Fuel Lawing told practieally the same story as 1111 the former trial. They said they beard the shooting and saw Allen fall as Ihey were going to the Overcitsb home after (llobie. A majority of the Witnesses heard today for the defense were cliaracler witnesses. A number of them live Few Working For the State Legislators General Assembly Has Only Days, and Some of the Most Important Bills of Entire Session Are Yet to Come Up. for Consideration. fafllnsMa (By (be Assn In t e! 1'ress). Only twelve leglsla five davs icii ain of the two months .ii'i ui minion iieio i.it .isseinoi.i Is scheduled to be in session, and a tl... V..,tl, li.... t m. ...... I 1... I.t.. large proportion of the mote ininorl- a in legislation, in the opinion of ob servers, is yet before the bod v. s a 'result, the remaining davs will be crowded with business .demanding the hardest st.rl of work at the capi-1 tol because both the general education bill and the llnance iiieasnre are to be t0Ji8iilPred, while the linlinished leg islation already inaiigtirnletl is of such nature as to challenge debate and til consume much tune. Long dav mid night .sessions are anticipated by the legislators. -r The Senate has before it. the Mil- liken bill, passed by the house after i vigorous, light. This measure pro poses regulation of secret societies. but admittedly is aimed by its advo cates directly at the Ku Klux Kltin, which was both attacked and defend ed on the floor of th,e house. The bill would require the registration of the names of secret societies which re sort to masks, hoods, caps, gowns" or other disguise in their regalia. The Turlington prohibition bill, a recodification of all the liquor laws of the state, drafted to make statH regulations confirm with the Volstead act, with relcnfjon of certain special North Carolina reslriettclis, ihissinI by the bouse, comes to the senale. ' Several measures which are lo.be considered this wink in the upiier bads ortho assembly promise-, lime- eonstiming debate. For instance, there Is In prospect a short and vigorous light on Senator Woodson's bill which would direct the corporation commis sion t(i secure "sa tisfaeory east to west passenger train service in tne stale. The author of the bill is from Salisbury, which lost to Winston-Sal-piii unit has no( regained, trains 21 and 22, after having through service for years. While the terminology of the measure is of the general nature quoted, Senator A. F. Sams, j)f Wln-ston-Salem, litis signified his purpose to opiMjse Its enactment, anil by agree ment between the I. wo lenders, the fight Is scheduled for this week. East wifk, the Senate disposed of the Tapp bill, wbjch priqiosed to deny members of the present general assent the Incumbency of any of the offices It is creating, provided, the measure were ratified liefore appointment, tab ling It Thursday night following its return to the floor with a favorable eonnnWlce report. Several of the places (fronted by legislation have to lie llllisl hy the governor and Ihe sen ale during the remaining days and legislators are exiicctlhg I ho appoint uienfs. before the end of Ihe present week, of the water commerce commis sion, which will have 2.i.000 with which to Investigate the feasibility of Governor Morrison's state-owned ship ping line plan, and the hoard of trustees of the slate sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis.' In .the house, the Nimocks divorce hill Is eiM-.ied to take considerable time, as ft proposes 'to tnako "incura ble Insanity" a ground for absolute divorce, and Indications are well-de-tlneil that It will be opposed strongly. Two workmen's compensation - bills (Continued on Page. Two.) at Sai ih- kii I Kindainrw rase. Irn-B abvi lie for inane Mlsr isiinlnc f : Ms or J. ' it 1 laj iW The Chiirlo i)sy. ll clivlini re- heavily on rr .limrsTi ti an 1u.1t city In Walker, tiiirpe Vtloraey, u. B. Jr : Vanl Van 1. HV Stnlin. A lor, tatllier Tau 'orge 8teeJ. . 'Mat, fa Siaith. T. .diKti.r J m b C C iHnv M. if other men iiliisss tn.liwi. 1 1 MBAS a good laiwe and Mrs f Mrs. Robert rld'ng wit 1 he good f ding h imas.-s and the we did not SM- eristiiig le-lwin I ... Mrs. J: stder it a mark 1 1 I 1 haractrr for a -limn to ride wit lucnas. r" Miss Vivian race Itoiiuds and Mi-H Wllin'e Pi Walters ami Mlsi. Miss Myrtle Cat HI tl. BO Ill loOK 111! ; ling women of Kin lapolis, tislitiiil to rld;ng in the Thoi ...s ear and Miss Walters -aid he Usually timk good looking women "Villi him. Miss Hounds said she IunI .arriiil Thomas' pistol in her lap wblli riding with him and her mother al tiiirht. Irt the general filling of witnesses it looked like every . ne in the court bouse would Is- enlicd. The defense even swore Miss Minnie l'e Hoover. me einiri sienogiMni r. and put lieri,he i.,x collected from tl rganiza on the stand to teatifv as to ocrrnin I ti)ins. eviiieuce taken rite lormer trial anil now uneven 'in written troin.vlhc " "s"'t im-seni. iiiik ,vas rlllel ' H' I i ' sent by .ludge vv.a.i. W llliesses n -l OCUIg present. I Ills Webb. Sevenil wllrieagtsSgave the l.uwliigs giatil chnfnetet" and two said Glome' s chiirneler was not goml for telling the truth Both the state anil I lie defense liavi Of It the si '! wtflies! min sses nt as they call iiniU i swear only 11 few 111 the tune it (Concluded 04 Page Two.) ' Days Left 12 More Regular Working i iir'ii; iix 1T4al,uu aH" "iSHW" Lose Lives When Their Homo at Decatur, Ga., Was Destroyed by Fire. (By the Associated Press.) Atlanta, (ln Feb. 20. The charred bodies of Marlon and William Ateen. 17 and 15 years old respectively, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John M Dowell of Decatur, Atlanta suburb. were removed front the ruins of their home early today. The girls were burned to death late last night in a fire which origi nated in the room in which they were sleeping. The parents and older brother of the girls were asleep in an adjoining room until the alarm was Bounded by neighbors. . Mr. McDowell is editor of the De- Kitlg New Era, a newspaiier at Deca tnr. Noted Lecturer al Forest Week. Hill This Rev. S. M. Borland, (iospel Minis ter, lecturer, editor, author and world traveler, will dVliier an address in forest Hill Methodist Church Thurs day night of ibis week, Mr. Rowland is at present editor of the Richmond christian Advocate, of Richmond) Va. This is one of the old est and best known religious journals in the South. Before becoming editor he filled the, largest pulpits in the (Ud lioniiniuii. Mr. Rowland is the auMior of three' widely known bonks and has travel ed much, having preached or lectured In every irnrt of the United States, and has made two trips through Eu rope, Asia und Allien. He exiieets to sail again for these continents In the early summer, leining New York June 24th. Mr. Rowland will be In the city but a few hours, arriving here from Columbia. S. ('., In the afternoon and leaving on a night train for Biclj mond. Air. Rowland was a classmate in college mid has been since an inti mate friend of Hie pusfor, Rev. .1. Frank Armstrong. He will speak on "My Travels in Blbla ljmds," and cer tainly a rure treat Is In store, for those who are fortunate enough to hear him. No admission Will he: charged, but an offering will lie taken which vCtl 1 irn into the building fundi of. Iho ehe..h Ooldsnoro Military Unit Praised. (loblsboro, N. c Feb, 20.- "This is one of the best batteries In the slale nnd tlie liest group of non-commission- hI officers 1 hnve insiected," Major C. T. Marsh, of the I nitedl States army, is quoted to have said following un inspection of the field .artillery com- pany, of the North Carolina tyattoual Guard, In this city. The Inspection here was part of the program being i in lied on throughout the state, 1 mtwttii 1- IIHTIM. I IPFR M.V. TW Suicc iatil.a h f .tfll.UI MOH Yi Hie aeaheft. of in M.tiill ' . ia.iiWn'" l'"Hi-i I'hui.U l-l.i. tlie cttiii 01 p.iiHisumi: out- m tim. nrsi Chun-ti iwurrs here. "The K4re Hfit" : is the ium:e of the pnhtli-aiion. whirh 1 carrie u variety of tonal iau oaikae i al neus. together with a nnuiber wfitleorf II BWIamy. state chnirman svndhuled arthlo. ahhh add 10 Nie.'by Uev. J. Frank Anqslpiur. chair alHunin4 and news matter In the uon for Cabarrns county imMhai'oii. I "Our hooka, inth In N'orth Carolina Bev. C. W. Rollins, pastor of tl :ln-o and in 1 he National "fl,, e a 1 ,- Chun h. c editor of the paper which York, are open m Inspection by re is aihlish-l iaoutl.lv nud disiribill I ' sinmsiiile inrlies at all limi-t." Col. "V MctJill sirwt I'.aptlst I'hurch. lis I e " . W" . IV -..HI I , . n II V .,, II life and promote righteousness in the i-ojnmttnliy " In addition to rhe news matter the IWIMir rnrries 11 large ninnls'l of a.l icriiseineuts. Allogt-Hier 'Thi' Sjii-i Roy'" miiki-s a line a p hi. 1:1 me and should prune vry tiopiilar. M II.DINd AND MIAN ASS01 IATIONS 'RAISKO Stlarey W. Wade Says Ahsoriutions Are An Asset! tin Any Community. Hanover. s:'.l'.(M, it was staled. Kaleigh. N. C. Feb. 111.' The state Insurance departtnenl has mailed the cheeks aggregating more Ihan Jl'o.lNKI to sixly-threi' counties In North Carre lina having building and loan asso ciations within their borders, accord ing lo an announcement toitay by Com inissioner Stacey W. Wade. The funds go lo llus vouiuies as twir snare 01 T, ,.,x ,,. ,1,00 ,,,mi,lnl p, M.. r iwb utnoun ei. n Vgr Xm , Ner ,.;st Kelief mon-, apptoNituately W.y th(i.(, ' V ... . I "There have lieen cases where these l'ii.st;. and ,,.. 1,,,,, Wl Mecklenburg county, which has as sih bitlons with more Hum $I'i.(MKI.IOii in assets, received .$1,715.24: Forsfyh the next largest, $!l!IS.S4, and New Hanover. $83.04, it was slater. "There ane still thirty-seven coun ties in the state that have not the advantage of a building and loan as sociation and do not. share in the dis tribution of these funds." said Coin- uiissioner Wade. "Thin is the least ol. their misfortune, however, for the di rect itenefil to the people In making possible the ownership of homes, ami to the towns In the creation of taxa ble property cannot be estimated in dollara and cents, -rri,,i 1. nil. til.,. ,1 f 111 I. .in nMMitfl I ions are in a more prosperous condition than ever before and constitute a great bulwark against bolshevisin and thriftlessnoss," he said. grit TEXTILE MILL " FOR CLEVELAND ('Ol'NTY New File Thousand Spindle Plant to Bfillr af Wac, East if Shelfiy. un Seaboard. Shelby, Feh, 10. A new .ri-tlfH-spiu-dle vain mill will be elected this year at Waco, eight miles east of Shelby, i n qtnrtei; of a million dollars having ins! been subscribed in stock. ( it- izens of Waco subscribed T0,tssl. while Rosy Rhodes, of Miuidnton, and ! associates will furnish the remainder, of the capital. , Plans are Utter lo increase Ihe spin dlage to 10.000 with the necessary j looms to wdvk the yarn Into cloth. Waco is on the Seaboard railroad. This is the Kith textile mill for Clevi'- iuud comity. Raids Klan Oftice and Then Uets Note. 1 were killed in a train wreck fliis Springfield, O., Feb. 19. Police morning on the I.ehigh Valley Rail Chief R. E. O'Brien announcrd today road at Rnuimerfielil. Pa.; about 10 that he had reeeived a second throat- miles south of Tonuwtindu. ening note since he staged a raid on 1 The reported dead are: Win. Shnm the local headquarters of the Kit Klux lierger, of Eastern, Pa., an engineer: Klan ast Wednesday and arrjsted W. John Nodolln, of Easton. I'a.. a train U. Cortner, kleagle and organizer on man; O. L. Culver, of Athens. I'a., en a charge of riotous conspiracy. 'iWgineer: A. W. Mcllaniels. of Athens, second threat came Suturday nighi.,Pu.. trainman: George Casper. Athens, and merely said: "We'll get you." I Pa., fireman: and Janies Fox. of Chief O'Brien refused to exhibit them. Sayre, I'a., traveling Jlireman. saying be was investigating. . UaMtfewtiimH rtWta ' Attorneys for both sides said W are ready for the trial of Cortner in ', police court tomorrow. Attorney J. Frad Anderson, for the defens: . re- fused tn comment on the report that Cortner may waive preliminary iiear- ing and be hound over to the grand I ill iv Derision in Kmn Case; Illy the Ansoelated l'i,-s.s.i Atlanta. (!a.. Feb. 20. Evidence presented in Ihe case of Harry B. Ter rell and cithers, against the Ku Klux Klan alleging misuse of bonds by E. Y. Clarke, Imperinr Giant, and former liniierial Wizard pro-tem. does not. au thorize the upiKiintinent of n receiver for the 'property of the organization, according to a decision handed down todav by the Georgia Supreme Court. Mother of Mr. ATETlluwris 111. Mr. A. E. Harris, mitiinger of Eflrd's, was called to the liedside of his moth er at Lilesville, Anson County, to day, A message from there staled that Mrs. Harris Is not expected to live. J. J. Walsh, first Postmaster-General of the Irish Free State, started his career as a clerk in the imst office in Cork. Federal Aid in the Boll I Cr the MMHM , Atlanta. Feb. 20. "Every resource of the technical and scientific orgtnil- nations of the Federal government" was pledged lo the campaign to ox- terminate the boll weevil In a letter from President Harding to the Natlou- al Cotton Confenroce which opened a two days' session here today, The President's letter was addres- seil to Dr. Miller Beece Hutchison, of New York, mausgtng director of the campaign snd the latter wired tlie nn- lion's head In reply terming him :usn iiu: vriii 1 sj Kl Ulll MVNk in. Five Per f, rtWI ltrnll t I .IMM-ttVr bir -mil i1. 11 M lo ! lea i l i - nibes 11- .i.-,i,aiT.. and 1I.1 siiiei 111 si..i in iof iiirious ire' setv.'rfls and aw of refnaje latwa- la thr strlokea Bilae lanos. a-i.rdii to Inforniatbai reeHvH loUay f rum Col. Pa-llamy d la nil. It is agreed that . 'Al-Ini I, u , ue ii.-. , I ., 111 inising the hirgn1 sums neissary for Near Faist RiBef work. "Our re,nrd of five st hi. is .'..i.iied by any other .harilable 01 gTiniuitiun in liie world, and we have challt.ngcl all philanlhi opie organiui lions lo show a r ord of etlictanicy ipial lo this. So far we have nut lieen challeng I. lairge stales like I'eiuisyh aniu and New York inlleel funds for only two Mr cent. Iass thickly siiiilateil slates like North Carolina mid Virginia generally re- fire eight to teg icr einl.. bin this yi ar it apHiirs as though North Car olina will operate on live or si per cenl . "The Turks ma into i 11 a proiagandu bureau in Constantinople and fool a good intelligent American business man now and then. They will take him around the city, entertain him lavishly with Mohammedan propa ganda fund, show him the home of the rich Turk, and tell him that Armenian who made a million dollars otherwise level-beaihtl American bus iness men have believed this and work ed untold hmni fo the cause of Chris tianity when they returned to Ameri ca. Tlwae business men never go out side of Constantinople anil never see the part of Asia Minor where the Near Fast Belief operates. "It is just like tirking tin ediicafed foreigner through the worst and mosl unsavory iarts of New York's slums, only, and having hint return home anil tell what he has seen of America. SOVIETS DECLARE WAR ON B00TI,E(Ji;ERS Wink and Beers Can Be Sold Rut Efforts Will Be Made to Stop Sale of Vokda. Moscow. Feb. 20 ( By the Associated Press i. The Bnssian government has declared war on bootleggers and man ufacturers of illicit "hooch" and the campaign is duplicating in many of its seem the situation in New York and other AmericTili etrles. - The sale of Wines and beers is le gal in Russia hut the soviet regime has continued the war policy estab- lished early in WIS ol banning voiiha and other i stronger intoxicants, inese are now neing moan in piuse quuiiuun Illicitly and nearly everyone of M ns- cow s newiy ru n source of supply. has his private SIX PERSONS ARE KILLED IN WRECK Accident Occurred on Lehigh Valley Railroad at Kiinimerfleld, Pa, Illy Ihe Amwk'IMi'U lre.l EliuiiM. N. Y.. Feb. 20. Six persons f " w,VXvf hwi MEIX1N FOR EMPLOYES Ify .,.rM, Working For C'ompuny ! ,,.lH llf mflt.s Made During the Past Year. (Uy the AMWclated Press, i New York, Eeb. 20. The Western Colon Telegraph Company today dis tributed to ;i."i.0K of its ."il.lHMI em ployes. $l.7(o.000 representing SO per cent, ol Ms V.rs- earnings on ns in vestment in excess of 11..iiHl.ll00. The award unequal to 47 1-2 tier cent of each employes salary lor the month of July, ast. Messenger lioys received a Jiat pay ment of -H17.50 each. Held as Suspects in Landis Store Koohery. Salisbury Post, mw. Sheriff Krider went to Concord yes - terday afternoon and brought back plays was giV(,n through correspon wtth him two white men. unmet! Bey-.,,enCe aurmg the past three months ers and Hooker, who are wanted in j h, n,,,. Carolina by the Bureau -of connection with the robbery of Emu commlmltv Drama of the Univeroity ltrothers store at miiiuis nimm uni-c weeks or a month ag". The 'men were placed In jull In de fault, of bond and will be given a pre liminary hearing In the county court within a few days, probably Sntur ilay. is Promised Weevil Fight , . i . i,, 1 1 f .ii no i.n e5e5? ?he ..n!Tl elm tiitions Including the national cam- uaign for tsill weevil control" paign ror wui weevil control. The opening day of the i-ampatgn against the "billion dollar hanks was devoted to Iho subject of "Facing tine sw.,..ll,, ,. Ill, Ii,. Ui.l..l,l.m present lug the deb-gates and visitors from all the cotton states and many others were to lie welcomed by Gov ernor Hardwick, Mayor Sims, and R. J. H. Deloach, of the Armour Agricul tural Extension Bureau. L"dH0USE PUSES THE IE RAILROAD BILL DURING DAY Bill Provides for the Build ing of a Railroad Line by the State Through Three. Western Counties. SECRET SOCIETY BILL CONSIDERED Open Hearing Conducted by Committee in Charge of Bill. Armfield Has Sub stitute Bill Ready. iialehrh. N. '.. Feb. 20 (By the As sorlated I'ressi. Following short de bates with the position of the slates ttnaitcea frequently Injected the Bowie bill to provide a railroad thrwugJ Ashe. Alleghany and Watauga innii tles imssed its third reading in the House today by a vote of RS lo IS and will lie setit lo the Senate. Secret Society BUI I'p. Raleigh, Feb. 2tt (By the Associat ed Press). The "secret societies -mm.ite," cr Isk1 proynaeit te ffagulation created siiecially to con- legislation directed to of the Ku Klnx Klau. conducted a public hearing liefore the ojieiiing of the session of the Sennte today, and. following the discussion of the Mllllktn bill, rmssed by the House.- named a suli-conniiittee to draft a substitute. Seinitor Armfield. of CnlmrruH County, member of the committee, an nounced that he had written a sule stitute for the Milliken measure, which he wished to submit. The mo lion to leave the matter temS-arBy in the hands of a sub-connuiltee was made by Senator Johnson, of Duplin County. Appearing before the whole commit tee today inadvocacy of the Ku Klux Klau and in opposition to the propos ed legislation were Bey. K. W. Coy thon, of the Baptist Church", and E. F. Randolph, lawyer, both of Warsaw. The latter was tlie representative of the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klnx Klau, according to his statement to the committee. Mr. Randolph stated that (he; Klan opposed the bill becuiuto its enforcement wrurtd reSner-- thr' f- fectivetiess of the niemliers as unof ficial detectives aiding the officers of the law in that publication of their names would destroy one of the prin cipal advantages of the Klitn over the official police. Rev. Mr. CoWthoa sin ted that he holds membership in the Klan. anil declared that he found himself ro- dedicated fo high purpose by the jnin ing. Challenged by Senator Raggett to give Biblical authority for the Klan, the minister quoted : "Be ye w!se, as serpents, and harmless as doves." ISew Charters Granted. IHy the ANNOctnled 1'rean.k Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 20. The secreJ tary. of state has granted the follow ing charters : Hariwr-Phillips Motor Company, Hickory, general automobile business; capital stock $100,000; paid in .520. 01: T. J. Phillips, F. G. Harper, B. M. Phillips and C. H. Harper, incor porators. Petty-Sinoot Company. Winston-Salem : general mercantile business ; cap ital stock, $100,000, paid in $1,000; Mary T. Petty, Greensboro: Flora Matthews, Greensboro, and .1. E. Siuoot, Winston-Salem, incorporators. Ki-He-Mill Supply Company, High Point; general automobile business: capital stock. $100,000: paid In $3, 200: F. P. Riser ; C. U. Bowman ami C. Miller, all of High Point, in corporal ors. Rowland Hotel Corporation, Row land; to conduct a general hotel bus iness; capital stock, $."i0,khi; paid in $20,000; W. H. McLellaod. B. A. Ed ens and John W. Ward, all of Row land, principal incorporators. Field Service Rendered in State. ! the AunclhteS PreM. tChapel Hill, N. C Feb. 20. Field service was rendered five communl- I ties,; 136 ptay Dooks, bi packages and , direction for producing 13 home talent of North Carolina. uccordinT to tb!. report of Miss Elizabeth Taj or, field agent, to Chester D. Snell' director. The report mentions five communi ties in which Miss Taylor made visits upon request jn order to assist in put ting on pageants and home talent plftys, Al H;nrletla nnd Caroleen she taught folk dancing. The school teach- ers of Frankiing county, under Ulr, c tiou of Prof. Frederick H. Koch. be.. I of the community drama bureau. 1 Wrote and produced a pageant of ! Franklin county. Miss Taylor took LoharRe of the production. . I Tbo renort is concluded with a statemicnt that it Is believed that-a nUve 0" Stadually being . . , .. r . nroduced In North Carolina through (ne etfaT the 0Kt68in bureau ,, ,he work of tne Carolina Play- mAyt9r!i ,vbo ha o Just returned to f'i,.,m,i Hill from another tour of ellien 717.' In the eastern port Lord Lerprht llsh phll inthro) 15 IL