VOLUME XXIII CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEB 21. 1923. NO 44. - - - 1 : s -. -I - - --- . XT " - - : , Better Hotel Facilities in Concord Forecast by Action New Realty Company Here COMPANY HAS OPTIOH ON HOTEL PROPERTY Will Purchase St. Cloud Ho tel and Adjoining Offices From Present Owner, Mor ris Real Estate Company. FUNDS SUBSCRIBED FOR THE PROJECT No Announcement About Hotel Made, But It Is Un derstood Modern One Will Be Provided for City. First stehs in the consummation of one of the most important mil estate 'tills in recent yen is in this city were taken Tuesday night when a MHBbcr of business men of this city mot at tho Merchants and Manufacturers Clnli mill (loolih'il to tako up an option Jlmt several mon who were present now hold on tho St. Cloud Hotel prop erly, nl present owned hy the I. M. Morris Real Kstnte Company. Tho action prohuhly means that in the near future Concord's hotol facilities win no greatly improved, ior wnne 11 was not definitely stated at the meet ing that tho holding company will nhr ouilimos Ml mo uc-et liosie.rv. r S 1 lint s! iiiii I pi Sllcil 1 1 i r i Hill IS iiniincu, tins ncing ine real mi ni in Thirl V-oiie pi 'i.ni incut men of the llv were m-eseiii nl the inootmir Tncs IIII1K. Hi'H" llflluc Jin vol o-ci i uj; mo' in in s ic: v niciiifcii nun i u lonnl plans wore made for securing more subscriptions. Tlwweuietamt most 'mlhtlsiastic.r, aud WtiilekSpiirocc'1" 1KiteriWtimtr1u ic urn -.',-.Ti'd not iH-trav" Hissed. Hie nlidorenrreiil or thought showed that this subject was in the minds of practically every man pres ent. Tho company which will take over the St. Cloud Hotel property from the present owners will he known as the Concord Realty Company. Bequest foi a ehnrter will lie made immediate ly of the Seerefnry of State, the ciiiii panv to lie incorporated for $100,000. It is probable Unit I7,"00 of this amount will be paid in by the stoej GERMANY HAS PAID PART OF INDEMNITY Official Figures Say About 43,600.000 Golf Marks Have Been Paid. IlerHn. Vcli 21 i By' the Assurtatcd Press . - ( JomuinvV payments fn the allii s hetwivn Novoml it. lblx. und September. IflBi, ill fnllillmeiit of the Versillles pi-acc treaty mid supple mentary ugrei mollis, itmnmilcd to 4.1. tUKl.ononiXl paid marks. acini-din; to an otlioial im.hi4i'n made public licre. If (JermiiH losses in the cxia-ii- (Ion of the treaty terms are taken into ftet-Qtint it is declared that the total payments have liceV .KI..1(M.imi0.ik(I gold marks. Inclusion of the- mine uf Alsai-e-1 .hi i ine mid the former (n riiniii e.il nii'cs brings the grand tntal to more than IIMMHHI.iiimi.iiini gold marks. ItKKKXSK FN POUjUU) TRIAL KKSTS ITS CVSK IVllaril Chief Witm-is for the Defease Just Before It Rested Case. (By the AnMM-Infeil Ire. I Richmond, F"b. 21. The defense in the trie of Thomas Pollard, r;n! estate 'broker, charged with the mur der of Mrs. Elmer Ham Richardson, his former stenographer, vested its i.ce early this afternoon. 'Didn't you think Herbert Richard son had a right to complain," ho was asked. "Not until later." the defendant said. "It is a lueky thing for you thai h? did not complain in (he way men usually complain about such things, isn't It?" "I do nit think he had the nerve to do it." ' Ah. I see you felt safe. Lidn't Her bert Richardson have the news lo en list and to .bo on the hattlcfli'ds of Europe?" "Yes." - , "You were exempted?" "Yes." "You stayed at homo to nrotcct your wife au.d to betray his wife, while he swas fighting on (he battlefields of STATE EVIDENCE IS T T Testimony Designed to Show That Mrs. Lowe Knew A. J. Allen Not Allowed by Judge Webb. her linn.' "You did It, though?" "After the war was over." NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CLIU APPEARS "WET" Organization Goes on Record as Fav oring the Sale of Beers and Light Wines. (By the Amoclntnl Pfcu.) New York, Feb. 21. The National Republican ('lull adopted a resolution i i . i ..;..!., i., ,,.,'.... tin, ,l,,ilm ,,r holders at the Mine the option expires jmox'c.ting liquors so as to permit ! no,,N' i'n" W "ini: copies ,i tho ,.,.,u., i.. Im iiii.-e,, nvev i .1 ..V....,.'. ...,i 1 i.,...i.... ' rosponilenoo and circulars ha 1,11.1 jiivinii.i ... - j llll" lUllllllllU lllll'. .'-.11, ,111,1 1111)1111 IUIHHI The option on the property expires ! of liglit wines and beers. The club, February 28th, and plans were made ostensibly a local orga nidation, carries at the meeting for taking over the on membership rolls many of the most property, before that day. Sevenil prominent Republicans in the United persons present at the meeting stilted States and a large number of Amer- . . .1 M .. .1 luud ......1 ifStt l.lnitu lii'ltir. lit r.-i,,.,,,, I 1 i-.i, I .11 I mar nicy nan mrainj mctoco .? ......(. . .,...H,. ,.,,i,oi.niv nut- ih nolb.ltnr ,. (too in subm riiitions and to this sum is Harding, his cabinet and many United :J&rX added sI.'i.iiimi which the Coneftnl Nat- State Senatiws and Rcpresentntives ioiial Rank will pay for that part -tit are honorary members of the, club, it Br ammm-ii II Webb excused the jury sitting in I lie case of o. (1, Thomas today and asked for an aflldiirlt from anyone who bad heard the report directly that bodily Im rin had been threatened one of the witnesses. Il was reported that one of . the I .a wing's was going to heal up the Rev. 1). P. (irant who gave the elder Lawing a Imd cliaracler. No allidavit had been submitted to the judge at adjournment for the noon recess. Testimony designed to contrail1!'! Mrs. RoIm'VI Lnwe'a stnlement that she did not know Arthur .1. Allen was ruled out here today by .ludgo Webb, presiding at the trial of O. G. Thomas who is charged with the murder of Allen. .ludge Webb said her titl nmny was only designed to impeach .Mrs. Lowe. The state In arguing for admission of the testimony, announced that it sought to show a motive for the snoot ing, and Lt T. Ilartsell. of counsel far Hie prosecution told Judge Webb that the state contends that Mrs. lxwo was riding with Allen on the n;ght of the killing, and that Thomas 'called to them from Ids .machine. Hie woman gol out and joined Thomas, and that Allen was sled as Thomas drove away. Ebhnlnntton of this testimony wns i-cgnuied by the defense as an Im port int victory. ANOTHER WARNING ABOCT STjOCK FAKERS Professor Ltiivrrsty Tells How Hie Tf& K. IVftrtmine ctmpei iim:T. r., ren. -jikK wai ter ,f. Mutherly, associate professor of business administration in the School of commerce of the. 1'nlversity of North Carolina, through the extension division tonight issued a statement calling attention to what he termed the "pressing need at the present time against the flood of wild cat oil securities flowing into this state." Mr. Mathorly stated the, school teachers of North Carolina were the renter of most of the alleged opera- of cor- osimnilenco and circulars have lieen placed in ills hands by a number of persons. Mis statement follows: "To the investors of North Carolina : When you nro solicited to purchase stock in oil corporations or any other 1 II. I.STFRTiLM l! WUJ mm TWIM ( rTV FRIIA Juht BnuM. MMJ U ( Kt.anis (lak. The umnte of ' ..! ,.u Fridnv eveuln; oi tbN wrei will have an opH.rlniiiiy to httisn ittitTtalnN' of inlernntiiisnl n-pwate ii at the fn Iral S. h'-il AiMlllorte hen Jnl.t Orasll. of TnrontB, l'aaln. u III give an entertainment to r hi, b the ptiblh la invilnl. The nitertainaMBjt, which will be gin at X o'clock shun, has been ar ringed by the Kiwan - Clnh of t'on cut ns n Hint to lie- ....ple uf the city. Mr. Rrar.il u)oa .i tour of North Carolina this urt. ami the Iik-aI club was fort una It la -v-nring an en gagement for Fridj)' ei'iilng. The entertainer last noninier at .Toronto uiaib- i Im- Kiwimla ltiti-riiatliianl Cn Kill Ion an cvenl loiij in In' nunemlier l by Hie ilioasand" nt ibdegaten and visitors who beard Win at that time, while last tall he wa- beard by hun dred who attended Uie I'arolinas llls- trict convenrfon In whevljle, Sieiial invitntioRS have Urn Is sued by the Secretins of the local Rlwanls Club to the Concord Rotary Club and also to thi' Woman's Club. and a general invitation is being ex tended to the public 1 hear .lub-s as guests of tho Kiwai i.- There I no admission cbarfji". and there will bo no iiilleclion of offering asked for MEETING KELHitOl sliOIH ES THIS WEEK IN CHAKIOTTE To l.e Addressrtl lr) leading Men ami Watoen. (Br the AaMclatril Prrn.) I CONTROL OF WEEVIL REVENUE BILL IS BY im METHOD ' GIVFH FA80RABLE OFFERED BY EXPERT Dr. Miller Reece Hutchison Suggests New Plan at Con ference for Eradication of the Weevil. WOULD STERILIZE EGGS OF INSECT And Prevent Them From Hatching, Thus Cutting Down Number of Pests on Farms in the South. (r the A dated Prraa-t Atlanta. Ga., Feb. Sl.-Cantrul of the IkiII W'eovil by X-nivs slOM"d ill chemical sails ami applied by adhes ive mixtures in Hie squares and bolls of the cotton plants to sterilize the eggs of the insect, was suggested in a speech prepared by Dr. Miller Iteeee Hutchison for delivery today before the National Cotton Conference hen STATE FIRES BIGGEST GUN IN THOMAS USE T e " . iinrtL TUESDAY Measure Was Introduced in Two Witnnesses Stated They the House hy Representa tive Connor, One of Fram ers of the Bill. ACTION TO START ON BILL TONIGHT Senate Takes Up the Bowie BUI, Which Has Already Passed the House, After Spirited Debate. Saw Mrs. Lowe on Road Near Lawinjf's Store Just Before the Shooting. OPPOSING COUNSEL ALMOST HAVE CLASH Ualelgb. Feb. '-'1 i By the Associat ed l'ress). Carrying several commit tee niiieiidinenis. I he general i ermine bill. Introduced by KeiireseuiaUve Connor of Wilson, was t fav orably to (he House today. Mr. Connor thou moved thai the bill lie set lor sJHsiill order tonight, and the motion curried. The bill as announced by Mr. Connor closely fol- Cliinloie v c Feb ! I'hnrimt.. I managing director of a campaign for externum!! ion oi ine conon ih-ii pesr, asserted that the 'enormous rate of proiagution of (be weevil, more than 12,000,000 lieing props gnted lr- rf.ie pair In one season, Is one reason why the boll weevil is so difficult to tight. Obviously anything which reduces the rate of reproduction or prevents propagation of tho insect should Ik- of great value in controlling the 'billion dollar bandit.' "I am now having experiments per formed In my laboratories in New York with a method of using this sterilizing agent through absorption of N-rays in chemical salts." Dr. Hutchi son said. "It is a scientillc fact that ertain salts possess the property of absorbing X-rays and emanating them slow-lv. Bv combining such salts with a binder and applying them to the India and' squares of the cotton plants the X-rays should sterilise the eggs of the weevils and prevent them from batching. The intensity ol Hie X-ray emanations would bo too small o cause, any iujury to human beings if animals." Dr. Hutchison, a noted scientist and j lows the framework ( the previous will lie host to the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church and the Laymen's Missionary Movement of the same church Thursday and Friday. The two conventions will cover the stales of North and South Carolina, but are of general tutorest through out the south. Among the loadlqg women of the Southern Presbyterian church who will be in attendance ore Mrs. ilallle P. Winsborongh, St. Louis, Mo., pres ident of the Auxiliary : Mrs. F. I,. Mayes, president of the South Caro lina Synodical: Mrs. W. A. Turner. Jr.; president of the Georgia Synodi cal ; Mrs. W. K. Armstrong, presi dent of the Svnodical of the Appala- hin: Mrs. R. Y. Held. Lenoir, N. C. president of the North Carolina Syn odical, und Mrs. J. (1. Halnl, presl lent of the Mecklenburg Preshyter ial. Bible class work. Sunday school di rection, church activities and other subjects relating to the duties of lay men will he discussed during the laymen's convention. Itev, M. E. Mel- fin, of Chattanooga. 'Wun., A 1). Mus n. Memphis, Tenu.. and J. P. Alex- 4 Men Jackson, Miss., will be among the speakers. The meeting will mark the eighth biennial session of I lie La;, men's Mis sionary Movement. Conventions for the different regions this year are to be held in Richmond, Va., February 27-28 and Huntington, West Virginia, March 1-2. Conventions already have been held in Houston, Texas, and Lit tle Rock. Arkansas. The Jacksonville. Florida, meeting opened today and will last, through tomorrow. Arrangements for the conventions here have been directed by Mrs Baird, of the Woman's Auxiliary, and members of the Laymen's organise Hon. the St. Cloud property now ocoiipliil by the Southern Loan and Trust Com pany. That makes a total of S0,0TJ0 already subscribed, and as the coui iwiiy needs but (QTJMJO to get isisses siou of tho property those sponsoring the movement were most optimistic, several declaring the deficit. can lie raised in this city with little effort. In case the additional $17,.rHHV is not se cured by the time the option expires, certain members of the new compnuy were authorized to negotiate, a loan with some, local bank for that amount. It Is Iwlleved, however, that no loan will be necessary, and a committee was appointed to canvass the city for the additional sum needed to com plete the deal. It wus fho concensus of opinion of those present nt the meetelng that the purchase fund should lie raised without n lonn if possible, thus leav ing the company free to make loans with which to Improve the property" The following men compose the com mittee appointed' to secure the charter, purchase the property, collect the mon ey already snbscrilssl and canvass the (Concluded on page four.i was mid. Piedmont Theatre j NEVA GERfcER IN "Dangerous Paths" You have heard bf the cruelty of stepmothers. You have also heard that many a girl has tak en the wrong path in life be cause she was misunderstood having maybe a mother or fath er who actually persecuted her. You propably have never paid much attention to these theories and again maye you believe thye arc not true. If you would want to see this very important sociological question dramatical ly discussed and answered wc invite you to be one of us ' TODAY and TOMORROW ALSO A ROLIN COMEDY To Honor Heroes of "JO. New York. Feb. 21. Two un known soldiers of Washington's army, whose bodies were recently discovered in a forgotten grave in the little cem etery in Tuckifhoe, In Westchester county, are to be reburied with mili tary honors by the village tomorrow. For 14H years the remains of the two Continental fcoldiers lay in a shallow trench in Which they were In terred, supposedly In the spring of 1 1 70, when the Tuekahoe hills were tho scene of souie of the most spirited lighting of the Revolution. Village historians believe they fell rh a surprise attack by the British on the home of Stephen Ward, when u compnuy of Continentals in command of Captain Noah Bouton were spend ing the night there. No tpiarter was given. The reinterment ceremoniels tomor row W'Hl be conducted tinder the joint: auspices of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolit tion. the Sous of tile American Revo lution,, the American Legion, and va trions other patriotic societies. The program, will include addresses hy sev ,ru speakers of prominence. National Motor Boat Show. New York, Feb. 2L The increasing isipularity of the power boat s evi dence by the keen public interest manifested in the annual National Boat Show, which was oiajned ln; the Qrand Central Palace today and will be continued through the coming week. As in previous years, the National Association of Kngtne and Boat man ufacturers is tho sponsor for the ex hibition. The exhibits this year are more numerous and of a wider varie ty than ever before. Among the edu cational features, "aside from speed craft, there are some tine examples of the heavy oil engine of the 8. Diesel type, a style growing in impulnrlty with owners of large cruising yachts, Must Be 21 to Get In Army. (Br thr Anaoelntrri l'r-a.i salesman, the following questions and take down his answers: "What is your name and perma nent address? Do yon have a license to sell your stock from the stale in surance commissioner'; If-so, let me ee it? "What is the name of the company and where is its home office? "Is the stock common or prefer red? What is the total issue of the stock? Is the stock given for pat ents: for good will; for property 1 Dim's the stock have a ready market? If so, where is it listed? . "What are the present net earnings of the company? Has there been any dividends declared by the company since its organisation? If so, how much? Is the stock accepted by banks as collateral? If so, what banks hnye accepted it? What is the present mar ket price of the stock? Can yon fur nish a balance sheet and income state ment? If so, where can they be se cured without delay? Whnt bank ref-. erences can yon give concerning the operations of the company.' (live tlx names of the company's officers arid their addresses. "With this information written down on paper, go to your Imnker and get his advice. Tell tho stock sales man you will let him know what yon will do when you consult your hank er. Usually such procedure will in itself without consulting the banker scare the salesman with fraudulent securities out of the community. "If you .are solicited through the mall to purchase oil or other seomi ties, take the letter or circular to your banker and get his advice before you buy. . Beware of all schemes that otter large profits. If there are ex ceedingly large profits to 1 secured revenue act adopted in 1021. E. T. Caiwler and L. T. Hart sell Almost Come to Blows and During the Argument "Lie" Is Passed. v The State tired some of its biggest gmis in the O. O. Thomas trial in Sas Isbury Tuesday. Most of the wit nesses who were heard testified at the former trial here, but Carl Big ger Staff was a new witness, and the State t-onsidered his testimony as very important. The following is the Salisbury Cost's story of Tuesday's proooedinus : Counsel for the state tired one of its biggest guns today during the hearing The new legislation Introduced de- in Rowan superior court tins iiiorn velopod a bill by Representative Den-ling of the case of (). (J. Thomas, Char on, of Catawba count v. which would lotto auionioiiiie salesman, cmirgeu CONCORD BE.U TY TVKDS NEILS (iBON IN NEW YOKr Sadie Gowan Dusenhnry Weds Diplo mat Two Months After His Wile is Granted a Divorce. Cortland, Me., Feb. 20. Neils (iron. former United States diplomat, who bitterly contested the divorce proceed ings, brought by his first wife, Made line Masters (Iron, sister ot Ldgir Lee Masters, the poet, in which she was granted nn absolute divorce and custody of a minor child, lias married again, less- than two months elapsing Since his divorce. The bride is Sadie Gowan Dusebunbury, a southern beau ty, and the ceremony was performed in St. .limes Lutheran Church, New York City, by Rev. Dr. R. H. Snyder. The bride conies from a wealthy southern family, and she is prominent in social life in Concord, N. C, where her people reside. (Iron described her in' a telegram to friends here as a woman of rare beauty, dark eyes and (lark hear, and said she bad spent much time traveling. They are at present honeymooning in New York, and will leave next week for the bride's home in the southland. The present Mrs. (Iron is unknown to the first Mrs. (iron, who now makes her home here. THE COTTON MARK FT Showed Continued Strength During Early Trading. Gains Made. (Br thr AxHoclntetl 1'rcw.i New York. Feb. L'1. The cotton mar ket showed continued strength dur ing today's early trading with neai months making new high records for the season. Liverpool Was no better than expected, but there wns buying on the strength of Sterling, bullish over night advices from the Southern spot market and the firm tone of the stocl market. First prices were steady at a net advance of 5 to 15 points and act Ivo months soon showed net aalns of 10 to 15 points Willi March selling nl i Famous fltrnw is Mane rresideut oi Jfi.07 and liny at Ll'.t.as. Cotton futures opened steady: March 2!.00: May 29.'"J'. July '-'8.08; Octo- MATTIIEWSON HEADS THE BOSTON BRAVES ber 2(1.1!): December 25.88. TWO HELD CHAKGED WITH SHEI'IIEBD Ml'KDKK Luke Britt, White and Dock Rosier, Negro, Confined Now in Lumberton Jail. (Br the Amtorlatrd Pre.) Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 21. Luke Britt, white, and DOCK Rosier, negro, are confined in the Robeson County jail nt Lnmbei'ton today In connection with the killing of E. It. Shoppard, of Doe Run, Ga., in April, 1022. Shep pard's body was found yesterday. County authorities decline to di vulge the nature of Hie charges against the two men held. An inquest will I held' tomorrow, the original plan to stage the Investi gation today having been abandoned. J. B. Sheppurd, brother of the dead man, arrived In Lumberton today. t ask thai the is'oplc of the state Is allowed to vote on a constitutional amendment to provide the issuance of free textbooks to pupils of the public schools. Other piddle bills would provide the sections of the consolidat ed statutes relative to agricultural lines for advances be repealed, and for the relief from taxation of por tions of property on which unpaid notes for loans or mortgages exist ed. Representative Burgwyn, of North ampton county, chairman of I he .tiles committee, set up a committee eport asking the speaker to appoint a special committee to be known as The committee op the calendar.' Mr. Burgwyn explained that because of the congested condition of the calen dars such oouuulttee should examine all bills which are sent to the calen dars under suspension ot the rules, without going to the regular commit tee. u , IV,,,. i nro. lit- -.,,..n. l ' "'Raleigh.' Teh."21 rBme AsSbcmfeflf lreag). By a joint resolution which was introduced in the upper house by Senator L. It. Yarser. of Robeson, both the Senate and the House paid trib ute to the memory of Frank Ihomp sun. of Onslow County, whose death occurred November (i, 1022. The resolution referred to the pari the deceased had In the suffrage amendment to the constitution in 100, to his initiation of the movement for the state reference library, olid to oth er public services rendered by him. Several senators spoke to the resolu tion, and when the day's work ended the General Assembly adjourned in honor of Mr. Thompson's memory. Included In the bills passed by the House of Representatives and received by the Senate was the Howie rail road bill which would provide for 10. niKUMMr in bonds for the construction of railroad connection between other sections of the slate and isolated northwestern counties. It was refer red to the Senate Railroad Committee. Senator l'arker. of Wayne, introduc ed today a bill to ameml tne law which now prevents the appropriation of public funds by county commission ers to chambers of commerce and sim ilar organizations. Case of Colonel Watts is Continued Again. Raleigh, Feb. 20. City Judge Har ris today continued until March 15 the ease of former Tax Commissioner j A. 1 1. Watts. Colonel watts contin ues ill at a sanatorium In Statesville, according to word brought the court, .ludge Harris said he was anxious to clear the calendar of the case, but that he did not care to endanger the life of the defendant by forcing him to come here for trial while in his reported condition. The charge against Colonel Watts is a statutory one grow ing out of tin' discovery Ot a negro Boston National League Team By the Aolntod Ptbuk.i New York, Feb. 21. Baseball has lieen given back one of its most pojiu lar heroes, the man the back-lot boy emulates, Christy Matthewson, who, it was anounced In Boston last night returns from battle with tuberculo sis to the diamond, ns President of the Boston National League baseball (Tub. which has been purchased, by a New York syndicate. "liliv sliv" Hum becomes one of the few players who became business ex-j woman under the bed in Ids room here ,.,.( ria of in est rank, one III r lie fol ic WCCKS ago. nun nuicn on.iii,. with the murder in connection with the death of Arthur Alleu, Concord master plumber, when John McDuffie, cotton mill operative of Kannnpolis, testified that n the night of the shoot ing lie nail sii'ii .Mrs. Ijowe in a ear with a man whom he later discovered was Arthur Alien, near the scone of the killing. Sensations came th'ck and fast im mediately preceding the noon adjourn ment of the court. Aside from the main issue of the trial, a legal row of more or less significance precipitated. E. T. Cansler, chief counsel far the defense, accused Attorney Ilartsell, for the state, of leading his jvitness. T'iis Mr. Hartsell denied and Mr. Catisl r repealed th" charge shaking bis list in the direction of Mr. Ilartsell. Mr. Ilartsell said, he didn't lead wit nesses any more than Mr. Oinsler. The ugly word was then passed. "Anyone w'ho says I mislead a wit. ics is a Hnr." Mr. Cansler declared. lourg nor scaring anvone,;' some- on ciie -st.eV -sitre tta'd. I'm not scared either." Mr. Cansler retarted. ' i Jndhre Webb reprimanded the counsel of both parties nrfd stated that he would not tolerate any more distur bances of this nature. Mr. MeDuffie's testimony was of a highly scnsat'onal character. He f-nid that on the night of October 25, 1021. he had started to Mr. La wing's store: that ) Ford sedan passed aim and Stopped a short distance in front. "A woman got out of the car," lie said. ''The man told the woman to wait there unfl he came back. He drove oOf. I walked up to the woman and spake to her. 1 asked her who she was waiting on. She sa'd it was none of my business and that if she needed anything she would have asked." (J. Where did yon gri? A. To La wing's store. (J. Whfll did yen tell the people in the store? A. I told them I had seen a wo man up (hero and thai I wan play ing detective and bad watched her. I didn't tell them who she was. Q. Who was the woman' A. Mils. .Robert Lowe. He described the clothes the woman had on and sird that :1 few minutes later lie saw the car return, pick her HP and after a short lapse of time, heard the shooting. l'upen cross-examination, Mr. Can sler, for the defense, put I he witness through a gruelling test. The wlt- Othera being A. G. Spalding, one the sport's early fathers. of about his resignation er of revenue. eoninii.ssioii Policeman Arrests His Own Son for Dentists to Meet in t.ohlsboro, Fighting. my Is seiats rre. Durham, Feb. 20 The unusual ; Golrtsboro, N. C, Feb. 21. The Fifth scene in which a father places his District Dental Society will meet 'here own son under arrest occurred here Thursday with members from thirty today when Police Patrolman Stanley 0ne eastern Carolina counties In t Clapp, arrested his son, William Clapp, tendance, Dr. R. Wenthershee. presi on a charge of engaging in an Affray. dent, f Wilmington; Dr. .1. W. Tur The young Clapp, according to police, neri Wilson; Dr. 0, S. Waldrop, Kin was endeavoring to separate two men sfon: Dr. L. J. Meredith. Wilmington, engaged In a fight when one of the mui jjr. pj; m. Lawrence are on the men started fighting nm. me er Prince Miguel Braganza Dead. i llv ill, Aaanelalra Prea- .. nieu KiHitcu iiKioiic i New York. Feb. 21. Prince Miguel .itvn Arrived on the scene in ii!r,.r r ,.nl,.nl work. other Investors far wiser than you ; de Brunganzo, elder son of Don Ml-1 time see ns pnsslng blows with will have taken the necessary steps to guel de Braganza. pretender to the nis adversary. Former Yale Star on Carolina Team. get them." throne of Portugal, died here today of Chapel Hill, Feb. 20. Frank Coxo, Mr. Mathorly is preparing another double pneumonia. Funeral of Col. Pear-alt. f Asheville. who was a pitcher on the stnlement on the earmarks of frnudu- The Prince, who was 45 years of b th AMrtt-a i-r.-.. yalo varsity for tiiree years, is here lent securities, setting forth In de- ge, came to this country recently td New Bern, Feb. 21. Funeral ser-'and will register for the Spr'ng term. tall how prospective investors can de- tarn a living by selling insurance ior vi,.e8 for ool. P. M. Penrsall, chairman He was in th l niver tty nit last year, teot the true Investment from the the firm controlled by relatives of his ot thP Rtite hoard of elections, who npd will lie, eligible to p'ay far Cnro- ness admitted that he told no one who the woman was unfit the eighth day of the first trial at Concord. He said he was enabled to make positive tills Identification by hearing her on the stand in Concord. (. When did yon get positive j about Mrs. Lowe being the woman? A. After the trial got started at Concord. Q. And after three conferences with stale counsel? A. Yes. sir. Q. Were you acquainted with Mrs. Lowe? Yes. Q. Why did you go back and speak to this woman after the car bad left A. I wanted to see what was up. Q. Did she act like she wanted your society? i A. No. Q. She told you her business was none of" your business, didn't she? A. Yes. but It didn't hurt my feel ing none. Q. It would hav" p'eased yon if program for technical papers on sub- she had lieen look'ng for you wouldn't it? A. No. I was plaving detective. Q Fver been a defective? A. No. (. Ever rend nnv detective stories?. A. Yes. 0. .Wh"t were yon going to delect A. Nothing. O. Did this woman hive on knee false. His action follows that of wife, who was Miss Anita Stewart, of i10r0 (arly Tuesday morning fol- Una. He will continue his courses In rtiin8' Htncev W. Wade, insurance commis- New York. sioiier. iii warning North' Carolinians airiiinsl "wild-cat schemes" now being offered In this state. In order to as- ' . " Pr-x" ! he 'rAv school. Filibuster Continued. Washington. Mi. 21. By a vote of ' slat Investors. It has been announced Washington. Feb. 21. Presenting 177 to 134 the House today Inslstisl that the Bureau or Commercinl and unbroken ranks and nrined with more on hs provision in thp annual army Industrial Relations of the Culver- material for continuing their campaign appropriation hill prohibiting the en- slty Extension Division, will answer of talk and more talk, Semite oppon- Mulmmir it IUnSAnS llSwlftl- ''1 VAflVU tt nnfuitlnna an A mulru annlraln mIaHhcp nrK ftf thp fl (ill) i I) Isft Tfl t ln shlnifillir ars ithoiit the written "roDBMi of to Mcurlticw of corporatlona outside bill resumed' toduy their flUbuuter, Or-alv who ban signed up with the bright" rs state highway ofliciala are their pareuts or guardians. tne state. who no enu ui mgui. u-ou do. - r-v-- lowing n week's Illness with pneumon- In. will lie held here this afternoon at . ' . . , . four o'clock from the Presbyterian 'r'pec. I -right fo r irt Bragg Road. Church Pa yell evil! e, N. c. Feb 21 - mii- cinbi of the Klwntiis Club which Is Another s'ugger nfeknnmc.i "b"Hoe" Interested In securing a hard-surface i' show hi- hit:lng power n the bit. "Igh" a.i between Faycttevllle and h'.-w Mis ea on. The newcomer is Fort Bragg have-announced that pros- V d "Bibe' Hormah, last vai witn ports for constructing 'he road "are A No O. Dress to lier knees? A Yea 0 W i tha' (ho reason you went N)e1 o accost her? V No n m, ,.,, rt',ie the color of her ' In u? A. N" sir, she might have been (Continued on Page Five).