" The Concord daily Tribune ! TODAY NES ASSOCIATED 1 PRESS TODAY DISPATCHES i VOLUME XXIII CONCORD, N. C , MONDAY. MARCH 1923 NO. 54. LEptNffN. AFTER LONG GRIND Work of 67fb Congmw Ws Completed at Noon Yes terday, and Members Are Leaving for Homes. NOTHING DOtffe AT THE CLOSE And Last Sessions in Both Houses Were Quiet and Calm Compared With the Former Sessions. Bj the jlmrtoiH Washington, March iS. The country todiiy faced thp now unaccustomed prospect of nine months withonr a session of Congress.' The Sixty-sev-i .ii Hi Congress has passed into history and -incidentally with Itn four sessions, sol ii record for future congresses to shoot nt in thp extent of time, actually spent iu thp legislative hulls. The exudu of memls-is .mil former mem- IhTs of tllP Semite mill limine, who imli'd through Hip sessions was iu full -uiiii.' ttMlay while Washington whs trying to Hcciislnm ilself to the com paratively drub mill mriil- Mfp ohcud.. i Ship die ndnjurnmcnt cinne yester day with thp hang of Hip .senate gavel sharply nt noon, and Mint of Hip House six minute- hitpr. nfter a brief llniil spssion conspicuously lacking in thrills of thp ju-p-Hilnjurmucnt hours of soiup other pOBWaBa. Washington. March 4.- The tilth CongreRs, w hieh hail -Hlicnt a greater Bropottlon of its two-year spun M life bi actual Hpsslon than BBS other in the history of the country, adjourned sine die at noon today. I taring the lust few hours of tho mlon, I'resident Fiurding. sueiKlini' rt of the time nt the (.tiiilrol. Klcmil the farm redHs hill mid 08 other meaxiireg. No Ipgisl.-iiloii was vutoinl. Vice President ('ooHiIkc's gavel full sharply at noon, after 4111 almost eolor- ness luornlng Semite essioii of two hours, and the limine adjourned at U':iHI p. 111., nftpr 11 coHeeii by a sec lion of Hip uMUjiWitii ihkI 11 chorus .ofwiwlnr s.iirS Jj s ir....t,ri.i .1. II'IHRI" Ull- 'I! I Ill llll-llllll-l PI, ninny of whom today answered their last roll call, was In full swing with prosiieclive suspension of activities ill the en pit ol until nextM ecenll)er brings in Hie USth Congress. v Crowds witnessed the closing scenes, adjournment and presence, of Presi dent Harding, cabinet officers, diplo mats and other high officials bringing hundreds who packed the Senate and House galleries. The President reached the cupitol Jit 11 :23 o'clock and whs kept busy reading and signing the linn 1 nvnlnnche of bills. Before goSig to the cupitol, he signed the Innn cie.iits and 43 oth er bill, turned our during the early morning session today, in the ui-csi-deutlul suits oif the Senate chamher liefore the noon limit expired, 55 more hills received executive approval. The last hill to 'become law was the "heller butler'' incisure, changing but ter fat standards. An iinpmi.-int nieiiKM ...... ..l.w.A.1 .... ,1... ....!..,,. kAnl., ... ,1... 1111- 1'i.n in . ii 11117 -1, iiiiii- n 1.. in 1111- hist lnoniPiit was the one providing for reinrii to enemy alien owners of all scued proierly worth $HMMN) or less. I.iltle whs necoiiipllshed by ellheY SpufitP or llnusp In the last two-hour session this morning Memliprs were hollow-eyed and worn from the lohrf night spssioiis which lasted In the House nihil '! :'J0 11. 111., and in Hie Senate until after 1 :.'() 11. m. Ke-assembling nt 10 o'clock, the Sen ate beard "swim songs by Senators Frelinghuysen. -itcpuhlivan. New Jer sey, and Sutherland, Republican, of West Virginia, 'a ' tribute to Senator Williams. Democrat, Mississippi. ' by his .colleague. Senator. Harrison, of .Mississippi 11 ml liicil vulnly to paBii a few more liills. A ln-miniite fllibustpr by Senator Dial, DeniiH-nit, South Oar-' nihiii, enlivened the proceedings before fbe vice ptesident's gavel fell in the midst of Senator Dial's speech ngainsi a nomnlbus pension hill pressed hy Xenator Unrsuni, Republican, Xew Mexico. Previously Senators Lodge, of Mas sachusetts, and Robinsnii, of Arkansas republican and DemocratU' leaders, iplKilntPd to confer with Pi-esldent Harding, and advised the Semite (but IhPiPresldent bud "no more communj ciilliuis'to make." When Mr. Coolldge. tleclared the Senate adjourned "with out day." Senator Smithy Democrat, tlouth Curollna, rooreil "gooci night" amid laughter. The timil hours in the house were more colorful. The marine orchestra, ulaVing In the "well," vied for favor with a hastily) organized quartette of members whoee rendition of old fav orites soon grew Into n mighty chorus the entire house and most of the spec tators .who overflowed the galleries on to the floor. The quartette and orches tra wMin pstahllshed 11 working agree ment, with Representative Wlnlfreil Maspa Hack, of Illinois, joining the. musicians as a violinist, playing 11 Ixirrowed instrument. The American Legion Is doing Its Ml for athletics, many posts through out the country bidding indoor meeis Ibis winter. - Union labor la planning the estab lishment of co-operetlve laundries In I.ob Angeles. Wheeling, and other cll- -KU IK A I.UIAf txM.ivr is i i vi.ro lrwiigaiiag ( mwIiIm- Mun IfCmm b.W b Sml Urwktm I M P,Sf Mill Itcufc Oaf MHkt. Waalgloo, M ii. I, - I'dnltar a pill"U fur ksmjUim- U the pm- brtil hi. for the n ii. . In (lie rtrfi of it,, i . Ki.ii -i, ,,, hivimieMiini; ivnin.i ii-c- iii I he Srar.ie ualeaa moniw I ii km tu break hat ihr rrtrt rlarvii to he a . -,ui - .1.. niiiuin.il. and KHiirni f iin "ii iMbjatn hj H taint: l l ' tllK: nil ir .7 f -u ill . oil mm in nl- ..ii- -i ulu.-l In umn tpillale irio- " during the net few Irearn ii" they Inn- I ui ii (Ininii -um- 1IC!1 the n'liyri yesleidnv said the peopl. of tin- ifMinlry mu.-i l- iirepsr ed "before long " to pny "HI IpuM ' tluit Thp resifll of n three months iwuii- rv into conditions In ibo Drtlustry. the i i'imh i ilivlnrcd. Hip standard eoiupin-li-- in violation of" tht- lull iliwuliit im decree exercise their alleged control ill such manner ns to tlx 'tlio price which Hit' producer of crude nil lei.wtWi nt the U. the price which I ho refiner receives for his gasoline mill kerosene, iik well Hit thie mail price lo (be eon miner." MrNAKY IS OKFKKKD KKCKSS APPOINTMENT Refuses to Arrrnt. However. As Nonil nation Was Nat Confirmed by the Senate. (ii 1 in- Amtclatcd Prew.1 Wasliiiiglon. March IL .Innies (J McN'ury. of New Mexico, whose 110111I ntitiou for conlniller of currency fail ed of conlirmatloii by the Senate, was olTcred a recess iipHiiiitiiient to the place loduy by Presldput Harding bin replied that he n hi not ncceiw. After ll was iiunoiinced Hull l. 11. Crisslnger. the present eoiuptroller. would continue In thai otftin for the present, despite the fart that he has lieeu noiiiliiiitPd and ( (inlirmed as llov ernor of Hip Kedpnil Keserve Hoard. It was made know also that Mr. Harding has decided not to withhold longer the commission of Milo 11. Cnmpliell. of Michigan, ns the "dirt farmer" member of the Reserve Board. Although vonlirmed several weeks ago, the President had refrained from sign ing his commission (tending a Sennle decision on the McNnr.v nomination. TUB COTTON MARKKT Ws Somewhat Irregular at OpUng, March and May tiring Lower. (Br, the A Mortal 4 Press. ) New Vork. March 3. The cotton market was somewhat Irregular at On' opculng. March and May lsdng three to live points lower but July and later dellevries were 13 to 17 milntx liigb- (tbers mill spis-,,f, and llievtone 'f I'"' market " Ttriflfiri ou'iH-in laic cnbles t.rom ilHW- isiol, reports of a heller business in Mnnclie.ster. iind continued covering liv nw crop shorts. May contraels KiHin rallied from ;i(l.72 to :ib.Sii. iu- S points net higher; while October sold up to "MM during the early trading, or 21 points above Saturday's closing quotations. Cotton futures opened firm: March 8(.to; May 30.73: July 29,85; Octo ber 20.93; December 20.43. grkknsborogirl is located in florida Miss Frances Collie. Who Disappeared Last Week, Has Been Found in Tampa. . f 1 Bi the Aaafclated Press.) Greeuslsro, N C. Marc-h 3. Miss FrarS-eg Collie, pretty seveuteen-yeiir-old Qreerfsboro girl, whose my-terlous disappearance from , her home here Inst week alarmed her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T W. Collie, has been found in Tampa. Fin. She arrived there Saturday night and was taken in charge by Hie Trav elers Aid, and is lieing cared for until the father gets there lo bring lieri back lo (ireensboro. The young girl's mother said today It was supposed she had gone to Tam pa to marry 11 young man who was until recently 11 resident of (ireenshofo but who is now living at Tampiij Miss ('ollle's parents opposed the. mar riage, said Mrs. Collie, and hid sought to dissuade her from seeing the young man. TWENTY-FIVE Hl'RT IN TRAIN ACCIDENT Central of OeoTgia Passenger Train Wrecked Near MlxeU, Ua,, Today. r the Aaefate4 i're Columbus, Bit;, Murcli 3. Twenty live persons, the majority of whom were from Columbus and Fort Beb nliig, werej injured, none seriously, when 11 Central of Georgia 'railway passenger train was wrecked near Misell station early today. ' The accident was caused hy a brok en rail, according to reports to lural unices of Ihe railroad. Ail Kntlre Family of Six Killed by Vapor Chicago, March 4. An entire family of six was found dead today, killed hy the vapor of an acid uspiI as 11J ,1 1 wi.nf ....1 ,1 11 1 X. in,, npiitielotiir nf iv ' .... . in,,, in. , . ... ii. restaurant under their npartniept. I'eter Vordabyak, the resfuraleuf, and O. W. Hall, local manager of the National Hygleutlc corporation, of (it'velnnd, who had undertaken to rid the up 1 rt incut of roacbes, were ar retted. The dead are William Kralzenberg, 80, retired wagon builder: his wife.; iWili KratZPilliprg, -34, 11 son; .Mrs. Laura Szjiiianskl, .'III, a daughter: Henry Hyanmnskl, SO railroad log!-. neer, Cary, 1m., and Harold Hiyman- ski, 17., The deepeat mine In the worll Is nt Morro Velho, Brazil. , It has reach ed a vertical depth of d&W feet below the surface of the earch. This great depth Is attained not by one shaft, but by a series of Ave, staggered to follow Ihe 43 degree pitch tt lh lode with which II Is connected by cross- ClltS. I Faft Passenger Service, East to West, Required in a Bill Passing the Senate RaMali. Manh m -natr Wl atai. of Roaa W is wi-,-fuJ in' gel I'ng nnawd Ma bill reqnirlog ,ihe Mr annit Ion eoiumUsiou lo e-islill-li ihnniKli tn. Mwiavr rvlee from i-nsi to wi-it acr . the state, after an aiiH-iHliiM-nt ofTcml by Spnalor Saaa. " hi- bill luis alreMy imssiil 1 h. 1 1 n( Korsrtb. raa voted-down by lfi to' Chairman Page hacLd llila bill aahe 17 agalaal. Tb- bill aow goes to the ing li'ghly neeaaaary to 'U ileaart homtp. . , Bum (liher Hlh passed rein lint lo Mains wnnlPil to provide that porii- codifying turn: relating in public lug In 1 he bill should refer In mrio&j school-. 1 elating tg M.-inlnuleii ilshlng : No. 'l and 1TJ and ih.s hr.. light 4HT 1 lo pltii-e a inouiUBtil 10 North Cnrfl 11.11-. derab good naiured sparing be-i lilts troops nl Vict-hnrt. Miss.-, pro Iween Winston-Salem, High PtTI at and! f:ilsbury n-preseutatlves. Senaior Wmiil-iin opsi-i(l this mi tin- ground Hint lV did not wanl lo in the hands of the 101 p,ir:ttion cnaimission iiad thought that Commissioner Pell would be amply able to Hike care of W!n- Senator Robinson Says Last Congress Failure Democratic Leader Says Republicans Failed to-Take Ad vantage of Opportunities and Despite Large Majorities, Passed Tew Laws of Vital Importance. Washington, March Hi An nrra'an .meni of 'the Republican party's record was made by Senator Robinson, of Ar kansas, acting Democratic floor lead er. In n slHlenient tnniglit reviewing Hie administration's isiliiies mid, acts foreign and dnmesltc. President Harding aiil Si-ctelary Hughes were criticized for alleged failure to adopt a helpful International policy and the Republican Congress was assailed for alleged failures. "Tile present administration,'' said Senator Robinson "is now reaping 11 harvest of condemnation and repudi ation. The legislative and executive policies advanced hy President Hard ing have broken down. This is at tributable to the reactionary charac ter of. the policies, and to the irre cnclllable factions existing within the Republican party." ' No important legislative achieve ments can he. awarded the 7(ith Con gress "with a single exception of the Fordney-McCiimher tariff net." Sena tor Robiilsmi declared, adding: "All other Important measures en acted during the I 'engross now ex piring have been of a nnn-pn ii ls-i 11 nature and have, received tlu support of the' Democrats in both hotrSps of l'ongrps. ajjjhe iflwhfc -a. 'sstefll'iii's ai'empecliua the two most important subjects pre Rented by lilm, excluding the. British debt settlement, net. have been openly repudiated by the Congress. I refer to the ship subsidy hip and the message recommending meinlicrship for the I'nited States in the -pcynmneiit court l-'lM..Vltii..al (...., I.Jt l 111 11111 1 1111 1 mini 1 lusinc. The latter, Senator Robinson said. had been "buried by the leaders oM the li publican party in the Senate. "The administration's foreign pol icy," Senator Robinson continued, "Is Incomprehensible even to those re sponsible for It. The. I'nited States in former administrations rook ad vanced positions In the promotion of arbitration and the establishment of orderly tribunals for the settlement of international disputes. Now we are in thp hiunliintimr nnlindp nt fiicinc ! b tekward and standing still while European peoples in the mnste and confusion of financial and economic problems which threaten their undoing are. stumbling and staggering for ward." . ' Secrecy in Secretary Hughes' man agement of foreign affairs was charg ed and deplored by Senator Robinson, who 8'ild that Mr. Hughes had discus sed recently before an organization of newspaper men the country's foreign relations hut had refused to appear before the somite foreign relations commiltee. '' "The only justification for enshroud ing n foreign policy In solemn mys tery," said Senator Robinson. "Is that publicity respecting it Inevitably would force a Change. ' "It has come to a strange state in deed when the secretary of state will furnish newspaper correspondents w4tt eflwflflettanfc? Information which bp denied the Senate. In domestic affairs, Senator Robin son said. It. 'publicans have "shame lessly repudiated" pledges for a sol diers' bonus and had not acted to re lieve, tf armors and others from exces sive transportation charges. Repub lican Internal revenue tn revision, the Democratic lender said, has "re sulted in relieving Ihe rich and pros perons, while through the. Fordney MeCumber act Ihe luxes (Mild by The masses have been enormously lij creasedi' ( "TIiub failure. Irretrievable failure, marks the record of the, administra tion throughout the last two yeafs." 'said Senator Itnbinson in corirlitsinn. During the evening Senator Robin; son delivered his prepared remarks as an address to the Senate. Willi Our Advertisers. Saving in safety Is the one kind of saving that pays. The CRUeiis Bank and JTrnst. Company offers safety for your money. Beautiful llamt Drawn blouses, $1.03 ir. at Fisher's. Read new ad, IN ew giMxIs are arriving dully at Ov- emudi's. Biisimiw has liecn good since the oiienlng and you too, can find something at the store that will Interest you. Reeew Appointments. (Br tin Asaoeialed lr. 1 Washington. March SA-Prealilpnt Harding today gave recess appoint - inputs to Elmer S. Lnudes, of Ohio, republican, and Morton L. Corey, of Nebraska, democrat, ns directors of Ihe I Federal Farm Loan Board, lob' herd. aa4 lk.11 Halishury was mm going alter thM- train. Aiimng bills pacseil Mas h most ltd unriaut one gfrrag lis- stare highnav ..(iiii-i imi 1 r eater powers In Ar.ling ulih li.uiuaii'.n of gr:i4p 1 Naadfs vide for printing in (leparlmrut of imhllc instruction: pr.ivlde ror ren ileriiif eonwdUMfl slums: relative in death, of noeenmr Ktekett ; allow prison lioaril to acll hrfeks now on hand: provide Australian Imllot in New Hampshire eoiity. 0 in NORTH CAROLINA LEADS IN RIRTHS Raleigh. . C, March 3 by the -f Associated Press). North Cnro- & linn is still leading the million iu sc hi ribs. Original birth figures compiled US hy Ihe 1'. Bureau of Census -r for the lirsl nine' niinil lis of 11122 Indicate n loweY birth rale than & for the corresponding nine JK inonths of 121. Vw the slates compared, the birth rntp for the Hist nine months of 1022 was 52.8 against 23 In 1IIJ1. North Carolina leads Ihe nation & with a rate of 30, while Washing- it: ton is the lowest; with 1S.:. i BOTH HOUSES APPR0VK FARM HKLP MEASURE The Bill Will Be Submitted to Presi dent for Signature This Morning. Washington, Saajfcli 3. Both the senate and house ijirovpd the con ference report on the farm credits hill tonight, and l In. measure is ready tor tfobturssiofit 1o"Wesideul Harding when he visits the eapitol prior to sine die adjournment tomorrow to sign bills. As agreed to In conference uy ihe houser and senate managers the es sentiai features of the composite uonne bi.I remained unchanged, but broaJ er authority was given to the private credit corporations which it would authorize. Continuation until March, 1924, of the war finance corporation also would be. provided for. Managers on the part of the house explained In a formal statement to the house that the bill as agreed to in con ference would create, two distant and separate mral credit organizations, the federal intermediate credit banks and the national agrienltural credit corporAtions. The former wou'd be i P'ced under the control' and maiuig( ment of the federal farm loan board and the latjer under the supervision of the comptroller of the currency. "While the two syntams will fur nish 'relief to the agricultural inter ests of the country," the statement said, ''the federal intermediate credit banks wi 1 more particularly lake care of the needs of a certain class and might come nearer than would the national agrirultnral credit cor porations in taking core of the entire needs of the general agricultural pu -lie; the national agricultural credit corporations will make certain the caring for in 11 nationa1' way of the livestock and co-operative marketing requirements. "Your managers took Into consid eration also the fact that the national agricultural credil coporations will be organized along the same lfnes rant national bunks are organized, qamely. by inlvatr nuhnrrlptinu tn capital an(L secondly, that the acceptances col literal trust niile or debentures issued by them und'r the provisions of the act carry no tax, exception privileges, whereas federal inter mediate credit banks are capitalized by the. United Slates government and are permitted lo issue tux free debentures." Mt. Pleasant Circuit Quarterly Confer enre,-1 The second rfiiarlerly couforeice for the Mt. PlPiisanl circuit for this year will he held at St. Paul's Church on next Snturdny. March 10th. Preach ing nt 11 O'clock by Dr. T. V. Marr. Presiding Elder. After dinner the con ference will lie held, and there will lie addresses by two visiting brethren. All stewards, Sunday school super intendents, trustees and local preach ers are urged to he present. Let Sun day school superintendents' have writ ten rM)rtM of the Sunday schools. We expect an interesting and prolltahlp program. Jiet everybody come. W. T. Albright. Kiddie hop Rained But Bab) Is I n hart. ; Gretna, Fla., March 3. Lightning struck the borne of iMr. and Mrs. J. S. Herring at this place today., wreck ed a "kiddle koop" in which their three year old Infant was sleeping ; burned a hole In the floor near the I place where ihe child was sleeping end never roused it tram Its slumber The parents of the child were severe I j shocked by the lightning. I f XNJIR All MM Hill DEMON rTL DR'OTIOV Meat Wk (nil Raw af Hmtitm There i:ae.1ed id Aaer (all in Uaur of Need. Hi. imi. V. I'. March 3. - lanir'n hoys mid girls are gulug to kImiw North 1 ir.iima hni loyally ivi ed-l-ge. mini".' says J nil 11 (ieorge. entlon mill in.-rti. of ChetTTTlllP. ill refereih-p lo the great rciinioa mt Hrnnir Col lege allium' a in 1 former -in.h nj- In ! I" 1.1 iu lli. Km' W.jlm in March 7 It U exppctetl thai the ho.ne ivmiiiE will nrp is- In point of mini be ra .n. 1 In enlliiislasni any gaibering of for mer I -em -Irian- yet held. Trains w 'll bear lis- reluming .us and daugb ters from ciry poriioa of the Old North State gad fn.m many iapre tont fectious of the (sinatrv. he siiengtn or n 11 ii lege, ("it tinties Mr. Ueorav. "la in the mceew of its graduates, and Ihe ends of tin I i.iiifi m-.11 ii-iiuini lo 1 ne caiii-n posll'on of lion. .1 which is (be birth right of la-noir. l noir has ever liecii 11 - srhiHd Inn never a famous one. 1 1 has unassumingly traveled its quiet ptilh for many years, turning out men and women who have achieved honor through service lo mankind. Now Ihe day has come when il need no Ungej- liinit its great service lo Ihe hoya ami girls if orth Carollin through a lack of means. With Ihe dynamic force thai will carry on to victory throe thdiisanil men and women whose lives have, passed under Lenoir's Influence are getting intTi lite game to insure that the r alma mater attains a com manding position lu the educational field." The home coining will he 11 dedica tion of purpose Unit llloir Col lew shall grusp the opportunity offered to it this spring to become the outstand ing Lutheran college in the South, anil to multiply the -arenl influence if his hud in shiipiifjf the, present life of North Carol 1 1111. 'lite program of the meeting Wednesday morning Includes Inspirational addresses by prominent alumni and others, music hy the Le noir Men's (llee Club, and the showing of the. famous Wittenberg Film, which bears the distinction of being the lirst college lilm produced iu America, and which pictures the phenomenal growth and development of Wittenberg Col-1 h'gc and the unselfish and loyal devo tion of her alumni iu rallying to her standard. Lenoir has never been a school for rich men's boys and girls, nor one which has been afraid to face the fuels of lite. Her sons and daughters learn j to work uncomplainingly, and go out 1 to achieve success in lives of service. I Forty per cent, of all Ihe men 'who have gone out from her halls have I entered Ihe ministry and are serving I Christ in the four corners of the! c.avlh. Tvnty-e:ghl young men now iu school are preparing for the same I work. Lenoir further enjoys the ofis- i tinction of having provided a larger 1 per ccltl of the mission workers in : Japan than any other portion of the; I'nited Lutheran Church. I "The call of the Mother has gone out lo her children in far places to rally about her in her hour of test and share with her the joy of triumph, and her children will not fail," says Rev. John L. Morgan, in charge, of the Alumni division of the Appeal, who traveled 3(1 miles to school some years ago with $1H in his pocket to see him through four years of college, and who is now the successful pastor of three, influential churches in North Carolina. Cliarlotte Hotel Cotmpaii) to Slue For Large Subscriptions. Charlotte, March 3. Judge B. F. T cr iC Qto rout, i 1 1 rx will nov I VL'OOlt r:.6'., . .w ,t, .....i Ileal Llic (11 lite viiiicn.s imio company against E. D. Latta, Sr., 111 regard to a subscription of fG0,Ut)0 which the company claims Mr. Latta made toward the Citizen hotel. This is one of a number of suits brought by the hotel against subscribers' wKo were dissatisfied with the local ion of the hotel. Mr. Latin's was the largest subscription. The tota'. amount of subscriptions ranging unpaid is over JKlO.OftO iMr Latin will be represent - ed byTillett and Guthrie, and Cnnsler and Cansler. Represent ing the hotel company will be Pharr, Belt and Sparrow and T. A. Adams. Trinity Closes Basketball Season tilth Second Honars. Durham, March 4. Having copped the state championship in wrest nn,; with a perfect record against state J .,..1,nJ 1 1 1 I .,l in 1'..,, '.,) Trinity college claims second honors -SiyJL,-.. . ill oiisaeiuau roi nm to 1 mama i" the season which oioaod. With the ill 20 victory over State Saiuntny night. Trinity has lost only three games in the State, while her nearest competitor, Wuke Forest, has lost four. -Of fifteen collegiate 6ames scheduled. Trinity turned in eleven victories ami only four defeats. Vn of iivor 7.000.000 acres of timtier land in the Uuited Slates slon to give, certain prelerence to vei ls destroyed by forest fires each year, erans Of the World War In their ex ilic immediate property loss exceed- ing $lu000.000. Dissapears After Wife's , Death; Goes Home to Die (Br the Auraclated IT. .. Elyrla. Ohio, March 3. Willi advice to "take cure of him ; he's got just one week lo live." a man npiieurpd at the old Hulf homestead on Broad street nine days ago with a strict helpless crlpide whom' he deposited inside the door nnd left. Coroner Perry, was no tified of his death yesterday. It was from this home that John Hulf, a college graduate, disappeared iu December, 1803, on the day of the murder of his wife In Cleveland Of late yi-nrs Hip old homestead has liecn occupied by hla slater, Miss .Iu - Ua Hulf. who lives there alone, The stranger who brought the man SHOWN IN WORK OF GEHt; .1 lilL. Iivuki.... . After Some Disagreement Both Houses Able to Get Together on Solicitors Sal ary Bill. .011 a nr nrtrnn lMrJwl riAEil' AT $4)00 YEARLY Agreement Relative to Mon ey for State Institutions Also is Reached After Some Delay. Raleigh, March 3 1 By Hm Associat ed Press 1. Adoption of lb report of the conference committee on solicitors' salary bill providing 11 hat salary of $4,3(111 a year for state solicitors fea tured the oMnlng of the ilmis.. today. The rt'iiort further proefded the tic become effective on (Holier I. )'.i24, instead of upon .lime 30, P.I2I, The new change grew out of (he re fusal of the Mouse to enm-nr in the Semite amendment which would raise the original house bill's provisions from tiJltKI iter yena lo 1.73d. Representative Warren of eauforl reporting for ' ( committee, stated the report niel with unanimous ap provi: of all parties concerned. Representative Murphy, .of Rowan, reported for the conference committee which' considered the senate amend ment to the maint"nane.e appropria tion bill providing u sliding scale for institutions. The report asked the senate to recede from its amendment and w as ad.iDled Senate Action. Raleigh, iM.-.rch 5. (By the Associat ed Pres.,)- - The senate follow jd tne House lead today in concurring in tne conference recommendation that tne senate recede from its amendment 10 Ihe gener: I appropriation bill tor maintenance of ::tae institutions, ii; this action the appropriation became absolute instead of dependent i:ion slate revenue. Senator Varser, whose amendment to sc. le the appropriation down to the income of the mLhc In Ihe ev n, the alter pro- cd inude.uai. for- Cw fJJli amounts was neceplc.1 In tile senate originally, disagreed with the wis dom of Hi- conference cenmittee Dttl interposed no objection lo com 111 rence today. The senate also (-(incurred in the eonfereitcs committee report on the solicitors salar bill which would put all solicitors on a salary of $4,300 and $750 for expenses, effective October 1 1924. REPAIRS TO AIRPLANES HALT THEIR JOURNEY Marhmes Headed to Porto Rico Will Leave Montgomery. Ala., Some Time 1 omorrow. my (be A(McIotd Prexs.l Montgomery, Ala.. March B. An nouncement was made here today by officers of the !'. S Army Air Service Squadron stopping here en route from San Antonio, Texas, lo Porto tlico unit the nlanes will wail until tomorrow before hopping off on Ihe third leg of their flight lo Arcadia. Fla.. becaust of repairs thai cannot lie completed before tonight. It was believed at lirsl I hill Hit planes would be able to leave Ibis af ternoon. i ' "T Silk Sale at Parits-Belk Company.' The Parks-Belk Company is observ ing National Silk Week, beginning lo day and continuing through March 10th. and 'Hiring this period special prices on silk goods are being offered at the store. The company has a page ad. today setting forth some of the specials 01 fered. and by reading the ad. careful Iv you can see how you can save mon ey by purchasing your silk goods now In addition to the silk values tillered . w.,,.i,,.. -...i fouipajij' tn alcio nfferlnn sTie iat 1"''S . ,fnllv '"' wuuu "" - President Wants to Aid Veterans. imt in in nsi nn a mm- Washington. March ."..-One of , ..... 11 ii....- i..d -..is imfore r a" . .,, V" e n.i'i id,. today was to direct Ihe Civil Scrv!( IIS 111 1. 111. 11. Commls nmlnalions ior positions ' " service. to the door, rang the door hell and asked Miss Hulf if she had 11 brother. "i hail." she said. "He's been away for years." , "Well, here he Is. Take care of him the doctor says he'a, got one week to live," said the stranger. His sister helped him to bed. To nil pleas that he send for n physician the man in-olesled, ami the sister acceded to his wishes. During' the week. Hulf preserved si lence concerning himself He died. ( tsatiirduy nignt. flrmatton. 1 Hulf and his wife spmriitcd in 1803. j 1 A few day later his wife's Issly was' Musket Imlls were legal tender as found, Mabbed to death in Cleveland, 'farthings iu Bunion in 1033. PRESIOENT LEAVES VISIT TO FhORi Accompanied by Mrs. Hard ing and Party of Friends President Left Washington Today for Vacation. SPECIAL TRAIN CARRYING PARTY An Attempt by Legal Process to Keep Certain Members of Party in Capital With drawn Today. (Br the Auaolalr Prcaa.) Washington. March 4. President and Mrs. Harding accompanied by a lmrty of friends, left Washington in lay on a siieciiil train for Florida, where they will take a vacation house boat trip of more than 11 month. The President's special pulled out a few minutes after noon for nn uruiitci-- upted inn to Ormono. Florida, wcere the party is to board fie honseuoat. It was Mrs. Hsrdlng's first appearauco outside the white bouse grounds since her serious illness of last summer, but she appeared almost her old self md stood on the observation platform waving farewells nnti the train was nil of sight. v Try to Stop Members of Party. Washington, March 3. An attempt by legal process to prevent Attorney General laugherfy. Chairinnn Ijisker of the shipping hoard, and John Har ton llavne. chairman of the Red Cross, from leaving Washington for a vaca tion trip with President Harding iu Florida, was begun and then abandon ed today shortly before the hour set for the departure of the President's special train. Af the request of attorneys for ( has. W. Morse, the New York shipbuilder, who goes on trial here Wednesday on barges of fraud in connection with wartime contracts, the 1. S. Marshal's office issued subpoenas requiring the men to apienr iu court on Ihe ojK'ning day of I lie trial its witnesses for Ihe defense. lnle .11 deputy niarslinl was trying (.. iil.lh,. L'.llillluUIIIII ll.ll,'l,,-,l. ISO. t rlrt Attorney Cordon conferred with the Morse comisel, and it, was agreed that Hip attempt would be abandoned. SWEET BILL PASSED BY THE UPPER H01SK Vniends Provisions of Insurance Act to Aid the Disabled Veterans. Washington, March 3. The Sweet bill, amending provisions of the war risk insurance act so far as to in crease the period in which a veteran's , disability would be assumed to have resulted from his service, and extend ing the insurance privileges in spe cial cases, was passed by the senate today. There was no record vote. Under provisions of the bill cases of tubercular and neuro psyclihutric diseases occurring within three years of the soldier's discharge will be con sidered as due to his service, and will make such soldier eligible for hospi talization and compensation. All hospitals under the Jurisdiction of Ihe veterans' bureau are thrown open to veterans of the civil and" Spanish-American wars as well as of the world war and transportation of these patients tit government expense to the hospitals is authorized. Another section authorizes tnt pay ment of S100 for funera expenses fa the nearest! of kin of any veteran who dies and leaves insufficient prop erty, to meet these expenses. MAYFIELD ANSWERS CHARGES BY PEDDY Senator-Elect Says Charges Are "In famous and Absolutely False." (By Ihe A(ielfife4 PT e n. I Washington, March 0. Senator elect Eaiiey B. Mnytleld. of Texas, to day gave out 11 Statement here de 1 lining "infamous ruul uhfiolutL'Lv false" the election contest charges Idled recently with the Senate by George E. It. Peddy, the Republican I Independent democratic candidate for nate defeated by Mr. Mayfleld last November. I Mr. Peddy had charged that Sena- f ior-elect May-field belonged to the Ku Mux Man and had entered a conspir acy with its members by w hich his election was fraudulent. The state ment todny by Mr. Mayfleld declared Mr, Peddy's election contest "a con tinuation of a campaign of misrepre sentation and abuse." tiaimpliell's Contention is Now "Deaf," Forcver. Washington, March 4. Dr, J. Ike Campbell, who contested Represauta tlve Doughton's election, cou d not get recognition hrc yesterday,, and no reference to his case wits made, it (ollapsed months ago, but every now and then he tried to pump wine in It. It Is dead forever now. Nomination of Robins Confirmed. (Br the (cltee Pram.) Washington. March 3. Examination of Senate records today revealed that the nomination of (Jrover c Rubins lo he postmaster at mowing Rock, N. C, wits' conlli'ined In the eleventh hour rush. Earlier records Indicated 11,111 the nomination hud fulled of eoit-