VOLUME XXJU CONCORDN. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 0. I02J NO 58. Near East Campaign in , Cabarrus Great Success Chairman Armstrong An nounces That More Than 47,000 Has Been Paid in or Pledged by Cdbamis. COUNTY QUOTA FAR EXCEEDED Full Reports Expected to Swell Total to Nearly $8, 000. Statement Issued by Chairman Armstrong. Rev. J. Krank Armstrong, chairman of the Near Kasl Relief cniniHiigu in liltl unity, today makes public the llxt of contributors to the fluid, show Ing Mm amount given hy various in divhlittils ami mpmUHIillHl. . The to tal raised in this county represents ii big inn iv in over the county's quota, mill sets.n line inflrk for other counties in I hi' State to tVy to equal. The quota for this county was ."$3,240 and Mr. Aruistrqng repdrf tu t ii 1 collections ami pledges aM7.238.S0, tin' tiitnl representing an oyersnlMiorip lion of 223 icr com. Tile coiinly last year nretmrtMPrihed its qtmhi in ii most liberal manner, lint lite l'.i22 (rial did not iipuil liy fur tlir hand some surplus rulliil up this year. Mr. Armstrong expressed genuine pleasure nml almost surprise as' the lotals from various parts of lire eonn ty Im'suii to mnie ill. lie had ex ported the quota to lie easily raised, lie said, hut lie did not liclieve when the campaign lirst opened that such a largo surplus would la- raised. After submitting Ibis reiHirt for publication Mr. Armstrong made the, following statement : "In the name of starving, orphan cnnuren in inr nwiiy. moou-so iKeu, devastated Armenia, the land of Mows and Ahrnhiim. of Paul and of Christ. wish to thank from my heart every ndividnal and every organization that possihle our woWuk'rfnl suotl-ss In the Near East Relief campaign. "The perfect vavalnnche of pledged and money coming-in at the last hour Km overwhelmed me '. Kept in nn- ccrtfl itit v for dais )i-c:i i.i of Hie slow il l in us. 1 was not pvcpnrcd fursueh si luagiiillcent Hojet " ) is ureal Ik- -mut!ii9rvml"ii .' ,JuL Ifc w our iUt.n ,hy nearly $MHHl tfeem winnst unbelievable!. j, "Knr the year 1023 t'uluirrus count' Instead of siiportlug he.r fifty four or pliiins on the Black Seal will have one hundred and twenty of these little one to her credit. Cahiirrus'luis hoi only answered the call of huinaiiiiy in proud style, she, has answered grandly the call of Jesus Christ! For 'inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these little ones ye have done it unto me.' "Now- let all of us who have con tributed to this life-saving, soul huilding enterprise, stand together and slug 'PruiRe God From 'Whom All Wessings Flow !' " The following contributions were made by Sunday schools and churches : Central Methodist McKimmou Presbyterian Methodist Protestant Forest Hill Methodist .... Mt. Olivet Methodist First A. R. P. Hayless Memorial Pres. First Jlnptist (credil) Kunnnpolis Methodist Kannapolis Wisleyan McGill Street P.nptisl KaunaiKilis Presbyterian . Center (irove Lutheran West Concord Baptist Westminster Pres. (col.) ,. .Ml. Pleasant Circuit (ered.) Trinity Reformed Second Presbyterian St. James Lutheran WeBtford Methodist - Women's Fed. Mis. Society $551.33 lfi't.(KI 24.07 1230.00 $240.00 1(1123.40 (!0.00 SNt.lHt ....... 1 $5.00 $327.50 $120.00 $120.00 $88LT5 $154.1)1 $40.(H) $(!0.(M) $1!KI.25 $120.00 $1SO.OO $47.00 Epworth Methodist .... l. Poplar Tent (credit and pledg es) i.; i s Patterson Presbyterian Sun day School Mt. Pleasant Churches First Presbyterian. Men's Bi $S0.00 45.00 8.00 liKl.OO ble Class - 540.1K) First Presbyterian Sunday School 447.00 St. John's Reformed, .JCanna po lls . Kannapolis Lutheran Kannapolis Baptist All Saint's Episcopal 8.83 120.00-; 120.00 00.00 Total WUSfroT The following contributions Were made hy individuals: Mr. ami Mrs. 0. II. Peck, city- $0.no K. 8. Phnrr. Rooky River fi.OO Mrs. C. W. King. Knmmpolls 10.00 Mr. anil Mra. M. Linker,. city 00.00 Mrs. W. L. Morris. Patterson 28.7 MV- . ! Well, city 10.00 Mr. and Mra Cameron MoRae. city ftO.OO Mr. and Mts. O. F. Iitclue. city - 80.00 Total Contributions from schools Cnnnon-Voll $2I.00 $2.00 New Oilead Central Graded (Miss 5.00 RutrT Dry! - T IV School Central Oraded (Miss Nellie Dry I Central Graded (Miss Virginia Duioot) . '. i.a mi 2.00 .no Bear Creek 2.00 Sunderland Hall 60.00 v Jaoiiiion Training School .'MiO.OO No. 2 School (Ora Praether) .. t.1.00 No. 2 School i Miss Day) 10.00 i srn : soi inf. BY MITVKI i By the Associated Pieas. i 4 Korsytu. Ja.. Mar h . Mar- eellns F. AUnnethv. aged Al. a 'I f.itmei. ii-. .! gusnline ly unmake 4 to stmt a i.ie iu Ids l:on,.' near 1 her.; IOKt.iv. The fMdosioti rt I'-if that followed roved fatal to him- 4 I;' Mlidiiil. bis oiuis.'cst d.iogh- 1 ter. -n'n.l (TaronM his son. The nV 1 doctors said Mrs Ala'rneihy. bud ly Ijuir. "d alin He head and 4 ! toily. would uvover. : .- The tiuher dbit lighting the an 4 in an elforl lo save his wife and 4 1 children. The home was nil ilia I- Iv destroyiil. 4 NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL ta Alii) TO BK 1 .'MM Ml N (.ranted Authority lo Form 13 More Orgaulza lions in Slate. (Br Ihr Ararlaivd l'rM.) IRalelgh. N. C, March S. ivortt Carolina has been grair.ed anlhor't: by the United Slates 'nr Dofmrl nieut to form thirteen nio.-e 0rg4ni7.11 lions in its National Guurd quota according to an aniinuuccnient louay by Adjutant OejX-rn .1. Van B. Mens When Miesc ci-Ranialions a? , .on p-leted the Iota enlistment in 111 it states's National (jiurd will be up proximately 4oOO men. Whe!i the original allotments were made In 1920 thfsc nails were Includ ed In those already formed tn Nortl Carolina, but account of sb -rrage o! federal funds aiul readjustments uioy were held up. A meeting of a specia commission recently I'ompleted I tr consideration of readjustments, wlilct were approvisl by Hie war depnrtmeu1 and authorized for the nuferenl Blates. The new organizations, for ihi- state include one infantry brigade headquarters company, one mediri laboratory section, one medical sup ply RtCtiAa, one motor repair section one wai,'an ixmpany. one engin,4err regimental headquarters company one engineers rcgitnental head qtiarters and service company, oni additional bstlalion of field arli lerj 10 complete., the original all inieni ol rcglmentm headquarters company anil one regimental service company . Organizations already tor.med tr the state are an Inl'intrv regiment, ol about nineteen nulls; a battalion of engineers ol about three units, an ambulance company, a merman company, a motor transport company 11 signal company, an anti-nlrcraf machine gun company, one squadror of cavalry and two companies coast artillery. N North Carolina already Is one of the lending states in standing of National Guard companies ii the Fourth Corps Area. Genera' vvletU stated that communities desiring ti secure new units granted by the wai department, should take up th" mat tcr with him as noon as possible. WOMAN CONTINl'ES TO RUN HKill TEMPERATl'RI Miss Evelyn Lyons Continues III Wit' Temperature of 114 Degrees. (By tlte Associated I'r.'HN.I Escanaba. Mich.. March Wlthou I ail' indications ol abating, tR8 execs .sie teiiiperaliire oi in degrees of higher experienced by Miss Evelyn Ly ons for 20 days, today was still main tattled. The cause of the excessive tempera lure slill remained a puttie to pltysi clous, 1 be only solution filtered lielna Ihnl Miss Lyons was slightly injured in 1I11 automobile accident Inst Sep letnbei Ktflttermilk Again Proyes Its Worth WTnston-Salem, March 8. In a -tetter received here today from a Stokes county farmer, in which he flies a claim with the office of the Forsyth and Stokes branch of the Farmers' Mutual Life Insurance association, ior damage done to the roof of his hotise by Are, he states that the blaze was extinguished by the use of buttermilk "We had a large supply of it on hand and used it with telling effect." says the Stokes man in his letter. He asks for 950 ns damage, explaining that a hole in the roof of his . house was burned from the eavc to the combnnd that the Ure originated from a jjpHrk. Planes Still in Miami. tHr the Asaoelafca Prw Miami, Fln.Mareh, !.--Cap! 0. Lanthler, commanding the ThoR. SU.U111I ron of six iiriny planes 011 a tesl flight from San Antonio. Texas, lo Rorto Ri co, announced today that the start from here to 'Havana will not lie made until some time Saturday. Cruse School Roberta ScIkmiI Cold Water f Scotia Seminary Kudy School Totnl Credits from Raleigh . Grand Total (Juotn for Cabarrus .. 3.00 10.00 5.00 70.00 .70 $4tir.0fi si.: 11 17. 1' 1 $7.2t.WI ... $3240,00 Oversubscription L- $3003.80 Mr. Armstrong pointed out in discus sing the total that many sehooU abd Sunday schools In the county have not yet made their report, and h expected the grand, total lo lie increased hy at ' least $300.00 when all reiwrts have been made. .in . . t. i:si! r !i wii r i f.f: 1 -r.d Aardu K.hJr'.. Wifr (nu ill) m. 'uit and Kb It. eilo:! U Hri I' lUicigli. Marxh ! M.-.- of tlx- Tilbnl illncNt of Mie wife of War- .111 SaBi J Hiedai. OunTiiiir Mo-ti- hi tmiay craated a n-sidle of 3i d.ivi. a W iley IVrry. negmr" who was lo jive I 11 ' Bf lo ",o true Homing for the niunter of Riiy Aikt-si. plwUlitielil olllig nuill of 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 . Mm. liusliee ha not ten expeetiil live or several days, but her i-on- lition ; rfii.jrtsl .light l imiirovrd his morning and hope i entertained or her ttrty. 'I in- war.h u has nn iportinent ill ula- of the buildings q he in-.' Pe ry was Irle.l mid (ouvhtiM of he innrd. r of Aiken in the Oranrlllc onntv snpirlor court at Oxford on ''britary Huh and was iiuunslialely in I b llUllle P.olid to die in the lii-trle chair Batoy. DENIES Mlt IIH.AN 1.IKL S I I Mi-EK'M RE Kl ( llrill I IS ii tor Says High Mail, in Case of Miss Lyons Is 115 ami Her (Vtitidi tii.n Ik I'nrltanged. Escanaba. Mich., March P. fir. lurry I). Defnet, iu charge, of the ease if Miss Evelyn Lyons. Kscanalia girl. .vlio- teniiN-raltire of more llian 114 legrei-s over n (erlod of more than wo weeks lias attracted Hie at ten ion of the medical profession, tonight rave her temperature as 114 2. The route; woman's pulse was given as 120: blood pressure. 122: respiration. aiiiM'tite. fair: mentality, normal. Many telegrams and lelters are be. ing risiavod hy .Miss Lyons. Sin cads I Item with much interest and ald today she would try 10 answer hem niter awhile. Ir. Iiefnei staled today thai reports iven out last night to newsii niers hat her temperature bad reached 11 (rhen the siasial thermometer was Vroken were not authentic and wenj mt given sut by him. Tiie clinical thermometer used by dm was broken, but that is not 1111 usual through rapid expansion, be aiil. "The highest absolute record Unit nay he taken as authentic was -reach ed Inst night when the temperature egistorcd 115 hy a special thermnme er loaned to me by. the local Weatl er Bureau," the doctor said. FORI) I'AYK MONEY TO fW'L LINCOLN ( REDITOKS ); (roil Mantifailurer Pays All in Full, Thntigli Not Required to Do Sa. IBy Ihr Aswlniril rrmn.l rot;tm, .Mif vi' ft. .vy creditors of aMliii)i.'.WiMlr 'm -(Virtpin.v. pur ihasi'd lasLyear by Ilejiry Kurd nl a eceiver's sale, have IsVil jvaiuiburseil 11 full by Mr. Kurd, it yvas officially iniiouuced today. The stun needed lo lay all claims in lull was npproximate y Sl.iMHi.iHHi. Pord look ibis step, it vas unpiHinceil, despite t )( - fact Hint ic was no required to do so, under he terms of bis purchase. JOT. Morr.Tson Welcomed (o Charlotte By Towns People. Charlotte. March 8. Governoi .vior r.'scu reached Charlotte yesterday lfler stopping on his way from ital igh, in Salisbuvy, as the guest of VIr. and iMrs. Edwin C. Crjgoiy. .Mrs. iregory and Mrs. Woodson, the latter i'Ibo of Salisbury, has been in Raleigh tslltng at the mansion for sevwial lays. The governor always receives '.r. ovation when he comes to Uhar otte. Just at this time Charlotte is (specially glad to see hi.11 to con rratulate him on the record ne uaa tiade. He sa d, ' I am more tint n pleas id wilh the whole result, of the eglslatlve work in putting ill rough ho extended program. I think, . nil eel confident, that the slate will hear no out. in the statement, that the coord of the last legislature was the yeatest ever made." Liquor Charges Still Hold liood. Raleigh. March 8. Assurance of 'allure of efforts to secure immunity on the part of defendants charged. A-ith violation of State proiiiDition 'aws prior to passage of the Turling ton act toy the General Assembly which has just adjourned Is coiHain td in a formal statement issued by Rev. R. L.. Diivis, superintendent, of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon league. After consultation nith Herlot Clarkson. of Charlotte, who as clmlrmnn of the legislative comm:ttee rt the league drafted the Tur lngmn act and piloted it through the General Assembly, iMr. Davis Is of yie op.oion 'hat the Supreme Court has already ieflnitely determined tie validity of ill pending indictments in an opinion handed down in 1905 in State vs. Per kins. Anita Stewart Her Husband Pari. Los Angeles, Calif., March X. Anita Stewart, motion picture ac tress, ami her husband, ltuuolph Cameron, director have "agreed to disagree for a little while and. live apart," IMiss Stewart said, according to a story the Los Angeles runes published today. ( "I am not contemplating u di vorce," she added, "and I am sure my husband isn't. There is no corespondent -al least I know of none. If I ever get a divorce, I shall make all the details public for unuion picture 1 aliens are entitled to know the truth about their entertainers." Carolina, lo Play Auburn. (Mr Ik AaaoelateH Preaa-t Chapel Mill, March p. Carolina has arrnnire! 11 base 111 mime with Auburn at Auburn. Ala., April 30. This comes two daVB after the 'Carollna-Vlreinl enme lu Greenahoro. and la the Dm game of the Southern trip. It la fol- lowed bv games with the University of Alabama. Unlversltv of Georgia, 1 Men er and Georgia Tech. Lady Astor Fighting For . Protection of Children Isiiwlon. Uarrhp-iRj Hi.- Avil ami in i,n,.... l-n. .,h.t girK d si Prensi I mIv M", ns lo lie tie ., ,,..1 of the pol o, lion . Itnii-r or '..ni tunas I -l Ihr second II alnady U ilb-val. she sdnlis Mt. a. in,.' of .r Irtft prohilHtinx 1 be mk- lo sell liijuur itlboiu. iimh-r II. aud of Intoxit-Miiis pi yot iimter is for ; lo r bill .111 rely elinng.il the age limit ..11-111ni.i1c.11 141 the prcnilst-K. dcli I ere I an mblreaa tn Riteatin. anil Hoiu-e. Tito hilt, she tr with itlirtMll f:"l i. oil amiisnl re. was designed s their health to protect MM self control and powf-i 01 r. siian r-r ARRESTED IN RMD, Twenty Arrests Made by Dry Agents and Twenty Other Warrants Will Be Served At Once. the AaMlBrl I'rpu . Richmond. Va., Matcli ft. A ity roundup of bootlegipTs by federal pro hibition enforcement officers, resulted in the arrest of more than twenty per sons today and warrants for as many more were in the hands ,,r tin- agents (llic-lhlrd of 1 hose taken into custody Wi-. e women. Loss than one gallon of liquor was taken by the federal ollicers Iu the more than t wenty pules liMinl. This however, will not retard the prosecu tion. State Prohibition I i rector It. A. Fulwllder declared, as the evidence laid been collected In advance by a special dry enforcement operative from another section of the I'. s. Commissioner sal in his office in tin state. Eleng-Helmer federal build ing throughout the ninrning and ns fast as the prisoners were brought iu they were arraigned" And bound, ovei to the grand jury which meets here April 2. Most of those arrested waiv ed preliminary hearing and were re leased under bonds of from $-"00 to 1,000 each. BI,00I)H0luDS SRARCHINtJ KOR NE0RO ASSAILANT No Definite Trace Found of Negrc Who Wounded Five Person, Willi a Shotgun. Illy Hi- AmMCflKril Ptmh.1 Spencers Teiin.. nrcii ft. Two sets or frtesh' lfloid"'rnmnits ' fire iVpnric.l lo have been put 011 the trail of Lewis Douglas, the negro paroled convict who early Thursday morning shot and wounded five members of the bouse bold of Sam T. Hasten, brother of Tennessee's secretary of stale Ernest N. Huston, nt fiiiniulngsvlllc. thK (Itiutlty. while they were silting up with Mrs. Hasten, fatally ill with sleeping sickness. The wounded members of the house hold are reported this morning lo he resting as well as could lie expert ed. NEW ANAESTHETIC IS DISCOVERED Superior to Any I'nig; Now 111 tse. is Claim. Chicago, iMareh S. -Discovery or an anaesthetic pronounced by some ex perts to be superior to any known drug producing an anaesthetic came after 13 years of almost constant experiments by Dr an associate urn!' A. B. Luckhardt. or of physiology Chicago, and .1. at the University P. Carter. Thiil became km announcement, of wn today Willi the the new ks. made Hr. Luckhardt. Tie by associates of new gas was said to util' of ethylene gas. and to properties have many advantages over "laughing gas" nitrous acid, the now commonly 111 use. Supporters of Dr. Luekhartlt's envery said it lias no effect on heart net ion, m nitnizes danger ins- the ot pneumonia from the use of "laughinf gas" and persons under its Influenc can he returned to consciousness al most immediately by the administra tion of cxygen. om" Arnioiir-Morris Merger to Be pleted. IB7 lll AaaocUlled Press. Chicago. March P. The merger of Armour & Company and Morris & Company will he consummated within a week, it was burned today from an authoritative source. Within that lime the valuation of the Armour & Company stock to Jie exchanged as part of the purchase price will he ilxed by arbitral Ion. it was jnndc. known. Draft of Debt nt ore Completed. IUy the Aaauelated Preaa. Washington, March 0. The Ameri can debt funding commission today completed the formal, draft of the, debenture which embodies the terms of the debt refunding settlement re cently negotiated with Great Britain. No annouiiceiucnl . however, as to when the contract would be submit ted to the British representative for the signature of 'heir government. Students Volunteer 1'nio.n Greensboro, March 1). Twenty-six young women. 14 froaa the North Car olina College and 12 from (Jreenshoro College, left here tislny for Raleigh to attend the Ihroc.-day meeting of the North Carolina Students Volunteer Union which opens late today. New Prohibition Agent for Guilford 11- 1 l'o nt March D T Ken nedv. of this city. ha8 been amiointed 1 federal nrohlhltlon enforcement officer nl Guilford county, according to a re- RICHMOND TORS pert from D. H. Blair, commlasionui' 1 1 rict of South Carolina, was aasailed, of Internal revenue, Waihlngton. D.jin a statement by Senator Dial, of I C. Mr. Kennedy probably will make 'Hint state, made public today through this city his ueadauartera. Imimum' it was geiiernllv reitviuaed thai s plr. tlll an- ynmu at IV "A hoy i B-JChlhl up lo 18." Lady Astor diilansl "Yon men are chi dnti. and or women love you bwanre you are children." FROM HER INJURIES Which Are Alleged to Have Been Inflicted by Orphan - Youth Who Lived in Heri Homo. illy the AsaoPlnted PrcaA Greensboro. March ft. Mrs. Kdwnrd Purcoll. of Rockingham county, dim) nt a local hospital early today from wounds sustained When she was shot, il is alleged, by Milton Scares. 17 year old orphan at her home near Iteidsville oil Tuesday. She said the boy grew angry because she refused to open the safe iu her home and al low it to be pi I lei cd. Scares has not been captured. The remains of Mrs. I'urcell were carried to Iteidsville this afternoon, where funeral services will be con ducted from fair, 1 , rme Church near the I'urcell home. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The husband, two daugh ters, two sons and two brothers sur vive Mrs. I'urcell, a member of one of itockinghnm county's most promi nent families. Continued search by officials in Rockingham. Guilford and other coun ties lias failed lo produce any deli alle clues as to the whereabouts of Milton Scares, the 17-yoar-old orphan who now stands charged with murder: He had been placed iu l he I'urcell home by a welfare worker following an escapade of minor consequence. DEPARTMENT STORE IS BADLY DAM AGKIi RY Shepnrd Company, of Providence, Is 1'r.iH untlly Destroyed by an Early Mornhir HnrlfP IBy The Assuelaieil 1'rraa.i Providence. Ii. 1.. March !. Kite which swep: two Hoots of the Shep 11 irl Company, deiuirtnienl store in the heart of the business section slill was demanding the attention of lire men early today, caused property dam age estimated between $1.5tm,(KH anil !?2.tHM,0(H). In addition to the considerable damage to the great stock of goods, a large part of the fixtures on six floors were wrecked by tire and water. The origin had not been uVleriuinod early today. INGRAM CASE IS NOW IN HANDS OF JI RY Mrs. Kugene Ingram Charged Willi Writing and Mailing Improper Let ters. ill. 1 lie Aaaorliilcd Prra.l Flo; once. S. ('., March P. The case of Mrs. Kugene o. Ingrain, of Colum bia, ebaiged v,ith writing improper letters, was given 10 the jury in Unit ed Stales District Court here today. District Judge Smith in his instruc tions scathingly denounced writers of improper letters and fold of Hie ef- I foi ls of such 111b the government lo prevent dves being transmitted in the mails. Small Damage Results I'rnni Salis- bury Eire, I Salisbury, March 8. A survey to day by fire department and hospital officials d sclosed that damage amounting to only a few thousand dollars resulted from the fire which for three hours last night threaten ed to destroy the Salisbury hospital. I The flames twere confined to the J attic and two small rooms under t.he roof of the main Dili ding. Patients who were removed 10 nearby tunes were relrned tn the institution this morning. "Rube Benton to Play." Chicago, March 8. The controversy over pitcher .J C. "Rube" Benton was seltled tonight by a decision by K. M. LatldiB, baseball commissioner, de claring Bcnlon eligih e to play in organized baseuall, approving uis transfer to the Cinc'unatl National league team by the ,St. Paul club of the American association and severe ly criticising those who brought charges against Benton nearly two years after the alleged Irregularities occurred. 1 Policemen Seriously Wounded. . I By inr lined Prraa.1 Memphis. Tenn., March 0. W. L. Crawford and K. V. Strickland, po licemen, were shot and seriously wounded here today by an unidenti fied man who Opened fire on the two ollicers when they halted him for questlonlnK. The shooting occurred in u South Side residence and indus trial section. Assails Nomination of Tolhert. (By 1 he Asaoelale Pie a. I Washington. D. ('.. March 11. Presi denl Harding's second recess appoint tnent of Joseph W. Tolberl as United Slates Marshal for the western ills I the Democratic National Committee, Mil PERSON OTVrs JOBS M RIM. FTMH' my TMjI MaaV P.daVta Rtart of . Ij id- hi HnMch. X. C. Msn-h ft Two ib.m aautl. aae hundred forty -four a-r- were 1.1.-...1 in aa-lihiin la .Tth Caroiiua ilurlng (be uhm.Hi of IVOru ary. a-ordlnc to iIh- , .-! of M I. si.,,, mi oi , .11 !iii.i,., . 1 of In lair awl printing, made -..ci, today. Thi imiiv with :cl persons given in ploMcent b- the s(atr ami fisleral hn reaus in Jnutury. The roaaplMe repon follutrs: A-lvill.-SLille :t:: unskilled 221 : driciil mid profeaiabJiial : doaaealb T3: indiuurial : total :x: Charlotte Skilled luft: ninkilled 2W: clevh-ul and prof essionn i IS: do mestic 111: industrial 0: total :i2C. I . ris'iislioro Skilled s: unskilled 121: clerical and professional 12: do mestic in industrial 11 : lota I ldo. New Bern Skilled lo : unskilled 112: clerical and professional O; die meslic iU: iiiiliislrial I".: total 212. KaMgh Skilled lit; uuskilhsl s:t : cirri. nl .not profi-ssioual 21; domesib- : industrial 0: total 221. Wilmington Skilled 111: unskilled 807; clerical ami professional 21; do mestic IS; industrial 4: total 4UI. Wiiiston-Saleni Skilhsl IE!: unskill ed 172: clerical and professional 2." ; domestic l!H: Imlustrinl 1: t"tnl H2S. Total Male 172S; female :t.V. : grain I total 2144. ' The Wilmington office, which lend the state during February, has been given 11 close race during the past sev eral months by Charlotte, one of the two offices taking the bail each week and month. TIIL COTTON MARKET (tpcni .l Steady al :i Dei line or ! lo 20 Points I mlcr Overnight Selling Or ders. IBy the Aaaoelntnl Press.) Now York, March ft. The cotton market oja-ned steady at a decline of ft to 2(1 points under overnight selling orders, audi local selling which was inspired by the relatively easy show ing of Liverpool. Reactionary senti ment was still in evidence hut trade interesls were buyers while there was rebuying by sellers of yesterday morn ing, and as soon as early offerings were absorbed the market turned steadier. May contracts sold down lo :0-7o and tHtober to 211.4!! at the open ing, hut scon rallied lo or 2(1 points from the lowest. Cotton futures opened stony: March 30.(57; .Inly :i(l.42 : tictober 2.".!i7: De cember 2."i.."sl. Tj Cobh May Ease I'p in His Paying This tear. 1 " DeV al. IMareH ' .-TfTc T11TT WsTet nr the Detroit, Americans was slated to enter training today at the Augusta. Ga., camp, where the bat terymcn have been talk ng light Workouts for the past week. The Tigers were rained out yester day for the first time and several of the men, welcomed the day off. he cause of sore muscles. Manager Cobb p ans to hold the workouts ta one lively session a day. Reports from the camp are that Ccl)b may carry a staff of 10 hurlcrs at the beginning of the championship seahon. Fourteen moundsmen are now in training. The "Peach" also plans to carry four outfielders be sides himself, indicating that lie may ease up with his own activ ties in the field this vear. Store Entered by Thieves. Thieves some time this morning en tered the store of W. L. Widenhouso & Co. and carried off goods valued tit about $100. it is believed the goods were 1 art ied off In 11 truck. The iniinngemenl of the store slates that officers visited the store about 1 o'clock and found everything al right. When they returned again shortly af ter 2 o'clock they found the rear door open and the goods gone. So far of ficers have found no clues. The store was entered about a month ago and goods valued at $2."0 were stolen nt that time. The goods stolon in the rid this morning consisted ot clothing, siioes and sweaters. Savs Governor Tas Assured Charlotte of Medical School. Charlotte, March 8. "Don't give up the light for the North Carolina Med- leal College when the General As sembly is called Into special session in September of October of this year to take action on the hill to establish a State-owned shipping line I'm going to see that you get the college," was a statement attributed to Governor Morrison by Dr. I. W. Faiaon in an address before the Klwanis Club here today. Dr. Faison, in a brief address to the club at whose luncheon he was a guest, said the governor had made that remark to him last night. The statement was greeted with loud ap plause. Employment Figures. i'Pj the Aasoelntefl Preaa.t Raleigh, N. C. March S Five linn dted and ninety-nine persona were placed in posiitons in North Carolina by bureaus of labor during the week ending March 3, according to the of ficial report of M. L. Sbipmun, com missioner of labor and printing, made public tonight. Charlotte, with u to tal of 1,14. led all other bureaus In the State. Wilmington, with 11B, was sec 1010. The total for Hie preceding week was B8t. The week ending February 23 showed Wilmingtou lending other burenus in the state, with Charlotte second. The orevlous week showed the two cities tied for first place. - Want to Be Mayor Ashcvllle, N. ('., March 0 Throe - candidate have announced for the nomination to the. mayor'a office In the April democratic primary. They are , Judge R. M. Wells, Rev. A, T. .Aebr- netbj aud John Cathey. LLY ...u" Wild Grass Section of South Georgia Expected to Be Scene of Battle, as Plans Are Made. SLAYER'S FRIENDS ARE TO AID HIM Man is Hiding in a Swamp and Officers Believe Mem bers of is Gang Will Fight the Officers. I By Ike Mam a Imt Prcaa.l niackshenr. Oa.. March 9 A battle in the wild grasg section of South Georgia was expected to Is? fought to day. Prohibition enforcement officers. Deputy l'nited States marshals, and sheriffs from live counties were gath ering hereto take up the trail of S. 1. Shnrpe, wno is alleged to have statu Deputy Sheriff 1. C. Brooks, and seri ously wounded l'robibition Officer J. Monroe near here yesterday. The officers attempted to serve a warrant on Shario charging violation of the prohibition law. lie counter ed Willi a load of buckshot into Brooks' iKidy. and then turned bis gun on Monroe, escaping afterward into a swamp. Officers believe that other men whom they suspect, they said, of being litem liers of a moorthine ring, have join ed SI111 rpe and have laid plans for a battle". Riot and machine guns have lweii ordered here from Macon, and will be used if necessary hy the Fed eral and state officers. Officers declared yesterday that while the body of Brooks was being transported here, sympathizers of the alleged ring laughed at the sight of the dead man. At noon today all hut throe of the searchers had almndoped the hunt. The body of the slain officer is be ing held here ponding instructions from relatives in North Carolina. ANOTHER NEW POWER Planl Will Cost $1,000,00 and Will lie Ittiilt Along t.iwi River, Prob ably in Polk. lily the Aao4atea Press. I Spartanburg, S. ('.. March 0. A new $1,000,000 hydro electric development, along Green River in western North Carolina was announced today by the Blue Ridge Tower 'Co.. which has a plant on the stream in Henderson County at Tuxedo which develops 8,000 horsepower and supplies power to cot ton mills and several municipalities in North Carolina and in Spartanburg County. S. C. The location of the new development has not been made public, but it is understood it will lie below the present plant, possibly in I'olk County. GERMANS MOVE CHILDREN FROM THE TROl BLED ZONE: Five Hundred Youngsters Have Been Sent to Bremer, to Be Cared For in Private Homes. Bodmin. March !i (By the Associat ed Press). The transfer hy the Get'-. I mans of sever 1 hundred thousand I children from the trouble zone has he gun. I'ive hundred youngsters from ;t to 7 years of age were sent front here by sped 1 train yeste day. The, Ger mans announced that they were sent to Bremen where they would be dis tributed among private families to bo cared for until the troubles blow over. W ith Our Advertiser . ! Complete security and a cordial welcome await you at the Citizens The banking habit Is one of the best you can have See new ad. of the Cabarrus Savings Bunk. 1 Motor fuel and oils. The Motor Tire & Service Company sell the best. The MusetteVsells Spalding's sport ing goods, amy these are the standard. New Spring clothes in splendid se lections at W. A. Overeash's. Every thing entirety new Mountain haze, the most sensational color of the seasou at Fisher's. See new ad. today. On Wednesday, March 141 h, nt 10 o'clock. o0 head of mules will lie sold hy Floyd Reynolds at CniTs stable. They weigh from 1,000 lo 1,500 pounds rich. Sec ad. in this paper. You will find invincible color pic tures and cut-outs in every loaf of Bntter-Nnt bread, a different one ench day. Head the Piggly Wiggly bulletin to dny for some Interesting prices. joe Gasket has just received splendid line of new Spring ladles' ready-to-wenr. You will find here the smallest fashions and fabrics. Spring clothing has been received at the .lames II. Farley Store and the company is now ready to tHirt for your every wont. You don t need oush to - j plm,mlge from this company. You make n small payment and the rest in easy Installments. . , , , . Ice "ew Are Moving Toward Steam -. h,,m Lines. Washington, March 8. Gradual movement of large lee He ds towards the north Atlant'c steamship lanes is reported' in dispatches received by the government Ice patrol. The situation has not yet reached the stage, how ever, where officials consider It war rant more than I be routine warning.

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