f Concord Daily iribfne TODAVS NETS TODAY. O PRESS DISPATCHES OOfttOOOf VOLUME IT SS XXIII CONCORD. N. C . SATURDAY. MARCH K). 192?. ks, md all and. '.and. estra dies. 'hlte- nfrey i and ait I URKS SEMO RPLY TO PEACE TREATY IDE AT LAME PEACE li RUHR IS Kannapoiis is Soon to Have New -and Modern Y Structure kIW. 4NIS VETTING Cass to Bitot Gnat Bull krt. M. .. 0mw IMhert .i d Arrutd'us lu a l"l In The 'kH4i- mumt. I . will hasi Reply Hk Been Handed to Correspondents Declare Both Ambassadors and Is Now, Sides Would Welcome a Being Snt to the Various Settlement Ending Strain Governments. TURKS DEFEND THEIR POSITION of the Present. IX)SS OF BUSINESS BEING FELT NOW Also Declare the Fact That French Are Reported as Sul Hostilities Have Been Held T'n I Diip in Thf ir Doorc for Peace. fonsinntiinifilc, March til lily I lie Associated Ptaaa). The Turkish man H proposals lo Ihe peace treaty dm fl ed hi Lausanne li iini. i In Mil- allied In . 1 1 commissioner lino Inst on'iiing 4i pi' utidcrstiMid iii In' un their wtty lo dny tu the several allied capitals. Tin1 document is innnlri in pnru ii'i columns. Hit' text or Hit1 Lausanne document lieing fnriii jyith thf miMit lieiillon proposed by the Turku which chiefly are III the economic section iimi the capitulations provisions. The covering note 'describes cliullun days of deliberation ninno, anil defends the Turkish isiai tlntl In refusing tu sign wilhnul dis cussion 11 ttanty containing iihsnlnte ly new clauses with ether clauses framed in language illlTerent from, I hat iijtrccd 1 1 1 1 it i pre innsly in l he ciMifor ence snli cnuimisaioiis. "If. Hlnce the -11 li of February, hos tilities have not ensued," Riiys the Hole. "the fact must tie attributed to Ihe sin cere desire tor pence or I he l urkisii government and people," ,. ferinjf Also. Writers Be- live Present Conditions Cannot Continue. i-arril llurer. JO. (TttrlatM arrhUi. ha ils lupkinl phiiu fr a hlf ad l.lillon in lb. Raiiaill. V M. c A 1 .1,1.1. m 111 iint ala-nl mhhi - I he ruiilrart fur (be work. Mi Rojrrr atat "d. trill U awarded at KaaaapolU mi W.iliMdn. March 11. Adunlinc tu InforinaliMi which hnsieol holMing hriii then' nut Iit Mr Itm-cr the jub'wall alth la a ill inuriit if ti-anntr 3i r uf ilic i.i i iii aroadra i.iIuh s ud the rr tj'B nf a ne trrpro f rui'i Hf time ture Wi.iti raaataVtnl. it..- jaiiMing A III be CM feel square unit sinou (he une i af U kind in tin- stall One arctlott of ihe bkmIitH l.n.l inn un erected bil yen- m n cost I .r -i it na- attached in ihe ohl frniiie MrtM-ture .mil Include- nu aii dlt orl n ni . tiillanl room, ntllccs and las;' rooms. The "V " f:K the airk of the t'n non uiill ami is beautifully sftHaloil. The 'nliamiM mill also lias a Y. M. r A In! tt.r trr laiiure planiail la io take ' aa- '. ihr larger r miaou mill Y. aaaf il.e Krt hulhl inc articled In tIMhrH'ing Hty. Kir following I la.. -n Iron The,, Ihe m-w awC Ule-icniNl . hy Mr. Ciiver v ill l iltrari'o N Jtiali. I hr Ml with Ihe nn ill hart Ptuiiii brick irmmlni em l.i iun.ini.il st.el ulinluwa marh:e paiielK. taj iimi a ?ni n tile will Im- ..' Hi The lir I flimr wkl ii'iilvin lnlili.T in JW feel. :i mftUA room, n it ad .ii: i 'in ilh taatl In Imnk i-.i c, " ji g.v i.in:iliiio r hjr ii liil w.lh ! rpeeinlor' ir-ilh-rri The sccou'l floor will conial of a tu ill p irinie.nt of Iwu Mx iill riMims. nu ll 'io by OH feel. Tin tjroimd Hour -ai'l eoaialii lm-ker rwiin. t liow r liathtf for men tind hoys. M howling nlleyi anil a sirimminK kioI. I' inniit1oji Y.ng will In IIM il mi .ill lloorn. . POSSIBLE TO MAKE the inn-1 while ill l.i- I iiius : iYMlKli GO.MPKRS KK8TING MOKK COMFORTABLY TODAi esii(e His YVeakness Some Kiisiness He Atlended lo Yesterday. CUT Ihe ami-iii1 liv.. New York. Mnrc-h I u. Uestin; a htle more coiiil'orliHily anil anxious lo t hack to his desk. Samuel (lumpers, resident of the AmerlcTtn I'eileratiou If Labor, is seriously ill with in- lueruui al the Lexington Hill hospiial uxia.v. He was Buffering Willi Itron rhitis when taken to the hospital sev- ral days UKO and for a time was threatened with pneumonia. "If I hpd toy way." Mr. (iompeiK told his secretary. T. S. HiiU'its. "I'd ifol out u( lied, tyke (jiejiexl tr.aln liv N V?ishint;lon. and eu ri5ht-huvn-fn tin office and tll lo work. 1 lei I enough for il now. I'esplte his weakness. In to some husiness ycstewlay. st roiii. attended Uiinhin. Mnrch lu i l'.y the As-im Iim- iil I'lessi Alllioiitli nffi'i'lii'.' no nr lo'tlnile advice Mi muiimiM their -lali'- n.' mtaae ol Ihe Itritisli inrreHiHiu denis in Ihe lluhr ass"ii Ilia I I here is n tendency Inwards peace, and thai 1 In Hi sides nnilil welcome it sell lenient ending Ihe strain of the pasi few weeks. . Hut the workers nnrt thl- Indnstrlal- ists on Ihe (lennnu side are tired of i the ttniKKle, Ihe eurreaponih-nts say. I the former sis'lnn no hope of winuint.'. al the same time their sntTcr- ire aiiKiiieuieii dully. The lldllstrlnllsts. with the excep tion of one or two of the most Influ ential, are feeling increasingly the pinch of lost trade, and are fill rill); fot the fill lire. 'flu Kreneh mi their pari are r" Isirted as sufferiiiK scarcely less. They iiuve not got what they went into the Itllhr to ohtiiin. and Kreucli Industries are befng seriously affected by Ihe ciir liillinenl of the coal stfpply. The suggestion in these dlsjxitches is that it will he Impossible fur present conditions to continue much longer. With regard to the customs harrier .iroiind the Khine!. md. il is asserted that other Made Interests beside those rff (ireat Britain are complnlnlng over the Kreneh restrietions. ' R.n,K0YI lilVKHT $1(12,(1(1 AT 8KT0ND SALE Hesnle nf li. I. & H. H. riilrnad to lie Passed en hy Judge Stark Monday. Itiy llir rVaawviatnl l'r,...,j nslioro. March 10, UeiHivts of sale of the farolinn & Yadkin Itnilroad, a short line running High Point to High Kock, 4 will he received hy .Indue A. M. In Superior Court here Moudny. road has been sold twice to sat- al Charge Man Tried to Pass Check of James W. Cannon Man is Being Held in SparttanhurK Jail Cferged With Obatining Money Under False Pretense.--Check for More Than $1,300 Cashed by Bank in Spartanburg. . : r ITALIAN KANKKR NOW "AMONG THOHK MISSINt." It Is Said His Hank Had Deports uf $2,000,000. lJeitost'ors Notify tue . Police. 4 iir the AMRi.rlnieil it-nn. . New York, March It). Twenty Ital ians nccouipnnieil by couushI csiIUhI nt police headipiarters tiilay and re ported Hint Viiicenzo Tisho, who con duots u hunk on Nott Street having deposits of (2,000,000 had disappeared Thursday night. The delegation was referred to the district attorney's of fice. A telephone call to the institution was answered hy a policeman who said that Tislio was "among the miss ing" and that an excited crowd had gathered around Hie hank which was patronized chiefly hy Italians. KOI R UNIDENTIFIED HODIKS YVANHP.I) ASHOKK Play (ire the re River from miles. Stnij; The lAftictiirv creilitors. Ihe llinl linn I railing a hid of $T".(IOO. and the sc imd time when sold in divisions, $KrJ. (tti'l, two thousand dollars in excess of the npsel price named by Judge Slack. lligh Point. Thomnsville and Denton enpiiiilisls and business men are ex peeled to make an effort here Monday to liny Ihe road, ami nave it resume operations. It has .been idle for the past live weeks. The short line which connects with the ftoutnoouno at niga Kock. is regarded as an ini-joi nun freight carrier by High Point ummi fat'l urers. , -The have Iudicalions of Wholesale Fuul Near Tallaliassee, Florida i n i io AMBoelnted t'raan. i Tallahassee. Fin.. Mareti K. bodies. of four iinldenlilieil -men been washed ashore Oil Wakulla coun ty benches the past (two days., accord ing to reports brought here, today by Deputy Sheriff Morrison, of that county. He said there was Indica tions that there had been wliolonnlo foul play in the alien smuggling trade, ' TWO WOMEN KILLFD Mysterious Explosion Wrecks Home of William Smith in Fairfax, Okla homa. illy Ike Assocjnti'il l'rciis.) Fairfax, Okla., March 10. Two women were killed and a man was seriously injnred by a mysterious ex plosion here today Which wrecked the home of William Smith. Smith was badly burned and his wife ami- Miss Nellie I'.rookshlrc were killed. Kesidcnts were aroused from their slumbers shortly after .5 o'clock this morning by a terrific blast. The. cause of Ihe explosion has not been ascertained. Authorities said they were attCihptluX to connect with II possible incendiary motive ine nici that Smith's sister-in-law, Anna Brown, was slain here about year ago. Reply of Turks in Moderate. Terms. Constantinople, March 9. The Turkish reply to the allied peace pro posals arrived here by courier from Angora .this afternoon and was hand ed to the British .French and Italian high commissioners. Copies will al so be delivered to the American and Japanese representatives. ' The whole note. Is couched In most moderate language and suggests re sumption of the negotiations In some Fiiropean town, preferably (Vmslnii linople. The note comprises U0 IMiges. , - Durham Teacher, to Meet. Durham. March- O.--Dr. . . ( '. Brisiks, superintendent of public in struction: Miss Elisabeth Kelly, pres ident of the Nurth Carollnn Kducation Association; John II. Cook, dean of the 8enool of Kducation of the North Carolina College for Women, and .Title Warren, secretary of the North Caro lina Rduenlion Association, arc the principal speakers on the program of the Durham Teachera Educational As sociation, opening here t6nlght. The conference will continue through two sessions, coming to and end shortly after noon tomorrow. Youth Jumps men Mnnu- Wasliington. March 0. A leap iroui a small window near the top of the Washington monument feet from the ground, brought instant deuth to day by A. Birney Scip, grandson of the late Oeperal William ltirney, who served witli distinction during the Civil War as a brigadier general in the Onion army. Scip had befn suf The following story and clippings from the Greenville. S. ('.. News will be rend hen- with Interest: Through the efforts of the llreen vllle peine department, a man giving his mime as .1. It. Uoss. alleged lo have unlawfully secured from the Con ical National I'.ink of Spartaulnir: I lie sum of KI..TIO. was arrested in Seneca yesterday on a charge of breach of the trust, and $1,145 of the. money was recovered and returned to I I ill bank. lioss was last night taken back to the Spartanburg jail and is held pending trial. According to the story told hy of ficers investigating the case Hoss went to the bank and asked, thej'n to cash a draft which was written on a ban'n of Concord. North Carolina on the lie count of James V. Cannon. Jr.. prom inent mill man. The bank refused but advised. Ifoss lo gel some local man lo endorse tile cheek. Uoss. then, it is said, went to R. I'. Murray, local cotton buyer and told hlmthal he (Ross) was also a cotton man. After talking over the .natter1 Koss porsnsded Mr. Murray to en dorse Ihe draft. Willi this endorse ment the hunk paid Itnss Sl.It-Kl. He left the building and boarded a south- I hound train. Ill the meanwhile Ihe Sparruiibnrg bank was not idle, They tclegfapeil the Concord lunik and learned Unit , On V men I of Ihe el k had been with-1 drawn. Hastily they wired IhoGreon-l vjllo officers a partial description of Hoss. Acting upon the information al 12:50 o'clock yesterday 1101111, Detec tives Johnson, Kumler and Parries Aellt to the Southern station, and bearded the incoming train. Owing, they say, to the incompleteness of the description they were not able to pos itively identify the man hut they saw and talked with one whnui they were; after. Rushing back to the police station here the officers called the Spartan burg police and gave their description of the ninn they hud talked with on the train. The Spartanburg officers sai(( that he was the one they wanted. Consequently the Hreenville officers telegraphed Ihe Seneca officers the man's description and he was arrested when the train was in the yard there. Ross Being Held in Spartanburg. Spartanburg. March T. Spartan Imrg city authorities are tonight hold lug a man giving his nrtpie as J. It. Ross 011 a charge of breach of trust. I in connection with a check for li!lo Oil a North Carolina ban!; which he cashed al the Central National Hank today, bill upon which il was Inter learned payment had been withheld. The reason for stopping payment on the check was not known by either police or the bank authorities, but an effort will be made tomorrow to learn. Meanwhile Koss will be held here neiulin:' the outcome of the in- Tt Sf I.AW1NG I'NUfK $.'()!) BOND -I- illy the Associated Press 1. -!- Salisbury. Marth 1(1. "Mutt" !" Ijiwinu has bee$ placed under -fc $J(lii bond to aiisVei' al Ihe May v & term of SnHrlid Cuirt to the ir charges of conteJuil of court as a result of his iBrgcil threat to jK heal up Ihe Hev.il 1'. (irant. a witness in the . ti. Thomas case, W- triad here recentfe. w - . al L ! KEY. T. N. I.AWRtfNt E TO LEAVE (Oit'ORD IN JUNE Resigns as Rector of All Saint ; Epis copal Church. Will (in to Maryland From Concord. Rev. T. N. I.awrelne. rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, has tendered his resignation to the members of the vestry, to become 'effective June first The announcement of ihe resignation was made today by Mr. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. I.awfciiee came to Con cord two years ago -from South Caro lina, mid during rtffBT May here have made 'many friends who will regret to see them leave this city. Mr. l,aw reiice stated that lie and his family will spend the summer in Maryland. Mr. Lawrence has taken an active interest in evcrj phase of public life since coming to Concord. He is n member of the Concord Holary Club, and has been son:; leader in thai or ganisation since il was formed. He i-' recognized as a preacher of unusual power and zest, and the Chunh under his leadership has enjoyed two fruit ful years. ALLEGED RL'M DEALER IN CHARLOTTE KILLED vestignlion. be made, it from which Clmiges is expected, etc. Dead Man and His Companion Chased By Police Oliieers. Companion Wounded. (Il.v (lie A iHinlMleii PY4MH.I Charlotte, March 10. After a spec tacular chase that led from the sub urbs of Mint street almost to the heart of town, a man identified as John Da vis, and charged by the police with be ing a ruin runner, was shot and killed here today and a companion, Oscar Bridges, was wounded as Ihcy aban doned their atUoinnhlte and lied. Fight oliieers and - machines chased the car bearing Ihe two men. and the police said thai a supply of llqiior was thrown awuj during Hie race. Shortly after Ihe, shooting Louis Johnson, a county policeman, who, it was said, prohahlj tlted the shot thai killed Davis, appeared with counsel before Magistrate Cobb, and after a hearing Ihe magistrate decided the killing was legally justified. v It was declared during the hearing Mull iiuliii r 1111 1 Hse quarts wlii-- AniMMP'-i ;iMir Ihnl Ihe wnrld area Inl ilt Imikb-r will nr la I mi ' nt la the inar fiilun- ..d deliver an niilrmi l lie pnli.n : iIiimi nf h-Wate- lo th' Klwnuii. Iiiti runlii.mil uviuiion in Atlanta: a upbtadid ii" inula rrranKil hy lean No. U. Ilar iih II. 'arrier caplatu. were I lie fe:i turra uf Ihe uuf-tiug of the Kiwani Club uf tfQHHiinl ai ihe Y. M. c. A on Friday creaing. The rtub oh in 1 epirew iit il at lie InU' iuii .mil jiivct, May 'JS-ot. tb. Uanil prwidein, Lm Tranr N. pen.ir. uml Dirflrtcl Tniilee John B. Sherrlll. Al.'rrua lu an J. ls frovi-U. Jr. and Dr Julius Sbanors. Kel Ji-SSC (' Kott.lll H.ll.lt to tin club th.ii it v .11 Is' possible tu liao' lu Concord 011 March SUth a lecture ftpia Mr John H. Todd, president of tbr To ld. Itols-risou Todd Fniillsi r in: Compai.i. of Nei. York I'll), who is iiiidoiibte.li., lie greiilr I city hulld er in tin while world. The great est projects ami liuiliiiiic-i in New YVk City, which an- ihe ereatesl in tin wurid. wen- brought into Udng i.j this mall. Some nf his mirks include lie Cleat Ciuuird Line otilii- buldlug. the tlnest in Ihe world: and Ihe projected '11 nard lerwlli.nl. which will com limn tlt. to seventy-live millions t,f di,I tars. Mr. Tid will be io 1 uncord as the unest ,,f ev. Mr. Itiiwaii. mid will dejivcr his lecture here Is'furc going lo Divi.lson Colli -e 1 1 deliver it on the following evening Tin club voted unanimously to have this grrat man speak to the public of this city, ami appoint s the following committee to confer with a similar committee from the ltotary club re.'a llve in making iirrHngenieutB and hav ing tin luenils'is of both clubs, logeth er w.tli a large anduiice ol oilier per sons present: Jacob tl. Moose. J. A. Keniiell and W. A. Coil. The young men of Concord are especially invited lo attend this lecture, since Mr. Todd is greatly interested In the youni; men of today. The Cabarrus County Fair was brought to the altciilileii of the 1 luh, and upon motion tin, cliib voted ituani lyoiislv its endorsement of the pro jeet. The program committee under Clar ence H. Harrier took charge of the meeting, and entertained the fiieiubers with two solos by Miss Mary Me i.angtiiiii, me acciiinpnniiucut iieiiif; phiyinl by Miss e Herring; also mi address hy Iter. M. A. Osborne, pasror of Kpworth Mcthodisl Church, this city. Rev. Mr. Osborne's subject was til' worth of a man. He. looked al a man's worth from A chemical stand point. Ins worth to himself, his north lu his family, his worth to his con liiunliy, and his worth to Ihe church In speaking of a mans worth to a cnmiminity the speaker hud particu lar stress ujmil.llif splendid Hill l tin r cum lie aceonipjishcd by Helping the young mcii and hoy-', of todar fti make the most out of themselves and prepare themselves more thoroughly lo take the places uf those who will be passing on. A man ran hardly .1 al a work of any kind tiial will bring larger returns than that which is re tilized from the attention and hcl given the. boys of today. The membership of every church said' Mr. Osborne, is composed nl three classes: the shirki rs. the jerk ers and lite workers. lie explained Ihe. term "jerkers ' by toll. 11: of tin team which went along all right long as there was no load on the wag on, hut which, whin given 11 load to pull, began to jerk ami full back, thus getting nothing accomplished. He closed his talk with an appeal to all the Klnwaiiians to be workers in their churches. The silent boost was given hy Hus Kcnnett. The attendance prize, ilu natid hy Joe i'ike, was drawn by Sid ney K. Ituchanau. PULES Ml SALE Of MILEAGE General Mitchell, Head of ITniled Slates Air Service. (Jives Som Fact-. About the Experiments. SAND IS I'SED IN EXPERIMENT An Airplane Carrving Sand Charged With Electricity is Shot Into the Clouds, Bringing Rain. BOOKS ANNOUNCED Interstate Commerce Com mission Makes Plans Re gardless of Protest of Cer tain Railroads. WILL BE SOLD AFTER MAY 1ST inak-ihi'h IBj H i l.v 1 .oil P'hii.i Washington. March III.- K.iiu ng by use of the airplane lias demonstrated to be practicable in ev pertinents, conducted at the Dayton. Ohio, army air station. Ilrigndier lieu rut Win. Mitchell, of the army air icrvice. -iid in an address here last light. 'Ihe experiments, he. said, are icing continued by scientists with the Use if army air eoaiHiient in nrilcr pe; lei I the prmvss. s desirilH'd by (iciicrnl Miohell Ihe e.iMriiiieni coiisisls of sending 1 1 which has been charged v illi imsltivc eliM-lrieily. iVhcll the sand is smt Into the clouds the precipitation is induced, he said, by Ihe contact of the positive electricity in the, sand with Ihe negative currents in the cl K .MKHtATOItV-lillti) TliKATY BKINti OitSKItVr:!) IN STATK The Persons Using Mileages Must Have Photox Pasted in Them. Requests of the Travelers Are Denied. None .Many Violation Keporled l?:it Were From North Carolina. (Hy (tie ANNOClnlrll lr,--. i Oeracoko. N. ('. March 111. North Carolina, the home of Sltnie O'Neal md other great hunters, has been obey ing the law insofar as the Migratorv- Itird Trealy Act and Regulations are concerned, according to uHlcial Infor tun lion from Wnsbiiiglon. "As evidence of the increased seri ousness witn win, 11 . lotai ! his ol lliritaeww .(iigraiory-itirii 1 rcaiy .et i nn tiegu la (ions are being regarded by FotuVal courts, ii is pointed out by Ihe Cnltod States Department of Agriculture Hint during January. re;ioris reached lie Hmcaii of Hioligicnl Survey Indicat ing tines of NltiO cie 11 Jissessed ill ten iiisis." reads a bulletin. "In two of these, the defendants were required to pay court costs in addition. Nine of tin1 ten liiiua were Imposed-ia .lamwrj jllid Ihe other in DiHember." Hut N'orlh Carolina was not repre sented in Ihe violations. four slales were included, live vio lations resulting in convictions in Louisiana: two in Illinois: two in in Wisconsin. The possession of w ild season, sale ol' wild I By the AMrta1l Trpiw.) Washington. March 10. Hernia (ions governing the sale of luterehaug'iiblo mileage IkhA by which purchasers of J Vhi miles of transportation may at tain a 'M per cent, redurtioa under the regulni passenger fan's, were is sncil by the Interstate Commerce Com uiission today In spite of the announce roent of Ka stern railroads that the re dnctiiin order would Is contested. The railroads were granted until May 1 to pill Ihe tickets (in sale, whereas origl nilh il had licon ilis-ided that the mil eage iHiok facilities would ! Instalhsl hy March loth. Among the rules announced today was one which will require purchasers to have their autographed photographs pasted on the cover of the mlleago liooks in order to prevent scalping. Tho commission also ruled out a request of commercial travelers organizations that coupons in the mileage liooks should be made available for payment of excess baggage and other railroad elm rges. The mileage books must lie placed on sale at all stations which now sell inter-llne railroad tlckels. The price lor a book, good for J.."i((l inijos. over any of the principal railroads will lie sTJiHi. while the regular standard faro lor this distance is $90.1)0. Mis: olio due due issippi and one ises involved I he s in closed and n. md killing wild due! WOOli ihii'ks. WOOll- s dining Hie closed I'ASSF.NtiERS OVKRI O.MK BY ETHEB i Ether Was Being Carried in a Car by One of the Occupants of the Subway Train. Uy 'he AmnHidtil Press. New York. March 10. Sixty passen gers on a Seventh Avenue subway train were overcome today by ether es caping f-otii a call carried by Richard ChauorrO. n .voting Komi) Amerteiiri, who told the police he was taking it home for a cold. When the train pulled in at the 00th Street station practically every pas senger in one car was swooning and some women were hysterical. Two pas sengers were removed to a hospital. C'oai'.oiro was 111 rested. Chicken and Kgc Values Lower Last Vear. Illy lite Asiioflatrll IVess.l Washington. March in. iMoro chickens were raised and more eggs produced list year than in 1922 lint their farm value was not so i.inl. The combined farm value ol' chickens raised and eggs produced in )!I22 is estimated at $854,202,(10(1. hy ihe (Jailed 'Slates Department of Agri culture. The value in 1921 was Mot'. 820,000. About 643,000,000 chickens were raised on farms in 1922, with 1 farm value of $354.19&,OO0. US compared with 510,000,000 chickens raised in 1921 valued at $362,253,000. Egg pro Altogether, there were HI) cases of violation of the migratory act and reg ulations in January. In addition to the eases noted. 11 Maine hunter was line I S2"i for killing ducks after sun set, and there were seven cases where the tine was ?2o and costs for killing ducks, grebes, sandpipers, or insecti vorous birds. Fines tanging from $1 to $25, with costs sometimes exceeding Ihe line, were Imposed for killing nighthawks lor hull falsi bitterns turnstoiies, knots, god'.s its. fill's, thrushes, galllli lijes. grebes, ichors, robins, woodpeck ers and doves, and for possessing 11 night heron. feriug from a nervous disense for sev eral ycrfrs, relatives said, and Dad left home unknown lo his mother. He had suffered a breakdown several years ago while attending Cornell Univer sity, and had just come homo from a Philadelphia sanitarium. Monument a I tern ia nis exnt'eHsiwl the belief Scin could not UBVO fnlle.11 from Ihe win-ltof4 dow. which is only about IS high it ltd three feet wide. Why we Nerd TVeswupapers. What wqnld one do if there were no newspapers? suppose one would get accustomed to It. in time, but what a dull, barren, clrcumscriDed world It would be for most of us. How groovy, Itow narrow, petty and iiaro chial we should -become. The news paper revives in us ';he daily Interest in the zest for life. It on urges our horizon and stimulates our curiosity. It enables the ordinary man lo auep Forests of cork trees are to lie found in many parts of southern Europe ami I'lso In Asia and Africa, but it is in Kpaln that the best quality of commer cial cork la obtained. his finger on the pulses of the world and to take his share In Its activities. Thera Is not a department in life in'lo which It docs not enter, and whatever a rami's calling or interests, the daily paper is part of his Indis pensabld outfit, comments a writer in thu Loaddn M il. Ross was taken off a Southern rail way train at Seneca during the day ami brought back to Spartanburg: to night at 1(1:4(1 by City Detective D. AV. Thomas, after being identified by a representative of the Central Na tional Rank, who cashed the check. This representative accompanied Mr. ! Thomas to Seneca. The. check, it is .understood, was signed by James W. Cannon, Jr., a prominent mill owner, of Concord, N. 0. The check was cashed by Ihe Central National 1 Rank, following idem mention nt the ha Ok win- inches I dow by K. r. Murray, a tocni mwn buyer, who later swore out the war Iriiiif. on which Ross is being held. He had represculed himself to Mur-j ray as being 0 cotton nierchaut. His address on a local hotel register was . Atlanta. ,It was stated by Detective Thomas on his return with Ross from , Seneca thnl Ihe sum of I1.1M had been taken from off the, hitter's person by the mayor of Seneca and deposited in a Seneca hank for safe keeping. It is understood that Ihis money will Is' turned over to Spartanburg author ities tomorrow. Attorneys for Ross key in the machine, and that Davis or Rridges had fired on the pursuing policemen during the chase. Magis trate Cobb had issintl a warrant yes terday authorizing ihe search of the. machine. III. Vunderbilt Bride of Four Days My ih( A .Hi'.i HTW.I Portsmouth, it. I.. March 1(1 Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderhitt, a bride of four days, is 111 with diphtheria at the Sjan dy Point Farm eslate of her husband here, if ivns learned today. Mrs. Vunderbilt, who was Miss Olorbi Mor gan, daughter of Hurry Hays Mor gan. American consul-general In Iirns sels. has lHen sick virtually since her arrival here Wednesday night. She Is 1N 'years of, age. File Your Income Tay Returns, Now 1 Kverv person who is due to file a Federal Income Tux Return, whether such person is due tax or exempt from tux, js informed over and over ngiiin that the time for filing Returns will expire on Thursday. .March 15th. After that (Isle the law holds that e.vjy iterauu who Is liable to tile and has failed to file such Returns is de linquent and subject to penalty. oucTftti roTT eggs of a value of $roil,l)flS,(Pn. as compared with 1.837,486.00(1 dozn eggs produced in 1922, large quanti ties were construed in ino.ostt"r-'i in the manufacture of other than 'nod products, and about 113,000,00(1 noen were used to produce chickens, ih 1 department says. The average farm price of chickens raised In 1922 was 65 cents per fowl, compared with 71 cents in 1921, and with 86 1-2 cents in 1920. The average farm price of chicken eggs was 2.ri.ri cents a dozen In 1922. comparcl Willi 29.3 cents per dozen Hi 1921 mid with 41.4 cents In 1920. It is estimated Unit there were Millions For Agricultural Rvt elision Work. illy (lip AMMM'lltlHI I'resii.i .Washington. March lo. There ,vas allocated for cooperative agricultural extension work throughout the coun try in 1922 2::. approximately IS. 821,000 of which the federal govern ment contributed $5,88,000 under the provisions of the Smith-Lever net. Congress by dtret't appropriation to the Department ot Agriculture made available $1.(128.000 in addition lor farmers' cooperative demonstration work and $45.0i)u for extension worn making 11 mini liiuu wuuta 1 suuici of $6,953,000. The remaining $11, 868,000 was derived from sources within the States, including t.2U, 000 appropriated by Slate legislatures and funds under control of the State agricultural colleges. $5,654,000 pro vided by the different counties, and $1,973,000 from other sources, most ly local. THE COTTON MARKET Opening Was Steady at I nchangecl Price to Advances of II Points. . l liu nmim'IMIi'ii I'refis.i New Turk. March 10. The cotton market was comparatively quiet (lur ing today's eaerly trading and fluctua tions wen irregular. There was cov ering by shorts in new crop months on indications for unsettled weather, with showers In the southwest and spot covering for over the week-end. The opening was steady at unchanged prices to an advance of II points on the active, positions, but the market was unsettled by a renewal of May liquidation and that delivery sold off to :i().('iS shortly after the call. Cotton ' futures opened steady. March 30.5S; May liO.i.'i; July 29.S0; (let. - I. US ; Dee. 2.I.SS. stated tonight that they would attempt In uociire bull for him tomorrow. ' Extensive cxiierlments in 111' aril Cannon Ordered Payment Stopped, ificlal reforestation of the Ohio valley Spartanburg. March s. J. 11. Ross .region with poplar and other lmrd vho hud-a check cashed nt the Central woods, adaptable for pulp making, are Xntlonnl Bank here WedneHDy niorn-.hepn conducted by a pulp and paper (Concluded on page four.t manufacturing concern of Ray ton 412.000,000 chickens on farms January 1. 1922. a time of year when the num ber of chicks is low. There were "80, 000.000 chicken on farms January I. 1921, and on January 1. 1920, there were 36l.(!(Kl,Oiio according to census figures. Big Tobacco Company to Ik' Sold. 'By th A-HMii'laiMl li(, 1 ' New York, March 10.- Negotiations looking to Jlie acquisition of the port Rica 11-American Tolwcco Company by the .Tobacco Products Corporation are underway, it was learned today. De tails of the nronosoil merger will btt ilisclosed ul the meeting of the Port or electrocution Case is Clased Ry Death of Defendant. Greenville, S. C March 9. "Case closed by death of defendant." These cryptic words written across Ihe record in the case of Cliff Haw kins, charged with murder and twice placed In the "death house" nt inc South Carolina penitentiary, tell the end of one of the most spectacular and bitterly contested case in the criminal annals of Ihe State. Haw kins passed quietly away in his cell in tho Greenville county jail today, iMenlngitis was pronounced as the im mediate cause of Ills dratli. .For more than two years CHIT Hawkins, young planter of (tie moun tain section, bad Waited in pr son lot ihe flnx. judgement of the courts. Ho under had been tried for murder, C0UTWl-3 end sentenced to die In the electric chair. Almost en the irve of his I be sentence was sus- Utenn-AmeTlcan Company's directors ponded, and only lust week ue was torn next Mondav to consider the acquis!- that his case would be decided at tlnn hy the Tobacco Prodtvts Corpor- the present term 'cf court of general at Ion. 1 ' x sessions. . . . l4tt!v Nancy ticls Her Whisky Bill Through On Its Second Jaunty London. March !l The bill sponsor ed by I. ady Aster, lo prohibit the sab ot' intoxicants to youths under is for consumption on the premises where it is sold, passed its reeond reading in the. House of Commons this after noon by 11 vote of MS to .ri(k after cloture had been voted. MHo to 70. In the exceedingly large majority voting in favor of the measure were some of the government ministers, Herbert W Asqulth, the liberal lead er. James minis of the labor party, and Arthur Hen derson and the bulk" of the labor mem bers. Today's success, however, does not by any means prove that I.ady Aster's bill will reach Ihe statute books. This Will depend on whether tlie govern ment is disposed to allow the neces sary time to be given by the Uiusi for the remaining stages of the bill, which is considered Unlikely. Keque i of Alleged Radicals Denied. (By the AMMielatert rrea. Reiilor Harbor, Mich.. March 10. Circuit 'Judge Charles W. -White to day, denied the motion of the defense In flie trial of twenty-two alleged rad I leafs, nsking for a change of venue on the grounds that because of wlde- spread publicity their fair and l;npar- trial in -Berrien county would be iiu - possible. With Our Advertisers. The Citizens Rank and Trust Com pany will act as executor or Trustee your will. The II. II. Wilkinson Co. curry 11 stock of wall paper. See new ad. to day. Fall 'River, New Redford and At lanta have the highest percentage of child labor of any cities in the Units! States.

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