I The Concord Daily Tribune TODAY'S NEWS TODAY. ASSOCIATE PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXI H CONCORD, N C . THURSDAY, MARCH 22. 1813. no m, KXK OOO 1 'i I1 wul iy Slj me M a' t 1 a ffl id $8; udea I Charges No Just Cause For Rise in Sugar Prices , 1 Director of Peoples Lerisla- . F w tuna San-irs UmuL. I ...far ture mce Spends lter in I'rpu HQrnmir I no ran n it nwnin inww roc rwmn. irvni nn .-..111--1 i-m-r i.nin.. iui 1.1-r. rtaiui.i OUIUUIH, v. narXIIlK . ,..-. rln. m mm.nI i. nt t..l K,.rri-.r Unfair Methods. SAYS GAMBLERS ARE TO",EV mriVJCITTHS 61 nEimeriIB ' So Far As Can Be Learned the Apparent Shortage Has Been Created hy Spec illa tive Minds. ... wn hiii AI.iHt of the niPii now here are re- (H the tomiM i'iwm.) I PrnH hntter.T iilnyerw hut 11 few of the IViisliliimmi. Mar-h Demand rtKtthUH are (i the Hi-ene Muses. for an liivestiatlon of fluH nations in (lrove I Harry Frank. Malwel ami the migar market, iiiade ilurinK the Mt-rwin Jaeotmon. ontflekler, are HoiHnK ihiys of I 'onitrwfi hy western amoiiR the ol.l men in i-ntup. Henalors. were revival ratify hy uuhfK Tue two regular .ateliers. McAvoy Jition tt a letter mitt In Fresulent anil Styles, still are anioiiK the hol.l llarillnif hy llaail Maulv. direetor of 0111s. as are OfehJti an.l IMnihan, two the P.Hiiles Legislative tiervfc. eharg- of Dunn's most ileiiemlahle mouuil inn thai the American lieoole were hi men. Willi the recutita, ai Owens a fair wnv of helnir of tflttL. anil Bird, . at.-liers. This is Bird s IKHUMM) "for the iN'uelll of .siijtar yaiu lder mid proliteerH." "It is suggested." said Mr. Manly "where an organization was formed by tuemhers of the progressive hloc iii ' t'ointress. that as one of the Brill wit nesses the Federal grand jury should hear t'laus Spreekles. president of the Federal Sugar Keflning Co.. who has pnhllcly stated that the sugar, gamb lers 'aided hy the Dcftairtmont of Com ment' have lieen aide lo roh (he Am erican Jieople of millions of dollars." Mr. Manly declared the rise in prices hifil theier sole liusis "so far an the public is informed" in a statement Is sued hy (lie iH'parlment of Comment on F'ehruary !, which was interpret-1 ed "by all the newspapers" as predict lug 11 great shortage of sugar during the .-oiiiing year, and .although Secre tary Hoover had declared the stale meat was misinterpreted, the opening sentence was so worded as to "semi prices leaping npwanl." "Even after this statement had it mused an orgy of speculative activ ity on the sugar exchange" and its evil effects were known, the statement continued. "Hie Deimrtinent of Com merce further -bulled' the market by issuing a statement particularly direct ing attention r the increased, coti- s.-ie"ii."i o. hhvh -. ! , Jv.fcit---i AM.fM .1... ......I- ..." ' ' mimi'ik in.- mri ...1.1. 'I'he letter died what II described ns efforts to reilHce the sugar crop of Cu tV. declaring l.hnt Mr. Hoover had played an important pari in that plan. Investigation Being Made. Washington, .March- 22. Demands now being mnde for an investigation of sugar price fluctuation "are about a month liehlnd." Secretary Hoover said today, adding tiiat such 1111 'in quiry had lioen Itistitnt.il by the gov ernment on March 4. The Secretary said he was convinc ed there wus no economic Justification for the high prices of sugar, and that the Department of Commerce and oth er governmental department were in vestigating conditions In Cuba, under authority of a law imssed by Congress authorizing an inquiry into combina tions of foreign producers of imisirt cnminodities. St'DDEN DEATH TODAY OF LEONARD R. STEEL Founder of L. R. Steel Corporations Died on Train. En Route From Buf falo to Chicago. (By the Associate Press.) Buffalo, N. Y.. March 22. Leonard R. Steel, aged 4.'i. founder of the L. R. Steel Corporations, which went Into receivership on March Ktli, died early today on a train enroute to Chicago. Mrs. Steel was advised of her hus ha nil's death in 11 telephone message from Toledo, where the body was tak en from the train and nij investiga tion ordered by the coroner. Steel' sudden death, appnilpnlly from heart trouble, came on the eve of Investigations into the stock sell ing and other financial methods of his promotions by county and state au thorities. . . In the United States, according to the figures of the .latest census, there nre nearly two hundred, Women who are engaged as operators, officials, and managers of mines. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sharing This Old Reliable Building and Loan Association pays out Its earnings In proportion to your holdings us represented by, the mon ey or number of shares you carry with us. We are not n profit-making institution for ANY "INSIDE" organizer, hut for the Association ns a wliole-an.l that means ev ery person who has shares with us here. This Spirit of Co-oiratlon, the safety of our plan, the worl'h . Inesa of our aid to home builders, rtre all sure-enough reasons why you should come with tyt and is' regular in your thrift. , START KIUHT 51st SERIES NOW OPEN START RHJHT Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. 900OOOO0O0OOO00O00O000000OC Baltimore team is V ..VI V U V L. Villi IV U I V I I .V W I M - - -- . .-. wwm.-tr WliiKiuii-SnliHii. . V., Miir. li -J Seventwn im-tiilwrM cif the Rnllimiiro ' (kMn. UNMIMMttMl Iiisih. nmlrr tlw Imilfrsliip .if Krlta MuM. veterHU ,blrd-a.l.er. arc In the city tn.ln.11s for the lid htiHeUill mmihiii. ThU Ik the Hei-.inil yeur the triolet have trnlneil In Wlnton-Suletn. .la.-k I mini, mvner ami matuifer nt 'the fttt, inn.v not atten.l mirliiK trnln- ina this vein-, owlnif l I lie ile.ith "f this MO, Jack limin. Jr.. who v:is bnr- i.sl Tnec.lay. llrst year with tile lenm, lint Owens nas here during training season lal year. During the season he was farm ed out to several (lulls, playing the last half with the Winston-Salem eluli ill the riedniont league. With the exception of ruber and Candler, all of the other recruits are Irving out for pitching positions. Ka- her is an in fielder and is going out with the determination of rooting Joe Holey, rated as one of I he liest short stops in the minor leagues, out of his job. I'lrlch is the only one of the second siring hurlers who has been Willi the Oriole liefore. He was fanned out during the playing season Huff. Towner. Koss. Coatanzofi. Bills, Henderson ami I'oian are ine inner pitchers. Kmory Camller. an ex-service man. is lryiug for a iMWitton in the outfield. When the other member arrive, the hig drive for anotlier iMnmiut will he hegiin 10 break Hie world's record for couseeutive pMOntltS. The Orioles during the jinst four years have eop ied as many pennants, and if they -nn repeal this season, they will have 11 not her world record to add to their' list of honor. Jack Dunn is regarded as one of the smartest men in minor leagues and tvi, Iom- .. niHiM'tlun i f Btili-s tht:t hl.,', -J. .. . - . lirought fhtjuertf offers from Hie lilg lellgues. Max Illshop. 011 second. Is n of those players, while Holey is ttlftillier. .Mcrwin .lacolison. in center fleld, is anotlier star thai has at tracted the attention of major league cliilis. Dunn has refused to sell I hem. The only uncertain place now' is llrst liase. The position has lieon hold down by Jack Henlley, who during the winter was sold to the New York tiiants for $m,XH and several play ers. While Dunn has not intimated who will take Bentley's position on first, there are two good guesses be ing made by those close to him. He will either move Walsh in from the outfield nnJ put him on lirt, or he will use Catcher Styles at the initial sack, according to these informants, who add that in either case lie w.uld have a good man. Co-op Will Make Another Big rai ment to Its Subscribers. Richmond, Va., March 21. Organ ized tobacco farmers in 40 counties of Virginia and North Carolina will re ceive another cash payment from the Tobacco Orowers' Co-operative asso ciation in the near futpre, according to thS announcement of James II. Craig, treasurer of the association, following toduy's meeting" of its di rector in Richmond. The annual meeting of the associa tion will be held In Raleigh on May 15, according to today's aiinmiii.einent. Much Whiskey Made. Baltimore. Md.. March 21. Only 1WK barrels of whiskey have been distilled in Maryland in accordance with government regulations since pro hibltion, Bdbert Pennington, a distil lery representative, told the state tax commission today. The hearing was preliminary to fixing the valuation per barred in .Maryland bonded wiirenous esv Last year it was $20 per barrel Ral.lheadcd and toothless he came here; and so lie went. j Profits JXCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mf I TIM. ill THF HoMF I UlNOvlli NO( HTIOS GnssMlfcm to Begin boro 1iM.iun.iu . in (itrmv IB? ik ...-.! i if . Umiulnra. X C . Marrh 22 Pt Hmtiwry In the onlng "f the a usual muting if lb Khilc lliniii- Kcrni A-bith,u ben tomorrow. vmhiIikwI . i. . . . .. i II I'll I,- ,S HI i I'll! I . I IIS I I II. I I II 1 Hill II II - - - , "J"0! 2' hV. ' w:'- ih.iI.Imih. rrliiilnt In Hi.- 1 ".-Ufrs' work hi-iiihiI the time .if tlw iHfi.-Iiers (lav. The formal .qieuing of the state ar sociHtlon 1 mi vmt ion is scheduled lo have a- Its feature an address hv Miss Mary Sweeney, executive secretary of J Hie American Home Kconomics Asso ciation. Miss Mnrgsiret Rdwards. state supervisor of home economic educa tion, will outline methods which she Ih-lieves best for prouioliug home coo iiomlcs work, while Miss liny H.ilder- slon. professor of household ails. Teachers College. Colnmlil I'liiver sily. will speak on "Some New As- .-its of Household Matiagemeut. at the evening session. Most of the morning session Friday will he taken up by sectional meet ings. Miss Blanche Shaffer. Miss Hos' Coolidge and Mrs. .lane S. MeKim- mon. state home demonstration agent. acting as ehairuieo. A commercial food exhibit will lie held U'lweeii noon and one o'clock. Mrs. Warren II. Booker. Queens Col lege, Charlotte, will preside ill the hns inesH meeting between 2:30 and 4:0(1 o'clock. At 4 :80, 11 reception will be tendered the visitors at the practice home of the North Carolina College for Women, Miss Shaffer, dean of home economics, acting as- hostess. Saturday morning, a general meet ing will be held from !l to 12 o'clock. Miss Helen Johnson, engaged in re search work, will discuss "Budgets." Child Care and Training will lie the subject of a talk by Miss Sweeney, who is scheduled to lie followed by Miss Baldcriiton, who will discuss household management. DAILY NEWSPAPERS FORCED TO SI SPEND IN ST. JOHNS, N. F. I liable to Operate Presses, Ice Hav ing Stopped Oeiieralion of Cower hy Electric' Company. St. John. N. F., March 21. The dally newspapers of this city today announced a temporary suspension 0 publication due to lack of power to operate the pre. The company which supplies the electric power used by most of the city's industries shut down I 1 ijisnt today Tu'cnuse of the t:J .u-:.to Ji.'.tf'!, ?ie ilnterior Jakes when- llie power is generated. These lake nre frozen over to a depth of five feet! The operation of street cars was abandoned Ulsl week when the water supply began to rim low. Unless a (haw relieves the situation soon, it was said that the city lighting system would also have to he, shut down. The severe cold of yesterday also la-ought misfortune to the scaling Heel, which was reported today as again frozen in an Immense Ice field. The fleet got Into similar difficulties last Thursday, but worked free on Satur day. This further delay augurs ill for the success of the fleet this year, as the season when the young seals may be hunted successfully on the moving ice. flow is short. The .steamer Kyle, which left here Saturday with provisions for settle ments along the south coast of the colony, wlrere serious shortages of food have been reported, broadcast by radio today that she. had provisioned some ports, hut that many were still inaccessible. She also carried delay ed paper necessary to the compilation of voters' lists for the coming general election. The seame.r Sable arrived here to day from 'Halifax, via St. Pierre, af ter lmiding K.OOO cases of liquor at French Island. TWO KLIKTHOCITIOVS IS It ALEItaH ARK POSTPONF.n Action Taken on Account of the Serin as Illness of Wife of Warden of State Prison. (By the Aaaoclated Pre.) Raleigh, March 22. Owing to the continued illness of the wife of S. J. Busbee, warden at the state prison, the electrocution of Milton Nobles, of Columbus County, set for tomorrow. and of Wii ie Hardison sot for March 28, have boon postponed 60 days by Governor Cameron Morrison. Nobles was sentenced to be electro cuted for the murder of his cousin Henry Nobles, the k lling resulting. according to officials, from a family feud. He has not appealed. Will Not Delay Program. Washington. March 21. The veter ans' bureau hospital construction pro gram will not be altered despite the White committees report made public yesterday, unlil Director Hi ties is con- iucqd there i wuste in the undertak ing, ' Mr. Hines said toduy, reporting that he had conferred with Dr. White. A woman In Paris was so deeply affected by the loss of her husband that every day since his death she has writ ten Iii mil long letter, and with her own hands placed il on his grave. STAR TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Most Sensational Picture Ever Produced "THIRD ALARM" MONDAY AND TUESDAY Wallace Real's Uasl Picture "30 DAYS" Saunders Answers Riddle of the Hectic Trading on Piggly Wiggly Memphis. T.nn.. Hat.-h 22 ("By ibeigly rr nhurt" to him im Mirer " "V, . ' """",1 TDree ,.,-lw-k IM ufi.TiH.Hi V!l SSI' "'!" M,H 1""' "v Mr "" " "'- " uf II..' I'lioHv Vrurxl Shore. Itn-.it ... tb. .-... , ,., ki. ,. I ki.mhI iwtav with a aVninnd that h..it .. .. . - . - . i. . ... I... ... I'lu.l. -WIMIV Mt.wdT ulllu I " .- h " '!' WM i.y :i o'clock Hits nioti . as his an swer to the riddle Which ivfitf tut a sequel lo a beetle dais 1 railing on the New lork sti-k Exc which ter minated in ib banking ,.r Bigglv wig. 01 riggiv iig- i.. ........... .. Kn .. Lml 1 ,i.u "i.u ""' rT " ' ""le.1 Mr sn,,...i-r. Mi . 1 1 .. i., ,i-.,.,.n.i im . statement in which be s. ,,ie,l whni he I ieroi"d "Wall Street and it gaug of gamblers and mnrfcet mnniiiulutora. and d.s lnre.1 ibat as result of the battle Iii the stork market Tuesday, more than L'.i.OtK) share- of Piggly Wlg- TEACHERS' PIACBHKNT Fl REAL' L OPERATION ' And Number of Anpliraiions Have 'Been Filed With It. my th AMtatr PTtwu.t Raleigh. N. C, Mareli 22. Plans for the operation of the Teachers I'lnce ment Bureau by the North Carolina Education AssnciaHon tune been com pleted and the office now is ready to function for the coming year, Jnle B. Warren, secretary Of the association, announced tonight. Alnail there has Ik'Cii a number of registrations for the school year 1 flGJ3-l ! "' 1 and others are coming in daily. There are vacancies In the state now, said Mr. Warren, clue to illness, or other causes resulting in resigna tions of teachers, . which have not been filled. Teaemjrs short term schools desiring two more months of work may apply for these positions. "I wish to urge teachers to regis ter as early as pitssihlo.'' Mr. Warren ntiuued, "for early 'registration not only relieves the oflice of the burden of work in the summe,' months, hut helps teachers and mWrrintrnilintn as well. file majority of superintendents much prefer lo make their selection teachers early ill the epring for the coming school year Blanks on which superintendents a ml school olli cials will make requests on the bureau for candidates will be mailed some time in the near future. During the next thirty days, the biireau will be gin making references of vacancies to teachers who have registered. 1'he association -does not hope to mnke any money out , of the operation of the placement huron'ii. but it is not financially aide to btho expense of this onernnon. Since not. more than 2lf.per cent, of the membership" of the association is ever likely to be direct ly benetitl.Hl.by this branch of the as sociation's activity, the executive com mittee, supported by action of the lo- als in a referendum, has decided to charge members of the ttssocltitlnn tbat Is those who were members on March I the actual cost of conduct ing such a hnreal. This fee is one dollar." he said. MISSING P0SSEMEN HAVE BEEN FOl'ND Four Missing Men Have Joined Party iSeeking Capture ol Band 01 nute Indians. tBy the AnHoelated Pre.) Monticello, Dtnh. March 22. The four white posseinen who yesterday were reported missing, have joined the posse which left lllnnding yester day, to continue the search for the Piute band which caused trouble last Monday, according to advices receiv ed here. Precautions are being taken to pre vent a surprise attack on Blanding. Onus mid ammunition have been re ceived there from ninny neighboring points. In n clash yesterday one of the Indians was killed and two others wounded. Several Indian ponies were shot down in the fray. -VI dawn, following the battle with the posse, the Indians are reported to have come buelf to the scene to recover equipment left liehind in their hurried retreat. Four squaws and six papooses were descried on the battlefield by the In dians, and half-starved and suffering from the cold they were found by white settlers yesterday und brought to Blnndlng und placed under guard with the 40 or more other braves and their squaws who are being detained to prevent the possibility of their joining the outlaw baud. Advices say the hunted Indians are stuA-eagfnlly evading their pursuers. Tisim is Held in Names. Naples, March 22. (By the As sociated Press) Francisco Tisbo, the New York Steamship ticket agent and banker' under indictment In that city with ids two brothers on grand larceny charges, arrived here on the steamer Taoriii Ina from New York today ana was detained with his wife about the vessel. Money to the amount of 60,- 000 lire wos found in his baggage. State On TraU Of All Income Tax Delinquents Raleigh. March 22 (By the Associ ated Presa). rWltb state Income tax to dale totalling 2,03)883.52. R. A. Doiighton. commissioner of revenue. today announced that he now has un derway a concerted campaign to de tect all delinquent tax myer. The collection already made by the Mtate are in, excess of last year's fig ures, but still far below the budget commission's estimate that $3..VM),00f) would lie derived from Income tuxes by the state this year. The Commis sioner said he could not estimate how much Increase would be shown when the delinquents were caught in the ... ... .i... ...... ,m m,. pi i. e ..nio ii. in- iron- - ". ..r . . . . ... .a. .. I would lie sought If eillcm4il is nnt ' Ilia.. Mr. Saunders has n.,i nmdc publi any estimate of ibe hi.H. Ipnted protit - "'. .' ". . ' " ".' ' !-- tin li ) iii 1: ii.l hi- ii-s.'lali-s lie ilvli. r- n.--. m,,,. ... ..h.'" H aMi. t .Hlvere.1 here was re,iulre. to handle bis .srtlou oil llie stock ex. hinige Mr Haanders' statemenl hist nlghl wa I he ftisi hrenk in the silence with which he has Inel interviewer slu.-e the ie.-la.-ulni hapiH'iiing on Tuesday ' "Wall." lie told nil qneslioiiers. MRS. HI I ORDERED HELD FOR HOMICIDE Had Been I'nder Arrest for More Than Week as a Material Wit ness. (By the Aorlated Pre,) New York. March 22. Mrs. Anna BtiaxL housekeeper for Frederick Schneider, wealthy Bronx contractor, when he was slain February Ltith. was arrested today on a charge of homi cide. She had been released after being held several days as material witness. Detectives said they had obtained new evidence connecting her with the. prime. Schneider was shot to death at the wheel of his automobile on a lonely Bronx road. Two witnesses told of seeing a .woman leave the scene of the murder, hill neither was able to iden tify her. The pistol with which Schneider was shot, detectives snul. had been Ira. ill to Win. Turn, chauffeur, brother-in-law of Mrs. Ituzzl. Turn was taken into custody as a material wit ness. He was said by detectives to have admitted lie owned the pistol and bid loaned it lo Mrs. Buz.i two d-iys before Schneider was slain. Counsel for Mrs. Buzz! said Ills client has obtained additional evi dence to prove she was. in her apart ments the day Schneider was shot. YOUNG DAYIDSON MAN'S ABSENCE IS A MYSTERY Solomon B. Kennedy, of Near High Point, Hasn't Been Heard of Since Friday. High Poklt, March 21. Solomon B. Kennedy, aged 2!, member of a prom inent Davidson county lamilv. has mVsterlonsly disappeared from his home near this city and had not been found late today. Alarmed over his disappearance, relatives have sent a description of bim lo otti.-ers in near by cities with the hope Unit be will soon be located. Kennedy, who holds a position wiih Ike Huj'worth I, 'oil ami Panel com pany here, lives in Davidson county md goes to and froiufhis work in an automobile. Friday night he telephon ed his relatives that lie could not start his automobile and it would be im- possihle for him to get home. Not until Saturday did Kennedy's relatives become alarmed. Search was instituted for him, but he could not tie found, (in Sunday the local po lice officers found an abandoned auto mobile on Broad street and an inves tigation disclosed that it belonged to Kennedy. His relatives were notified and the search continued. Attempts Suicide; Rescued From Pond Greensboro, March 21. Mrs. (i. J. Shepherd, of this city, aged 2s. a widow, was pulled from a pond ut the White Oak Mill bore today, where she had thrown herself in an unsuc cessful effort to end her life. Two men. happening to be near and watching her movements, which they thought peculiar, rescued here. No reason is known why she tried to drown herself, other than she suffered from nervous attacks, and seemed to have had one today. Two notes she had in her hat were returned to her unopened by one of tht men. Steamer Texan Goes Aground. (Hy the Asuiclutrd Pre.l Boston. Mass.. March 22. The steamer Texan went aground today half a mile east of Block Island. L. I. The radio message reporting the ac cident, said she was listing heavily to starboard, The coast guard cutter Acushnet has gone to her aid. The Texan saibil from this port yester day for New York and Pacific porta after discharging part of her cargo from Hamburg. A patchwork quill made by children in the I'nlted States, mid an Indian shawl, (he gift of Queen Victoria, were hurled with Jenny l.ind at ner , request. campaign he has started, and exten sions nre compiled with. The figures made public show that fi4(.".2i.2 lias lieon paid In by pri- - 'vate individuals, and $1,0!)S.X"3.l!0 by corporations "It is our purpose." waid the Com missioner, "to make ail who are re quired to pay income taxes, to comply with the law. We have agent In the Heidi There also are many lists of person In our possession, and we have alt the Information the Federal In come Tax 1 ic in 1 1 incut has Required. We are going to use every honest menus of catching delinquents." KmUUNS HEAR TALK H WING ATE WDRFW PmUm af rfciii i Ran ( Ink l H..1..1 Muh I. real h.lwrvl Hm TWhrtri ..f t. v.ti.i I 6t w.. the m-. of . no. It-s.rT . Lfore II..- ..j rtah ve-i.r ... ... .. .... ... . . I .1 " . ?V .J". .,, ,: Ml,. .,(i..nt ' in. j. .1.1 iii--r. ' ., ,,, itit of ihe ".n i . mi. pul.li. fbt.da of Sal- ' ' .. .... A .-a.. 1... .. Haliabary member, several mailer of .-'.o. ... .....a.. ...11 ... .11.- .nil. ... lur general lnliresl were dlniisse.1 by ihe .'illll (resident III. brumel urged I he uieoi . ... ,, .. ...,,.. ,,.. ' n " " " "' r""" l1"1 Monday night by John K Todd of New York City "I think Concord peojite will find hi address lo be one of the most iuteri-Mitig ever de-llM-red In this city." President Rich mond Mated. "We nre esHi:ily anx ious for the !xi and young men to hear it." A iiaamiltee to assist in ushering at I he meeting was npiMiiul ed. It is probable Hint the Salisbury club will he entertained here some time in May. The Salisbury Club won the prize ',11 the rei-ont attendance contest and as both clubs ei.-et new of ficers in I. .111 il is l.ri.lu.l.le licit the meeting ill n held until the- j (By ta Altl Pre.) assume office. Wilson. N. C. March L2 John The speaker declared "the second ! Barnes, a farmer of Wilson county, mile" is the one thai count, in the aged 2S years. Is in Jail here charged beginning of 11 tine address that was with killing his wife. Bertha- Adams in rcalHv a fine sermon. He chose Barnes, aged 25, ut 8 o'clock last eve his subject from the text "If 11 mail ning at the home of Henry' Bunu. nt. compel thee to go a mile go with him Fhe I'oiius. a suburb of Wilson. Mrs. twain." and then pointed out that it Barnes was shot to death, is the doing of things out of the us-. It is stated that Barnes and his mil thai reallv count. ' wife bad separated recently, she and "I think keeping the Ten Command- their three children goftig to live ments is included in the flrl mile." I with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bonn, he Kaid. "for in keeping them a man I friend. Yesterday Barnes approach deserves no special merit, though not ed local officials, stating that he want to keep them is a serious breach. I ed to get his wife to return to their Feeding one's lamilv. earning a Hv- liiv. ntleiiiliior lo vour usual business ' S obligations are all right, but for do Ing them we deserve no ssial con sideration. They come ill the first mile. The real test conies when we see to what extent we go beyond t Jul t . Men who ,-ne remembered and who are held up as a guide are those men who made eon! riluil ions on the .second mile; men who go into unsel fishness. "Round yourself and see what you are doing. Some men are bound by their belts. So long as yon keep iheni full thev ure satisfied. Others are Uinnnd by their fraternal organizations; oilier ny ineir . 1101 cues or oeuoimaiii tions. These things are nil light, but a man who sees only in them some thing of good has not reached the sec ond mile. Some of us are in a circle, in which must be placed certain tilings which we consider on nn equal with our lives. We care nothing for things outside of that circle. Such men have not gone beyond the first mile. "We must think always of the big ger ami better things. -To lie of real service we must have an interest in all. things that pertain lo the benefit of Hie public generally. We must be interested in other people, their prob lems and their pleasures. To lie real men and real liotarians we must go beyond the first mile and do the things that are not required of us if we would be just the ordinarily decent citizen. Getting Ready For High School De bate. (By the Associated Pre., Chapel Hill. N. C. March 22. High schoo! debaters throughout the state now are in the final stages of prepar ation fbr the triangular debates of the High School Debating Union on March oil, the query of the discussion being: "Resolved, that Congress Should Pro vide for Enforcement of the Decisions of the Railroad Labor Board.'' The North Carolina I'nion is part of national organization, it is sfion sored in Ibis state by the Dialectic and I'bilanlhiopic library societies and the i'niveisity Extension Division of the i'niveisity of North Carolina. Organized in 1012. the union has held ten state-wide debates, involving the IKirtif-iiiition of Kl.lKMl young Tar Heel debaters in the long struggle for the Aycock Memorial cup. Two hundred and fifty schools in the stale have enrolled tor the debate this year, a total of l.(HK) debaters be ing qualified. The schools winning luith tiinnirulnr debates will send their teams to the University to participate in the liiial contest for the Aycock cup on April 12 and April 13. With Our Advertisers. The ."1st series of slock in the Ca barrus County Building and Loan As sociation is now open. Take some shares now. Office In ( onion I Mit- lonnl Bank. I surrounding boroughs restored order due hundred linoleum rugs for you amj prevented further damage. The to select from at H. B. Wilkinson's. loss was placed at $1.50.000. The Read the new advertisement of the ,.UUSP 0f n,,. nP(. uas 1K,t been deter Cithsen Bank and Trust Company to-; mined, day. Faster hats in all the newest shades A recruiting force from Camp Bragg at the Specialty Hat Shop. will he at Kannapolis from March 21 The Concord and Kannapolis Gas to 2(1. Co. gives you some valuable informa tion in regard to the use of gits. (hi Friday and Saturday only yon can get 11 new Waterson self-filling fountain pen for 80 cents, regular price $2.50, at the Gibson Drug Store. You will also get free if you purchase a H'ii n Alniversharp pencil. Cut out coupon in today's Tribune. One page five today the A. & P. Tea Co., has a double column nd. In which many interesting prices are quoted. Saturday will be the last day of the 14th Anniversary Rale of the Concord Furniture. Co. If you have not se lected your furniture, do o at once and save from 2.1 To BO per cent Mr. Weeks Very III. ( .111 the Auortated Press.) Brunswick, (la., March 22. Mr. John W. Weeks, wife of the Secretary of War, is very ill on board the prl- vale vselit "evorirhides." which was hurried Into port dodav to get medical aid for Mrs. Weeks MRS. JOHN BARNES "TiB.HLLy SHOT Tragedy Occurred At Home of Friend of the Couple In Wilson County After Fam ily Trouble. BARNES MADE NO EFFORT TO RUN Couple Had Been Separated and Wife Had Just Agreed to Return Home When Fa tal Shots Were Fired. lioine. four miles from llson to live. K. Leonard, local welfare officer. late yesterday accompanied Barnes to the Bunu home and they -interviewed Mrs. Barnes, who refused to return to live with Barnes, stating, according to Mr. Leonard, that she feared ho would harm her. Last night at 7 :'.W Barnes returned to the Bunu home in an automobile, and bis wife Is said to have consented to go with him. The three children had entered the automobile, it is stat ed, and when Mrs. Barnes moved to ward the house, Barnes liretl live shots at her, three taking effect Bunu tele phOhed for the .police, und Barnes waited beside his wife's dead body until the otticers arrived. He will Ihi given a preliminary bearing before Justice W. O. Pearson Saturday morn ing. No inquest will lie held. THF. OTTON MARKET Liverpool Better Than Due and Open ing Was Steady at Advance of 5 Points to Decline of 8 Points. (By the AMMOCtutrd Pre. 1 New York. March 22. The cotton market showed renewed weakness this morning under continued liquidation or selling for a further reaction. Liv erpool was better than due, and the opening here was steady at aa advance of 5 points to a decline of points. There appeared to be some covering by recent sellers whieli was promoted by the rattier unfavorable showing of the weather map, but slight bulges met increased liquidation and the market soon became weak. Cotton futures opened steady : March 30.40: Mav 30.40: July 29:35: October S0.40; December 20.80. Dr. Eliot, 89, Advises Those Seeking Long Life. Cambridge, Mass., March 21. Presi dent '(emeritus) Charles W. Eliot, of Harvard University, beginning his ninetieth year today In good health, found time between congratulations to give n few words of advice to those who would do likewise. "Ent moderately, sleep at least sev en hours a night with windows open, taken regular exercise in the open air every day. use no stimulants, enjoy all natural delights Without excess in any. and keep under all circumstances as serene a spirit as your nature per mits," was the formula Dr. Eliot gave. Fire Damages County Workhouse. (By the AMuelated Prew. Pittsburgh, March 22 Fire which broke out in the brush factory at the Allegheny County workhouse at Hobo ken, 1(1 miles from here, destroyed the building today and spread to other nans of llie institution. More than 1 (Mio prisoners were confined In the building. The wildest confusion prevailed for a time, but the arrival of 11 iihiuIh'j- of deputy sheriffs from Pittsburgh alMi volunteer lire companies from WARNING If You Fail to See SHIRLEY "MASON IN ; "Pawn Ticket 210" At The Piedmont Theatre , Today You will have missed one of he.r u t nJrt.lre, ft,;,. ,aintv little DCSl .Plcu'.res ims Oainiy little , star has played in, . ,

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