7- 1 r - I The Concord Daily Tribune i associate PRESS DISPATCHES TODAY'S NEWS TODAY. VOLUME XXIII CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1923. NO. 70 I I I MAY TAKE FOREIGN TAX EXEMPTION TO OK tlUIBI TOBACCO MAM F.U It RIM. slTf. Ment To This Effect Has Not Yet Been Made, It is Expected Any Tine. STATE IS READY TO DEFEND BILL Nattfc mfen htHuUy Large Xmbrr f (cl tan MlhV 1 Ik ! I .. lUletrb. V ('. March 'A In reply to letter Jr-M a V. w York Invent went ifimiiMiiT. M. I. Kblpuaa, cam-mii-ii. i uf labor awl printing. ha f umWbed Interesting thnirt showing Xorlb i'nr4lnu aa tlif great nM tobac co niunnfactitrina ntnte tn tbe I'uluo. a banns 'he largest number of cot- Though Formal Announce-SZ " The ipirstlons and Mr SUipmuu ? uu "Jim are ux follows: It ta correct that North Carolina I the greatest manufacturer of tobacco In the I'nlted Wtoies1' "it la. Aoordlng tn Intent available information by states, the total vnlne of products fir lolmivo. chewing ami smoking, unl cigars anl clgarettis. iimountert to Xi4.tK for Nnrtu Oa roil na, out of the total of tijOU,mi. (XKI for the I'nlted States. North Car olina's product Ion, therefore. nummit eil to a little over awe fourth of that for ' l heat' two hranchea of the tobacco industry in the 1'nltiil States, iiinl the state showing it larger proportion of the niiiiilier of cigars and cigarettes tlum tobacco, chewing iiikI smoking i be prOdtmlou ngures for the former lieing $2,J,li.H."i.iaMl for the elate against n total of 77:i.i-.tKNt for the I'nileil States, and for tohai-co, chewing liml the production figures iimouulcd to lpW.1NX.00 for the stale against it total of fX297MNM for the I'nileil States. The State next in lank to North Carolina in the tiiumi fHcture of chewinR anil smoking to bacco iiimI cigars anil cigarettes Is New York, with a production of W5, TIW.tKKI. followed liy Pennsylvania, with product vnlueil at 1108.71)4,00(1 : liml Virginia, with .7s.:t."ii). tHHl as the Milne of products. New Jersey is Temporary Injunction Has Been Granted Against the Bill, to Keep It From Be coming Effective. rnaaBBir in CtmrtaUr fat Safe Mha 1 Raleigh, March (By the Associ rlaleil 1'ressi. Although no formal no tice of injunction to test the constitu l tonality of the ads of the i;rj:i tlen- ei til AMomhlv uf Niirtli Cnri.lliii. ev- -in I it i i iu sIim Its iii foreign cujrimnitioiis smoking. lrtmi taxiition. brought by v. M. rer aiui, of l.onishnrg. has yet lieeu serv iil on It. A. iKiughton, commissioner of revenue, ntlichils in the Attorney Ceii enil's ilepnrtnient lmlav stntcil "a de termined contest will lie uuule to de fend the new law." TeiiiiBiriiry injunction was signet) hy .luilge II. A. Sinclair at Williamson last nitflit restraining the Revenue 1 i,.,c.',,.,, fi-en, .qinnili imr u illi the provisions of the net. No return i "ext. reporting a production of $.KI,- date was lixeil by the jurisl. but it ilK.000. was slated the bearing will he held "I " correct that there is a great -liefore Jtulge .lohu II. Kerr in Warren- j er nnmlier of cotton milts in North ,,, , Carolina tlian In any other state? Attention wns cnlleil to the rub' of "Yes. The bitest authentic jntor lnw toilav. however, to the effect it million shows that North Uirolinn oU ..i,,i,.,.i ii..,i iho hurlmi ,v..iii,i ' lends with ".SI! intton nulls. Mnssa- bnve to be la-Id In the snme county in I i hiwetls rniiks second in number and which the Commissioner of Revenue : Brat in the total value oi products, has BWrtonnrtera. While no statement with North OnrolUw a close second, was given on the iiuestlon It was hie "Ik i cormt that North ( aiollna is Ueratooil the Attorney Oeueral's lie-! Ihe secoml tnte in the numlier of fur imrtment probably Would insist on the niture fnetoriesV . lien ring neing neui in hiiko roipenor ; ..". - - t'onrt promineiii in uie uiiiihiuo out- oi Mr. Person Inst year brobgl.i suit ! m tyiies or iurniruie. such iis cimirs. ngalnst A. I). Watts while the latter uressers, etc. iteieui jeiiori "MllJi rOK HE4ITR" MM Wallace. ai (kr t'Mruii4 rma.1 4'harloM N C. Mirita 3 The "Milk fn- Health ' eampalgti lamg urn aa in i liml. .ii, ibIm week by I ha Ag. rlcnltnral Kxlcnaioa Servb-r co- penn ing with the chaulier of ,m, . t.. aad itber civb- ! glvea pnunlae of be bag "one of tlie uioxt aia-i-easful move mriitf of Its kind llinagurnlxd liy tb;' home ilemouatratlon workers and ul ry arwrialiata." ac-orllug to litm Maud R. WalUie. diiedor. A number of tur ba jait In siie inl window .ii-;4j;. e.ii-ouraglng oi,. til Inking. The ity Fchoola are iieblnd the movement. Boy Sivuts are helping to sjueail the Men of more milk for young folk, mid tbe e:i tire city has been nmuwd to tbe "lm lairtnnce of drinking nt lenat one iiiiit ol rallk a .l.i.. according to Miss Walblee. Tuesthiy afternoon a class In bomi ii-onomies from yueens College gave Icinoiistrations of milk dishiv in tin windows of one of the larger stores ind yesterday whs tag day. AUmt twenty-live girls of t tie city assisted ill lagging folks down town, and liiost receiving a certilieale were a lb wed ihe privilege of purchasing any milk drink or ice cream at live cents. Is low cost prli-e in live of ihe leading drug stores. Surveys luiye bwn iiiiule of all, tbe stliiMil children to del ermine the nunc tier receiving milk regularly as a part of their diet. Approximately 7.ftKl children arc cxiectctl to lie reached through the nimimlgu. Assisting Miss Wallace in the cam paign are J. A. Arey ami A. C. Klm rey, of Ihe tlairy extension depart ment: Miss Florence Hall, of Hie fed eral department of agriculture, Wash ington: Miss Martha Creigliton, dis trict agent for the extension service, and Miss Bortha 1'rolBI, Miss Nell I'iekeaV. .Miss Allan Kd wards, Miss ( ierl rude Alexander and Miss Kath leen Wilson, all county home agents from surrounding counties. Ford Announces Purchase of More Coal Lands; To Use All Coal Twice H KMII i hr ST MJ nt 9mTi r-etroit. Murcb Hv tbe Aaawi ated ('man. ttMrW -ulraurbni ie day at tbe offlce of n un Kord at I tear burn that tb ur. mobile manu tacturer bad piirrlMua. I'.ikhni acres nf iiiwleveloiieil eaal bi.d in Kentucky, was loupied with the statenteut tlutt Mr. ronl intended to si lire tbe coun try's il piiMilenia "iii ning eety plet of iwil twice. to mirii4r nil bla faetorie la er. ery lattt of tbe euautry. all tbe fai liariea ami mills aMBiifariiiriag vari hm piulnrts fur hU romvraa, aa BMiiy uf the loduslries in Ibis dlatrlct a rare to bay coal from him and have left fuel sunV leal to anpply a part pf the dumertb- deuauH uf tie country Mr. Font, it wa. annoiiiM-eJ. will ask all ' - rial uers of bla coil to in h imnlf.e Uf tbe i , M-rtc i, was " . . . . offlchillr nnnouaceri at u.e Ford -Bloes. " ' , , ZJ.7Z-.iZ . Mr Fort ,ome. into p.101, of .i "1n,, 'lh,T. i iL . . . ... lug a fuel nulmiiaired for aoaaeatir ,,ol lands I'reytoWh P'trchal , h(,m ,U(.',llntIT. The fuel ,e- hrlnpj the total nri-r of acres of , " ,mn"1mm would be even more valuable f,.r home "prom these holdiBldt Mr. Fort bo,aM. """ l'rHea than it was before, that within a year, wlticient toal will it was cxplalneil. Premier Poincare Caused Wild Scenes in Chamber Called Andre Berlhon an "Abominable Scoundrel" After the Former is Alleged to Have Made Remarks About the Premier Order Could Not Be Restored for a Time. this wna Comnilsaoner of Revenue to test deimrtment covering the last bletiiiiiil the eonstltiitionnllty of the North Cur-! period shows a total of 107 estnldksh- act exempting from taxation ments engugeu in tne maiiiiiaciure oi ti'iifti") l -iiu The . I ill nitiiie. me imai iinoroi !" is parasnjiii iiil'i'n! stock M-aiiie oT !uits?l:ttn..-K;ii: . early hl ill it u.-.t, I,. .lomuBtl.. w.i HftiC. The : furniture. The total value of prmluets Hmw i . . V flie 'ii'ie if- lie. is $.W!NH.7--uiial stock s"CwU)bii M". Mf'flllll . , , , I run .ji.i.'ii i. THK COTTON MAttKET "'rhe Slate of New York leads in the number of furniture factories, iniing Was Steady al Decline of 4 whie Michigan ranks second." to 10 Points on Old Crop Posiliona. jt,., Kbipmun added that North Cnr iBy Ac AuwMit ''"" lolinii ranks eighth in furniture maim New Y irk, Marcli The cotton raeinpteH. market showiil eontlnued nervousness i and frregnlnrity during today's early ! SIX ARMY AIRPLANES trading. The oiM-ning was steady at u decline of 4 to 10 points on old crop positions which were influenced by relatively easy cables while the. new crop was unchanged to 1 point lower on rather an unfavorable weather map. There was it good deal of scat tend liquidation and New Orleans was an enrly seller here as a result of which active months soon showed net losses of 18 to 23 points. Cotton futures oiamed steady : March 30.45; May 30.52, July 20.05, October 20.30, December 25.79. ark on return trip YV man's Order of Ku Klux Man is Announced by Simmons. Atlanta, On., March 22 The Ka nielia, a woman's order of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has been formu lated and is ready to function ''along side the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan," according to a statement is sued late tonight hy William .1. Sim mons, former imperial wizard of the klan. who has appointed himself el magus or president of the organiza tion. , Headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan 'nDDeared surprised at the "olliciiil proclamation." "We know of no mien order, nor lias officials of the klan been In communication with Mr. Simmons for several days," said Fred J. Savage, a major official In the klan. I Damage to Peach Crap Will Not lie i On t .F Southern Pines, March 22. The! Planes Left San Juan, Porto Riro, on First Leg of Flight to Washington. Xau Juan, PortO Hlco, March 23 I By the Associated Press I. The six V. S. Army airplanes which arrived here from San Antiono, Texas on Monday, took off on their return trip to the United States at 10:15 this morning. From Florida they will My to Wash ington. Their destination today, was Santo Domingo City, 250 miles dis tant. . The airmen expect to arrive in Washington liefore April 3rd. Sudan Temple Plana For a Big Cere monial on May 17 Washington. March 22. The Shrine club announces that the evening's en tertainment on -May 17. next, when Sudan temple will put on Us ceremon ial, will lie of a character that will make the events remain long in the memory of the participants. T(ie tire works display will be on a. huge scale and will depict Shrine features includ caracls. emblems and, of course, n novice, "holding the rope.',' The ball will Include a rose dance, a snow dance and best of all 30 of Washington's young ladies will see that Shriners have not a dull moment. A prize will be given to the most at tractive young lady at the ball. More Troops For the Ruhr. Paris, March 23 I By the Associated WAXT PLDER.U. ACT10X AfUINST H .H. FOSTER Law Enforcement Organizations Say UovernmeHt Has (ood Case Against Hfan. I By the AiKoctatrd Preu.) Washington. March 23. A request that the Federal government "com mence prosecutions" against Wm. Z. Foatei' and 11 other a leged "radii-als" and investigate the acts of Frank P. Walsh and eight others, declared tn have ben associated with various radl cal movements in this country, was fileil willi till Departmcii' , of Justice . wan4 of number of organisations interested in law eliforcenienl. Accompanying the complaint was a Ioul- list ot sis'Cific charges, and a brief arguin gthat Ihe Federal gov ernment is fully justified by the facti ill taking action. The charges against Foster and his associates were said In the com paint to be based on Offl cial statements - issued by communist representatives in this coulry. wtii'e the allegations against Walsh and those named with him centered about trips they were said to have made to soviet Russia. Paris. March 23 Bj Ihe Associated ress i. Premier Pofcieare, angered by the communist inafciuntinn that he was controlled by 1 Deputy I.iv.n rtaudft. the loyal , lefder. started a scene ol wild disorder when, in open ession of the Chamber today, be call d communist IH'putyf Andre Bert lion an "aliominalile sconnsrei. The Chamber immediately went wild while deputies hnmmcrcd their desks mil the ushers ran rflieul to restore order. The presliMtfT ollicer vain'y ing his bell for a qW iter of an hour to get a bearing, and balm the Chani- icr down. "That man." shont'id M. Poincare. pointing at Deputy Itanium "dared In sav he hid against- nie and mine iboniinahle evidence hich I feared would he published. "He lied when he said it. the Pre mier angrily ejaculated, and the depu ties, most of whom hid not heard M. Berthon's accusation, Jumped to their feet, all of them wlthahe exception of the communists nnd.nfcw of the radi cals, cheering Pnincarf madly. TELLS DK CONGRESS Immure to the neaeh croo doe not ! Press). The French troops in tin tieem as great as was anticipated. ; Ruhr will be reinforced by 20,000 men and is likely to hob up out of tht CO-OPS ARE RECEIVING CHECKS FOR TOBACCO Tri-State Association WiU Pay $2,000, 000 in Bright l eaf Sections of the Two States. my i lie Aaaoclatril Freaa.l Richmond, Va March 23, The final pajinent to members of tile Tri-Stali Tobacco Growers ( o-opeintive Asso elation in the bright leaf section of tin old belt of North Carolina and Vit ginia will approximate $2,000,000, i was made known today with Ihe an nouneement that Hie payment will be made as soon after the close ol tht receiving stations on April 14th as tin checks can be drawn up. The growers of this section were paid $1,250,000 last week. The Bumgardner Motor Cut-Out Law Albemarle Press. The' Bumgardner law against driv ing motor cars over the. highways of Manly should he impressed npon ev ery car driver who traverses our roads'. This law provides a penalty of $50 for each and every offense or thirty days in jail. The speed llmR is 30 miles per hour, and Spe.ed-cop finioi B. Ixiwder is on bis job ail the time The actual extent cannot lie told for a few days yet, but a fair crop looks reasonable now. within n few days, War Minister Mag- inot announced today in Hie chamber of deputies. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Fears That Haunt the Fireside! THREE great fears walk with uieri from their work to their homes and ait with them hy their llreside nt night. They break rudely Into conversations of husbands and wives, causing sudden silences. They thrust themselves between Ihe faces of men and their little ones; three gnawing fears: THE FEAR OF LOSS OF HEALTH, THE FEAR OF LOSS OF JOB THE FEAR OF DEPENDENT OLD AGE. But these fear can be banished forever. The way Is simple and plain :' Build up a personal reserve fund by taking out shares in this OLD RELIABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION. Then you can face tbe future unafraid. - - . i ,- V .;. j-'H START RIHT-5tat SERIES NOW OPEN START RIGHT Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. to Be Behind Ihe Br' For Art. in Kcha'f uf Israel ite House mf DavM. i mi mm mmu fM Craad KanM. Mb-b . March 23 Aa ' ariauuiuu during, nun rxaiainallun i that "be ought tn la- behtad tbe barn" for acts In behalf of tbe Israelite I HoiiM' of lm id marked tlx- '-nun.. in Federal nmrt be re today uf lh i Purneil. bead of the cult. In the nut instituted by bet parents at large against lurnell Tbe ultuem dining . r. examina tion do la mi -! bad viobite.1 tbe law fur Purndl 'believing it was tbe faith" "I was a partner of Benjamin In every crooked and deceitful deal In the rotony," sin testified. T fierjiirod myself and lied. Benjamin and I Isilb oualil to lie behind the cur.' The witness said she bud committed perjury in conmstion with a previous court I rial. Describing tbe hardships of mem-ls-rs of the isdnuy the witness said: "I never aaw a eriptde admitted to Ihe lb. use uf Daihl. The nuallHra lions for membership was money, u Strong hack and a weak mind, or else a (rood trade." She tea titled on direct examination that Purneil had made la rue profits ..lit ot the latsir uf his followers rntPI,GHR BE INVESTIGATED Officials of Federal Govern Ment Feel That Charges Have Enough Ground for An Inquiry. CONFERENCE ON MATTER IS HELD It Is Possible That Depart ment Feel That Charges Take Hand in Any Inves tigation That is Made. KAILKOMIS MIST PAY FKOERAL GOVERNMENT T IK HIKE SENATOR WATSOB OF PLANS Issues Notice That He Will Furnish Piggly Wiggly Stock for $100 a Share In stead of $250. Memphis, Trim., March 2: (By the Associated Press'. - ('la rencc. Maund ers, president of the Piggly Wiggly Stores. Inc., today offered lo settle with New York traders who sold stock of the corporation "short" on tbe basis of $1(10 a share. Mr. Saunders made public the fol lowing telegram addressed to the New York Slock Exchange: "To avoid lawsuits with various brokerage houses, I propnse for full settlement, today of all accounts of Class A common stock, llggly Wiggly Stores. Inc.. that I will furnish ,1111s stock iihiii application to the National Bank or Commerce of New York, and upon the payment of $Hmi a share." ' I By Ihe Ameelalca Vrrmm.) Washington. March i3 Charges that there is a conspiracy In tbe sugar Irade to raise prices were said at tile Depart incut of J u a flee today to lie of sufficient gravity to wan nut a pre liminary inquiry of the Kisleral gov- Ordcr To This Kflect Has Just Keen eminent s legal officera, A conter Isueil by Ihe Interstate Commerce enco was arranged between acting At ( omniissioii. torney Ueneral Seymour and . Secre- I lary Hoover with II view of joint ac i Hi n. I A representative of the Department of Justice also was directed to obtain ,..i from Hasll Manly, director ot the in i n- Awoclnted I'rto.i Yashingtou. March .'".An order was issuni today by the Interstate Commerce Commission reiiniring all railroads lo report by May 1 as oples Legislative Service, who I wrote to President Harding in con nection willl the sugar situation, and ! information he has to substantiate their earnings during the year ItcU and to my oer to the government un der the transportation act one-half of """"". : ... "."r: conspiracy cbargi value of investment. So far practically no payments have been made under the law requiring the return of excess earnings. 1' onus lOI 1 1 i I l I It up llie I'r'ii L ,. . . l.,u. . ,.Min...,IMl ninilllnhlll i.n,l ''IS ...'(-".' If the information warrants a for mal investigation Department of Jus I tlce oflicials said the Commerce IV j partment also will participate. Soc i retary Hoover was charged by Mr. were prescribed by I be where earnings in excess of (I per cent, was secured, but no payments made to the government the corpora tions were repored to report disposi tion of the money. for the recent bulge iu the sugar mar ket because of a department state ment which was Interpreted as fore castlng a shortage. CHAPTERS GRANTED New Railroad For Western Pari of the Slate Is Given Charter by Sec retary of State. Raleigh, March 23 (By the Associat ed Press). The Murphy and Peach tree Railroad Company, of Murphy, capitalised at . W(H),MX. for the pur pose of operating a railroad to con nect with the Carolina & Georgia Rail road, at Peachlree. today was granted a charter of incorporation by Secre tary of State W. N. Everett, The railroad will have a trackage of six miles. The Fayettevllle Publishing Co., of Fayetteville, publishers of the Fayette vilie Observer, capitalized at $200,000, with $100,000 paid in, also was grant ed a charter. The incorporators are Wm. J. McMurray, New York, Alfred deMesqultn, Fayettevllle; and George F. Sisson. Fayetteville. hushes at - any - pal qq y "f thf roads. it is a little strange how he manages to be at so many different places at onee and the same tlmf. This law is aimed for good, and it Is necessary that It shall ls enforced, and It Is to l enforced. Drivers Should co-operate with the oflicials, and puingurdner ought lo receive a big boquet for his part. Raptist Hoards Meet in Raleigh. (By the AuMK-lalcd Ireu. . RaleighN. C, March IT!. With the iiuestlon of standardizing all Baptist High Schools iu North Carolina and appropriating funds to aid their sup jKirt us the chief mutter before them, the Baptist State Mission Hoard, and the Educational Board were In session here today, Transportation Act and Immigration Laws Will Get 4 onsltlerafion From Next Congress. Ilv the AMMirlnlMi Preaa. St. Augusline, Fla., March 28. Re vision of the transportation act and libera Illation of the immigrntinu laws are among tbe first matters which will be laid before Congress when if moots iii December, as part of the adminis tration legislative program, according to announcement here today by Sen ator James K. Watson, of Indiana, one of the administration leaders in the Senate. These later, the. Senator declared, may be forced because the new Con gress will lie closely divided between the two parties. Ho said the trans portation art is to be established al most entirely and similar treatment is to be given the immigration laws with a view to liberating. Electricity to Aid in Pneumonia Cures. Hoboken, N. J., March 22. Perfec tion of a new treatment for pneumonia whereby high frequency electric cur rents are inducted into the patient's body, was announced today by Dr. 11. V. Droesner, a Itoeiitgen ray special ist, atlachetl to St. Mary's Hospital, who for 1(1 days has lieen carrying on experiments with pneumonia patients under the observation of a group of New Jersey lung specialists. The new treatment, known as the diathermic method, was said bv Dr. Droesner to M. Cornier. Kleag.e and erganizer of relleve congest ion, by electrically pro-'the Ku Klux Klan here, recently dis din ing body heal and by driving blood missed on a charge of riotous con 1 1. n, ,,n'o,.i.,.i nrmm I mitrncv bv Police Judge lloden C I Davis, filed eu.t, today in common Would Aid Reforestation. pleas court asking $50,000 damages Cincinnati, Ohio. March 23. A plan rorn chief of police R. E. O'Brien as a to enlist engineers throughout the conn- resuu f the trial and tbe raid made try In a reforestation movement in co- on tnp headquarters here on operation With the Government is to lie February 14 by Chief O'Brien and a considered at a meeting of the exeou- party (f raiders. tlve hoard of the American Engineering Council, which opened here today anil j0 Test Exemption law Passed by will continue in session over toufbrrow. I Legislature, Flic conference is attended by represen- Raleigh. March L'I''1'" test the FOl'R POSSEMAN MISSING Ingest, Dam la the Wartd. AFTER HFNTING INDIANS The Wi son Di.m. at Muscle Shoals, I wTiites Have 40 Piutes' Prisoners; . Ala., the largest structure of its Kind js;ew Pos8e Trailing Renegadesr in the world, is being rushed to com- j Salt Lnke (.tv rtah. Men h 22. pletion by double sh.fts wanking nay ynnr while settlers, memliers of a and night. The completed' projet. Uoaae which left Building. San Juan which will cost the government mote jeounty, last nigjit to trail the .AUeu than $r0,mio,U0t wlireontalu t.Stiti.lKlu j (WnT(,' ,nril ,,f warring "Pllite TnnTans'. yard;-, of masonry. A maximum offih.( to return yesterday, arecording 624.000 horspower of electrfcat enprgy 1 10 san ,nai, county otnchils. The will be developed by IS turbines locat- fate of the missing possemen is lin ed in a power house 1,200 feet long known. and driven by the force of the water. ,l dawn today a new posses of '.W No definite plans have been y?t made I men left Itlamling to continue the for its use. hunt for the Indians, who are said to" have taken refuge in the mountains Jack Scott Is Fined by Manager Me-j north of the town where they are fa- Oraw New York, March 2'J. Manager Mc Grnw, of the New York Giants, has fined .luck Scott, star pitcher, and one miliar with every train and, canyon. Vpwards of forty Indians are report ed to be virtually prisoners of the white residents of Blanding. They KLAN OFFICERS FILES Sl'IT FOR DAMAGLS Worlie M. Partner Seeking $60,0011 Haniagcs From Chief O'Brien, of Springlield Police Force. Snrtngfleld. 0.. March 23.r Worlie of the heroes in the last worlds se-jhave been pluced under heavy guard ries. $100; relegated Catcher Karl to prevent any possibility of their Smith to the second team, and repri- joining with the renegade band, mantled other players for drinking. Yesterday there, was a rnning tight corn liquor, according vto a dispatch between the Indian hand, said to lium- to the Everting world totiay nom us correspondent al the Giants' training camp at San Antonio. Texas. 'Posses Clash With Piute Indians. Salt Lake City, March 23. Word was received here this morning to the effect thai In a skirmish late, yester day between the renegade Piutes and white imisscs near Washcomb, south eastern 1'tah, one Indian was killed and five braves and four squaws were captured. Rank at Dunn Closed. I By the AmkocIbIcA I'tchh. i Raleigh. March 23. The State Bank & Trust Co.. of Dunn, has boon closed temporarily pending investigation, the Stale banking department announced today. Officials said the examination has not proceeded far enough to give out any details. her 12, and white possemen. The Indian youth', known as "Joe Bishop's boy." was shot and killed and two In dians were wounded. There were no causaltlcs among the whites. WmfiW to Be Spent By S. A. L. For F,(tiipmeiit. Washington. March 22. To finance repairs and extensive purchases of new equlpmrnt, the Seaboard Air Line today asked the interstate com merce commission for authority to is sue $6,600,000 in six per cent equip ment certificates. The road proposes to buy 2,000 freight carrs, 30 locomo tives and four steel passenger train coaches. It also will rebuild 2,000 freight, cars with tbe balance of the fund. tatives of thirty national and local en-' eons! ittitinnnlity of the exemption gineering societies. j,i foreign stock corporation from tax- .... , iatloii, allowed by the general assembly Charlotte may soon have a trap f w M perKon touKn secured shooting tournament, and Concord .i-k -for ,,, jud. N. A. liersons who are interested in sueii a ; silu.,.m. .. willlamsloue directed U. A. Dougbton, commissioner ot rev e Interesteil in such a tournament are advised to write- to Post office Box No. 1 142 Charlotte, stat ing your views. It enimgn interest is . . W11S announced that the order will be made returnable be- 30 Rounds Boxing 30 Legion Hall Tonight Crayton Rowe vs. Cy Young Johnnie Wiie vs. Young Bobbie Kid Belk vs. Jake Mills Clarence Wallace' v. manifested by people In Charlotte and the surrounding territory, the tourna ment will he held. There are a num lier of persons here interested in such a proposition, and u nnmlier of them have already sen! favorable replies to Ghaiiotte. Linden's Captain is Dead. Capt. Oarl ton Mueller Is dead at Braunschweig, Uermanr at the age of ISO, ('apt. Mueller cammnuded tile. German cruiser EmdciCwblcii caused millions In loss to British shipping during the World War. He took charge of the Gmden soon after the war began and commanded It until It waa destroyed hy an Aus tralian cruiser in N Member, iyi l Twenty million dollars worth -of Brit ish shipping was destroyed by it in Its than three mouths of roaming the Indian Occun. fore Judge John 11. Kerr, in Warren- ton The memlrs of the Peninger String Band, of Concord, will leave tonight for Klkln. where tomorrow they will r.n-nlsli mo sic I'.ii- ... biir lot Hille bv Mr. George Stephens, j. Walter Darnell. Seeretary Everett Denies Gubernato rial Ambitions. Raleigh. March 22. W. N. Everett, secretary of state, intimated tonight that he had no gubernatorial aspira Hons, in response to a series of ad dresses of welcome delivered at a ban tine! of eighth district Odd Fellows, given In his honor. "'I think that It is worthy that ev ery young man In North Carolina should aspire -to lie chief executive some, day, but every ambition of that kind which 1 harbored dissipated three years ago.'' Mr. J. II. Dorton's condition con tinues to Improve, we are glut! to note. Ml-s. Port on, who also has lieen sick for some time, Is now able to sit up. Russia's Ruler About Done tor. With his right arm and leg par alyzed and his speech slightly ancot ed, Premier Lenine, of Russia is suf fering from a stroke of apoplexy. Payment Fr Cotton Seized During the oo's. Rellgh, March 22. Mrs. Nannie G. Lit' and her daughter. Mrs. Lena Lee Cox, of Raleigh, have just received payment from the 1'nitejl States gov ernment on cotton seized by federal troops in Perry county, Alabama, tlur- One of the allegations iu a suit for ing the Civil War. Twelve hundred divorce brought by a Chicago bride of dollars was the amount of the govern a year Is that her husband failed to . ment's past due account, but half of keep bis promise to buy her a sport this, it was stated, went to attorneys skirl. 1 who collected the claim. riOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXMeoOOOOOOOOCXKOtXr' Mrs. R. 8. Young has presented the Concord public library with a set of The Letters and Life" of Waller Page. New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April 10th will draw inter est from April 1st. Will you be better off ten years from now than you are today? You won't unless you save part of your earnings. THINK IT OVER The Concord NationsBank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00