NETS TODAY. VOLUME X.XI11 CONCORD, N C . SATl'R DAY MARCH 24. 1923 NO 71. Mammoth Ice Gorges Check Missouri River And the Work of the It.- is Saving Tousamb of Acres of Land From Ravages of the Mighty Stream. TI Mil f Mil i s . INf RF4SE PAY (By the Associated I'iwi. SOME L0W1.ANDS ALREADY SWAMPED In a Number of Cities Per sons Living Near the River Had to Leave Homes. Damage Will Be Heavy. 1-eaksvllle. X C . March 24. Trxtilc mills at I.niki ille-Sprtty 4- rum Iraper have nnnounccd in & increase of iu "iS per ceul In the lionises im ill their employee which. It was said lodav. unim ':i iifl Increase of Htfhily v nunc ' i than fo per Kill The Increase will Midi approximately J.HI.lMMi '' llllliuilllv Id the mv pill of I In' M T ii ill- ktW Wis Ml I TIM. OiiMha. Xch.. March 24 I Ity the As sociated l'nsa4. I iiprecedented hnm ninth ii-c gorges in the Missouri river Mini tributary streams near '-.:mi I lion. South Dakitin. Sioux City and Ottawa, Iowa, ninl Dakota City, Neb have precipitated condition, which prevented flood menace today for all the lowlands between Vermillion Mini Omaha, the flooding of ilious Is of Hires of rieh farm hinds in the three states, destruction of hundreds of farm houses, iitnl the inundation of nl lens part of Sioux City anil smal ler cities and town's. More thnn 400 homed iu bottom In mis of Sioux 'City were untenable to- ilay. and a two-foot rise In the waters of Floyd river, hacking up from the. Missouri river would, according; to au thorities, inundate forty more resi dential blocks. The occiipnutR of the section near the river were driven out by police Inst night when the swollen wnters gradually crept up. Au ice gorge rcisuicri to have at tained a length of 11 miles, and width in places of 7 miles, near Brnsstield Island at Sergeant Bluff. Iowa, south of Sioux City, Is strangulating the mighty Missouri river. The. stream, strengthened by thaws and spring floods, is engaged' in. n titnntlc strug gle to break the deadly grip. In its grapple the river is dissipating its strength in overflowing into the low lands. But at any moment the river's ter rific pressure, may triumph ami then its dammed up waters would surge down the valleys. A const'rvativc Sioux City estimate placed the num-1 Iter of farms hi the pntti of such a j water wall at 2.000. ' j Ten counties of South Dakota. Iowa, j and Nebraska would hear the Brunt of tbennslnnght. at a rTOMoSfrEs" BrS IN FIRE AT WADESB0R0 W OKKKRS ASKED TO DEFER ACTION In t iifercm Wild Textile I'nioii Men, They I'oint in ( wnlilimis In I he South. Kali Itlver. Mass. March 38. The Cotton Manufacturing iissih imbui of Kali Itiver today requested the textile council lo wilhdraw ils demand for a wage imrense of IS fier cent, in 111 mills in this city. In ii long report prcocntcd at a throe hour conference between the two iHiilies the manufacturers review ed the textile situation in Kail Itiver and presented arguments lending to show that the present time was inop portune for the increase. The manu facturers asked the unions to defer further action in the wage negotia tions until April 20, when another cutt 1'erencc would lie held. The council now will report Iho re sults of the conference lo its six eon- Istitiienl unions, carders, mule spinners, slasher tenders, yarn finishers, weav- era and loom fixers which will pass ion the report individually. In1 its statement the manufacturers' ! association argued that the textile alt j nation In Fall River should Is; consid ered hy Itself ns differing from eondi- lions in oilier New Kngtand mill cen 1 fairs, The great Increase iu numbers lof spindles in the south was died in .coot cart to the position here iu that respect, the ttuinber of spindles lit this city showing little (Jiangc over a ' riml of years. South Carolina, alone, it was argued, had reached the point I where it exceeds by a large margin the niimlH'r of spindles iu Fall Itiver. The inanilfbelnrera asserted that div- Itivei most disastrous flres in the history of Wadesboro destroyed the brick build ing owned by Hardlson Brothers about 2 o'clock this morning. The building and its contents were a total loss. Twenty nutomobiles wfcre de stroyed, and the garage operated by Hnnfiley and Baker. The lire had gained such headway when it was discovered that the ef forts of the Are company were un availing. The ice plant which ad joined the building and was owned by Hardison Brothers was totally de stroyed and also some small buildings which were situated near the Hardison building. The loss will be aliout $50,000, partily covered by in surance. A negro by the name of Eason was captured today between Rockingham and Hamlet with a car known to have been in the garage rast night. This car belonged to Robert Beeman, of this place. The negro is now In Anson county Jail, nnd admits taking the car but denies setting the building afire. menus pam iv ran .nner units iu iiMtfr?, par ; fj-iv, 'im-,v-i-u .i-ei- mum-i,, ' from necmiinlutm earnings during tlM war period and that the great major ity of the textile coriHirations hud lost tans is Estimated at Fltiy Thousand money in the years cited. Dollars, Partially Covered By In- In addition to meinliers of the ex sarance. ecutive comniittee of the Cotton Man- Wadesboro. March 23. One of the I ufacturers' association and l the textile council, live citizens were iiresent ht today's meeting, but took' no part in the (lelilieratiuns. ,These public representatives were invited at the suggestion of the mau ufacturers and were selected Jointly by manufacturers. While no otlicial views were ex liressed tonight pending Hie decision of the six unions on today's develop ments it was Hie general view that the events of the day would serve fur ther to complicate the local textile la bor situation. The time limit of the textile council's demand for a 1" per cent Increase is April 2. A deniaud has been made by the I'nited Textile Workers' controlling the dolTers, sweepers, tied bands, and a number of workers In. other mill trades for nn Increase of 20 1-2 per cent, which would restore wages to the 1020 level. The meinliers -of the United Textile Workers' unions answered the refusal of the manufacturers in negotiations with them by empowering President Thomas McMahon, of the national or ganization, to cnll'a strike at his dis- Icretlon. President. McMahon announced on Monday night tbat he set the day and hour of the strike call but hud decid ed to await the results of today s con ferences lietwaeu the manufacturers and textile council . Ima Hemrd (la Meattbrr Hi paw a Faajatr of snml wallers hwnta and a program imnH liy upiui No s. Chart A. Caaiewi mmala. feutunM lair mrrthat on Frwi.v cTealng of the KlwaaU Cluh of Conrord. Prvf. Hlolon M-Ienil. priiK-ipal of the t'ooeord Htati SHtoul. Urn4r4 h'.r Bra) aawOng u a oe Klwauian. He was iat rod need l Dr. Morrtsiia Klag. Jacob Monae. i lialrman on arm age mval for the apeaklng Mooday even ing ly Dr. Joha It- Todd, of Tork, nported thai Mr. ToiM will de liver his lecture. Ore, Afn'lHl tireat to Be (I Boss." hi the Central School auditorium on Moiuljiy ii ening at 7 :: n'riock. The elub voto iinautnMmsly lo I'M, mi an invllaiion to iIh sliidinl of the Ml. I'leaaant Collegiate I list i tnie, ami also the Imi.vs of Hie J.K'kMin Training ScIkhH to attend this lis'ttire. siro-e Mr. '1'iHld is eM-eiirlly latere!- d Iu the young men. Mr. Tttdo, who Is riHsignlrj-d as the greatest buildi-r in the whole world today, will lie In CoBrord as the guest of Itcv. Jesse C. Kowan. a close ci sonsl friend, and has isuisenled lo de liver his addri'Ss in Concord. I'n i. this place he will, go to Davidson to deliver the address liefore the. student hody of that place. The issipln of Concord are .fortttttate iu having sn opiHirlunil.v to hear a man of such great achievements, and I lie school nil dltorlnm will doubtless be tilled to ca pacity. Chairman Moose, apiwiiiited Bri'Viird Harris. Charles Harrier, .lay 'Cannon and Charley Smart to net as ushers from the Kiwunls Cluh on Monday evening. Morrison King, chairman of team No. t, which will Im' in charge of the program next Friday evening, read a warrant against Will Foil, and stated tn the club Hint the defendant will lie tried at the. next meeting of the club. The witnesses iu the case were notified to be present am! ready to testify. There was lunch interest manifested in this t;ase. and it is be lieved that Hie attorneys on both sides will make a hitter tight. Program Ci" ' -an Charles Cannon look charge cctiiig after the eonclnsloi' 'slness session. Miss M' ' favored her Imam.' in her usual splend coinpanhnent being . Nell Herring al Hie pi.rti.. cannon intro duced as bis guc-i !. I!. Lewis and Mr. T. T. Smith. John B, Simrrlll ai uinced to the elub that the learn had iii endeavor ing to have the Hon. W niter Murphy, of Salisbury, ii Concord fo make a talk at this meeting, but that at Hie last moment Mr. Murphy had been un able fo ijoine. .The sneaker added on liini for a talk on the work of the last Legislature, but that owing to the limited time at his command he had been unable to properly prepare this. Mr. Slie.rrill added that he Political Pot Begins to Boil in This City Again mo il- uli'S" iml.'i-in lei.' i Mar Nh ha king so far. ii While iiiKTtvt la Ii" Hon In lie held hi n bera almoai wQaUy was ludi.-nie,! foda) ihat ibe lender. of xtf DauwrarV wtileb ron troN lb rliy. are b ..i.nn.g to gvi the rn. i.- In a row am inini kleoi with tbia ntnrt . ..nn an unofficial though rattahlr sfainneat Ih n Mayor Woaahie u III U- ." niMlMaie in su-el him self. With ibia aainiingli auibenlic stnienietii mine iui in the chs in . n is ,''. iei ia ur . i.wisl. attd wilhin aiiiilher Iwi wits It is I.' Hpfd - tilling ilHtaire n ill la known as In Hie 11 .'liilales Hie Heiie naralie party will t ler. Mayor Wuinbte 1 mild neither deny niir conlirta the rej rt thai be would U' a laiwtblMte. I" statist xcinl ibtyajupi that he wa H1I on ibeTeare, but thv U lenient f mu one of his H-lltl-al advisers th be woukl be a candidate is exiiertril In l followed by u fiiininl annouoc meiir in the near future nf the Mayai - niudidarv for the bichest boiMir tin city offers lltleallv. IIUKM.M ,.r ,111 t,..l..u,lll,,ll tl. Ll'l !l"'' reruaeri to be stilled It Is gmernlly liellered that the laaii'lendents will go rumom. a full Imle- imHleni tu-kei siiiMNilag htuih plauWs IWaurrnts fall to uauV4d. arill he noniinatisl u ml auiipurml by certain people who are said lo be itlMatUfled with wrtaln official oow anrring un der ibe snot Hon of the prevent admin- iMrolbiB. Some ixilttlcul iMdnra lay ibe unof- flclnl HOfiouneenient that Mayor Worn- hie Is lo be 0 e: miniate ntmin h ln made for the inrioe of searing off mu other men who have hem slung I iv the I'silitienl hee Tin- advis er of Mr Wouihle. some ii listen- hiI il ii ia lis say, fell that senllinenl fur him would I' created by id- early though unofficial aiinminii'iii'iil. and this seiiHincul might aerve lo frighten off other ho'fus. who would seek the laurels now enjoyed by Mr. Woai hlcT .lust what the Indenettdents will finally do s as unrertaitt. Tin ir leaders have yet to make deHulte an nouncement In whnl they will de- in:; tul lii fact, the leaders IneoiNelves not yet known, but just lite same the independents are busy and thej are going to lie a factor when the pri mary is held. inin Hie I leiuiH-rallc i.iiirtarv and miikf certain demands and if these demands Some of the present aldermen are are met by Hie primary, the regular Inspected to l- candidates in May. bill Democratic nominees will ! support-Jnu a unoum-emeiil of any kind has been l in the election. (itberwlse, say made i-onceruing them. T 0 DOUBLE CAPACITY An Announcement to Tthis Effect Made by Manage ment. Plant Will Have 4,032 Spindles. Senator Expected to Nicholson Not Live. Denver, Col.. March 24. Hope for saving the life of United States Sen ator Samuel D. Nicholson, who is crit ically Hi here from a tumor of the. stomach, was practically abandoned here today when physicians attending him issued a statement announcing be live twenty-four i -ipoctril tn . " wils not hours. In Intlon is nn exchange for dis posing of superfluous wedding presents. 7 A man in a Western town town hanged himself to a bedpost by his (twaptaulfirg. Sag coroner's jury, which was composed of mothers, dr tided tbat the "deceased came to his death by coming home drunk ami mis taking himself for his pants." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THESE THINGS HAPPEN When1 You Build or BuyYour Own Home . .' ' . ' -I-''" You ave the . RENT DON'T HAVE TO MOVE Furnishing I-asJ liOiiger YOU take pride In Improving Life. Is Worth Living YOU BECOME A CITIZEN OF CONCORD. Our nist SERIES 18 NOW OPEN, IF YOU WANT TO OWN YOUR HOME or SAVE SOMETHING FOR A RAINY DAY. THERE IS NO BETTER WAY THAN TAKINO ol'T SHARES IN SERIES NO. SL YOUR BUSINESS, LARGE tilt SMALL IS APPRECIATED HERE WITH IIS. COMB TO OUR OFFICE TODAY AND LET US EXPLAIN TO YOU THE OREAT CO-OPERATIVE PLAN OF THE OLD RE LIABLE. ' - Cabarrus County Building loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. would put some of these facts before the members of the club at a later meeting if they so desired. Chairman Cannon then culled on Rev. Jesse 0. Rowan for a talk, and tlic. response made by Mr. Rowan was one that was fully enjoyed by every one nresent. The speaker chose as bis subject the elements or qnnlilicu t ions that go to make up success. Success is something that evcryoni iu this world earnestly seeks, said Mr. Rowan. No matter in what line of work a person Is engaged, lie striven Id lie successful. Success depends upon will power Many persons line become successful through the strong will which they possess, which has helped them over come obstacles that were in their way Many nn employee is more intelligent and capable than his employer, but he lacks the will power to tio things which has put his employer above hint Most of the failures in the world arij due to weak will power the Inability of a person to say and do the right thing ut the right time. Imagination plays ii great part in success. To be, successful one must develop the Imagination which, when properly developed, is a great aid lo the will power. If a person imagines something is detrimental to his su cess, it gives him a stronger will to tight against that thing, and thus makes his will stronger. One must develop his speed to at tain success. This Is n day of ssed in transportation, in business, and iu every phase of life. The man who can do something Just as well as an bTOT WrWKf, mill ill 111 Hell siini'ti time. Is the one who wins out in this highly competitive tiny. Success cannot come without tbe de velopment of peraeverence. Many a man has started off well and made good progress for a time, but has fail ed to attain success solely, from tbe fact that he could not stick to what he lind begun and push It through to a successful culmination. Finally, said Mr. Rowan, we must develop our hearts If we would be suc cessful. A man must love his fel lowmun. If he has this love, for man kind, he will find that his life has more influence on the community, and the people are ready to reciprocate this feeling. . Especially should we love the children, In spite of all their little pranks and capers. The silent lioost was given by Charles Cannon; the attendance prize, given by Luther Marsh, was drawn by Jacob Moose. ill tMFRl! IN Vi FLEET I MIOI ID Kr MODFRNI7IJ) Naval KiawHii lift? Waaangan na ( multtrnrr Ipi ai I llimi at I Thai This Br Ifcme. By ta a in nana rn . Washington. Manb 2i To Ul aval ratio, tbe foundation Hot- of nil the na ml agrrBW at growing out uf the Wit stiioctoo ami 'onfemtc will be utterly destroyed tulle I be t nned State enrrie mu it- program tn mnd ernlKe the America treaty fleet, ra the opinion of expert nimil ofnur. aa It has taken shape adet it careful si ml. of ttw whole -..I. -s . Cm It ill Which all the known factor of mm. I power were eonsldered. sotue i. itplug ad visory MMitlou in Hie Navy men! are nn Inn-I In rate lie- Irenly Bark of liiwai Britain, ihc United States unit Japan tess lively nn a '..".-I li. Willi the I 'lilted Stale placed in tbe Hjitiiili id Is'illg isim 'lil fo Modemixe her . :i.ilal ships if she la to restore Hie eiaUairntive standing lo which she subsa ritasl. This revised Ittisi is ailnillledlv raa lied on inctanidete information and a fHissilile outgrowth of the pn-s-ent itilblli-alioii is ii reiplesl unit the oilier parties to Hie treaty make an iilliclal atatemenl of details of their iiuH'iiillng and present naval prn grama, and of their interpretation of certain clauses of the treaty as writ ten. Ileeision iinn tbe ipiestiou nf whetlier siieli reipiests will be made rests with tbe State Department, which has l he general subject of the naval treaty under discussion wiih Navy officials. THE COTTON MARKET TNEK1RY JTJKy '0T BE n Saunders States He Gave the "Shorts" a Chance at $100 a Share and Is Now Throu With Them. NO PRICE WILL (JET THE STOCK Memphis Man Also Denounc es Wall Street Tactics in Statement Concerning His Stovk Activities. CONTINUED BY COURT Judge James E Boyd Rules With C. D. Benbow in Case Against Dixie Fire Insur ance Company. The manngt&ent df Hie Whlte-ParkK Mill of Ibis city, iiililiouius'd today that the size and eapiteilv of Hie plain to lie doubled.; Work lo be slat ted it once. The annniiiiisneat was made by Mr. E. F. White, ode of the founders Hid at present the active head of the otnpany. The company was organiz ed with local ca lual several years ngo. and business niudiflons nl pres ent warrant the incAase in the output of the tdmt. - The company when the addition is completed and all new machinery is in stalled will have 4.083 spindles. It manufactures yarn, and ils output is very popular with other manufactur ing concerns in litis and other South- em States. Definite plans for the addition to the plant have been adopted. Mr. White stated, and the contract for the work has been lei to a local enn- Irnctor. The work will be rushed to completion. New machinery to hi placed in the addition bus been order ed, tiiid will reach Concord by tin time the new structure is completed. (Hi Hie Aanoelatrd Prras.) (ireeiishoro, March L'l. The leiiipnr iry restraining order granted in Fed eral court here a week ago by Judge James K. Boyd against the Dixie Fire Insurance Co.. the Hartford l ire In surance I il. ; l , . iioiiinson. i.. i . Rlades. Ur. I,. S. Blades, and .1. er iinii Rlades, upon complaint of ('. I). Hetthnw. a shnreholtler in the Dixie Kire Insurance Co., was continued un til Tuesday. Anril 24. by Judge Boyd -fndflv.- - V - - The litigation arose out of Hie al legation of Mr. Ben how that an "il legal voting pool" had been formed by the pnrtlos liiul firms mimed as de fendants, to liquidate the Pixie I oin uniiv, and transfer ils assets through a contract, to the Hartford Co. Tilt order of continuance signed today added the names of J. E. Latham, dlroetor. and H. R. Bush.' president of the compan.v, as' defendants in the tlon. 1WKW AIRI'I.ANE SPEED RECORD JUST ANNOl'NCED Tliere Was a Continuation of the IJ- qitittation Movement in the Market Today. (By the Aaauelateri Fre-t New York. March '.M There was a a ( l 1 1 1 ) lll:l 1 1 1 1 of llm 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 la l mu im nc ment which has lieeti underway iu the linn market ever since the middle of Hie month, and the selling this morn ing wits even more active and general than previously. II resulted in an opening break of to 4:! ioiiiis which uncovered stop orders with May sell ing off to 2!Mm before the opening call was oyer. Cut Inn futures opened w eak. May IfP.KTi to tSM'ki: July M.I.N.-; (let iVIo : lice Jls.i: Jan Jt.Vi. Further Declines. New Ybrk. March L'4. There was continued hwivj liuuiilnlion in Hie cot ton market today and a further de cline of nlmul SM.i'iil per hale, with May contracts selling al or about 'SJJ points Ih'Iow tbe recent high record, j The selling was most generally as-1 erihed to growing ilistrusl for high j prices for ceiumiKlitji's, iiud .11. Jiclief . that bank interests were opposeil lo any further inflation. Memphis. Term.. March .'I I By Iho AsMM-inted Press I . Shares of I'luss 1'iggi.l W'lgglj slmk held by I'larenn' SnutMlers. president of I'iggly Wiggly Stores. Inc.. and ImiUy wanleil by "sliurl " sellers who were caught ill the jam Tuesday when a hear raid on the stock was refuelled, are price less lialay. ( if this stock which yesterday the I'iggly Wiggly heud quoted to "shorts" nl slisi per share; Thursday at $130 a share until :t p. m.; and for it time I thereafter at fcl.10 ti share: Mr. Saun , ders declared in a statement uttering i "detiauee to Wall Street" late last I night. ' 1 have no price of any kind to of- ' for in any abort Interests. Even $1.IKH a share would not buy from me It sin- gle certitlcale for n 'short.' My offer of ifliKi wiis for one day only, jind will not lie extended." Mr. Saunders bitterly denounced Wall Street 1 its "tactics" afid ile- I clnred that he expected to enter suit against the New York Stock Exchange, which he characterized as "of all In st it in ions iu America tbe worst nien- ! aee in all its power to ruin all who dare to oppose it. Wall Street got 1 Saunders led 'mama licked badly." Mrv intinued, "and then called ( if course munia.- the New York Stock Exchange, heard me t ry from ils petted child." nut of approximately 125,000! shares which Mr. Saunders said weredue him, only 140 were delivered to him Friday, he said. RlTLDINfi PROGRAMS TO BE STARTED SOON SENATOR LAIN) FAVORS - -Sl'liAR INVESTIGATION EXAMINATION CALLED AT K.ANN AI'OLlS Only Name That Appeared on Regis ter Ifn Not f'crtifled lor Appolat tttent Washington, March 23. Senator Overman has been advised by the secretary of the civil service com- ission relative to the case of U. L. Deal, an ex-service man, who name appears on the Kannapolis postofflce register, but who has not been certi fied for appointment, as follows: "In reiily to your letter of March 20, 192.1. in behailf of Mr. 0. C. Deal, of Kannapolis. you are Informed that the records of lite commission show that Mr. Deal was the only eligible secured, as the result of an examlna.! tion held on January 20. 1923, for the Kannapolis postoffice, "When a register is established containing less than three names it is not necessary for the postmaster to make a selection from same, as under an opinion of the attorney general the choice of nn appointing officer cannot, be limited to a place where he would have no choice. You are further informed that an exami- tbe Murder Charge Results From Death of Woman. Greensboro, March 23. Murder ia tbe charge on which J, C. Rice, a plumber of this city, will be ar raigned in city court, the re.m'.t of striking fMrs. J. D. Bryson hare with his automobile Monday night, ner death following In a few minute. He was blinded by a high powered street light and the glare from an approach ing car. He Is out nnder bond of II 000 iint I a preliminary is given him. nation has KaiuinpeLB iitTit- DORt nfflC on March Robertson Appointed to New Office. Raleigh. March 24 (hy the Assoc! ated Press I. J. M. Robertson, presi dent of the North Carolina Associa tion of the Deaf, today was appointed chief of the bureau for the deaf, by M. L. Shinmnn. Commissioner of Ui- hor and Printing. The office was ere ntod hv the recent General Assembly nnd Sir. Robertson will assume office April I. Major I-eo G. Ilrffermaii is Credited With Driving His Plane i"i Miles an Hour. (By Ihc Prra.i Washington, March 114 Another record for speed lias been csianus by the army mr somen, according i oiliciiil report today by the War I'c- partment. The. new high niiirK was inane n. Major Leo U. Ileffernan on a recent flight from Nogales, ' Arizona, to Fort Bliss, Texas. The distance or t. miles from Columbus, N. M.. to the Texas post was covered In in minutes, ut an average speed of -"id miles per hour. The, otlicial reports of the flight said the aviators flew the machine with a blinding sandstorm driving ut their back and with the iu'r saturated Willi sand. Identify Mysterious "Mr. Marshall." New York, March 24. Assistant District Attorney Pecora today an nounced that, the mysterious "Mr. Marshall" who was the lasl person known to see. Miss Dorothy Keenan, slain model, before she was chloro formed was J. K. Mitchell, of Phila delphia. Mr. Pecora also Identified the mys- tTn-mmj-xtj! itsoii. "MBTBottli s sec retary," who was said lo have iiunicd Hie Philadelphia!! to Keeunn's suite as John II. Jackson New York lawyer. State Institutions Will Get Money From $10,667,500 Appropriation Re cently Made by Assembly. Raleigh, March 24 (By the Asso ciated Press). All State institutions in North Carolina arc expected to pro ceed Immediately with their building programs, it was stated at the capitnl today, following the announcement of tlte council of stale that the SflO.IKlT. "i00 in bunds appropriated by Hie 1P2M General Assembly was available for Immediate use. Old Spanish Trail Convention, .New Orleans, l.a.. March 24. Prep arations have been completed for the entertainment in New Orleans next week of the sixtli annual' convention of the old Spanish Trail Association. In connection with tbe convention there will be meetings of Hie Gold Boulevard Conference, the Southern Transcontinental Road Conference, and the Parliament of Women on Highway Benutitlcntlon. Tbe program for the convention calls for addresses by Governor Neff, of Texas. Governor Parker, of Louisiana, nnd a number of oilier State and national officials. Republican Senator From North Da kota Joins in Demand for Inquiry. Washington. March 24. A predic tion that l'.24 will contain Important speeches for the old line political par ties unless something is done to curb big business, was made toiluy ny sena tor Ladd. republican. North Dakota, In a statement joining in the demand for an Investigation of the "sugar cor ner." The people, said Senator Ladd, are "long stretches ahead of the backward looking parties who seem without, courage to face Iho problems of Hie American masses." As a consequence, he declared, old pnt'l.v lines are "crumbling." Seven cents n pound for sugar lo the consumer, the Senator chorueter laetl as "pure graft and worse." anil he asked for the prosecution ot tnose responsible for the present 'robbery of the American people by it sugar corner." Insurance Business In State Good. Raleigh. March 24 (By the Asso clated Press). "Business done In North Carolina hy life insurance com panies during the year 1022 points to a great improvement in the state, not only In the amount of business writ ten, but In the Increase In the amount Worth in nrotier names as In Ken-iir insurance inpsen, niacy vt . naue. ilworth. signifies that the plate stands Insurance Commissioner, announced on a tongue or ninu. 'tun 111111. John Drew's Gulden Anniversary. Xek York. M11rcl1 24. Fifty years ago. on Mil roll 23, 187H, John Krew, illustrious descendant of a family famous on the American several generations, made bis fessional apiiearuitee :tl Street theatre, Philadelphia row the golden anniversary celebrated with a dinner at Biltmore In iliis city. The stage for ; Ii 1st pro the Arch to be the Hotel affair lias been arranged by more than two score of Mr. Drew's friends, actors, writers, icctitn Iheall'ioal ni.iiiiigt'imLimsiamssnieii Miss "Moonshine Hound" is Latest Among . Canines. Monroe, March 22. W. D. Bivens, of IMonroe, one of the county commis sioners, owns a remarkable dog. mid one that many a man would like to I possess. This dog it is reported went to the woods and treed. He was bat I ing so wildly Ihat Mr. Bivens thought I be would see what sort of a prize the dog had up the Ire?. This lime though the dog had his game underground and was scratching desperately, try ing to get it up. When he had Anally scratched enough so that the "game" could be removed, it proved to ne a two gallon jug of moonshine. vlr. Bivens is known by a 1 to lie a tee totaler, and says he has no use for such :i dog or such a find. However, bids are coining In to Mr. Bivens every day. and each day the bids are higher. xxxxwoooooooooooooooo Says Photographs Show Spirit of Dead Woman Hovering in Casket (Br the Aaaorlaf 1 Praam Los Angeles, March 24. Three photograph plates exposed with the lens of the camera encompassing a view of the casket containing the body of Mrs. Mary Fairfield McViker. as sociate pastor of the Central Spirit ualist Church, agalnat a background of green velour, showed "evidence of a spirit form," according to C. H. Monroe, a commercial photographer employed for the teat, and Mrs. Me Vlker's co-rellgloulsta who saw devel opment of tbe plates. One plate was (spoiled In development. Mrs. Mary C, Vlasek, pastor of the Central Spiritualist. Church stated she had seen Mrs. McVlker's spirit hov ering over her friends after the funer al late yesterday when tbe photo graphic test to determine whether Mrs. McViker would be able to return to earthly life was made. After the funeral Mrs. McVlker's body was taken to a ctematory, her ashes to be scattered among tbe ros es nt tbe spiritualist temple as she directed. New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April iyth will draw inter est from April 1st. Will you be better off ten years from now than you are today? You won't unless you save part of your earnings. THINK IT OVER The Concord NationalBank Capital .$100,000.00 Surplus $100,000J