'W' The Concord Daily Tribune! ASSOC! Artb PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXIII CONCORD, N. C . MONDAY. MARCH 26. 1023. NO 72, SOUTHERN RAILWAY WILL PUT 01 TWO riPT thiiuo onmi m mm mil Nos. 33 and 34 to Be Inaiim- 137 and 138 Will Be fa- continued. NO. 34 TO PASS HERE ABOUT 4:15 No. 33 Southbound Will Run On "the Present Time of 137. Time of Western Train No. 16 Changed. I Hi. Is i, vs t MiKlOK Ml. Ill II s III Mi I Atlanta. in., March 20. Through imssenger train service from the South to New York w,lth arrival in the nM Kmuolla ni !:ir. a. nr. will Ix- etttah li lu-it by the Southern Railway Sys t in on Snudny. April l'!i when trains Nos. XI n ml 31. running between Now Orleans and New York, via Mohlle. Montgomery, Atlanta ami Washington "ill lie inn tigui'ii till. N'o. Ill will leave New Orleans .1:00 p. m Montgomery a. in., arrive Atlnnlu 7:40 a. in. (Central Timei. leave . t In tit it 0:00 n. ni. (Kastern Timet, arrive Washington 3 a. in.. New York 0:15 o. in. No. Hit will leave New York 3:34 p. m.. Washington !:3." p. in., arrive At lanta 5:05 p. ni. (Kastern Time i, leave Atlanta 4 :'-H) p. m. I Cent nil Time), arrive Montgomery !):!! p. in.. New Orleans T:15 a. tn. Those trains will handle through sleeping cars lartween New Orleans, Atlanta. Charlotte anil New York, ami through coaches between New Or loans ami W'asliiimh.ii. with dining cars solving all meal h.nulle i lu i i iuh Cwnaflaaj af Kwithrm Ills tiki to Mr. I Here lord 111. The A lit. ml 11,-1,. i of Hie i hrUllmi Kratewrnr NHfh of it .- s..,,ii. ,, dlMrin will men In the Kir si Urvahyterian Church la Connwri tm April 14 and IS. A meeting was In n- iii-is- i,i.-i i-i awWi at lame ,,'rlirk In the Kind Chtirrfc at v l.ich .ill (be s. la the city wen reprewnlcd. Mr. IIotiI. of Char- hMte. ,, , i,l a pi - i.i at this meeting ami lnil ihc matter of holding the nie -i i - here before the in mist of tl.e s.nieil, present. :in,t It was unaniinoiisl ,1 Ided to' enter tain the xiuvenlion fcere at the date? am ! above About 7." delegates are expected to atteud this convention, and Mrs. Hintnu Mcleod Is chairman of the entertainment committee. This committee will make a canvase of the niemliors of the Presbyterian churches and also the Methodist ProlOfcfanl Church of the city In order to provide homes for Ihose attending the oonvon 1 Ion. ( nmnher of prominent speakers are exjKs-tisl to In- present and make ad dresses, among whom will Ik- Dr. Fra sler. of Queens College. Ch lrlotto: Mr Daniels, of the Home Mission Hoard of the Southern Presbyterian church: Miss Gulllck, of the Junior Depart ment, add Mr. Wilson, Stale Field Secretary. Two sessions will he held on Salur ihij. a liii'mpiel will ho tendered I he delegates Saturday evening from .", :30 to 7, mid on Sunday morning a special sermon will he preach, si lo the young people at 11 o'clock. A meeting if ill also Im1 held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the closing address will lie given by Dr. Frusier Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. T Rev. J. A. Linn Passed Away After Lingering IHne&s. Death Came at Home of Son in ML Pleasant. Scouring Underwork! for the Man Responsible for Death of Model FUNERAL SERVICE AT 2 TOMORROW Services Will Be Held in Mt. Pleasant and Will Be Con ducted by Rev. J. L. Mor gan, D. I). PIGGI.Y WIGGLY STOCK Ml' ST BK LOOKKI) AFTER Persons Cannot Disavow Controls Made Before Trading in Stork Was Husimtded. illy the Akwrlnted I'n . New York. March 26. The , New York Stock Exchange in a formal statement today replying to charges made ngiltnsf it hy Clarence Saunders, in-esident of Piirirlv Wicirlv Stores. No, 33 will also),.,, .i,, ,, m,.mi-r would Ih bet'- Bleeping cars from i mmn t disavow contracts made 1h- New York lo .Macon and t .minibus. . f(.,, ,,.1Mg j piftgly Wiggly was tin., froai Washington lo Wiiiston-Sn- nus)ieiided. lein. N. C. and New Orleans, ami lbe vuder the rules, the statement set tourist shaping ear from Washington j ft,r(n delivery of stin k traded In to San Francisco. mm fHiva innst to! made hy 2:1", The establishment of this service today. w ill meet the wishes of hnsfness meii i of Southern cities for n high . lass THE COTTON MARKET fn.l ti'uin u liii'lt will mil litem in w ! 11 - York In tirm for n full niflm thu . Showed CoiiUmied WttUinetw Under III- ti- I'M l Ml" JP ' ,- ila.. Ji i r-T la ai "".I ffTT ' rV9- r Southern hctweeu Washingtoii and At- (y M AaweftteU Hre.) anta. over the I'ennsylvnnln ltiveen ' New York. Masch 20. The cotton Washington and New York, over the market showed continued weakness West I'oint Route lietween Atlanta and today under further liouldntton on a Montgomery, and over the Louisville Nashville between Montgoniery nnd New Orleans. WhCI) these trains are put on. the sen, lll e oi .,). .i.s win ne cuiiiigcti so ern i inc . ari'iv ng ii iisuiugioii ai 13S. hetwecn ashlnglon and Atlanta. will be discontinued. At the same time, the service of the I ' . I ill 1 1 1 w nil ii I isjmmi mil t- iui proven ny ine anqmon oi an .uaiua- AYashington sleeping car on No. .Ml, nnd the wbedule of No. 11 will lie iin- proveu so as to give an nour liner ue- imrture from New jorn at u:io a. in., witn (leimriure iroui nuHuuiKion at 3:4; n. m.. and arrival in Atlanta at 10:80 a. m as at present. The ached ale of No. lit win ne changed so as to leave Ashevllle at 3:"t n. m.. arriving Salisbury :.riu p. m.. in time to inane connection vviiu No. 32. leaving Salisbury u:15 p. m.. on vvutcn tne sleeping cars irom .vsnt- vllle to Raleigh, Washington and New York will lie handled. Arrival In New York will be at 1 :30 p. m., instead of , II, ,. m no .if ll,.,Uint, t Arriving Atlanta r:Of, p. m., no. .m will make connection with No. 0, the 'Siiwanee River Special," for Chatta nooga. Cincinnati and the West, which will leave Atlanta at 4:10 p. m. (cen tral time), with No. 30-for Birming ham nnd Memphis, with No. 211 for Macon, No. 40 for Columbus, and- No. 43 for Fort Y'olley. The new train northbound. No. ,f will pass Concord about 4 :15 p. in., ar riving in New York at 0:15 next morning. No. 33 will go south about 20 luinntes earlier than the present time of No. 137. '. The Greensboro News has the fol lowing additional' information : (Continued on Page Three.) ontinuation of the selling movement which developed toward the end of last. week. Relatively weak cables probably stimulated the early offer ings and after opening easy at a de. cline of 3 to 21 points, active months SOOU showed net losses of 18 to .",(1 points, with May declining to 20,02 ; July to 2S centsand October to 24.7(1. Cotton futures opened easy. May 20 :3."; .lulv gRrtti; Oct. S4:85i Dee. 24 JO ; .Ian -23.00. KOHLOSS TRANSFERRED TO WESTERN DISTRICT Ilev. J. A. l.lnn. prominent aad well loved Lutheran paatnr who during the last year has 1,,-,-n making his home with his son. ,-v. ( ha lies Linn, at Jiomit Pleasant, died Sunday night at 11:0 o'chs'k after a lingering illness. For several mouths meoiliers of his family had realized tliat il was only a matter ol a slmri lime until the coiiibinalioii of heart i rouble and Blight N diswse would cause his death, lie passed nwny very peaceful ly. Mr. Linn was born January 22. is."," in Rowan County near Hold Hill, N. C. His age was 70 years, 2 months and 3 days. After graduating from North Carolina College and Mt. Alrj Theological Seminary, he entered upon-a career in the Christian Ministry and Christian Education which he dil igently pursued until a few years ago when his hcaljh failed him. His work extended Into North Carolina. South CapBUni, Tennessee and Obio, He was imstor of Holy Trinity Lilt hern u Church of Mt. Pleasant for ", years. and was associated with North Caro lina College and Mont Anioena Semi nary Tor ifl) years, being president oi the latter for S years. Mr. Linn is survived by his wife, who is loved by all who know her as a faithful and efficient helpmate, and the following daughter and sous: Miss l.u clle, teacher in the graded schools of Salisbury, Hev. .lohn K Professor in Lutheran Theological Seminary, Ku ni(,ma,.i. .Taiiaii: Rev. Cha. A uns- UrS'.-rfUwr-'V-Mt. fSleiiw Luth eran Churches this county, and Kov. 1. Arthur, Missionary to Japan in Tokio. Mr. Linn was preceded to the grave by his first wife, who was Miss Alice Nunnamaker. an infant son. Joseph Myron, and Margaret (Mrs. White head Kluttzt from the first marriage; also an Infant daughter and son Hu bert by the second marriage. The funeral services will be con ducted in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Ml. Pleasant Tuesday after noon at .", ::io o'clock. The services will lie Under the direction of Dr. J. L. Morgan. President of the 'tilted North Carolina Lutheran Synod. ADD ADS hgio Uhh,-cne 1 Pruuitone, the fruit tonic, is sold here by the Gibson Drug Store. (tar iw New York. Man-k S -Claiming lo know the Identity of the man wb ought lo encim-er a; I4afkmall pax against John K, -u rale Mil, hell, mhi-la-Uw of K. T. MtMahlmry. of pui de'phia. and tbe nr i.-n,,o- "Mr. Murshall" of the Durun Keenan mnr rler mislery. the po!W t.abiy throngli tin- byways of the iuM rwutkl soiiglit for others U-lleved 10 Ik, ve lieen Impli cated In the seheuie. They suid .lotion Ogliiiift the yet tin Dainrd blackmail prtnril wan being held lii abey,in,.e pon4ng further ef fort! to obtain erltleuie . . . .p: their theory that tb- hlackmnlh-r. balked by the mmlolciii his. original plnn. dosed the in,,,,, i with chloro form thnl he might get Mitchell's let ters lo her to he uae-l despite her op phalflmi Fllla Bradford, nero nuild. who fuund her mistress' IkhI' 12 dais ago. who said to have supplied the an tborities with i-onatrtt-iable informa tion comvrning the blackmail plot for "more than $100,000." The police have hee unable to find a letter written to .iss Kocniin ny drew . . ... i a hat tn ni O.e a- ii. ( '. .!!! fr ,t i II,.- .nun n, i.i ,f Dorothy Kenian. slain iimkM. wrrr fennd by dHectlr,- t-4ay at Hh- hom--of Mrs Anna Kecnau. tbe dead girl mnthrr. BllwU-rml who .1, ...,, r,-1 the gar menta daring an Interview aith airs. Kis iiju .aid th,- Itroidway luitiornV niother at Orsl "swmett sururlMHl.'' hot qni4ilv plain,s hc had gathered t- giMher sona- of Miss Ki-enun'4 cffe-t , when -die wmt to her aHirtmcnts af ter Dorothy hud l-eu ia.ii. and that the l i.t . it nn,e the m 'del hnd worn beiotv 'he met death had been amonf them In her agitallmi over Dorothy' i death they (ranted Mrs K a saying, sic had forgotten to tell tin (sdiee she had I bene much sought gar Menta. in pci ii-r Coitghliti in charge of the investigation was keenly intcri-slod in the Hnd, beranse of information given him by LYlrs. Keenan's maid that with the gray costume Jest discovered, the model had carried a beaded bug ran taining a letter written her from Palm Beach by John Keandey Mitchirf. Mitchell and niailcl frkai Piilin Beach, wealthy nnd socially prominent Phlla Fla. This letter, it tJas said, would delphian who lias paid her attention, have proviibil tbo liLi4,.nail,-rs with it! Admission that be had written the formidable weapon, lliss Keeuan Is nnalel fropi Palm Beach was made liv known to have had II. in her posses- J Mr. Mitchell Saturday a few hours af sion a short time Is-for. her death. Iter he had been disclosed as the iuys Find Missing I lathes. terious "Mr. Marshall.'' whose Identity New Y'ork, March flt -An expensive j was mi closely guarded. for nine da yB. Wage Increase Fpr Mill Workers Here Announced Officials of MUla Do Not Make Public Amount of In crease, Which Was Characterized by them as "Wage Adjustments." New Wages Effective This Morning. U (Ms IUI sHIdiM, rnnaa.- BO VRD TO KK1" g,, Ubrarr iretlran Mcaaavhlo UufWU ami law Not ,o I .n.- l i.ui t .Il W IlilHl Washiiut-ai. Man-fe men laiM that tlx- -i,i...,,g laairil re lire fniu Iaiim4. s-rap all lufcrioi rraaem. ami sell the ivaminiug toai- i e n- In Amcriiwu 4llaens "wit bout , an Peatrletlon." wa tlie .. , . of u ;. 'o siibiiiitte.1 lodij hv tH- com . .EST OH -JzOi TAX EXEMPTION LAW MADE CERTAIN NOW laissiyncr of the JUuerieau Kteajwbip r m i -...;u.. ., i- AjMorlatioa . M. Person, Of lOUUDUrf, Will Test the Uw as Pas sed by Recent Session of The association further recaum ad ed that all vc-Kels itoi si.iu after a leasouable hie ut riine houid b scrapped nnd went u record a l'ji,g of the opinion th.it "an American merchant marine In foreign trad.- i-.m not lie built i,p through goiernmeiu operation." The assncinl ion's itnnmiitee which conferrivl lialay with IUmr.1 ofJiclals. is tlie tirsi of three similar repteawita tive Ixslics inviteil to present sngges. lions regarding a new policy for the board. The other commit lee arc to appear later this week. The views of the Stetilllshlp Owners Aaaotiation were presented in the form of a letter signed by President Allien (i. Smith. Mill' General Assembly. HEARING TO BE HELD APRIL 3 State May Ask That Hearing Be Held in Wake County Instead of in Warrenton as Court Directed. I.IXK ( OHMITTKi: T'i BKUIN IWi:sTltaTM Ilaleigh. March Lf, illy the Ass,K i. aleil PrcsM. Kormal notice of the lie junction suit brought by W. M. Person, of l.onishiirg. to test the constitutional ity of the act of the 1023 11 cflecal As- ( c.nnnitlce to Stinh the Governor's Plans Will Hole". Hrsl Meeting To- aeinldy exempt tug slock in foreign ,-or I',. liner Salisbury Man Described as One of "Most Efficient" Prohibition Men. 4 Br the Aaaoeiated Prraa.) Washington, March 20. R. A. Koh loss, former prohibition director of the state of North Carolina? was nam ed today as chiefof general prohibi tion agents for the 160th division, comprising Wyoming, Utah nnd Colo rado, with headquarters at Denver. Mr. Kohloss has been described by Commissioner Hnnes as one of the bureau's "most efficient men." An increase in wages for the tex tile workers in a number of the cotton mills In this county as been an nounced by the inanagi .incuts of the mills, and it is understood the Increase will nffeel prueiically every mill in the county, though no announcement was made by the management of sev ral mills. The new wages became effective today. Just what the rate Vif increase will be is not deliinitiiy known. It is understood that it will average about 10 per cent. thrnnghiBPt the county. and those mills whw announce the Increase today are expected lo take action on the matter in the near fu ture. No scale of wages was included in the wage adjustment, it is reported. The. management of the Cannon Mills announced that a "wage adjustment'' had been made, not stating what the increase would be. Tbe management f another mill stated that the in crease In wages had not been promised in advance and had been made be cause business con, lit ions warranted il. The amount of the Increase was not slated. In several liudnnccn the inaiiare- ment of mills could not be reached to day, and what action tliese mills will take could not he learned. To York Bauble Track From Jfew lo Jacksonville. Savannah, Ga., March 25. At lantic. Coast Line announces an Im provement program involving the ex penditure of $2(1,000,0(10, a large part of It to be spent at. and in the vicinity of Savannah, it. A. i.McCranie. general superintendent, with head quarters Cp this city, said today. While the new project contemplates double-tracking from NoNw York to Jacksonvt le, enlargement of the shops at Savannah is a feature of the proposed improvement. New equip ment amounting to $10,001,000 is included in the expenditure authorized. FOl'K PERSONS DIE IN BOARDING HOUSE When It Was Destroyed by Fire. Sev eral Others Had Narrow Ksrapes. New York, March 26. Three per sons are known to have lost their lives in a five that swept through a seven- story theatrical boarding house tn West 55th street this morning. A number of roomers were injured. Th.e known dead are: Anna Fries, 85; Margaret Lee, 65; Emilv Lee, 35; and Gaston Mtznule, 26. The Ore originated In the apart ment of Dr. John N. . Callahan, who was a captain in 28th Division Amei lean Exiled itionary Forces. .Miss Fries, Who lost her life, was a com iianion of Cant. Callahan's wife, who is seriously ill with pneumonia. Mrs Callahan was carried down a rear Ore escape. GAS COMPANY GIVES ANOTHER REDUCTION oooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo T Men Investigating the Fnan cial Status of the State Are Not Realy Yet to Make a Full Report. marrow Hah ifli, IMarch 2D (I'.y (be As no, in led I'resa) Investigation of Gov. Morrison's proposal for a stale owned shipping corp iration to purchase and ,perat '.louts from X'irtb Carolina ports will be begun by the specia commission created by the 192:' Gen eral Assembly at a meeting with ;he ( hief Executive tomorrow. poratioiis from taxation, returnable before Judge W. II Kerr In Warren ton, April :', was served on It. A. Houghton, f oniutfsajoticr of Hovenuo, today. I The notice also cited the Commis sioner to appear lieforo Judge Kerr In Warrenton March :11st to show cause why mandamus should not issue. Frank Nash, n sals taut attorney gen- Uiie conference will be the first held el'iU-. WUo K,a" ,no m""'1' tl"' nv" s nee the members were appointed by "Wirings appeareu irregular to nun. the Governor, and approved by the , ni1 said the. state would move that the Senate, and a discussion of the plans hearing be removed to the Wake Su- study the proposition is expected j l" ' I to consume most of he time tomor row. Governor Morrison, who taVes the position that the creation of the corporation wii resit in lower freight rates for the state, in addition to establishing an exicns'.ve water com merce, again will present bis views. temporary injunction was signed I by Judge X. A. Sinclair, at Williams It, in .March 2'J restraining the Revenue I Commissioner from complying with- the provisions of the exempting nd. 'Mr. Person lasl year brought suit agalnsl A. D. Watts while the latter was ,, nniii isMoiie, 01 icicini", i, the constitutionality of the act exempt ing from taxation stocks in domestic corporations. The Supreme Court up held the state In this case. II? the Aniinclnlfd rrena. Raleigh, March o. Auditors Inves tigating the state's' financial condition since the dosing days of the General Assembly had not yet reached iln slage in their work which would war rant a report, to the special legislative committee headed by V. L. Long, ap pointed to superso the examination, following the charges by A. J. Max well. Corporation Commissioner, thai a deficit of approximately ifri.OOO.tKHI existed in the Treasury. While the auditors staled thai the work was progressing rapidly they would not predict when their report The 'wage adjustments' are known! would be submitted. They Indicated, to have been made ill the. following I however, it might be possible that def- mills, according to statements from Unite findings would result in the the heads of the companies controlling . meeting of Senator Long's committee them: Cannon, in Concord nnd Kumiapolis. Locke, Franklin, Gibson and Cabar rus. . , within the next l"i days. The audit ing is being extended in all depart ments, and a complete report will be submitted. A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES This Old Reliable Building and Loan Association lends Its funds for HOME BUILDING or BUYING on terms that ureWh favorable and practical to the BORROWER. These loans, amply protected by Insurance nnd grunted after careful appraisement, form tbe the most substantial of nil socui i(v. This security means safety to money placed In this ASSOCIA TION by savers. WE HAVE BEEN IN Bl'SINBSS 25 years this MONTH AND HAVE NEVER LOST A CENT. MATURING OUR STOCK IN ABOUT 328 WEEKS. . ' LOANS CAN BE MADE PROMITLY. START RIGHT-SERIES NO. 51 NOW OPEN Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. In Price of Gas in Concord and Kan nanolls. In Effect on April Bills. The Concord and Kanuapolis Gas Company, which recently announced n reduction of 10 cents per 1,000 feet of gas, today makes announcement of another reduction of the same amount to apply on bills of May 1 and there after. Tills company promised the people of Concord and Kannnpolls that if they Would use gas more wide ly another reduction would be made.. and the lust reduction is to make that promise good. Tlie conditions were met sooner than expected. Still an other reduction will be made if the people will use gas more freely. The condition of Mr. Kenneth John- sou, or No. ,i township, is improving, his many friends will lie glad to know. It is now l nought by the attending physician that It will mit be necessary to amputate his leg. The Last Chance TO SEE Wallace Reid IN HIS LAST PICTURE "30 DAYS" STAR THEATRE TODAY AND TUESDAY T. M. Winecofl Dead in Salisbury. (Special to Tbe Tribune.) . Salisbury, March 20. Mr. T. M. Winecofi, aged 42 years, died at 10 :.'?( o'clock this morning at his home here from diabetes. Funeral services will be held nl 2 o'clock from the home, and Interment will Like place in the Green Lawn jCemetery at China Grove. He Is survived by his.wife nnd five daughters. He is a son of W. L. AVineeolT. of Cabarrus comity: and is survived by two brothers, J. A. Wine cofl' and II. L. Wineeoff, both of Ca barrus County. He had been employ ed here in the hardware business. He had been active in church work, be ing n steward in the Methodist Church and president of the Bnraca class. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge here. Criticises GoveinnMnt Action. St. Louis, Mo., March 20 (By the Associated Press). Federal Judge Farla, who last night issued a tempo rary restraining order against seizure hy the government of the Goltra barge line, today assorted the government's action in taking over part of the, line appeared to htm as the most high handed, outrageous proceeding imaginable." A. C. L. Employee Killed in Auto Ac cident. lily tbe Associated 1'rean.) Rocky Mount, March 20. Mitchell Allen, of Pungo, an employee of the Atlantic Const Line Itaitroad, was killed and O. R. Daughtrit. was Injur ed when the car in which they were riding last night near this city piling ed uvea- an embankment and turned turtle. Aflen's neck was broken. The bright lights of an approaching auto mobile was given as the cause of the accident by the police. CONDITION OF "DIVINE SARAH" IS UNCHANGED Physicians State That Noted Actress llns No Chance lo Recover. Paris. March 2t (By the Associated Press). Sarah Bernhardt' condition has grown worse during the last few hours and the household considers that the end is near. ,At 2:1." p. m. there iv:is no change in her condition. She was being kept constantly undar the influence of hy-' podermic injections, and one of her physicians said he did not expect her to survive the day. Shortly after three o'clock a priest arrived at Mine. Bernhardt home to administer extreme unction. Dr. Provost said at Ibis hour that the actress' condition Willi hopeless and (bat she might die any minute. She was then sleeping under an opiate. EIGHT MEN ARRESTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA Charged With Firing From Ambush Upon Daniel Duncan. Farmer. t Ry the Aswoeliileil Press. Colombia S ('.. March L'C. Kiirbt men. including a preacher, have been a result of the armistice, charged with firing from ambush upon Unofficial reports from Paris fixed, Daniel A. Duncan, n farmer of the! this amount at about 53,000,000 gold Grassv Bay section of Holly County. I marks. on December 7. it was stated today nt While Stale Department spokesman the office of Gov. T G. McLeod. Tin declined to comment on the contents arrests were made following an Inves- of Secretary Hughes' answer. It was tigation by a state constable who said today there was every reason to made bis report to Governor McLeod believe the negotiations would work todav. Two of the men confessed lm- out satisfactorily. pllmating the others, according to the! officers. Those arrested were ordered held in , Maine grown seed Irish potatoes at HUGHES ANSWERS THE LATEST ALLIED NOTE Reply Witt Be Given fa Allies by Eliot Wadsworth at Meeting in Paris To morrow. - illy tbe Aaanelatea P-Teaa.i Washington. March 2(1. Secretary Hughes bus answered the second pro posal of the allied representatives in Paris negotiating for settlement of the American claims for repayment of the costs of maintaining the American ar my of occupation in Germany. The re ply was wihled to Eliot Wadsworth. the American representative at Paris, and will be delivered by him at tomor row's meeting to all representatives. The impression was given in official quarters that the reply indicated a willingness on the pari of the Wash ington government to deduct from the. total amount of its claims the value of German properly which came inlti possession of the American army as With Our Advertisers. $1,000 hall nl Conway. S. C. Death of Mrs. Mary Green Kirliy. 11 y the Aaaoelated I'reaa.i Goldshoro, March 2li. Mrs. Mary Green Kirby. widow of the late Dr. Geo. Kirby, who before his death was the superintendent of the State llos pitnl In Raleigh, died at her home here today. Mrs. Kirky is survived by one son. Dr. Geo. IL Kirby, of the staff of the State Hospital In New York City, and six daughters. Mrs. Kirby was the first white girl born In Goldshoro aftei' (he city was incorporated. Mr. Joe McCaskill bus returned from a visit to relatives In South Car olina. IWiTIlrlill Prepare for the important events in your life by hanking lomething regularly. ' New interest quarter in our Savings Department hegins April 1st. ' Four per cent, interest com pounded quarterly. .We welcome small deposits. Sluuilcy's Has Been Closed. Illy tbe Aaaoclated Pre, i New York. March 2(1. Shanley's. a noted Broadway restaurant, one of the llrst ' lobster palaces,4' has closed ils doors. "The big restaurant on Broadway ftn't make money now," John J. Mo- ran, the manager sain, as ine ugnis went out last night. Carolina Debaters Win at linlti- more. Baltimore, IMd., March 25. The University of North Carolina won a unanimous decision over John "Hop kins University In the debate Hero last night C. H. Barrier & Co.'s. They want to buy all your chickens, eggs and butler. no to the Piedmont Theatre today and see tlie message of Emlle Cone. Scries No. ."il of the Cabarrus Coun ty B. & L. Association is now open. Whettu yoilr banking requirements arc alrge or small, the Citizens Bank and Trust Company invites you to make use of its facilities. The Porter Drug Co. sells the Sam pler and other Whitman candies. This store has now become a regular Trib une advertiser. Watch their simce. Thyre will be a box supper at New Gileud schoolhouse Friday evening, March 30th, at 7:20. The proceeds will go To the Mission Band. The pub lic is invited. ryxWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlMCXMMXNXXIOOOOtSOO New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 1 I'ER CP. NT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April jOth will draw inter est from April 1st. W ill ymi he better, off ten years from now than you arc today? You won't unless you save part of your earning. THINK IT OVER The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 am new mjiuioic ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeul roooopoooofjtiooonooooooonoooTirr