Concord Daily Tribune isfi TODAY'S NETS TODAY. VOLUMF XXIII CONCORD. N. C, TUFSDAY. MARCH 27 192-1. NO 73, THE PARIS IS STUNNED BY DEATH MONDAY Of "DIVINE SARAH , i aSflMg All France Mourns of the Great Actress, Who Was Almost Immortal to the French People. BODY IS COVERED WITH MANY FLOWERS Funeral Probably Will Be Held at the Church of St. Francois de Sales, Without High Mass. , , , , , Paris. March Ji (By tin- AMMriatrd rrossi. r m m v i n- loony, lur her well I .! . . . I duugoWr, Surah Bern ii it-ill Is (lend. Paris is Muuncd. scarcely hHlev in: that (be who was ragorded an nl most iuitnortal ttuin one sense of the word, nan, imissciI away. I: fc 'ins 111,1 loo much to say titnl not yinie IIk- ilenlh of Victor Hugo luix Franca hem si so deeply. As ii writer ohserves in Figaro, Itenihart prolmbly shares wilh llnito anil rtisteur tlie dbtflnetlnn of Imvik the most illustrious person in lite last hundred years of French history. "Hi vine Sarah" wits undoubtedly one of the irreatest ninhassailors of French art nml literal lire who ever lived. i lleruharl lb-s on her lied, covered ' wllh flowers she loved go well. Tall candles burn at either side, and at the font of her conch, and in aceotd-, anee with French cnstouiH, a crucifix1 and a bowl of holy water stnml m a , little table nearby. The family this moraine was still ' too overcome with grief I" discuss the f iinera I ami ngwneh I s. II was arranged Unit thf body should He in state at the home ls's;lnii!ns: at. 1! p. m. today. , The funeral probably will he held al the church of SI. Francois tie Kales, but inasmuch as this is "llie week of the dead" preceding Knster. Ihere can lir no high mass. THE COTTON MABKKT MM M value of 16 to 64 I'oints, .III anive it . 1.. ..I...O..S - lit;.!.-. . lqr (he Aimeiatt FVcm.) cav York. March 27. The cotton market showed continued activity ut the opening this morning. Unejpect ed strength In Liverpool and an un favorable weather map led to heavy invering after yesterday's big break, and appeared to bring in fresh buying which resulted in an intial advance of HI to 85 point higher. July sold up to 2S.10 and October to 24.!MS, or S1 to 58 points above yesterday's closing quotation, but there were a good many overnight selling orders and it looked as I hough some, cotton cnrrieil over yesterday's break was coining out on (lie advance. Cotton futures opened firm: May 2fM).V. July 28.00; October 24.WI; l)e ceuiher 24.30: January 23.70. Gold's Condilion Very Uruve. Mentone, Franco. March 27 (By the Associated Press . The condition of (ieorge J. (Jonld, Sr., of New York, 111 near here, was reported today to be very serious. Mr. Gould passed a very bad night, and ft was stated this morning his death, might occur any moment. Fire In High Point. (By the A ...-lined lTe-s.i Hlgb Point, March 27. Fire .here early today destroyed the. bottling and lee cream plant of the locnV branch of the Arctic Ice & Coal Company, in curring an estimated loss of $80,000. full covered by insurance. The or igin has not been determined. Increase Stock to $1,000,000,000. (By th ssoclnfcjd rre. New York. March 27. Stockholders of ilu; Aiiiiiiuiu Teloplinnc & Teie g nil di Company today approved un Increase in authorized common stock from $7.r.O.(HIO,000 to $1,000,000,000. W. P. Morris is the administrator of the" estate of the lale J. B. Mann. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Our kind of Association has lieen called : THE POOR MAN'S BANK But We Serve All Classes of Men also Women and Children, if you please. THE BUSINESS MAN who wishes, to safeguard his future by accumulating u fund entirely separate and distinct from his bus iness. THE PROFESSIONAL MAN who, has the judgment to see that we provide a safe investment yielding the maximum rate of earnings consistent with safety., THE WORKING MAN whe wishes to have an available fund between himself and the troubles which he would otherwise face in the event of sickness, accident or lack of work. THE SALARIED MAN who feels his best chances are to stay with a large concern, but hits the sane judgment to put part of his salary where it will give him a reasonable degree of independ ence. There Is No BETTER WAY to SAVE Than TAKING OCT SOME SHARES IN THIS OLD RELIABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. SKRIKS NO. 51 NOW OPEN START NOW. LOANS MADE PROMPTLY. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. TMIs S1TT Hn IAM2RNT Si UMJI or ul11l Mlll IL. ..It Hill- rnrjirj tn Manulu Mrlnr (u4iw ikr taiKiiN rnni WaMdmri'-n. H. '.. Uin-h 'Si N.irfb CarvltMa had a do. i.bst lend or rr ihiht -mm in ih nuulm of i .i i 'i i 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 i itutnp-l in .in.. i it In the maaufnclllrr' of lullon inl iii lb." '. ii Ht'l. the 1. 1" - ft which to the .Linnmoiii al .-oiumern' and l.i i rcoil uf the ii u. show .i decrease of aUmi 4o i i t i in i ho vnlne of nrotfiwis as cominrMl with 1010. M vn :tiinoi,ir. r.-frtill.r. Til rec hnn drv.l ami (i.rry-four mill n-jurlcd from , Carolina. "Tliw nifo also decreases .from ltilll to llf.'l iu , ho i.iujhci of linr.oiin" ilo r Mirt oiitlniio- "In llic MllwT of ismkoos tuplo.VMl. iu thf mil iiwn i imiil durlag tlx year III salnrie mill wages, ami In the ui oln Material used. In the .(mini !! of iiio rariow kinds of xuod prodna il. tunny liareiisos M well B de creases nro shown, nf-nlllnsr In vwy little dlffn In the n screen I i in nl 1 1 v rcirted for ltrjl n ml for ltijlt." The iilne of product nml the vnliif addi-d by manufacture t re as fnl- 'lews: 1881, 1 l'?.i.H;s.iKlll. $.i71.07L- ,,. s-.'.tJ.-.Tl'.lMNi $K47.4St;.(MM : lilt I. JtliTti.rilKl.llOO- KM I.IMK.UUO. I "Of the 1,320 eslaltllshiiicnls re ' IMirtli.-; for the industry in llltil. 31 were Imaleil In .North CarxiHna; ls'J in Massaehtisetls : lot iu Solilli Caro lina: iJ'i in lleorjcin i liMin I mi n la : 73 in Ithode Islnml: III liaiun : HJ in Connect Icnfl ; II York: 27 in' Now Jeiney; lit in 'hnsvl u Ma tt Now foxas; 17 in Now Iliimdilrc: Ii; in Tennes see: 15 iu .Maine: H in Maryland: Hi in Mississippi : In in Virginia : H in Illinois; I! each III Ohio ami Wiscon sin; ." in Kentucky; 4 each In Indi ana ami Vermont: 3 in Louisiana: 2 each in Arkansas and California, and 1 each-In Michigan and Missouri. "Massachusetts was the lending slate iu the industry in 1H21 nml pur chased 2o ier cent, of the total value of products that year." DALLAS Forsn riLTT OF JfAVSLAl GHTER CoiniNel For IMehse to File AuiduTifK Today in KlTort to Secure Sew Trial. Wilmington. 'March 26. -Herbert R. Di. lias, who was charged with lntlv deriug .loseph Southwell, an Atlantic 0MBI, lilno englneo. tonight at 11:15 o'clock was declared gul ly of tnan sla lighter. Tlie case went to Uie jury al 9:15 ..'clock, upon conclusion of Judge John H. Kerr's charge. FollowllUE a coiiference ot cotinse! ill.,,.. 111. 1. uil.iciriir v. ..Jix.r.- , "i od the court tnat niruier procee.M k-s h ,i.,f.,, ,., ,1 ..ntll r,iv nioin ll'' d the be deferred until tomorrow morn in in ovder that affidavits might be sub mitted upon which to base a motion for a mistrial on the ground that certain members of the jury were pre judiced against the defendant at tlie time they entered tlie jury box. The homicide occurred in ihe Union station concourse here last Ju'y during the shopmen's sir.Ke, While Dallas was employed as as sistant vardmaster and had volunteer ed to do extra work in order that traffic might be moved. He and SoutbweU, the evidence showed, had several verbal clashes, ill feling oil minuting in the homicide. The case, began Wednesday of last week. Solicitor Woodus Kellttm completed his address to the jury Ibis evening at 7 o'clock, his speech finished the long pleas of counsel on both sides. Judge Kerr announced that be wputd charge-the jury at 9:30. and court was adjourned for supper. Cliarlotte Buys Much Land and Will Create ew Parks. Charlotte, March 26. The city to day purchased eight and one-hat acres of land on Irwin creek for park purposes, consideration $19,500. The land is adjacent to fourteen acres recently purchased by the city for park purposes. Several acres were ,also purchased in east ( harlotte from the First National bank for parK purposes, consideration $1,500. Mr. Harry Hunter, of the finishing lienartmenl of the (iihson Mill, was severely burned Monday night when he is said to have touched a live vire while investigating some electrical rrr trlcity was on the wire at Ihe time of the accident, and it took several men to loose him. He was carried to his home and given medical aid and whs at his work this morning. tit ST 111 KB I SOS I.Air Vikv af iMK-al Wkra l.r N. Tiial Oirr by t..rt. i mi A Ittlt rrrmm I Wijninitioa. Mun-h 17. - Herbert K. 1 1. ii,. - .. a- -ciiii in in at noon Imlay to r, . fran 3 to & year 111 l be mate pcatrnilary for ihe kilinit of Joe Southwell. s uten . wan pronounced aft:r Judftr Krrr h i OTerrulcd mm, n by the detenv oounael th:it 'he varalct be set aside. Appeal to the Supreme C'on.-t wai noted. The defen-e contenrteil fir a neil trial on two count": Orsi .tut Jud.1 Kerr In his iharre to the lurv li.i l faid Dal .a adiuitteu -houtiuc .lautb- ' will with u plsl -i. This ,i ... mi. It Was i-ouletid . d. was not made, nvoiiil that the defense was not allowed to eh'illeiir.e talesnun u- to his Iwing a freeholder in New Hanover County. tA tew hood Is beloa anmiged lor DaUaa n the sum of . lending hiR uppeal. The Jury st od six for murder and six for mans aughttr on Ihe first bal lot. It wits learned today. RON.IK LAW MAY Ql IT AS OOVRW4MENT IIK Al) British Mini -l.r ( ..n template- ltd ire iik hi line lo I'oor Health. 'London. March 27.- There have been persistent roxirts in Cnioulsl s litleal cirles here that Premier An Ure.w Itouar Law is going to retire very shortly on a.'... urn of ill health, il is learned from a well source. Ii is said Ihe strain of the interna tional situation lias seriously affected the Prime Minister's health. I'.onar Law was forced by poor health to re tire as government tender in the House of Commons during the l.loyd (ieorge regime. There is little possibility, it is said, of a "Hit-Hard'' story succeeding him. hut there will probably ho a recon struction of the ministry to include seme of the former Unionist ministers who went "into the wilderness'' 'with Lloyd (ieorge when the government fell. PACIFIC MILLS WILL Hl'ILU AT NPARTANBl'RG Will Drfct Cotton .Mill, Itlenihery and Finishing Plant, Work In Starl Soon, Br the Aaaoolatti ptmm.i LiiwriHiee. Mass., March 27. Defi nite decision to develop lis recently .ac i1llred pro'ity near Spa rlanlmrg. S. ('.. was announced- by the Piicitic Mills today. A lileachery and a finishing pin nt with a enpaoitji , of 1.250,0011 , .... , J , aTtomnvl? aT i, m ca spindles The spinning 11 ' spinous. I in spinning luuchinery is, to lie trabsferred to the Spartanburg mill from the col ton de partment of the Pacific Mills in this city. TWO PRLSONKKS ESCAPE FROM ATLANTA PRISON Sawed Their Way F'rom Hospital of Prison, Where Tliey Were Confined. N (lly the Aasoclaled 1'reas.i Atlanta. Mnrch 27 Two prisoners confined in the hospital at the Atlanta Federal Prison, sawed their way lo freedom early today, stopped at home of YV. H. Edwards, a railroad luun In Luke wood heights, and when lie re fused lo'aid in (heir escape, kidnap ped him, In ought him on a street car to the city, where they left the car mil made good their escape. Textile Workers Benin ml Strike Be Called Today. Fall River. (March 26. 26. Mem bers of unions affiliated with the United Textile Workers of America demanded at a mass meeting -tonight that a strike be called in Fa:i River mills tomorrow for a wage increase of 29 1-2 per cent. Impatient over the failure of President Thomas F. Mc Mahon. of the .United Textile Workers, to reach the city tonight in ac cordance with his announced plans, many of the workers insisted thai action be taken without this leader. Fred M. Knight, of the state hoard of arbitration and conciliation, ap pearcd before the meeting and coun selled delay. President tMoMahon, who is in New York, was reached by telephone, and said lie would be in Fall River Wed nesday. Finally it was decided In outcome of an exeeniivo meeting of the I'u here Wednesday night, at which Mc- Mahon said lie would be present May Resume Peace Parley Willi the Turks. London, March 27 (By the Associ ate! Press). It is expected that the allies will dispatch a note to Angora tomorrow stilting that the Turkish Jieaee proposals admit of discussion and that the allies arc prepared to re- sumo negotiations, it : unnerstoon the note will suggest Lausanne as the place of meeting, and the middle of April as the date. Sheffield is still credited with mak ing the best steel In the world. Its virtues are attributed partly to the secrets known only to the tuariufno- tnrers. itnd partly to the water used for tempering it. The Last Chance TO SKF. Wallace Reid IX HIS LAST PICTUnF. "30 DAYS" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JACK HOLT "MAKING A MAN" . Connect Attorney General Daugherty's Son With Keenan Murder Mystery ID, ta amx: , NV York. aiaMf&7. Oeteiilv. I.. 'i la harar ut the in est in t ion of the mnntT ut Ikuroiiiv Kisiian model. nal MHiirhi farther Hani on a Mary pid i. li.-i in n Ii- lion -t :i.r to lla cffi-i 111. H lilln- Ion M. I n uglier! y. v"l' '" of Attor ney fienernl Ikiughjeny. was a iW friend of the slain rrl. nisi ra!ht u able to put biro on the t nil. of the hlai kwallois. thonslit ! have ud her as n pawn. It was pointed out that l-nngherir. it lie is n I'lsinefl at Atuaiic t ity. (i.iil.l n.4 be .,.!! to oouie b're to toll bis story, but ihe insvtor d Um-l he ivoiild be Crlad to li. lon to IiaiiKherly's -lory'.1!! Iiiugherty. whi ierTed two years wilh Ihe Hritish urtjiy before Aaieriin enter, I the war. m. thou heiiime a major in the Aiuerllui. Kxpedlfionary Forties, was oit.Ked o the m'WspaiM-r as saying he knew Uis Kcinaii well had visited her Alia runout several 1 limes, and on one of.asIi.ii had given I her a check t.l luiy a I.IH no 'told him was pressing. Noted Builder is Heard By Large Audience Here John R. Todd, One of America's Most Famous Civic Builders. Speaks on Methods of Attaining Success. Guest of Rev. J. C. Rowan While Here. "Gee. Ain't It Urea) to He n Boss." was Ihe subject of a line address de livered in Central Graded School hero Mom lay night .y John It. Todd, of Tod Holier! son Todd, builders, of Now York City. Mr. Todd spoke here un der the auspices of the Kotary and Ki wanis Clubs, and while here was the guest of Rev. Jesse C. Rowan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. He was accompanied to Concord hv Mrs. Todd, nml they enni here from Cam den. S. ('.. where they spent several weeks. 1 Mr. Todd is recognized as one oi the greatest civic builders in the Cull ed Slap's and he devoted his line ad dress to an outline of the .nullities ami char.'K tcrisiics which a young man needs if he would become a success iu the business world. The address was prepared especially for tiniler gritduates. to 'he deliverer in one of the great universities, lajjv,as all men are lull Tims grown ui. TTr, Todd express ed the hope that his address would he of interest to all. It is the duly of ev eryone, he pointed out. to lie interest ed in tlie youth of today, for tomor row. they are the men who control things. Mr. Todd devoted the greater part of his address to a discussion of the characteristics thai make success, but be also touched on college life and some of the apparent evils of present college courses. He showed tin insight into college conditions thai was as keen as hi touch upon things pertain ing to the business world, in which he has been n marked success. The speaker declared ti young man should early choose his vocation. A voting man al 2.1 should be on the road to success, lor at HI, niter ! slum years, he will have reached Ihe point where he will be either a success or failure. The die is cast by the time a mail reaches forty, and he declared he knew of no instance in which a man who was a failure ut 40. made good lifter that. If a young man is on th;' right road al -Id. he has many years of success ahead of him, but if at that age he is still chasing the rainbow, he is almost certain to be a failure. Making mosey is not the biggest thing in life, Mr. Todd said, but he discussed success in a material way onlv because his subject dwelt with it. he added. The speaker told of a young man who started without funds or friends. He worked from morning until night, saved a part of his earnings, and kepi eternally at the Job. Later success came, he was able to spend several months of each year in Europe, or Florida, or some other place. He could give to his church, to missionar ies, to the support nl his parents and the education of his brothers and sis Iters. That man was successful, he Can't Make Money on Broadway Now. New York, iMarcli 26. Shanley's, a noted Broadway restnrant, one of the first "lobster palaces" has closed its doors. "A big restaurant on Broadway can't make money now." John J. IMoran, the manager said, as the lights went out last night. xr: Ti f i ry maize sure Ahead New interest quarter in out Savings Department BEGINS APRIL 1st Four Per Cent. Interest Compounded Quarterly BANK SOMETHING REGULARLY Citizens Bank and Trust Company lie lu-caa to s..e,t laM after recciiluc a , ' ia, i.e ,n at a c i ! thai be. like the nix lerloir Mr. Marshall.' l.leiilille.l Sc.- iinlav as loin. K ! Mll.hell. .. weulthr ami MS-ially HMmlmni Chil :..o In, , in in marked for a pin. king by Mu.'kni3lbr he qiHSn) at a' inc This .all. lie .id. cme from a Ml I wno i. a. i - ii riisi- to i-i",.'i The Ksakoi'. he suld. him how built the jot. he promised lo get f-.r him Iii the I s UefdrtlBMll of Ji.' tl.e. wbb'h Attorney loner I Danpb.r ty. be father. i-ntrulled. SfafftilliK For nailftiierly. New York. March 27. Assistant Di -triit Atlornev I'e.oi.i and I'oli.e In s)ie.1or Coitclilln listax joined In an a.iivisiarcli for HraHT M. liaughoi tv. onlv son of the Attorney ISeneml !.f the I'nltH States, lo iiuestioii hiia concining retsirts that he was a friend of I K.s nan. murdered model, and (hat ho might know of a blackmailing ring usin her us a do- Will Leave Florida Saturday for Augusta, Ga., Where He and His Party Will Spend Eeaster Day. . Hv the Assorlnlril Prrxs.) St. Augustine, Kin.. March 27. I'reaidenl and Mr. Harding expect to spend Easter in Augusta, (in. I'reliiuitiary arrangements are being made listny for lb .IcwuXua'.-uC 1 1 President's vacation parly from St.! Augustine next Saturday, after a stay here of exactly a week, and for the arrival Sunday in the Georgia city. How long Mr. and Mrs. Harding will j stay i nor in Augusta lias not been decided, have any decisions been reached as to whcthei made on route other stops are to be from that city hack to Washington. The general belief among ineuiliers of the party is thai from if to ii day will be speui in Augusta, and that pos sibly another slop will be made in one of the Ciiroliuas. So far as known, however. Ibe President himself has not made up his mind, and in reality is not giving il much fhotiglil .for he feels thai one cannot get a real va cation when continually bothered by the details of a siedule. The stfltemclll was authoritatively made today, however, that plans for a stop nt Asheville bad dually been abandoned. LEADER OF OUTLAWS IS REPORTED WOUNDED Police Hope lo Arrest Al Spencer, Whose Band is Resisting Capture in Oklahoma. (lly Hie AHMOClllteit lrefut.l Tulsa, Okln., March 27. The chief of the Tulsa aerial police, with a news paper man. left here today in an nir plase for the wooded hills near Tori ton, kla.. where Al' Spencer, long sought as the leader of a notorious hand of outlaws, was reported early today to be wounded, but still at the head of live members of a band, light ing a pitched battle with a largo posse. (ieorge Reynolds Held in Detroit. i Hy the AnNo.'Intvtl I'rrMH.i Detroit, March 27. Acting on the theory that Joseph Campbell, who dis appcarcd February 10, was slain, and bis body desiio.vod hy winning iL through machinery used In the manu facture of fertilizer, county authori ties today detained (ieorge Reynolds, night ti renin n al the plant. The Cabarrus County Christian Eu deavor Society will meet next Sunday afternoon at ' o'clock al McKiunon Presby terla n Church. ::;x;X:.,::::r-:::;:;::::i:i:.:::i.:: zsxxxz r .1 oj ine xearsi ' THF TBIBIM 10 M BLL-.H SFM HOttf HWK rtTJUIH UalHn lOal Wtieuliirr-" Marr bt SI af Wrtra - l.realea ultwr. TIm- i MUiae tuluy i at4e lo a ..I.- -,n. 'im'ii.'.i., .-i.. ,,' i.stita itw Una f a -i, :i.- Ir.u throo i W l.natli each, hv -' ' of ike .t i au thors in Ameiii a. TIm- Mary t.sla is "The Soooiid Canine of Mrs. Burn First lluliiid." by In in S. Hots.. Tl.i 1 nm a strle f .lls. iisioiis or esa oi. llie proM.U.- of wedlock It is a x'rl"- of -hurt stories, from thro' .. l .-oliinin- in length: each with a plot, ltici.loi.t- and diameter.. , tie . a a- otloy populur ihri IW-1 lion of H e ilny, dud each written in the Imt style of In anile, i--fcoKi imvh. entertaining ll.tiui. itcaliiig with dile.eni phase .i tin uuiirlage 'relation. S..iue n re gut .iud some are grave. Inn each ue l a work of art I in ikioiiuI o iis i,, mailt i, and diver slil.d chii in. lor, uo nave i-iillcd Ihe I MM'ies "Matrimonial Adventures." ! Among tin- authors who will have ! storie in the s,'ris are: I'.onih Tark Ington. l(iiHTl Hughes. Samuel Hop kins Adams. Mary Stewart Culling. Joseph C. Lincoln and sevcnlism .. til lers, just as well known, j Watch for the other slurb's in llie . series. SARAH ISKKMIAKDT DEAD i Death Came Peacefully in Ihe Arms i of Her Son in Her Hume in Paris. I Paris. March I'd Sarah ISernlcirdl died iM'iiecfuliv in Ihe iirni- of her I Mu itrici' al one minute before eight I ..clock , might. iu life sic bad had , an ninitxiiig power of eiuoiinu, of mar I vclons realism and pa I bos In her acting of death scenes. Al the end of her i ilnys she ipiiotlv drifted away into ! eternity, tired after her long ligld liiguinsl death, which she did not wish. ' bill never feared. Hope, ror the life of Ihe great ac tress hud long since been abandoned, and half an hour before sic passed I ii way. liaise in atlendiince found her ! sinking beyond recovery, though, knowing her recuperative powers il I was thought she. might live through out the night. I tenth was duo to a renewed at lack of uremic poisoning which began Kriday. hul the actress ustnnishc(l her physicians by her repealed rallies and her will to live, just as she did lasl I lecc.'iilier when hope lmH several limes been abandoned. A priest was -nilnlii.ini il hurriedly in llie inlildlc of l he al'UTiiooii when symptoms of l ho gravest until re supervened, but l!er:i bar.ll rallied and regained lucidity. The priest administered extreme unc tion which she acknowledged with a faint movement of tlie hands and tin head, tea weak to speak. GOV. SMITH ANNOUNCES CHARGES BY SEN. FE8H Said New York Legislature Asked For Definition of "Intoxicating Bever ages." Albany. X. V.. March L'7. Governor Smith today made public a letter re plying to I'nlted States Senator Foss. .,,,. nl, 11, .., .title ivh.. r,i,tlt' v- 1 . ,.,',,, ',;,. ,i, i-. v,.. ,.i'Uiiili ... t- ill lie mi, ,i ,ii i , .i i in for modification of the Volstead Act. "We ask for a reasonable Congres sional interpretation of what consti tutes an intoxicating beverage.' was the keynote of the liovernor's letter, which declared thai Now York stale ' is not asking a laxity in enforcement of the Federal prohibition laws. "We have bad illegal traffic ill lirpior.s and otliciul correction." said the Governor's letter. "The latter Is clearly proved by the brevity of the of l flcial life of many that represent the goveimuenl in the enforcement of the j Volstead act' and their summary ro Imoval or transfer from this district lis usually under the shadow of suspi cion." DB. CLARENCE POE IS NOT TO BE CANDIDATE Will Nr.! Seek "Any Office" in Next Election, He Says in a Statement. Itnlelgh, March L'7. Dr. Clarence Poe. editor of an agricultural publica tion, will not be a candidate for Cod mlssioner of Agriculture of Xorth Carolina, and is not considering "run ning for any other office," he stated today. lr. Poe gave out his statement in reply to questions following reports al tlie capitol thai he. would he a can didate lo succeed W. A. (jraham. the present Commissioner of Agriculture in Ihe Democratic primary of 11VJ4. The Virginia Hare Hook Club will "moot lomol'iow al'ti rnooii at " 'HI with Mrs. M. 11. Caldwell. XXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOCXXH New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April lotli will draw inter est from April 1st. Will y u be better off ten years from now than you .arc today ? You won't unless you save part of your earnings! THINK IT OVER The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 PREPARING TO SELL ...out STATE BONDS II NEW YORK CITY Treasurer Lacy and Governor Morrison Will Go to New York Soon to Put the Deal Through. BONDS WILL BE WORTH $10,000,000 And Money Derived From Them Will Be Used by the State in Its Good Roads Program. it h igh, X. ' . March 27 i Hv the Assiiciaiod Presa.) Governor Camer on Morris. ni and Treasurer B. H. Lac? will go to New York nl all early date to ol ( .- inipleio urrui.g.iiiouls for the sale approximately in.fxxUKI0 in Xorth rolina iMiiMls, Ihe I iii.ds In he used in promoting Ihe stro. lion program. Mr. laicy I .slay Vork concern whit .bused SfKMKXMKKI from the state, ha: late highway coll- said that a New i already has pur iu similar bonds an option at i 1-2 p.t iinl. on the securities to be sold, until April Kith. The company 1ms not whether it will exercise its option, said Mr. lany. but the sale is expected to be completed during thn I rip. Sixty-live million dollars in bonds has been provided for highway con struction work by the state, and to date f&hiMNMJlal lias neon sold, n was slated. The original issue was $80, ( and the ltrjR General Assem bly authorized sir.,KU!tK in additional bonds. GOVKISNOK MOKKISON GOES TO ( HAKLOTTH Called Tlie re bv Serious Hliies of C. B. Bryant , Who Is Not Expected lo Live. (By the Asuooliilnl Prss.) Raleigh. March L'7.-Governor Mor- , risen will icivo for Charlotte today following" meetings of the ship line in vestigating commission and the nsn f.t, V relative ( . IV Bryant, who has ! boon critically ill several week Tin I governor received the message from I Charlotte this morning stating Mr. I Rryanl is no! expected to live, it was I learned at the capitol. With Our Advertisers. Hee-Viic electric cleaners are what you want for your spring cleaning. H. ! H. Wilkinson sells 'em. Look up his i new ad. today. A new interesi quarter in the sav ings depn runout of the Citizens Hank laud Trust Company begins April 1st. 1 Now is the time In put up awnings on your porch for Ihe summer. They i keep mil Sun. rain and heat. The ('uncord Furniture Co. will pti! theni up for yon. 1 There is no hetler way to save than I by taking mil some shares in a build- and loan association. Serias No. ."1 ol the Cabarrus Coiiuty B. &. L. Associlltion ill the Concord National Bank is now open. Your Faster suit is at Oven-ash's go and get it. A complete assortment of the famous Kuppenhelnier Clothes, as well as cheaper ones. A Soilless Bros, suit keeps faith with every wearer. All the Sprint; fabrics and models ill these famous clothes are now ready at Hoover's. Safety is always first at the Citi zens Hank and Trust Company. The Cadillac car which was. recov ered here Sunday night by police of ficers was the property of Mr. Stone wall Durham, of Bessemer City. The car was carried back by one of Mr. Durham's' sons, who came here in search of the car, and who was follow ed for some time by police officers', I who had boon advised to watch for a Cadillac and who did not know Mr. Durham. He later reported to police headquarters, told whnl he was here 'for and the officers quit following lis Cadillac and started In search of ;h" other. The negroes were carried bai k to Hesseiai i City Monday. -.a oooooooeoooooeoooooooooooooooobooeooooooooooooooooob XCtwCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOOMOOOOM i I

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