ASSOC'ATtb PRESS DISPATCHES VOLUME XXII! CONCORD. N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 92Z. NO. 75. W : 1 HE L.OXCORD JJAILl 1 RIBUNE : OiSTRICT MEETING . BEING HELD HERE Members of Tenth District Began Annual Convention With Cold Water Lrxljre of This City This Afternoon. LAST SESSION TO BE HELD TONKiHT Number of Delegates From Lodges in District Present. Grand Master Coppedgo . Attending the Meeting. The iinniul incciine "f the Tenth fMKlrici t'linvciitluii f lh 1. ii. (i K. Im min hero this afternoon in tin- lodge looms nf Cold Wnlcr l.mluo, w!)i. Ii i" horn in iIh1 I'linvciitiiin nii'Miliors this year, ignite a Inrgi' iiiiinlier nf idhl Fellow from the vol ion-, lodge in I In- district wore pn-seni I'm- il ponim; mmbIoii, mul others nr' expected ih-io for tin- night M'ssimi, which will Ii' hold in llii' lodge, rooms ;i! 7 t.'lll. All i'l' llii' ilintrii'i officers inr Inn' for Hi.- convention nnd in niMlllon in tht'in Ucv. V. It. Coppi'dgo. of Koch Ingham, liminl Muster nf I lie stale or eniilziitlmi was in . it! I., nil... i.ii.'i in llic program. The first session litis nftcrnnoii he Kan in J-:mi o'clock with I'lesldeni w . 1.. Spiv, of KiiiiniiMis. presiding, Af tcr llii' opening oile hy ihe convenliuii liii'inhers. i 1 1 -( i ii lit mis offered hy Grand Music:- Cippedge, and lite nil dress i f welcome wits ilclivi reil. 'l ie response in the address was himle hy I'.. .1. Siuiunerrow. of I'lnirioi le. super visor of Ihe Tenth IHtricl. Alitor fenturem nf Hie afternoon so: glon were the refilling i f ihe minutes of lite Inst convention hy A. ( ('line. el this city, secretary of the conven tion: reports from the lodges of the district mill n business session. Other font n res of the afternoon ses-' offered for the night session, which will begin at 7:30 i clock will lie the first tlezree. which will he conferred liy the Kiinii.ipoli-4 decree, team. Sliorl talks on tlie iroiai nf the convention "III also lie : III" llltll SCS sum. nttor w . i ..'I. e,,,..l.i,,, .... .'in I... H-rvcd. KORFKKS BLOW SAKE AND MAKE OKI WITH $1.M! Snf;- of Kuleich Oil Company Was Dy namited. IJIast Heard h Many. Illy ill.- AaiMirtniea rtvpa.i ItalciRll, Mtirch 3. The Miliee to itny are seaichiim for lolilH'i-s win. Inst nigiit ilytiamitisl ti e sare of a In cil nil company esciipini; with si. sua. The hlasi was heard I hroui.'.iioitl the business section, lint the locution was nol discovered t:titil this morning. This makes the third time within n year the oil company's sale Las licen I'oiihe.l. two of I lie rohlicrics occurring Hi nee Chrislmas. Kiuhl sale roliheries have iM'eiirnsi in Italci'h tliis year. Ill cold illK to the police. Sarah llrriihardt ISiirieil. Paris. .March 21) illy Ihe Associated Press). The body of Sarah Mem hardt was laid lo rest in her loiub in Ihe cemetery of I'ere la Chaise this nftprnoou at 4 o'clock iifti r a simple funeral service in the church at St. Francois de. Sales, and solemn pro icssion thence through the strccrs thronged w ith crowds of mourners. Diitigherty Accepts AstteviUe Invita tion. Asheville. March 27. Attorney fJen- eral Daugherly. iiow on a vaniiion in i I'lorida. has ncccjiled an itivilalion by Fred 1.. Set'ley, of the drove Park Inn, to visit Asheville. and will arrive here Ihe (irsl of April, according to a dis piteh received by The Citizen tonight from SI. l'ctersbu'rg. The Tonga or Kriendly Island group, which lays eliii ntln being the only country free of debt in Ihe world, is ruled over by a woman. ATI the professions and newly all of Ihe official positions are open to the women of Rhodesia. South Africa. oooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Co-Operation The Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association idea lir.ils Its genesis in tlie instinct of mankind for co-operative effort: first the family, then the community. .and Anally Hie state. Civilization Is a high expression of developed oo-opprntlou. The policy of i-o-operatlon is followed In every pursuit of com merce up lo Hie point of the distribution of the rewards. This is where the CAHARRI S COI'NTY RI'ILDINO AND LOAN AND SAVINGS association differentiate from other financial in stitutions iu thai ll pnvs hack in PROFITS in Hie same ratio thai the nienibcr has invcsled. THUMB ARM No PRKFKHRKD STOCK HOLDERS RECEIVING MOST OF" THE PROFITS FROM THEi M EM RlHtS 1 N V FSTM BNT. DON'T ITT IT OFF HI T COME IN TODAY AND TAKE SOME SHARES IN SERIES NO, .11 NOW OPEN. STOCK.IS NON-TAXABLE. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. goooooooooooooooocccooooooc. -OOCt, ui in i f i.HI INT. l'o:Ttrn N4v lllar ( "fundi n I ( ah-T ItMCMMT. Wn-hlnci'i MaMi J! ifapiul Xr Sfnliri. 'lill- Iter afuMiw of llliurm m the t niiiil Mate la iw4 It is In many furWim prarll-1 ally nil ruholie . oiiiiirin. ihen- arc be unupn marl nMtalirr of .. :. won inn i. Mhi-r nuil noi write. In tin , f. irtt.-n Southern -tali- which arc eli n .o 'end deioeuli- In Utile Kook. Aikan-.-ix. for tin lllliorai-y em!, rriv .-. chill: il tr Ih'UI Hi io ,,n April Kith "lid I llh. il I- i inn I lint Hi' r . ill hi lliicc million l ien and wniiieii. I nil I I hlidl i M nvel n II cars of tip'. .In ' in. I sign ll.i-ir names nor read a now iapi I I I'll, i 1 1 1". -1 - i nihil in lie- lioie of llwlitif: :i iin 'le il ni incllosls more ' vigor, hk! to i iintuu this conO'.o.o. New mid lieller wavs of lltllixln the . ptililu- "i-hxils for iidiill Instruction. i 'iip.'oi icciil of p.eliil nitchcrs. travel I in;' lil'iarie-. It -cl tilers who ,ill ad- i iin . niiininn'l ie.; ill ilislrlcls ditti. nit I of -iimI i thcr means of ri'.nov-1 iiiL- ll"s Idol auain-t ihe fair nan f Htales a- well as I In na I i..n. will l.c ilisi ii -. d. 'I'lic iillc-tioll nf I'm. I mills will i nter Inlll the diseltssion to snllle. e ieiit. since ii is iH'itiu more ami more realized every da) I hat ijrtmrance i . fteli i ilille to -i i.i i ie in lack nf i r:i ici minimi fa and Dial there ore ninny lummy to ha rn and a nioii to . In... I w ho are prevented hy :ili i.i roads troin liein in close illlcll with fdllcttl ioi;:l el 11 MAI MY OK Till KHDAY U.W MASONIC OltSKRVAM'K Scottish Kite Memhpr:. the Worltl Over Until Sfrvlres Today. WashitiKliiii. March I'M.- U'lipital News Servi(-et. Tiahiy is Mimiidiy 'riiitrsiln y, an olisevvancc iml milv III I i in cliurche.s. I. nt i.i interest to nlllsli Kite Masnns. Whcrii-v- II ir siliialed Sluttish Kile Masons Pe ilav M -ih"!' lop ihl-r In hold Ihe iK'llll- lifitl cri'iuotiy ef "l'.t!niriilsliine tic I.i: his." licit niaiikiiiil not forKd that darkness and evil in the past have fol lowed itnuii imtliim mil (h liulils of mercy, charily, ciluciiliiin. I nml lirolhei-hood. The ohservnnce, cldiKfllory ilernlion. upon all have re . and are mcinlMTs nf the Rile who epi veil Hie elehteenth decree Hills metnliers of Chapcrs of Hose Croix, is held either in Masonic Tem ples or eluirchos, 'nni conducted by the i:fflcPrsf iocnl chapters. It is fol lowed., on Easter Sunday, hy the hnppful and inspiritlK cerctnnny of "Relighting tlm Lights." typifying the dawn of a new dav wliicli cot.ies with Hie rcengnitioii of the need of spiritual ; it ttndi'icp nf ije.p and Ins "I'Hcliie of I nTot.c iiaiei icf and ntoi'al concepts which have, elevated h::n from hiir- I ti i' i s. in in hi:; present civilization. PROF. MADISON tilKS IT HIS SCHOOL WORK Iff dgits Presidency of the Cullowhee Nornnil and Industrial School. iRy lilt' A MOClHIClt I'rCMM. I Cullowhee. X. C. March III). I'm!'. 11. I.. Madison, win. fur Hie past .years lias been president nt' the Cullow hee Not nml anil Industrial School here, a -late institution, yesterday ten dered his resignation to the hoard of trustees to take effect .lime iltt. A. T. Alien, il was learned today, will beeoaie head of Hie school, should 1 !"d. Madison maintain his decision lo leave. Mr. Allen al present is super visor of teacher training in North Car olina. i'rinre of Wales Thanks Owsley for Cablegram. Indianapolis, March 2S. The Prince of Wales reciprocates the good wishes for peace and concord throughout the world, expressed by Alvin Owsley, American I.cginn national commander, according to a oehlogruin received to day at national headipnirtcrs of the Legion from Ambassador tleorge Har vey. "The Prince of Wales," said the message, "desires me to thank yon sincerely for your kind telegram on the invasion of his attending the Aniiriian Legion ball in London and to assure you that be heartily recipro cates your good wishes for peace and concord 1 1 1 i i ii i g 1 n hi t Hie w orld." Among the Romans, il' a mini kiss ed his hot nil hod, she gained thereby half of his effects in the event of his dying before ihe celebration of their marriage, if 'the lady herself died un der the same circumstances, her heirs or nearest of kin look the half due her. A kiss was regarded very seri onslv hy the ancient Romans. DESPERATE BATTLE FAILS TO PREVENT WORK OF OFFICERS Men Wanted in Kentucky for Making Liquor LoM Their Lives When Thc Resisted Oflicers. ONE WOMAN IN FAMILY KILLED Deputy Sheriff Lost His Life as He Tried to Present the Warrant Stills and Deer Seized in the Haiti. (By llir AaacH-lalrd ITn.1.1 Harlan. K.V.. March 31. I'niiiity llei'r.s and possciueii nail ri'tiirniil I day from tin- nmiiili of heeih i it In I he hills nf Leslie ( 'mini i . witli : .am mill of the desperate last stand "The Slrnnifs." ii hattle in which th: men and a woman w nesday. '.-irryint a v.arranl el' s;iiie on elmriies nf hit Ions. zl iM.sseinen Stroll;.' hoiue anil s kill.' ft'i the arrest lillor law lo Hirlved at Ihe urroiindeil the house. Deputy Walker udvaneeil in wind Ihe house with Ihe warrant. A hidden inaiKsiiian tired and VVal- ki-r stagKcriii lireasl. As lie bullet pierced i '0110111 nioiis with a wiinml in Ilr ran Inr covi r. a seconi hi- Intnl. ol' Ihe slain nflioer cull ceiiita'cd a withering tire on the from ladiim! inns and liilges. When the otllcers entered tile Ihe two men and Mrs. Sirimu house were dead, lite woman, according in the liners, having a repealing title chit of-eh- ml in her fast stilleiiing tinners. Two stills wire found in a strong! hai'i ii adeil noxi.ion bank of the lions They were destroyed, together wil TIKI gallons of still beer. THE COTTON MARKET 0!enrd Steady Today at of From II) to 20 lily Ihe ANtioelated New York. March L1. An AdvatKP Points. I'rerni. I --'rhe cotton market opened steady at an advauce of in to I'D points on the reports of Vh"i i'.: ime; ai New Knglanil cot Ion nulls ' aiel ui'favnriii'ie weather map. ami covering for over Hie three days adjournment. There were re ports of a belter spot demand iu th? southwest and smile southwestern buying here during Hie early trading, but after selling up to 2S.:ir for July the market cased off under rcnlinzing or liipiidat ion. Cotton lulurc.s opclieu steaiiy. .nay 20.411 : July lis. II'. i lint. 2.V2 1: Dec. j 21.72: .Ian. 24. Hi. FONTKR TAKKS STAND IN HIS OWN DEFENSK Said He Had I ecu Memln'r of I. W. W., Seamen's I'nion and Other Such Organizations. St. Joseph. Mich.. March 2!) i Ry the Associated Press). Win. '.. Cosier, charged with criminal syndicalism, look the stand in his own defense this morning. Foster leslilied he has been a mem ber of the 1. W. Y Seamen's I'llion. Car Men's I'nion, and other organiza tions, lie quit Hie I. W. V.. he said, because be no longer agreed with its policies and program. Northfleld Conferences. Fast Northfleld, Mass., March 20. Many prominent British and American clergymen arc listed among the speak ers who will address 10,000 or more delegates who are expected to attend the six religious conferences Hint will be linld al Northfleld Seminary this summer. Hundreds "f clergymen, as well as thousands of church workers, will be present at the meetings, which were started over forty years ago by Dwlghl I.. Moody. Among Ihe personages expect ed to be present arc the Ucv Lionel It. Fletcher, of Cardiff. Wales: the Rev. James Reid, of lOaslbournc, Eng land; Ihe Rev. Dr. John A. Htltton of the I'nlted Free Church, fllasgow, Scotland: the Rev. Dr. Henry Sloan Coffin of Midison Avenue Presbyterian Church. New York (.ity: the Rev. Dr. Rolierl E. Spcer of the I'reshyterlan Hoard of Foreign Missions. Ihe Ucv. Dr. Floyd W. Tompkins of Philadel phia, and the Rev. Dr. Harries E. Kirk of Baltimore. An Expen ive Trial. Illy Ihe AHHoelated PrrMn.i Danville, Va.. March 21). Otis Brad ley, clerk of the corporation court, be lieves the trial of W. M. Hnend, con victed of grand larceny and sentenc ed to serve live years In the peniten tiary for having in his possession an automobile stolen from T. W. Pilch ard, of Charlotte, N. ('.. will prove one of (he most expensive cases lo Hie state iu many years. The costs already inn over $1,200, of which sum $720 was pnld to out-of-town witnesses. Two of these came from Michigan, one from Florida and twelve from Charlotte. Hnead was charged with lioing in league with a "ring" of automobile thieves alleged to have oierated In Charlotte, Danville and other towns. His trial attracted much attention. Textile Plant De.droyed. Roversforil, Pa. Mirch 20 Tlie textile plant of Emmet's St Company Imliiv was destroyed hy tire with a lots estimated al W00.00O. Cold WtH.ther handicapped the liieineu. A large order of underwear, packed for fchipuicul was destroyed. New Low Temperatures for March Reached by the I Ml Ibr IllirllUj Waslilacno. i. .h -i Tic ..r. lio-i mid Hie ... i' Hutl ! tu . Imh (ilnvlnc he i. ntcl ilnrlni IIh tnooili. .ivpml in li;i' iers the naditfcojal Itsla.i i. ml ill miOi se.-i iMiiple:-l rv onlif of ihliif mis . i i hi -aiioii ot adliu Ibnalli ifmc ery Intl.. mil wilh a wlm ry rikii cm I le i- Hut cm 0 i pnl. lie rs i. i.i I. leaking i i.-lls i l'IUMl UkttV in tn.c in tl .' II. .1.. ill mil I mobile i-i lor Ml I.. tjllMllt. .S eh h;.. inkno . llolwlilWU. IIL.tllM-Vft re piln. t i'U III.' hie ti.r ii - tickle i. no I .,. , ..I the ItierW'.iM' :., ui .In 1 i ! Illl'ili IIUii I ills If' I i.'ie - hini .fl I - ; II . i . an.! I'hilnd. Iphin I I : K jr. X. V . Z"n. I'.iiffnlo i: in.l.. II. tin- ..ill.. Me. a. While llii . . . mi . :.n ;...'lil Inir;.'. I' i.. Mini ' a lie. Ih-Ii.w : New Finishing Plant For Gibson Manufacturing Co. Manatfament Announces That Structure 60x200 Feet. Two Stories in Heighth Will Be Erected, to He Filled With Modern Machinery Work to Start Soon. Tln chain tiilis-on Maiiufa. luring I'oin one ol' tlie mills nt the I'annoii :s Hie latest teMile eoiicerli in nt'ity to annonnc iniproveiiiei'.ts liiiiions io its pre eiit plant. Tin this ami a proposed enlargement '. a unoiiui ml today by M hn nil. Sr.. I'rcsldent ol mill L. C. Harn the conipany. i.-'ll out sonic nit and otliet anil iiiproe,: i-oinpai.y at a structuri' ti. : oi th" mil! bushing plant most modern ill iionse I In ie new plans, to siorics in ! niler I lie plans v ( i iine n'.i liy l r. Ilurnli ; ntlii ials ..(' Ihe cinnpilc hj Ihe dilietins of lb lucetiii ! his u eel . a pi ! house i he liiiisliiug pla w ill he erected, and the will be made one nf Hi in Ihe South. The building which linishing plaul. under ihe will be UINL'IHI feet. Iwn ludght and will be erected .lii-i in I lie rear nf the present mil! building. l:i addition to the present linishing plant machinery, which will be moved In to the new structure, the company has purchased additional machinery to complete ihe equipment of th" new plant. The additional structure ami machinery will mean mi Increase in the out pu! nf Hie conipany. Colore. I good- v ill he made in Hie mill ami tin i.-ii.i! in il.e lien olatvijv II was Hiiiiletl oiit'hy Mr. liariihardl Dial the weaving capacity of Hie mill is now greater than the linishing en pneity. and Hie new plant lias become a necessity. The space in the present mill build ing which will In' left vacant when Ihe present linisicng machinery to llir new addition, w ill ta new carding ami spinning which the company has al ..II are of iiinery pur- cail chased. In addition to erecting the new tin- ishiug plant the mill miinagciiiciil also had decided to remodel and increase, Use steam plant at the mill. The milium! of money involved i.i the plans as announced by dr. Kara harm was mil given in tin announce ment. Work mi the imw structure will gin in Hie mar future. lii JOHN A. PARK SPEAKS TO JOIRNAIJSTIC STUDENTS Loyally ta Proles ion Is Best Way to Attain Success in Newspaper Work. .iljr llie ANsoclnlfO I'rcsn.l Chapel Hill. March 29. College stu dents who expect too fabulous salaries through newspaper positions have but Utile chance lo realize their aspira tions, John A. Park, of the Raleigh Times, told members of the Journal ism class -it I lie I'niversity of North Carolina todav. In outlining the way lo in ivspaiioi' suecei euiphasizcil tlie iie.eessity Hie profession. s Mr. 1 if loyall; ark lo 'Another War Cominu;' Man Jumps io Death. Asheville. March 28. "There's an other war coming." were tin- last words uttered by an unidentified man as he Jumped from a Irextlc to bis death near Canton yesterday. His laxly was riH'ovoxed 1 laywooil last uiglii county citi- I after a party of zciis him dragged hours. the stream for eight More Increase, for Textile Workers. Henderson, N. ('.. March 20.- Four cotton mills of the Henderson and Harriett chain today announced a wage increase of 1.1 per cent, effective i April .'trd. Two thousand men are i affected by Ihe increase. xtnixti rrmxix: Success and a tent upon what y Suns nil (I nil v i with X t'W interest ((darter in Savings Department begins .April 1st. All deposits made in this department on or before April 10th draw I per cent, interest from April 1st, compounded quarterly. Start now and bank something regularly. i Citizens Bank 1 Present Cold Wave 'I I B' . I l.i mir hn isn I,- i i.r i in- ii-iiii..i i ' . wr tlie soul:. una i-porii. .. Iitwi-r Uiisla4ta.! : --d the wor.i New KiiKland. Ti tnn r.i Hires i.i L.-iil'. . .i -l il.-ili. 111! I-IIIV l.tll.lHl jMiiht fpi ley and Ihe Vulln u:itmnulh New Krce'd in .M i. h .-i. hi in Ktikiml ii n.iid lis f.l tic -III-. . ii. w hi I: P.. arlv lilai low I . tl I'nlaiid . .i -i Mm 'Mi.- I. lllH V.ts J de i a ;.,i lulu i lCl.l in in e I. III. '.;l r the . ike III" ilirhi i.i in. r rioriin men i. ::n in i I a - proflfi led r Ai Sai. mi p. .1 dm iic L RLE! Allies and the Turks Are to Meet Again at Lausanne to Thrash Out (he Peace!"1 i1- 11 Question. (ii'lleva, M in Ii 2:1 I I'o ciated Pressl.- The peace between the allies and be resumed al Lausanne Ihe Ass,, negol iat ions I'nrkey will iiuicl ime. be tween April nouncetncnl secretarial. Lausanne al l.Mh was who the ami 20th. mnde today tlie powers conslusion i,l li bv )e''t Hin an cent conference. The aiiiiouiiceinenl said that ening session would he held Hi, op-i tic I Il.e last tin tin ' I : i I'lelai ia i pfep ll'e lo I he sudden i sillereii priiii Illile of Hie Inns milch nllly was not : lor Cousin e in tlie seem the concoliaii Illini.p'e Turks ! FATE OF PRIESTS ' PRELATES AND NOT DEI IDED Executive Committee of Sa a in Seer i'"; "cts to Consider f lire. Moscow. March 2!l 2:.!b P. AI i liy Ihe Associated Press i. The appeal for i leniency nt the Catholic prelates anil priests, sentenced last Monday, will ie considereil at the lirsl meetiog of the Central lixeculivc Coiuniitlee In be held either tomorrow- or next week, the government amnesty department committee announced today. Menu while a temporary slay of sentence for the condemned is applicable mul Hcv will remain in prison. MORE HERMAN MINERS (H IT JOBS IN MINES 13.000 Worker: trirl (in Out (iclscukiiclic Associated Pn miners are on iu (ielsenhirchen Dis- on Strike of Protest. i. March L'ii i liy the ss. I Fifteen thousand strike in the (SclsPtikiv- chen district at all mines occupied by1 troops, accoriling to estiniHtes made in ; German quarters. The men quit work piolist against the occupation Five thousand men are out Westerholl properties. i.lKKI al bailcii, I.ikiii ai ihe Con' ordia ami 2.00(1 al Ihe Rlumcnthal at Ihe i ii. "- lilanls. They have served noth-c they return in work until Hie la I I "ave. V. .11 not l lie: - Airplanes Leave Hanava. Havana. Cuba, March 20.- The sis i". s. Army aviators on a lest flight from San Antonio. Tesas, to San Juan I'o.'o Kico and from there to Washing Ion. I. ('., left here this morning al 0:13 a. in. for Miami. They am ev pectcd in make Ihe trip p. Washington in easy daily hops, probably arriving 1 1 i' ill" iiis ,a' iie-a icoolr- Mrs. H. C. Conner, of No. 1 town ship, soul us yesterday two very large eggs laid by a game pullet. The larg est one weighed 4 ounces and measur ed S inches nroniid Ihe long way nml (i 1-2 inches tlie other way. The other egg was a fraction smaller. old age depend mi inc v . to a preat ex- vour i . El : a our and Trust Company ui mux rttori(-T I i ll t Hx- lixtt if ihe Hurhr rir.luilaj H I m m I uai i IU thr ...... lUUich. X. r. Marh Si r'ranii f' liatiallran id tla- X1h Care i. i biMl I nilad Slalet Der f Agt irulturc. ti nlRhi mat - n'lHiirs ..ii ihe relative Jit Is.wir ..f frin product. :nt .iirli Kebriia The i( ;i. rt tollowc IV.nt l'.i - .. ;i p.n m r cent icisK fun ilr - in. !:.i'.; priis of farm crop-, to I. i oilier : ( ..It at t I l; I' . ..ill n 134 ai s'. -. i tirf-1 r ti ihj h.i; i'iiel. In r ernl. iimI urn i nenl i j ;.-.' in of ho.iae iny 1 1 ' i i lll 1 s II.' pe i le-- l .1 ll i "Ii. -f ...t: tOi'S 4li 1"1 ;. In t?r.ns is. on uili corn :;.'i per i ui Ii s : iay I", pi .- e lit urii in l:t.i r i t'll I iOTi wheal L's per .: and potai 1 1 a .. . lit a.-, mtle anil .-.. ii. ahov v. I nw purchasing '.'IT. g t'.ar: f rm lliilnie ' As Aholc. Hi I ii : ch i- i lit- p.iw er tt'i'ins ..f oi tr r i o'. . .i .' it le ihe I. m III ee. llninicv -tood a'. i-l Mil", tor; s-'.l ale is tin proi I'di has H highest put fa ai eoinlii ..1 i ics." Th, IM22 ) tin! in . cotton 'war- "a worli per ii w hich mollti idc ment," he said Hiding tin ton f ,. r was ilisj nisfi: tec -nail '..'id ; tncrchiint." he s .m il . .f si; ; easily i.l.laiii Hi. hioutli tile mill, short a " .' i 1 cotti In- world nni realize thai on nut o: Tin. oitnd and s hi a 'J i n Tin Kin: I over i-i urer op lie unnlles nianu- in felll d 'lis." d Wll.l. SrlND SALARIES MXRRIEIt MI.N OF I'D HOMES . f ity of New Orleans Will Nol Longer liive I'av Kuvclopes i.i Married Men in Person. Illy Ihe LMNrtelaleu I'rcs.s l New tirleaiis. March 20. MarrieJ men cnMiloyed by Ihe city government were thrown into consternation today -..iih the announcement l.y Commission er Murphy that hereafter their pay check add re til Mil ibi he mailed to heir home s. instead person. of being handed II' ,1. ,! i'l: 1 1 io is going nniniissioii belongs ii io (ii, nn get his i' Murphy Hie hollu best to at home annoy going '. a I ii i ill! il I : the .1 thin a-ep il it' .some ot' iin there, thai i- atilt. Masvns May tiel IJillion Dollars. Coluissct. Mass.. March 2!l. - In 2nd years members of Kotioliaseci l.otlgi of Masons of Hiis place w ill clijny an emlowmcul nnioiinting in aboiil $1. IIIKMIllti.OIIO under the terms nf the will of Hans Hodl'rey Hick, a nienibcr i.i' the lodge wliose whole estate i- left to Masonry. The will provides thai Hie estate, amount ill'.' to nearly $511,000. shall be disposed of by selling aside one-tenth on which the interest shall be paid annually to his lodge. The remaind er shall he held in trust for 2011 yeenrs and Hie money allowed to work inr itsc.lf. A I I he em nf I lie two centu ries the income from Hie resulting en dowment will lie for tlie use of Kolli liassei Ledge. Hie b ilges of the twenty-seventh Masonic district and llie towns of Seitiiate and ('ohasset. Al per cent, compounded interest tlie $40,000 would grow to approximately one billion dollars In 200 yi ars. Free State Troops Make Arrests, Dublin. March 20 I Ity the Associat ed Press i. -Practically the enlirc stalT of Inn third southern division of Ihe iriignlar army was captured ycslcr- i!a a! Notiagh. accoriling In an ollieial slateuieiil today. Oilier iiiiporlaul captiiri's were liiinlo afer al i'lHiimi varra. Polli piaees are in County Tip perary. Increase iu Wages of 12 l-'J Per Cent. Sn'em. Ms:.. March 211.-The Nantnkeg Steam Cntton Company to dav announced an advance in wages of rpproximntely 12 1-2 per cent., ell'ec- liin Apiil -TlH' Ihe STioTT nperatirt ihmlv. in its mills he; nml New Interest Quarter Begins IN 1 PER ( CUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 1-NT. C( WPOUNDED QUARTERLY I Joposits made from April 1st est Will you be better off ten years from now than you arc today? You won't unless you save part of your earnings. THINK IT OVER The Concord National Bank ii Capital $100,000.00 H uvXMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOu. WANT $70,000 FEE run I nLiii oLimuL Raleijrh Reports Say law yers Who Represented the State in Railroad Litigation Want Pee to This Amount. GOVERNOR WILL TAKE MATTER UP Iocke Craig Says He Pre sented a Bill for $10,000 Which He Considers Rea sonable for His Services. ;n ., l!y 'lo .o"lird Prri. liiuti: In i Itnleigli. Mureli 2U. - Ad just incuts i- j v. ill bo made in Ices lo be paid hy t Ih n iliiir.u s! i.. the artoineys that represented to. Iiasis j North Carolina in (be reeenl railroad wa.- tic-'inn lltlgntloii in the Federal District i. i ot' i. 1 Court an l Fnfteil Stales Supromf i. .er .., f'o. in. liov.'tnor Cameron Morrison is j quoted a-, saying in a story pilllllHhed Ainerieuii I tiKlay in the Raleigh News and Obs.--lisai point I a', tile -I'D I 'i he chief execntive refuaed to con on a' tlnii reports that the attorneys W. 1'. : act '. Ityiuun. ol ;r-'nl.oi a : Sirney Aldcr c i- i:i iiv.ii 'I. ! num. tiiconsiiom; Tlioc. D. Warren. .New Hern, ami Locke Craig. AHhevilln - hud iiijucsli d a eoinhined of sTo.iinti. according to Hie story. "I aai vel-. -orry thai this matter has II! iv Kiel ilisciissid." Iin- Chief Kxec- is qlloied a . rang.1 !' In till snying. "t u m sure n. can bi' mnde khI iliiiineys and the i ii. (if con tirse, the;, renden'd a illi' sen i hey are able law- : 1 in went up against able law b.'cl 1 tii-iii. Their fees will inn i think a reasonable ad can be made." nit hern Railway. Seaboard. Coast Line. and Norfolk wive involve! in the Slot he Slate to prevent the col- . yers and jbe high, j iustmctil 'Ihe S, j Atlantic , Soot hern : against I i-l Mil ol taxes. Craig Ashed Asheville. March nor I oi ;e ! 'rn ig. Far S;i,i!00. 20. Former Gov who served with !e nf North Cam lax liligaliuii. nji id sent in a bill to .slij.t.wi counsel In. a in II today il i i' tin SI; ailroad he bad Isflu i : c. alln paid m.g Iinte Crai that 1 . i 'I rnicr this. Sg.lhlil has li's'tt Hove-:, or said. Icav- hnlaace ol SSH.iKXi. However, a accompanied tl statement, Mr. said, informing the Governor .Mr. Craig would be perfectly willin to icavi Ihe am. a. nt of fee to the (lovcrnor. said he liid no been asked by loui'.Si l for Ha niation lia I'.ail W'lial lie laid 1! Tlie former Governor i know what fees bad o! her taemlii rs of i he state, liie only infor- oii that subject being ad. "i rendered a hill for Craig said, "because I fee was commensurate v and efforl I put on the i amount involved. I am : ernor will allow me v. hat $10,000," Mi-, thought that ith the time ase and Ihe aire tlie (Jur is reasonable and will just, be : but what' greeablo t vei- action lie take me. With Our Advertisers. Say ir with candy for ster let ('line's Pharmacy help you. Building and Loan slock is non-taxable. Take out some shares now iu llie nisi series of ihe C iharrus il. & L. As.-ociat ion. The Sanitary Grocery Co. has just, received a shipment of Arm, air's small Star hams. Genuine mahogany library tables at right prices al 11. II. Wilkinson's. Ii nii have any Victory bonds, have ! I hem discounted. The Citizens Hank ami Tins; Company will attend to ibis 'I Hin iu the he Piggly Wiggl 'c column ad. on winch they tell many things Ihei Store lias , I'' page seven lodny ,,.ii of a few of have lo offer you. Von can buy at suggest ion. pel sua Eggs :;;(, a doze l'aclili Ti a ('in Hi: ire "without n or Interruption." t lie Mitotic and Store, and oilier rain I wo ':. Ill I mill : proportion. See ad. on page Mrs .1 T I'owel Jiu kn b icl: for several days, is slowly imp: oviiig. April on or before April loth will draw inter- Surplus $100,000.00