H -L. ir H .v? Hi V Thp Concord 1)aiiy Tribie ilf; '1 VOLUME XXIII CONCORD, N C . FRIDAI, MARCH I 'M. " t j. it AS RESULT OF AN ACCIDENT IK OHIO Train on Big Four Struck An Auto Near Columbus, Pill ing Up All C are in Train I Except Diner. SEVERAL PERSONS SERIOUSLY HURT Train Was Running 65 Miles An Hour When Accident Occurred. Rescue Work ers Rushed to Srene. (By i hi" Aaaarlatm C(aa. Columbus ().. March :. si per sons are. known In bavi" been killed .ami ninny injiu.il, some seriously, when a fust I'.iu Fi.iir Pullman train M I route rrom Boston to Cincinnati. ' t ruck an nntomobllo nl a grade cross ,viUR lit the northern oily limits I hi lncrniti?. The engine Irfl the triples anil .turned over In the ditch, four Pullman Bloopers piling on ti of H. All of 'Die. cars in Ihe train with the oxcop glJon of a iliner loft Ihe tracks. The train was men' than nu hour ,'Iiito, and was runnine at an estimated Hpoed of 0.1 to 70 miles an hour. Rescue workers said tint other dead mHlii lie found in the wreckage. Kariy Report. Cincinnati, March 3Q. A report ro Wived at Rig Knur railroad headquar ters here said eleven ix-isous were liilled in Hie wreck of passenger train jihc Atuwleiiti I'nlty tragus at Chicago MTR VVrviHrR fiR r Kf.X In rHOMl i i liMtfti WS Sot M I mhHa h. Ka'n taf V Cxurl U.t l! Wiftvi ill 111 iW A Wasclaglnu. Mnn h HI A fair K let 1. nl a int.l i.im" ii. tlif hhksiix.' nf the rather experts for Hie lanptc f of the MiMdia Rlier. 1 uilwct ht will not l" iiccewni-y 10 pn.tert th WW Iji'i.-i Bun net , bin fii-.li wli.l" will Imffei Ihotu. For Ihe naslern sralaaird "iiHit ihUfsl old" or 'iinillnixsl i-o.il" in (he forc es! rtliltc freati rohl wine warning have liec.i h"'ied for (Mi-i. Kentucky, and Ihe northern pinbair .if West V ir ginla. Ki.lhc.vlng the pa.alng ri( ihe dis tut bailee now over (he Cull nf Meri no. Ihe Wi-.llhi r dnrini: nis :i great area of hih prciue and ulKinrtnu!1! enhl weather, now over Ihe northwest, will overspread all srelhms 111M of Ihe Mississippi I; 1 excepi snuth"rn l-'lnrldii nod 11nsC11sn1iMl.lv cold and generally fnir weather will prevail Sunday. Frost as far south as Georgia Is pre dict! on lie basis, nf llr movement of the north-western arras of high pressure toward two areas i.f low, .me In ihe caalcrn seriii.n nnd lit. other centered to iiy sc.ilh of A aha ma . The moi ii-nt of hlh pressure area i expected la throw n colli lilauUi'l over the Eastern vJiiets throughout the middle an dsoulhwest as well "as Ihe southeast, -leaving on. 5 the laci!ic mast and Florida weather conditions Cor fashion parades. ItKNIGNED FROM THF, KLAN AFfER BR IKK MKMRKKSHIP l.awrcnre Lyons, Prominent Republi can, Said Klan Was Not What lie Had Expected. Indianapolis, Iild., March 30 (By the Associated Press I. Lawrence Lyons, chairman of the Indiana Republican State t'onnultlee, admitted today that he hud resigned from the K11 Kln' Klan after having Joined ihnt organi sation alauit six weeks ago. Mr. Ly ons s:iiN he had given a slalement to LENIHE DYING SAYS MOSCOW REPORT TO Democrat City The 1 s-o- tntif nt ni. .'l'" i ion In b Message Was Received in England by Ext-hange 1'ele u mph Company I'Vom Spe c ial Correspondent. ry Itnvlng Imrn While, chair- Hrftl ris-utve PARALYSIS IN ARM SPREADING After His Death Military Dic tatorship Will Be Estab lished, to Be Headed by Minister Trotsky. While in. in - hill he held al siimis In die the tiiilirs nf R.e fnllotvinc of- il at the pri- ill) k Awsclatrd Prti. London, March :).--Premier Ienine is dying, says a dispatch to the F.x chnnge Telegrnph Company from Stockholm today, quoting the Helsiug fors eorrespondcni of the Svenskn lingldadet as telegraphing that the aorlei legation in Helslngfors ban re reived a emfidenlial message from Moscow to thai effect. The paralysis in lii right, orm is spreading, oeeord Ing to Ihe dlsitch. . After his death, ! Quoted message adds, the milihi . atorship will he. hy Minister of four or five assist- ry fur the uiu eld no May Kth jwill I- h-iil im-xI SaAnli.i. April Tlh 1 tall fi.r I tie prll bamtxl Imlay hy K. nan nf I he nr. lira u. 1 In ibe call Chain mil Ihni ihe 1 .1 1 awry ihe m-vernl ..tins eltv of roni-onl lie! p. m. r.od ' li. nl." DltTS will I v l..il!liu9 tuar; tu he rated it eloeilnn: Mayor ami one si hiHil . oninii-sioiM' ableiiii-ii lor each nf the city : Hchoot ol wnrtls one and fmir. Tl.o"hlilonnen of their icguhir Apiil Thnrwh.y night. Apr time they are ex judges ami regis! rnra Mini eleition. pnons who reglat Ihe Ii.miI I. mill clccl later again for the cit the school bOHal elect aldermen onlereil a and all persons wlui rigister.l at thai Primary Called in This TR8lr, r rpTVI IR FtfUT nr NYt Saturday Anril 7th ' 1 Ht5r-f jr n""J"' 1 or Next aaiuroay, pni iui (iur , r ... uny Unni nrru in m m uw FATAL MEie ,n. ii.. Ho lar there has hero, on annouast-l u-i v. f' Man-h tlonwr iKixMilnle l..r any .if the Hl oeVea. . (-I1-H.in MnrrlMai toilav am.lnle.l I.. tt-vrral itaya aau one if Mayr Worn- ,. xu,,,,,., urraoru: Krwia A. WeV .-l.awal ladilh-al advl-r atal.-l , , ,,,,, Biirllnt.a ; llajkaM tilllK Aar ll.Nl Mr. UiMiilJe wmil.1 laa i-aialhuilc , ,,,. . u ,Ml, j0bnalim. i harWitte: for reele. tl..n. hut far he has urn Mml w tmk Km-k 1 Bgha at : Mra. K niilhii.ilcaled this retaai. , ,. avfe.,,. OmmMti Mra. W. t. Who Is in U- nlfiTe.1 as l'lermeil,.rlH(,, -vionlni : Mrs. Worth FJIIott. I'.-il iimin.i-si i- ha- n.. 11 1 ... .. n , ( T rijll. l'H.sinl. laen iiiaionil nniwhere eie,n "" , lrtn,.la ,,,.,1 from North faro-. ... k.. . . . :.. . I . . .r ... , . . . . - I "... . ....... i. - . iinn id i tie iiKiiifem-o m i ne ue-n. ... ral i.f ihe itM-a-nl aldermen are - ,jm!ir, .iaaa-lalltin :U Hot Sirings. Hsl l.i nil. r lllilliwues a I'Biai' V1U. e..iv at the reguluj ,lali again, hm they luve made im j ii.n,ri.,ns .h.. nlll al- 'f.uuial iinni.uin'ttni4"tt. It U Ihe aaaae rman ami me with the m-lin-J m in-i hirge i) mi miej l ule-s all I leiiiiicnils nf the i ity raa Ihe live wards get together mi n mtMlldale liefnre ihe iiiilssioners fori day of Ihe primary. It is probable that I act oral uiiHlidates Hill be voted unnii illy will hold i fur Ihe nf.no m' Mayor. Persistenl ru- s'llng no next i mors have Imvu nit.. hi fur some time t it. nnd at thai I (,, , i. i thai a number uf Ilnun- lo select the rrnfs of Ihe city want ivrtnin clningi-s ir the primary; In the KTSonnel of several city otti cinls. and they an' exported to go Inn I last year for tin' primary propane! to aoadnate men m neil not reg-1 fuvoralile in tneir cause, inrawuaii enndldates an' not nomiiuiKHi. nowc er. they will supiiort the Democratic ticket as nominated by the primary vote. No general Interest lias lieen mam elect inn. When niif railed ihe rw registration Xo. 11 on the ntitakirtM of ColuinhiH. Nix linidejitilled have ias'n luMVCreil, it Ia sold. JOHN D. RtM KKKKl.l.KR. Jr.. Hen of Oil Magnate tills This Amount in Inromr From His Oil sto.Hi Alone, Kxperts Khura. (Uy the AaaunulMI rreaa.. New York. March 811. Kneh w.kU XL'ai.7-12 accrues to John 1). Rockefel ler. Jr.. in dividends from stock I owned by him In nine Standard 'il . -..IUHI llll-n, 11 1 ll-ll'.lll-U I. ..... :i l lalioji by Dow Jones fc (Vnnfmny. hom tal.imiMv .r.-n i-i; 'inve.itig.it'nm rn the oil twin! The younger Hockefellcf s annniil s iiivnicnii i rum ins sih'k hi ine nnj-1 'tWK-approximating one-sixteenth of nil Rhiu-eu totals dose lo $V2.lKHMK, it was shown. At the current prices . hin holdings in these nine cmiip.-inie.-i nre worth approximately $-110.1100,- Ottll. The elder Rockefeller, founder of vthe Standard OH group, Is not the - owner of as much as one per cent of WH-k of any . of these cnnip.inies, the survey shows. Store at in which he characterii'.ed Ihe Klan a "un-Aiiierhnu." Mr. Lyons was In Brook, Indiana, today. His admission of nii-Mlicrship in the Klan was made during an interview hy telephone. Mr. Lyons said he had no copy of the statement given to the I'nily League. He explained thai after join ing the Klan lie discovered it trns not one which he eared to lie idem Hied with, and he submitted his resignation one week ago. AI.li.KN TO RE UKAI CI l.I.OW NORMAL established, h War Trotafci - ants. L ofHcial hulletin of 'reniier Lenine's con- inuTd except for a .-nt ill temperature. time neeii not regis! again. Tuns- j No general inien-si uas i-u iu.hh- n,.lWillng to plans. Iielegatloi is-rsoiis who failed lojregioter for the festiii In the primrry an.l election so S(H.tinns of the Cnited Sta bond election must Arlster npiin if far. and unless there is a dei-lded lttplll, Thl iWOtlation is an the would cast a voteln the city elec- change wttliin ine nei weei.. pn- n : ma rv vote will is ery simni tenil are Miss rurrie K Kroiighlmi. stale library: Henry M. Niudiai. h"g ialaihe r(erence librarian : lr. Imis It. Wilson. I'niverslly of North Cane Una: I'lurlew B. Minw. North I'andl na lollege fiN Wniuen. ami Miss Mary R. Palmer, sei-relary of the state li brary i-onimissinu. Miss Paiater will deliver an addreas to the i-mifereme. having us her sub jisi i-onnty llbrurles for the south. Dr. Wilson will sii!k on Ihe state detail ing league in North tVrolina. while Mr. Shaw will discuss lending i"ssuys in America. The eclieral si-ssions will ho held Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Frl- ilnv evennufs and Saturday morning Delegations irom tes will Two Fire Fighters Utt Their Lives in Blaze a Sixteen Others Were Injuri While at Work. TWO FACTORIES TOTALLY BUKTOD Blaze Also Destroyed Foar Tenements and for Sertral Hours Threatened the Bl- leveue Hospital. iHr ihe Aii.iaid a-avaa.1-- furn lo the Ister, a British st Haleigh. March 8l. A. T. Allen, slate director of teachers, has accepl ed Ihe presidency of t'ullowhoo Nor mal Industrial School, lo lake ofllee in .Inly following his rii-enl oleclion by the hoard of trustees of the instilu tiati, it whs announcoil today. .Mr. Allen whs oiTered the position a year ago Iiy the board of trustees. Dr. R. V. Brooks, ihe state suiK-rliitendcnt of public instruction stated, and Prof. R. L. Madison, who has been at the head of the institution 2.1 years, urg ed him to accept. The March 2, djtion wj slight Imj RI M Rl NMNi; SHIP LOST IN RKCENT QALK Ship Was One nf ihe Ijirgesl awl Fast est I'sed to Hi inn Liquor From ihe Ruin Annadu. Highlands. N. .1.. March :H. I By the AssiK-latisl Pressi. The Queen of Ihe Highlands mm running fleet was lost during the heavy northwest gale Wed nesday. The Queen's ship, the largest nnd fastest putting out from Highlands to the rum armada off abort, was lost while making the second trip lo the maritime Uii'io mail. When she stiu -d for shore Willi 10" of li-iuor. having an eslimnMd e- eaiiiei . Which once serviit as yacht fia? IMi--il liis-lla. Siom Whli-h sin- had pur-i-haseil her cargo. The runner managed lo come along side the lster and her waler-soaked crew was taken off. The lioat, valiusl at Kl.ixm. foundered with her cargo Many 04d Fellows Attend District Meeting In City Tenth District Convention Held Here Thursday Attended by More Than; Hundred Delegates. Grand Master of State Organization Principal Speaker at Meeting. - The closing session of Ihe meeting nf Hie 1 nl li District? I 'on vent ion of the Odd Fellows was held Thursday Iilghl In-ginning at 7 Hi o'clock Willi Ihe president. Mr. W. I.. Spry, of Kan nnpolls, in Hie chair. Rev. W. it. I'op- lieilge. of RorhlngtutlK lirand Master of North Carolina, mne an aduicss in Which he gave some hiteresling facts rata ill ins the t'hildreu's Home nt Belk Rriithers to (Ipen a Thoutasvnie. I Thomasville, March 29. The C. F. "nnd .1. E. Lambeth block of stores, tkoodi to Is? erected on North iMain . 111 ...!... 1. . . V. ..... V. Sirci'l. Will IH . Mf.l. M UJ DCHI ni.iLii- i nt f hni-lnttf nu on.-- link in their i extension chain. Thomasville peop e ; forecast territory embraces easuin are by no means reticent in the'r ex-1 states, saw little tonight that would pressions of joy at the announcement comfort the average feminine anind. i of the coming of th-a mercnnt le .n- 'ihe temperature Iid pred cted. will terprise. which has nlready enjoyed a I bo "b ilow normal. roiiHiderable patronage from cilizims t'loudy weather, lylth i rain o. snov. here at their stores in neighboring ! in many sections, wil be genera cast Cities A representative of tb Be'.ks of the Mississippi diirtcg the next two spent some time recently here looking ; lays. A break in the ndd snap may over the situation and was uiis-tlntsd j cmie tomorrow in the At.yntic states in bis recommendation of Thorns- hut .colder weather wl wvr-spn.ad . vim. a .. tradn center for a big I ihe Ohio valley and lower lake region u.rcnntll ln-siness such as this well 1 loniovrow and Saturday and tin Says Easter Weather Will Be Below Normal. Washington, March 29. Looking Uheail to Sundnv. which happens to be Easter, the weather man whose ;ltnown firm usually installs where ;Cver they locate. State Deftal" Midi'.'es in Baseball, illy in .- Aaaaelated Praaa.1 Raleigh, March 30. P aying in a cold drizzling rain, North Carolina - State College this morning defeated , the United States Nnva! Academy hy Ha score of 8 to 2. The game was ..-u- mid die land north Atlantic states. Tenn essee and the inler'or or the east gn f statEB tomorrow night and Sunday. One Plane Off For Camp Bragg. illy the Aaaonlaiaa t'reaa. Miami. Klu.. March 30, One of the six if-. S. Army alnilanes which laud ed here yesterday from Porto Rico on the return flight, left this morning in tor With Our Advertisers. During the demonstration of thf fnmotts Nihco blushes, wops' and dust ers at the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. next Moiulnv. Tuesday and Wednes day, there will Im given free a handy lniish to every housewife. See ad. to day. J. E. Love has a strong assortment of Easter suits for $at) and up. Hor- sheiin shoes too, for carefnl men. Ev erything in shirts, neckwear and hats Irresistible new Easter Hats at Fisher's, specially priced from $2.i to S4.ll.-i. Others at from KMW to $14.itn. See new ad. today. Red room, suites in walnut anu ma hogany. Queen Anne design, at Kelt I fliirris. Let them show you. Start a savings account today at tin Citizens Hank and Trust Company. Victor records for Easter now nt the Bell & Harris music department. A new interest quarter In the sav ings department of the Citizens Bank and Trust Company begins April 1st. Interest paid from April 1 on all de posits made hy April 10th. Milk-Maid Bread goes right over the home plate and Is always u hit. Own vour own home by taking out some shines in the iilst series of stock ol the Cabarrus B. L. & B. Association, no wopen. Dress up for Easter in a Kuppen heinier suit W. A. Overcnsh sells this line in Concord. Stein-Block Easter suits, jwupse '. (iO TO HKiH POINT TOMORROW NIGHT it: All Important meeting of the !- Central Carolina Development As- r'r soclntion has been called to meet at the Sheraton Hotel in High -h Point tomorrow ( Saturday I eve- tloldslioro. its aims, purposes nii(l;&ning. to discuss better east and needs, and after telling the convention $ rrn in facilities In this State. jtuit what was being 1onc, lie stated & Concord is vitally interested in thai it was the inlentV'" ol me liinnii s- Hijs matter, and shoulil send up a sk Loilie to plan for htf- -r, In-tter ami ;ron(i neiaiion. Oct ready to go. .nonier Uilnn for Dif lilldrcil of the ir f" , --i-ne . i liinne. It waa ti UMtftl'e'tv anu was, enthusiastically i-refr Mr. 'fop-J lsslw told (hosi- nres.'ilt- Hull if Hi'' Home is to do a grcaier aiM .ice more money will have to he appropriated. as II was just now itt us iiuauc.v m regard to its usefulness to the State in rearing and educating children for better citizenship. This I Ionic is sup ported entirely hy voluntary eontrllni t ions from the members, of the Lodges in the Slate, and is being well taken care of at present, hut at the meeting of the Board of Trustees plans were laid which will call for large sums of inonev. After listening to the facts .- ittend. The association 1111 oignni- witlon which has as its purpose the encouraging of leading and studying and the promoting of development and ... i..,.wi,,i. i,r lllii-nrlea as a means of . popular education. Headquarters of the association are I in Chicago. OKLAHOMA SOLONS I WANTED THEIR DRINK i Case of Whiskey Found in One Com mittee Rooms of State Legislature. illy lli Aiaiwi.nel FrcioM Okhhoma City, Okla., March -10. Members of the lower house of the Oklahoma legislature went to their work today free from the. threat from .iruied guards who were po.dcd alsnil the floor during yesterday's session after Speaker Murray lllbbosns had dlaporered n case of whiskey in one of Ihe house committee rooms. One guard was expelled from the chaniter by a vote of the house, guns members protesting the speaker's ac tlon in swearing in the special guard Sneaker Gibbons told newspaper men that he acted to prevent drinking In the corridors or committee ronn Inrlns the remainder Of the session Final nd inurnment is scheduled for Saturday noon. The speaker said he poured the confiscated lUpinr into a . .-v ' LANSINtMSHH PACT HAS BEEN CANCELLED Agreement Made Void by Agreement Between ihe United States and .In rominent contractor killi:d by society (ilRI nan. Wasliington. March 80 (By tlie As sociated Pressi. The celeliratisl Lan-sing-Iahii agreement by which the Cnited Slates in 1!17 recognized .la pan's "special interests'' in China, has been cancelled hy mutual agreement of the Washington and Tokio govern- as set forth in this splendid address it menta, will only he necessary to name the I Diplomatic negotiations between the amount needed and it will lie forth-1 two governments have resulted in a coming. new understanding laised primarily on Mr S N Crouch, the assistant the provisions of the 9-power pact Grand Secretary, had for his subject I written at the Washington armaments "The Magic of the Three Links," and j conference, and regarded as applying his audience a number ot line more eneciutuiy me i" un-iyis gave open door, or equality of opportunity in China." livened In the 8th iiininn by a home , command of Lieut. R. K. Stoner. i.v . ntchnr FnuHrer for the State, i Fort Brass. Favetteville. N. C. He ex- Score: Nnvy ? rnnn. B hin i er-"-'- hici'lH I" i"i'i l'1""-'1 tonight so he can Hhlrts. Varsity" union snits, Knox hats, State: 8 runs, 12 h:ts, 1 error. Batteries: Peterson and Zlmmcr man: Hill, Curtis and Faulkner. This evening ni 7 :M "The date Beautiful." a story of Christ's Passion, will he given In pantomime at Calvary Lutheran Church. The public is in vited. A great deal of preparation has been made for the proper rendition of this exercise. snend Saturday and Easter with .11 is. Stoner, who is visiting her parents at. 1 Fayetteville. MOOOOOOOOOOOOfMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OUR AIM "Every Concord Family in a Home of its Own" A real home cannot bo rented. No man, prond ot his AMERI CAN CITIZENSHIP, should place his family in a rented house any more than he should dress his wife and children in rented clothes. We umlntalu, nnd we think you will agree with us that every qhlld has an inalienable fight to the joys of childhood, to health and strength, nnd to be reared In a real home. It is because of this AIM that we arc proud of the progress wc have made during the past 2" years. Yon can own your own home, by taking some shares in series No. 9 now open. All Stock Is Non-Taxuhle. "nt the BlomnvCniinon Co. nnints to think of and consider. He told the members that insofar as do ing good was concerned that it was possible for this order, which now has more than three million members, to rank next to the church. Mr. Conch stressed the point that the Church should always come first, and after that what time, energy and mon ey was left should lie devoted to bet ter service among men. During the half hour that Mr. Couch spoke he was given the very best of attention. II was a disappointment Ihat the Kminnnnlts decree team w as not ores-I adjourned to meet in ent lo coiner me iiibi .riiimgo." nounced, but in some wny there was a misunderstanding regarding this part of the program. After a few minutes' delay Mr. Ray Parnell, captain of the degree team of Cold Water Lodge No. G2, of Concord, was on the floor with a team from the local lodge, assisted by several of the visitin" members, who , . . .. . ....... ,1, ......... in it . ("iinierreti iie mm urcin: in ii i nleasins and satisfactory manner, cream and a lrult course. ivJiich called forth words of praise pressed their pleasure at being pres ent and enjoying the tine hospital!! of Cold Water Lodge the convention October with the After fatally Shooting Contractor the (.-id Turned Gnu on Herself and Committed Suicide. lily nu- ANmiclnied l'riws.i New York. March :!(). Frederick Burnham. used -14, a contractor, si ciallv. financially and professionally prominent, died early today, the victim of a gun In the hands of Miss Helene Ziesler. aired 2li. daughter or a wen to do Riverside Drive family, who killed herself after having mortally wounded Burnham in Ins othces late yesterday. The tragedy was believed to have followed the girl's discovery, after a short friendship with Burnham. rnat the contractor was married. Br the Aa-laled New York. Man b Mr-Two fire men were killed and 1: injnred lo dsv while fighting a spectacular fire that swept two factories and four ten ements in the East Side for a time threatening Bellevue Hospital with Its 2.IKK). . , The dead firemen and mosr oi in Injure! were buried noneatn a oriea. wall which was toppled into the street by a gas explosion. Others were burn ed while rescuing the occupants of Ihe blazing tenements. The lire was fought ny one oi me greatest arrays of apparatus ever as sembled In the city, it wuh rouqira ed after a battle of nearly five hours. ARCHBISHOP ZEPLIAK IB NOT TO HE rci 1T in .' i n Soviels Sentence Him to 'ten lea Imprisonment I niler nmn isola tion. Moscow, March "0 (By the Asso inted Pressi. -The death sentence re cently imposed on Archbishop eplhiK, head of the lloman i:atnone unurcu In Russia, was commuted today to ten yeurs imprisonment under strict iso lation. Appeal of vicar www Butehkavitch for clemency was de nied. rhe Central Executive l-ommwroe which meet to consider requests ror mitigation of sentences, said it its ne clsion that both prelates were deserv ing of the penalty imposed by ihe Moscow court, but that commutation was ordered in the case of the. arch- mttoettra in llussia mignc espiou mo sentence as lielng directed against the) priests and their religion. The committee, however, said It re garded the evidence in the case of Monselgndr Bntehkvitch as allowing his direct connection with an enemy of the state. The decision was sign ed by President Kalinen and Sercet'iry Sa pronoe. New Cotton Mill for Hudson. .11"- (he Amtnciatm Plain . Raleigh, March 30. State Senator Mark Squires. Lenoir, was one of the principtri incorporators of ihe Cald well Cotton Mill Company, Hudson, capitalised at $000,000, granted a char ter today hy Secretary of State W. N. Even II. Among the other incorpo rators are R. L. Uwyn, Lenoir, and li lt. Hayes, Hudson. PLEMM0NS MOTOR CO. DESTROYED BY FIRE Large Garage in Asheville Scene of Blaze Which Caused Much Dam age. (Special to The Trtlnrae.l Asheville. March 30. Damage esti mated at 27,000 was incurred In a Are which early this morning swept through the building occupied by the Plemmons Motor Company here. Thirty-five automobiles, many of them new. and twa large passenger misses were damaged by the flames. A ne gro boy sleeping in an automobile, was overcome by fumes and was taken to a hospital. The fire la believed to have been caused by defective wiring in one of the care. Alleged Auto Thief Arrested IHy (he Aimnclnled Praaa.1 Kaloiuh. March .111. Dennis lodge In the State. Wildes- nlngs, said to be wanted at Charlotte land other places in connection wilh the theft of automobiles, has been arrest ed at Detroit, the Department of Jus tice here has been advised. Funeral of T. II. Winccotf. Salisbury. March 29. The funeral of the !ate T. M. Wiuecoff, who died at his home on West Bank street Tuesday morning, took place front i.. the First Method's! church Wednes- horo A very enjoyable part of the meet ing was the banquet served at the close of the session. Messrs. Joe Wal ter, Herbert Smith and Kay Parnell the committee and made arrange ments in detail us to this part of the nrosram. A splendid collation was served, consisting of sandwiches, Ice START RIGHT BY STARTING NOW Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. Suttimerless Year for Canada Is Pre dicted Toronto, March liftShivering Can adians who follow the forecasts or local weather prophets were all work ed up today over predictions that this year would pass witnout any buuuudt, i With the temperature at or below ; aero throughout Ibis section, the local fnwwnaters harked hack to 1810 for a parallel for the summerless year they are predicting. in ioio, amurnni records say, there was frost In every month of the year. Birds were kill oil: com and oilier crops failed to ripen nnd the northern United States, they say, was treated to a .Inne snow storm. Sir Frederick Stuart, director of the meteorological service, asked alsiiit the. predictions, refused to guar antee a 1!23 summer, though he 1 thought there would be one. Ruild Gas Water Hester on Special Terms. I If you waut to get a Rnud gas j water heater on special terms, act now. The Concord and Kannapolls Gas Co, twill sell you one for only 75 cents I down, hulanec fit) cents a week, total only $2-1.75. This special price in cludes complete installation. In The Tribune today you will find a whole page ad. Half of Ihem are already anno, and if vui want one you would belter hurry. Clip out Hie cotipou in. and commendation D"iu all pi-onont UjitJoxiMtwiisMsion After a number of visitors had ex- day afternoon at 2 ocock. conduct ed bv the pastor, the Rev J. F. Kirk, assisted by the Rev. John W. tMoore, ai former pastor, now of Stutesville, and the Rev. A. L. Ayeock, of Canton, a fomrsr pastor of the deceased at lomoa il Fnrlev. the credit man. ' China livove. i ne ouriai service woe has a big ad. in today's Tribune, show-1 in charge of members of the two lug many special Easter offerings in Salisbury and the China Grove ladies' dresses and coats, millinery, j -Masonic lodges, women's, men's nnd boys suits, shoes, , - ., it i .. im-,. ici-iiii(iii nni h-pi tii mi mi More than 100 delegates were pres-1 etc . mmw t f " f " " hI Bnn- the Hist of.es are quoicu, nun i nm i-.-i-" ------ - - whhti-wasIield Thtii'sdii aftoinoon. DIRECTORS Geo. h. Patterson J. Frank Goodman Alex. R. Howard Chas. B. Wagoner Dr. W. I). Pemberton M. C. Barnhardt B. L Cmberger M. L. Marsh A. F. Goodman A. N. .lames P. F. Shillings Dr. J. A. Patterson Chas. M. Ivey F. C. Nlblock The mighty power of the dollar that you have earned Is back ot you so long as yon have not spent It. New interest quarter In our Savings Department liegins April 1st. All deposits made In this department on or lMfore April 10th draw four per cent, interest from April 1st, compounded quarterly. BANK SOMETHING REGULARLY CITIZENS Bank and Trust Co. Concord, N. C. Chas. B. Wagoner A. F. Goodman President Cashier C. L. Propat, Boj-d Blggers Aast. Cashier Carl Beaver Tellers there.00. tist churches in Wales. hhx:so -XOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtXX)OOaOOOOOC New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April 10th will draw inter est from April 1st. Will you be better off ten years from now than you are today? You won't unless you save part of your earnings. THINK IT OVER The ConcordNationalBank Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 BOOOOOOOOOOQQagOOCOfXrX.wl,v.SC: the page ad. in today's paper.