i The Concord Daily Tribune ; ASSOCIATED PRESS 4 DISPATCHES A VOLUME XXIII CONCORD. N. C , TUESDAY. APRIL 3, 1023. NO. 79. TODAY'S NEVS TODAY. , -fr h SIX AIRPLANES Of ARMY FINISH TRIP TO BOLLING FIELD Successful Flights Made by Planes From Texas to Por to Rico and Back to Na tional Capital. 6,000 MILES WERE COVERED ON TRIP ". Officials Was Department Consider the Trip "One of Most Remarkable Pioneer Flights in History." f (By (I. r- tBortw a ri..( Washington. April 3. The six army :i 1 rjUjiiifs nrriveal Hi Boiling Field Ik'ip toduy concluding a circtiil f more tb.m (Unmi nnli" irr.ni San Anlonln Taxas. to I'orto Hio, anal return in Washington, which was unVlally n gnrded by the War Department as "atne of Hi.' most remarkable pione. r flights in the history of aviation." Planes Off Tor Washington. Newport News, April .'i. Tin- six army iiirplain's which reoently Mow from Sim Antonio lo Painln Iti.ai. he lel off from I.angley Field 11 1 lo ::; this morning 1m. mill for WnHlif iitrtcii. EX KAISKR nESERTKD AT D00R' BY HERM1XE York Correspondent l ormer War Lord Derhires the is .Hst Triiifls Kimire in Europe. York, Engluinl, April 2. -Roimrta of 11 serlons dimijrreemenl bol ween former Emperor Wl Ham and Prbice.sa Hoimine. bis bride of u few monihs. which have cropped onl from time to time since the first of the year, are revived today by the Doom ,..r- "esponuent or the orkshIre Kvnnmg . Nwi, The correapondenl Btntes he has learned ' from a glngularly well nformed aourev." that the ex-kais i- aud his wife have definitely separated as a result of domestic troubles. When Princess Henuine left IVorn recently slw, wept nijtcnstbly to in sped family estates In Ucrmuny. nut in reality, assorts Ihe corrosp.Mii nl. she has pone lo ive with her pin? teliitivea. 'The actual separation is ovsr a fortnight old," he AeelnreRa . "but the Secret has been well kept." 'Ihe ex emperor's life Is reported to oe 'virtually solitary and Ids establish ment virtually simp e. lor although his private means lire, still ample they are not under his control." In the article the ex-kaiser is de scribed as "'one of the mosl tragic figures in Europe today." PILOT MOUNTAIN IS BURNING OYER NOW" The Blaze Has Spread Over 600 Aeres, But No Serious Damage Has Been Done. illy the vnoc!hi'iI Press.) Winston-Salem. April 3. The, fam ous Pilot Mountain. 40 miles north of this city in Surry enmity, is being burned over, aeinrding to 11 telephone message roceivnl here this morning. It wits discovered Sunday and is sup posed to have been ejiiisisl by an Mas ter visitor dropping a cigar or cigar ette on this southwest sidi.vof the mountain. The blaze bad spread over 000 aeres and hud not --been extin guished at aoon today. No serious damage has lieen done, as mostly 1 leaves and dead timber were in the pathway of the lire. Steal Three Trucks of Whiskey. IB a lie Aaaaartateal Prcaaas, Baltimore. April 3. Whiskey thieves hKrtce into a warehouse of the Balti more Distilling Company in South Hall iinoic early today, bound the three watchmen, and carried away three large truck loads of liquor. Earl of Carnarvon Desperately UL Cairo. Em nt. April 3 I By the Asso elated Press). Illness of the Karl of Carnarvon took a sudden change for , the worse this morning. His condi tion Is characterized as critical. 000000KMKWWO-y MONEY TO LEND FOR HOME BUILDING We favor the lending of money for home building or buying to voung couples who have saved up some money add appreciate that tbeir program simply MUST inclmle a HOME OF THEIR OWN. How we envy them the selection of the home plan ! What Joy Is theirs in determining the details und acrensorles for that HOME. Such HOMES are a substantial expression of Ihe Indi viduals who own them. We will lie glad to discuss the terms of a loan with any who are Interested. We DO NOT MEAN To CON FINK THE INVI TATION To YOUN0.C0lPLES. No ONKtlS TOO OLD To HAVE HOME AMBITIONS. COME IN TODAY AND MAKE TUB. START BY TAK1N0 HOME SHARES IN SERIES NO. 51 NOW OPEN. START NOW. LOANS MADE PROMPTLY. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. L TO THE .H I IINFtDlkVi t 1 IV tnlnll I I By ik. aa lliata DaavlUa. V . V.i .1 X A m. o.iii- 1.' n. 11, hi j- yram r hv Ibr late in. H. H. Ta-ai. of this Hl.r. I hun or the u - ... i- id ibr CiaaifeaWary by wtlui In ihrir Raw a Ailing .an in. 111 laaaa Uimi rarivfaj l.i hiaa I alio, allhrntgh more ilian e.vutv jnr , of age. -ilM i 1111I11. ii.mI idi.tvwI.'I In I'aafMrtfctr lioiK.r or; inlu.il.ai. In. - ; im uaa of M-.en la.itb eta that 1. mi; hi in I ha Civil aar. All a,f Ibciu . ..-I.. 1 :-i ..11. 1. 1 taaattb-a a lib I ..in laa-iaig killed., IhiI wveral of tbein U'n woiiml'il !i" 1- said i bat.- Ilelil llM- I lew I III. I IV.. m1l of Ibe .smith binl made grant saoi l!l.is In I Ibe miliar suirltkm iiil lo Hkmo : Unit fongkl. I He 1.1. - 1 11 xulflll mm 011 Iln 11 I. nl lank thirty years ago as 11 I no. leu of a filial.' He .Ileal iin.l Ibe movement was st...Ml. The money, however, has Im-n drawing interest steadily ami today it amounts to s :. Mrs. Temple wilbln I he lst nm weeks bus mianl nearly iC-IKl by pri Mile soli. IIMIh.li lowanl 11 total amount of S'J.ooo which, he aalil. would irn vi.le 11 proper memorial. The memorial wool. I he phn-e.1. ac cording 1,1 pinna, 011 ihe grounds ..f the Xlelllorilri Mansion. ( hen- .leffersou I hi via is raid lo have hehl his bs nliiuaj meetiuR before ilislniiiallng r- lliaiiellll. . 'f i:AS MAN SKVERKI.Y BK.ATKN BY I-AMI iW INMASKKII MEN I, Y. Itnrhon Jal.en Eriini Aulmiio hile. and KloKKeil and llreneheil Willi Creosole Hip. Ill h.- Anaoelnlrd lrr. I Tnylor, Tex . April :!.. W. Ilnrle son. ol Wear. Texas, a small town tear here, was in a Taylor hospital today rivoi erinc from Ihe efforts of a II. ir jrlti"; Sunday night. His head was gashdl mid his shoulder miillliiled Burleson wsih taken fr.ua an auio mohile h a hand of unmasked men and driven to a point near the San (iilbrlel River, wbipMsl and lienten oil Ibe head wilh tii.ilols. I hen brought lo Taylor and chained lo 11 tree near the eity hall, where three buckets of ereo sote dip were poured on him. according to the story told the police. , Representatives here of the Ku Klux Klan denlod conne pine n ml Ihe polici tiou with Ihe while apparently had no elite, Anoriilni; lo lliirleaon. the police said, he or that him. had been untitled Ivy a pristoh 11 11 attack was in he made on Kiiler Was Celebrated One We.'l: Too Karl), Says Rector. SVoi'Ci'Sier. 'Mass.. Aprrl -. When the (li gorian change in calendar was made and the'ealciidar of Easier dnys for future years was prepared some astrinionier at Home made a mistake in sottjii; down April 1 as the date lor this year, said Rev. Henry W. Hobson inday, Mr. Hobsoti is rector of A l-Saints. 1 lie largest Protectant ESrisenpnl church in this city. He said that under th-' chtireh rules next Sunday should he Easier be cause the full moon following the 21st of iMarch which determines the utile. 1 came yesterday morning. Through Train Planned From Beau fort to Cincinnati. Winston, April 1. A through train from Beaufort to Cincinnati, the first over the local branch of the' Norfolk .Southern railroad, is a poasfbillty, it was stated by chamber of commerce men today. L. J. Newborn?, president of the organization, slated that such a train would be of Inca enlable tien;--tll to the section. Sleeping cars, il is understood, will be hauled all Ihe way from the Carolina coast town to Cincinnati over the tracks of the Norfolk Southern ami Southern sys tems if the service is established. Plan Orphan Home at Salisbury. IMjr Ibe Asawlan-al Pres.! Hnllslmiy, N. C. April 3. Plans tire under wuv to obtain for Salisbury and Rowan County 11 $250,000 orphan home, the Iwsis of a $1.(Hs.0OO insti tution, which the Junior Order of Unit ed American Mechanics is scheduled to build, .ludge P. S. Carlton, state councilor of the Juniors, is in Wash ington now in a conference with nat ional officials of the organization in regard to the orphanage. Hon. W. 11. Matthews, one of Meek lenburg'st representatives in the Gen eral Assembly, is spending the day in Concord. WlllltMv foNDITDlS uuh i mi aa at 1 W W,l I n- il). Ua liiior.il 11. a Br tk lnwlMll rn.i lUMch, April a.-Piiaeral s-nl.., for Uaafca-rt lluppell. who iliol al a local koaniial ier.;.i fnan Injuries i" la an iiaitanol.ie r Pnudav night, avre Mil Brrv ihi morning WUIiam Vmh.r laffanllx killej In the aalw in4. a. ill l l.url.'O luiiHirr.iw IS.1i William. .n t baril ilruc gll. nivl Kml Kinkiu. who were se- hon.ilr lainrad in il rash, neie r- uorr.il from Hie hospital this utwrn in: a 'uii-ini- their oirn.' J I. IIoIhtimi. Jr of I'lirtsnioiith. Vh . u ho rpeHviil slight injuries, was i. . I.iire.il from the 1 -.,i , last ulchi. Wlllinins is n n.,n .,f s V Williama, formerly of n I SI REM!: ( OI RT Kills At.AINST K. II. B1N0HAM ArtiiMi of Court Menits That Kiu.lmm -Wil Die In KWtrir Chair in South Carolina. 1B7 the tsMtelalni l'r,-... Colinnbia. s. c. April X Kilmnnil 1 1. Hlnaiuiiu. tiMivlrted two yenra itjro of Ihe slaving of his hrother. I, Smi ley lliiighani, til I'nmplim, s C Is lo die in the eleelrb.- chair. Ihe Supreme Court deebleii in an opinion handed down here today. The iniiri reniatal- d Ringhniii tojiic lower lonrl for re- selilelicilijr Kiiigbiim, alrhoiigb eiinviete.1 of the murder of his brother, was also eharg "I with having killed his null her. sis ami his sister's two adopted children He has biin in the stale M'iiiteiillary iiiucli id the tune since his conviction. UNIVERSITY TRI STEKS TO MEET APRIL l!)(h At Meeting Building Program For Two Years Mill Be Maped Out by the Board. III. Ihe Asaaiell.tral Prena.a ltaieigh, April 3. The Board nl' Trustees of the University of North Carolina w ill hold a 111. s ling al Chapel Hill April 111, to take linn I action mi the institution's building program fot the next two years. The decision on the proposed building fur women, will he reached at this time. The University has a total of SI.- GTaU.tKN) to spend on permanent im provements during the next two years. Thinks We Can CoRHMliiralr Willi "Spirits"' Before Long. aal the AMoetateal rria. (Spokane, Wash.. April .'!. J'hureh pimple and many others interested in Ihe possibilities he.M.nd life were (lis cussing tod.ix ihe irt'i! adicm mad. lrefe yesterday by Kt. Rfcv. Herman Page, bishop of Spokane diocese of the Prolestanl Episcopa' Church that ivunmtinication with the spirits of the dead "will eventually by as possible as it is now t ' communicate by wire less." Highway Commission Meeting in Ral eigh. I II v the s 11l.nl IV.NS.I ltaieigh. April ". Willi approxi mately 300 inferesied persons in at tendance, the Stale Highway Commis sion toilay was considering the lolling of contracts lor approximately 110 miles of road const ruction in North Carolina. The conference Is being held in the House of Representatives at the slate eapitol, and final action will not he taken until late today. Snath l ari'liiia Mills tlratil IniTcasc in Pay. Chester, S. C, April 2. t'lie Springs chain of cotton mills, includ ing tho Springstein. Eureka and Chester numbers one and two here; K011 Mill iM-anufnc'uring Cciupaiiy, Furl IMIII; Lancaster Cotton Mils. Lancaster, and Kershaw Cotton Mills, Kershaw, increased wages of their operatives effect. ve today a'.oiit tin per cent. Oilier mills in this section an nouncing ten per cent Increases are the Baldwin 'Mills here; ami ihe Kr publie Cotton Mills al deal Fa Is. Want to Disband House of David 'ninny. Ijinslng. Mich.. April 3 (By Ihe As sociated Press). "lino warranto" pro-1 reedlnga to compel officials of the I House of Hnvid colony to show cause why the organisation should not be ; disbnndedwere Instituted in Bingham nounty circuit court here today by the State of Michigan. No Action iu Forstyle County. (By the Aaa.aacrnia.al Prraua. 1 Winston-Salem. April 3. No act on has been taken by Hie Eorsylho coni has been taken by HIP imiIIu cm mbwioncrs on the revaluation of pro- 1 petty, and II is undecatooal lhal Chair man O. B. Eaton does not favor a re duction at this time. The mailer will probably lie considered ate today or at an adjourned session tomorrow. Wage In crease Announced ton County Mills. By Gas- Castonln, AprT 2. Wage adjust-, ments, amounting to substantial in creases, were announced tiMlny by the Armstrong. iMyers and Rankin chain of cotton goods mills located in Uas ton county. The exact amount of the Increase was not stilted V Charge Man Has 18 Wives. I Br Ike Va... lnlrfl I'ra-aa., WIlkeslMiirc, Pa., April M. The al leged Ihjfrlnionlal adventures of Chas. Davis. 70. reached a total of IS yes terday. Davis, who Is lielng held on lilgnni? charges. Insists that Im was hever married. No Ueassi-ssim ul in Hainan County Ordered. k I Salisbury. April 2.--ltowan county commissioner today decided not tn have a raTassesemetit of prnprrty ml year, but fo let assessments stand as at present with I lie exception 01 in dlviiliui' a uses where adjustment a are necessary. No Reassessment of This County Will M.Uil.-l. of Ihe Hoard "f County 1 1 CoimuhMhatera of I'aiarriH M.aHta) .lei hbsl nH lu Bare a re-a-ammiH-nl of i.ai-tv Ihla year. Ian In lot asMuieits .11, a hi prox-lit v. 'cli tb. .-Miabai of individual mv e ah'le aljiwlleat an' ns-:ir. This a an Ihe i'Mfmrtani a. lion Ink.-n by the jianlsiiMiers al then roi-uUii April laeelui- at Ihe .rt house Monday, theiiidi a aianber of a.alt.i of general UJeret were I a ken up and di-i",sii 01 l,v rbe board iio-iu-bTi. Ihe ti-soli"h.n relative !.. the .- s.smetilt of renl eat.lte in the iimihII' reads: ll.s.iil, nv the hoard ..r eonimisaliau rs that tii.- tinl ufati' of Cahnrnis c.mafy is : 1 iir.Kiit ass.s.s. il at a true value ir money, and that .1 r.':iss.".meni ih.-i ; is unmi-essary and dial he 1 1, :- 1, 11 la- imtere.l nan the lax lasikafor ihe u.-xi ipiad rennlnl sm i.wl al tln ir pn-.iil as sess.sl value." c I.. Sjaiirs, i-ouiit' tux iidbitor, was given pn a.l.litfoual :tll days in which 10 colhst taxes U-fore the prop erly K ailverllmil for sale. 'riic Isuird ordered Hun a survey he miide from the Intersection of the new i'attersoii Mill road 10 the Nalionlll Highway. The new rniid froki Ihe Sims' road More Candidates Decide to Go After City Offices Mayor Womble Enters Race and Five New Candidates Are Seeking Office as Aldermen From Various Wards. Julius F. F'.sher Wtihdraws From Race. Politics hero is stead of having lnnry on Saturday plajking up. and in 1 father calm pri- 1 nr. in . 11. a he nl' as jji imtiry held .lock of V-i it-apa'iirs that Ihe e ,-ni will iieh Inleres! its in recenl years, indidntes mad. nny The ity in first 1 their announcements) Monday, lo be followed today by the aniiiuiiic."ii"in ol live others who would secure a iity Job from the voters at the primary. rhe second block of aspirants i headisl by Mayor J. T! Womble, who at lasi has sol al rest all uncertainty is to whether or not he is to h. 11 iiiulhlilte this year. Mr. Womble is a candidate, and his mends are active now in Jiis behalf. Mr. Wonihle threw his hat in the political ring again with a formal announew '.cut which was 111:. hi; . tie ill seeking Ihe highest iHilltlcal oilice Ihe voters of the city can bestow on any one. ' in addition to Mr. Wouible's 1111 iiouncemenl there are ainiuiinccments from four other nu n who would he aldermen. They arc W. W. Flowe. from Ward one: ". A. Wilkinson from Ward I wo: C. M. Key from Ward three and .1. (!. MeEaeliern. from Ward lour. No new aspirant for the oilice of alderman a I large ap peared during the day, and il seems Unit Mr. J. T. Sapp. who made .111 noiinccnicnl Monday, will have no op position for thai honor. It. A. Hullender is the only announc ed candidate for alderman from Ward five. I'nless some opposition develops this week, he will enter the primary without anyone opposing him. In addition to the announcements from men seeking office, there came nuiiotinccmenl from cue candidate w ho entered the conical Monday, thai he would not ho a c lithlte. Mr. Julius F. Fisher, who made aiiiiniincemenl Monday lhal he was a candidate from I Ward two. -slaked ! Ins morning lhal afler more ronstile ration lie nan ur eided not lo make the race. His decis ion leaves Mr. Wilkinson in Ward two without opposition. I'nless other candidates are heard from Ihe voters will decide lielvveen Mayor Womble and J. O. Moose for tin' nomination of mayor: between .Inn. Ii. Petrea and W. W. Flowe lor alder man from Ward one; between It. C Litaker and .1. (1. MeEaeliern lor al derman from Ward four. Mr. lvey is the only candidate so far from Ward three. Political leaders who are now tak ing much interest in the coming pri mary, declare candidates' for school commissioners will he announced to morrow. A commissioner at large and one each from Ward one and ! Ward four are to he chosen this year, laud so far no one Is tin announced mndiilnte. It is generally reported here mat DIRECTORS C.co. L. Patterson J. Frank GoodinaB Alex. R. Howard Chas. B. Wagoner Dr. W. D. I'emberton B. 0. Barnliardt B. L. Umberger M. L. Marsh A. F. Hoodmnn A. N. .lames P. y. Stalllngi Dr. J, A. Patterson Chns. M. Ivey F. C. Nlbltxk c ! :mjltltfmtttmttlm..ummltMtltlmittnavMtm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaamaaaaaaaaaa .1 Now Open btmXfAWWim New luteresl Real Estate in Be Made This Year to I hartie Cablai-H s, ia M.aris Mill. was . ,. by Ibe i.l .... h isiwl I m ,l,-i'i lot Mi . aaa Hh nxxt liaa.rt anl linil 1. -r .Itspjaxsl .f by the hoard Willi ibe e.ijal.ui ..f I be 1 . i- 1.1 Tile eleel i.Hi W il .-ftlleil f.u Mar :i ami Hr V M.swe was wane tegisirar and 1" M 1 nuk and l.utb.r Kill llie Jtl.lKIsi I.T I ho eb-. li.in The ebslioli v ill ilfsjrrMilw ahelhel Ihe tai.iile ..f Mi. I'hasalll are In ! laxe. in nnts .,11 inch ..it. hiindrisl dollars. 1he m.aie. In ! kUfUl for a n.-w IkmI building ami a tamper salnsil lerla K 0 I loll ul ' ill' mine roml will ! i was order"! iiiaale. first clirva' laayaallal I house and t. run II laaml ihe Miami itingasl. A nure; lo laiiin at the iMida'rsam l.ilaka'i's aitgh Ihe lands of Yaitai Clin to liiteraai-l to llalilby llrailgh's and I the same s. h.a.1 he wisha wilh I'M road alaiiit llag-1 sanl. sinn nl 11. f the la nd ill I ! .1 - the pail i-siait raaial. All Caiurasb-rate mint)' who want li reunion lo la held U leans. . an make Itetisa' of I In c.llllil . Vet. inns of Cue 1 attend the 11 lilrllll I this ya-ar In New Ihe trip at the : The board agraisl CIV Hie eXlll-es nl al the lllii all) in' all 1 heir n n I iln; I.. 1 etel an ciei,se-- Aim III.! 111. 1 III Newspaper Reports Contra dict the Recent Statements That the Soviets Changed Sentence to Imprisonment. Miwoov April 3 I By Ihe Associated Press!. Vicar Oeneml Buab liklavJtcli has been executed. The Pravdji says ihe, execution oc curred 011 March :ilsr. The newspi per Isveslia asserts : 'I he semem e ef death mi Bntebkav ilch, Whose reprieve was refused, has Ihm'II carried mil." Mousignoi- 111 111 1 1 Is 1 : 1 i 1 . 1 1 tuel dciilh hcl'ore a tiring sipiail. The lime and place are nut given. Details nf ihe prelate's exiiitlioti 1 jn-ehiihlv will never he reveal.': I. I Judging from w hat happend in pre I viinis cases il is Ihollght probable thai aftej' the excciiiive ii.muiittee had re ' fused lo reprieve him lie was remove. I from Ihe prison in which his col leagues were confined In the prison fin- the condemned, and that there, i after, the death sentence had been read 'to him. he was executed. CHECK! PS SHOW BANDITS MADE VKRY RICH HAI L II Is Know Mail Stolen in SI. Louis Was Valued at JSI.'J.Tfl at Least. St. Louis, April :'. (By Ih" Assnci- ja'teil Prcssi. i'oslolliee inspectors lo i day announced a pari ill I checkup nf 1 registered mail obtained by bandits here yosterdy, showed the nine stolen 'pouches contained al least $31.2311 in j negotiable bonds. II is possible the complete investigation will show thai Ihe robbers obtained negotiable paper running into six figures, il was said Ihe Republicans will offer no ticket the election, though this report ha never been authenticated. The city is Democratic by a good majority, and according to some leaders, the Repub licans will offer no ticket unless they feel there are enough dissatisfied Dem ocrats alter the primary to put their lickel through. The primary will he held Saturday from - lo II o'clock. The judges and registrars for the election lo he held May Sh. will be named by Ibe alder men Thursday night. nuarter Savings Department begins April 1st. All deposits made In this department on or before April 10th draw four per cent, interest from April 1st, compounded quarterly. BANK SOMETHING REGULARLY CITIZENS Bank and Trust Co. Concord, N. C. 1 Chas. B. Wagoner A. V. Goodman President Cashier L. Propsl. Asst. Cashier Boyd Riggers Carl Beaver Tollers t KTf Ml, H M HlNH i " BtM.BtlJ. 1 11 1 I'M 1 W ill l lharn This Year la All PaWir 1 High hrhial laajas. 1ia.1 Hill. N c April I 1, h i llM- -l,l,- alilextn.nl laaday lo I'. It Itankin. was-Tetjiry. ibe ,1, f... Ibe alia If I1I2I1 vb.s.l ..- ...1 pi.'lolilp will ... ,.. i, this vej.r. u la ! ibe laast. 1.. all pnblia lusti a. h.a. ret I ra-aaajllall I, lanaa. nil aal . li.t iulll- , lis are eliaJMr and rasfilhad to tb"-.i-i iiii.-n.lein r prlnaiiml The prill. iiill ihl.l.. ill Ihe Hiyi- bil.IV inh-s ta.a a-ar ..vet those nl l:at Va-.ii jla- i.iali -jlal ,'i legohltiaaia thru- and Lie. will. I. laava- l il.. ai'bl alien. lane- aial aa-hatlnatia- raiiarals 1'le 'Meiagas alalia, alleiiilaiui- r'SjUiiail ha laim raisasl li..in Itfiy s-r .mi lai m l. while it 11. iw 1 tiillilisl 1 lua I a sill denl miisl have ji-.i f.'i- ih inamths. J or longer, fall I. mi of lie- present s. IhmiI a-ar 1. majority of Ihe alinll.-. in saaua iccailiiri. invaalicail Iil-s.. Ill I. rople- linlivbliuil entry blanks players a . e due In l- in the I i.l li:; ml the aitiiimittii' by April 111 enaiia aaf faallllv maliapel tin- week foliowiiig April I'll 1 III! earl. 1- -11 ir- rauga. ih. school 1. seliealidcs anal 1 he stal lojh chilli chllllllliailtship sa-rii'i i i will atari immediately, li probably will Im tiea-a-ssary tor each sa'haiol In I plfll I w.i yalnoi even we-'k 1 Since the stale high sa hasil baseball ! -l.:i in : - - series were Inaiigurii'ail in Ihe spring nf 11 I, He following high schools hnie won the title 1,1 ihe. years indicated . Sylvan. 11114. '.01.'.: Clayton. IPlla-BCTJ : Cherry ill... !ilT: Winston-Salem. HUH; K.-d link. IPI'.I. 1 l!r1. and Crii'tishoro. IOL'0. , I The committee al the t'niversily of ! Nnrlll Carolina is cmuposed of N. W. -I Walker, chairman: K. H. Hiinkin. sis -Iretary: C. T. Woodlan : W. Mck. I-'et-zer ami Itolwrl A. Eatzcr. I A trophy cup is awarded every year I I in remain in the permanent pusse-isinn i i.f 1 Shi school winning ihe clnnipion-1 THE ( 0 f TON MARKET Opened Steady at Points Due to hies. Advance of ! to ' Firm Liverpool Ca- illy liic Aaaawelaieal Pra-aw. Ta'ew York, April '. The cotton 111:1 r kel opened steady al an advance of !i to U7 points, owing to relatively firm Liverpool cables, icports of nnsettleil weather iu the South with further trains in ihe southwest, ami claims of rather a steadier tune 111 the spil mar ket. .Near niniillis were relatively (inn mi covering and iu sympathy with cables, with May selling up to I's.r,., and July to L'T.ss during the early trading, or :3 a lo 33 poinis net higher, whTle crew"" cf-up jiositlotis showi puillt: -il nel ailvatla-l if 11 I. IS I'ol ton futures' opened linn : la." : July L't.sl : 1 letober 'Jn.:'.T nher Jl.sii: .la unary uniiloled Mav 1 1 DINERS CHEEK NAME OF W00DK0W WILSON Dc1110nslr.il ion Orcnrrotl in Hotel As tor, During Address by Lord Kohcrl t ceil of Fluglaiid. Hy the saaielala1 Press New Vork. April II. Woodrow Wil son lislenei! 10 Ihe address of Lord ltoberl Cecil mi Hie League of Nations here last night by radio at his home in Washington. When it was announced lhal Hie former President was hearing the address. Ihe diners al Ihe Hotel Astor ruse Iu (heir feel and cheered. Mrs. Wilson, who was present, smiled happily as she joined in Hie tribute lu her husband. Mrs. Wilson is thogncsl nl' Mr. and Mrs. Berlin nk Bill neb. mi her lirsl vis il In t; York in Iwo years. IHTLFORD PROPERTY MAA BE KEASSESSED Commissioners Not Expected to Reach Decision in Matter Before late To day. ally III Aaaa.elnle'i Pra-as.) (ireenshnro, April tt. Revision of properly valuation for taxing purpos es will probably he. authorized by the "Mhuiird of commissioners of (Juilford county, il was intiin 1 toil by members of that body in monthl session here to day. Especially will values of prop erty in (ireensboro and High Point lie cipmlized. it was indicated. There are several delegations np nearing before the commissioners, and ii will probably he lale today or some Mine Wednesday before a definite de cision is reached. Lmidon's annual I built IIM1.0IKI lulls dish nf meal i ria3t3OCXX)00O00OO0000O0O0OO00O0OOtXMXKX0 ' New Interest Quarter Begins April 1 IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 4 PER CENT. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits made on or before April 10th will draw inter est from April 1st. Will you he better off ten years from now than you are today? Vou won't unless you save part of your earnings. THINK IT OVER The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000.00 " Surplus $100,000.00 v-" ,ar -a rt a a All uuoiNtoo mm un SEC, HOOVER SAYS The Secretary of Commerce Thinks There is Good Rea son to Expect Iyong Con tinuance of Prosperity. SAYS GOODS ARE NOT ACCUMLATING And This Means Business Houses Will Continue to Buy. Prices Also Remain on Firm Foundation. ill. the Aaaaoa-laalarat Pi MB. I Washingii.il. April S The nauairy'l pl'.-sauit business Isxahi Is 011 a sound found. ilinu. S.sretary Hoover sal. I t.a day. and there is kooiI reaaua to ex ls t a long . out in ua lice of prosiierity. 'The husln coiiilltion is marked fact tbut gooals are ,lsl ,m n m not aiTiimuUitlng." the Sea-retary said. "Although production is at a high l.lut. cnnsniiiplioii is equally gisal. lioods arc moving coiitiuiioitsly through the channels of distribution, ami are not piling up in a way that might ni di, ale a check ID business nativity would he possible. "Likewise, prices are nut showing Ihe runaway tendencies that we 'wit nessed during the war. and Immediate ly after. Although economic forecast ing is always hnxardiiiis, I can sin nothing mi the business horizon which indicates thai reverses are due." KI LLS Jl R FOREMAN WAS T.A.MPEKED WITH Fur This Benson Jury in Conspiracy Case in Philadelphia Was Excused by Ihe Court. illy 1 in- Vasin-liii.il Prraaaa.) Philadelphia. April :!. Because of alleged tampering with Ihe foreman, Judge .1. Whitaker Thompson in the 1'nite.d States District Court today, discharged the jury trying the easo of twenty-nine men charged with con spiracy lo illegally withdraw and sell lhpior. Terrenee O'Longblin. Ihe foreman, -n I. a. hi it. &.YIHI'.! hail ml n chicj-iiav aj- ltfa.ii.liat). lit nf eniirt lie w-ilt hfiro ' hcjiring Thitrsdny. Judge Thompson, in dismissing the jury, dim-ted that a new panel hi' assehlyed April 'Si. Willi Our Advertisers. One dollar. If put on savings ac count, in 300 years would lie Worth $(itl,3"T,4:t!.S3. Of course you do not. waul lo wait 300 years lo enjoy your savings, but this shoyvs the wonderful power of eunipuimd interest. S(Hl ail. of Citizens Bank and Trust Cnmpnny. Real supremacy in bedroom I'lirni lure can he found nl the Bell & Har ris Furniture Co. The Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet is il practical and popular labor saver. Seo ad. uf II. B. Wilkinson. After the flu lake Vinnl Oibson Drug Store sells it. If ymi need a fountain syringe, go to ('line's Pharmacy. The Central Filling Station has a new ad. today. I .shipment nf Itanila and La Fnyetle hats just received by the Specialty Hal Shop. Von can gel till kinds of meats at C. II. Harrier aV Co. s. See the new nil. loday ol the Cn- coral Bakery -Milk-Maid Bread The Cabarrus B. at L. Association has money to lend you fny hiiildif vou a home. See (iilbcrl llendrix lit the Concord National Hank. II is dangerous to put ice in drink--ing water get tin automatic refriger ator with water cooler from Ihe Con curd Furniture Co. FHeclion Day in Chicago, in. the Aaaaoeiated 1'res.a.a Chicago April o. Chicago voters to day are voting for a mayor, 'JO alder men, and a representative in Congress from the Second Illinois district to fill the unexpired term of the late .1. lines it. Matin. -Tlie candidates for mayor are Arhur ('. Lender, republi can: Judge Win. E. Dover; und Win. A. i J

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