VOLUME XX1I1 CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 5. 1923. NO. 81. Tornado Which Hit Section of Wake County Injured 25 and Damaged Much Property FIFTY BUILDINGS IK WENDELL WRECKED Two More Candidates Enter Race For School Commissioners of City Two more candidate, each seeking The niinonncenients of Mr. Hartsell In bf a wtiMl .nun. - innci . an- nnd Mr. Xnrm.ni male .nt a full tick After What Was Described as "Nijfht of Terror" in the Town the Situation Today "Was Well in Hand." niiniiciiin'iit i.i their candidacies to ilny. Tin' newest candidates in miw the Dcuiismtlc primary are r T. H.irfscll nml V. I.. Norma n. Mr. HhiIh'II Is nt pn-wetit school commissioner fnim Miiril line. For several days his friends hari-.exccted lilm to enter the race this, year. Mr I III I I v, II wipl Select"! to till th' Illll'X- or .my. l' pirnl term mil Kiirr, who re el fur the lciiiN-riil.- priiunrv. There In a inndldatc for every otttie to lie iHled. :iihI In svior.'l Instances then are two ciiiiilhlHte)). The primary will l held on Sntnr toy, April 7th. tMgtnniiig at 2 oVhsk nml eontiiiiiini: until tl n'cl.s-k. Voting will' I' iloiie In the regular voting Jmm. Interest In the primary Is sniil to j signed from the Isiord sevei.il mouths (8 ,,, n(.mlHO I1(v s.MH,rlers ago. of lsth Muyor Wonihle nml J. II. UP AW O A I XI AT CA - T' ? ." ' , , m r I i wb" ,1,, ""'"innllon of CAUSED UAMAdfci l-y J. Kit. Ulne. Mr. nine stnt.il this Mllv(,r r ,.OIln,.t. is the .use iiioriiinp linn ancr serving no ii honril fnr VI y$iirs he felt thnt bttm ness obligations made it imimssihle for htm In lie n enmll.lnte this year. Mr, Norman is the only announced cniull date seeking this office In Ward Four. Roads in the County Were Badly Washed and Many Conflicting Reports Have Been Heard of Results. with other contesjlanlx. That a woman mny enter the' raee for Hehool commissioner either from a ward or at large Is a rumor that has gained much publicity here today. 10 CIMVj: ALTlHsTlM. into mbht aanrM TW Metal Tn III I laa Be I seal for Tab ray mi. Ik. PMI New Ha veu. Aprl V TV- .lis.. rrj thai the iaetal isulahcni raa is ui directly la ihiiop- shnia. las He. -trio rarreaf latrf dlrsrt rarretn -, miin.-i hi . linen. W Balke. of North t'hhagn. Dr. K:ilke tod.n I. wrlts-d the apparatus by whl.4i tan- talnui Is used as a t tiei la aa ad dress before the UvMoa of Indus trial and rugineerfaic Chemistry uf the Amerhao ' heniVil Society This ili. oven is expeiled greatly tu redtu-e the cost of tiardug electric batteries used In elect rhsy operaiel automobiles and for starting and liajiil ing pm iu ga.duie motor nii- ii.. lent I . luntawia is the only uictnl whl.il run he used, as an ele, trillte vnlve. Electric current tuipllcl ooiumer- -in 1 1 v nisi used seajftrnlly for light nml isiwer is HlteriiatiaK eitrrenl, Kor the ehmttiUK of electrte hntteriiis. mid for some other ptirisieea. h dlre-t current Is risiulred, ami this has iieeessitiitiil the kastaUatioa in feitt.Y.v rhnrmni: stntioiis of expensive reef iliers. Kveiy niitnuiohile driver is ftitulliar with the sriienlsh k'ow of I In merniry lamps used In these rect liters Dr. Hnlke has disravered that lautn- Wendell. X. ('.. April (I A By the As-so-late I'ress). Struck eirly hist nlKht hy n tierce tornado that Injur ed Hpprnxiuinlcly I'J pcrsttim. destroy ed HiTi liitll.linKs, wri'rkeil others, and liadly datnaKe.1 crops, Wendell, a lit tle tnwu In ensteni Wake county, tie day was the scene of euieiTjeney work ers as those hurt were given attention and nn estimate made of the storm's toll In the surrounding territory. Wendell, X. , April S iBy the As sociated Pram) .-Struck lnte yester-i hiy by n fierce tornado that injured approximately twenty-live persons, de stroyed fifty hllildinKS, wrecked others, iind badly damaged rois. Wendell, n little town in eastern Wake county, todny -wns the. scene of emergency workers, as those hurt were given attention and .attempts made to learn the stnrm'a toll In the surrounding territory. After what was described by offi cials ns a "night of terror and inabil ity to obtain sufficient physicians to enre for the injured," the, situation was said to he "well in luiud" and no calls have been made for outside us sistftHee, nlthoitgh seventh -nerwmt hare been carried to hospitals In Ra leigh. The tornado, which Is laMieved to have oriKinlntctl in the edge of John son county, took a northeastern course east of Weudell. A fnnklsh path of wrecked buildings, trees torn out by roots, and other debris wns left as the wind skipped here and ther de molishing Instantly everything in its conrae. Within one mile from Wendell the farm of .T. P. Richardson suffered dntunge (estimated at i 0,-000. Sever al negro tenants were hurt and Mrs. E. T. Costart also received slight in juries. The wife and small child of John Debnam, negro, were carried to a Rnlelgh hospital. "I think it's going to be a cyclone," the negro woman said as she peered at the dark sky. She went back to supper table and members of the fam ily sttited this is the last thing they recall until they regained consciousness among the wreckage of their home. The. farms of J. G Collins, Charley Johnson, Normhn Deans. W. T. Rob erts, W. R. Johnson are among those damaged by the tornado. Live stock on these farms is reported to have been killed. Tobacco barns were torn from their foundations nnd outhouses torn to splinters. Many roads In the territory are either Mocked or washed out by the heavy downpour of rain which ac companied the tnrnndo, and accurate reports of the tornado's toll are slow coming In. There nrenany conflict ing stories of the, damage but officials expect to hare an accurate during the day. Two. Killed ill Louisiana. AvJxandrla. LjOAoril 5. The death toll as a result of, the tornade which 'ate vesterday swept Alexandra and Plnevllle. a town across the Red River from this city, was placed this fore noon at30. A cpwv hv authorities developed that undertaking establish- METHODIST HEN Of SENSATIONAL ESCAP E SOUTH ARE MEETING Woman's Missionary Council Man Who Escaped From the of the Southern Methodist Prison Hospital in Atlanta, Church Its Holds Opening Session in Mobile. Makes Break From Athens Hospital. III! M W si HtMII ( tllil lv MM lll Mill 1 Strirs af Maa-awll taaiemm to I e Hi Id lu I ptun It i H I hr aaaM 1 I Kub-iali. April i - With the wrm Xnrth Canrilaa aHmnl eisie rfTn-llte April IS, I': K- 0 Itmoia. snperiu- leaaeat of pnblic Inttniriion. is ru ileilii( iirninaetuenis for a ivHm o slat, wide cooferVm-rs with eilixatti n al iintle'i it ie to explain fully Hie h.ini ami pbiua for operation of thr --i-,ii during the next tu.. years The meeting will he held in A-e-rille April 11. Charlotte April IS, UreeosUiro. April 1H, April 20, Urerb ville. April l'. and Wiiniinglon, April 27. Three sessions will Is' held on the dates set fur each enoferen.-,' tapertateodeuls, uevaberi af Unrds of .ylinatloti und eoitniv fstmmissioners have las-ti asked to selerl the time ami plain ni'i't .onvenieni to them to at tend. The topic to lie discussed lire pre pnring the May budget : funding old indejilcdfiu'ss ; provisions for ens-ting lieu sell. ail houses: the new local tax mid 'mini laws; the county wide plan of school nraanlxalloaa ; dutls of county hoard of nlueatfoa, county commissioners and school committees. "The Inws pcriuiuing to these six topics nil have Ihsmi rewritten anil county hoards of eilneatiim and coin- linn. iied in a charuing cell, til st mision,ers are suppose.) to work lie ntlrely shuts off the How of ehvlri. giiner in pn-airiiig tne. nu.lgei, sain nrrent in one direction. Jr. Brooks,1 a,il in raising the neces- ' lf u tautiiliim dlale and a lend irT funds tot malutfllnlng the sch.stl plate are placed in tin electrolyte la lerin and for creeling ntsslitl hill Id - cell coutuiniiig a sail solution I and a 'ngs- soune of nllernating,.nrreiit of the us- "The irpose of these meetings i mil nercin I fMHiency is connect- to iitipui nit as many county nlheials us d to the tnllnlutu aim lend plates, the possHMe with the. new laws neiore current flow in one'ilireelioti will !' May 1. when each county must Is-giii to plan for the new school year. It is earnestly hoped Hint each super In-, Icndctrt will urge as many members of each hoard to lie present as can con veniently attend and to invite nil in terested citizens to he present." Dr. Brooks also is exS'cted to out line his plans for the establishment of the divisions of finance and organ izations in the department of public instruction during these meetings. TWO NEW DIVISIONS ARE TO BE ADDED Kidnappers Seizp M-n and Womaif'Cumpanion IBy Ihe Assoelalrd Presa.l (By thr Asaorlated Press. Mobile Ala. Atiril S. "The spirit of Athens, tia.. April .".Following his Methodism' " was the subject of Blsh- sensational escape from the hospital op Mimzon. sH'iiking nt the morning where he was recuperating from bullet session today of the Women s .Mission- wounils. miner gunrti oi a uepniy sner ary Oouncil of the Souttiethi Methodist iff,' tJernlil Chntnuiii. gang leader in Church which will oihmi nt 1) o'clock the million dollar .mail rolibery at New with devotions Is led hv Mrs. K. (i. York in 1H21, early today had not lieen Stevens, of Columbia. Mo., acting l'res- apprehended. Idetif. who is presiding over the meet- t'hatniau escaped from the hospital ines oi the Council. The result of the by means of sheets knotted together nioinin.r niwriiin includes a business last night when the guard momentarily jausabiu, n song, presentation of Miss left his romti. MMf&fitl is the se Bennett's portrait to the -Conneil. and ofid stugeil by Chntnuiii within litMe brief addresses, orira ni.ai loll. BH ad- more than u week. The tlrst was dress hv Mrs Ht evens, who also is vice- made from the rederal penitentiary at Oresident of the Council, reports from Atlanln. Thnt lime lie won Ins way administrative secretaries m charge to Iretalom trom a hospital want in of home Held. Mrs. J. V. Downs, and compiiny with Krank (iray. another Mrs. . I. 11. McCoy, of Nashville. From prisoner. They were nppretieiHleit noon to 1 o in will he Bible hour, led near here shortly iilterwnrd, and eii- by Dt W. A. Smart. KIN OFFICIALS CIVR THEMSELVES IT TODAY gaged in a gun Imttle with a constable Orav was taken liuck to Atlanta, but Cbiilmnn. with three bullet wounds was brought here for treatment. ALLEGED KESC'l'E WORKER DKCAMI'S WITH DONATIONS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC REAL ESTATE LOANS! It Is no dlBgrace tt borrow money. The best people of any community are, or at some time have lieen Isirrowers. It la only by borrowing that most people are enabled to get nhead In the world. Many well-to-do ersona have been 'heard to sny that they never saved money so fast as" when they were In debt nnd felt Its obligation resting upon tlietn. In borrowing inpney, however, care should always be taken to know beyond the possibility of a doubt, thnt the terms of repay ment are well within the borrower's financial ability: that he is not rendering himself liable for greater payments than lie can -reasonably meet, and that In time he will get rid of the obliga tion entirely. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY t'AYMKNTS. Our loans are repayable In weekly or monthly Installments. To the iierson desirous of getting rid of his debt this IA like attacking an army in detail, and the borrower. Instead of having one large payment to I.Kik forward to and worry over, has a sncee'sslon of moderate weekly or monthly iiavinciita which can easily Im met. Series No. 51 in This Old Reliable Building and . Loan Association Is Now Open. Stork Is Non Taxable. Start Right and Start Now. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. I ooooooooooooooooooooooooooccscoocc .1. T. MeKlnnon and N. W. Furoey Are Charged With I-arreny in Trust. (By the Associated Press. I Atlanta, April 8. J. T. McKlnnon, Captain and Mrs. Van Ness Leaite enter of tne investigating aeparuuein, inpaifl Hills oi All inscriptions at nntt N. wrurney, casnier oi tne ivii shnlbv. Kluk Klnn. snrrendercd themselves shelbv. Anril 4. Contain and Mrs early today in answer to warrants 3 van. Ness and Lieutenant Ollie sworn out by E. J. Jones, an associate Tucker, who came here three months of Emperor Simmons, churgjng lar- ag t0 fae charge of the American ceny In trust. Mclxtnnon was cniirgeu i.,.g,.UP work, disappeared Sunday at with I'lubezz' inent of .17,1)00 and teI. o,e Saturday's collections for Furnev of MO.fXM) of funds lielonging ..linritv were made, leaving behind a to the Klan. They were released on TOung man named Miller, who, with lioniis or JUKtii eacm notn are 0111- ua family, are stranded in the dwell ipg recently rented ns Daauqng iters of the American rescue work in North t'arolina. Van Ness bought n handsome closed car when he arrived in Shelby, turn ished his home in elegant fashion and hud Utile. -Miss Ollie -Tucker d the soliciting of funds, niost of which wns snent on Mieniselves. tlroeery- mi'll. litirilvfaro stores furniture deal crs, an automobile salesman, a print ing establishment, a dry g.sids ston their folly credit to Viln bills at all of these places. Van Ness boasted that, he was a member of the Kit Klux Klan and I.pre'sehted that he was recently elect ed "coiniunnder-in-elilef" of the Amer ican Rescuers ill North Carolina. His. sudden departure bus lieen the subject of comment on the streets to day. The furniture dealers having a lease on their merchandise recover ed belongings which were hoo heavy and bulky to lie taken nwayV but the other creditors, hnve.no recourse. An c.fl'ort. however. Is being made to locate him in order to protect other communities against him. eials of Imperial Wizard Evans, Charged With Abusing Feeble Minded tiirl. Greensboro, April 4. Asheley Bar ber, while man of this city, .barged with abuse of a feeble-minded girl, is held under bond of $1.()(H). He was first arrested on a charge, of vio lation of the Guilford county morals act. and released under bond of $"0. but police Investigation disclosed a SHOOTS WIFE AND HEK ti old IN PLAY HOt'SF. almost entirely shtlt olV and a pulsat ing, direct current, a ill Is' obtained.' said Dr. Balke. The direct correal derived from this apparatus may lie utilized f.11 charging storage lotteries, for the electro-deposition (polling) of tmtii 1 . and various other electro chemical ac tions requiring a direct current. "It Is possible, hy using two tanta lum electrodes In a ;single cell, so to rectify the current' that lioth half waves of alternating current pass in the same direction. This curreut may he smoothed 'out byui suitable series of Inductances and capacities to give what is praccally a constant direct current.'' Dr. Balke reported that the tanta lum battery charging rest men is noisi To the State Department of Public Instruction. Raleigh. April 5 (By the Associated Press). A division of finance and an other of organization will he added .. Ilw, ut.it. ilonn el moot of onlitie ill- less ill operation, has in. moving parts -.,. it ,' ,,....,., ,s, .,.. and requires "only one attention n,. ,,, ,,,.,.. vni.ri,enilent of which it has in conint.m with the, stor-1 , ,.' ,'.,'., ...., ,.,1 i. ..,,,,1,1 age battery itself, which is the addi-: , . ... f, ' , f , IIOIl Oi UlSlllieo Mile.-- 10 icimur oi. (iiistave l.ieMHi t ;mcl I'anlr When He Begun Siiooling in Movie Thea Ire. ill- Ho- Assselaled ln-as. rittsburgh, l'a., April Ti. An audi ence of several hiindn-l men, women and children, ulworlied in a vvestern screen .Iraina at u north side play house was converted into a pauic strlcken, slnroiMMltng moli late last niglit when tiuslnve I.iesoii. waving a revolver, stalk" si into nnjiisle ill the haleonv anil opened lire. A stream 01 Ha me Mashed from the revolver ns seven shots were liied in rapid suc cession. Almost before the tltshes from the gun were out panic reigned, and when the lights were switched 011. n mail and a woman were found slumped in their scuts unconscious. The w. una 11 was Meson's wife, anil the man Kdward It. Welgner, her es cort . l'bvsicians said Welgner would re cover, but held little Iiok for Mrs. Lelson. Leison ti.sl after the shooting, but was arrested an hour Inter. He told the police he hod been waiting for the elm nee for months. York, and Linwood L. Bright, of Macon, Seized While Auto Riding. Mrs. Frederick Pace, of New DIMOVEKER OF KINti TITS TOMB IS DEAD m m tk Cairo. April .' 1 By the Assort- sted l'res 1 The Earl of ..1 tun ion dlwuveier of the tomb of t I'hur.sjb Tutenkh.imen. dle ear- ly today at 11 hotel here, after a stiiblMirn Isillle ngalust blots! -r istiiilng and pneumonia follow- ing the bile of un inse, 1 Hi MAN FLOGGED BY 8 UNMASKED MEN Mrs. Pace Was Not Whip ped, But Was Forced to Watch Flogfring. Officers Trailing Eight Men. THK COTTON MARKET evaporated and deetrtiiiiosed water of j h,ivp (,mlI,1lt(,;, the electrolyte. - -- the pitrpVise of the woe new divisions nt present, as plans hut he said work wiH be-tm-l Methodist Protestant Young People's i "'-""tina ie an.i sys,cn.,,,..e .,. 11.1a. Conference. ; ' " "" V . V. ' , V . Greensboro, N. C, April nWThe eatlonal institutions in the state and Young People's Summer Conference of I""""'" ' ' " the Methodist Protestant church will . , ,, """" 11 convene at Wenvenille, N. C., .lime c.siaiuis , en, o, ,e V2--l. according tu ltev. .N. M. Harri-i"'"" - . . .... .. . . 1 Awsisn 1 v and when tlle- an Young People's Work of the .Methodist most efficient school systems in tin The decision to create tin livlsions (ieneral inaugu rated North Carolina will have the - 1 t..,ul 1... ,,m..i 1 1 t I lhne ll 1 epinii 1 1011, il. nan muihi o.i 001,1,, ,r, !f.7j"w ,lt is lwln ,,nif.st.Kl of having one of the strongest! nnd hv the voting people from nil over the:""""- i ,1,,.,, i.,r 11 .! country. ready over a hundrcl and twenty-live divisions is II line 'With the new school have registered, ltidic.tions are thai ''" l"Pf y1 ASsembl a rei-ord breaking attendance will he 1 '" the eentral.zalini. program oi Dr. realised. It Is extiected that live him-1 Brooks. :... , A uniform system of auditing und The rogram show, studies in the bandling of all financial details of the AtiZLX hUM of snn.lnv school and SehoolS is expected to result from the Ghrtsftan Endeavor methods, story e.tahlishnient of the tl.mnce d.visio,. j" ,,,,, ,i f,,,.ui ltecently, the North Carolina Etluca S ar7shtp UUm AssUition decided to hold a se "1. ' i... i ..h,-,.i, rk ries of conferences among local orgnn- 7SZSZrXZZ& i J Rlhle A ! iwtlons of teachers for the purpose of most thorough course in tin's., studies "WJf eihijatimml niii..'e. Mis. ' i Elisabeth Kelly, president ol the or .. ' , ..... ..,i ganiz.ition and stale supervisor of Opened Firm at An Advance of 25 la 48 Foints on Strong Liverpool ta hies. (By the Assoclulrd 1'rrss.l New York. April 5, The cotton market opened lirm an an advance ol to 4N ixiinls owing to unexporrcl strong Liverpool cables and the un favorable early weather map. May snld up to 211.4)0 and Octolier to 2p.JH at the opening on inlying tiy notifies with Liverpool and eoiitineniai coiinec lions, local covering, and a scattered house demand. These prices attract d a good deal of realizing, however. and the selling became a little more ictlve following the publication of tin the program, among tile out t stale leaders are: Dr. E. A. sexsmiin. Bal timore, Md., Dr. L. IS. Smith. Wilming ton, Del., Dr. J. C. Broomtiel.l, b'nir mont. W. Vu., Mrs W. H. Mnier. Co lumbus, Ohio, Miss Carrie Booker, of Atlanta, Ga. This list is agumented by several of the hading men and wo men ot Hie Cliurcll ill .oriii MIOUIHl. much more serious offense, police say. m n.(, lmiKhing ut The attack is said to have been made ,n pjaittk such liberal cr four nionths ago and the. girl it is,Nt,ss who ,eft xmvaM bill said, was afraid to report It. He will lie given a, hearing Friday morning. victims. 14 whites und six negroes. HTi3 list of injured was placed at 60, more than' 30 of whom are in the United States Veterans 'Hospital near Pineville. The property damage was placed at mrnts in this city had bodies of 20 ' $500,000. Palmer Manslaughter Trial at Albe marle. Albemarle. April 4. Supreme Court did not convene here until today, it having been delayed in .convening on account of Easter Monday and the further reason that Judge Harding missed his train in Raleigh and could not reach Altiemarle until Tuesday ev ening. The rase against Archie Pal mer fnr manslaughter in connection with the automobile accident near the Swift Island bridgv east of Albemarle, in which three tnVn lost their lives. Is expected to come up for trial at this term. Will Cse Airplanes lo Estimate Cotton Acreage. Washington. April 4 Cse. will he made of airplanes in estimating the cot i on acreage, the department of ag riculture announcing today mat pine togroplis will he taken June 25 of se lected areas from" three army planes, which experts will usein dusting cot ton plants with calcium arsenate in the fight against the boll weevil. Es timates of the cotton acreage will Is? made from the photographs and check ed up against the ncre'age reports made by the, department of agricul ture's reporters for use in the first official estimate of cotton acreage of the season nose of these meetings will he study the, financial problems of all schools and to learn whether the returns are own mensit rate wiiih the Investments made by the state, county and com inanities in the Institutions. officii! I forecast for clearing w,'!llll,'r' direction i:i the. South. I Cotton futures opened firm. 2!).fsl; July 2S.110 ; Oct. 2."i.ll. St: Jan. 24.S2. (Br "if Ass4atr4 Press.) Macon, Ga.. April Her hands tied by her assailant. Mrs. Knilerick A. I'aee. of New York, late last night witnessed the severe horsewhipping of IJuwood I.. Itrhrht. of this city, niter Imth had lieen kiilnnpiwd from an nu tomoblle hy eight anmssked men and taken to u secluded siot about four mill's from here. With the license niimlHr of the kid nappers' car in their possewdon officers today were searching for the marau ders. The license number wns obtain ed by Mrs. Pace. The miIIco declnre.1 ii I lion ugh investigation of the affair would be made. Bright, according to his versiuji of the nffnir Inst night, said he had lieen given 24 hours to leave the city, lie staled it would lie impossible to com ply in that a week would he renuired lo Mulsh up his business affairs. Mrs. Pace told the officers the kid nappers said they resented the testi mony of a negress in Bright's divorce case against Mrs. Bright last Monday. Hright said they also whipiMl him after they charged him with nn at tempt to take his property from his children. He said he could identify some of the assailants, although ho did no l know them lersooally. Mrs. Pace was not molested further than being forced to watch the lieating. Mrs. Bright when informed of the escapade nt her hotel last night, snitl she was "very glad to know there were some men in the world, anyway." Mrs. Pace declared before officers that "Mrs. Bright knows all nlxiut this" kidnap ping. The kidnapping occurred near the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Res idents were aroused by what at flrsfc seemed a list light. They re.rU."d the matter to the police. Bright and Mrs. Pace were found by. deputies walking toward Atlanta.' Tmy said the route taken to the scene of the Hogging was of such a hnracter as to confuse their sense or May Dec. Tornado Kills Twelve Persons in Louisiana. Alexandria, La., April 4. The known dead iu the tornado which early tonight struck Pineville and vi cinity, across the Bed river from Alex andria, reached 14, with the arrival here at Hi o'clock tonight of a train bringing the bodies of eight persons killed at Pineville1 and a sawmill set tlement a mile, enst of that town. Fifty or more persons were report ed injured. Search as being made tonight of the. wrecked homes in an area of approximately a mile square in I he eastern section of Pineville for the dead, injured and missing. Accused of Obtaining Money I'nder False Pretense, Salisbury, April 4. C. I!. Blnlock a young white man, said to be wanted in a numlior of places in South Caro lina for obtaining money under false pn tense, and who had been arrestisl here for a similar offense, has been turned over to officers from Green wood, and the case against him here will not be pressed. Blalock repre sinted himself as being agent for an aluminum house, and would make ad vance collections on orders. A 12-year-old girl he had with him has been taken care of her1 since his ar rest, and she was also turned over to the Greenwood officers. Examinatioiis Next V. . Next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10th and nth. are the. dates for the regular Spring examinations for county public school teachers. Tests for any kind of certificates will lie offered In the office of Superinten dent Robertson. Dr. Charles MarLnugnlin Here. Rev. Chas. P. MacLfttighlln, D. !., of Pittsburgh. Pa., is in Concord to day slinking hands with many old friends. He Was for several years pas tor of St. .lames Lutheran Church, and is now in the. South speaking in behalf of the appeal for $8fi0,000 for Lenoir College. Can Mukc Search Without Warrant Covington. Ky April 5. Right to search saloons or any other public places where Federal officers have rea son to believe the prohibition law Is being violated without a search war rant was uphe d today by Judge Cochran in the United tSates. court here. Fails to Reveal Illegal Price-Fixing in Sugar. New Y'ork, April 4. The govern ment's Investigation into the rise in sugar prices has thus far failed to re veal an illegal price-Axing comblna tlon. Federal District Attorney Wil liam Huyward said today on his re turn from Washington. Acting At torney (ieneral Seymour, with whom he conferred, will continue the liniuiry, he said. Cotton on the loe'sl market today is quoted at 2S 3-4 cents per pound: cot ton seed al 08 cents per bushel. With Our Advertisers. A new face In our advertising col umns is Unit of the Ritchie Hardware Co., the well known reliable hardware dealers of Concord. Although the livices of tires have gone up, they have not Increased their retail price's. Bet ter buy while yon can get them at the old price. , Series No. ."it in the slock of the Ca barrus B. & L. Association is now op en. Take some shares. The Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. sells flour at $3.7.i and self-rising for $4.00 for full 08-lb. sack. E. B. Grady is full of liep. and hns a good rep, hut all the same be watches his step. See M. L. Wldenhouse's list of Iol lur specials in this paper. Kuppenheimer flood clothes mnke von stand out in a crowd. W. A. Ov- ercash sells this famous brand in Concord. Joe C.nsltel sells Griffon and Michael Stern s Value First Clothes, and these famous lines always win favor from the most fastidious. ('. Putt Covington "lells 'em about it" in nu ad. in today's paper. Cholco of anything for $1.00. p.i.i.i a.ijpp i.i uu.iip ia Dr. S. K. Buchanan, county health officer, who recently issuAl a warning to Cabarrus people to he on the loop out for a medicine peddler, has been informed that, the peddler has been ar resteHl in Rowan county. Dr. Buch anan has lint heard what disposition will be made of the man's case, be hav ing been arrested In Salisbury, accord--ing to reports here, at the direction. of Dr. Armstrong, health officer of Row an county. An Era of Real Prosperity Is Predicted bv Labor Secretary Will Ask For Another Wage Increase. New York, April B (By the Asso ciated Press). Dissatisfied with the 12 It 2 per cent, wage increases recent ly granted by the New England textile mills, the. executive hoard of the Dnlted Textile Workers of America have decided on s campaign, not hnly for an additional Increase of 14. H per cent., but for a cut In working hours from M to 4K, President Thouia P MctMabon ecldtd today. S GO TO YE OLDE FOLKS CONCERT AT THE Central School Auditorium Tonight at Eight O'clock Admission 25 Cents Best Quarter Ytni Ever Spent For Benefit o War Mothers ny thr tssoclatril Press.) Washington, April 5. -In a min' parison of present lndustrnl enndi tions with those which existed on April 1 a year ago Srcretnry of Labor Davis predicted that, w.tb the exer cise of ordinary caution, the country should have " a continued period of substantia; prosperity thnt will put behind) us the whole era of depres sion which followed the wnr." The Secretary also predicted that, with the accumulating of coal stocks during trie coming Summer, mere would not only b an abundant coal supply for all needs next Fali and Winter, but a "more norms!" nnirke! , price as complied w.th the past Win- "Outside of the coal industry pes simism rather than optimism pre vailed in the other basic industries one year ago today." said the state ment. "Prior to that time the un mployed had numbered approximate ly 5,000,000. Today that number I- re duced to normal. "One year ago the steel industry's unfilled order tonnage was less than 4,000,0th) tons. Today it Is nearly S,- tffiO.OOo tons. The former is the twois of dull business, while the latter means 'full Meam ahead.' "The copper industry on April 1, 1922, was almost down and out, 3. most of the mines, mills and sme:trrs ere idle due to unsold stocks and poor markets. Today sticks have been depleted and production Is fast ap proaching the best records of the war period. "The same is largely true of the teat tile and allied Industries. April 1, 1922, found overloaded nhclves with unso'd goods and strikes brewing wlrch finally Involved over xo,ut!f workers l'for the Fumm?r was over. Today empty shelves, plenty of worn. no strikes, und both employer anil employes sharing In the general prosperity. "Despite the threat of industrial de pression, there has ben hut little re duction of the genem wage level throughout Industry, and today the trend of wage scales Is upward. Dur ing' the naat four months wages in creases have been reported in (Continued on' Page Three.) 1 '.J

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