W The Concord Daily Tribune ssoaATPD i PRESS 1 DISPATCHES t VOLUME XXIll CONCORD. N. C . X FDNFSDAV. APRIL ll. 1Q23 NO 86. THE STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK IS IN FIE CONDITION Annual Address of J. B. Ivey, of C'harUu-, the Outstand in Feature of the Opening Session at Winston-Salem. AN ORGANIZATION l NOW IN 71 COUNTIES One of Subjects Biscussed Was "The Rural Sunday School as Community ." Dr. tawrence Present. ltr th -third rrm Winston Salem. April 11. The an nual address of .1. It. Ivey, f Char lotte was oiii' of I he outstanding rem lures of tln morning's session of i lie State Sunday Sehool mn volition. Dur ing Ills brief tHlk Mr. Ivey praised tin Stitle work under the direction of general Superintendent I). V. Situs, of linloigh. lie stalls I I hill during the ptisl four yen is sixty two counties hail lieeil organized, Ihere being seven-ty-nur. :il present. A. K. T.ite. of Mich Point, presided over the morning session. The I'.ihle Message was presented liy llev. II. It. .lohnsiin. of this elt.v. The daily va cation Itihle School was discussed hy Miss Wllhestnina Stooke.r. Post no eompflshnicnls nnd future plans wore outlined in talks hy Stnle Treasurer K. U. Crowe. General Superintendent Sims, and J. M. Hrnughton, chairman ct the executive, committee. Other subjects discussed inclndi'd "The Rural Sunday School as a Com munity renter" hy Prof. I. W. Don aldson anil tl:e "Finest of the Fine Arts" hy Dr. Marion Lawrence. Fol lowing Announcement of convention committee, adjournment wvs taken. Hy invitation, the o'lieers and dele gates gathered InVronl of the conven tion ehtirch where a group photograph was taken. SARAH ItKKMIAKDT'S KINANCIAI. ST ATI'S She, Was So Badly Hroke She Couldn't Pay Vor Suppfrs. Paris, April II Paris eoniinuos lo liy homage to Sarah Bernhardt, liun dreds of thousands of iersons bnve til ed iasl her lumh in the Cemetery l'ere Leehntae since Ihe funeral and there is no sign that the visils of those who Would honor her have ended. Many new anecdotes of "Divine Sa rah's life" are current. Most of them relate to her supposed lltianeial em- j liarnissment, while many are exngger- ail ill, and some of I hem are made out I of whole cloth. Then seims to he little doubt that the enormous demands on her pocketlss-k exceeded her in onie, large as It was, at certain per iods, particularly while she was tour ing Aiuerh a. One old friend who kept a restau rant near the Theatre Sarah Bern- bardt, was asked ahotlt a rumor Ihat ! the actress never naid for the meals I nerved her there. "It is true," he said, "that I never naked her for money, nnd that she nev er offered me any: hut thai was be tween us; it was no one else's busi ness. Everybody around hen knew 1 was serving her suppers alter the theatre. That was enough for me." This anecdote characterizes the spir it of a good many of Bernhnnlt's cred itors, hut there were others whose ad miration for her art did not temper their exactions, and a great artist died, as she had lived during the greater part of her career, in the initial of fuinneinl anxieties i nj. w.,,,,1..,, i'nkci,, 4Bost. Struck out by Karrlker (i: By Ul t I ,11 WW M utiuiiii, i oiiiiiii . . ... i iv HmI Illy the Aaauc:ad Prcaa. Washington. April 11. The, Ameri can foreign debt funding commission lias been called to niee-t next Wednes day to give ftirthei Hluil.i In Ihetr-U-ish debt settlement which Is now ap proaching complet Ion. The British Museum is preparing a great index of the scientific periodi ca V of the world, which are estimated to total at least 20,000. . QOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE KEY OF YOUR OWN HOME! Is waiting for you It is lianging in the office of this ()11 Reliable Building and Loan Association. Come Claim, It! You merely have to determine that you will save regularly each (week or month and save for that home. Let us show you the simplest and best plans that will finance the buying or building of a modest cot tage of your own. ,1 OTHERS HAVE DONE IT! YOU CAN! Come in today and let us explain it to you, and start Now by Taking Some Shares in Series No. ol now open. All Sto'ck is Non-Taxable. We pay the Tax. START RIGHT Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association 01TICK IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. opooooooooooooooooccccccccs:-scccc: -I TH sm 1RRKlTOR im u to uv mm j. ma TV . r. .: . , o Wa UW ia N.rli nrslari I! Ii .ill April II "l.i U A-wiriat-id Pr.r.i.- I'brtv men- S-.-'i s.virr wile of IM-tt icrllury . idl by llie lull 1 1 hi ItCJ. ilu (iiKlint gala for a sluKtf Male Uiug la North f-iniit.. aiih ! . upL-irr mih I WM.lv iifi-lid. .: m I,-.- io nit ottl- hil r pori rnvii.d Uerv ironi I he I Baled Males lhmnui.jii uf.gri unliuie In Virginia, a small J re of :fcrj -ipiare allies bus lcii n-ohi-l which w hs mil pret eaisty Inlr-ted. The ritual'mi io the Western sUic re main . pi actually lie same n in IP.'I. The In- in Tai uwl irsliih-itai amounted to SJMI mUi-o miles. leav ing a ii. t tain : I t, 11.' apinrc mi e, . a the I. oil weevil in ilia' i-i.ttnn Ih.'i. "Only -till noi iinl of the entire it 1 1 "II i Top is produced outside of ler lilory Infested hy i lie IhiII weevil. which a i 'i in Ti.xiik In lv.rj." the Statement mills. 'This weevil-free ares is Inrgely in western Tex is and western Oklahoma. The ImiP weevil has now ruu-luil practically Ihe Ii nil "f the cotton prisluilug Ih'I). and the only iia i'ant i badges which ran be cxpcoleil in the future will Is' line l im I lug movements in the western lor rilory and also shifts northward or southward along Ihe northern line de lined hy extremes of temperature from year hy year. "In western Texas and western Ok lahoma, liic. weevil lost mound in V.C due to dry climatic conditions, which were ei cpilluKl.v uiifavorilhle for Its multiplication. It is probable Hull i for sonic years to come Ihere will l,e more or less shiflig hack and lorlh in this region, the woo-il moving west ward following wot suimuers ami re ceiling following drought." CONSTANT N. iTTAI'KS IM KT (. riNAM'IAI. liATINti Ski- Printed in S'nrlli Carolina Tap: r Has Elfeei in MarUflim- Siaie lliimi-.. Greek Dirk ley in Chariclte Cs:rve;. Raleigh, April in.- 'Several days of hard sledding for Tar Hrel bona:: en the New York market resulted from publication in a uond magazine u. an urtiels taken from a North Carolina newspaper questioning the stability of the state';, financial situation, financial men told Governor Morrison whin he and Treasurer Lucy wen; north l- make delivery of a new la sue of highway bonds. The actual situation in ih s state was hastily Explained by those hand ling the bonds, but the state's rreo.lt suffered injury nevertheless, the gov emor quoted Hit financial penaim a savin. While In New York !b.,- North t'.iru linn ex '. lithe a U'ressed a fr.tlp nj .New fork lln.-i iii-iii I men on Ihe snuiul-tii-SH or this state ami Ihe progress it is UMUtillg. 11" declared I hat :vt-u Yorkers like the sp ril now dominant in Norlh Carolina, hut thai constant al lacks- on the financial condition of the state are attracting tin nttrnlion of the bond buyers. I,no!i Colh ire Again Trims ill. I'lCHScnt. Hickory, April 10. Ijenuir colloge gave -Ml. Pleasant Collegiate ins-ti-tutr a second healing here this attfr noon. 5 to 2. in a much more In teresling game than Ihe ons yester day. 'Ihe juniors from Ml. Pleasant showed much better form and save the Lutherans a good -!usm--1. Karrikcr, who began lha game tor Lenoir, pitched air-tight ha!' up un til the fiflh inning in which the visi tors forced two men across the plate for their only two run.; of the an me. In the ninth Mouse relieved Karrlker lainl lei M't. Pleasant's batsmen down ilhout a hit. Out side of Boggs were off in hill.ng. the bein Lutherans unable to hit when hits meant, runs. Th" main feature ol' the game was the hitting ct Hoggs, who secured four hits cut of five --rips. In Ihe fifth with Karrlker on base he hit lo oto.i center field for four bases. liulteries: Lenoir, Karrlker, 'Moose and Tilley Mt. Pleasant, Walls uml Watts 3. Home run. Boggs Three Kink. base hit, uogss. Two base hit Shipping Board Can Sell Shlis. By tbi Aaaoelfiteil Pmn Washington, April U. The right of the shipping board to sell lis ships subject to the condition that they shall not he used hy the new owners as rum runners has been sanctioned hy the State Department in its reply to objection raised hy the. government of Canada. -AND- START NOW iil XME hkX Will BF. uftM.KlUI u U I Tar Hr k Aied to rmt f am oa Wln'.n CWlVn la Near Uu lift. R... igh. dUH-.li. April II. Oaa lal nss 'oo declared Ilu ml I. tiy ia N'o.lh Carolioa aad the peoph .if the Tar lle.1 kUtr- are o lo send I of ilicu euH-.IT winter chilbinK lo the N a.- K-isi Briie!. lb a proclamatl n -mi. J today by Goven.or v..rr.-n Or. K. ('. !! -.k stele iaaarta--mient of public in-ir ntioo. I slate ihairtnan this yea: mi iIh cfcMfciag i 1 , .i . i n of this hunianltariaa rgaiuinitagi s.tost coum.es i tne siale have uotr-phMeil tl.el.- !'::-.. in ainpaigiia io feed 11m- uufiirtamil:--. i :i ill.- oliJ.- s Chr.s. aii nulioii ti, the wo: hi uml Ihe p.i.plc are n iw uskisi Lo send in winter clothing which tuey . I : re easilnl off. I Dr. Brooks p Ints out that i n-ry I ronipete auit of warm clothing in Iwhih ther is still some wear will 'Rve a liurr.jii Stra.v on Is m iiMm goods or KUinmor clotmng i annul be nse l last winter, in sp.tr of the gam-riMily of American people, many fruae t death or surTereu irum 1 n ut- rheumatism or pn timonia. me j or Clothing should le sent t.v local Niar Hast Relief chairman or io the Near East Rci 'f cli;hl!lg a are house in Raleigh. I'arcel ims ship nients in sacks is preferred hut cloth ng can b; shipped by freight if most eonvcni.nt in the shipper. (Jovernor Morrisons', Proe'ataaimn i ?ads: "Whereas, it has la-en estalilislied ihat the suffering of the Araie iians and 'iher Christian F.ast is from inntrol, and t In reha'iilltite poopl-s reasons lint they ilu nisei nl' Ihe beyond arc un- N ir ; heir -.lie rc- for his- same reason; and 'Whereas, it is reported by reliable Americans that, as de from th.- rid clothins which Ameriei: sends tnrm, he.ie people have nolhing bnl barlap ing.; and flour sacks in ktcp out me . Id of winter, iheir cHinat' being similar to thai of our New Kngiund Stales; and "Whreaa, unless gnffl-ienl s sent from America this many thousands will freeze next, winter; and Whereas, the North Cat vision, Near East Relief, has clothing sumnif i". to death ina t) -sent lai),- 000 pounds of warm do: bin?;, it is estimated, will save wlnch. no.nou humans from death by freezing .-.ft winter as its goal : "Therefore I, i'nmeron M-irrison, Governor of North f'arolina, (In here by declare May 1. 192:!, "Bundle ; Day," and request the people or our j state lo gather all of -their discarded ! viit"t- clttlhlns and ther turn il o er l ,. IheirlfcVar Ra -I R..-.f cmn; . o.iirtn-in i I Olto ii-jviiv) wnien is eolloetiug eiolhing for the Near ftasl Relief, or .ml il 'lo the Near RaSl Helief clothing warehouse in Raleigh. vh"re ii will be Eenl with all possible ilespat-h lo the suffering peopu-.-. across Lhc seas." THE COTTON MARKET. Was Rather Irregular and Cnsctlled in the Early Trading. Illy Ho- AvMielnlefl Freda. New York. April II.- The co-tton market was rather irregular and un settled during today's early hading. Karly declines were followed hy ral lies in Liverpool which was relatively linn when trading here started, and lhc local market opened steady at a decline of 11 points to an advance of t! points. Private reports of rains in the southwest and the rather unfavorable showing of the weekly report ol the weather bureau helped Ihe tone of the new crop months, bill Ihere was a re newal of scattered near month liqui dation and after selling lit L'li.40, May eased oil' lo 1!!.2K, or 21 points net lower. Cotton futures opened steady; 20,.'W: .Inly 2H.70; October 25..IN comber "I.!!".; ,1a unary unquoted. May ; De- BITTER EN'DERS'" CONFER WITH SE( REARV Hl'dHES Amerirail Representation on Internat ional Court Was hisrussed at Con ference. (Hy the Associated fiwua Washington, April 11. Views of re publican senators who looked with dis favor on some features of the admin isl ration nronosal for American mem bership in the permanent court of in ternational justice were presented to Secretary Hughes today by Senator Watson, of Indiana, one of the repub lican lenders in the Senate. The conference developed a 'discus sion lusting nearly two hours In which the proposal was viewed in every de tail issuing into political features. Senator Watson left the State Depart ment saying he was Impressed by the logic of Mr. Hughes' argument, but his position on the matter was unchanged. HebouI'M Antl-Fam Fonder Rule iTp held Itv Arkansas High Court. iLlttle Rock. Ark., April 11. Rules bv school boards prohibiting gin. itndentl from using powder and paint ! are "Just and nensonaLlo," ;ind Should be enforced, th? Arkansas Supreme Court held in Its rut ng on the 'Kuobel Unstick 8ase." j Four of the five justices concurred Mil the decision, while Justice J. c. 'Hart dissented. I Wide prominence was given to the case, which originated when oiiicmls !of the Knobel High School cxpotcd Mias I'earl Pdgsley beciiuse she. n- slsti-il on using face powder. I The flay Circuit Court rsfused a mandamus to onrpol the school oflV iclals to admit her to school, powder 1 or no powder, but Raid the anti-powder nile was not Junt nor rensona-hle and coiud not be tnforctd. -.is rugley th;m applied to th" Buprvuit Court.' Th School Bonrd at Knobel hns diseontiurd the high school course ami si I a id: tho ipieslluued villus, say lug tiiey wre no longer necessary. Points Out Need for Better System of Disposing of the City's Trash lr. S. P. Hi rum. eniiuty health arrtru- prnhlrai asm l'eria arho fl'ser. i Iryiag lo eWlar lai.ian bare aeea -Ue pllr junk and .bl.n-HN- i-aring Tor the IraUi of ike rii.,ou ttw Ml. Pb-aaam r-siil hs ve ex ' -ofjrtaitlaaj allh In ItiKhanaa an- pn--asl .aria-ise thai iM-h a naanh Mayor Wiantile ami the Irmnl of al lion, -si one of ih- moal iaponaui di mien I KMlda ia tin- county, s.- uid la- alio At iH-ewui all trash e4hs Unl in this - ( lo exli. Sirawaa ra aing ai tb ill is dump si In sime- li.Jlow in or road, ej e-w i; ih-m-s .-f tue trash ptb near the. city. A IfpiiMl example itaalelal. would inw-t tkiuk lum-h of f mis iytem iau be .u. mi Ihe j I iiii. nl for alloainc -iw-h a sitMlitim .Ml. I'lnisin; road, jua acftm the In- exists ihere It gir-s itie city a thn-e mile I. ranch, when nililuxh ha-l'i'a-l. e.. ami ih lrroi- fnnn the tn-nii N ii piled for me lime, ami where huge .ilea n .H-i.i. Usil or,- il w ith can Mi Ihe I , Ihim-s. and other ml. lah, under ihe pr sent ,i an. Is allow is I to o i. a ihe gnaiml and rut. It, Km ha mi it is piai-iUog uw to g-i -ome property, either u imrehasc or h.ise. on which In dump the trash, and ihere Ihe trash can Ik- Inirmsl. Tin- - ii r may iiun-lia-e an Im-lia rator later. hut mil II this ciiiipment is pun-haseil j Or. Ruihanan h-ies In be able in burn ' much of ihe rubbish. Tin- pronert) on which Ihe. trash will be Inirnist w ill i Is- off the public road where the ileliris will not Is- an eyesore as is Hi,, case on Ihe Mt. Pleasant road I After ihe property is :viu-erl a man will he hired lo keep tin- lires burn- ! Ins under the trash at nil limes. The disKis'il of the trash lure is' WILL BE REVEALED By the Senate Investigation of the Veterans' Bureau. Special Counsel Refuses to Go Into Details. By tbr A-iovlatil Praaa.1 I Washington, April 11. A predletion that "dishonesty on a pretty big scale" will lie revealed here ami I there" hy the Senate investigation of the Veterans' It urea it. was made today by John V. O'Ryan. special counsel for ine investigating committee, on the ; oasis of Information pit tiered by mm 'in a preliminary survey ol' i-ondil ions, j Oenernl O'Ryan declined in go into i det-tils. but indicated his belief that to a great degree (lie vry method ol' handling large fund in (he I'.urean had " nreguiarities. in- saui 1 1 ii:ii whenever eviueucA ol criminal ! .. Is was uncovered, it nld he laid i I ie fore ihe I if par I men t of Justice. WILL DETERMINE STATE F1ACF.S ludftnr' Reimrl ol Available Kur Several Weeks Vet. Raleigh, April 10- Senator W. Lunsford Long, chairman of the leg islative committee investlgatins fate's finances, could give -io idea is lo the likely dale fur the reuorl f Ihe auditors after a confsreuce this morning with Ihe half-d izeil men going over the treasurer's books. The auditors themselves will no imger venture an estimate. "If you nretCct April 15, but do not i-ttate what year, you will be sale." they replied when asked as to Ihe oosslbility of ciinpleting Ihe aud'M by iho middle of this month. It is thought about the cop'iol. however, that probably Iwo or three weeks more will certainly see the end of the investigation. Then the spesiiii ioinmittee will meet to receive .ts report and Ihat will be transmitted to Governor Mor rison. The committee has not met since the assembly convened, although Chairman Long has been in frequent communication with members and has had several conferences with the auditors. Meanwhile Treasurer Lacy is stand ig by his report qf an eighteen lulu dred thousand dollar deficit and Sir. Maxwell has not discounted h s live million diiUar deficit claim. Governor Morrison is sticking to m T , .... I I.. l. treasurer ljiicy s repon. aim " "'" n- up the budget commission's mini if a surplus after the collection 'axes levied for VVIZ INEXPEDIENT MiISE THE FEDERAL TAX LAWS Such an Opinion Is Expressed hy Sen ator Kmoot, of l-tah. Washington, April 11. -Belief that it wonldlie Inexpedient for Congress at its Divembcr session to undertake re vision of the Federal tax laws was expressed by Senator Smoot, re publican, of I'tah, who is In line for the chairmanship of the Senate Fi nance Commltte, after a discussion to day of lux problems with l'resldenl Harding. The opinion expressed by Senator Smoot follows closely upon a state ment made by Secretary Mellon fon castlng that the Treasury shall re new Us leavers to decrease the sur tax rate from the present 5(1 per cent. to 20 per cent., and also the state ment made at the White House yester day that President Harding ,ln the event of a revision of taxes, would pre fer ti redaction all along the line. Senator Smool said he subscribed fully lo the President's views that if any reduction were made It should be applied to all Federal taxes, hut add ed that revision at the next session of Congress must necessarily lie bnsisl on guesswork. He pointed out that nut . .ii ..j. .i r i ,,,,,, ;,,.,(., i. Illll 11 llliei nil- IWJ llirrio "i 11 mi-- inlaw..- latlon of income and other federal tax-, es would It be possible to estimate In, any way the excess of government re-1 celpts over expenditure! and added 1 thrt even then it would lie n mere es timate. Chinese is spoken by hundred million people. nearly four l- f i l lare. it !- - -if ih. opinion i ha i h near Ihe ellj l-i rot I here, cail-e ip to Ilea lib e..oii if ins.e: are hatehisl ir.i-h pile:, and lhe arty O'lm- an I lliili fr -in their bns-l i lug plai es lo ihe i-il.i, w lib h is onli irisl v.nils from the dump -a few him- 1 ing grouml, Il is la-liereil. In Ituch anau p tints out. that tin- activities ol the illsis-ts ;:od germs will In hailed lo a gn -ii or leil.se I'Metil it the i ity pur mia-rt v on hich the -ban - i rn can lie liurui.d. Persons who doubt the real serious m ss of Ihe trash -imali"n here should make a trip to the dumping gronii and see how things are. Mr. I'.uehanaii rtiggesttil. Thousands of Cray Clad Sol diers of the South Are in New Orleans Today for the Reunion. By t'i Asnomi Pr. New (Irion ns. April II. Thousands if grey-clad veterans who answered he call lo arms in 111. assembled in lie Clio Street auditorium this morn ll for Ihe lirsi sesison of the "nl an nul reunion of Ihe l ulled t'oufeder lie Veterans. (loo. II. ('. lingers, commander of he Louisiana division of Ilu- Veter ins' organization, was chosen lo call fie convention to order, and he was to urn the convention over to (Sen. .1 Hi nt ii s. Cair. of Durham. X. ('.. com inander-in-chief, who will preside nu ll after tin- eic- tion of otlioprs tomor .wv A representative of Uov. John M Ihti-ker. who was preventiil from at emliiig lhc reunion hy an engagement if mouths' standing was lo deliver the welcome address mi Is-half of ihe slate, and .Mayor MeSlmne. of New Orleans. FOI'R INSANE MEN MAKE THEIR ESCAPE FROM MATTEWAN IVe Revolvers in SiHctarular Urea); fur Freedom. Three, of Them Cap tured. (!ly tlie AsoclatcI lreH.) Jlallewnn, N. Y, April II. Four desperate and insane, criminals made a spectacular escape from the Malic wan Stale Hospital early today. In their break for freedom they made threatening use of a revolver, found two guards and locked them up after taking keys from I hem, and kidnapped two other guards and tin- institution's luntfl'ctir. The three kidnapped men were released several miles norlh of I'oughkeopsio. Three of the Men Captured. I'oughkeepsie, X. Y., April 11. In a running gun light three of the four men who had escaped from Mattewan State Hospital here, were captured near Kent. Conn., early Ibis afternoon. The fourth got away. Knighls of Ihe Ku Klux Make Chureli Oonatinns, Monroe. April 10. Sunday evening during services al Ihe Icemorb'e Methodist and Ihe North Monroe Hap tist churches-, four hooded figures, si lentlv walked down the aisles of the . , i, i,u ,,,i i i.i the nisior ; c , , .... oi cat ii ciiioi i lei lev. Xo word was spoken hy these hood was spoken OV ! ed visitors, lers lo the ami after blinding Ihe let preachers they walked out IHi Hum- went ill. aw .lilcnlly It was an Impressive and rather awesome siirht. according to some of (he people who were present at the churches. The letter, which was the same in both instances, is as follow: "We. Ihe Knights of tile Ku Klux Klnn, magnify the Itihle as the axis of our constitution, the foundation laws, the anchor of our liberties, the most practical guide, of right living, and the source of nil wisdom. "We are a Christian organization, and we honor the Ch.-is-l which you preach as Ihe Clansmen's only crite rion of character, and we seek al His hands Ihat cleansing from sin and im purity which He only can give. "In appreciation of Ihe noble, work yon are doing, we hand you this lit tle token of $ir to be used for the betterment of North Monroe." Dank Calls on Police For Protertiou. (Il the A-.-Mx-liii.-i! Prem.i Chicago. April 11, Officials of the Weaj Side National Hank today called for police protection when a crowd of depositors gathered and threatened a run on the Institution, according to the police. The institution hns depos its of nearly two million dollars. Investigating Tabcrt's Death. Madison. Via., April 11 I By the As sociated Press). Investigation Into the death of Miirlln Taliert. Xorth Da kola youth, while serving n sentence fourteen i In a couviet labor etuup months ago, was started Unlay by the Madison County grand jury. ii-s ihat are lo MilMellihsl. 1 r lo. teaiia n the piling of t ami allow iug ii n m m - lui.idi lions. Millions 1 1 ai h i at in i be thf -s4rrar kukvs IthN IN IRMtRlJ rol VTV trio, t.l . ..i tu.hi. I. I i r aa (rat la law 4 -gai . ar? Sitr,i.l,e. X. Antf" , DJHMnta.a iar or uvaaMruaU iiein lain I kmc" ahbh uarvl i., mhalai w- j ito itniaens m the ms :i.i ah. tc ill . alrra uf Hunting ' r. -t 1 int mltt I .i. i-aain is nr. w lin aio.iiMl hiii m far aa An.li flaroaj, ia .an mgtil aalchiiiau. is itui itiksI j siliH io.tl et-4- is um gollll l. d. resiunaliu' 'iaanr I iluu bin In ruw i inat ihs mil it muli last time The t-.er fo4ilel anilusl. anuilel ahk-h iinaginaf imi has wmkej won ders, iniglil la- related lo lie ll-ain.l of l'..i-cr. lib- judging Inun the ler ror il laiiseii atuoiig the n-siilejil- of ItahUllowi liiLiil-iuiow u. Walla-o-lonn and numer-u oilier Sialolith .ilhlirtw. bit Audi ih-.lai'-s it in..s' iltaiuli ait: i uu dog." ofts-crs m- jsirt Ihat 11 has lasn indirect ! re sanisible for ipileting late night revel era in Ihoe louimunities and now is iinving tin- same cfTei-t in that s-clion .1 North In-leJI lllhabillsl h wealthy farmeis. lislM-rmeu. Iiinilierniin and iibers. "T'other night." Smith and me were : onvcr.-at ion tjns' Shi-le's foumlri ah i aid Andy. "Jim holding a little lalkln'i up ai ml Ihe annual. -v hen it uibbst around J ga e il the once ol er the. IhiII. ling. Hid yelled al lint to si i ii. hut Jim's eveluills ii gin to dance and his bands lo jerk .o he couldn't rem .1 the thing. ".Mm never iliil n il on around the I itiiidod us it lull." The two proceed! nit far away, to in lo tin ma iamb i-geil to have shot h his gun er look i . ami liki lievuli I to the brickyard, out Kill t'aldwell and I'-ill is al at it latej- In the 'VI hours of the morning. c ut n i lily ain'l no . but il slio favors Vlldy. who added "It mos' if a b'a i log. nur I lion la thai the an aid animal had a shaggy head and a iiium- flopping on it 'bout like da I coat ami while duster dayin' dere." An. I so stands Ihe mystery of the marauihx. EA.MONN l)K VALEKA WAS NOT CAPTl'KEl) Tl'ESOAY Official Made Amiounrement lo This Ell'ert by the Free Stale Army Of- fleers. Dublin. April 11 lily Hie Associated i'ress l .The Free Stale army head luarters this afternoon oilieinlly con--ladieted the rejiort Ihat Kamonn de i'alera has been captured, Said I)e Valera Was Captured. London. April il (By !be AssiH-iated Press I. Kamonn de Valera, Irish re ijulillctin leader, has been captured, ac cording io a Cential News dispatch '1-is n Iter noon. The Central News message received ruin Dublin snys Han Hreen also was aken prisoner. Hie two being enptnr 'd al Clonmells. Six Execuled. Dublin. April 11 I Hy the Associated Cross i . - Six men were execu!"d this morning in County (lalway. says a Cress Association dispatch. LEtilON COMMANDER TALKS TO VETERAN'S Says There Must Be An End to Cor-, housed ; assisting deaf travelers en nipt Expioitation of Ihe Veterans' rte to various destinations; in sea Bureau. I "IS that ('v''r-' advantage ol education my the Axaoclatert i-r.-sn i I is given deaf children and ill sd- Ncw Orleans. April 11. Then- must he an end to the corrupt exploitation of the Veterans' Bureau. Alvin M. Owsley. National Commander of Un American Legion, declared today in an address before the annual reunion here of Ihe l'nitod Confederate Veter ans, adding Ihat the Legion fnyors an immediate investigation of thai De partment. Mr. Owsley extended greet ings on behalf of the Legion, paid a glowing tribute to the warriors of the South, and in explaining al length the spiiit actual ing Ilu- Legion and what il hopes to accomplish, launched into a hitler attack on what In- termed the "political inefficiency" of ihe Huron n. .VI LSI MAREL .IETTON WILL BE MISSIONARY j Shelby Woman Will Work in nrar.il I nder nireclioa ol nouinern .uem odist Women. (Uy ia-- AMMOciAted PretiN.i Mobile. Ala.. April 11 -Mabel Jet loll, of Shelby, X. ('.. has been assign ed as a missionary lo Brazil and Miss llhinche Mauser, of Pfnflfton, X. C, as a missionary to Korea, it was an nounced a I today's session of the Kith annual com ma ion rrf Ihe Women a Council of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The day was given over lo business matters. Tampa was selected yester day for the next convention. "I'ncle Joe Files Birth Certillcate. Raleigh, April 11 I Ity the Associat ed Press). "I'ncle Joe" Cannon, for merly speaker, and for many years a member of the Cnited Stales House of Representatives, today tiled his birth' certillcate with the North Carolina Hoard of Health. Mr. Cannon took advantage of the hirlh certillcate act of 11113. which al lows persons born before that dale to file records with the State Hoard of Health. The former Speaker gave his birthplace at New Garden, Guilford County, N. C, May 7. 1888. Both his parents were Isirn in New Garden, according to the certificate. Alleged "Kluxers" By Five Unidentified Cincinnati Men IBr th AMcielnteS row.i Cincinnati. April 11. Bearing on their hacks in stencil the words "He Is a Ku Klux Klanner," two blindfold ed men garbed only In I heir trousers and undertiklrls, were thrown from an automobile In the heart of this city Inst bight In view of scores of persons, Luler the two men appeared nl jsh lhc headquarters and reported that they had been abducted by five uniden nf mpcy MM NEVER tHTER RING AGAIN Great Fijrhter Has Purchased Valuable .Mining Property, and May Devote All of His Time to It Hereafter. NEW PROPERITY VERY VALUABLE Tract Has 2,000 Acres of Coal Land and 600 Acres of Ag cultural hinds in Castle Vallev of Utah. (Mr i lie I -I I Prrna.l Sail ! akc Ciiy, I lab. April 11. uko t'iiy. I lab, April .la I, Dciiiiiscv mat never light again. .lack Kerns, the champion's inaiui !ger. made Ihat iiTimiiincemetll Inst night after Dempsey had Ihsii elected president of the deal Western Coal Alines Com-iany. of which lie is said io own the controlling interest, i "This proposition is so big." Kerns i.said in detailing Ihe plans for the (to I velopmeul of the Dempsey mines "Ihat b- is thinking of retiring and devoting liis entire energy io making this en llerprise his life work in the future.' "If Dempsey does tight again." - Kerns said, "be will train at Dempsey City, I'tah. a town being built at the site of Ihe Dempsey mines. Kerns is secretary and treasurer of the com Many. I The company owns "',KMI acres of 'coal land and (KM acres of agricultural : lands in Castle Valley, including a town sin-. Il also has .'I 1-'J miles of railroad and is building an additional miles. TO ASSIST DEAF TKR-SON'S IN SKCl'RINi; KMFLOVMKVT Chief of Bureau o! Deaf Coufers With Hlaperintendent of Scho'.I for Oeaf. Raleigh. April 10. James M. Rob ertson, chief of the bureau for the deaf, department of la-'oer and print ing, has returned from Morajanton, where he conferred with Superin tendent W. McK. Goodwin, of the sehool for the deaf with reference to work and fntrre ppnduc! of the insti iinion. The oificia! expects to leave immediately on a visit to several c ties in Xorth -Carolina to get in im municntion with deaf persons and to assist in securing work for those -n need of employment. "This bureau Is not simply an em ployment bureau for the deaf,' ho stated. "In addition In finding work for the deaf, we are helping them in many other ways at court, ai fu nerals, in seeing that they are wfll . justing personal iimueis "We an employers trying to prove to many that the deaf wurKmiiii is on an equal' looting with nia mors fortunate brother as to efficiency and intelligence. We are anxious to have the co-operation of all employers in paving the way toward success tor Ihe deaf." he said. KILLS WIFE AND HIS THREE YOlNti DAUGHTERS Was "Tired of So Murh Trouble al Heme," the Murderer Said. Seattle. Wash., April 11. M. Hffec. a second-hand dealer, shot to death I his w ife nnd three young (laughters, j one an Infant, because he was tired of I -so much trouble at home." he said 1 when he walked Into a police station ' here early today. i KITee was locked up while the polico 1 men hurried to his home six blocks I away, and verified the report. The ' bodies were scattered about a bedroom, Doyle's 'Spirit Pictures" Mere Trirh- ery, Says rnest. New York, April '.. Sir Arthur Conn n Doyle's "spirit pictures," sliow ing ttoonga Of shadowy figures gath erlng about the tomb of ttie isrmsn unknown soldier In London on Ar mistice Day, were derided today by the Rev. C. M. de Heredla, S. JF who demonstrated in the photographic de partment of The Evening Worn that he (old cause similar phenomena to appear on photographic plites Vtttf out touching them, and without and aid from the other world. Father De Heredla, a Catholic priest I of Mexico City, has made a long slmly of spiritualism as well as the tricks employed hy stage magicians i and slelghl of hand performers. He described his method of producing weird photographs as "trickery nnd device and spiritualism not at all b ruuse as between living persons here Ion earth and the spirits that have i passed frnu the body there is not anil Jcinnnt be a control from the living i world." Roughly Handled tified men, who, after taking them on a wild ride In an automobile, took most of their clothes, and warning them not to take the matter up with the police "miller penally of death", threw tbeni out at a prominent down (own corner nnd -pod away. The victims, who gave tnelr tin men as Wm. L. Miller and Edwin J. Burk hardt, salesmen, denied they were members of the Klnn. H!S MANAGER SAYS 1 I ' I'KjlAtttfiiiririilfiiiiiiijii . -

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