f i The Concord Daily Tribute i DISPATCHES TODAY VOLUME XXIII , CONCORD, N. C . MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1923 HO.m. CHAS. M, SCHWAB SAYS CONDITIONS ME MHOVIIB NOW There Are Indications, He Says in an Interview, Thai We "Are Entering Into a Period of Expansion." rim umini re uri iwniwoxaiTT ; tUM DUWa F-lerrd a riea f i.eiltiT of Barter. Kals: too, fitlrtu April l-rTk Rev Father Chan. Dillon, ronfml slayer of hi. superior. Ui Rv, Fkllier r Henry ONe.ll. ..f m Aagastln Calhoifcr Charca liiH hunUay, vaa xnlJ-ixd to lift inpitoonwstat at bar! labor by Jud weimer In clnni.t court today. P.aten flra af UaMty. Kalamamn. XI U h . April 10. The It-1 father Chas. IMll.xi nl a afn f guilt vwtiei arraigned In i .nil court this Morning on iimif of killing lit nitfrl)r. th. Rrv. Kail ! WILL LET DANCERS ' GO TILL THEY DROP Chicago Police Will Not Not Interefere With Then, It Is Announced. URGES THE UTMOST CAUTION, HOWEVER a a Chicago. April Hi Long im inrr marathon, or eudununv damer may ll, nr i" Will msior i.f Si Anvils- da ihv Inn- unlll thev dn0 without I tlaH'n Catholic Church, last Thurwlay. I Inh-re ferncr from ibe polhe. Com Judre Weimer wtthhrld notion no the 'uienltkyg on Ihe iiimmuicciaetit of the jpieo is-noing personal iiieuiung ui the prisoner. Says Caution Must Be Exer cised, However, to Prevent ) This From Developing In to a Second Inflation. Raleigh, April 1C- (R Uip- Associat ed Press) No woman prisoner In ihe state prison al Raleigh nan been (togged during the present admlmstni 1 urn. Dr. J. II Norman, chief payiSl- clan, who is required to be present whenever punishment Is lufliereu hi Ihe Institution, declared twl;i . In re ply to rbargea or E. E. Dudding. i-resident of the Prisoners Relief Sonny, Washington, to the effect that "women are being Hogged by guards na bad y aa in slavery times," at the penitenti ary. Either the chief physician or his as sistants whenever whh, pings are be ing administered at the are present. lr. Nortman asserted, adding that during this time' he has "never wit nessed inhumun treatment of nrison- ers." "A leather strap about 2 feci lone ia used he said. budding's alterations of Improper conditions at the prison we ennruc terixed by tbe physician as being false in their entirety. PLEADS GUILTY TO Ml'ROKR OF THREE PERSONS Henry C. Brack Killed the People With His Automobile March 2. (By tfce aMx-uta !. Philadelphia, Pa., April 16 Henry 0, Brock, bunker anil club mini, today pleaded guilty to the general charge of murder for the killing of three persons with his automobile on March 2nd. Brock first pleaded guilt; of , murder in tne second degree urn epnrt reqisvii DIVERS Ml t.H AS VAX IH10PS PKAP IN CAFE Montreal Coal taent Overtaxes Heart bands in Cabaret. New York, April 13. Diners and dancers In the ('tab Montmarie, n Broadway cabaret, laughed ts they saw Alexantler Dick, representative of the Dominion Coal Company, of Montreal, slip from his chair to the floor early today. They thought he was Intoxicated. A few moments inter they found he had died or hesrl 1 1 sense. iMfdical examiners said the exer tion pt dancing hud ben loo much for blm Dick came hero Thursday on 'business. His body waa started for Montreal tonight. EX430VKRNOR GOES TO JAIL H.aiilrtonship mutest fiM Chicago Apiil 24lb. and linporta fnan other cliloa that police bad iuierfered with endurance d nm. Herman Riindcaen. health commissioner, said: "Chicago bcirlih authorities will not interfere with anyone who wishes to dunce himself to death." However, the health commissioner said he rignrdcd three hours at a time throe times n week as "about the limit of henlthful bcueflclnl dancing'' SOME COW Prinress Jersey lilsic. of Cluirlnllc Stale Chansjiimi. Ik A Hat HI Prraa.1 Raleigh. April H. Princess F.lise. of Charlotte, not only is "some cow" hut nlso Is new Jersey State Champion four years old, according to J. A. Arey. of the Agricultural Kxtension Hervice. I And her honors do . tint stop there, i She has qualiled as a gold anil sliver ..r , . . I medal cow, under the regulations of Theodore G. Bilbo Sentenced to Serve , ,,. AinerJiln jerseT ctu,, nu. ! Day far ( miteinpt of Court. Snp phslueed r,4Ti1 noumlH of milk (Br ia AaMctat4 Prww.i lnn, 7S!.I)0 pounds of butter fat in one Oxford. April lu. Theodore (I. Bil-jyo:ir. according to statistics of the renorts from the South were more f.awstw- ttst!tttiiL tial'IB HbaWuH iWWWil'WWt' sWUW" Hajg wwkIbv- . ant could uot. tlx ibe decree. Ciiunsel then changed the plen to guilty or murder, and I ho court ul-ocoedeil t t hen testimony to determine the de groe. letter Gcto 6 to 10 fears hi Prison. Philadelphia, April lk. -Henry G. Brock, banker and clubman, was today, sentenced to from 6 to 10 years in the Enston state prison fori killing three persons with his automobile. HOPE TO MAKE A NEW SUSTAINED FLIGHT RECORD s, former Governor of Mississippi, mi ni to the Lattfyctte county Jail to day to serve o sentence of XO days for contempt of Federal Court. When Mr. Hills npenred In FihI ernl Court here today to answer a charge of contempt hero. use of his fail ure to appear us a witness In the suit of Miss Frances IUrkhcad ' against Governor Lee M. RuaselV last fall, he pleaded guilty. Judge Holmes fixed the sentence of $100 and. 30 days in jail. - TH K t'OTTOX MARK KT. Nervous service. "Princess Elise." said Mr. Arey, takes away the state championship frmn Pender Eminent Ijiss E. SfiWMO, who held this honor previously witli a record of rHtt.OO of butter fat The new champion, property of R. E. Mc Dowell, Charlotte, complies with all the requirements demanded. She calved within sixteen months of her last freshening prior to the te3t npd carried calf 230 days during her lac tation period. El isc s average test for thirteen Inspections was 5.04 per cent, of battler fat. k .ml r u.t led Kiillnu-ins k 11 uomi-s rrom nonie jJ3AL3XT!VLjZ P'li- H,.r elre Is .lap's fnterestiHl ,,hP lV:, lyT?0L.v wl 1.14140. a eon of Knrnnk's Jnn S4.3IL1, and her flam is Noble Princess K. 2S4804. These mimes are familiar to the hyeders of blooded, Jeraey t'.it- The Christian Endeavorers Hold a Great Meeting Over taw Itoaatt. f the Vh Ber. f R f (lulratM Patr aas. IBe ' New York, April 16 The coUrfn market was nervous and unsettled following tbe sharp break of Saturday. Liverpool was lower than due, weather irregular at a decline of 12 to 28 points under contlued liquidation. The neat months were relatively easy. Cotton futures otoned Irregular: May 2H.30; July ijT.BO! October 24.0".: Decemlier 24.50: January 24.10. IJenU. McReady and Kelley Took Hie Air at Dayton This Morning. (By k aaoeMid Dayton, Ohio, April 10. Llents. John A. McReady and Oakley G. Kel ly took the air in tbe monoplane T-2 at 0:40 o'clock this morning with Lieut. Kelly at the wheel in what they hoped would be a new record for ana tntned flight. Ueuts. McReady and Kelly now hold the unofficial record for sustained flight. 35 hours anil IS minutes at Han Diego, Cal., last Octo ber. Recounting Greensboro's Population. (By tk A ctt rrcaa.i GreenBboro, April 10. Thlrty.two enumerators today began taking the Federal census of Greensboro under the direction of Samuel D. Rboads, supervlaor of census. The count is be ing made to ascertain the official pop ulation of the city, which extended Its limits on March 15th last. APPEAL DISMISSED Pro- To Have Conviction Under N. C hibition Laws Set Aside. I Br I he Aiwrlaicd I'lim.l Washington, April 10 The appeal of J. A. Campbell to have his convic tion in North Carolina for violating the state prohibition laws, set aside on the ground that it had been repealed by the national prohibition act, ami also to have the highest court pass up on the constitutionality of his arrest on the ground that proper search war rants have not been served, was dis missed today by the Supreme Court in a tier curiam opinion through which it affirmed the decision of tbe lower Courls. The Sugar Market. (Br tk Aaswctate rtwi i New York, April 10. Jlaw augar firm and unchanged at 7.60 for" cen trifugal. Refined unchanged with fine granulated Hated at 0.20 and 0.40. Eight weeks' employment for 1,000 men waa recently provided by the -spring-clean " 01 tbe giant steamship Aqutatania. GRAIN FITURES TRADING ACT DECLARED VALID Second Time Supreme Court Has Pass ed on Validity of This Act. (By th Associated ITss.) Washington, April 1(1. The grain futures trading act was declared valid and constitutional today by tbe Sn- cast. The Annual rBretioa of the Southern Dlatrlet ISorth Carolina rhrlatlsa Endeavor fnlon W)t opened in Hi First Pli(bBlls Owirrti here Saturday afternoon 4 ocioi by th President. Mr. John C Boyd, n Chsr kXle. the devotional JwrvUv being run ducted by the pttMt. Rev. Jesav. C Rnwan. who absr attended a heart nebswaf In. m tbe nhurcb and iln Reimrls of (Im varUMis officers of rto. conefifion were heard with pleasure as each depart tuaut Sras shown to Is in protT.ais iwodiinni rn errj way. ' T A' splendid talk M uinde by Mr Frank P. Wllnon. on Jibe Monthly Ser vice program, ind Itoesseil the fnci that ibis was one of. die moat import ont of all the mirsVirv work of tin soeielie. He aLso oid how to lis. the, charts In the vaginas depnrl muls to olnnln the hlghetl efficiency. The speaker then entered Into detail in re gard to Ihe work onihe nih.eis and the various comnHtlf-s. After nuik iiig Ihe annuiincemcntl fur the service of tile evening ami hunday wnrnlng the i nm enlimi adjor-ued, and upon nil invitation from Mr. Rowan to meet St the Y. M. C. A. fof simper. Ibe del c gates went In a bodjj 10 Ihe V. wher.' an elaborate siipMr was served by MiMlumra I,. T. HnruW Eugene Caii nop, E. H. Broom and R. H. Young, assisted by a number of young ladies of the church. Th supper consisted of chicken sAlad, ham sandwiches pickles, olives. Ice tea. ice cream anil cake. Mrs. HnrtselL'jiud her commit tee are to he congrauliitcd on the sup per and excellent lujinner In which the 100 delegates fere served, as every de tail had been thoroughly worked out. At 7:30 Ihe eonveiilion again assem bled, and after the devotional exerclsiis Mr. Frank Wilson 'Vlieneil the uro gram hy making :t the first business of tbe evening, that of Progress.' He made financial support wh response. A message from next heard, the sii fleers and eommitti ing business with quarters to make pi all correspoiuleiice lew remnrks on convention for 'reparation for line apiHnl for Mi met n liberal tie." from fh nwufH tr.de seeml rather '"V" erc .,, , re- pwpie or rne i i discouraging and the opening hefe was ..-.3. " , T-?.! North Carollnn,' he said. "The offlelnl testing work fostered by the State College and Deunrtmonl of Agricnlture is proving that there are cows In North Carolina which are equal in production to those of most any well developed dairy sections." he continued. "For this reason. I can see ho necessity for dairymen to go out of the state In order to secure a good bull of register of merit back ing. ' adiputrters was urged the of- nd others hav- nflice nt bend- nut rosiMinse to thereby milking the work in their deBi runouts as easy as possible and alsolto facilitate the handling .it the large volume of busl- aHtonla 11IM, Sunderland Hull I Mra. D. W. McFariand. of Hlgk Pobu. (Uate Superintendent of Inter- meittstr Work nn prewerit ami r,, an lotrreetlng aei-ount of the work of Ms department at this time. fine of ihe most IteneHcial and up lifting services of lb whole conven tion was the program, by tbe Junior ChVtermii Endeavor Sislctv of the Kei oml pn-sltyferlan Church of this ejty, under the direction of Miss Nannie luery. who 1ms chnrge of this deport ment In ihls chiin h The lit lie folks .imle.i l n program :fisl gave to the sndiciwc an liudglit of the manner in which ihls sis-iety makes out and pu.'s on Its program, consisting of songs, rci'iln I inns and wriplure verses and the ten commandments. An Intermediate Christian f'.ndcn- vor demons! ration was given next by representatives of the Tenth Avenue Society of Chnrlotie. This program was ns'nis by a Quartette oi young men who sung n number, jifier which the president of the Society lisik i barge of alid gave tbe audience n demoBstretlon of how meetings should i-g;n The first demonstration mis .the opening of n meeting; with no one irroscut by ihe presblem. all the others Vomliig kile. thus showing how the work suffered from ofihi'rs who were lardy and not Interested' in the work. The second part of this program was begun with a meeting, all the officers on time, all the committees ranking re- ports. and everything being done In a 1 businesslike manner, ami giving Im petus to the grent workof the young people who are Interested in the great work of the Christian Endeavor Sis'le ties. These demonstrations by the jun iors and Intermediates were very pleas ing and elicited much favorable com ment from the audience. Shnrl tnlks were also made lit the after i session by Messrs. T. A. Gulton and A. Y.. Howie, ef Davidson College. Mr. Gulton spoke on "The Quiet Hour and Mr. Bowie had for Ills subject "Stewardship." Reisirts were mode from a numls'r of societies of outside work being done at the county jails, chain gangs and. county homes by the various societies. Prominent nniong these reisirts were those made by representatives of two wide-awake societies of Concord. Mc Kinnoii Presbyteiinii and the Method ist Protestant Churches, West Avenue. saluntoi niilraai Spc.oUii.rn rs still rife la Caarar today otit the results f tke vlail here Katunlay of Chainuan Page of ihe Hiate' Hrhway fksiajuaBn. In roaapany with a aamber of high offi Hals of the Sowhem Railway Osb pany. Cbairmin J. F. Dayranlt. of the Board of County CoaamlaslonerM. stat ed (his meriting that he bad been un able lo lurti anything of ihe drrlalon that bad ben readied br the vhdlors. who come to i uncord and visited tbe proposed ronlw for the highway w ith out saying anything to nny of the IocjI couiity or city officiala. Mayor J. B. Womble, when asknl i' Inn be had learned about the mat lor. declared that he is entirely in the dark. It was the purpose of ihe Mayor to have a talk with the rail road officials relative to pining the stretch of street at the Southern Railway station here, hut he wus un able to get an opportunity for this conference. MATES PRISON HAS BEEN FLOGGED Daring the Present t ration, Says Dr. Norman. Chief Physician, Who Must Be at Punishments. FLATLY DENIES DUDDING CHARGES noss that Is -iieeoss.n Rev.- J. G. Garth, dressed the innven "The strength of Y f Charlotte, nd- on the subject It was o to the young Christian Endeavor So- cieth-R many ways in .which they could take up the work of the church and help5 carry It forward. At the dose of the session the dele gates were assigned homes. Miss Sn wih Bernhardt was in chnrge of the The last session of convention wits held Inst night and Mr, Daniels preach ed a very inspiring sermon on '.Mak ing a success." His earnest manner tend" RpleilW;f4rnrT';oibehirlf Mtf- Mr young people of the churches to put forth their Is-st effort contained much valuable Information and no part of the convention was more enjoynble and uplifting than fire sermons by Mr. Daniels and Sir. Garth. The following report wns offered by registration of Ihe delegates and this . u, ,l0lnllll,tu,g committee, and adopt lull ui iur tni tita itui ion, nr . Miss Barnbardt had so well amiably pregl,ientMr. Carey P. Lowrance managed this part of the work tout It of TUooresviUe. omy required a lew minutes to miiKC . . t v, President M. C. L. Snen- DVBH'AM Y0TERS KEEP AGKB Tintm Unonirlal l ountt Manaeer Council 1.910; Commission Form 7.Vi Votes. Durham. April 14. An overwhelm ing victory waa won today by the council manager form of government in trie special election held ,to decide whether that' form should remain In force or whether (lie.com mission rorm should be given a trial. Because of inclement weather the vote was light with a total of 2,674 cust out of a registration of approximately 4,(00, the unofficial count; 1,919 for the present form and 765 for the com mission form. The commission crowd carried oniy one precinct, .that being Brady's store. This precinct haa ap lfroxlmately 700 names on tbe registration but only 401 v tes were the assignments Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the sermon to the young lS'ople was prench ed by Rev. M. F. Daniels, superintend ent of tbe Home Mission Department of Mecklenburg' Presbytery. Dr. Dan; lels subject wns "Loyalty, using as a text the words smiken by Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve 1 cirn Belle Wilev. of Gastonia. the Iird." Mr. Daniels made a strong .tumor 8uis?rintendent Miss Hnttie appeal to the young people to become Mav Covlngrou. of Wndeshoro, leaders, as the church ami world to-1 Tenth Legion and Missions Miss day ore needing strong Christian lead- j Minnie Hopkins, of Concord. ershlp. I Quiet Hour Mr. T. A. Gulton, of At the opening of the afternoon ses-1 lwtdsim. , siun nt 3 o'clock. Rev. .1. C. Rowan After the Insinuation of othcers tne gave on address on Ihe "Importance of convention adjourned subject to the preme Court. It was the second time the court has passed on the validity, of a grain future trading law, a previous statute based on tbe taxing power of tbe Fed eral government having been held un constitutional. The law upheld today was based on the right to control In terstate commerce. Patt Covington has moved his store to the Widenhou.se Bros., old stand, and will be open for business Wednesday. The election brought to an end. the most hotly congested election ever held In the city, of a purely local character. For several weeks the im posing siojch hnve ben waging an active campaign, resorting to news paper advertising and In many cases to mud slinging? The predictions as to the results varied prior to the e'ectlon. practically everybody was of the qlnlon thai the present form would win, but few thought that It would be ' iy as wide a margin as It did. fJOOOOOOOOOOOfJOfJOOOOOOOfXlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A DEED OR RENT RECEIPTS? Which would you rather have agar a few yenrs A Deed Your Own Home, or. a Bunch of Rent Receipts T to Every man owes it to bis wife, his children, and to himself to provide a permanent Home for those dependent upon him, Home ownership reveals in a man or woman the qualities of Thrift, Self Respect and good cltlsensblp. It Is easy to come Into possession of a home. All that Is nec essary is to put aside each pay day a small amount of one's earn ings In Ihls Old Reliable Building and Loan Association. (Mart to iXiy hy taking some shares In Merle No. 01 now open. All stock la non-taxable. Loaus can be made on short notice- -"Unit means at once." Begin Now. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OfflCE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. cer. of Gnstoniu. Second Vice President Mr. W. G. Sugg, of Carthage. Secretary Miss Hester Steele, of Monresrille. Treasurer Mr. John C. Boyd, of Chnrlotie. Intermediate Suiwrlntendcnt Miss BAPTISTS TtKK ACTIOf 1 ON F.V0MTIO rSAfRSBS .s.Juiions Adapted Favoring Rerall of AU Missionaries Who Teach II. Kebulon, N. C, Apr! 16. Raw MO .ions 'requesting the trustees al al! Baptist ediictionnl institutions ,r North Carolina to dismiss oil moinlers of the faculties and recall all huh-, sinnaries who beiicve In or teach the "theory of evolution." have 'been pass ed by the Baptist Chur h here follow ing the delivery of a sermon on the subject by Dr. ('. A. Jenkins, pastor, yesterday. Evolution in some form is as old as the race." Dr. Jenkins told his con gregation. "It pulled Its first stunt in the Garden of Eden, and the devil was the first evolutionist. Ever since, he has tsirne the name of a Issast os serpent lion or dragon." The theory -my lbs of the Bib e, turning lis most sucred leaching in absurd nllego.les." and p'ctures Christ as "a mere man, destroying His cross and His' crown," he continncd. rjne resolutions will .be sent to the boards of trustees of Baptist educa tional institutions, and the foreign mission board of the church Rich mond, Virginia. NINE CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH In a Fire Which Destroyed a Japanese school at Kirrainento. (Br th Associated Prrss.) Sncramento. Cal., April 10. Nine Japanese children ranging In age from 5 to 17 years, were burned to derth In a firn which Vitruy-wl -Jnpnnese mis sion school early today. There were 24 children In the building, hut most of them escajsHl liefnre fbe;flnutos were underway, six hoillcs were found in n room on the top floor when liremen fought their way through the Haines. With Our Advertisers. See Cline Moose's ad. for grocery bargains, in this paper. The Gibson Drug Store is the agent here for Eastman Kodaks. J. A. Glass will give you free with each Clover Leaf or Long Distance cord tire you purchase from him an air-gauge, extra heavy red Inner tube. See ad. In this poi?r. Phone 412 for a demonstration. -Rend what gas can do for you in the new ad. today of the Concord and KannnKlis Gas Co. The motor Tire Service Co., can look after all your auto needs. Head the new ad today. This Is the last week of the big Kitchen Cabinet sale by the Concord Furniture Co. Dr. Norman Says During His Term of Office He "Has Never Witnessed Inhuman Treatment of Prisoners." (By tk aa.rbia rrrs. i New York. April HI. Indications are i ihiil "we are entering into a itorlml ol business expansion ami utmost cun- li nnsl be exercises to prevent this from developing Into n secondary infla tion which would lie disastrous." Chus. M. Scbwnh. chairman of Die Bethlehem Steel Corporation declared tislny in a statement. Business is plentiful and Industry is e.ctlve. throughout the country, be added" and we hnve every reason to feel happy over the sittuitlon." q our Job right now Is to keep an j even keel, ami to sieer o sinugoi iimrse. Business is on u firm founda tion but it must lie kept there. Eton- iniic conditions abroad are not as promising as I would have them, bnt am not at all discouraged over me outlook and I think progress is being made and will Is- made for (lie re mainder of the year. "I have always found the steel in- dustrv is a pretty accurate indicator of (-onditlous. Bethlehem plants are all working almost to capacity, and I nm sure the same conditions apply to most other steel mills. MRS. CLARA PHILIPS IS ' LOCATED IN SAN SALVADOR Escaped From Los Angeles County Jail December 5th Last (Mr th Aaaocfat , . Los Angeles. April 10 Mrs. Clara Phillip-, convict oil "hammer mur deress." who escaped from the Los An- 1 .-,.1... cipniv kill December Tilll. has noon located in sail snivnmir. Becom ing to a eoyprlghled story in the Los Angeles Examiner tislny. Her appre hension is monemtarlly expected. Mrs. Phillips was under a sentence of 10 years for lientlng to death with a hammer Mrs. Alls?rta Tremaine Mendows. She has Isjen reported several times to be In Mexio. Mrs. Phillips was said to have killed Mrs. Meadows be cause she lielleved the young, woman had been associating with Phillips. Ol ESTION OF REMOVAL Or JACKSON INH'nTUTG Decision," using the words of Christ taken from a part of the sermon on the Mount. He emphasized especially the importance of prayer life, giving ns a definition for prayer making one's life harmonize with the plan of God. If nothing else had been said during the convention this impressive tnfk would have made the convention worth while. T Mr. Frank P. Wilson agnin spoke on "The Four-Square Objectives." Mr. Wilson is familiar with all depart ments of tbe work and Is authority mi anything pertaining to Christian En deavor work. He wns heard with In tense Interest and pleasure on tbe im portant subject. full i i hi call of the executive committee who will name the time and place of the next meeting. The music rendered during the ses sions by the splendid choir of the First Church added very materially to the pleasure of the meeting. The "Gloria" from Mozart's Twelfth Mass" was superbly rendered Sunday morning, nlso a solo by Mrs. J. B. Womble, was a very pleasing part of the musical program. To Mrs. Hlnton McLeod and Miss Sarah Barnbardt should be given cred it for the muaniHcent manner in which the enterininment and arrangements of the convention were made such n com plete success. Negro Boy Flashes I II cel.. Forged Route Sandhill Peaches by Way of Salisbury. Salisbury. April 13. The Yadkin railway office here Is making prepa rations to handle about half of the eastern North Carolina pencil crqp this season, according . to an an nouncement yesterday. The crop this year. It Is estimated Will require ntsHit 1,000 cars. Herei- tofore the entire crop has been ahlnncd throiudi ' ftlphtnnnil The Salisbury route Is being selected this I year In order that the cars can be uivertcir to , rne wear as, wen as tne east where the total crop has been consumed In the past. The Latest Models in Bootleg; Circles. Boston, Mass.. April It. -Latest styles In bootleggers corsets were dis played i by the! police today as -a re sult of a raid on a tenement house i in the North End where a quantity of moonshine was seised. There are two models. Each is a two partition, tin garment of two-gallon capacity, soaped to the body and he'd In nosl two under the coat hy shoulder 1 straps. One has faucets st the bottom I to pour liquor Into a glass. The other bad a rubber hose to siphon (he stuff through openings in the top. , . Salisbury. April IS. Tom's drug store feil victim to a check Hashing nrtlst several days ago but the du plicity was not discovered until the gentleman whose name . bad been used on tbe check had been communi cated with by the hank the check was drawn on and in which bank tbe citizens had no funds. A negro iboy presented a check to (Mr. Tom fon $10. It was apparently drawn by L. B. Brndahaw, payable to Dr. R. T. Ellington, and Indorsed by the latter. The check was accom panied by a note signed by Dr. El lington and asking that the check be eaahiad aa be was loIiut to Charlotte on a night train and needed a ilttle cash. The boy was given the money m there was no question about the check being good, and Mr Tom thought no more aisiut the matter un til II developed that the signatures of Mr. Bradshaw and Dr. Ellington were forgeries. , (10 1 Five Youthful Bandits Raid 30 Men al nay ana kod Boney nm. I'lttsburgh, Pa., April 15 Five youthful bandits, armed with sawed off shotguns and pistols early today held at lay 30 employes of the Pitts burgh Raliway company while they rifled a money box of nearly $4,000 in cash snd street car checks. As the bandits fled In an automobile they fired Into the crowd of employes. None were struck. The holdup apparently had neeit carefully planned. As four men carry Ing the money box left a street car at the east end car burns the bandits drew up In their nutomoblleii, leve led their weaiKws at the men carrying tbe box and a group of other employee nearby, commending "hands up." The gunmen men rorceu one oi me ai ployes to open the money box. They dumped the contents Into their mo- A large steamship ( many aa 106 furnace may Women Vail to Endorse League. Dus Moines, April 14 (By the Asso ciated Press). Efforts to insert en doraement of the league of nations in the war prevention resolution of the National League or woman voters at the fourth annual c onvention failed to day for lark of a second to the motion have as atode by Mrs. Blanche McKeiky, of 'Ussniu Omaha. I'nion County Farmers Make Big Preparations. Monroe, Apaj! 14. Interviews with number of fertilizer dealers of the county reveals the fact that Un'on county farmers are buying heavily this season and the indications are that a large acreage will t planted to cotton. This Is the third season the boll weevil has operated in tbe county. and there is quite a bit of specula tion as to the damage he wi 1 do to tbe Union county cotton crop next summer. Livestock dealers also states that their business is unusually good, and It Is a certainty that great, .prepara tions arc being made for farming op erations, whether for c-otton growing or for the growing of other ciops. The corn, hay, isitatoes mid other food and the fed crop acreage is ex pected to very large. Enrol Hill Congregation Worship, Willi That of Calvary. The Forest Hill Church could not lie heated yesterday nml the congTegatloii worshipped with the Calvary Lutheran congregation. For the night service, the pastor. Rev. M. L. Kester, and the officials very kindly tendered their Church to Mr. Armstrong and his flock. An extraordinarily lurge congregation Has Been Taken to President Harding by Senator 'Kellar. Ill; Ik Associated I'ttss. Washington. April 10. Suggestions from unofficial sources that the statue of Andrew Jackson, opposite the White House in Lafayette Square should be removed on the ground that It Is not artistic, hnve leen taken up by Senator McKellnr, of Tennessee. In o letter to President Harding, urg ing that the Executive not give his ap proval to such a proposal. "The sentiment of American people is overwhelming against the desecra tion of any of the monuments to nny of its heroes," Senator MeKeUar said in his letter. Veterans Express Thanks by Letter. New Orleans Picnynne. A score of Confederate veterans from Salisbury, N. C, who are attend ing the reunion, are happy over their visit to New Orleans. They appointed J. T. Wyatt, one. of their number, to write their thanks t tbe city, and here is what he wrote: New Orleans, La., April 18. To the Editor of The Times-Picayune : We are writing to thank all of the good citizens of New Orleans for treat Ing us old soldiers so. line. We never had Oner treutment anywhere. We were In the nornde and were shot by the movie camera two or three times. We shook hands with Jiiui dreds of the prettiest girls we hfive ev er seen, from the side of the automo biles lu which, Wi were riding. The cars had to travel slow liecunse the crowd was jammed up against .theni and we took advantage of the shako bands with the beloved beauties of New Orleans. The young ladles and young mi who drove us took us to many places of Interest aJsiut the city and we had I a wonderful tune, we woman t tase composed of Lutherans and Methodists greeted the minister when he arose to i f,,000 apiece for the trip, and We have mobile and fled Another box containing more than $7,000, left In the street car, was overlook i-d. Gonna Be Weather Man Says It's Washington. April 14, Weather out look fop the week beginning Mon- fcouth Atlantic States, and utile Valley and Tennessee preach. The Methodists arc keenly appreciative of this courtesy. Von Rosenberg on the Ruhr Situation. Berlin, April 1(1 (By the Associated Press).---Foreign Minister von Roscn- Iwrg addressing the relchstng this af ternoon declared the battle now In progress on tbe banks of the Rhine and In the Ruhr wns not one for iiml or wood, hut n flght which would de termine whether Ihe Ideas of right ami peace would progress or lose ground. KHIee, Sweetheart j Commits Suicide. iWf tec Asocial Pt. New Yflrk. April ih. Harold van Alsteln, an acrobat who last January shot and kl ad hla sweetheart. 'Mist fienertlly ; Marian MacLarbn, of Philadelphia. fair with temperature below normal committed suicide in the Tatoba this trade 1efr first part of week and normal morning hy strangling himself i thereafter. his belt. two notebooks full of items relating to; our trip here. The lst people of the world Ilvo right here In New Orleans and we would like to stay here nil tbe time. fliere were twenty of us old sol diers here from Salisbury and wo shout : "Hiirnili for Now Orleans." Improvement in Industrial C In r.ngland. London, April 10 t By the Press). Stanley Baldwin, of the exchequer, making statement before a crowded the House of Commons toda past year's surplus of ll.OOov Sterling bad gone to reducl debt, The fleeal year just become t" ,."'ii .'S his i a steadily n n 1.......

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