o i TODAY. NEWS TODAY VOLUME XXIII AY, APRIL 17. 1923. NO. 90. It" The Concord Daily Tribune ! 'T ' ' f ' ' , . -- CONCORD, N. C , TUBfe BASEBALL SEASON OPDB M 1 North Slate progress, nail Ihey all bti In North lan.llnn. ...mi.ar.-d with im . e, j .t-owmeiit un bnlh the Modae prmrre- jvc for Msrrh taxi year, and Ml.- x liyCTS na rtnS III r OUT and taeepleealld neid- ling eohstniet-1 iral.lWtl For ibe I'ldfed State anil ( 'n- Mftior LMtnc Citita Pw- rl ' " : "'' ""':,,- A Wn,kr at . "mimroi irHb tsi.aio.Tnu M 1 !n ,!tlil was rftd ycstenVx by M"-r I ltd'. ....-online to the repon parC I OT Upening laRRst Rf 1 Woinblo from a lawyer of Oreejivlllo. (These ft gun, sul.l Mr. Wade, do IKS Nntirvnnl Uaini Ljaajia ' l"eunylvanU. which r. ad a follows 1 i,.inla damage fruui forest Bras. national unguc seuon. fVPM a ,, ,,,, ,,) iwan.iwhlch he US(t rllH, , N ,rth -arollnu 1 1 tr yaara afcn 1 pnnaart through aniu ,iona for Mart Wu dtiitlio Uk "BASEBALE TODAY" - ON CARS AND BUSSES Fair and Warmer Was Gen eral Weather Indication in Most Cities. Band Play in; and Flag Raising. (7 ka Chkngo, April 17. Tho fnmilinr Rlrp) "Bas.'tiall Toila.v" miue Into view this morning on atmH nn nml hiiwicn tin 11I11 virs nml fana in. four major li-agiir- i-itii's pri'iianil for till 0NMilng Camaa of tlia National I.iukhi- xeaaoii. The tiini'-lKiiuirisI imihIoiii of I .-1 I -liluylng, ting raising nml throwing of 1 lie llraf ! 1:1 1 1 wart1 pspaateil to Is- inr riart iml In the vnrlmw rllies. Prwlilent John A. Hajiller. of the National League, was a guest of the Chicago 1 'iilis In the initial elnah here with the IMttaburgb IMratea at the Ctilm' reconatructed wrk. K. M. I.anilis. Commissioner of Base hall, was at Boston, the gueat of the Boston Braves, anil Chrlaty Matthew son for the 0eiiiiig there with the Ne wYork (limits; St. Louis was nt CtBeinnatl nml I'hilmleliihla was at Brooklyn. Fair anil warmer was the general weather indication In moat of the cit ies. TWO GIRL8 TRAPPED BY FIRE AT MORGANT0N Nighl Telephone Operator and Her Slater Barely Escape From Build big With Live. Morganton. April ir Fire originat ing in ATortmnu Brother Klectricnl simp about 2 o'clock last night did damage to the egtent of several thotw and dollars, almost the entire electric al alack being destroyed and much damage by water being ilunc to the BuM Telephone Omiiany's exchange on tin xewam i tt-minjingrri By uulck work and plenty of water I the Waae was confined to this build-. ing which la owned by the Tate fam ily and Mrs. Ray, of Fayettevllle.' .Miss Pansy Lane, night operator, was awakened by the smoke and sum moned as many firemen as ehe was able to reach. Attempting then to escape she and a small sister who was with her, fonnd the stairway blocked by dense smoke and that means cut off. Lelth Gordon, special nfhtchmnn for the First National Bank,' was the nrst man on the scene. Unable to break the loek of the lower door he shot It off, but the smoke made It Im possible for him to go up the stairs lo the girls. He procured a ladder and assisted them to escais' through the front window. The town was without telephone connections until noon today, bnt the equipment has been dried ami Is now in operation. It is thought that the building can be repaired, but suffered considerable damage. GUY SENTENCED TO SERVE THREE YEARS Former Cashier of Statcavllle Bank Sent to State Prison. (Br the AmMMiated Praaa.) statesvllle. April 17. John AV. Guy, Sr., former cashier of the First Na tional Bank, of Slatesviile, was sen tenced here today to serve three years in the Atlanta Federal penitentiary. At the January term of Federal Court Guy pleaded guilty of four counts on indictment charging emliez ilement, misapplication of funds, ab straction of funds, and making false entries In the individual ledger of the bank Involving a total shortage given as approximately $84,000. Judgment was suspended on .three of the counts. In England dogs bare been banned as draught animals since 1854. 00000000000000000600000000000000000000000000000000000 A DEED OR RENT RECEIPTS? Which would you rather have after a few years A Deed to Your Own Home, or a Bunch of Rent Receipta? Every man owes It to his wife, bis children, and to himself to provide a permanent Home for those dependent upon him. Home ownership reveals in a rdan or woman the qualities of Thrift, Self Respect and good citizenship. s It la easy to come Into possession of a home. All that Is nec essary Is to put aside each pay day a small amount of one's earn- in la thin AM Hatlahla RnlMlnir nml I .on 11 AaaoHnHon Start to- itay by taking some shares In Series No. ol now open. All atfick is non-tniable. Loans can be made on short notice "tliat means at once." Begin Now. Cabarrus County Building Loan and Savings Association OFFICE IN CONCORD NATIONAL BANK. Still s (.BwRtTTRtRRKftH Maftl IV vnini - - - - riWIIIIIMI MM Hr.ln Letter U Miiir W TW progm-aa of North Car.laa l a lumgh. X. C, AirtJ IT Tbe rec sidileet which is receiving the ante lr,,. fr ui, ,ho that not Mlr la 1 ton of n'ttuM all over the ooMkrjr. t 1 ha theme f aiimharl i aril pITirnu-Ira fu ii--ti!i In 1 ht- I I IT! h" TOOtlMK gK-wtu Oil !L0'"ip dally r a great Stale Mid sinoailftm lb.- news nlHMBf the Old I il- iiut nay. bum h utitiii.' by tha rtirMiut'. not uniy 111 ine mwn 11- self. Iml iihrn in th' snrromnliig inn try .mil the mails lejoling into il. I'an Mm ii-ii Me what Ibe papula tint ot (umiiril was In IflWI. 1IU mwl Htftl, ami any olbor infurmntlon shtiwing the growth of ynnr siition of North Carolina. i "1 must Kay tluit the trip 1 took through- North Ciirotina gave me an iMititVly ilifTetvnt iiW of the State than uny 1 had ever hul. AVe went in the northeast turner and mme mil the soutllwmt rorner, and if 1 were going smith again, 1 would alay on North Cnrollna roads ns long as I could. "Youi-s very truly, K. K. TBMPI-BTON." AMERK AN DEFENSE SOCIETY NAMED Inbilventently aa One of the Organiut- Uona Supposed to Be Supporting I Carolina, the pniperty InimiMlalely hi Wm. Z. Foster. 1 risk aggregiitejl M ..J.i1 with a total , . thj. -.-.. Prum i (insurance of $'.',wm,V.'.i. "!..VJ "There were 125 dwelling tires, with m. -omrpu, ......... total damage of $17s,54tl, vnliuil at name of the Amerljan D8 jWB and insureil for $i2.!ll(i. " ly as unintentionally brought Into Mei.tu an(, HllinB,e TO))fs the trml of Wm. .. Foster, -hWrt ..; t Hl.es with criminal syndicalism, as one of '.. the orgn nidations supiaiseil to la sut lairtlng him, it was disclosed today on examination of the atenographic rec ord of the Foster trial. Chns. AY. Gone, prosecuting'attorney for Berrien County, who was question ing the prospective Jurors nlKiut b letter mailed to Berrien county voters hv the American Civil Liltertles Un ion nml the Jjilior Defense Council, Inndvertenlly nseil the mime of I he J American Defense Smiely Insleail 01 that 01 the liilsir organization. DAWN OF PEA(!E IS SEEN BREAKING OYER IRELAND rollapae of Oppoaltion lo Free State Gives Fronilse of Era of Peace. Lomlon, April 17. Clearer skies and happier days seem in prospect for iris 'oil. .CtVcaJf r Ibe past lew wcess. InchHlini! Ibe arresi of killing of;sotn f Itb,.iion s ring leaders : the tlo- nt incendiarism .'restoration of rail traffic, almost to normal, and a general relief in the tension among the oeoole lioth North and South, have encouraged the friends of Ireland to believe that at last she is en tne threshold of peace and order. Nothlnu has heartened the oppon ents of lie A'alera and his Republican supporters so much as the admission by the Irregular chieftain that he is condemned to view the tragedy through a wall of glass, powerless to Intervene effectively. The irregulars hare alsp admitted their inability to continue operations on a large scaie. To Probe Firing on Women by Officers. Greenville. S. C, April 10. lames Iiiiwis. foreman of the (ireenvllle county grand jury, today called a meet ing of that Imdy for Wednesday morn ing for the purpose, it is understood in olliciiil circles here, of inquiring into the Shooting into mi automobile occu pied by two Asheville, N. C young women by prohibition officers ten days ago. The foreman declined to comment on the calling of the jury, hut It was stated that the call was Issued Imme diately after he received an official conv of a resolution passed on Sutnr- day by the board of directors of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. Tnis resolution demanded a thorough in qutry by the grand Jury ond solicitor, Into the shooting, which was done by federal prohibition officers, who were hunting liootleggers, when the young women refused to nnlt. ' , Te origin of a case of scarlet fever has baen traced to a book which was read by a scarlet-fever patient twenty years ago. The Htler "0" than any other. Is used more orten - . lh, M.. wi through the 001ml ft aral Canada. l.ees .-mltaued exeeaslxo. .,,intin, in n .Mulled nikirl lull -I Mr to That taatr MhUn1 VttiC through 1 lonljbt kgr 'i-c W. AVade luanruim great fa1r In inmia:ita-r. Tbf looiax ioa.ie.1 a'lutal of WJ7-4.- mi imiiiiingii nnil itmli-iits The total hs for the llrst iUarler of ilLTt shows mount big losses as fol lows: North Carolina. -Im- lUCTt : J2.17l.tT1 : for v.rrj. ta.ini.m2. I'ldteil Slim-s anil Canada, for J'.rj:t: $120..I.:W0: for Um. $10T.8T.IKiO. "(If the 2VH Urea during March In which the loss reached $.1,000 or more," the reiairt renda "There wen 20 with n total of .:. tt.t::." leaving loas for the entire other IS4 of only "919006. The largest single loss was thai of a fnrnltiire pUijl at Lexington. $100J)OU (Ither large single losses were nl Hal 1 Wi. supply si ore. .fCi.iMsi; Wndiwlioro, gnmge and enntents. $110,000: Cliar lolle, store, $n,U(M); AshPvllle, garage. $40,000: UreearlUe, planing mill and lumlier, $40,0"0: Slatesviile. .business building, $t,M0. "Of the total March loss for North BKTHi NK IS BOl'ND OYER TO WAKE COINTY COURT Is Charged With Manslaughter as a Result of Automobile Accident Re cently. 1 By the Ascoalatrd Prew.1 Itaieigh. April IT. Milllnra Bethune. stale college student, charged with manslaughter on two counts ns the re- stilt of an nutoninhile aei'lilent. in whiolKtwo young Raleigh men" were killed several weeks ago, war led hear lug when the case was called in city court this morning and was hound over lo Wake County Superior Court for trial. '"llc was placed under $1,000 in each case. 1 r.t'thune.wiis driving the automobile which collided With iinotlfer cur driven by Robert eiiappe". William Naylor. chine. w.as itistalily killed, mid (map pell was so badly Injured that lie died the following day. Three other oc cupants of Bethune's car were more or less seriously injnrel. State of Iowa Fails to Sell Bonds tc , Pay Solider Banns. Des Moines, Iowa, April 16. Two attempts to market the $32,000,000 Iowa Solider bonds failed today, al though the auction room was crowded with representatives of nearly every Important financial institution in the country. Under the law the certificates bear ing 4 1-4 per cent interest, must bf sold for not less than par and accrued interest. When the first call for 'bids failed to produce any offers. State Treasurer Burbank adjourned the ses sion for 20 minutes. The next offer ing of the securities likewise failed, to draw bids. The sale then was adjourned until lnte today to permit conferences It was said offers might be mode for the first five earlier se curities, at par and accrued if the state treasurer would accept, but that the longer term bonds might have to be printed and signed over again to bear a higher interest rate. There are now on file, 94,300 bonus applica tions, averaging $201.50. Cyclone Mark Has Captivated Bis Rig Audiences at nenane. Mebane, April 16. -Notwithstanding the fact that he has just preached twice, Rev. B. F. iMcLendou has al ready captivated his audience. Thous ands thronged to hear him Sunday afternoon and evening anil before nls sermon was over he carrica tne con gregatlon at will, nt times tears would be in their eyes, then a burst of laugh ter would greet him. 1 ' Mack is an evangelist, different from any ever heard. There Is no slang used by this great man. He Is neat In his delivery ns he uppears In his dress, every inchj a gentleman Bui that doesn't mean he is any re spector of persons wlen he is preach ing. He strikes them all. church mmhei-s, drunkards, gamblers, and every sinner, telling them of their wrongs, in a mannncr in which 't seems "heada Barters." as he terms heaven, demands. Mathilde and Max Have Bought Earn Geneva, April 10. 41r. and Mrs. Max Oser have bohght a large farm near Yverdon, at the southwest end of Lake Nonchapel In the canton, of Vauit Switzerland. They will spend als months of the year on the farm and the remainder of tho time In the United States. Oser, who was a former Swiss riding master, and married Miss Mathilde Mr Cormlck. of Chicago, last week In England, Intends to become a natural ised American elttsen. Southern Planning Doable Track. Birmingham. Ala., April 16. Dou ble tracking from Atlanta to Birm ingham is being considered by the Boot aern railway, R. B. Pegram 1 vlcepresldent told the Birmingham city commission today during discus slon of a viaduct program for Blrtn Igbam. This woulud give Uw South ren double trackage P.om Washing ' ton to Birmingham. ine obbui the A- New York By noitatol Party) par 1 t v of Amertra has 1t1 itself, ami diverted Its to the Worker ' Party of America eh It rerognltnl as the only Jniernatioii.il. af the Third row In the l nited State. II dl oaed todai Rnrbenberg. e bj .1- - .at. . of ( retgry of the Cent 1 tlllve t'oui INNOVATION FOR cm Rl IIFS tliamis For Pray rr 'and Mc lii.Hi., , t He Built In CkJn M Hotels. New York. April 17 -Annoumemen-IhnJ ' battels for prrter and meditation weald lie placed li nil hotel with which he is counted was made yea lenlay by .louu ML' Bowman, pr. prlelor ol the Bllbnore. 1 ommodori ami Boinionl hot in this city nml other hotels thro Bout the count r. known as the Row In group. The sin; gestlon was mnde t 7Ir. Bowman sev ernl weeks ago by Jos -ph K. Wilson, 11 lawyer of Philadelpaia. ' There shall lie a chapel In every hotel of which I am( President or may me iniuieeted with daring my lifetime.' Mr. Bow man said, j "Ve shall iiun mence at once lo iMtnll these chaiel for the use of our guests. "AVe have already engatisl the Gor liam company of this city to design chapels sultahle for all of our hotels, including the Blltmnre in l.ns Angeles, now hi progress of . construction, the Biltmore In Atlanta. .(la., and the So ville-Blltmore in HaVana, Cuba. The chaiKds will vary in size according to the needs of the different hotels. Kach one will contain a lieautifnl stained glass window to suggest an-air of sa credness. There wijl also be an al tar, cathedral chain and appropriate lighting. It is the intention to 111 Ways keep fresh flowers on the altars and the doors of the chapels will la open day mid night as a perpetual in vitation to enter fort those who desire to meditate in prayer. "Although these chapels will la con secrated, they are not intended for sel services, though services may lie held in them on sK'cial'occnslnns. Their ptirMise is to provide a place for any guest, visitor im- employe to enter mill Worship in silence ami meditation Furthermore, the chapels are intend ed for the nse of Sail denominations mid will be absolutely non-snctariau.' Mr. Wilson prtiUefiil that other ho el owners would follow the exnniil set by Mr. Bowman "Mr. Bowmhifs o ndopt thhf Idea constituted .an eK.ich," Mr. Wilson -hi id. "It Is prm Ileal ChiMStuiluly iirUthe largest sense ,ri1lir-irtr''OT!'" - Hfjl MARION BUTLER HAS A TALK WITH PRESIDENT It Is Understood That They Went Full Into the Mexican Situation. Washington, April 16. President Harding talked for nearly 1111 hour this LJ2i ith former Senntor Marion morning with former Senator Marion Butler by appointment. While Sena- ator Butler will not discuss the inter view with the President, it is under siooo. tnav ne weni iu..y n me Mexican situation as he has earned it stood that he went fully Into the Ul (7CISUI1 I.IUIH L.U IWIUl DAITlUCU trips to that country. It is known that Mr. Butler and his clients, who have interests in Mexico, are strongly in favor of prompt recognition of the Obregon government by . the United States, and It is believed that he strss- ed and urged early recognition as earnestly as possible. Senator Butler malce..no secret of liis great personal admiration for President Obregon and also for the stable and proxies- sive govrnment which he has estab- lushed and he Bays that his interview with President Harding was very satisfactory. FORMER GOVERNOR IN JAD, Had Pleaded Guilty of Contempt of Court in Disregarding Summons, lily tha Associated Press.) Oxford. Miss.. April 17. Theodore Bilbo, former Governor of Mississippi. and central figure in the state's poli tics for a dozen years, awoke in the Fayette County jail here today, fac ing 20 more days of imprisonment, a sentence of 30 days having heen im posed yesterday by Judge Holbes or the Federal Court after the former ex ecutive had pleaded guilty to contempt of court In disregarding a summons to appear ns a witness in the celebrated Russell-Birkhend casollast inn. Says He Is Not a ( imiHdate lor (ittke Jackson. I.Mlss.. April 11. "i m iw a candidate for any public office, nt teyt not until after I can dispose of this Federal case." said Theodore G. Bilbo In the Lafayette County jml at Oxford todav over the telephone when asked by the Jackson News if he would announce toany nis canaioncy for Governor, as was reported here last night. It takes nt least six years to pro duce sufficient seeds df any new type of wheat to test it for milling pur poses. If it fails then, the variety Is discarded. Vl.rd : ft' A Fourteen Year-Old Girl is Missing After Fire in Home I Br the Annotated Praaa.) AVilson, N. ('.. April 17. Edna Rnt mnn, 14 years old. was missing today following a Are which, completely de stroyed (he home of her father, D. B. Batman, farmer, who Urea six miles from Wilson, according lo reports made to the county authorities today, Henn h of the rains of the home failed to reveal any trace of tbe body of ibe girl. According lo members of tbe Bat men family. Mlas Harmon went to her room about & o'clock last night and list Party of America Dissolves Itself miller of the Workers Party Th commnult dllved. according tu Rntaenlmerr'K fellow onVxrs at the uaUnaal -aiiiinriers. after voting at a -e. ret ronreiituMi here April T. that they "Wini.1 ibe support which the AVorkera Party of Anertexa has al nady wm among the working biim-. will enable it ..p. nit and pahllrty tu carry on I he ntruaxie for eum.iMiui-h In the Called Htatee." DR. IjONi. TTA( Km PLAN OF DR. WORK Serreiar) of InLi-ior and President f the American Medial Asaw'tation. Asbevllle. V C. April 17 I By the AssiM-lateil Press 1. The plan of Dr. Hubert Work, aern fry of Interior and president of the American Meilli-al As sociation, lo divide the itigunlxatiiill in to district" was attacked today by Dr. J, . Img. president of the Medical s.i. ii.lv ixl Ittu sll.ifo of Vfirth 1'iirnli.kii in his annual uddiiHO.. urging ihe,Npw crlemw and New York to br In memliers to instruct their delegates to vote against the pniiosition. Dr. Ding also favored the "federat ing of all similar organizations in the slate, so thai the greatest good may come to tbe greatest number and which means the benefits of the medical pro fession should lie curried to every citi zen both high and low," in North Car olina. - In answer lo hiajiwn question as lo whether the promised four-year medi cal school for North Carolina will Is'.t established, the president declared: ' "1 have in my pocket letters from i-ertuln men wbo, of all others in the state, are most vitally interested in medical education and they agree in saying: 'It shall lie done'!" Ir. Ding culled attention to all med ical, surgical, hospital, health and welfare nrganiza lions in tho slate, de scribing their various duties and work accomplished in approaching bis sug gestion for closer co-operntlon. DANCES 66 HOURS AND SIX MINUTES Cleveland (iirl Exceeds the Record Made by Miss Williams, of Hous ton, Texas. (Br tbr Associated Pre.) Cleveland, ( .. April 17. The world's continuous dancing championship came back to Cleveland and Into the hands of Madelyne Ootteehlck at 8:54 a. in. today as she still continued ihwicinv at a local clui, heating Miss. Mag dalene Williams, of Houston, Texas. Miss (lottschick imtl at .:0(. a. m.. setting, n new world's record at ml hours ihid .(V minutes, heating Miss Williams! record by 1S minutes, Khe said she wits forced lo ipiit hecaiise'of exhaustion largely due to dancing on a tile floor. Miss (lottschick started dancing Saturday at :$ p. m. i HARDING SAYS GARY I IS RIGHT IN STATEMENT . . I . , . . t That There Is a Shortage, of Labor Due to Restrictive Tmaniyration Law (Br the Associated ereu.) Washington. April 17. President Harding was said at the White House , , , , R ,, th(? , of tne Boar(, of tbe s. Steel Corporation, was quite correct in his statement made to the Corpurn tion's stockholders yesterday that 11 se rious labor shortage is threatened through the operation of the restrict ive immigration law. Body of Tabert Found in Grave I1 illetl with Water. Tallahassee. Fla., April 1(1. The (0,ijr 0 Martin Tabert, North Dakota youth, who died while serving 11 sen- trace in n lease convict camp, was placed in a cheap coffin in a grave half filled with water, near the town of Clara, Fla., according to a statement made today by Arthur Johnson, a former convict, to Attorney Generals Grimson and Kneeslinw, of North Da kota. Johnson, senteni-ed (to serve two years on fiedr charges of illicit ills tilling, declared he was the first pris oner to be taken to the lease camp of the Putnam Lumber Company where Tflbert died; that he prepared the body for burial and later was one of the four men, three negroes and one white man, to act as pall bearers. Gift of One Million Dollars For Ednca tional nevelopment. Frankfort. Ky April 16. A gift of $1,000,000 and 16,000 acres of rich tim ber lands from E. 0. Robinson, Fort Thomas, Ky.. to be used in the educa tional agricultural an deennomic de velopment of the mountains of eastern Kentucky, was announced hire today by Ed C. O'Rear, president of the board of trustees of the newly inco porated K. 0. Robinson mountain fund. The University of Kentucky, Lex ington, will take active charge of the work of development, according to Judge O'Rear, wbo with other mem bers conferred with the board of trustees of the university as to the best methods of carrylg the state's best methods of carrying the state's the mountains of Kentucky. has not been seen since. The girl crented quite n stir In the community two months ago when she eloped -with Richard B. Tnmllnann, 18. the couple Is-lng married In South Carolina. The girl was ordered by a local magistrate to return to her home, and Tomllnaon was placed under bond to answer to a dnarge of kidnapping. The Tomllnaon hoy was at his home this morning. He declared be knew nothing of the girl's disappearance or wbereabonta. Htm TRAINS r A Vark-Nrw Name the Pootkera railway' ww train. No. M and a, wtok-h will tie pat am Ike New York to New trtejn and return ran on Monday. April 2U. and in Km Yaaterday the nd offered that sua ta the pePaon who would snggeat an approprtaie and uliaMe name for the new train Tbe new 1 rains are Intended to give fast service hetweea points south and tbaMe mirth and the anion of ibe road in ordering ibe addltiuu to the paa senger aerrlee on Ibe main line has met with iiiKimUflt d Indoreem-nt on the part of the traveling public uf tbi si t ion of the Muth. Regarding the prise and the rule ami regulations governing suggestions, etc. It. L. Avery, superintendent of the ifnnrllle divieion. yestenlay Issinsl tbe following statement: "Two hun. tied dollars will Is given as a prize to the s-rson siiggcKtlug tbe most appropriate name for Noa. :ct and 34. the new trains between augural. si Sunday. April '!. by tin .southern Railway system, tho Ixiuis vllle and Nashville, the AA'est Point route and tbe Pennsylvania railway, according to announcement made to day by W. H. Taylor, passenger traf fic manager of the Southern. Washing ton, D. C to whom all suggestions should he sent. The prize will lie awarded by a committee of officers of the interested lines." BAILEY RROS. 1,111: 0 CENT. WAGE INCREASE Tnhurio Manufacturers of Winston- Salem Increase Employees' Pay. 4Br the Aaaaelatea Praaa.1 AA'inston-Snlem, April 17. Railev Bros., Inc., haul tobacco manufactur ers, tislny announced a 'M iier cent. increase in tbe wages of the 2(KI eni plnyecs of the company, effective at once. The Company has signed an agreement with local unions of the To bacco Workers International Cnion which lias headquarters in Louisville, Ky. The agreement reached by Bai ley Bins, with the union places the working hours nt 4K per week, paying time and 11 half for overtime. PLANS TO BE WORKED OUT BY CONGRESS For Consolidation ami Regional Super vision of the Country's Railroads. (By the AMOPlntek Prea. Washington, April 7. legislation lo make effective the plans being worked out by the liitersjjnte Commerce Commission for consolidation nail reg ional supervision of the railroad sys tems of the country will ! undertaken in the next Congress, riralmu-u -Cum mins of the Semite Interstate Com merce Committee, said today after a discussion of the railroad problem with President Harding. ATTEMPTS" TO WRECK TRAIN Carrying the Freneh and Belgian Cab inet Members into the Kunr Keg' ion. Paris, April 17 (By the Associated Press). A Huvns dispatch from Essen today reports that two unsuccessful at tempts were mnde last even'ig to wreck trains conveying the French and Belglnn cabinet ministers who are inspecting the Ruhr region. No in jury resulted to anyone from these at tempts, the message added. DEADLOCK IN THE CONFERENCE AT PARIS Caused hv American Demand For Pri ority on iernia,Tiy Keparatlon to ray , Cost of Our Army.. I..,-!., ..ii 17 nr in.. Aay.iei.-tml Press). An American demand for nli- solute priority on Germnn reparations to pay the costs of the American army of occupation on the Rhine was contin uing today to deadlock the conference here over this question, it was stilted in well informed quarters. With Our Advertisers. . H. B. WiUdtuwn has a surprise for you. Watch his space in Thursday's Tribune- New Spring suits from $30 to $50 at the Browns-Cannon Co. A good buy is Milk Maid bread al ways of the highest grade. AA'hen you buy Kuppenhelmer Good Clothes at AAr. A. Overcash's yon get honest value. Hoover's sell the famous Schloss Bros, clothing In Concord. See new ad. today Huts of every kind, trimmed In be- mini, ufvlma 111" the SliecillltV Hat coming styles at the Specialty Hat Shop. v. The Central iFilllng station sells the Perfection, ARen. Lafayette and Du ra nt tires. Killed Herself on Account of 111 IM1III1. I Br the A octal en Prcaa.) Elizabeth City, April 17. Mrs. Lloyd Ualstead, whose hotly (fas found lnte last night hanging In the attic of her home near Salem Church In tills coun ty, committed suicide because of 111 health, In the opinion of members of her family. Mrs. Halstead, who was about 27 years old, is survived by her hnslmnd and t five-year-old child. "Commissariat of Empire" Abolished. Cnblena, April 17 (By the Associated Press). The "commissariat nt tne em pire" which is Berlin s highest author ity in the Rbineland, has been abolish ed by the Inter-nllled Rbineland' high comailsslon. Death of Mitts Esther Ransom. Br the AaMctated Pteas.1 Hickory, April 17. Miss Esther P.xum Ransom, a danghter of the late Senator Matt W. Ransom., died at her home here at 1 o'clock this morning. Washington, April II. The Ameri can debt funding comirdaslon today nu- thorlted Secretary (Mellon to sign the war dbt funding af Finland. ' SHERIFF MAKES EACH PRWB Leased by Leon County, Florida, to Putnam Lunv- ber Company. Profit Ac cruing to Him Personally. , TESTIFIES BEFORE COMMITTEE TODAY Legislative Committee is In vestigating the Death of Martin Tabert, a Convict From North Dakota. Br tke A elated It rallahassee, Fin.. April 17 Sheriff J. R. Jones, of Tallahassee, made a personal profit of approximately $28 011 each prisoner leased by this, Isn County, to the Putnam Lumber Oo. he testified today before a legislative committee investigating prison condi tions in this slate, as the outgrowth of the death of Martin Tabert, of North Dakota. Sheriff Jones was la'fore the commit- tie for more than an hour when it resumed its hearing tislny and testi fied that between August 15, 11)21, and IHceniber 31, 1021!, he transferred to the Putnam camp a total of 103 pris oners. The lumber company, be said, hail made a contract with I.eon county commissioners to lease prisoners, and he had entered Into an agreement with AV. H. Fisher, superintendent of the lumlier company, to take all pris oners convicted; in this county to the camp for which he was to receive $20 11 head. OFFICERS OF DEFUNCT BANK ARE CHARGED WITH FRAUD In a Suit Brought by the Bank of Pem broke Against Them. (Br the Associated Prtaa, Itaieigh. April 17. T. R. Cooper anil C. K. Bet ben. former officers of the de funct Commercial National Bank of Wilmington, are charged with fraud in a suit brought by the Bank of Pem broke ngninsl them for the recovery of -.o(H. llleged to have heen obtained on -f arise rr'trririe. if -nts -Tejirned nt the State Banking Department today. The suit has been filed in Robeson County Superior Court, and is schedul ed for hearing May 10th. Cooper and Bethen are alleged in the proceedings to have given as seenrity for the $2, 500 limn a sealed envelope containing etock in n bank liquidated several years ago. The envelojie was not open ed, it was stated, until after the fail ure of the Commercial Nationnl Bank. THE COTTON MARKET Rather Firmer Today FoUowing the Sharp Break of Yesterday. 1 By the Associated Preaa.t Xew York, April 17. The cotton market showed Indications of rather a firmer technical position following the sharp break of yestenlay. The opening was steady at au advance of 3 to 25 points in response to relatively firm cables and there was probably some buying on reports of further ' rains or siiowers in tne BoiirnwesDorn mid central parte of the belt. Cotton .futures opened steady. 2S.25; July 27.48; Oct.' 24.87; May Dec. 24.38; Jan. 24.05. KEE AND MATTHEWS GUILTY Charged With Robbing the Bank of Summerfleld in 1922. (Br the Anoeiatad Pre.) Greensboro, April 17. The jury in the case of Homer Kee and GnS Mat thews, charged with robbing the Bunk of Summerfield, this county, on May 20, 1022, this morning returned n ver dict of guilty as to both prisoners. Sentence will be pronounced later to day. Grand Opening Sale at the Parks-Belk Company's. On Thursday morning, April 10th, nt 9 .111 , ,-, I....I tho PiirL-cuXnllr Cn n-lll ceiebrnte the occupation of their big .... new store of three stories by inaugur al ing a Grand Opening Sale. This will be the' biggest sale they have had Inr years, and they' take four whole pages of this paiwr today to tell yau ulsnit It. They narry nearly everything In their big store, and their selection (his year surpasses anything they have heretofore carried. The store will be closed all day Wed nesday getting ready for the Grand Opening Sole. On Wednesday evening nt 7 :30 o'clock a reception will be given. A music programme will be rendered and cigars' tind flowers will be distributed. Employment under tho age of 14 hns practically eeageJiongon "GRAUSTARK" JOHN GILBERT -IN "Truxton King" WITH Ruth Clifford Playing the Fen nine Lead. .... iaahTsT ix 1 1 mill 1 if tu 111 t ipii Harr McCutcheon Novel Graust ark PIEDMONT TOMORROW. THURSD