PAGE SIX gW Baldwin | ThC d R * lia “ ICE AND FOOD SAVERS. Perfect eireuiation of cold dry air. Odors eanmTt ruix. Rub ber around the doors, savins iee. If interested in a Refrigerator, lie sme you sen our line before you buy. Baldwins--'and Automatics. You will like our easy way to puv. Concord Furniture Co. i The Reliable Furniture Store 1 Don That Straw Hat Today We have a Hat for all comers. All new Shapes and Braids. Many new Soft Hats that are both stylish and comfortable. Prices $2.50/$3, $3.50, $4 and $5.00. New Arrivals in Kupperheimer Suits W. A. Overcash CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Phone 780. I \nA . k_jj S | ;.R l Specials ■ t ra . ! M\ I T » ™ 39c l'P In Wash Dresses ■ I Worthy of Your Attention Ginghams, Swisses 9 Linens | $1.95, $4.95, $8.95 up I •> 'l' 95t UP I 'ln’i Jt p ays to Trade at H ISHER’S JL Concord’s Foremost Specialists N. C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering SUMMER SESSION JUNE 13th to JULY 35th ’ (Tmeses for Teachers holding Standard State Certificates and for graduates of Standard High Schools. Courses "ollece < redit for graduates of Standard High Schools Cotton Clnstfin* courses, (afalogue upon application. Numbers limited to 1050 ply for Reservation at once to Ap W. A. WITHERS. Director, Raleigh, North Carolina NOTICE. Wanted—bids on framing, inch boards and cedar posts for construc tion of fence and buildings for Ca barrus County Fair Association Specifications and quantities furnished upon application. W. A. FOIL. Chairman Ground Committee. 20-ts-c. 1 MASONIC NOTICE., Sitecial communication of Stokes Lodge No. 33 A, F. & A. M. Tuesday night. April 24th, 1923, at 7 To p. m.' for rehearsal of Master Mason Degree, dense be present promptly. . I Hy order of W. M. i G. W. CREECH, Secretary. Adding Machine Caper, 30 cento a roll. 8 rolls for lid cents, at Tlraes- Trlbune Office. ,<>. .tjU/* "-v 1 \ NOTICE JR. O. U. A. M. Forest Hill Council No. 49. ® Meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Visiting members always welcome. J. ROBEY POTTS. Reporter. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 404 Left O. M. Monday evening at 7 o’clock. All members are requested l to be present. j CARL BEAVER. Secretary. Far Wedding Invitations and An nouncements, leave your orders «f Timea-Tribnne Office. *,-*■’ , 1 | USB the rmonc ooLran—rr pat* . i. 1 Ji.-XJJ.Y.. '1- ...L ■ ' THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE * The Concord Dally Tribune | TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS. ' | The time of the dosing of matla at I the Concord postoffice is as follow*: Northbound. J Train No. 44—11 p. m. I Train No. 30—10:30 a. m. * Train No. 12—6 :S0 p. m. | Train No. 38—7:30 p. m. 1 1 Train No. 80—14 p. m. | Southbound i Train No. 57—0:30 a. m. » Train No. 45—3:00 p. m. iTrkln No. 130—9:00 p. in. Train No. 29 —11:00 p. m. WEATHER FORECAST. I Fair tonight; Tuesday .cloudy:! j prolmbly showers !u west. LOCAL MENTION j Cotton on the local market today is ! quoted at 37 cents per pound : cotton seed at 66 cents per bushel. Miss Maye Moose, who has been con i fiuetl to her home for some time on j account of sickness. i.s able to Is- out again. Register of [Veils Elliott has issued I maniage license to William It. Freese land Miss Bfiie Jane Gallon, both of ; Kannapolis. Eight eases were on docket for trial ia recorder’s court this morning. The cases were tail of special importance, police officers stated. Ida Louise, small daughter of Mr. J and Mrs. Lloyd Cook, i.s critically ill at her home on West Depot street. 1 The child is suffering with double ] pneumonia. i Four new cases of whooping congli i and 18 new Cases of tnctqides were re- ] ported to the county health department ] Saturday and this morning, the depart- I meat reports. “Rig Bill" Harris pitched part of j the game for Cincinnati yesterday.!] Pittsburgh won easily. Harris went in j after tiie game was already lost, aiidjj during his two tunings on the iuouiid , allowed live hits. The directors of the Merchants and 4 Manufacturers Club, at a meeting last week, renewed their lease on the Can non building, where the. club rooms! are located. A new lease, covering a two-year period, was signed hy the club with the owner of the building. J The weekly inciting of the Concord 1 Rotary Club will he held tomorrow 1 t Tuesday 1 evening at 0:30 at the Y. New officers of the coming year will 1 lie installed at the meeting and Rev. T. 1 N. Lawrence, who will leave the club ] soon, when he moves to Maryland, will 1 preside at the meeting. Mr. Henry Smith, who is visiting hisij parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. \V. Smith. has just returned from Birmingham. > ] where he served two weeks with the!] aviation cor]is of the United States 1 Army. Mr. Smith was called into act- 1 ive service for two weeks and spent * most of tlte time in the air. ' t The big leagues are tu full swing p now. In the National League the New ] York Giants are leading with Chicago : in second place and iii‘t£c American | ■ League Cleveland is leading with] ! New York in second place. Home ! run hitting lias been a feature of the ! season so far. more than 30 four-base ] clouts having been made in the two jj leagues. The local High School baseball team j will play twice this week. Tomorrow j the Kannapolis Highs come here for a I game and on Friday the Baden Highs ! will lie played here. The games will ! lie played at the Gibson Mill Bark and | will liegin at 3:30. The Ilighs have | j been going good this year and are cun-i | fldent of Winning both games this s week. Next ijaturilay will lie the last day persons cun register for the municipal jj election. The election will lie held on ! May Bth, and all persons who did not ! register in the school bond election S must register if they would vote in i the election. Absentee votes will not be allowed in the election, as the ale sentee voting law docs not apply to municipal elections. Trinity no whns a line chance to win ( baseball honors among the colleges of j tiie State this year. She defeated j Wake Forest Saturday 0 to 3, while Carolina was winning from State 3 to 1. Trinity has already defeated Car olina, and State lias defeated Wake j Forest. A home run drive by Morris : won for Carolina while a four base : clout hy Spikes won for Trinity. While the Republicans have made _ no definite announcement yet about a 5 ticket for the municipal election, they arc expected to offer a full ticket. One j Republican li>ader last week declared C that it had not been delinitely decided 1 just who was to enter the race .and 1 that no announcement would be made J until the full ticket had been choseu. f The election will lie. hold on May Bth. 1 Eddie Brits, popular and efficient 1 editor of the Charlotte News’ sports < page, lias resigned his itosition with I that paper and lids gone to Baltimore, 1 where he will he conmvted with one of the large afternoon dailies. While in Charlotte Eddie conducted one of the best s|torts pages in the South, and his friends ami readers of The News bere / will regret to see him leave. The funeral of Zlm Black, negro, who was found dead in n Held near this city Friday, was held yesterday afternoon. It was one of the largest colored funernls held here in months, nml hundreds of relatives and frlneds of the deceit sill attended the services at the Church anil grave. Black was a hard-working, industrious negro, and enjoyed a good reputation with both race*. Joe Boat, who went tishiug lust week, comes forth with the latest 1 fish story, and lie is waiting for some J one to ’’Venusiae’’ It. Joe, according 1 to his story, was fishing for perch. As- J ter waiting patiently for a bite for J several hours he finally saw his cork I go under. He played his bite well I and when he finally pulled in, he had 1 two •fish, a small perch on his hook 1 and a pound nml a hair jack holding I to the perch. , r •« ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Regular Con visa t ion John C. Drew j ry Chapter No. S 3 Monday evening. | April 33rd. at 7 :.It* o’clock. # E, E. CALDIMSLL. Secretary. | The San-Tox Store ‘ I , j|[| ']i We now have the agency for l ij j]t the well known Santox IJne of ] [j i]i Goods. 11! ][! “San-Tov Means Purily.” jj]] ijj Telephone 333 | | ijl Cline’s Pharmacy |j j Letter Heads, Statements, Pamphlets, bill heads, envelopes, dodgers, post- j 1 ers, programmes, wedding inrlta- j tlons, cards, shipping tags, or any-\i thing In the printing line at Tribune 1 and Times Office. cse the penny roi.uMur—it tays Don’t Forget Porter Drug Company Phone 36. DON’T WORRY! DON’T HI RRY—BUT—EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY AND BUY FROM UN LIKE HELLEN B. HAPPY Fancy Roe Shod, per lh-„ 35r No. 2 Cans Pie Peaches, can 10c Fancy Mackerel Steak. ID. __ 30c No. Can Pitt edCpercVLYrehr n Fancy Red Croakers, lh. 10c No. 2 Can Pitted Cherries, Sliced Boiled Ham. lh. 60c jter inn 35c Sliced Pried Beef. lit. GOc No. 3 Can Pic Peaches, can 15c Nice Fat Hens. lit. 25c No. 3 Can Pie Apples, can 15c Fresh Country Eggs, per dost. 35c No. 3 Can Table Peaches, can 18c Country Cured Hams. lh. 30c No. 3 Can Yellow Syrup swlft’p Premium Hants, lh. 33c Peaches, can ’ 25c No. 2 Can Blackperies, non 10c Tall Pink Salmon, per can 15c - - • 1 qt. Sweet or Sour Pickles 35c Fresh Meats, Fresh Vegetables and Fancy Fruits of all Kinds ht Prices Thyt WiU Satisfy. C. H. BARRIER & CO. COMPLETE LINE; OF SPORT ING GOODS! Look at our window display of Sporting Goods. A complete line of fishing tackle, minnor buckets, reels, minnor seines, baseball goods, golf clubs and balls. Rifles and Cartridges. Let us fix up your camping outfit. Our goods are all guaranteed and prices Ri^ht. Ritchie Hardware C« PHONE 117 * -- Look! Car Owners D 6 you have alt*of these needy things for the ap proaching hot summer days? Good Tires. Good Tubes, an Extra Casing, a Nice Sun Shade? Has your car.been thor oughly greased lately? News. Oil in vpur Motor? Does your Motor need any work? Is your' Radiator Leaking? Has ypur car been washed Vulcanizing a specialty and all work done here is guaranteed. ; * SEE US FOR REAL SERVICE. * — : —— Motor & Tire Service Co. ' /Phone 298 i ' ’ 19-25 Blast Corbin Street , • • -mEMey \ \. , » NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock* holders of the Citizens Building and ' I.onn Association trill be held Jn the | office of the Citizens Bank' and Trust Conipany In the city of Concord, N. C.,' on Monday, May the seventh, 1923, at eight P. M.' . * '.?■ A. F. GOODMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. 4-3 S-25: 5*2,5,T. i _ . IELIZABEtH £RDEN ; i Face Powders and Toilet ! 1 Preparations We Are the Agents ] ! Gibson Drugstore “The Rexal Store” ] USB THR PENNY COI.IiMtt—IT PAY'S WEf Be' m Economical fll!lHFlV R True economy consists in buv ulalMk i | R ingthat which gives the greatest B service. . m yRf ' > n g® " > 9? W *p« A Schloss or Cortly Suit will * t never disappoint you. Their stt- ' m perh quality mean slong wear— s. ' 'rff *\ their style insures complete satis- ] t> U faction. . ’ Tou’ll know all about! that ' * , when once you’ve worn a Schloss S or Cortly Suit. / HOOVER’S, Inc. The Young Man’s Store. * New Line of Sport Hats—Leghorns with Velvet Trims, Flowers, Fabrics, Embroidery and-Ribbon. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP ICE, COAL aid WOOD A. B. POUNDS Phone 244 IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU! It’s time to re-tire. We have them—Allen, Perfec tion, Lafayette and Durant, r Have your crankcase drained and refilled ‘ with the best Texaco oil. v Try us for Real Service. CENTRAL FILLING STATION « The Hub Is the home of Griffon and Value f First Clothes. From the sheep- g shearing to the buttonholes Gris- 1 son and Michaels-Stern’s Value 1 First Clothes, are quality, tailor- I led so beautifully they win the ap- I proval of the most fastidious. g And you’ll find that the styles I unerringly hit that narrow mark | where the “last word” merges in- | to the authentic. Prices too are mighty interesting to the fellow who has plenty of uses for»his Come, look over these wonder- | JOE GASKEL CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET Corrected Weekly by Cline A Mooml Plguiee named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs 1 25 § Country Shoulder ~~ ,18 Country Sides 1 .15 Young Chickens .85 L /W u ‘w t -\ , - : v ’ / r' rH TtK ■ Yff* t"- ii I Irish Potatoes .78 Onions sl.oo’ Peas $2.00 Corn j SI.OO CONCORD COTTON MARKET 1 MONDAY. APRIL 23, 1923. \ Cotton .27 | Cotton seed ,u~ .6# Engraved Visiting Garde in Any Style k\ at the lowest prices, at Tribune and ; Times Office. I

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