PAGE TWO I PENNY COLUMN ; »»i. .I, i PR ' SV "MW-A Representative to Handle Hp “KCI-Shok” a new device for ■aootkiug out the rough roads. !y Must have cflr to demonstrate with ■■pt' good commission and exclusive ter- SFK'lSSifc Adepper sweet and -strong varieties. Plenty By. of tomato and cabbage plants. Ki.- . Moore’s Truck Farm, 204 E. Corbin rr street. 8-2 t-p. , life 5# —(. !.); Wanted —Sewing and Smocking. Phene gfe. • TSBW. 8-3 t-p. t; Lost—On Buffalo or North Union St.— Rf : Key ring with two keys, in leather case with name of W. B. Ward Co. »■ Return to W. B. Ward Co. and re f. eeive reward. 7-2 t-p. Btg Barbecue—Thursday Afternoon at P Kindley’s Swimming Pond, John li - Motley, Caterer. R. F. Kindler. 7-3 t-p. Call 673 For Good Taxi. All New Cars. ' I 1-10-p. For Rent—Store Building Near Gifc son mill —best location in that see t! / tlon. Apply to G. M. Beaver, Box K£| y 103. - 2-ONc.' | For Hire—Unison, Studebaker, Wißys- < Knight, Dodge and Hupmobilc. Call 673. l-10t-p. Mourning Cards of Acknowledgment on hand and printed on short no- I tice. Tribune and Times Office. A High School Girl Calls Down a Drummer. Recently a Winecoff high school girl, while waiting at her family physi cian's office was drawn into a conver sation with a drummer. Later he ap peared in the "jitney” as she returned home. A few days later she received a warm letter from him full of tuffey and a request to correspond and cail ' on her. She answered as follows: My dear Mr. Davis, You might even die to save us. But I'm only fourteen. Dad says too young for courting. But, as a salesman, I extend to you my greeting. And trust that you are meeting With success and that you're 1 ten ting Any record made liefore. If you’re not, locate the trouble, Make your sales run more than double It may only be a bubble, That has hindered yon liefore, Too much flirting—nothing more. If you'll look you'll see your defects, ! It's flirting with the high sch#i You'll lose half your busiuS(*s pprite f pects, Half at least if nothing more. . Lots of men have your had habits. Seems drummers especially "grab it.” ' Such fellows hop up like rabbits. Just hop up anil nothing more. Now you follow my prescription. Stop your habit of making friction. Give your wife your best affection. Look more after your firm's election. Sell their goods from door to door. Take this recipe liefore retiring. Your wife of you will soon lie tiring. And through the counts, will you be firing, If I send her this and nothing w<3re. Yours truly, Southbound Railroad Would Take Off Trains. Raleigh, May 7.—The Winston- Salem Southbound Railway company, has applied to the North Carolina corporation commission for permis sion to discontinue passenger trains 50 and 63 which operate between Winston-Salem and Wladesboro. it was announced today. Tiie Wadesboro Chamber of Com merce has filed a protest against the taking off of these trains and will be given a hearing by the commission. The chamber of commerce of Lexing ton and Winston-Salem have approv- 1 ed the ,proposed discontinuance, it iwas announced. Miss Belle ijtiiiney, of Nashville. Team., has lieeu commissioned to do the’ heroic figures for the Tennessee memorial building, to be erected in that city. Drug addicts in America are esti mated to .mimlier 1,398,600. and to range from twelve to seventy-five years of age. OOOQOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOOOaoaooaaaaaaaaneieftxfQf/QQpnipvyQirfjQf, | New Victor Records For May I jgj ft 88660 —Don Carlos—Feodor Chalaptn. y 8 66136—Chanson Indoue—Ameiita Galli-Cnrci. I, '"ft 6013!>—Slovanie Dance- No. I — Jascha Heifetz. X 66137—T0y Soldiers’ March—Fritz Kreisler. %ft —The Lost Chord—John McCormick 11 O HSS~H Ungari * n I{h! *f*«>dy Part 2—lgnace Paderewski. j ! ft i-ibß's-Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2—lgnace Paderewski. i t ..'ft 74803—Khowautehina—Philadelphia Orchestra. , V IT ft 45347—A New Slant on War—Will Rogers '~' ', } O Timely Topics—Will Rogers. | , O 10302 Farewell Blues—The Virginians. I j, X Apple Sauce —The Virginians. ] [ H 19033—Burning Sands—Paul Whitman and Orchestra. & ft Falling—Paul Whiteman and Orchestra. 8 19034—Crying For You—Paul Whitman and Orchestra. 9 Sunny Jim—Zez Coqfrey and Orchoßtrq. 1 I 19030—Way Down Yonder in New Orleans—Paul White tpa* and \ > ft Dearest—Paid Whitoan and Orchestra. j X 19035 Bambalinae—Paul Whitman and Orchestra.' | I ! 1 •: . 19037—1 he Fuzzy Muzzy Blrd-Zez Coufrey and Orchestra. ft Fresh Country Strawberries. Dover Host. 8-lt-p. For Rent—Two Unfurnished Rooms. 51 E. Depot Street Bdst-p. Ford Sedan For Sale-Good Condition. Corl Motor Co., Concord. 8-2t‘c. Atete-Boy Witt a WheeL Apply to Dove-Bost Co. 8-lt-p. Tfco Kind ley Swimming Pool at the Kindley MiH, just east of Mt. Pleas ant, will open for the summer on Thursday, May 10th. A stringed band from Baden will, furnish music on Thursday night Public is tn vited- 7-2 t-p. I Forbid Anyone Hiring or Harboring my son, Claude Morris, 15 years old, who left my home April 24th. J. N. Morris, Route 3, Concord. 7-2 t-p. Mrs. J. F. Honeycutt, Phone 703. 24-10 t-p. Fresh Extra Fancy Pineapples. Dove Host Co. 8-lt-p. Ate, Woman Wanted. Salary $75 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Beautiful Spring line. Guaranteed Mills, Norristown, Pa. 30-12 t-p. Jitney Service Station, Phone 673, Any hour, day or night. 1-10-p. Listen To This—ls It’s a Taxi l'ou want, call 68a St. Cloud Jitney Service. Also bus lines in connec tion. Apr- 23-4wks-p. 6 Per Cent Money. Bankers Reserve System. 6 per cent, loans are made no city or farm property to buy, build, improve, or pay indebtedness. Bankers Reserve Deposit Company, Keith Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. 4-19-Weds & Thurs-ts ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by Board of Aldermen of City of Concord : Section 1. Ttmt it shall be unlawful for any person to park any automobile on North side of East Depot street be tween Union stfeet and Church street or to park any automobile on Means street between Union street and the driveway into county jail. Section 2. That any iierson violat ing the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction shall lie fined fifty dollars or imprisoned 30 days. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon publication. 4-st-c. ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Aider men of City of Concord: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any iierson to leave or park auy 1 automobile or other vehicle upon any [street within the fire limits of the City Jof. Concord between the hours of 3:30 FA: M. and 5:30 A. M. Section 2. That any person violat ing the provisions of this ordinance ■shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean or and ujion conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned 30 days. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect upon publication. 4-st-c. CLCCTfttC TOAST!#* It is both impossible and inconvenient to —; W serve toast properly from tlic kitchen. The LH 'IB only way is the electric ft! L 3 way. Beaqty combined JkJx ftft with practicality is to ITI1 T 1 be found in our assort- Kfgl of toasters. Our ftS prices are what you ftjft PJI “The Modern Way” M 111 W. J. HETHCOX LJ |V Electrical Fixtures 1 4 West Depot Street -r- » 1 ; - .i-.spwp Entertainment Was Given by Eighth Grade Puplh of School.—Final Ex ; ercises This Evening. The final exercises of commence . ment at the Laura Sunderland Me , mortal School will be held in the au ditorium of the school this evening . at 8 o’clock. The program this even . ing will be devoted to a musical re cital, to be followed by an Rev. J. C. Rowan. Admission cards > are not requited for this exercise. The full program follows: | Invocation. Chorus: Pilgrims Ohori® from “Tannhauser”—Wagner. I Duo: "Faust”—Arranged bv Bona ; Witz—Misses Lord and Herring. Essay: Community Betterment— Irene Black. 11 Chorus: The Maybell and the Flow ers —Mendelssohn. Piano Solo: Romance for left hand —Spindler— Lamelle Moose. Essay: The Value of Reading Good Books—Janie McDaniels. Duo: March Trionphane—Goria— Misses Herring and Lord. Chorus: On the Road to Mandalay— Speaks. Address—Rev .Jesse O. Rowan. A large crowilwas present Moudav evening for the presentation of the operetta. "The Maid of the Golden Slipper " Pupils of the Eighth Grade of the school presented the entertain ment. which proved one of the most interesting ever given at the school. OLD “BEEF-EATERS” IN OLD UNIFORMS Tower Customs Shown in “When Knighthood Was in Flower” The only modern drsss in Cos mopo'Stan's picturization of the fam ous romantic novel, “When Knight hood Was in Flower,” with Marion Davies as the star, is the uniforms of the guards of the Tower of Loudon —'find that is liecause they are the same today as they .were- four hun dred years ago. Tourists who have visited that grim fortress-prison, will readily recognize the "Beef-eaters” as they appear in the picture. How they acquired the nick-name by wnich they have been known in recent years is unknown. The Tower of London was not al ways the grim prison that is so no torious in English history. The wed ding of Henry VIII and his first wife, Catherine of Arragon, was celebrated there, and also his marriage with Anne Boleyn, who was subsequently beheaded there. In the early days of his reign Henry VIII used the Tower as one of his pa aces, and it was then that he dressed the guaros in gorgeous uniform. Hampton Court, the great palace built by Cardinal Wolsey, is another monument of Tudor days still pre served in its original form, and faith ful reproductions of both these his toric structures are interesting fea tures of this great Paramount picture which will lie shown at the Star thea ter Tuesday and Wednesday. The Beef-eaters” still carry the enormous ha'bnrds witli which they were aimed in Tudor times. WIFE NO. 1 MAY DECIDE TO TAKE HFJR HUSBAND BACK Walter Crawley Wrote Salisbury Police to Ask Wife to Forgive Him. Salisbury. May 7.—Walter E. Craw ley, newspaper pressman, who de serted his family of wife and nve children here some months ago and Inter married another woman, writes Chief of Police J. W. Kes er that he Ivants wife No. 1 to forgive, aim and let him come liack to her. Crawiey writes from Norfolk, but does not say how he came out in the case charging bigamy, which ease was tc have been tried at Wilmington, to which ■ place Crawley was taken some weeks ago after having been held here until he made satisfactory settlment with liis first family by deeding his wife his lund near Sa'ts bury. Chief Kesler took the matter up with wife No. 1 and she expressed a willingness to open negotiations with tier erring husband with a view of i letting him come back. Death of Rev. P. M. Trexler. Salisbury. May 7.—Dr. Peter M. Trexler, for many years pastor of Re formed Churches in this sectiou of the state and one of the I test read minis ters of that church, died this morning at 7 o'clock at his old home place eight miles east of the city, death lieing caused by pneumonia which followed a partial stroke of paralysis. Dr. Trexler lived alone at .his old home and last Friday was harrowing 1 a field near the house. A neighbor wo . man missing Dr. Trexler from his : house and seeing his horse in the field investigated anil found him lying on the ground whefe he had lieeu for six hours or more. Dr. Trexler re tained consciousness until just liefore his death but was not aUe to speak after being found. Dr. Trexler was 79 years old and is survived by five children. Three of -j these, airs. Ben Earnhardt, airs. ,1. t W. Smith, and Guy A- Trexler, clerk > in the local iwstofflce. live in Salte ' bury. Two other daughters, airs. Jno. J Lyerly, ami airs. Herliert K. Lutts, , live at Granite Quarry and Albemarle, j Dr.! Trexler served a munlier of Re formed Churches as pastor, and had 1 taught school, but in recent years had \ lived a retired life. 'The funeral will 1 take place Meilnesday afternoon at 2 1 o'clock from .Mount Zion church, near 1 China Grove, of which church Dr Trexler bad twice been pastor, r (Dr. Trailer was at one time pastor of Trinity Reformed Church of Con cord, and was greatly beloved here i and thiodghout thla section.—Rdlior.) At TWltetn®. T “Wte Knighthood Was in Flower.” starring Marion Paries, is the feature at the Star today. "Raner Bill’ Miller in “Guilty," is bring shown a t the Piedmont today. The Pastime today is showing. Rich ard Talma due in “Wildcat Jordan.” [ Queen Mary invariably sends per sonal letters to the members of the > royal family on all birthday and other! | anniversary occasions. anr CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNM : _ ■ ■ ■ ■ '" - , -* ■ The “Y” Points the Way to Success Through Character Building Activities t . x ' - The “Y” Keep it Going Strong 1 It Builds Character Make Concord Safe for Her Boys and Girls l You'll Be Glad .When You See j the Result “Invest Your Honey in Manhood, Especially Yonng Manhood” —John Raskin When the horse-car squealed aloud 11 .L TJ EMEMBER it? The flanges squealed as the car rounded a curve. The hand-brakes squealed when they were applied and groaned when they were released. The springs complained always. What^was the matter? Friction, mostly. Just friction. Now in 1923, the transportation picture is quite different. So jfl • great has been*the increase in motor transport during the last <** ' % ten years that the country’s investment in motor vehicles is now [ \ greater than the investment in rolling stock of ail street railways i|i | ' and steam railroads combined! '• / f Without improved lubrication this developmentVouldhave been impossible. Thi< company has spent years in the perfecting of Polarine, the “Standard” oil for motor lubrication. It prevents. ' II makes all the power effective. Ask for Polarine—not * STAnBaRD OIL COMPAJSIY (New J*e«ey) . I Tuesday, May 8, 1923.