» ******* » ASSOCIATED « * PRESS « * DISPATCHES « i & & & & tSI iSt & VOLUME \XXIII FOUR cm GIVEN FIVE V« IN STATE'S PRISON 1 Thomas *B. Pierce is Found Guilty by Jury on Three - Counts, Each Alleging Em bezzlement of Funds. JUDGE BOND WAS PRESIDING OFFICER ) Says Time Has Come When Courts Must Protect the Funds That Are Deposited in the Banks. (Ur the A asocial cU Prna.) Durham, June 15.—After a brief talk* 1 in which he told a crowded court room that the tjme has come when the courts I must protect the funds of women and ‘ children in banks. Judge \V. M. llond in Superior t'ourt here today sentenced Thomas H. Pierce, former cashier of the Home Savings Hank, to serve live years in the state penitentiary. Pierce was charged with embezzlement of more than SOO,OOO and after having been out since 5 o’clock yesterday after noon the jury returned a verdict this morning of guilty on three counts and not guilty on the last two. Pierce’s r counsel gave notice of appeal and his total bond was fixed at $15,000. BARACA-PHILATHEA MEETS IN KINSTON Hundreds of Delegates Are on Hand For the Big Meeting.—Very Strong Pro gram. Kinston, June 14. —Preceded by a meeting of the executive committee dur ing tlie day, the annual convention of the 'North Carolina Haiuca-Philatlica union got under way here this evening, tlie opening session being held at Gordou Street Christian Church, which luis large organizations of Philatheas and llaracas. Hundreds of delegates registered at Queen Street Methodist Church duriug tlie day. and it is expected that between (100 and 1,000 will be on baud for to morrow’s sessions, representing classes in hundreds of North Carolina cities and towns. -Many prominent ministers and laymen are on the program for the four-day meet ing. including Col. T. l.eroy Kirkpatrick. * former . mayor of Clmt lotto; -Associate Justice Herlot .Clarkson, of North Caro lina Supreme Court; I>r. James M. Par rot. of Kinston, former head of the state medical society; Dr. Bernard Spilman. of Kinston. Baptist state president, and others. . Kinston is in holiday attire for the meeting. Tlie xtreetrs are gaily deco rated in the national and organization colors. BELIEVE VIRGINIA HOUND HAS LATEST RECORD Dog Recently Gave Birth to q Litter of 26 Puppies. (By the Associated Press.) Midlothian. Va„ June 15.—“ Dido,” a hound owned by TV. B. Johnson, a di rector of the Virginia Fox Hunters’ As sociation, is believed to have established a world’s record for dog motherhood. She recently became the mother of a litter of 20 puppies, which, local experts declare, is 10 more than the previous record. She and her pups are doing well. Girl of Ten Takes Her Little Brothers on a 2.000-MUe Journey. New York, June M.—Julia May, 10, and her three little brothers, Roscoe, 6. Roland, 4, and Lawrence, 2, whom she is taking from Denver, Col., to Kingston, Jamaica, took possession of her de luxe suite on the steamship Tivives today and n little later had taken posseessiou of the entire ship, not to mention the hearts of all the passengers. Their father disappeared recently from their home in Longmont, Col., and a short time later their mother died. Au thorities communicating wit’ll their aunt, Miss Lillian Carrers, who is postmistress at Kingston, were requested by cable to send the children to her. While the State Departmen at Wash ington and the British consulate in New arranging a blanket pasaport for the quartet, officials of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad assumed the responsi bility of getting them safely across the 2.050 miles to N’ew York. The United Fruit Company gave them reduced rates and installed them iu the suite de luxe, assigning Mrs. E. N.vberg, stewardess and A. H. Colefield, steward, to see that their voyage was made com fortable. Colefield had reached the distrnctiow point even before the ship sailed, when tlie youngest of his charges wandered off for a trip of inspection and the steward,, rushed frantically to and fro, found him on the verge of toppling out of a life boat into which he had clambered. “It’s such a relief to have some one help take care of them,’* sighed 10-year nld Julia, when Colefield appeared with his kioing charge. “Children are sueh a burden.” Special Music at St. James Church. Miss Ruth McLinn, of New York, who iR visiting in Concord, will play several organ selections on Sunday evening at the Vesper Service in St. James Luther an Church. Mr. Sam Goodman will also sing am aria from ‘The Messiah” at that service. Miss McLinn was formerly or ganist at the First Presbyterian Chureh, of Princeton, New Jersey, and is a mu sician of wide repute. The Kiwanis Club of Concord will hqld Its regular meeting at 7 o’clock this evehing at the local Y. M. C. A. Tlje program will be in charge of Team No. 1, Albert Palmer, eaptain. The Concord Daily Tribune SEEK RELATIVES OF FORMER/CAROLINA MAN Who Was Buried'ln Old St. Louis Cem etery.—Man Died in February, 1815. (By the Associated Pr«u.i New Orleans, June 15.—Tile United Daughters of 177(1 and 1812, in eonnee tion with pinhx to remove from the old St. Louis Cemetery here to the National I Cemetery nt Chalmette. the bodies of two l American soldiers and one sailor who died (luring the war of 1812, have insti tuted o'search for relatives of the men in | North Carolina, Tennessee, and. Virgin , in and in New England through W. O. ■ Hart of the lamisiaua Historical Society. . Inscriptions on the monuments include: “In memory of Dr. Ashael Brunson, a native of Halifax County, N. C.. moved with his father to Tennessee in the spring of 1805. Departed this life in the army at New Orleans, February 15. • 1815. aged 20 years.” BODIES RECOVERED FROM LAKE AT WINSTON-SALEM Youths Were Drowned When Boat Cap sized While They Were Hunting for Turtles. Winston-Salem, June 14.—The bodies of Fred Enscore, aged IK. and Walter McGee, aged 23. who were drowned * Tuesday night in the lake of the North Winston waterworks were, found and taken out today, Enscore’s body being located at 11 :30 this morning, and Mc- Gee’s at 2 o’clock this afternoon. The searching party was headed by Capt. Harry Fox. of Butte, Mont., balloon avi ator and export swimmer, who is making lifs headquarters in Winston-Salem. It was while swimming along one of the boats’ that one of .the searchers l touched the body of Enscore with his feet. McGee’s body was located prac tically in the same'manner. It was near where the boat capsized. The two bodies were removed to an under taker’s parlor,'Where Coroner Dalton held an inquest. The jury’s verdict was that the two men came to their death by drowning, for which they ap peared to be responsible. Ernest Rollins, the only survivor of the trio of turtle hunteres, is in jail in default of a SSOO bond, a warrant having been issued against him for tres passing on the city’s property. MOUNT WAS MURDERED. CORONER’S JURY FINDS Decide Student Came to Death at the Hands of Persons Unknown. Chicago, June 14.—The coroner’s jury investigating the death of Leighton Mount, Northwestern University stu dent. whose skeleton was fouqd under an Evanston pier six weeks Y ago. today reached a verdict that Mount had come to his death at the hands of persons un known and recommended that these per sons be apprehended aud brought before tlie grand jury. The inquest was rose mod.. yesterday after a grand jury investigation had failed to disclose any new evidence con cerning the disappearance of Mount af tre a class rush on the night of Sep tember 21, 11)21. THE COTTON MARKET Showed Continued Nervousness and Ir regularity During Early Trading. (By the Associated Press.) New Y’ork, June 15.—The fotton mar ket showed continued nervousness and ir regularity duriug today’s early trading. Liver|)ool was better than due, but the local market opened at a decline of 7 to 14. points under overnight selling orders, and allowed net losses 14 to 30 points. Publication of a private report making the mid-month condition 68.8 was fol lowed by a quick rally to 27.11 for July and 24.51 for October. Cotton futures opened steady: July 27.05; October 24.42: December 23.88; January 23.60; March 23.50. Fort Bragg Aviator Back After Continen tal Flight. Fayetteville, June 14.—Lieut. E. P. Gaines, trans-continental path-tinder of the air. and Staff Sergeant A. J. Hil ton. his mechanician, completed their rouud trip across the United States at five minutes lifter 5 o’clock this after noon. when they landed at their home station of’Pope Field, which they left a little less than’ four weeks ago to map out a southern- coast to coast route for future air travelers. They left Bolling Field this afternoon, making the last leg of the Higbt in something like three hours. Wright Field, at Fairfield, Ohio, was the last stop before reaching Wash ington late yesterday. The traus-contiuental fliers were given u royal welcome when they landed ou the Fort Bragg Hying field, a large num ber of fellow officers and soldier* and a big delegation of friends and admirers from Fayetteville were present to greet the returning heroes. Crest of Flood Passing. Tulsa, Okla., June 14.—The crest of the flood in the Arkansas river has passed Tulsa. T. G. Shipman, weather observer at Fort Smith, Arkansas, re poted today. At noon the guage read 16.5 feet aud unless an unexpected rise occurs within the next 36 hours, the river probably will be within its banks then. The falling waters will clear West Tulsa and the low country nlong the sand springs road of the overflow some time tonight. No new estimates of the dnmage were announced today. Says Association Was Misrepresented. Chicago, June 15 (By the Associated Press). —Charging that the National Hardwood Lumber Association had been misrepresented as opposing the aotiviV ties of the Department of Justice in the standardization ot lumber John W. Mc- Clure, of Memphis, Tenn., president of the association, presented to the mem bership today a committee report indi cating that one member of President Harding’s cabinet had urged government supervision, and another had opposed it. j v ' Verdict Returned for Mrs.CrokeC. Dublin, June 15 (By the Associated Press).—A verdict in favor of Mrs. Bula Oroker was found by the jury in the contest over the will of the late Richard Croker this afternoon. CONCORD, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1923. COTTON SEED CRUSHERS i HEAR PROMINENT MEN Robert Binkerd, Isaac Meeker and Chris ty Rennet Address Blowing Rock Con vention. (By the Associated Cress. 1 I Blowing Ruck. June 15.—Plans of the railroads to have representatives of the , shippers on the conference board of tlie , roads, and thus give them a direct voice . in the activities of the car servicp di vision were outlined here today before the joint convention of the Cotton Seed Association of North Carolina and South Carolina, by Robert Htude baker Binkerd. representing the eastern group iif tlie country’s carriers. Isaac Meeker, formerly of Elizabeth City, N. C„ but now stationed in New York as alien property custodian, de livered an address on citizenxship in which he stressed tlie necessity for toler ance, liberty of conscience, freedom of speech, equality of men. justice for nil. and Americanism. Market prospects for next season were discussed by K. B. K. Renter, of Wash ington. I). C.. M. C. Miller, of WilsrtfT. N. (’., head of the North Carolina ('rushers ognnizution, presided nt today’s session. An address by Christy Ben nett. former Uuited States senator from South Carolina, aud the election of of fleers were tlie chief events before the final adjournment later in the day. CREW OF TI G FOUGHT SHARKS FOR TWO HOURS Men Were Towing Body of Whale Shark to Shore When Tiger Sliarks Appear ed. (By the Associates Press.) Miami. Fin.. June 15.—Tlie 40,000 pound rhynodon typos known ns a whale shark, caught Saturday off Marathon by 1 a party* of fishermen, was saved to sci ence only after a two hours fight with a school of forty tiger sharps yesterday afternoon while a tug was towing the fish to Key West where representatives of the American Museum of Natural His tory, of New York, will save the mon ster fur study aud classification. The crew of the tug Liberty, towing the monster fish, battled for two hours with the shurks. using blunted harpoons and long poles With sharp irons fasten ed to the end. The sharks in a frenzy leaped at die fish, over its huge back and into tlie lug as they fought among themselves. The sharks were maddened by the crew of tlie Liberty. Mr. Mowbray, iu charge of towing the ryndon said, until they fell upon one another; dropping back until the scent was lost. One tiger measured all of 25 feet. guilfordYvlvn Yield IN CHARLOTTE JAIL Kenneth Duncan Charged With Imper sonating Officer and Securing Money, (fcastotto, ttoqe-14,—Kenneth Duncan, young white man giving Greensboro as his home was arrested here yesterday afternoon on a charge of impersonating a federal officer and attempted blackmail methods in securing money from Char lotte negroes. Duncan’s system as reported by the police was quite unusual. His plan of action, it is charged, was to approach a negro woman late at night, tell her that she was not allowed to be upon the streets after 11 o'clock and demand that he be paid sls or more for not plac ing her under arrest. The alleged impersonator met his Wat erloo Monday night when lie tried his system on a negro taxi driver at the Southern railroad station here. The driver was taking a negro woman home from tlie station and refused to meet Duncan’s demands. Tuesday Duncan called the negro and told him to meet him at an appointed place later in the day and turn over the money. Instead the negro called the police and the offi cers went to the spot and nabbed Dun can. He was identified by the driver as the man who accosted him Monday night. Duncan, it was said, is under SSOO bond to appear in Superior Court at Henderson next week to face a charge of stealing an automobile. EPWORTH FOLK STUDY VARIOUS WORK TOPICS Program of West Carolina Conference Fsr Today and Friday At Charlotte Chureh. Charlotte, June 14.—The western Carolina Epworth lenue conference, on reassembling this morning in Trinity Methodist church, discussed personal work, missions and methods, with a talk followed by V. It. Patterson, on “Our Spiritual Trent.” which was heard with close attention and interest. This afternoon, committe and dis trict meetings were held, and there was also a business session after which Miss Grace Bradley made a talk in "The Standard of Efficiency.” The feature of the evening was the address by l)r. Ashley Chappell, his subject. “The Indwelling Christ.” Friday the program will consist of classes on various subjects, the dis tinctive feature to be a talk on “Chapter Finance,” by P. L. Pl.vler. The feature of the evening program will be an address by Rev Dr. E. K. McLarty, former pastor of l’ryon Street Methodist church in this city. Methodist pastors introduced to the conference today were; Rev. W. B. Davies, of Charlotte: Rev. A. S. Ru per, Dal’as; Rev. A. E. Stabler, Bes semer City; Rev. M. A. Osborne, Con cord : Rev. G. W. Clay. Gobsonville; Rev. F. O. Dryman, Norwood, and Rev. T. A, Pl.ver, Woodienf. Dies From Injuries, (By the Associated Press.) Thomnsville, June 15.—D. H. Clodfel ler, for many years a policeman, was struck by a southbound freight train in the yard last night aud received injuries which resulted in his death this morning. He is survived by his widow and four children. Messrs. Art Lentz, Sam Weddington, Lineberger Lowder and Hoke Peck have returned from a fishing trip to Thayards pond in Moore County. The Misses Ludwig, of Mt. Pleasant, were visitors in the city today. ; Raleigh Bank Has Entered Suit Against Officers of Defunct Mill Tlir following story from the Raleigh News and Observer of June 15th. ex , plains one of the liirext developments „ growing out of the failure of the Meck lenburg Mills: * . First notion in what is declared to be a round of litigation."resulting upon the , receivership .for the • Mecklenburg Mill I Company, was started in Wake Superior , Fonrt yesterday by the Citizens National Bank of Raleigh in a suit to mover sll.- 450.85, the unpaid balance of the mills note for $20,006 signed by J. I). Xnr ( wood, of Salisbury, president of the eor potation and M. I,.£Jackson, both of whom are made defetfHantx. ! The collapse of thpTiig cotton mill cor poration carrying w(th it disaster to j four banks, is declare! to be tlie biggest financial crash in tin history of State. The mill corporation operated the Meck , lenburg MilJ of Mecklenburg county, the j Clyde Mill in Catawba county, the New ton Mills iu Catawba county, and the Nancy mills in Montgomery county. The four banks involved more or less heavily and whose closing was direct I.v ‘ attributed to the fall of the cotton mill company were the Bank of Rockwell, the ’ Merchants and FarmCjs Bank of Grin ite Quarry, the First National Bank of Spencer and the People's National Bonk of Salisbury. Officials of the Spencer ; bank insist that the institution will re open. Since the decree of Judge Boyd in U. S. District court for Western North Car olina ou June 1. naming M. L. Cannon, of Concord, and J. K. ) loughton, of Sal i isbury, receivers, the status of tlie cot ton mill company has been unchanged. While neither of the (wo named receiv ers have communicated such notice offi- I ciully to the court, they have been unof- t fieinlly quoted in the statement that they I will decline to qualify. From Greens boro last night it was learned that at- r torne.vs in the case representing the com- I plaining creditors yesterday were eon- ; ferriug with the court and with attor- j neys for the defeuse but no action has ' yet been taken. |; Outside of its purely financial aspects. 11 the effect of the wholesale collapse upon State politics aud particularly upon the , political fortunes of J. D. Norwood, of' i LOWDEN HEARD BY NATIONAL CREDIT MEN Extravagances in Government Growing Out of Excessive Taxes Condemned by Speaker. (By the Associated Press.) Atlanta, June lif.—Extravagance in the government growing out of excessive . taxes were condemned, ami the proper division of taxation between uinnicfpuli-1 ties and states, recommended by Frank; O. Louden, former governor of'lllinois, j addressing the National Association ’of Credit Men in convention here today. : He declared taxation is increasing fast-: er than wealth in this; country, and to j check the extravagance of the govern- j ment it would be desirable that munici- j polities and states should provide their j own revenues for their own needs and j leave to the Federal government the task of providing fur genuinely national requirements. Terming the Federal constitution tlie "most important single contribution ever made to the autos self-government,” Mr. ! Lowden pointed out that its framers were careful - not to confer all power! upon tlie government. FROM MICHIGAN TO TEXAS IN DAY IS HOPE Os Seven Aviators Who Left Selfridge Field Today on Trip to San Antonio. (By the Associated Press.) Mount Clemens, Mich.. June 15.—Sev-; en officers of the first pursuit group of the American army's flying forces hop ped off at Selfridgc Field near here at 5 o'clock. Eastern standard time, this morn ing. in an attempt to reach San Antonio, Texas, by sunset this evening after mak ing four stops for gasoline. The flight, if successful, will make an achievement unprecedented iq the aerial world, officers said, as it is tlie first time that military fliers of any nation have attempted to move in group combat planes equipped with complete combat arma ment so far from their home base in the daylight hours of one day. Skull Found by Youth Under House at Durham. Durham, June 14. —Officers are inves tigating the finding of a skull under the house at 1008 Cleveland Street yester day by Ernest Chamblee, a boy of about 12 years of age, while playing under the house. The skull had. apparently laip where it was found for many years for it was stained and discolored by time. The local authorities are now trying to determine whether the skull points to murder or whether it was in the pos session of some student of medicine. The English, port of Southhampton, became of the position of the Isle if Wight, has four high tides every 24 hours. i ‘ ill Our JUNE CHRISTMAS CLUB I This Club operates on the same plan as our regular j Christmas Club, and matures at the same time. NOW OPEN It is the easiest way to save your Christmas money. § Citizens Bank and Trust Company Salisbury. State chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee, has been the subject of more or less common specula- I tion since the appointment of receivers. | One of the allegations of the complaint filed in the District Court of Western I District by Warwick Aiken and Clnude C. Crawford, residents of Tennessee, who sued on behalf of themselves and other creditors, is this: “That although said corporation is I without funds to continue its operation j ami meet its obligations, it is carrying obligations of officers, stockholders aud employes aggregating $276,547.05. That in the period from December 31, 1022, to March 31. 1023, the indebtedness of the officers, stockholders and employes has increased to the extent of $40,203.07 without a corresponding enhancement or j increase in eapitnl assets of defendant. “That the capital stock of the corpora tion has not been increased during said period and which accounts and notes re ceivable constitute improper and unlaw ful withdrawals of the capital assets of the corporation, so complainants are ad vised and state on information aud be lief tor the benefit and preferment .of certain officers, directors and agents of the defendant Mecklenburg Mills Com pany ami to the prejudice of its general atul unsecured creditors and in fraud of their rights.” According to the complaint filed by the Citizens National Bank, the $20,000 nine ty day note of the Mecklenburg Mills Company was made by J. I). Norwood and M. 1.. Jackson on December 5, 1022. Although tlie time has expired, it is a!- J leged that frequent demands upon tile | defendants for payment lias bee refused. However, three credits have been aplpied I jto the principal including $2,000 on 1 April 18; $4,500 on May 5; and $2,040,15 ! | on June 12. J These leave a total of $11,450,85 of the I principal still due. And in adition to ! this, the plaintiff is asking interest on ! s2oo,ooo.from March 5. to April IS; ou I SIB,OOO from April 18 to May 5 ; on $13.- [SOO from May 5 to June 12: and for sll.- 450.85 from June 12 until paid. ; Suit was filed by John H. Boushall, attorney for the bank. WOMEN HOLD MEETING AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Formal Opening of Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women Held. (By the Associated Press.• Wilmington, N. C.. dune 15—The first formal session of tlie North Carolina j Federation of Business and Professional j Women gol underway at Wrightsville | Beach at j) :30 this morning with a meet iing of th*v state .council which followejl j tlTe registration of "delegates earlier"in j the day. j A business session witli reports from | various committees and officers starts at J 1 :30 o'clock and a Vocational luncheon I will be held at. Carolina Yacht Club at j 1 o’clock. | Among matters to be discussed in tlie | business session this afternoon are club mechanics, national federation emblem, stale exhibit for Portland convention, and report by Mrs. M. S. McMahan on “citizenship.” j Tlie annual banquet will be held at | 8 p. m. at the Oceanic Hotel. TARIFF RECIPROCITY OFFER GETS HOUSE SUPPORT Canadian House of Commons Endorsed Plan For Tariff Agreement With the | United States. (By (he Associated Press.) j Ottawa, June 15.—The Canadian j House of Commons last night endorsed an offer of tariff reciprocity toward the United States. "If we don’t have the closest possible trade relations with the United States in a reasonable time I don't think we shall be able to preserve our confederation,” said W. ('. Good, progressive member in supporting the proposal to offer reciproc ity. The offer specifies certain commodities, and was modified from its original form as submitted several weeks ago by the Minister of' Finance with the budget speech to restrict reductions of duties by Canada on a pro-rata basis, with those made by the United States. This change was proposed by the Minister. With Our Advertisers. H. B. Wilkinson has living room suites, both cane and fibre at reasonable prices. The best way to provide for your fam ily is with a bank account. Tlie Cabar rus Savings Bank offers every banking facility. If'you want an awning notify the Concord Furniture Co. at Once. Tropical suits in tlie best models and fabrics at W. A. (Ivercash s. Tlie June Christmas Club of the Citi zens Bank and 'Trust . Company is now open. See ad. Men Who enter a Swedish shop to make a purchase are expected to raise their hats to the owner of the shop. CREW AND FIVE CHINESE IN HAND TO HAND BATTLE Story Equals Buccaneering Days of the Spanish Main—Fifteen Chinamen Tell. New York. .Tune 14.—A story of hor ror on the sea within shadow of the j Sandy Hook ruin fleet’s rendezvous. I reminiscent of the days of buccaneering on the Spanish main was drawn piece meal today from fifteen Chinese surviv ors of the man-smuggling schooner Mayy Beatrice, picked up adrift last night it the entrance to the harbor. They unfolded a story of a hand to f hand encounter between twenty Chinese ' passnegers and the crew of four. In I the fight the crew and five Chinese were j slaughtered and thrown overboard after j the unidentified captain had deserted the craft with $5,000 passage money. When their story was concluded the au thorities were ns mystified as they were when the trim little schooner slipped into the harbor with her strange pas sengers. The British consulate ecoinmunirated with officials at Nassau, Bahamas, port from which the Chinese said they had last in an effort to trace the ownership of the craft and her eaptojp’s identity. Nothing throwing any light on the situation had been received to* night. The stories of the -5 survivors, pieced together, indicate that the schooner had arrived*' off the coast about June (>, and stood off for several days awaiting launches to smuggle the Chinese ashore. Provisions and drinking water ran short and then the mysterious captain, to whom each had paid $250. quit the ship and has not been seen since. The suspicions of the Chinese who showed restlessness through the delay in [landing, were aggravated when the mate I demanded an additional $250. Two I white men and two negroes comprised the crew. | Resistance to the demand for more | money was said to have started a gen eral battle at dusk Tuesday, implements of every kind being brought into play. Interpreters gathered from accounts given by the.exicted Chinese that the at tack was made on one of their num ber. then all joined in the struggle for self preservation, using knives, axes; razors, marlin spikes or anything that could be used as a weapon. The outnumbered crew was over wheelmed and killed, and with five of their opponents who fell in the fray their bodies were cast into the sea. The mystery was intensified by the absence of ship's papers or navigation instruments. The 15 Chinese will be taken before officials of the Chinese bu reau of immigration tomorrow. If it is found that the schooner was British, it was said the Chinese would be turned over to the British government, and if the craft was of American registry the federal authorities probably would prose cute the 15 men for the killing of the crew. •Tofin iiiintbn. Inspector in charge of the Chinese division of the immigra tion service, said lie was skeptical whether five Chinese had been killed on the boat. He based his conclusion, he said, on the fact that on June 10 lie was notified that a schooner was on rum row with 15 Chinese aboard. 1924 CONVENTION OF K. OF P. TO CLAYTON R. G. Cherry, of Gastonia, Retiring Chancellor. Presented Gold Watch. Morgan ton. June 14.—The sessions of the grand lodge, Knights of Pythias of North Carolina, came to a close shortly after noon today and the majority of the delegates nave left for their homes. C’ayton was chosen ns next year’s meeting place, this selection meeting with general approval because of the located there of the Pythian home. Be sides this other business transacted during the closing session included awards to lodges showing greatest gains and to individuals securing the greatest number of applications during the year, the, installation of officers, naming of- standing committees by Chancellor L. L. Caudle, of Charlotte, and the passing of the customary reso lutions. A handsome gord watch was presented to retiring Chancellor It. Ov Cherry, of Gastonia. I The following awards were made: Flag to Rocky Mount lodge No. 84 for making largest gain in membership; flag to Ellenboro lodge No. 120 for mak ing largest per cent gain in member ship; flag to Belmont iodee No. 240 for largest per cent attendance during the year. Silver loving cup to Ruffin lodge No. 0. Goldsboro for largest per cent per capita for building fund for home, amount being SO.OB per member, total $1.097; S. Gray Williams, a gold watch, of Rocky Mount lodge No. 84, for hav ing secured SI applications during the year. A handsome F. C. B. ring was presented to J. C. Harrill, of Forest City, for having secured 51 applications during the' year; a handsome F. C. B. ring to E. O. Bolick, Burke No. 04. for having secured 26 members during the year. Names of Pythians securing 10 or more applications during the year were: J. C. Harrill. Forest City, 51; John T. Poole, Forest City, 10; W. E. Moore, Forest. City. 10; E. O. Bolick. I Rocky Mount, 81; R. R. Daughteridge. Rocky Mount. 15; E. I. Fleming, Rocky Mount, 12; C. W. Coghill. Rocky Mount, 11 ; O. R. Ooffield. Ellenboro. 11; W. L. Black, Ellenboro. 10. Agrees to Accept Cotton Standards. (Iky the AMoefatfd Prwin.i Washington, June 15.—The Havre. France, Cotton Association has notified its representative at the International Cotton Conference of its full acceptance iof the agreement reached by the confer ence, adopting the Cnited States official cotton standards as universal, and pro viding for Arbitration at Havre. Cashier of Company Robbed. (By the Awoetated Pr**e.» New York, June 15. —A cashier of the Pullman Company and his bodyguard were robbed of a $22,000 pay roll by six armed men today as they were en , tering the Sunnyside works, at Long Island City. ® TODAY’S I * NEWS I » TODAY < St lilt ft A dt d. < NO. 142. )f BUM DIED IN OTFfTTOEMPE Death Followed a Series of Dramatic Developments in Bulgaria During the Past Several Days. CABINET RESIGNED EARLY IN WEEK And Premier Tried to Escape When He Learned That New Power Was to Control the Government. Sofia, .Juno la (By Iho Associated Press). —Former PrAnier Stainboulisk.v, of Bulgaria, lias been killed while trying to escape. The end of the peasant leader's ca reer follows a series of dramatic devel opments. beginning with the overthrow ■of his government in the early hours of lasi Saturday, and. the formation of a coalition government including all the opposition parties, with the exception of the communists. As soon as Ktamboulisky became aware of the successful coup d'etat lie fled to ward the mountains of Central Bulgaria, shaving off his moustache, and disguis ing himself as an army chauffeur. He was deserted by most of his followers, only four being with him when he ar rived at Pirdop on his way to Eishintza. The pursuing troops of the new govern ment overtook the party at IMrdop but Stambouliky escaped into the foresp dur ing the fighting in which his four fol lowers were overcome. He could not long elude (lie large forces seeking him. however, and he was cap tured yesterday at Molavi. a village near Slavovitzit. Alexander Ktamboulisky. known as the peasant premier, was one of the most picturesque personalities in modern Bul garian history. A man of massive frame and tremendous energy, he was describ ed by his opponents as a “bull in a China closet.'' hut there was no doubt of his popularity with the all-potent peas ant party. Os the humbles) peasant origin, he rose to the power of a dictator, solidi fying under his leadership the wide spread opposition to the war policies of fdtmer "l®ng FerdTfm ntf. wfio 'threw the "" fortunes of his country into tire scales on the side of the Central Powers in the world war. London. June 15 (B.v the Associated Press).—The Bulgarian semi-official ag ency here this afternoon announced the death 'of ex-premier Stambonlisky and added that was killed (lining a fusil lade after a party of armed iieasants had attacked the car in which he was passing through the village of Slnvovitza. FIND TWO MEN WERE DROWNED ACCIDENTALLY This Was Verdict of Jury Investigating Death of Two Winston-Salem Men. <*lr the Associate* Press., Winston-Salem, June 15.—The coro ner's jury investigating the deaths of Walter McGee and Fred Enscore. whose bodies were recovered yesterday after noon from a pond at the Winston-Salem waterworks, returned a verdict that the two men came to their deaths by acci dental drowning, there being no evidence of foul play. Ernest Rollins, the third member of the part)* in the boat when it capsized, will be given a hearing probably tomor row on a charge of trespass, as there is a law* forbidding trespassing on the city watersheds. Ex-Stock Broker Selling Hot Dogs. New* York, June 14.—Roy H. Mar- Masters. nominal head of the stock firm of R. H. MacMhsters and com pany. which failed recently for $2.00(1.- 000. has opened a frankfurter stand in an outlying section of Brooklyn and is attempting to make a living by selling refreshment to motorists, it was learn ed today. It is understood lie used his last $30,000 in an attempt so stave off failure. MacMhsters declared that he was refused scores of times for salaried jobs. Desperate, he tried in suc cession selling rain and life insurance and real estate and then acting as time-keeper for a .gang of laborers. Finally he said he got backing in his present business. The grand jury today completed investigation of the failure and is expected to report tomorrow. Woman I'nearths Bones of Sevent-Foot Indian. Nashville, Tenn.. Juue 14.—The al most perfectly formed skeleton of an Indian seven feet tall was unearthed here today b.v Mrs. M. K. Kuhn, while workmen were engaged in construction of a home on her property, seven miles from this city. Efforts will be made to have repre sentatives of Jlie Smithsonian Institute make a move complete investigation of tlie .site, with a view to substantiating Ali-s. Kuhn’s belief that more than a score of Indian giants were buried there. Death of Genii Terrazas. •*x t,« Associated Phm. El Paso, June 15.— Gen. Luis Terraz as died today at his home in Chihuahua City. There will be a baseball game at the Gibsoy Mill Park Saturday, June 16th, 1623, at 3:45 p. m. between I/andls anil Gibson. Good players and a good game, strong batteries, heavy hitters. The great majority of the Yaghan Indians of Terra del Fuego, who are southern most people in the world, canot count further than three.