PAGE SIX Mmt ' ~~ ’ Cool in Summer. Comfortable in Winter! REED AND FIBER FFRNITIRE IN' COMPLETE SPITES TO MATCH OR ODD PIECES Full Sprint; Seats, with loose cushions, upholstered in Good Grade of Tap estry or Cretonne. We are making a Special. Price on these goods for the Sum mer months. Look them over and get our prices before you buy. Cash or Credit —as you like. Concord Furniture Co. The Reliable Furniture Store D. D. D.-Dollar Day Deos It C. H. 8.-Can’t Hardly Beat It if i 4* 8 15c Glasses Dried Beef .. SI.OO 0 15-oz. Jars Farm House jjj 5 25c glasses Brief Beef ... SI.OO Preserves „.. SI.OO f*:|' i 4 85c cans Tripe SI.OO 3 quart jars Sweet or Sour |{ 512 oz. cans Kingnivs Cooked Pickles SI.OO - ! Brains ..« SI.OO 8 Cans Tall Carnation Milk SI.OO f ! |i 5 12-oz. cans Rex Roast Beef SI.OO 10 t ans Small Carnation Milk SI.OO " I 3 2-lb. cans Army Roast Beef SI.OO 0 cans Capbells Pork & Beaus SI.OO ; H| 7 cans Tall Pink Salmon .. SI.OO 2 1-quart cans Wesson Oil. SI.OO ** J j 4 30c cans Silvcrdale Syrup 4 -lpiut cans Wesson Oil ... SI.OO . j j Peaches SI.OO 3 lbs. Caraja Coffee SI.OO ; I if 0 No. 3 cans Peeled Peaches SI.OO 4 lbs. Arbuckle's Coffee .... SI.OO J > jj] 8 No. 3 cans Pie Peaches ... SI.OO 0 lbs. Granulated Sugar .. SI.OO 1 8 No. 3 cans Pie Apples . . SI.OO 5 lbs. good Loose Coffee ... SI.OO - ! b 5 14-oz. cans Rosedale Sliced 5 lbs. Peanut Butter SI.OO j! | 1 Pineapple SI.OO 0 lbs. Ixnvney's Loose Cocoa SI.OO iti 5 25c cans Lipton's Tea .... SI.OO 1 lbs. Baker's Loose Cocoa nut SI.OO if G 20c cans Gold Camel Tea SI.OO 3 dozen Fresh Country Eggs SI.OO I These prices are not made to make money, but to show you that * p you really can get better values when we put on Special Sales. Neith are they made to unload a lot of undesirable stock for every item quot ed is as staple as sugar and coffee. If you fail to visit our place dur ing these Dollar Sales Days you have done yourself an injustice. Our place is clean, and our clerktls are not mean. Credit and dating is based on your rating. *j C. H. BARRIER & CO. P • ■ " * IIIMII | Bradley Bathing Suits Are the Best II Made. Every Suit All Wool and Fast Colors MeiVs Bathing Suits $4, $4.50, $5 Children’s Cotton Bathing Suits. We Are Agents For BELBER pjt -Jr p ■|jfn Fine Luggage jjjjjj LI J : : i j B| [| [ |t| || IIMI HI MIIM 1 8 If Your Car is Not Running Right, We Have the Man Who ! J 3 Can Fix It. ] ‘ 5 We are glad at al times to render service on all cars j J | in our shop, and will appreciate it very much if you will ! 8 bring your machine to us for repair. J jj Everything we do is guaranteed to be satisfactory and give service. , J We have a process guaranteed to stop your radiator -] J from leaking. See Mr. Johnson with his soldering iron. Bit ■S \ 8 c A i S' Motor & Tire Service Co. I i S* JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOCOOOCWOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOCwg^ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE | The Concord Daily Tribune | TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS." The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice Is as follows: Northbound. Train No. 136—11 p. m. Train No. 34—4:00 p.m. Train No. 36—10:30 a. m. Train No. 12—6:80 p. m. Train No. 38—9:00 p. m. Train No. 30—11 p. m. Southbound. Train No. 37—9:30 a. m. Train No. 45—4:00 p. m. Train No. 135—9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11:00 p. m. WEATHER REPORT. Ixicnl thundershowers tonight and Wednesday : no change in temperature. _ LOCAL MENTION * Come in and get one of our Almanacs. We will be glad to give odc free to every reader of The Times and Tribune. Two new cases of whooping cough were the only diseases of any kind re | ported to the county health department i Monday afternoon and night. Mr. J. C. McEachern is confined to his home on Vance street on account of illness. His condition today is reported as unchanged. Miss Bessie Holmes has returned to her home in Graham, after spending sev eral days here the- guest of Miss Ethel Blackwelder at her home on Kerr street. There will be a dance at the Elks' i Home this evening from !1 to 2 o'clock i Music will be furnished bv the famous j Mark Gross orchestra, of Charlotte. I In a good, clean, snappy game of ball past Saturday the Cckamis “Y" .if Ivan n.t|)olis defeated the Mooresville team. I till- score being 7 to 2. A large crowd | vyiis present and enjoyed the game. | At a recent meeting the members of (the library Association decided to spend j 81U11 for children’s books. The money is i available now. and the books will be j purchased al once. j The weekly meeting of the Concord Ro | tar.v Club will be held at the Y tomcr- I row at 12:30. Members of the club who | attended the International eonveutiou in St. Louis probably will make a report at Mhe meeting. Mr. E. C. Widenhouse, youngest son of Mr. .1. W. Widenhouse, of this county, graduated at the Theological I'tiiversity of Boston. Mass., last week, and is now serving a pastorate at Shelburne. Falls, Mass. Mr. Sanford Neal, assistant librarian, is now undergoing treatment for his eyes in a Charlotte hospital, and during his illness Miss Gladys Switik is as sisting Mrs. Richmond Reed, the libra rian. The Woman's Missionary Society of Calvary Lutheran Church will meet at the church this evening at 7:30 iustead of with Mrs. M. L. Kester as was for merly announced. A full attendance is urged. The Cabarrus Y baseball team of Kan napolis will play the Swift Refining Co. j team of Charlotte Thursday at the Kan napolis park. The game will begin at 3:30. Rot h tea ms have' been playing good ball and the game should be a good one. The Bible School of St Andrew's Lu theran Church opened Monday morning with forty-six pupils present. The chil dren and young people are very much interested. It is expeetted that the enrollment will increase and that much good will be accomplished. This school is open to the public. Columbia has given up her franchise i in the South Atlantic League. Baseball in Columbia has been .uncertain ail year and with attendance getting worse and worse al! of the , time the club owners gave up. President Walsh Ims not yet placed the franchise, which may go to Gastonia or Savannah. Persons desiring to get the typhoid serum or the diphtheria antitoxin free of charge should call at the office of the eounty health department any Satur day. The campaign has been running for two weeks now and more than 400 per sons have taken the treatment so far. At present, the treatment is being given on Saturday only. Quite a number of defendants were tried in recorder's court Monday and they paid tines totalling $135. One man was fined $250 for having liquor for sale and another $250 for transporting liquor. He gave notice of appeal in bptli cases and his bond in each case was fixed at S3OO. Court was in stVpii Hi several Jiours. We have been asked to state that the union services, which were announced in ! Monday's paper, will include only the j First Baptist. First Presbyterian and I Central Methodist Churches. The first I service will be held next Sunday night, I in Central Church. The union services, I it is said, will be held for one month on- | ly- With the opening of the paved road to I its entrance, the Cabarrus County Conn- j try Club is becoming more popular each I day. In addition to the golfers wtio are I using the course at the club.'a number I of people drive out eaelt afternoon to enjoy the cool breeze that blows through the lovely grove near the elub house. The rond to the elub property is jiaved all of the way now. * Major W. A. Foil asks that all Rotar ians, Kiwnnians and others who expect to attend the meeting with Albemarle citizens in Albemarle Thursday night. June 28th, notify him at once. Mr. Foil promised the Lions Club that he woald get up the party of Concord citizens for the meeting, and he wants to know how many expect to be present so that he can notify the Albemarle club. Road mat ters will be discussed at the meeting. Many communities in this and adjoin- j ing counties have enjoyed fine rains re- i cently, but Concord has had .only two meager showers in two weeks. Sunday the Poplar Tent neighborhood was vis- ' ited by a fine rain, which also struck parts of Towiwhips Nos. 1 and 2. Meck lenburg. Rowan and Iredell counties al ao had a fine' rain Sunday. Monday af ternoon other sections of this eounty had a rain, but Concord had only a very small shower. Roman Soldiers Fed 11 - r -f. - -•- » -Hard-tack, similar in the >.(« t cult supplied to modern n:i 4-»s. an article of food for the R> • vi dlers during the Second and Tin : turles, A. D. “f* No brooked Entrance. “When a man gits so crooked dat he cyarn't drag hese’f through a straight hole," said Charcoal Eph, ruminatively, “dats de time he staht figurin’ who sum he kin steal a pass into heaven." —Richmond Times-Dispntch. W. 0. ». NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the Moose Lodge Room. Every member is urged to be present. W. R. FISHER, C. C. C. A. ISENHODR. Clerk. Bargains For Dollar Days 8 Cans Good Sugar Peas SI.OO 8 Cans Corn SI.OO 7 Large Cans Tomatoes .. v SI.OO 4 Large Cans Syrup Pen click ... SI.OO 4 Cans Grated Pineapple in syrup SI.OO 4 Cans Cooked Brains SI.OO 4 40c .Tars Jain SI.OO 14 lbs. Good Head Ilice SI.OO 5 lbs. Good Loose Coffee SI.OO 14 packugeifyMacarimi, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, or assorted ...... SI.OO One Half Bushel New Irish Potatoessl.oo OTHER THINGS CHEAP Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Co. Phone 571 W s We have the follow ing used cars for sale or exchange: One Buick 1920 Model 7 passenger touring. One Buick 1918 Model 5 passenger touring. j These cars are in good shape mechani-! cally and - can be bought cheap. . ; STANDARD BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept, j ■ ' ■ Concord Music Studio jj i Dixie Building : ALAN D. PRINDELL Teacher of Voice j MARY B. FLOWERS S Violin Telephone 791 \ —1 -"—— 1 11 ■■■“ * I Golf Goods 1 Good Golf Clubs for only 2.00 \ t i New Supply of Golf Clubs. ' 1 , i n Big Supply of Golf Balls. S2.OO—GETS A GOOD CLUB—S2.OO You can get a Complete Set for $ll.OO, as One Brassie $2.00, ' j . One Mid Iron $2.00 ,1 One Mashie $2.00 ~ i One Putter $2.00 One Caddie Bag $3.00. All for total of $ll.OO. "*■ COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTING GOODS RitchieHardwareC« " Your Hardware Store ” 1 , PHONE 117 4.-. X - • ' III IT 'll mil II mill 11l J . vT- . * ‘-'s'- ' L < . AS A ’ l-o ■" fc PEPSODENT AND 'j| § PEBECCO TOOTH || PASTE 39c TUBE S | Gibson Drugstore ! !/, “The Rexal Store” j|[ 1 QOOOOOOtXXXSQQQQQOOOCSOOOOOO iffflUWPOCWOOOOOOOOOWWOOOO" ji sl-Specials-$1 j| j 2 Creme Elyeaya, 7. r x’, 2 for SI.OO i 1 3 Mitxi Powder, «oc. 3 for SI.OO V 5 Wright s Silver Cream, 30c, X 5 for SI.OO .0 2 n. J.’s Beauty lotion, 73c, 2 * for SI.OO j 3 Mavis I,emou Lotion, 30s, ;]i[ 3 for SI.OO y ijl 3 .Tergens I actions, 50c, 3 or SI.OO ( i 1 3 Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 30c, J X 3 for SI.OO J ijl Huudreds of other Bargains. , i Cline’s Pharmacy 1 Telephone 333 I Don’t Overlook Our I Dollar Days Bargains From Friday. June 22ml Tlirough Saturday. June Oth WE OFFER: Two 73c Novels, your choice SI.OO ■ 2 dozen School Tablets ... 81.00 All $1.50 Sweet grass Baskets SI.OO p Choice Selectiou of Vases and R Flower Bowls SI.OO u Great Bargains in Stationery f , 851.50, $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 j Boxes SI.OO V (The Stationery here offered is ‘ Whiting & Cook's finest, and only j on account of these boxes being slightly soiled we are selling this \ paper at such a sacrifice). 1 3 Emerson and Okeli Phono- t graph Records, choice . . . SI.OO j. We have many other Attractive i Hollar Specials. See our window *■ display and save money. J • Musette, he [ i j CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET ! (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose.) j Figures named represent priced paid for produce on the market: Eggs 30 \ Butter .30 i I Country Ham 25 1 ; Country Shoulder 15 Country Sides 15 | Young Chickens 35 Hens .18 Turkeys 25-to .30" i Lard 12_ 1-2 J i Sweet Potatoes 75 ‘ Irish Potatoes $1.50 ' jOnipns >. $.150 ! j Peas $2.00 | l Corn .. .. $lO5 I „ . . ! j CONCORD COTTON MARKET j I TUESDAY. JUNE 28, 1823. Cotton .28 1-2 i Cotton Seed / 45 ! . NOTICE JK. O. I). A. M. Forest Hill Council No. 49. ur Meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Visiting members hlways welcome. J. ROBEY POTTS. Reporter. | I 1 Won’t Get You Anywhere J j But Doing Something About It Will. ; I /'rvS. Instead of fussing and fuming arid x 1/1 » W greeting every man you meet with “ain't' f. IjJ I 1 jjf it hot’’—slip into one of the many cool models of TS* ]| Schloss Bros. & King Klass Klothes \ (jjl ' or Warm Days IJn and you’ll realize that the good old sum j. ffj JS mer days are not so bad after all; that 5 li jB they are annoying only to those t who per | jl sist in going through Summer in hot, : f§ I SB cloth suits. * .. X The materials are Palm Beach, Kool Kloth, Tropical Worsted, Priestley’s Mo *> Cortley Clothes hair, etc. Prices are Reasonable. \ jj HOOVER’S, Inc. 1 The Young Man’s Store. § Luggage Too. g WOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOQDOCiCaoiatxji»Mmnonpt>jOOPOOp«vwwM«^m| DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS ~ f / ■ • 4s. r !8 Dub-1- Mesh Hair Nets One Dollar 10 Single Mesh Hair Nrts, One* Dollar One_Lot of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats One Dollar Each SPECIALTY HAT SHOP ' < * Ice Boxes at Cost Packed With Cork—Real Ice Savers. Priced $7.95 De livered. See Them at Ice House. A. B. POUNDS Phone 244 I USED CAR' SALE Must Be Sold . II One Ford 1921 Five Passenger $150.00 81 One Ford 1918 Rebuilt Sport Roadster $300.00 81 One Ford 1918 Rebuilt Sport Roadster $175.00 91 One Chevrolet Five Passenger $50.00 If You Are Looking For a Good Car Cheap They Are 81 CENTRAL FILLING STATION j| PHONE .700 “Quality Store” Give us your order for Fresh Country Butter and I Eggs and Farm Vegetables. I Orchard Produce Company I Phone 130. Successor to L. E. Boger I - I iT DOLLAR DAY SALES I I BEGINS JUNE 22nd RUNS THROUGH JUNE 30th 1 I FISHER’S I I Friday, Saturday and All Next Week*" I j j Every Day Will Be a Dollar Day at Fisher’s I H We have painted signs, arranged tables, displayed. Me- I H chandise for this Your Bargain Feast. I !;! x NOW WE ARE SHOUTING TO YOl) , I i| BARGAINS GALORE ' J ■ Visit every section of every department. It will pay you X I 1 and pay you well—as you well know it pays to trade at 8 I Fisher’s. . ' - . - £ U FISHER’S <• fj . nil ■ Tuesday, June 26, 1923. I

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