ifrlday, 3s, 102 f SOCIAL PERSONAL V" With Onr Sick. , The many friends of Mrs. Elam King will regret to know that she is confined , to her llome on Georgia avenue on ac count of illness. Mrs. King became sud denly ill some time her condition today was reported. 'as critical. The condition of Mrs. IV. D. Pember- > ton, who recently underwent an opera tion ,in Charlotte, continues to improve. She is now aj>le to be out of her home ngain. \ j Some improvement is reported in the condition of Master Billy Wadsworth, | who has been undergoing treatment un- 1 der an eye specialist in Charlotte for some i ime. Enters Statesville Hospital. Miss Edith Guy, who has been sitend ing some time Jiere recently with rela tives, entered a Statesville hospital this week and Underwent an oi>eration for appendicitis. Her condition is reported today as favorable. EflrcTs Department Store Force Makes Merry in Y Pool. The whole force of the local Efini De partment Store was on hand nt the Y. M. C.-A. swimming pool Thursday night as guests of the Y management. To say that a good time was enjoyed by all is pntting it mildly indeed. Promptly nt 7 :15 the members of the force began to arrive, headed by the genial-manager. Mr. A. E. Harris, with Mr< Harris. •Nearly all the employees were on hand and a majority of these enjoyed the sparkling depths of the cool pool. Prizes Were not awarded the champions in the various classes but had there been swell prizes they would not have gone beg ging. Happy Charlie Griffin and' Reuben Morgan kept tilings moving constantly by ’ their capers on each o'ther and on other members of the Efird force. Diving in n't one end of the pool and suddenly’ bobbing up at some other point ‘they kept the fair members constantly on the alert for fear of attack from some unexpected source. Mrs. W. 1. Ditties easily drew first prize for fancy floating While Ethel Honeycutt was generally ac claimed first for her “fancy*’ diving us ually assisted by Rube Morgan and Char lie Griffiu. Everyone seemed to have a glorious time and promised the Y men to be sure to come again. It is part of the policy of the Y management to invite special groups into the pool during the hot summer months a special lot of tiek ctfjabaving been printed for just such oo caSbns. Married in New York. ami Mrs. W. M. MeNiven arrived in Concord Thursday morning from New Yorg. .where on the 23nl of June, they were lAarried, Mrs,. MeNiven being Miss Hazel of Brooklyn. Mr: and Mrs*"’MeNiven are making their home’for the present with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Cline, on East Corbin Street. Mr. M<* N»vem,is manager of the Mcladlau and Ten Cent SJtftre here. . Giving tiie Sheriff Bogus Checks For Taxes. Dunn Dispatch. Wed call it flirting with the law. this iplan of handing the "high sheriff" a bog ms check for taxes. Yet it appears that many ‘Harnett county citizens had the ueiVe required to do that very thing. By way of the Harnett County News we learn that Sheriff McArtnn has now in his possession bogus cheeks to the tune of s4.o(KVgivep him in payment of State and county taxes. Many of flic checks bear the signatures of prominent citi zens. some nt, whom Utfe in Dunn, ac cording to the story appearing iu the News. It appears further that the sheriff has set about to test out the law on giving worthless t-hecks in payment of taxes. We thought nt the time that the last General Assembly should have passed some law which wohM decrease thin bog us check business, and we are of the same opinion still. The Temilt of the sheriff - s action in this check matter will be watched with interest. l/ACATION * Be sure to take the blue jar along for sunburn, bites, stings, bruises, sores, cuts, lame mus cles, poison ivy, bay fever or summer colds. VICKS V Vapoßub Ovr 17 Million Jar. {/.«/ Ymutf k Toitbu the-- Jg Ml jj "IP pleased to ‘@l ‘ » report to uou * *l§ giaour favor '"■& * Y r-*2afisi»«r >•-. l->-a *■'• **. ' PERSONALS. Mrs. G. M. I .ore a nil children have re turned front several hours in this city Thurs day with friends. • * * Mr. E. .1. Roscmau. of Statesville, dep uty State lax collector, is spending the day here on business. "* * • , Mr. Ij. T. Harfsell lias been spending* several days in Raleigh on professional business-. * , • Mr. Marvin Long, of Smithdeal Busi ness College, Richmond, Vo., is spending the week-end here with his parents, Sir. and Sirs. .1. W. B. Long. »* • *' Slaster Baxter Yarborough has return ed to his home in Kannapolis, after spending several days here with Master Parks Lafferty. , Sliss Douglass Archibald and Sliss f)r cluird Lafferty are guests of Sirs. B. R. S'arborongli in Kiutnaixtlis. • * » Sirs. U. A. Brown, Mrs. SI. L. Marsh, Mrs, .1. F. Goodwill and Sliss Helen Marsh. of Concord, spent Tliursdny in Aharlotte. Tliey motored over in tiie early morning and returned home after lunch. * * . * Sir. and Mrs. Harvey Cline and son. S\‘. A., have returned to their home in Greensboro, after visiting Sir. and Sirs. J. SS‘. Cline. •* * * Mr. and Sirs. Ernest Hicks and Sir. ,T. \V. Pike have returned from Greenville. S. C„ where they attended the druggists’ convention. 0. B. WEBB DIES SUDDENLY IN AUTO IN WASHINGTON Known All Over N. C. Because of FYaternal Connection and Devotion to Democracy. Washington. ■ .Tun" 28.—Cicero B. Webb formerly of Statesville. but reeently of Washington! is dead. ’ He died suddenly here today, while trying * make *-real ,es tat*-sale. i ' Sir. SV<%b s known from one end of North Carolina to the other because of iiis connection with various frnternnl orders, and his everlasting devotion to the democratic party. For years he was in the granite and marble business in Statesville, but when the democrats were in control here, during the Wil son regime, he eame to Washington and accepted a position with the senate finnnoe eommittee. Working for the democratic ticket, or cause was a real joy to Sir. Webb, his enthusiasm' for his party or his candi date was contagious. Always affable and energetic, lie made friends and votes whereeyer lie went. For many years lie was a trusted Simmons lieutenant. Sir. Webb was (53 years old. He died shortly before noon tooav while look ing over some propert he was trying to sell. He was in his automobile with John L. Gibson, another real estate man with whome he was associated. He was carried to Casualty hospital, but every spark of life was gone when the ambulance arrived. For six years he had lived here near his son. Dr. T. D. Webb. one of the leading dentists of Washington, He was prominent in Ma sonic, Junior Order United American Sleclmnics, Knights of Pythias. Odd Fellows, and SVoodmen of the World circles. Thank God For Jim Krider. Salisbury Post. The High Point Enterprise says that the Rowan sheriff deserves a big re ward for the arrest of Raxter Shemwell. also high praise from the citizens of the commonwealth. The'Rnleigh Times feels constrained to “felicitate Davidson county—sncli part of it as believes in tile enforcement of law—on having a neighbor sheriff who is willing to help.” The Times closes by saying that tiie Davidson sheriff whose name it does not recall, doubtless a good tax collector, should have been removed from office long since for his failure to make a real effort to put Bnxter Shem well at work on the roads.” We have often felt disponed to say. and in fact have said, thank God for Jim Krider, one officer who knows nothing else but to do his duty—his plan, simple duty, without question, without reward, hope of reward, votes, prospective votes or any consideration of saving his hide or his political record. If we ever saw or heard of a man who without thought r or calculation went in the simple fashion of men to his duty in more deliberate | way than Jim Krider we have no reeol- j lection of the man. Renders of this pa per know wliat it thinks of Jim Krider. | And when we think of tiie number of! soft peddling, politically guided officers | who loolf for excuses rather than doing, a plain, unadorned duty, we feel like t*.ving again, Thank Qpd for Jim Krider 1 We were glad that Shemwell himself sat'd . 1 that surely the Davidson officers did not I ( want him, for they could have gotten him ' any time they chose. And yet these men swore to support the constitution as en-, forcemeat officers. The wheat growers are inclined to be lieve that something is wrong with the/ economic system when they cannot reals-j izo as much money from an acre of whnflt, as an average brick-layer is paid for tiro, days’ work. / No man can tell what the futitfa may bring forth, and small unitie • Are of ten the beginning of great enterprises. 1 GO TO ALBEMARLE TO * TALK OVER ROAD MATTERS Number of Concord and Mt. Pleasant Men Attend Mass Meeting Held Thurs day Night. ; About fifteen business nnd professional men from Unncnrd nnd Mt. Pleasant went ] to Albemarle Thursday night to meet ' witli Albemarle I.ions and discuss road I mntters with the Albemarle men. Little was aecomplished nt the meeting, mem bers of the Concord delegation report, | anil with the exception of some talk. | nothing was done nt the meeting. The Concord delegation went to Al-1 bemarle with the understanding that they ' were to meet with the Lions club of that I city at a regular weekly meeting. When they arrived in Albemarle they found that tile Lions were to hold no meeting this week and after some delay a mass meeting was held in the court house. The meeting in the court house was slow in getting underway. No one seem ed to want to take the responsibility of calling the meeting to order, and those present sat around some time before Mr. (I. B. I). Reynolds, an attorney of Albe marle, assumed the responsibility of call ing the meeting. Major M. A. Foil, who headed the Cnnctird delegation, put the Concord projKisition before the irfeeting immedi ately after the meeting started. Mr. Foil suggested that a,committee be aptioint ed from Albemarle nnd Stanly County to meel with a similar committee from' tins county in confer with Commissioner Wilkinson relative to getting a hard-stn face road from Concord to Albemarle. Mr. boil made no mention of tiie projiosed Albemnrle-Cliarlntte road. He did not suggest that the road be built, or that it be left alone. He merely stated that Concord was anxious to get a paved road to Albemarle, and suggested that tiie eommittees Work to thatsend. No such committee was appointed. One Albemarle Speaker stater! that since the meeting was a mass meeting and was not really sponsored by a regular meeting of tiie Lions Club, he thought no one had power to appoint such a committee. Another Albemarle speaker declared that he was opposed to the eommittee plan. "We already iiave had one com mittee to wait on Commissioner Wilkin son and ask that the pro|>osed Albe marle-Chnrlotte road be built, and if we send another committee to him the proposition may become complicated, and we might lose our lower road." That was tiie general attitude Shown at the meeting. The Albemarle persons present seemed determined to talk of nothing that might interfere with the construction of their road to Charlotte, and they did not accept with pleasure any suggestion about another road. The Al bemarle who sponsored tiie di rect road to Charlotte, and who weresnp posed to taking steps to get any other road until this, Charlotte road is built, were greeted with frequent applause, but the Coueord speakers were heard with n deafening sileuce. *\\ e went to Albemarle for the pur pose of talking roads, not taking roads." one Concord man present at the meeting stated, "but on every hand we were greeted with suspicion. We did not sug gest that the road from Albemarle to Charlotte be abandoned. Rather we left that road alone and tried to point out tiie advantages of a from Albemarle to Concord Mount I’leasant. Rut our plan found few sup porters.” In addition to Albemarle and Stanly citizens there were a number of Cabar rus citizens present at tjie meeting who advocate tiie road across the lower pact of this county. They were from No. 10 township, and gave every Indication that they were as heartily in favor of the road as are the Stanly people." The meeting from all outward appear aneas was worth nothing. The Conctord delegation went to Albemarle witli the impression that they would be heard by the members of the Lions club only. They were invited there by the. club, but in stead of finding an atmosphere of hospi- WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA “The Land of the Sky” MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, COLORADO, UTAH, CALIFORNIA CANADA, NEW ENGLAND AND Seashore Resorts GREATLY REDUCED SUMMER FARES Now in Effect via | Southern Railway System * From CONCORD SEND FOR FREE BOOK | LET Convenient Schedules J y Attractive Service / .. Inquire . M. E. Woody, I Ticket Agent j ' Concord, N. C. THB CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE 1 jgg " '!i L■■ ■■ ill ■—— i. n i». i.mi ■■ i lUility they found Cfie almost of hostilr i ity. They were treated courteously, to i be sure, but instead of talking man to • man to club members they were carried < into a mass meeting, where no one show -1 ed a disposition to sponsor them or give them an opportunity to be heard. HOLD UP JEWELER GET $30,000 GEMS I, Two Arnttd Mevi Bind and Qag Three j 1 I Salesmen, Proprietor and His Daugh ter. 1 New York Times. | Two armed men entered tiie whole- ' ' sale jewelry establishment of Louis Edi- Ison. at fit! Ludlow Street, yesterday af ternoon. and. after binding and gagging the proprietor, his daughter, and three salesmen, made off with SOO,OOO worth L of jewelry and diamonds. j. The door opened, two men with guns < entered nnd .ordered, “hands up." While j one of the hold-up men covered the group, ]i the other bound them with ropp and | neckties whiclUthey took from their vie-jj WIDOWER CONGRATULATED || "Sinee ray wife's death, five years ago. I 1 1 have suffered greatly frem stomach and j ] liver trouble nnd gas attacks. 1 lost|i over 50.'1b5., and at time was as yellow i 1 as saffron. My doctors could not help|! me. Six doses of Mayr’s Wonderful, Remedy; have entirely cured me. I have ] regained my weight and every one is eon-lj gratiilafing me how well I look." -ft ( is n simple, harmless preparation that ] removes the catarrhal mucus from the j intestinal tract and allays the inflamma- I tion which causes practically all stoin ] ach.'liver and intestinal ailments, inclttd- i ing appendicitis. One dose will eon- 1 vinep or money refunded. Gibson Drug | Store and druggists everywhere. i Flour, Feed, Forage Melrose, Flour, Ms perfection in qual ity, now cheaper. Luster Plain Flour, best medium prieed flour. Self Rising, “Now Ready” for bread, use water or milk, bake in a hot oven. I Its handy and quick. Blitter cake H. G. Dairy' Feed 2fi per cent, protein, KM) lb $3.00 Queen Bee Hen Fetal, good grade, 100 lbs.'.. $2.75 Best Ship Stuff. 7 per cent. Cotton Seed Meal. Cotton Hulls, New Clover Hay, Meadow Hay, Shucks, etc. We arc headquarters for flour and feed. We buy in big lots. Sell cheaper. Your ac count is good with ns. Deliver every where. Cline GRIN BUT DON'T BEAR IT! | If the newspapers and magazines have g beemflashing SSO to S7O suit prices on you and you have been wondering if !. you could stretch your limit to $35 l DO THIS: Don’t let it get your goaf come in and take off your coat. Is Put it up to -us to please you at a reasonable price that allows a man enough left over to see if there are any fish in the lake left over. We can do it—that’s our business— to keep you cool, right and satisfied 1 at sane, affordable prices. Tropical weight Suits $25 to S3O Palm Beach Suits sls to S2O < ■ Mohair Suits S2O to $25 jj Why burn down? We put out cool wearables. I Browns - Cannon Co. I" \ ' Where You Get Your Money& Worth ' a aiEgaate-.ig jis-. k «--sg sr ki I ».in hi-iii PROMPT COMPLETE i 1 Building Material service right here at home. ! It is worth while to you to be able to get practically anything you may need j in the building material line in one place and without delay. ; This is the service we render. . . r; : | YOU haven’t a need in our lines too large or j too small for us to handle. ! 2 "SERVICE IS MY MOTTO»^^S H: F.C.NIBLQCO EVIDENCE! EVIDENCE! The McWade Automatically Sealed Inner Tube Is the Best Value Of fered in Tubes. *-'■ Mr. E. L. Womble, Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Dear Sir: * May 3, 1023. Yes, sir, I have been wanting to give you a testimonial ever since I got my eight tubes last month. I have talked tubes ever since. Folks v joke and tell me I must be a secrej: agent. But layink jokes aside these are the best tubes I have ever seen. I would not be without mine for anything. I have never blown up since purchasing them. I can certainly recommend the McWade Automatically Sealed tube to anybody. My car rides a lot easier., I have two cars and bought a set for each, 33x4 and 34x4 1-2. 1 want people to know about them. Yours truly, J. E. OWENS, * Coroner Wake County and Justice of the Peace. Local Hardware Stores aud Home Educational Company SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Passenger Train Schedules , ... Arrival and Beparture of PaMenger Trains, Concord, It, c. 1:40A 30 New York-Birmingham 30 1-40A 2:fi2A 29 Birmingham-New York 29 *2? Washington-Atlanta 136 5 :