To Concord, N. C. October 16th to 20th The Coming “Fair” City of the South tend to Each and One in Cabarrus and Neighboring Counties a Hearty Welcome to Visit Our Livestock Sales Stables During Fair •• * a .- / ~'''"‘ ~ / T "■ ■-"• ■■'■■ ■ *--j ••.,■•■!•'" - ■■’■', ■"■ -■■ ■ , , • 0 t Sal6s Stables Contracting Good Work .Animals are necessary for successful farming. s // ( Our Horses and Mules can be depended upon to be sound and Heavy Hauling of all kinds, Grading and Excavating. We young, well broken and dependable. ’ • , L A ... , TT tir i <• , • ; ! _ r are equipped for Anything calling for Heavy Work of this Kmd. All Kinds of Livestock Bought, Sold and Traded. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Any Horse or Mule pur- • CONTRACTING Fyr Furnishing and hauling the best brick chased of us must be as represented or money refunded. and concrete sands. Let us estimate: Satisfaction Guaranteed. BROWN CONTRACTING CO, 16-30 W. Depot Street CONCORD, N. C. Telephone 14 jW. A. BROWN, President and General Manager • , . _ -. . E. F. BROWN, Secretary and Treasurer V ' '' 1 ’ ■ * ' y . W. L. Widenhouse Has Successful Career After a long and successful merchan dising career. TV. 1,. Widenhouse, dry goods merchant, 208 West Depot Street, is able to look back on a career which froip the dtu he first entered a store as a boy, has has been a record of ncomp lishmeut. Born and reared at George ville. in Cafkirrus county, after he left school he worked in 'a store at Concord owned by H. L. Parks & Company. As Appreciation *- We could write this “a.” about our unexcelled cuisine, our pleasant rooms, our location in the heart of the busi ness district, or about any one of several other things im portant to guests of a hotel. Instead we want to tell you about our service. The human element is the vital one in any business. Our em ployes have instructions to exhaust every means in their authority to satisfy legitimate wants, and to re fer him to “those higher up” if necessary. That our guests appreciate this is shown by the small number of complaints and the increasing number who come to us every time they are in town. , E. S. LEONARD, Proprietor. MAKE YOUR HOME DURING THE FAIR AT The St. Cloud Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ter some years learning the business lie started for himself at Georgeville hand ling dry goods, shoes and groceries in a general store under the name of Widen house and Barrier, where lie stayed for eight years and built up a large circle of patrons. He then sold out ami came to Concord in 1905, locating at the site of his present store hut in an older build ing. the present fine new store being made necessary by the growtii of busi ness. TV. L. Widenhouse sells on a strictly cash basis, using the reason that he is out of the high rent district to iTHE CONCORD DAILY. TRIBUNE—FAIR AND INDUSTRIAL EDITION ffW make a special appeal as offering econo mies to cash shoppers. He deals in piece goods, notions and shoes, handling the nationally known Peters Diamond brand shoes, with which goes a standing offer of a free pair to anyone who can dis cover paper in any part of the shoe. Air. Widenhouse is a leading member of the Epworth Methodist Church, being t lie recording steward. He is married with six children. . Hoovers, Inc. Has a Quality Trade When the Canon & Fetzer Company, i one of the oldest stores iu | Concord gave up business in 1912, Hoo j ver’s at once began, with the policy of I continuing under that name the high j standards of trading so long and suc cessfully associated with the Cannon Ac Fetzer company's store. A. It. Hoover established the present business, which deals in men's wear of high grades, handl ing some of the lines carried for many years by the Cannoft & Fetzer company. A notable example is the Sehloss Bros, dothiug for men. which has been sold iu Cabarrus county for over 45 years. The present owners of Hoover's Inc., are TV. F. Agree, president; T. M. Alexander, vice president, and .T. F. Fisher, secre tary-treasurer. Mr. Fisher has beeu with the store since 1910. He wad born and reared in Cabarrus county and has been in the men’s wear business all his life. He is a Knight of Pythias, and a mem ber~of the Manufacturers clnb. He at tends the First Presbyterian Church, is married with one child. T. M. Alexander was with the Cannon & Fetzer Company for ten or twelve years and when that firm gave up busi ness immediately became associated with Hoover's which succeeded it. He id a Knight of Pythias and attends the Asso ciate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Cabarrus Union Supply Co. v Owned by Farmers Established in 1914 by the farmers of Cabarrus county for the purpose of 1 buy ing and selling their produce, the Cabar rus Union Supply Company, under the management of TV. F. Moose has made steady progress aud is patronized by many farmers who are not actually shareholders in the company. The Ca barrus Union Supply company deals in feed and heavy groceries, farm supplies and produce, with a large trade in fer tilivefs. They are exclusive agents for basic lime phosphate, and agents for Wal kers spray and mop machine, which lias been so successfully used iu (leorgia in combatting the boll weevil. Grass and clover seeds are also handled together with all kinds of grains. A stock .of about $3,000 is carried. ;Shipments amount to 300 to 500 bushels of wheat a vear; 1,000 bushels of seed oats; 250 bushels of Vie. .'and tons of/cotton, seed. 1 The ‘business is'located at’'Botlth’ Church street in a brick building 50x75 feet and is patronized by a large circle of farmers. TV. F. Moose, the manager was born and reared in Cabarrus coun ty aud owns two farms. He is a mem ber of the Reformed Church and the Junior Order of American Mechanics. He is married with lour chiktrott* Dermott Heating Co. Has Many Contracts One of the most successful firms of heating engineers and contractors is the Dermott Heating Company, with offices at Durham. X. C.. and a branch office at Raleigh. X. C. Established in 1910 by John V. Dermott under the firm name of the Dermott Heating Company, the busi ness has -made steady and substantial progres under the same ownership and management. In 1911 the volume of business done was about SB,OOO. Last year the business aggregated $300,000 and this year is expected to see even that large sum exceeded. In 1922 heating systems were installed in 27 school bupildings in Xorth Carolina, and the number will be greater this year. The range of operations of the firm is all ov er the state. , Installation of .heating plants is being made as far south as Cra ven county and as far east as Edge combe county, as far north as Caswell county and as far west at Watauga county. The Dermott Company was awarded the contract for the new schools being erected in Concord. A. F. Hartsell Has Gone Ahead Fast Head of the largest wholesale grocery firm in Concord, the career of A. F. Hartsell, owner and active manager of A: F. Hartsell Company, is a striking demonstration of what determination and hard work will accomplish. Born and brought up near . Mount Pleasant, Ca barrus county, Mr. Hartsell had few op portunities as a boy to go to school, and early in life had to hustle for himself. He left home at 21 and came to Concord, where he worked in a drug store for a year, leaving to enter the employ of the Cannon & Fetzer store where lie remain ed for two years. His next field of ac tivity was New York, where he worked' RIDE TO THE FAIR a\ pn| aHj in a nash I Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value. ■ —=- Models on We Striving to CORL MOTOR COMPANY for the American Tobacco Company for four years. With. a training in retail find wholesale trading methods Mr. Hart sell returned to Concord and started in business for himself in 1904 on the same corner where lie is now found. With a small capital, he made up for lack of financial strength by an abund ance of energy and a personality which made friends for his business, and lias made steady progress until today he lias the largest stock and the largest turn over of any wholesale grocery firm in the city, doing a volume of business which would probably surprise even his close friends. He is an active Rotar ian, in a club where all the members are active: a member of the Merchants and Manufacturers club: a K: P. and a Dok kie since 1900. He is a trustee of the Pythiafl home at Cleveland and one of the most popular members of the Knights of Pythias. He is'active in the Central Methodist Church, being a steward, a lay leader and chairman of several com mittees. In 1912 and T 2 Concord honor ed him by electing him Mayor. During his'term of office the Concord White Way was built and the first permanent street paving done. He is married with two children. Concord citizens owe it to the persist ence of Mr. Hartsell that they have long distance telephone communication from their home and office telephones by means of operating arrangements \hetween the local company and the Southern Roll Tel ephone Company. For years the two companies were at cross purposes with the result that long distance communica tion could only be obtained by going to the booth which the tioutiicrn Bell main tained for that purpose. After two years of persuasion and negotiation Mr. Hart sell brought the companies to seeing eye to eye and as a result arrangements were made which gave every lessee of a tele phone in Concord, long distance service. Mr. Hartsell was the prime mover in the organization of the new hotel com pany, which bought the St. Cloud Hotel building. It is the intention of the com pany to erect a modern hotel costing $250X190 work to begin within a few months, on the site of the present hotel. Dayvault & Brother Stress High Quality For thirty years the name Dayvault lias beeu associated with the highest qual ity and service in the products of a meat market. The business was estab lished by .T. F. Dayvault. the present head, with whom is associated his broth er A. J. Dayvault. who came here from Southern Texas six years ago to assist him in a business which was rapidly growing. J. F. Dayvault was born in Davie county and came to Concord after leaving school, where he worked for an older brother for a while before starting in the meat market business for himself. He is a Rotarian, a member of the Retail Merchants Association and a Shriner. A. .T. Dayvault, before coming to Concord, was growing rice in Southern Texas. Since he came into the .business bis brother has been leaving 'Uxp details to him and while J. F. Dayvault is the head of the firm he lias beeu absent from the store a good deal in the last three years on account of sickness and the act ive management is being carried on by liis brother. A. J. Dayvault is a Iv. P. and a Dokkie; a member of the Retail Merchants Association. He attends the Central Methodist Church. Dayvault aud Brother conduct, a busi ness along conservative lines, stressing the importance of quality aud satisfact ory service. They are believed to have t he, largest meat business in hte city. Starnes-Miller-Parker Reliable Jewellers Starnes-Miller-Parker Company, jew elers and optometrists, specializing in gifts that last, is composed of R. L. Mil PAGE TWENTY-FIVE lor, F. R. Starnes and Chares Parker, Mr? Miller being; the manager of the Concord store, the others managing two other stores located in the state at Albemarle and Salisbury. Mr. Miller is itxthorough ly experienced jeweler with a pleasant personality which has won many friends for the business throughout Cabarrus county. He moved from Badin, X. 0., where he was in business for four years. Located at 41 South Union street, the firm leases premises 15x60 feet and carry an up-to-date stock of about $14,000 in which the (lee Esco silver tableware is strongly featured. Air. B. F. AVagoucr, a skilled repair man, is with the firm, which makes a specialty of watch, clock and other repairs. Cut glass, diamonds, watches, jewelry, clocks, silverware, china and French Ivory goods are car ried. Mr. Miller is a Mason, is married with three children and has made his home iu Concord. Browns-Canno Co. Old Establishment Browns-Canuon Company by now is ait old established business in Concord hav ing been started in 1902 by Earl H. Brown. G. F. Brown and D. F. Cannon! The present owners are Earl H. Brown,. TV. B. Brown and S. L. Brown. The firm occupies a two-story aud basement building 25x00 feet on South Union street and enjoys a large trade from a wide circle of patrons who desire men's and Imys' furnishings from the ground up. of known quality ami backed by re liable service such as the Browns-Cannou Company is noted for. Sir. E. H. Brown is secretary-treasurer and general man ager. He is a Mason, a member of the Rotary club, (he Elks aud the Junior Order of American Mechanics, He at tends the Presbyterian Church. He was born and reared iu Concord and is an enthusiastic supporter of any movement to advance the interests of the city aud county.