Wednesday, October 10, 1923 SOCIAL PERSONAL Belk-Bullard. Trinity College, Durham, N. o\, Oot. 10.—Anouneeroent of the matriage on October 7. of Henry Belk, ’23. and Mies l.ucile Bullnrd, ’l6, will be received with a great degree of interest among Trinity Alumni everywhere. For the past three yeaers Mr. llelk has been Director of Publicity for the College and in that ca pacity, has served Trinity in a most cap able manner. Miss Bullard, since grad uation, has been Secretary to'the Presi dent of the College, Dr. W. P. Few, and the College feels deeply the loss of her loyal services. / Tucker-Fuller Engagement, Invitations reading as follows have been received here: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyman Fuller request honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Esther Josephine to Mr. James Blaine Tucker on Tuesday, the sixteenth of October nineteen hundred and twenty-three at eleven o'clock Broad Street Methodist Church Richmond, Virginia At Home 2110 Floyd Ave. Richmond. Vn. Miss Fuller is a sister of Mr. M. B. Fuller, of this city. * Groff-Shankle. \ At the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. I’. Shankle on Buffalo street, in the presence of imrffediate families and a few intimate friends. Miss Maude Shankle and Mr. A. S. Gross were pronounced husband and wife by their pastor. Rev. G. \V. Rollins, this morning at ten o'clock. They left immediately for Char lotte, where they will make their home. Mr. Gross holds a responsible position with the Ford Motor Company of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Grpff have a wide circle of friends in Concord who will follow them to their new home with their best wishes aud congratulations. Out of town guests were Mr. John Dees and Mrs. Pearson, both of Charlotte. Flora MacDonald Club Holds Meeting. The Flora Macdonald Club of Cabar rus County held its fall meeting yester day afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. Rupley Pounds. The meeting was thor oughly enjoyed by those present and sev eral points of business disposed of. The old officers of the Club were re elected except the President. Miss Sarah Bernhardt sent in her resignation and the club elected Mrs. Campbell Cline to take her place for the coming year. Dance Friday Evening. A social eveut of interest will be the initial dance which will bo given Friday night at the 'Merchants and Manufactur ers Club by the Silver Fox Club. All members of the Merchants and Manufac turers Club and their families are cor dially invited and all ladies who have been acting as chaperones at the previous dances are Invited. Legion Auxiliary to Meet. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet tomorrow (Thursday) eveuiug at X o'clock with Mrs. William Sherrill, on North Spring street. It is urged that all members be present, as matters of im portance will be discussed. ' Line-I p and Empires Are Announced For the Game. New York. Oct. It.—The probable lineup aud batting order., for the first game was announced tonight as follows: Yankees—Witt cf., Duneau 3b., Ruth rs„ R. Meusel If., l’ipp lb-. Ward 2b.. Sehang c., E. Scott ss., Peunoek or Hoyt p. (Sants —Bancroft ss.. Grof 3b., Frisch 2b-. Younjf rs.. E. Meusel If., Stengel or Cunningham cf.. Kelly lb., Snyler c.. Xehf or J- Scott p. Umpires: Evans, American league at the plate: Hart, National league, third base; Xallin, American league, second base; O’Day, National league first base. Kiddiescolds Children have very deli cate digestions, easily distorted by too much “dosing.” Treat croup and all colds “externally” by applying— WICKS V Vapoßub Over 17 Million Jara Used IWfr TOe are-- . responsible** I lu Qur professional 1 m. intelligence is 1 m aoia m I m business Wr A stewardship ttr i 5 spoken \ofinthe highest terms Wk of esteem^ % ikili PERSONALS Mr. Robert Safrit, of Winston-Salem, is spending the day here with home folks. • - «. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Byrd spent.' Tues day afternoon and evening in Charlotte. They attended the show given by Irene Castle and company. Mr. aud Mrs. F. H. Adden, of Danville, are making their home here again. They are at the home of Mrs. W. C. Correll. • * « Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stircwalt and Misses Adele and Mury Phifer Pember ton went to Charlotte Tuesday evening to witness the show given by 'ijene Castle. Rev. J. Rowan and Mr. John P. Allison, of the First Presbyterian Church, are attending the meeting of the Synod in Burlington aud Graham. Messrs. C. J. Leonard, of Russellville. I nil.. and W. Lacy Leonard, of Lexing ton. X. C., are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. W. Barnhardt, on Reed street. Mr. It. V. Caldwell is attending the sessions of Flic Presbyterian Synod in Burlington and Graham. Mr. jW. A. Foil aud Dr. T. X. Spen cer spent Tuesday in Greensboro on bus inesss. ENTERTAINMENT of class SECUBEL FOR CABARRUS FAIR (Continued from Page One) any individual family riding in a Ford ear. Many other Worthy prizes will be awarded. Major W. A. Foil is grand marshal. Realizing what an important part is played in our every day life by amuse ments, the great Cabarrus Fair Asso ciation made every egort to secure the highest class of entertainment features possible and only after scouring the out door show world for the best was the famous Zeidman and Pollie thirty-ear ex position and circus secured. Two men, affiliated with the fair association, were sent to review the attractions when they exhibited in Roauoke, Va.. and have giv en them their heartiest endorsement for clean, moral, refined and educational at tractions. > This mammoth exposition and circus travels in its own special train and will bring to Cabarrus the greatest. "Joy Trail” in the history of the county. The crowning feature of this monster travel ing Coney Island will be the circus and wild auinml arena where wild beasts of the jungle, such as lions, tigers, pumas, bears and elephants are taught many as touriding tricks. Delightful clowns and sterial artists provide one solid hour of real laughter. The management will conduct the circus at a special price of 25 cents to every one and to make this possible lias placed an advance sale of tickets in circulation, giving the boy or girl selling the most tickets a Pope bi cycle on display in the windows of the Ritchie Hardware Store. Entry blanks may be secured there. * The society horse show featuring “Lady Fauehon,” the $50,000 equine wonder, appeals to all lovers of horse flesh, while the famous "Georgia Min strels," with its twenty-five singers, dancers and cake walkers take you back to tiie days of "Old Black Joe.” The monkey speedway, where tiny monkeys propel their own cars in thrilling races, delights the children ns well as the grownups. The Water Pageant or the “Return of Neptune.” is another elabo rate feature of the Zeidman and Polli" famous exposition. Fifteen girls in fancy diving, walking on the water, life saving and high diving from a ninety foot ladder are but a few of the many feats accomplished b.q the swimmers. I-iady Alpine, weighing 632 pounds and but twenty years of age, has won many friends {by her entertaining qualities!. The Wild West Rodeo. Midget family. World's Wouder, "It.” Xorpian. (Die Mentalist, twenty attractious in one tfide show, aud many other features too num erous mention will be presented. Eight modern riding devices, many of which have never visited here before will be with the big show. Ltaest iunlva tion in riding devices, “the Caterpillar,” SIB,OOO marvel ride, Land of Mirth, Over the Falls, giant seaplane, whip, merry-go-round, star ride, frolic and others. Fingerhutt’y all-American con cert band of twenty-four superb musi cians and the Dixie jnzzoliers will furn ish the music for the “Joy Trail.” Old Newspapers, 5 Cents a Roll of 25, at Times and Tribune office. - A FEW NEEDED SPECIALS FOR ; WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY | t 20c Value No. 100 English Long Cloth j limited quantity, special, per yd. 10c j Limit: 10 yards to a customer. $1.50 value 40-irich Wool French Serge I in black, navy, brown and garnet, a j dependable value, only 98c yd. j SCARBORO’S | THE STORE OF DISPEND ABLE VALVES. THE CONCORD QAILY TRIBUNE—FAIR AND INDUSTRIAL EDITION NEWS OF THE CHURCHES' REVIVAL CLOSES TONIGHT Series of Services Has Been in Progress For Ten Days at Forest Hill Method ist Church. A great congregation heard Dr. G. T. Rowe' at the Fijrest Hill revival Tues day night aud laaay regard the sermon as the most powerful he has preached during the entire meeting. Mr. Hornbuckle, the choir director, on. account of an accident, was not present, but the choir, ami congregation seemed determined that this should not prevent tiie doing of their best and the old hymns wbre rendered with great enthus iasm. Mr. Hornbuckle expects to be pres ent tonight for the final service. An overflowing house is expected to hear Dr. Rowe in the closing sermon at 7 :30 tonight. Concord lias had through the years some mighty expounders of the Christian faith and wonderful revivals have mark ed the progress of tiie churches by such men as Dr. IV. S. Creasy. Rev. R. M. Hoyle, Rev. Joseph Wheeler, Bishop George F. Pierce* Bishop John C. Kilgo and others, but it is perhaps, not too much to say "that I)r. Rowe has measur ed up to any of these, some of whom have been regarded as the leading preach ers of their day. People of all denomi nations throughout the city and neigh boring towns have attended tiie services and declare themselves greatly benefitted. Ihistor Armstrong is being congratulat ed on all sides for being able to secure a mnu of I)r. Rowe's ability. I)r. Rowe will leave tonight ou train No. 35 for his home in, Nashville, Tenn., and after addressing the Tennessee Con ference on Saturday, will return to North Carolina tiie middle of next week to at tend the Western North Carolina Confer eu«e which will be in annual session at Winston-Salem. The text of the sermon was the 9th verse of the 39th chapter of Genesis: “How then can I do this great wicked ness and sin against God?" Sin is an ofense against God, Men wrong their fellow men. commit crimes against the State, but they sin against God. Sin is so dreadful and deadly, because it puts a man out with tiie holy, all-powerful Oml. Tiie Bible defines sin as trangression of the law. aud the law that is trans gressed is tiie law of God. If it were men's law, they woull lift from their shoulders the burden of it, but they can not abrogate that law, because it is im posed from above. The crime of the world shows that there is a huge dislo cation of some sort in human life. Men are wrongly related to each other, lie cause they are wrongly related to God. If ail men were in harmony with God. they would not clash with one another. Since sin is an offense against God. the only way to settle it right is to settle it with God. When one man wrongs an other. he must make restitution, but the element of sin in the wrong can be for given only by God. "Thou forgavest tiie iniquity of my sin.” The only absolution that really counts is when God says, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.” Sensitive ness to human opinion is very noticeable. When people are praised they swell out. and when they are criticised they with er. But what one man thinks «f another does not matter much, since no man real ly knows any other man. One man says Woodrow Wilson is the greatest man since Moses, another says lie is the big gest fake that ever sat in the President’s chair. Gypsy Smith says Lloyd George is the grentest statesman England lias had in 5*d'M!eeJilyS}vpcAa&e>3%an/ Father starts—Mother nds m Enrolls ■'she can add a little—even the You Kiddies will contribute their - pennies and at a surprisingly short time the whole family is enjoying the pleasure | _ as owning a Ford. j, CABARRUS MOTOR CO. Ford Cars Fordson Tractors Ford Trucks | If My Car Will Only Start j I Do You Have to Get Up Every Morning With That I thought on your mind? Why Not Stop that Worry. How Can You Do that? Well, it is simple enough, just phone 802 and we’ll come to you. Your trouble nine times out , of ten is in your battery and we sure can have you riding | with all the pleasures this old world offers. Just Call us in Case of Tire or Battery trouble and we’ll be there in a jiffy. I Southern Motor Service Co. f PHONE 802 PHONE 802 | / Quint Smith Building Goodyear Tires Accessories Willard Battery I USE TIMES AND TRIBUNEPENU-ITFffi PAGE FIVE