PAGE EIGHT :.; ~'Trj^'^'^ ! Will Your Home |, jjjialllJ £ O Be Comfortably | | Heated This | B iuj jr Winter months will soon be "j HHj<| ' | tkw b<* timllhful. warmth and -j :! FTRNACE Heats 'your whole house comfortably from one big register. Ends «£§ |II forever -that muss and bother of stoves. (.lives you the room they |t H take up. it, Easy to operate, responsive to control —gives you lots of heat or ji|| || little, according to the weather. More economical on fuel than several jj! H stoves. |i We can install it properly for you at very little expense. Now s j I! the time to consider it. Come and let's talk it over. I Concord Furniture Co. i H # | ; | j",| The Reliable Furniture Store gfggirrr!rr"?r , r; i :‘-*rr;" i ~ -HinTt' It tit" pat tv. j:i ■a q n r Trade Is Good—What We Sell Is Good. In faet our store is a good it l place for you to trade if you like good things to eat. Aside from our regular line of staple and fancy groceries, we ear- | i ry a nice line of fresh and cured meats, fresh fish, fancy fruits, poultry. | ? and all kinds of farm products. If you're a “Grumbler” trade with us and quit your grumbling. 1 If you can’t live cheaper you can get what you like to cat. .. If your ciedit is good we invite your account. If we once get it ii ; we’ll do our best to keep it. We deliver tile goods. |t 3 C. H. BARRIER & CO. oooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i NEW VICTOR RECORDS! f 11)18$—Oli : Sister, Ain't That Hot? 1 >or»b<*rger and Orchestra Mean. Mean Mania Henson Orchestra of Chicago ij j IHlß<»—Foolish (’hild Henson Orchestra of (’hicago ij Thar Old (Hang of Mine Henson Orchestra of Chicago y i 30187 —The Frivol >us Girl International Orchestra 1i | Love Longing International Orchestra i! ! 10181 —ls 1 Knew You Then Tharles Hart V I Wish 1 Hail Someone to ( ry Ovr Men Lewis .lames |i 10185—I’ve Hot the Bannana Hlues Hell Haker i! Jubilee Hlues Hell Haker ji 1011 S—A Hunting Scene Vrthur Hryon's Band The Mill in the Forest ...» Arthur Hryor’s Hand i| 0417—Etude in A Minor Alfred Cortot jl Impromptu in A Flat Alfred Cortot i 1 041—Since First 1 Met Tb<% Mabel Garrison <| Gay Butterfly Mabel Garrison |i 0410—Song of the Viking Guest Fedor Chaliapin ij Song of the Flea Fedor Chaliapin 1 Records Out Once a Week—Every Week on Friday. BELL & HARRIS Music Department ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe oooooooooooooooooooooooocxxxx>oooooooooooooooooooooooq I GLOBE AND GOTHAM TIRES j There is no Tire any better. Try them and you will i be convinced. ! OUR AUTO LAUNDRY IS THE BEST J CENTRAL FILLING STATION ; PHONE 700 FREE! To Every Thirteenth Person—A One Dollar Razor Absolutely Free Every thirteenth person gets a razor free while they last. Visit our booth at the Fair and'and register. If you are one of the 13th persons to register you will get a Razor absolutely Free. Other souvenirs to be given away. ‘Your Hardware Store” extends a welcome to all. Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE * WE SPECIALIZE ON BUILDERS HARDWARE* 11 11 / » S THE CONCORD DAILY T The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING OF MAILS. The time of the closing of maili at the Concord postoffice Is as follows: I Northbound. ;■ Train No. 136—11 p. m. Train No. 34—4:00 p. m. i Train No. 36—10:30 a. m. Train No. 12—6 :30 p. m. Train No. .38 —9:00 p. m. Train No. 30—11 p. m. . i Southbound. i Train No. 37—9:30 a. m. 1 ■ Train No. 45—4:00 p. m. i Train No. 135—0 :00 p. m. Train No. 20—11:00 p. m. j WEATHER FORECAST' I Mostly cloudy tonight and Tuesday: ] probably showers Tuesday in extreme southwest; little change in temperature. | LOCAL MENTION Mr. Shelly Howell has accepted a po sition on- the clerical force at Efird's. j j The Library will be closed tomorrow , ■ oiv account of the fair. ' The Concord Public Library will ob-1 serve tomorrow (Tuesday) as a holiday. I j Cotton nit the local market today is | quoted at 28 1-2 cents per pound: cot! ti it seed at 00 cents per bushel. Mr. Grover C. Love is again able to be at liis place, with the Richmond- Flowe Company, after nn absence of sev eral days due to illness. Mrs. I*. M. Lnfferty. Mrs. Jus. A. Ban gle and Miss Klnia Boyd spoilt Saturday in Charlotte. Marriage license was issued Saturday to Mr. Floyd \V. l.yerly and Miss Lain Shaping, both of Kannapolis. One uew ease of diphtheria, and a case of scarlet fever, were reported Saturday to the county health office. Miss Mozelle Hall, of Charlotte, is vis i ititig her sister. Mrs. John M. Young, on West Depot street. Mrs. C. I). Foil has entered the Char lotte Sanatorium, where she will undergo ' treatment for I lie present. The condition of Mrs. A. J. Dayvnult. who recently underwent, an operation in the Concord Hospital, continues to show improvement. , All members of Company E who wish tel receive their pay for services at Spruce l’ine. are asked to report at the armory ’ hall tonight at 7 o'clock and < gu the PM.v roll. The fun starts tomorrow at the Ca barrus Count Fair. Everybody will be here. Entertainment and fun for every one. Be here and enjoy the many things to be found. Mr. Pea Hie Hargett and Miss Pearl Riggers were married y Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the parsonage of the Method * Ist protestant church, the ceremony being performed by Rev. A. D. Shelton. Reports from the Charlotte Sana torium state that the condition of Missl Gertrude Shaw continues to improve very favorably and it is now believed she will be able to leave the hospital about Thurs day to go to her home tit Rockingham, j Mr. Clarence Kideuhour. who was in jured several days ago in a football game in Charlotte and who returned to his home here last week, returned to Char lotte Saturday morning to undergo fur ther examination in a hospital there. His condition today is reported as more favorable. The following are some of the foot ball results from Saturday's games: State 7. I'nivcrsity of South Carolina 0; ! Wake Forget 25. Lynchburg 0: Davidson 7. Citadel 0; Georgia Tech 7, Florida 7: Yale 40, Georgia 0: Furman 20, Presbyterian College 0: Notre Dame 13, Army 0: Syracuse 23, Alabama O. Cabarrus County Superior Court be gau its regular October term this morn r ing, with His Honor, Judge B. F. Imng, !of Statesville, presiding. Solicitor Zeb i V. Long, of Statesville, is present to prosecute all criminal cases for the State. ! The criminal term will continue this week, and the civil term will begin next week. Salisbury Post: Rev. D. P. Grant, pas : tor of the Gold Hill Church, was gener ously pounded recently by the congrega tion. It was the greatest pounding ever experienced by the pastor and family, f The pastor is conducting a revival meet -1 ing now nt Gold Hill. The preaching is \ being done by Rev. W. ,T. Bryson, of Landis. Many have been converted. Albemarle News-Herald: What would appear to be reliable news, has reached Albemarle to the effect that Stanly's pros perous town of Norwood is soon to be the proud possessor of a home newspaper. It is reported that Mr. J. Z. Green, editor of the Marshvilie Home, is to establish a weekly at Norwood at an early date. Just what its name will be or when the' the first issue will appear has not yet been made public. Tlie Yankees arc now leading the Giants in the world series. By winning Saturday and again Sunday the Yankees now are leading by one game. The score of the game Saturday was 8 to 4 and Sunday S to 1. The sixth game is being played today and if the Y'nnkees win today they will be champions for the present year. N’ehf is expected to twirl for the Giants today, while Jones I will probably be on the mound for the Y’ankees. _ Persons traveling the road between Concord and Mount Pleasant are ygis tering complaints on the condition of the roHd at present. Some of it has been recently plowed up, while at other points it has been scraped or loose sand has been placed on the surface, which causes such dense clouds of dust that it is dif ficult to drive through. ('oilissioux in this dust can be averted only by driving slowly and burning th? headlights of the automobiles. Auto Decorations for Sale at Musette, toe. NOTICE. “Company K” Pay roll for Spruce Pine Duty will b 4 signed tonight. Important. 15-lt-c. K. C. CALDWELL. Auto Decora Hons for Sale at Musette, IDC ' TOM SIMS SAYS’ I News from Pittsburgh. Health offi cials run all goats out. Wonder if it includes husbands? | Bad Los Angeles news today. Movie j director robbed of $17,000. Whole I week's pay gone. 1 Imagine a movie director borrowing j SIO,OOO until he gets his pay check Sat • unlay night? ! Philippine elections went against Gen eral Wood. Centaiuly are knocking on | Wood there. j King of Denmark risked his life to j save a sailor. There is nothing rotten j in Denmark. j A Ner York man who locked his son in a cellar two weeks will be locked in a jail SH) days. | German cabinet has resigned. Things ! are so quiet over there now you can hear a bomb drop. Esquiino's long sileot winder begins tliis month. So quiet there you can I hear a gumdrop. i I.udendorf ssm he is Germany. It | can’t be true. isn't hungry and broke and in debt. I It is getting so you have to look on the back page to see who the Chinese ! bandits captured. j Built a house of packed sawdust in .' Hoquiaui, Wash. Sawdust is fine wood. I Read it again. j News from Chicago. Judge Sabgth won a golf clip. That's all right. He won it on Friday. I Corn sold over a dollar a bushel in Chicago. We said over a dollar a bushel, not a quart. Cowboy shot a barber in New Y’ork. Another trouble with this world is we talk too much. w. o. w. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. , 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the Moose Lodge Room. Every member is urged to be present. W. R. FISHER, C. C. C. A. ISENHOUR. Clerk. x *4 i * is 2 Eyes Examined Glases Fit- Q 5 ted j Dr. E. C. Pierce ij 2 OPTOMETRIST 5 Eyesight Specialist | .Office Hours: 8 A. M. to jj 5 Office Over Central Barber . 5 Shop [ j aXXXXXXJOOOOtMOOOOOOOOOOtX) ;j;!| Batteries ; Recharged i| Cars Repaired i; Experienced i Ij; Mechanics ; [ All Work i | Guaranteed ’ !j| Reasonable * i | Charges | Bollinger ] ; Motor Co. !i j Forest Hill j I CANDY DAY i| 'SATURDAY, 13th Remember Everybody Likes ! Candy !j Fresh Shipment of Elmer’s j and Jomaon’s Candies j Clines Pharmacy " 1,1 ' ' • vnm the F«antr ooiaumr—it pati