PAGE EIGHT For sixty-seven years, > B I BUCK'S have served so J tvell that todtyv they arc |i;j rhosen by particular j: housewives the country jjj r r l nver as most desirable „Is WL it PI The Good Name which j- Buck's dHHBBBpnPRMw'fc only to an enviable rec- WfSLJ ord of -atLiactory ser- | vice, but many liner sea- | Jm tures developed by time ji 0 and experience. | Beauty, Economy of Operation, Convenience and me- || chanical excellence are features which place Buck's Ranges l in the position of supremacy which they occupy today. Visit our store and let us demonstrate this wonderful [ii range without any obligation on your part. Concord Furniture Co. i The Reliable Furniture Store Trade Is Good—Wliat We Sell Is Good. In fact our store is a good place for you to trade if you like good things to eat. Aside from our regular line of staple and fancy groceries, we car ry a nire line of fresh aud cured meats, fresh fish, fancy fruits, poultry, and all kinds of farm products. If you’re a "Grumbler” trade with us ami quit your grumbling. If you can’t live cheaper you can get what you like to eat. If your credit is good we invite your account. ' If we once get it we’ll do our best to keep it. We deliver the goods. C. H. BARRIER & CO. NEW VICTOR RECORDS 19116—\\ hen the Lighthouse Bell Rings W infred Glenn Bells of the Sea Winfred Gleenn 1!) 150—Dreamy Melody , Sterling Trio I'm Drifting to Dreamland-Helen Clark and lames 19145—What Did You Do Mary ?__\Vhitman and Orchestra Chanasonette Whitman and Orchesstra 19141—Easy Molidv Benson Orchestra of Chicago In a Covered Wagon_ Benson Orchestra of Chicago 191 IS—Tell All the Folks in Kentucky Dornberger and Orchestra. Midnight Rose ,Benson Orchestra of Chicago 6418—Calvary Louisse Horner The Lost Chord Louise Homer 929—Ouiereme Mucho (Love Me DeeplyHiTito Schipa Alo-orilla Palmar (Beside the Palm) -.Tito Schipa 55200—Natama (Dazzler Dance) Victor Herbert Orchestra Indian Summer Victor Herbert Orchestra New Recerds Out Once a Week. Every Week Friday! BELL & HARRIS Music Department GLOBE AND HOLYOKE TIRES Are Made From the Best of Material and Built to Give -20,000 Miles of Service. They Are Guaranteed 10,000 Miles You Will Make No Mistake When You Buy These Tires. TRY THEM \ OUR AUTO LAUNDRY IS THE BEST CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700 TIRE PRICES ADVANCED We Have Not Advanced Yet We have bought a big supply of Tires, all sizes, at old prices. Remember all ours are guaranteed and we carry the best tires that money can buy. A few of our specials: 50x3 Fabric $7.50 and SB.OO 30x3 Cord SIO.OO 30x3 1-2 Cord SIO.OO 32x4 Cord j $20.00 All First Class and Fresh Stock. Let us Show’ You What We Have. / .. Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE Phone 117 -THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSINfi~OF MAILS“ The time of* the closing of mails at the Concord pcstoffice is as follows: Northbound. Train No. IS6—ll p. m. Train No. 34—4:00 p. m. Train No. 36—10:30 a. m. Train No. 12—6:30 p. m. Train No. 38—9:00 p. m. Train No. 30—11 p. m. Southbound. Train No. 37—9:30 a. m. Train No. 45—4:00 p. m. Train No. 135—9:00 p. m. Train No. 29—11:00 p. m. LOCAL MENTION Th*» Woman’s Club will utoo at 3:30 o’clock this afternoon at Central Selin^ There will* be preaching at Center Methodist Church, in Xo. 11 township, Sunday afternoon at .’1:00 o'clock. Mrs. .7. A. Patterson who underwent, an operation at the Concord Hospital on Monday is able to be out again. Relatives here state that the condition of Mr. R. L. Dick, who is undergoing treatment in a Charlotte Hospital, con tinucs to improve. It is net known now when he will return to his home here. A small son of E. Y. Morgan, of Mor gan township. Rowan county, was killed when a car in which he and his fatliei and others were riding ran off .a bridge lon the Stokes Ferry road Tuesday night. The tax books of the county will .be opened on Frida*:., of this The collecting will he done by 7 Sheriff , f*al<f-‘ we’l. who will take the oath »n Fri ‘ day. j A regular meeting of the Rethpagf I Community Club ill he held tomorrow | night at 7:30 o’eloek. Rev. J. (’. Row an. of Concord, will deliver an address and the general public i* invited to at tend. The Salisbury Rotary Club had nearly , 100 farmers from different sections of the I county as guests at the annual luncheon at the Yadkin Hotel Tuesday night. Dr. E. C. Brooks, of Raleigh, was the prin .cipul speaker. The cold weather promised yesterday ’ for today arrived on schedule time. Ice was reported in several parts of the city this morning and there was a big change in the temperature during the night. Clear and colder weather is promised for toirght and tomorrow. Addresses will he made, at the follow j ing places by Prof. .1. R. Robertson anil others, in the interest of the county-wide I school rax: Roberta Mill tonight: P.etli ■ page tomorrow -night : Kannapolis, be fore Woman’* Club, Monday night : [Bethel next Thursday night and Flowed I Store on the night of November oth. Marriage licenses have been issued to ! the following couples by Register of Deeds Elliott: Cicero Simmons and Miss | Annie Trout iua% both of Cabarrus coun ty: Carl Fortner and Miss Irene Criso, both of Concord : Jack Thrower, of Vir ginia. and Miss Mav Belle White, of 1 Concord. The November meeting .if th«- hoard of aldermen will lx- licit! at tin* city hall this evening at S o'clock. Although no important routine business is scheduled to route before the board it is known that several important matters will be pre sented and the meeting promises to be an interesting one. The Lexington diigli school football team will be here tomorrow for a game with the local high school team, the game to be played under the champion ship series rules and to bo the first game for each team in the elimination series to determine the State champion. The game will be played at the Gibson Mill park and will begin at 3:30 o’clock. Thirty or forty ducks. Hying in battle formation, passed over Concord Tuesday. The ducks were Hying in a southeasterly direction when seen from this city, and their passage reminds one of the prophecy V'ft. winter is here. So far as ran be learned these dunks are the only ones that have beeu*seeti in this county so far this season. The Fall season finds hundreds of tour ists passing through Concord on their way to Florida and other Southern States where they plan to remain through the Winter months. During the past several weeks it is possible to see a tourist’s car passing through the city at most any hour of the day and several parties are registered at local hotels each night. Eight defendants were tried in re corder’s court yesterday in nine eases. Six of them paid fines totalling .$75 and another was sentenced to the ch.-tin gang on two counts. He was given 30 days for gambling and four months for lar ceny. In the other case, charging se duction. probable cause was found and the defendant was bound over to Su perior Court. The meeting to be held at the i this evening will begin at 0:30 o'clock, when dinner will be served by members of the Salem Alumnae Association, A small charge will be made for the supper. Dr. Howard Rondthaler, president of Salem College, will deliver an address during the the evening and plans for the asso ciation’s Work will be discussed. Every male member of the association is invit ed to attend. The ghosts and other weird spirits seen on the streets here Tuesday night were but forerunners of the main body of Hallowe'en army which arrived last night. The marchers were in full array, some wearing false faces, other chalking their faces while still others resorted to various blackening processes to make their identity unknown. The streets were full of those celebrating and.old and young alike joined in the happy throng. “(Hd timers” declared the crowds on the streets were the largest in years and the spirit of the day seemed to carry to ev ery quarter of the city, as rich and poor, white and black, made up the host . of pleJsure seekers. Unusual Athletic Star. (By the Associated Press.) Raleigh, Nov. I.—An unusual athletic star has been seen this season on the local gridiron and has starred in many games despite his physical handicap. The left tackle of the Methodist orphan age team, though a one-legged beL;'*js considered one of the best men on the team. | §pf> Tom : ~W:M Sims | PsjjlSays | A .Detroit woman demands $50,000 j for her stolen heart, the amount proving i her heart is gone. I | Hi nry Ford plans to build a modyl I town, which should have about 99,000, | ! 090 parking places. l’ossibly due to the demand for foot-, hall players.-mere boys than girls are being born in America. Winter, it. seems, has arrived in C(ii-, .ago. Woman there got a divorce he-, i cause her hitbbv wouldn’t bathe. • Wh'le a French aviatrix looped the i loop 98 straight times we’ll bet she | couldn’t thread a needle once. , i Date fall note to janitor: “You may i I lire when ready. Gridley.” , 1 ! Big skin game on the coast. In ; Tacoma. I /OS Angeles and Seattle rabbit skins sold for sable. - i The 1923 model Ford may turn out 1 to boa machine. j Eighteen are bidding for o’d warships. Let's hone they don’t hammer them .into ease steaks. , .Married men are the best liars. There, is no excuse for a bachelor being a good liar. 4 When your wife gets so she can read you like a book it is time to turn over a new leaf. An optimist is a man buying new fiy swatters in November. Armistice Proclamation Issued Ily (he • •'*•••• • Governor. Raleigh, Oct Governor Mot-bison today issued, au Armistice Day procln- j matieti. its fellows : “ruder the provisions of chapter 287 of the public, laws of 1919, it becomes the duty of the governor annually to proe’nim and set aside November 11. Armistice Day, as a legal holiday. This year this date date falls on Sunday. "Now. therefore. I. Cameron Mor rison. Governor of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim and set aside Monday. November 12. 1923. as a legal holiday, commemorating the signing of the armistice, and I earnestly call upon the I people of the state to observe it with appropriate exercises, not in a boastful spirit, hut with gratitude to the God if nations who brought us through the conflict victorious, because the fight was CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to take this means of express ng to the main friends and neighbors nv suicere tlmnk.s for their expressions if svinpathb during our recent bereave n-at ~ JOHN L. BEAVER. ODD FELLOWS’ NOTICE. Meeting every Thursday night at 7 :30. All members tigged to attend and visiting brothers wdpbtjie. *J‘ H. SMITH, Bee. See. MRS. KNIGHT K 1 HEMS KK After Suffering 3 Years South Carolina* Woman is Re stored by Stella Vitae “I was a nervpns wreck when J start ed taking Stella Vitae and it soon pnt an end to my troubles," said Mrs. M. B. Knight, of Kitcbings Mills. S. C. “For the la«t three years I had been in a dreadfully nervous and run-down condition. My appetite was poor, I be came very weak and had little or no energy and wag losing interest in every thing. I took me#ejne after medicine, but none of it slid me a bit of good. “A friend told me. She believed Stella Vitae would help me. so I took two bot tles and I havtt gotten over my troubles now and feel just fine in every way.” Stella Vitae may be obtained fiom the Pearl Drug Company and the pur chase price will be refunded if it fails to bring relief. NECKLACES .UNIQUE ! IMPORTANT Send Kot* Our Free Leaflet “ROMANCE AND BEADS” Which Telia an Interesting Story S. KATZ P. O. Box 50 Hamilton Grange St a New York, N. -Y. STSRH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. We are now showiug our lovely artificial Mowers. Make your home attractive with flowers. Clines Pharmacy . PHONE SS3 ■ ' . JJC 1 ■ . ! 1 * PMc tiih rntNi coLcmr—rr pat* *lt kk % Ilia ' *• IPINTHOT QUICKLY ! ANSWERS MKILON President I lad Better Take a Hand If Treasury is Doing the Rest It Can. Htjrrisburg. Pa., Utt. 31. —Governor Pint-hot in a letter last night to Secre tary Mellon, ehameterized as a "de fense of tilings as They are." the Secre tary's reply to the - Governor's letter Sunday criticising the Federal prohibi tion enforcement system. What is need iest he said, “is not a defense of present ■ evils, but the determination to abate them, followed by Effective action " ! Great Britain Agrees to Searching of Rum Runners Off Shores of America. j London. Get. 31.—The rum-running issue between the American and British ' governments which Ambassador Harvey 1 in bis conferences with British offieia’s | repeatedly characterized as a dangerous menace to tbe existing good relation of the two countries virtually lias been settlled. j On the occasion of his formnl fare i well visit to tbe foreign office the re tiring American envoy and Foreign Secretary Curzon gave final considcra , tion to the terms of a draft treaty ; which it is believed will clear up the i whole question. The treaty is under -1 stood to meet the American desire for the right to search suspected rum run ning vessels beyond the three-mile liimit but at the same time gives to Great Britain America's formal affirmation of tho three-mi’e limit as governing British maritime rights generally. It would also allow British ships to ensry liquor into Amerionn trritorinl waters under seal, thus enabling liners under the union jack to maintain bars enroute to and after departing from American ports. 5 Miss Flowers Convalescing. ... £ Harrisburg. Oet. 31.—Miss Lucille Flowers is getting along nicely, after be ing confined to her bed for about seven weeks. She returned home last week from the Presbyterian Hospital in Char lotte. where she had been taking treat ment for ten days. We regret to learn that Miss Flowers will be unable to con tinue her studies at Wingate Junior Col lege. Batteries Recharged Cars Repaired Experienced Mechanics All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Charges Bollinger Motor Co. Forest Hill Eyes Examined Glases Pit ted Dr. E. C. Pierce OPTOMETRIST Eyesight Specialist Office Hours: 8 A. M. to •IP. M- Office on Second Floor Op posite Efird’s Depart ment Store. r CONCORD COTTON MARKET. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1923 Cot ton -.-- i 30 Cotton Seed 60 The Cup That Cheers in a bracing cup of tea, coffee or cocoa, .fresh made and daintily served, alone, or with some solid for*!, to cheer the inner man or woman. Our cup service is gen erally praised because we use only the best tea, coffee and cocoa, all with an exquisite flavor of their own. CAROLINA CAFE Special Sunday Dinner We have a Good Supply of the Best Hog Feed on the market Pure wheat Shorts and Red Dog- Phone Us Your Or ders CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. * Phone 571 W §The Oxford —Two- Button, Full Cut Sack -an attractive college ! style-soft roil, notch ed collar, wide shoul ders, medium waist line, Vest, blunt cor- IV I ; • ners. Trousers, full • x \ l| cut, with pleats at ' 11 waistline. Thenew i&Sc J est and latest for those who follow the ** college chap style. HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MEN’S STORE Styles that are Newest in Hats 1 ! . Are Being Shown at sj§¥ I] SPECIALTY j HAT SHOP COAL »• Order a ton of niv Best Tellico Double Screened Coal— it will please. A. B. POUNDS Coal of_ Quality “Quality. Store” Give us your order for Fresh Country Butter and E|:gs and Farm Vegetables. • Orchard Produce Company Pfcoo ® 18 ®' Sueeesswr to L. E. Roger i If you want that genuine feeling of, satisfaction invite us to your next blowout. We live up to our guarantee of ab solute satisfaction in all our vulcaniz ing. * / Motor & Tire Service Co. CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose.) Figures named represent priced paid for produce on tbe market: Butter _jq Country Ham .28 to JO Country Shoulder .isl Country Bidea jg Young chickens 25 Hons .., ’j# T nr >F*T* .28 to JO J* rd 12 f-2 Sweet Potatoes SI.OO Irish Potatoes *IOO Onions $1.23 Corn < g l4O PwWtH-iiiort Racer. See Chu. AUen, Tribune Office. 28-ts-p. Thyfstfay, November 1, 1023 HARRIET HUBBARD AYER’S - PREPARATIONS How to Maaaage Your Face; . Reduce Your Double Ohio; Remove Crow's Feet, Brow Liaew Frown Lines, That Tired Worried Look: With Full Directions (or Samt. Gibson Drag Store “The Rexall Store”

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