PAGE FOUR rhft fnahanl TWflv Tribune. f A ■W«nJ t ■*»««• »"* mTcmaKBXLu a—octau editor THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use tor republlcattoa ot ell sews credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the lo cal news published herein. All rights ot republlcatlon of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Special Representative FROST, LANDIS & KOHN 225 Fifth AVenue. New Fork Peoples’ Oas Building, Chicago 1004 Candler Building, Atlanta Entered as second class mall matter at the postofflee at Concord, N. C.. un der the Act of March 8, 187*. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In the City of Concord by Carrier One Tear |6.00 Six Months 8.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month .60 Outside of the State, the Subscription Is the Same as in the City Out of the city and by mail In North Carolina the following prices wll pre vail: One Tear 55.00 Six Months 2.50 Three Months 1.25 Less Than Three Months, 50 Cents a Month All Subscription* Must Be Paid In Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect April M, IMS. Northbound, No. 188 To Washington 6:00 A. M. No. 36 To Washington 10:25 A. M. No. 46 To Dtuivllle 8:15 p - **• No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M. No. 82 To Washington 8:28 P. M. No. 88 To Washington 1:20 P. M. Southbound, No. 45 To Ctthrlotte —4:23 P. M. No. 85 To Atlanta 10.06 P. M. No. 29 oT Atlanta :2:45 A. M. Now 81 To Augusta 6:07 A. M. No. 38 To New Orleans 8:2.7 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 9:05 A. M. No. 188 To Atlanta »:16 P. M. fjL, WaiETHOUGmI I^— FOR TODAY—I ill Bihlo Thoughts memorized, will prore s § liL priceless heritage in after years. "Jgj STRENGTH) i\Np SONG The Lord is my strength anti sot*. gad he is be come my snlvation.-wifcpfydit.s 15.2. BUILDING IN THE SOUTH. According to a compilation of building permits for the month of October made by the survey department of G. L. Mil ler & Company. Southern real estate bond house, building construction in the cities of the sixteen Southern States Still |ts lead over last year, in 9lht| of general expectancy to the con- i trary. ‘The figures show a gain of four : per cent, was registered in the territory over the same period last year. The outlook for the remaining two months of the year is firm, with indica tions pointing to slight gains both for November and December, and a general gain for the entire year of at least 25 per cent, over 1922, which was the greatest building year the South has ever known. ' According to the figures made public by this real estate concern. Concord came fifth in North Carolina cities in Oeto ber in the amount of building contract ed for or completed. The total for this city was estimated at SOO,OOO. Winston- Salem was the leader in this State, her total being $311,750, with Charlotte sec ond with a total of *272-205. High Point ranked third with a total of $157,200 and Durham was fourth with $100,550. BRYAN IN THE SENATE. William Jennings Bryan, who now claims Florida as liis home, stated sev eral days ago that he would uot accept the Democratic nomination for Governor of Florida, hut that lie would accept the senatorial nomination if given to him That was to have been expected but isn’t he willing to work for it? We have an idea that Mr. Bryan would grace the Uuited States Senate by his presence, but it is hardly right for him to sit hack and expect the people of Florida to present him the nomination on a silver jdatter. The fact that Mr. Bryan is a .man of world prominence does uot entitle him to sit bark at home and egpeot the people of Florida to full on his neck in their desire to elect him to the Senate. The United Sjtates Senate can use men of Mr. Bryan’s character and intel lect and we would like to see him repre sent Florida in that body, but somehow we can’t picture the people of Florida running after him With the nomination. If the place is worthy of Mr. Bryan's fitne it is worthy of his' efforts to get it. fiCtt THE UIbHT MAN. The News and Ohserver rightly de clares that should Associate Justice Sta cy. of the Utate Supreme Court, resign from th*t high l wait km to become dean of the law «d*ooi of the University of North Carolina, the best man in the State should he appointed to succeed Jlim, regardless of what county he lives in. That’s the right idea. The North Carolina Supreme Court was not organ ized for the purpose of giving office to ' some man or of offering some county or some section of the State an opportunity 'of getting the "favorite sou" nu high office. The Supreme Court represents the best in the State, and Us personnel should be made up of men capable ami efficient, regardless of their popularity or home county. It has been customary, or rather peo ple have thought that it was customary to divide appointments to the Court from the two sections of the State. This has out boon done, however, as the East has had many wore representatives on the Ctmtt than ibe W«t. But this Should pot enter* matter and somehow we led that it will not w>a* another, vacancy occurs Let the man .vltii rImutPTPM flip liiirh innutum fkpniurti wuu ttvnvrwfn «n§» |mwuvii inritugu efficiency and intellect he appointed, with r _ 1 SOCIETY GIRLS DIRECT FIFTH AVENUE TRAFFIC f’ 1 ’ • One Motorist Blimps Hearse as He Watches Beb Climb Ladder. , New York. Nov. B. —Half a dozen I ( young society girls, all members of the i Junior League, made their debut as traffic regulators on Fifth avenue during the busy noon hour today. In trim rid- I ing habits, they took complete charge of I the control stations at Forty-second I street. Fifth street, and Fifty-seventh street. AutomobUe traffic and pedestra ins alike moved reluctantly, so interested wer«»ecfatiys in watching the debu tantes in their new role. One man in a sedan was so intent upon watching a leaguer climb the ladder at the Fifty seventh street control that his" car bumped squarely into a heurse moving in the same direction before he was brought to a realization that he was driving in congested Fifth avenue, in stead of occupying a front seat at a musical comedy show. Mules Run Into Telephone Bole. Monresville Enterprise. Friday about 11 o’clock Mr. J. 1,. Goodman, the merchant at (’while Creek, was leaving the wholesale groeeiy house with a wagon loaded with merchandise. At the same time a freight train cam' dribbling down the railroad ami when the engine reached a point opposite the mules to the wagon, the animals made a lunge forward and ran two hundred yards to a telephone pole just south of tthe creamery. One mule went to each side of the pole, breaking the tongue to the wagon, demolishing the (Jroirt wheels and a portion, of the body nud senttetring groceries all over the street and side walk. Mr. Goodman escaped without injury and neither of the big black mules was scratched in any ways. The merchandise was transferee 1 to an other wagon and the parts of thte dam aged wagon were gathered together ami carted to the repair shops. Belk Chain to Open Store at High Point. High Point. Nov. !>.'—Extension of the Belk chain of department stores to include High Po’int is announced here. The 33rd store of the great dystem will be opened here iu the Main street build ing that was vacated recently by Etird’s department store when the latter moved into die new Cox building. Tht| Belk stem here will be the Helk- r«ny>;tu.v and while the mana ger. Mr. S»evons-iCjs> unable to set a date {of his opening, it was stau-d tlmt merchandise is being rushed here with a view to getting the, store open in time for the large fall trade. It is believed that the stre will .open within a fort night. The Belk stores got their ineeptiog ,n,t Monroe, the home of the Belk family about a quarter of a century ago and have become one of the longer chains of the south. Cabarrus Savings Bank Grease * from Drain-pipes When traps dog and all efforts foil to dear them, a pysj. L»ye proper ly applied does the trick every time ‘ Housewives ieam to make IKSPSi** L*e do fltfof un pleasant jobs for them. Such silverware, Boors, ate. /v Write for booklet of proved uses. Pull directions ’ kioontirnn 81l fid only the flCß*' Lyg. g’’T L T l TTmiirs3ll gjr l - 1 - 1 ’CONTRACTS DISREGARDED AS MARKS RISE AND FALL Troubles That Result From Everyday Business Life in Berlin. i I Berlin. Nov. 9.—Berlin is filled with I stories, some ludicrous and some other-! 'wise, of the trouble that result* from) doing the business of everyday life in a ! I currency ithat sits twa(ies brtyoml I (She bounds of reason or imagination. In a hat store recently a customer se lected a hat for 900.000.000 marks: hauded over 100.000,000 on account and • said he would come buck the next day and pay the balance. He did. but iu the menatiine the mark had so fluctuated : that the same bat was priced (100.000.000. Tlie dealer insisted the customer carry | onl his contract to purchase at 900,000.- j 000. but the customer refused and sur rendered lit* edposit of 100,000.000 marks. | An lto/ir later he came hack and bought. the same hat for 000.000.000 marks, mnk . ing 200,000,000 by breaking his con tract. Tli: s transaction is typical of the change which bus route over both Ger man wholesale and retail business. Agree ments are uot respected in the face of radical changes in exchange, and there is a constant effort to find some stable ba sis upon which to ojterate. The new gold currency is to be offered as a remedy, but its value running alongside the de-j predated, jiaper currency, may or may uot be stable. Snffac of Earth in Japan Dropped Four ' Feet. Honolulu. Nov. (i.—lntense damage in the vicinity of Yokohama caused by the recent earthqitake in Japan was due to a drop of four feet in the surface of earth which may have resulted front activity of the volcanoes on the island of (Ishjima. southwest of Yokohama, in the opinion of Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr., volcanologist in charge of the Hawaiian volcano observatory, who lias returned to Hawaii front Japan where he made a survey of the damage wrough by the temblors. The death toll in the earthquake, tidal wave and fire was estimated at 400,00(1 bv Mr. Jaggar. and the damage to property at $3,000,000,000.* Receipts Increase in Charlotte I'ost ofliee. Washington. Nov. 7.-s—Charlotte in October had an increase in post office re ceipts of $8,381.80, or 13.255 per cent over the same, month in ,1922- The actual figures show that last month the receipts amounted to $54.- 553.89. and the same month one year ago $48,172. Around the Back Door! Make your place more modem and more livable, and add to the value B of your property, by using Concrete around your house. For a few 8 dollars you can have a new walk or driveway, build a new cellar en- ■ trance or replace the rotted back porch steps. When you use Concrete, 8 I they will never need replacing again. Clothesline posts and flower beds 8 8 arc useful conveniences every housewife appreciates. Your local con- B a tractor can make them all for you; and you might even help him 8 * ■ There are many such improvements you can makq without I great expense. Any Security Cement dealer will give you Free 8 Blue Prints and full information on how you can make need- B Wr" \ ed improvements quickly and for the least money. PSfSTY J^gIIJ^JhijKESGoO^CONCgET^^J EVERETT TRUE RY CONDO r CfIS i 'PHONer IN "T ty&i.L, I'LL TC.LL YOU.^ MY ORIXSR. YOU TOLV MR. THIS ONE we you the ,o JuST ' g:oois J AND YOU G<£,T INST£AS> YOU p- YOUR — Sent out this j 'j n-q a~ j A -BIQCSieR CAN * 1 AMP Auso A , *tß- Ten.,. ME,-.,.. " , !HB CONCORD DSItY TRIBUNE ■ 1.1 DF.NDORF PROCLAIMED ) AS LEADER OF BAVARIA ' Hitler Marches 600 Men and i and With One Stroke Takes Charge. ] I X’ar's, Nov. B.—Adolph Hitler’n troops ! have begtm an offensive movement to- j | ward Berlin, Seconding to dispatches to j tthe Paris morning newspapers front Berlin. The same dispatches say that Hitler has proclaimed General Ludendorf dic tator and himself chancellor of the whole reich. i Munich, Nov. 8. —The Bavarian gov eripnent has been declared overthrown : by Adolph Hitler, the fascist leader, and j the administration placed in the bands | of General Ludendorf as homntander-in j chief. I Dr. Von Kahr, the military, dictator j in Bavaria, had just finished addressing .a patriotic manifestation in thte Bur gerbra today, when Hitler entered at the head of 000 uten. Hitler announced that the government bail been overthrown and was replaced by a new government with Guueral Ludendorf as supreme head, ami Hitler as political advisor. Former Chief df Police Von Poenner has been named fts administrator of the country and General Von I-swsow ntin ister*of war. After Hitler’s declaration his troops drew a cordon around the Burgerbran. About 10 o’clock tonight troops of the Oberhtud J/iul empire Hag organizations concentrated ou the Iturgerbruu uud <k enpied definite quarters of the city, chiefly the squares. , - N (’otiferences were being held within the Murgerbrau anti reports said that Dr. Von Kahr was attenipting to nego tiate a settlement with Hitlet. The attitude of the police and the‘reichswehr has uot yet been disclosed. USE THE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAWS From Norway’s Seas SCOTTS EMULSION The Strength-maker. Scott A Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. 23-53 ! r 1 - —if, DINNER STORIES i.i i i | A Bank in Peril. [Youngstown Tilegram. Every business develops its own peeu- I : liar kind of humorous anecdotes. In one of the banks the other day n girl clerk in the .accounting department called a customer and said: “I just wanted to inform you that your account la overdrawn eight cents." - There was a long pause aud then an j excited feminine vwiee inquired: "Gosh! Do you have to have it this moraiug?” , j A Ijotig-Rangc Nose. Stumps was shaving himself when be made a slight cut on the end of his nose. He called to his wife for sticking plaster and was told to look in her sewing basket. At the office everyone who entered hisi sanctum smiled. Considerably auuoyed. he asked his partner, if there was anything wrong with liis appearance. “I should say there is,” was the re ply. "What's on yofrisjiose?” ‘ "Sticking plaster.” "No,” said the other; “it is the label from a spool of cotton and it says: •'Warranted 300 yards'.” The Never-Said. "*, Kichmond Times-Dispatcli. * "Yes. dear; T have been playing poker. I I vvas not detained at the office.” ‘■"That hair you 1- found on my shoulder, I love, is from my stenographer's bond." I "Yes. judge, my home brew * has au ' alcoholic content of (! per cent." ','Your honor, I was driving at AS miles [ an hem' because I was ra' g- hurry: 1 ’ i ■F-f-f-foolishness. A pretty waitress in a Heaufbrt. S. ] C..' hotel had set her eap for an eligible ( who sat at her table. One day she gave < him extra good service aud asked biin ] sweetly: "Is there anything else you want?” 1 "Will you," said lie. "let me have a ] k—k—k—?” She, blushed violently at i such sound ’and tfirew glances at the’ otliet waitresses. “A k-k-k-eup and a f-f-fork,” finished 1 I the young man. The gh-1 blushed deep- j er than ever at this and the young man ) went on: ■ ‘ , ( "I know why' you arc b-b-blusliing. ' You thought I was. going to ask you for < a k k-k-cleun f-f f-fork.”—, —Whiz Hang. ( Too Much Faith. A Southern darkey became converted j aud for some time his religious fervor was i a matter for awe among the brethren. < One night, however, he showed up at ] meeting with u lugubrious face. 1 "Ise baekslided." he announced mnnen- 1 fully from the platform. "Ise a doubtin' , sinner. I ain't got de faith in divine providence what Brother Johnson got. ' "Brother Johnson he got, such faith [ in divine iirovidence. dat jes io show I off.' dat man climb u lighniiu' rod in a 1 thunder storm. Me. 1 stays down below ] on terracotta. Yassuli. Is<‘ baekslided.” i Durant open and closed ' models are on exhibition at our show room. Determine to see and compare the car which broke all records for new car deliveries last year. We have both models on display. Call 583 and let us demonstrate a closed car to you. Special run on Tires. 31x4 Cord Tires. 30x3 .Cord Tires. J. C. Blume Garage [Fold pop winter^ OWNS DEFEAT -J WHEN HE MEETS THE f A There’s only one way to lick winter. Slam him with a bunch oil heat. If your heating equipment isn*t all that it should be let us give it some attention. Perhaps you ’ want to install a new " up-to-date heating plant of your own. It so 'We're the plumbers to do it for you. i i E.B. GRADY Conbmiin^^ U Curb in St |w mw I Overcoats At The Right Prices! Kuppenheimfer Fine. Coats, are the best the world produces. Many Fine All Wool Overcoats at $25, $27.50, $29.50 and $35 Knit 1 J ex Overcoats are very pop m ular with those who like a light .. J JuM Bo weight coat. Priced $29.'50 fli ; ) | mmk I Top Coats ..t' Whip- Cord and Jl| J* HHL jPay Cash and Save the -Difference l W. A. Overcash Clothier and Furnisher . «t ; : '• Mil f'l——a—BWß—HßMPEgggP—MiUMminp || It’s the Particular th&L§ j| Takes Pride in a Nicely Finished § ;!| Bedroom so That’s Why So Many i :j| People Come - . f 1 ■ Tiiis Exquisite Suite is' a faithful facsimile of a period design.* It i ! » s beautiful in line and exquisitely finished. Well made and substantial ! ! 1 1 throughout. Brown Mahogany. iji Many new suites, splendidly desigued. just added to our floors. jjj BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO i “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES - : ' ' 5a ] is| Just received Large Shipment of Living Room Furniture. We can furnish you a Suite with or without a “Parlo” Bed. Up holstered with excellent quality velour. Come in and make your selection. H. B. WILKINSON > Concord Phone 164 ’*• Kannapolis Phone 2 ' • “FURNISH IN 1924” i The New Hardware Store GUNS! GUNS! Parker, Smith, Fox and Ithaca Guns We trade guns, repair guns. Any price guns. Winchester and Nitro Club Shells. Always fresh. Boys, the hunting season is al most here. Get your and ammunition. Hunting coats and leggins. Ritchie Caldwell Friday, November 9, 1023 . Special Offer For Squibb Week Only Upon your purchase. of Squibbi Household Products, to the amount of one, dollar, £ during “Squibb Week’’]S T oVcmher 3rd Mo tile 10th, we ,will give you - ‘ -V ’■ i - FREE one Fifty-Cent Tube ol •. Squibb s Pental Cream Pearl Drug Co. f **• ilillliiiUliiiiiiiiiilliSlliiliitillifiiiiiiiKiill

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