PAGE EIGHT Concord Furniture Co. j The Reliable Furniture Store MW3UM3s3XgSrtEEmil«33^^ {* The Cup That Cheers A '' 1S a bracing <up of tea. coffee or cocoa. j with some solid food, to cheer the inner 1 | • best tea, coffee and cocoa, all with an V CAROLINA CAFE I Special Sunday Dinner NEW VICTOR RECORDS 19168 —Memory's Silver Lining __ _.._..._ Vernon Dalberl Memories of Virginia IVerless Quartet 19104—0 h (lee. I'm In Love Gaiber-Davis Oreliestra First, Last and Always (Jarber-Davis Orchestra 19109—An Orange drove in California ... Whiteman and Orchestra Dancing Honeymoon ... Whiteman, ami Orchestra 19170—I've dot a Song For Sale Memphis Five Tin Roof Blues 19120—Italians in Algiers tl’art It Symphony Orchestra Italians in Adgiers (Part II) ...... ... Symphony Orchestra 9.13 La Serenata .' Geraldine Farrar Madrigal Geraldine Farrar 948 Rigoletto Miguel Fleta Puritan!* ... Miguel Fleta 191.14 —Complainin' Kddie Hunter 1 dot Kddie Hunter 19157—Strutt in' Bines Rosa Henderson Low-1 town Papa Rosa Henderson 19,10—Keep Yourself Together Lizzie Miles I Don't Lei No Man Worry Me Lizzie Miles 191oi)—Lovo Me Gertrude Saunders Potomac River Blues Gertrude Saunders OFT ONCE A WEEK—FRIDAY BELL & HARRIS Music Department TIRES’ TIRES! TIRES! Just Received New Ship ment of Holyoke and Gotham Tires We have absolutely got the best tire that we have ever sold. We are not merely taking a saltNman’s word for this statement. We have tested and proven to ourselves that the Holyoke and Gotham tires will stand a tost with any tire on the market today. They are not Cheap Tires. They are barfd made and every ounce of cotton in them is long staple cotton. The rubber and frietion stock is the very best ands it is properly cured. You will agree with us when you try a set of these tires. As a speeial induetment to you on these tires we are going to offer them for a limited time only at 1# per cent, below our regular re tail price which is astonishingly low for these high grade tires. Put a set on your car and test them with any tire on the market. They are guaranteed for 6,tXX) and 10,000 miles of good service. All we ask is that you try one set. OUR AI TO LAUNDRY IS THE BEST CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700 Sportsmen’s Headquarters \ y Lovers of the great outdoors will find % y m our stock of sporting goods unusually \ y[J complete. One of the world famous Mj! lines we carry is , V / Akr~\ ammunition /m AN.s—- Nothing has ever approached the IM consistent accuracy of Western shot \\ gun shells and rifle and revolver car ffa tridges. No other ammunition has ever won such a smashing string of \\ championships, First choice of the world’s crack shots, Western e, ” Cartridge Company Ammunition is faL typical of all our lines of sporting 13? goods —winners every one. j Ritchie Hardware Co. tHE CONCORD bAILY TRIBUNE The Concord Daily Tribune TIME* OF CLOSING OF MAILS i! The time of the closing of mails at j{ the Concord pcetoffiee Is as follows: Northbound. 3 Train No. 136—11 p w. ■I Train No. 34—4 XX) p. in. ■jj Train Xo. 30—10:00 a m. !!j Train No. 12—6:30 am. jj Train No. 38—8:00 p. m. |i Tralp No. 30—11 p. m. is | Southbound. II Train No. 37 —0:30 a. m. |! Train No. 46—4:00 p. m. ||i Train No. 135—8:30 p. m. ) i Train No. 2#—11:00 p. m. ;?======; LOCAL MENTION j * 1 Bern to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ross, f I Charlotte. November 15th. a son. I | Cotton on the local market today is ! quoted at 32 cents per pound: cotton | seed at 72 cents per bushel. I Mr. .T„ C. Kiser, of No. 10 township,J | brought to this office Friday a turnip j of his raising which weighed 3 1-2 [ pounds. I Misses G’enna Cline and Wilma Bar-: ; rier have accepted position's with the l Parks-Bclk Company. They have «)- j ready begun their duties. i' One case cf chicken pox and ope case l I' "“I dipthcria were rejtorled to ibe rout!-. !,<y health department Friday, according .to a report, issued by the department. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the I Citizenship department of the Woman's I Club will bo held at the Y. M. C A. Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Annie Ridenhom- lias accepted I a position with F.fird's. Site began her duties with the company this morning and will he employed in the ready to-j wear department. The front of the f’iediaon! Theater is being repainted arid changes. In addi-! tiqn to the painting the decorations on I the front of the movie house also arc j to be changed and some of them re placed by new ones. The I'. (). S. of A. of St. John's, will j have an oyster supper on the afternoon | of Thanksgiving Day, beginning at 4j o clock, l'his is to be a social meeting > for the members only, and all members I arc expected ti> be present. The condition of Mr. .1. T. Fisher, who has been confined to bis home for j several days on account of illness, r* reported today as improved. He is <iil: ; tumble to resume his p isition .with the '-j Ihtrks-Bo’k Company, however. No improvement is reported today iiJ! the condition of "Uncle Jcc" White; 1 who has been confined to his home ft-’] several weeks with an attack of asthma, u He rooms a* rile home of Mrs. 1.. I*.; 1 Davis on West Corbin Street. I Marriage licenses were issued Friday ; ) by Register of Deeds kiliott to tip' f.J- j Mowing eoup'es: Charles L. Miller, of I ; j Concord and Miss Flora Cook, of Kaaj II mipoiix ; Thonnts Elwood, of Geirge-j l ville. and Miss Minnie Hough, of Host ! Mill. Four defendants paid 805 in fines in * [ recorder's court Friday. One man paid; | .825 for having liquor: another paid s2l) | for an assault) on a female: another! | was tined $5 for cutting a corner: and 1 another was fined 815 for being in- i | toxica ted | Chief 1,. A. Talbirt of the Concord , [ police department, entered a Charhdte j hospital Friday for treatment. It is • probable that Chief Talbirt will under-1 1 go an operation sometime today or to morrow. the time of the operation !o j be determined by bis condition. Mrs. C. \V. Byrd and Mrs. W. M. Sherrill played their match in the .Country Club Go's tournament Friday. Mrs. Byrd winning. Several other matches are being played this afternoon by women, and in addition there are 1 several matches being played between men. The many friends of Mrs. Laura Gra ham will regret to learn that she is seriously ill now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fisher, with whom she lives. Mrs. Graham has been ill for some time and her condition became so critical Friday that little hope is enter , tained for her recovery. Chief interest in North Carolina foot ball today centers in the Davidson-Cnro lina game at Chapel Hill. The Davidson team is badly crippled and Carolina probably will score as many points as she desires. Other State games are be tween Wake Forest and Elon; State and Mary'nnd: and Guilford and Wof ford. The’ biggest game in the east is the Yale-Prineetion clash. Following the program adopted some time ago, the Y. M. C. A. will tonight begin the free movie program which will be followed probably throughout the winter- The movies have been secured with the view to pleasing everyone, and they will be shown absolutely free of charge. The program will begin at 7:30 o’clock and members and friends of the Y are invited to attend. If Kentucky is favored with fair weather today the biggest horse race Rince the Zev-Papyrus meet *will be staged there when Zev and In Momorium meet. The race will be a special one to determine which is the faster horse, la Memoriam having won from Zev recently in a race in which other horses were entered. If it rains the race will be called off. The special school tax election, to de termine whether or not the people of Cabarrus County want to give their children ii modern system of high schools, will be held •in Tuesday. No vember 20th. The registration books jlosed last Saturday, and all persons who registered must vote if they want to get the schools. All regixtottions will count against the tax unless a vote is east, so those persons who registered and want to give the chi’dren better schools must go to the polls on Tues day and vote. f Burglars in Peru, when about to enter a house, supply themselves with a sponge and a bucket of water. With the sponge they moisten the mud-covered domicile, and the thin coating is easily dissolved. Then they readily out through the thin framework, and make a hole large enough to pass through. STom Sims say® j St. I,ouis burglar posing as plumber | was caught, perhaps because he forgot t to forge) his tools. | lightning L so contrary. In Can i ada it went to the trouble of striking twice in the same place. Cowboys wrestled wild cows at u New York rodeo. • We wrestled a wild steak in New Y’ork once: j Falling in love or making a pile of moitey doesn't leave very much time for 1 doing anything else. We would hate to be a detective, j | Tligy go down to the office every morn-' ! ing ami get puzzled. Chicago couple el >ped in an airplane. Thai’s the way these da\<s. They fly iiiglt at first. Nebraska scientists claim they have found another lost race. ion can get plenty at a race track. I California professor claims college j girls are cnVe women, but he may be I judging by their clothes, t What eotild he worse than teaching . irr* a gill's.;school where they answer I ties ions with ' Ueeause?” ! New Y'ork w naan voted twice in ,oile election. And they said women couldn't learn politics. ! Scientistn ate digging up strange thick skulls ift California. Is it another movie scandalV There may-he nothing wrong with the rial situation, hat you tv .n't need a fan to keep cool. j Some seem to think peace in Europe will take French leave. News from London. Wife really hit her husband with a rolling pin. .It's I a nice old English custom. I Chicago man InirnctF his home by j throwing' a lamp at his wife. How I quaint and old-fashioned. SAN-TON RUBBER GOODS \ Fine Quality Rubber Seamless Construction Non-kinking sUqqier chain Fine workmanship. Ecomjmy and convenience. The San Tox Co. says: "Un qualified two-year guarantee en ables yon to satisfy every custo mer." 1 Clines Pharmacy PHONE 333 •S I ’ We Have the follow ing Cars For Sale or Exchange: One Ford Touring One Ford Roadster One Ford Racer ;One Chevrolet Tour | ing ’ One Oakland Tour- I ing I One Buick Six Tour : ing STANDARD buick COMPANY I Opposite City Fire Dept Turkey in the straw; Haw! Haw! Haw! Turkey in the Coop; Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Turkey in the—Where? Here! Here! Here! Turkey in the—Store? Shore! Shore! Shore! Turkey in the Pot! Trot! Trot! Trot! Turkey in the Platter—Chatter Chatter! Chatter! Turkey in the sunshine. Turkey iu the rain, I .1 ust call "68” if you have turkey -on your brain. / , W« are the largest Turkey Poultry and Produce Dealers in the city. If. you have Turkeys To sell'see us. If you want to buy Turkeys place your order with us. ' \ ', C. H. BARRIER & CO. OQCooooooouooooooooooooooocooooooeoooooooooooooi SBETd 4mnsit*|- V’.id 4 sum-fl JM! 9 4 4 tt,) m a jv juj-wga smata VISIT THE SCIENTIFIC PALMIST MADAME ALLEN If you are unhappy, discouraged, unsuccessful in doubt, or trouble, this wonderful palmist can positively change your condition, many who were on the brink of uncertainty, today are resting eakily in the lsp of luxnry by acting on/her advice. TO THOSE UNHAPPY AND DISCONTENTED—if you are separat ed from tbs one you love or in trouble from any cause consult her NOW. Would you like to marry quickly? Have you any trouble over any affair in life? Do you want pore success? Ifso you need her advice, she not only tails you of yftnr troubles but bow to overtime them. No quaatlon asked, she will tall you all. There is no home so dreary and sad, no life so wicked ok blighted, no heart so sad and lonely, no condition or circum stance to complicated or incomprehensible that can’t be set right and kept rigbt after a visit to her, common sense says go and partake of these advantages and in after years you will be spared tbe saddest of words •'lt might hath been.” Private room for colored people. Office Hoar* ; 10 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. m Wat Depot Street, Duaeobery House \ ■u .:r ■ Kingan, Wilson. Armour and Hampshire Hams—get them while they are fresh. .Inst received fresh Porcelain. White House Flour—also Imper ial Self Rising. Dove-Bost Co. Where Quality Reigns Supreme Batteries Recharged Cars Repaired Experienced Mechanics All Work ( jvi a ran teed Reasonable Charges Bollinger Motor Co. Forest Hill VENETIAN HAND CREAM Is splendid for the hands as they require protection as well as the fare, being constantly in contact with roughening or irritatiug sub stances. Venetian Hand Cream used after, each washing with June Geranium Soap overcomes the harmful effects of germs and other impurities. Hand Cream used m conjunction, with Bleachine Cream keeps the hands smooth, plump and white. Hand Cream is also recommended for men as i tis found delightfully soothing aft-r shaving. Price SI.OO. Gibson Drug Store Fresh Shipment Salt Mackerel Only 10c Each Quart Jar Sweet Mixed or Sour Pickles, nice and crisp 40c No. 3 cau Roast Beef, only 3§o 3 cans for SIOO Fresh shipment Notional Biscuit Com pany’s Sotiu or Saltine Crackers. Cheats by tlie box. oto 7 pounds iter box. Fresh shipment fish aud oysters each day this week. CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. Phone 571 W Attention Veterans. The time is here for payment of our Camp dues, 15 cents per capital. Please pay same to the undersigned or to G. M. Lore, treasurer. H. B. PARKS, Com. Camp 212 U. C. V. Adding Machine Paper, 20 Carts a Roll, 3 for 50 cents, St Times-Trib nne Office. ©OHIILjOSS. BALTiMWRJE CLOTKES .ifij Style and Service with Grace and Beauty .Have been embodied in the “Clothes Beautiful.” We are proud of these clothes' and when vou have examined the fabrics and tried on the New Models you will under stand why. HOOVER’S Inc. THE YOUNG MEN’S STORE STOCKINGS! All sizes and different ’colors to match the combina tion Shoes. , , SPECIALTY HAT SHOP C O AL Order a ton of my Best Jellico Double Screened Coal— it will please. A. B. POUNDS Coal of Quality “Qualify Store” s Give us your order for Fresh Country Butter and Eggs and Farm Vegetables. Orchard Produce Company pfc#ne Successor to L. E. Roger If you want that genuine feeling of satisfaction invite us to your next blowout. We live up to our guarantee ot ab solute satisfaction in all our vulcaniz ing. * / Motor & Tire Service Co. CONCORD PRODUCE’ MARKET 1 (Corrected Weekly by Cliae A Moose. > Figures named represent priced paid for produce on the market: Beg* 50 Butt&r 35 I Country Bam .25 to .80 Country Shoulder 45 I Country Sides 45 Young chickens 25 Hene 48 Sweet Potatoes 91.00 s '* Saturday, Noyetnber 17, 1923 Irish Potatoes 91.00 i >l,ion * f 1.25 £* a8 sl*s CONCORD COTTON MARKHT SATURDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 17. IMS Cotton 32 Cotton seed ....' .< ....... .72 Our Vast Pocket Memorandum ForlfWM We wmnt • f **T subscriber of The Times aud Tribune to hare one. Come in snd. get i*. «-ts.

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