PAGE SIX FOR SALE The Rogers farm, containing 110 acres, lying on both sides of Rogers Street a* Glass. This is one of the most desirable farms in the suburbs of Kannapolis. We will sell it as a whole or sub-divide it into small tracts to suit the purchaser. Now is the time to get real bargains on easy terms. The Cote’s Mining Property' in No. 7 Township, con taining 115 acres at a real bargain at uick sale. We have other desirable tracts of land for sale at at tractive prices. Also a number of houses and lots, and va cant lots, in the City of Concord. John K. Patterson & Co. Real Estate Agents VISIT THE SCIENTIFIC PALMIST MADAME ALLEN If you are unhappy, discouraged, unsuccessful in doubt, or trouble, this wonderful palmist can positively change your condition, many who were on the brink of uncertainty, today are resting easily in the lap of luxury by acting on her advice. TO THOSE UNHAPPY AND DISCONTENTED—if you are separat ed from the one you love or in trouble from any cause consult her NOW. Would you like to marry quickly? Have you any trouble over any affair in life? Do you want more success? Ifso you need her advice, she not only tells you of your troubles but how to overcome them. No question asked, she will tell you all. There is no home so dreary and sad, no life so wicked or blighted, no heart so sad and lonely, no condition or circum stance so complicated or incomprehensible that can’t be set right and kept right after a visit to her, common sense says go and partake of Ihese advantages and in after years you will be spared the saddest of words "It might have been.” Private room for colored people. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. 22 West Depot Street, Dusenbery House USE TIES AND Till HE PENNY M PAYS jFgg*' ||| Not Just a Few “Specials” But Everything Low in Price at the Jp | PIGGLY WIGGLY f * Beechnut Peanut Butter, Small Size 12c Baker’s Cocoanut, Fresh Grated, can j|B|W Medium Size 20c. Large Size 33c, Extra , Large Size 47c. 15c. Southern Style, can 15c. |jllg| ft - Canned Fruit I j Canned Vegetables 1 I Cereals l# raift 44C q Faultless Corn nn package «7C SKkMU fsfSiil Lily Valley Fitter Red Cher- OO No. “ can ““C ” J" r "t® 0- riee. No. 2 can 39C Poß , t Toast,«, per Q gCSEB package 57 C Apricots, No. 3 c* A __ Pride Valley Corn 4 A 3 for 25c. * Can Z4C No. 2 can lUC Cream of Wheat <)£ A HBtifr MP Faultless Strawberries n/\ QuakeTSs f~ C VQ 22T No. 2 can 39C Summer's Finest Stringless per pac £ JQc Faultless Raspberries QA_ Beans. No. 2 Can Quaker Farlne, per 1 O a®® No. 2 can OlfC package IOC A Libby's Bartlett Pears QQ Libby’s Spinach, rtrt Quaker Grits, per f A ]So. 3 Can —— OOC No. 3 Can hmv package .... Jl^^C m : ~. #1 S' Fresh Cranberries, Lettuce, Celery, Cocoanuts, Brazil Nuts, English Walnuts, Paper mßm Shell Pecans IfeMMMftMMftftM TMt CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNS DOINGS OF THE DUFFS The Caddy Was Surprised BY ALLMAN f YOU ARE NOT GOING eoT AMO PLAY GOLF \ < VOOR EYE ON THIS \ ANY MORE THIS ) PftJ; H I-w [ T?"? ' .YEAR ARE YOU.TOM I VPALL- DO YOO HEAR^f ,JUST ONCE I ffl | / / MORE AND I / Vf.S \ ' I \ THEN I’M THROUGH if Sid- J C THAT ONE WASN'T 'l THERE’S ANOTHER A {SO GOOD WAS J Nip < Bum SHOT -t NEVER j \ IT CADDY P y f \ PIAVED 50 PUNK j —"v 1 \Before! y / ('NO,THAT ONE jj —CY* S? C WAS EASY TO ( OH,VOu’v E 5 / MANY SAVED IN DISASTER. Underground Supports of Coal Localiz ed Effects of the Big Explosion. Chicago, Nov. 2(l.—Two men were killed today and 12 were burned, two of them seriously, in an’ explosion in the Orient mine of the Chicago, Wilmington and Franklin Coal company, ngar I teu ton. 111., according o advices to the coal company’s officials here tonight. The mine, one of the largest in the world, employs more than 1.000 work men and 920 were reported to have been in the mine at the time of the explosion which was believed line to gases. Mine officials attributed the small casualty list to an elaborate system of "barrier pillars’ by which the mine was worked- The damage was -aid to have been small and advices from the mine said operations could be resumed almost im mediately. George B. Harrington, president of the operating company, attributed the comparatively small loss of life to the operating methods. Northern New York in Grip of Blizzard. Albany. N. Y., Nov. 26.—Northeast ern New Y'ork state is experiencing mid winter weather. A Sunday bl'izzard left I a blanket of snow over the upper Hud son and eastern Mohawk valleys. Albany. Troy, and Schenectady had six to eight inchest of snow. Electric ear service was crippled and wire com munication delayed. In the eastern Adirondacks sleighting replaced motor ing and snowdrifts hampered steam traffic- THE COUNTY OP CAMDEN One of the Most Interesting of the Col. Olds Series. Raleigh, Nov. 2G. —The history of the county of Camden is one of the most in teresting of the series being prepared by Col. Fred A. Olds for the North Carolina Historical Commission on all of the 100 counties of the State. It is learned from Col. Olds' sketch of the county that due to an error of spelling in the bill creating it. Camden county's real name is Cainpden. Col. Olds' history of the county follows in part: “The county of Camden was created May 12th, 1777, by the General As sembly, which named it for Charles Pratt, Earl of Camden, xx x The act sets our that 'by-reason of the width of Pasquotank river and the difficulty of passing the same, espeeially in bois terious weather, it is extremely difficult for the inhabitants who live on the north east side of the river to do public busi “e* in Pasquotank county, so all that part of Pasquotank is established a coun ty by the name of Camden.’ Joseph Jones, Samuel Sawyer, Isaac Gregory, Dempsey Burgess and Caleb Grand? were appointed commi>«ioners to lay off and appoint the place where the court house, prison, etc., should be built and to employ workmen to erect those build ing. A poll tax xof two shilling* and right pence, for three years, was levied by the General Assembly to pay for these bulidings. The court house and jail were completed ‘in 17S0. The for mer yet stands and is a dwelling and hotel, or inn. The proposal that policewomen should wear uniforms is opposed by Mrs.' Mina C. Van Winkle, of Washington, D. C., who is president of the International Association of Policewomen. ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP RY THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentho- Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist Because of its germ destroying proper ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rowl'es Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug gist and use it like a colei cream. THEBESTWAY TO GET YOUR IRON DO you know that one of the reasons why physicians have prescribed Gude’g Pepto-Man gan for 30 years is because of. its ample supply of iron? * Physicians found that the iron content, of Gude’s was readily absorbed by the system, that it did not irritate the stomach or injure the teeth, and that it quickly and effectively toned and strengthened the system. At your druggist’s, in both liquid and tablets. Free Trial Tablets value of Gude'* Pepto-Mangan, lend for gen erous Trial Package of Tablet*. Send no money juit your name and address tc M. J. Breitenbach Co., S 3 Warren St, N. Y. Gude’s pepto-Mangan Tome and Blood Enricher GUS. BARCLAY of Kingston, N. Y., who says ‘Neutrons Prescription 99* cared him of his Rheumatism when he had lost all hope of ever being well again. k__——._________ J The rapid recovery of Gas Bar clay of 99 Clinton St,, Kingston, N. Y., has again called attention to the remarkable curative effects of Nentrone Prescription "99.’* Here is the etory: “For years I have been all crip pled up with rhenmatism in my arms and legs. My feet wonld swell so that I could not even get my shoes on. My knees became so stiff that I eonld hardly bend them. Every step I took was agony. I could barely hobble around. '‘No one knows what I suffered until I tried Nentrone Preseription “99.” After the first week I felt better. What a relief! It seemed too good to be true. All my aches and pains have gone; no more swell ings, and my joints are all limbered np again. “I feel myself a lneky man to be so well again after all these yearn I can eay that Nentrone Prescrip tion “99” will prove a blessing to anyone Buffering from this dreaded disease. Every rheumatic should take it, when relief is io sure.” ~ Nentrone Prescription “99” now eomes in tablet as well as liquid form, whichever is preferred. Lead ing Druggists everywhere. I \ OtM Drag Store ,Tyss4ay, THESE ADS. PART OP MISSPELLED WORD CONTEST QUERY-GOOD MAN CO. Kannapolis, N. C. The Home of Good Shoes and Fine Hosiery We Fit the Foot Perfectly, and give you a Good Shoe for an Honest Price. Our Guarantee is in back of every pair of Shoes bought at our store. • i 1« iH: • *-i. They Are Here THE NEW 1924 CHEVROLET , A Wonderful Little Car Now on Display at t FIXALL MOTOR CO. 139-141 South Main St. KANNAPOLIS For Econotnical Transpor tation Buy a Chevrolet and Bank the rest. Phone 115 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK OF KANNAPOLIS A Safe and Sound Institu tion • A Bank that ldWcs Out For Your Every Interest Let Us Be of Some Service to You Start«“Savings Account-* With Us Today

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