Saturday., SOCIAL PERSONAL Play Suits ' 11 I- - v >V . \\. wt* *\ \ L ~T- 4 tt Jl \ / rcoftwcHT % o The one-piece suit Is perfectly plain. It has two pockets and a tiny round collar and is cut on the simplest pattern, one that is war* ranted to stand wear and tear, which Is the necessary result of being worn by a small boy. The two-piece suit is good for every day but it may be also a dress-up suit if it is made in a dress-up cloth. It has a loose blouse version of th« sailor suit. Celebrates 15th Birthday Anniversary. Miss Ethel da I.ineberger celebrated her 15th birthday anniversary Monday eve ning. November 26th. by entertaining about twenty of her friends at her home on South Spring street. Numerous games and dancing were enjoyed through out the evening, after which the gnests were invited into'the dining room by Mrs. I.ineberger. where hot chocolate, crack ers and cake were served. The following enjoyed Miss I.iueber ger's hospitality: Misses Mary Mcl.ellan, Helen and Evelyn (ioodman, Mary E. Davis, Virginia Moser, Znla Petrea. Ethel (laskel, Bessie Griffin; Messrs. Robert »Oline Jason Gaskei. Jay Shive, Wilson well, Kenneth Gnodntnn. Reece Rostian. Miles Jones. Dowd Shinu. Dee Witt Rost and Jit I.ineberger. Concord Pastor Remembered. Rev. -J. Frank Armstrong, of Forest -Hill, asks us to express for him and his family their sincere appreciation of a number of good things which their friends brought ,or sent to them for Thanksgiv ing. A hundred weight of Bon-Ton flour was found on the back porch of the parsonage Wednesday night with absolutely nothing fo' identify the big, thoughtful heart that sent it. A most dependable “staff” on which to lean, nevertheless. A Missionary Society to Meet. The Woman’s Missionary Society of New Gilead Church will render a thank offering program on Sunday eveuing at 7 o'clock by rendering the piny, “Broken Bridges.” No ndmission fee will be charged and the general public is in vited. The International Typographical Union was founded in 1852. CROUP For Spasmodic Croup rub Vicks over the throat and chest until the difficult breathing is relieved— then cover with a warm flannel doth. VICKS VVapoßub ChmtrMiWamJanUmdY—Tb , i?/s honesfia J St an unbiased-, .1 cgpresston PERSONALS. Miss Helen Linker, of Charlotte! is spending the week-end in the city with her parents. Mr. Ed. Misenheimer and son, Frank, were among those who attended the foot ball game at Chapel Hill Thnrsday. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duach, of Nor folk. Va„ are spending several days here with Mr. D. B. Coltrane. father of Mrs. Dusch. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Cu E. Love, of Brevard, spent Thanksgiving in Kannapolis with Mr. and Mrs. J. <3. Lowe. ' Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Kennett, who were married in High Point Thursday, ar rived in Concord Friday. They are at home at Mr. Kennett’a house on Grove Street. * • • Mrs. J. F. Dayvault spent Thanksgiv ing Day in Rock Hill. S. C., with <hc* •laughter, Miss Elizabeth Dayvault. stu dent at Wiuthrop College. • • ft . » Prof. J. B. Robertson is spending sev eral dajs in Alatoance county with home folks. :li ' Miss Elizabeth Maeey and Miss Mary MacLaughlin are spending the day in Charlotte with friends. • ’ • m Mr. and Mrs. J. W. B. Long and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Wiileford spent Thurs day in Greensboro, visiting their daugh ters, who are students at Greensboro College wor Women. » * • Mr. and Airs. J. R. Womble. Misses Alary and Adeline .Morrison. Air. and Arrs. R. D. Maness and Airs. Gales Pick ard went to Charlotte Friday evening to attend the concert given bv Alis* Rosa Ponselle. Ajiss Annis Smooth has returned front a visit of several days to her sister. Aliss Alary Donnell Smoot at N. c. W She was accompanied home by Aliss Mildred Sammons, of Goldsboro," who spent Thnrs day in Concord ns her guest. • • Aliss Schrock. who taught in the Con cord schools last year, and who this year |is a member of the faculty of .the Sal isbury schools, is the guest here of Aliss .Martha Caldwell. • * * Airs. J. E. Morgan, of Cleveland. N. C„ is the gust here of her daughter, Airs! C. A. Meis. Miss Idelle nnd Mr. "Henry Townsend spent Thanksgiving with Air. H. D Townsend, of Lexington. They accom panied Air. and Airs. Townsend to Chap el Hill for the football game Thursday. Air. and Mrs. Lee Roy Gates and their little daughter. Clara Louise, of Dur ham. arc spending the week-end with Mr. ajHl.>Us. K. F v .LVl ej . at w N. Church King’s Daughters to Meet. The Concord chapter of King’s Daugh ters will meet Alondny evening nt 7 o'clock with Aliss Ala.v White, at her home on Franklin Avenue. Tanenhaus Store Employes Feast. Charlotte News. M. S. Yaehelson, manager of Tanen haus Stores. 205 East Trade street, will entertain the store employes at dinner Wednesday night at the This is an annual affair of this store. In ad dition to discussions of business connect ed with the operation of the store by the department heads a feature program will be carried out. Mr. Yaclielsou will be toastmaster. Did you ever hoj»e to visit Hollywood to see how the movies are mnde? There will be a little demonstration nt the Stat on Saturday when a director will tell you all about, it and show, you how it is actually lone. Eula Purvis, besides her appearance in the test, possesses a pleas ing mezzo-soprano voice and will render several selections. Special "music. “Mid night Alarm," and a Harold Lloyd com edy.—Advertisement. A woman judge sits on the supreme bench in the Mexican state .of San Luis. SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND ACREAGE ON SOUTH UNION. By virtue of an order of J. B. Mc- Allister, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus County, N. C., mads in a Spe cial Proceeding brought by Nmnie B. Brown, Margaret C. D. Calloway and husband, H. W. Calloway, Mollie S. Brown, and H. AV. Calloway and Mollie S. Brown, Executors of O. W. Brown deceased, Ex Parte, I will, at 12 o’clock M. on Monday, December 3, 1923, at the Courthouse door in Concord, N. C., expose to -sale at public auction to the highest bidder, that certaiD lot or body of land, lying and being in Ward 3, City of Concord, Cabarrus County, N. C adjoining the lands of W. M.‘ Linker! •Mrs. R. A. Brown, A. M. Brown and Mark Linker and others, and being bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the east edge of 8. Union St., City of Concord. Ca barrus County, N. C., which is north 79 E. 22.5 ft. from a sewer manhole in S. Union St., and is also the N. W. corner of W. M. Linker, and runs thence in a northwesterly direction with said edge of said street 97 ft. to a stake, which is also a corner of Mark Tanker: thence eleven lines as follows: Ist, N. 45 E 200 ft: 2nd N. 41 W. 120 ft.; 3d, N. 40 E. 148.5 ft.: 4th, N. 68 1-2 E. 370.5 ft. • sth, N. 83 1.2 E. 222.7 ft.; Oth, S. 9 E 153.9 ft.; 7th, 8. 5 E., 165 ft.; Bth, S. 56 W. 270.6 ft.; Oth, S. 55 W. 264 ft.; 10th. N. 36 W. 217.5 ft.; 11th, S. 53 1-2 W. 200 ft., to the beginning, containing 6.70 acres more or less, and being the resi dence lot of the late CL W. Brown, de ceased. The said body of reaidence property is being sold for partition of the proceeds among the owners thereeof, after pay ment of $650.00 legacies in money un der the will of O. W. Brown, deceased. The terms of kale are cash. This November 1, 1923. FRANK ARMFIELD, Commissioner. Maness, Armfleld A ShVrrin, Attys. l-4wks. I THIRD ANNUAL TOWEL MAKERS’ BANQUET TUESDAY To Be Given at Alary Ella HaU at Kau ncpolls at 7:30 P. AI. The third annual towel makers' ban quet will be given in Alary Ella Hall at Kannapolis nt 7 :30 p. m. next Tuesday. December 3rd. Air. Charles A. Cannon, will be toastmaster, and Airs. J. W. Can non, Sr., and Rev. Dr. George R. Stew art. of Birmingham, Ala., will be guests of honor. The following are expected to be pres ent. Cannon Manufacturing Co.. Kannapolis. N. C. Alexander. W. T„ Allen, E. W., Al len, G. G.. Anderson, X. 0., Armstrong, G. W., Artz, Ben, Bnggarly, AV. AL, Bailes. C. E., Baker, G. T.. Ball, B. S., Ballard. Arch Barnhardt, ,T. ,T„ Barn bardt, W. F.. Benson, J. E.. Black welder, Raymond. Boger, J. L„ Boger, J. AL, Boger. G. A., Boat, Charles. Bost, J. C, Boat. T. 1,., Bradford, Z. 8.. Brady. C. R. Brewer, H. W„ Brindlev, James, Bryant, G. A., Broom, B. A.. Carson. W. N. Carter, C. H., Carter. Edd., Carter I>. L., Carter, L. J., Carter. W. F., Cush ion, J. AA., Clawson, H. G., lawson, J. A.. Cline, L. A.. Cloninger, R. L. Cook. H. C„ Correll, P. E.. Cox, C. AL, Critz, Raymond. Davis, L. P.. Dayvault, Adol phus, Efird. James, Evan, C C ‘ Faulk enbury, E. J., Fink. R. J.. Fisher. A. W. Fry. J.' Gt, Funderburk. 1,. E., Grey V r., Gibson. AI. A.. Griffin, G. J.. Halstead! Jr Hampton, C. J., Harmon, L. r Hartis J. H„ Ilartis. W. A.. Hartis, I). S. Hoke. R. P„ Holler. Ray, Honeycutt, J. H.. Hottlshouser, J. AI.. Hubbard. M P., Ingram. T .D.. Johnson. Ed.. John son, M. E., Kelley, A. J., Ketner, C. E, Ketner, C. J., Kimbro. Clins., Kincaid, .T. V. Ktser, M. H.. Koonfz, W. H.. Koontz, i r ; amb .- G - R - Lnney, W. A., Lentz, '{• J*' wis ’ G- -T. 8., Lisk, j; J - D - Long. J. S.. Maulden. f- MoClamrock, H. H.. Ale Commons, CJepp.. McCoy, S. S.. McGinnis. B. L. McClain, J. ,I„ MeSwain, A. C. Alc- Swain. AI. C.. Milam, J. H Minton. O. A. Moses. K. 11.. Moss. W H .. Nance J. 1., Newton, W. I?., Overcash. Chas.. (>vercnsh, H. K., Parham, E. T„ Parker S. I> Patterson. E. D„ Patterson! • rank, Payne, AI. AI., Payne, Z. IV.. Pell. J, D„ Peninger, L. A., Perry J E Perry J. F.. Petrea. H. A.. Phillips', CL \V„ Philipps, AI. W., Phillips, R. AV.. Phillips, O. 8.. Pl.vler, J. G„ Pl.vler, T. AV.. Punch, James, Rnry, A. Y.. Ray’ner ■J. L„ Reel J. N„ Reid. It L., Rhodes, j! AV., Riggs, R. R„ Roberts, C. A., Rob ertson. 11. 15., Russell, H. AV. Safrit F L., Sharp. E. J.. Sharp, J. I)., Shocks! C. A.. Sheeks. 11. G.. Shinn. Calvin, 81m ping, AV. J., Sides. H. AV„ Sides. Howard, Sifford. H. L., Simmons, S. C„ Sloop Fred. Smith, A .L., Smith. C. C., Smith' H. L„ Smith. J. G.. Smith, Lewis, Smvro, I E. AV.. Stowell, Phillip, Stack, J. J., Strickland, James. Strickland Ralph Stroup, AV. N„ Sullivan. F. 8.. Swing E It., Tash, AV. 1,.. Tate, G. C., Templeton. O. Thomas, L. AL. Tickle, AV. A., Todd. J; C„ Towell. O. (’., Troutman, J„ Tur ner. Harvey, Upright. Fred, Wagoner, F. L„ AA'alker, H. A.. Walton, J.. Watson. E; 8., Weaver, Henry, AVliite, J. A., Williams. A. L„ Wilson, Ralph. Wise man. Plato D„ Wiseman, Paul I)., Wyatt, .1. AV., Yarborough, AV. I). jc™- Arrowood, E. 8.. Bnker. G. D„ Barn hardt, L. S., I’larkwelder, W. C., Broome. AV. C„ Cosby. J. A., Crowell, J. L., Efird, <>. 8., Fink, T. A., Freeze, C. AV., Furr! A. P., Furr. AV. P., Houlshoitsel, Ray, Junker, L. E„ Kalbfleisch, AV. A., Par ker, O, F. Itcadling. Z. B„ Itowe, J. B„ Russell, O. C., Seamone, C. T„ Tal bert, N. F., Walters, M. C. Cannon Manufacturing Company. York, ’ S. C. Barrett, H. D., Biggers, AV. M., Mor fon, AV. E., Parnell, AV. C„ AA’allace, Itoy, Whifener, Dan. The following will be the menu: Oyster Cocktail Celery Pickles Olives Blue Ridge Turkey Maine Potatoes Green Peas Decorated Ham—Country Style Trussed Galantine Newport Tartlets 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l COAL AND WOOD HIGHEST QUALITY Lime . Plaster Cement PHONE 74 K. L. Craven & Sons llllllllllinilllllHimiHHlllllllllHHlllllllll Honey! Honey! Fresh lot of that genuine country Comb Honey. We sell it in 3 lb. sealed fruit jars or weigh you what you want from large can. Get your supply now for the winter. We will have no more. Send your vessel or phone us your order. P- 8. —Fresh Country Sorghum also. It’s going fast. Cline & Moose Ftam SM. We Deliver fefck JH| <}oN<j>pf6 BABA mtfifJtff Merringne Cakes, Glaied Cream Manhattan Rolls, Chocolate Layer C&kes Delmonico Ice Cream Cheese _ Crackers Coffee Nuts Cigars Orchestra: A*. T. Chisholm, L. C.,‘ Harmon. Fred Kuethan. John McKenzie. Mrs. John McKenzie, M. B. Morrow, R. G. McGuirt, C. B. Suther. Camels enjoy the distinction of being (lie only domestic animals that cannot trace their parentage to any species ex isting in a wild stale. Denmark sends agricultural products all over the world, notably from her dairies. We Have the follow ing Used Cars For Sale or Exchange: One Ford Racer One Oakland Six Touring. One Chevrolet Tour ing These cars can be seen at our show room on Barbrick street. STANDARD BUICK COMPANY Opposite City Fire Dept. It Is Paving— HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Daily to Visit FISHER’S The Real Christmas Store Charlotte-Concord and Salisbury Bus Line Lv. Charlotte 7:45 A. M. Lv. Concord 8:45 A. M. Ar. Salisbury 9:45 A. M. Lv. Charlotte 1:00 P. M. Lv. Concord 1:00 P. M. Ar. Salisbury 3:00 P. M. Lv. Salisbury 10:30 A. M. Lv. Concord 11:30 A. M. Ar. Charlotte 12:30 P. M. Lv. Salisbury 4:30 P. M. Lv. Concord 5:30 P. M. Ar. Charlotte 6:30 P. M. CHARLOTTE and CONCORD Only Charlotte Phone Stonewall Lv. Charlotte 7:45 A. M. Lv. Concord 8:00 A. M. „ „„„ Lv. Charlotte 10:00 A. M. Lv. Concord 10:00 A. M. Lv. Charlotte 11 :30 A. M. Lv. Concord 1:30 P. M. Lv. Charlotte 2:30 P. M. Lv. Concord 3:00 P. M. ONE STUDEBAKER Lv. Charlotte 4:30 P. M. Lv. Concord 3:45 P. M. CRESS & LOAVDER, Lv. Charlotte 6:15 P. M. Lv. Concord 6:30 P. M. Owners SCARBORO’S THE STORE OF BETTER y VALUES Special Values in Silks Suitable For Making Christmas Gifts I >f ' , 40-Inch Crepe de Chine. Colors: Pink, Flesh fljl fMI and Light Blue, for * *UU Good Weight Crepe de Chines. Colors: Pink, , CA Flesh, Light Blue, Tan, Orchid, etc. 40 inches SPECIAL VALUES IN LINGERIE CLOTH 32-Inch Shadow Strip Lingerie Cloth. Colors: OP Peach, Light Blue. Special OJJC 36-Inch Shadow Check Nainsook. Colors Pink 40 Blue. Priced j *tOC Fine Quality Satin Finish Bloomette Lingerie Cloth. Col ors: Pink, Light Blue, Orchild, white and grey EQ _ 34 Inches Wide, 76c value. Special 05/C SCARBORO’S THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE • NEXT TO GIBSON DRUG STORE ■’ •V',’-',* ■ • f - • '<■, Perhaps you may be worth SIO,OOO a year and cot know it. A :icreen test will reveal if yon any expressive talent that will be given at the Star on Saturday.— Advertisement. To supply the inhabitants of New York City with their daily Inead requires she services of about 10,000 bakers. The Wrist Watch —A Modem Necessity There is more Romance to Jew erty than perhaps anything else —a gift of Jewelry expresses more real sentiment and feeling than could be expressed any oth er way. If you are not ready to buy, we invite you to come in at least and' see the gift possibilities we offer in jewelry that is guaranteed in every way. Starnes-Miller Parker Co. Jewelers and Optometrists 41 South Union Street Go right ahead and pluck the turkey but don’t let the turkey pluck you. The man who is going to buy new clothed this week has, we believe, style in his eye—quality in his heart—and value in his head. He wants to pluck a wonderful suit or coat but he doesn’t want to be plucked for a wonderful profit. Not that we infer he would be unsafe anywhere else—but why go dCT elsewhere when he is sure of ML finding exactly-what he wants -here? BROWNS Suits and O’coats for Thanksgiving— M $25.00 to $50.00 X Bright Winter Neckwear Wool Hose from 75c up. Browns - Cannon Co. GJUxAltfSlmsfiaie'&lcnv * Father starts—Mother nds W Enrolls she can add a little—even the You Kiddies will contribute 'their CABARRUS MOTOR CO. Ford Cars Fordson Tractors Ford Trucks What About That ALCOHOL For Your Radiator Tomrorow May Be Too Late! KING TUT SERVICE STATION National Highway Below Southern Station GENTLEMEN. WE ARE BEADY FOR YOU For pleasure or business you will prefer the GOOD SHOES we firatUme'w>r hM SPaS ° n ’ they l,re df T pn(lahlp and comfortable, the very Our stock is most complete in both low <fk mm to A and high shoes $5 $lO IVEY’S ‘THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” BUY CHRISTMAS CEALS STAMP OUT TUBERCULOSIS ALCOHOL FOR THE RADIATOR! This alcohol will surely and satisfactorily accomplish two features: r FIRST If you drink it yourself it will surely knock you cold SECOND If you let your radiator drink it, it will knock the cold away and probably save you from the nice purchase of a new radiator and maybe a new block. WE HAVE IT. One gallon for SI.OO and that is lots cheaper than a radia tor. Kum to See Us or Call Us Up For It. FREE TRIP SERVICE NO TUBERCULOSIS NORTH CAROLINA IN 1033 Southern Motor Service Co. LET US SERVE YOU. PHONE 802 PHONE 802 Quint Smith Building Goodyear Tires Accessories Willard Battery OUR PENNY IDS. UfSm THE RESULTS PAGE THREE

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