PAGE FOUR ■?atl*op*oi tbtnrlM >thal °- Itpjola! _ srved. Bpsctal Representative FROST, XJIBbIS « KOHN H# Fifth Avenue, New York • Peoples’ Gas Building, Chicago 1004 Candler Building, Atlanta Entered as. second class mall mattei at tho postoffice St Concord, N. C„ un der the Act of March 3, 1873. SUBSCRIPTION RATES * In the City of Concord by Carrier Thru* Months 1.6< One Month ,B( Outside of the State, the Subscription Is the Same as In the City Out of the city and by mall in North Carolina the following prices wll pre- One" ijegr SS.OC Six Months 2.5 C Three Months 1.2 S Less Than Three Months, (0 Cents a Month All Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance RAILROAD SCHEDULE la Effect April 29, IMS, Northbound. No. 136 To Washington 6:00 A. M. No. 36 To Washington 10:25 A. M. No. 46 To Danville 3:15 P. M. No. 12 To Richmond 7:10 P. M. No. 32 To Washington 8:28 P. M. No. 88 To Washington 9:30 P, M. Southbound. No. 45 To Chiarlotte —4:23 P. M. No. 35 To Atlanta 10.06 P. M. No. 29 oT Atlanta :2:45 A. M. No, 31 To Augusta 6:07 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:27 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte »:05 A. M. No. 131 To Atlanta 906 P. M. B 2 THOUGHTI >R TODAY—I morlsed, prov* »]l igeia after years. “ j|l GLADNESS AND SINGING :—Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.—Psalm 100:2. DEFEATING TUBERCULOSIS. 5,1 Census bureau statistics indicate that 'the' Rattle against tuberculosis is gain ing grouwdiegch year and if the present program can be maintained it will not be many years until, disease will be classed along with -typhoid fH-er and other maladies which are notv controlled. The census bureau figures show that the number of deaths from tuberculosis per 100,000 population declined from 150 in lftlS to 97.4 last year,, taking the country as a whole. Some Southern States show an average higher than the national average, but the same is also true of northern States. In the South the high rate is undoubtedly due to deaths from the disease among the ne groes. and it shows also that the States must devote more attention to the curb ing of the disease among the colored cit izens. Every person is offered an excellent opportunity to assist in this work by pur chasing Christmas tuberculosis seals. All money derived from the sale of the seals is spent among people suffering from the disease, and the splendid re sponse which file seals have received within the past several years has had much to do with the successful fight be ing made against the White Plague. The public is showing greater interest by buy ing more seals and this has meant more money with which to wage the battle. ENGLAND PAYING. Great Britain is not waiting for some unforseeu circumstance that might per persuade the United States to cancel the war debts. France and some \of the other debtor nations are still asking and hope for a cancellation policy, but Eng land is showing a determination to pay her part of the debt by sending cash to the United States.. Great Britain has just made a sec ond payment on her war debt. The pay ment amounted to $92,000,000. of which .WkOOOjjOOO was semiannual interest charges and $23,000.000 to reduce the principal. The first payment, made last s’- ing. was on account of interest only. that 'this is actually the first payment on, the principal. For several months the Brit ish government has been accumulating Liberty Bonds with which (o make this payment and virtually the entire amount of the installment was paid with such securities. Being able to purchase the bonds as slightly less than par it is es timated that the British government sav ed $1,800,000 by making the $92,900,000 payment in Liberty Bonds. England's policy in regard to the war debts is making many frineds- for her in the United States. Conditions through out the country are not all that c6nM be desired, but despite high taxes, unemploy ment, dissatisfaction and other things. England is showing a fine spirit in her financial dealings with Unde Sam. i. i-vr;- itt-■ ‘ We believe William G. MoAdoo could go to a Democratic convention now and receive thp nomination without much ! trouble. What will happen in the next . few months is a different thing, however, > and by the time the convention, is called j he may not be as strong as some other j Democrat. He is in the fight, however, j and can be expected to wage a real cam paign. Four years ago he was a “re ceptive” but not a fighting candidate and j that fact may have accounted for his de- j to ’siiodG his full ’strength next year at j The Mggest store ih the world under one rot* is in Moscow. It is a gigantic department sthre, or baZaur, unUpr a ■ tinmen dd dfcerent heads , selling all kinds goodd and carrying on every j | Paris Drapes Her Evening Frocks j Slightly, just ever so slightly draped are these evening gowns vital show the pleasure of Paris in each graceful line. They are all sleeveless as dinner and evening gowns are this season and they have three differ ent necklines that are popular this season. Materials most favored art satin, velvet and brocades. Crystal and rhinestone beads are lavishly used as trimming. TODAY’S EVENTS i Thursday, December 20. 1923 Only one more day of Autumn , Centenary of the birth of Dominic Manucy, Catholic bishop of Mobile. Prince George, youngest son of their British Majesties, comes of age today. Bishop Garrett, of Dallas, ranking bishop of the Episcopal Church, today enters upon his. 50th year i lithe epis copate. The town of Groesbeck today cele brates its 50th anniversary as county seat of Limestone county Texas, by lay ing the cornerstone for a $300,000 cohrt house. A Federal by-election is to be held to day in Kent county. New Brunswick, tot fill the vacancy in tre dominion bouse of commons caused by the death of A. T. Legere. The President and Mrs. Coolidge are to give a dinner at the White House this evening for the members of the foreign diplomatic corns and their ladies. Interest in the secret consistory to be held in Rome today has been lessened by the official announcement that no foreign Cardinals are to be created at this tiinc. Bids are to be opened at the Mare Island navy yard today for the sale of the seven United States destroyers EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO ] /"*don’t TALk' To lvie _ \ j POLITICS/ KR. TRUG! 1 WOULDN’T TRUST , TM«t eersr IH4N OB lots in Miller Heights, Gold Hill township, to J. A. Misenheimer, $495; four lotes in same place to Irvin Wagner, $100; three lots to I* R. Fisher, $172.50: two cots to Carl L. Fesperman, $250; three lots to A. T. C.’ Morgan, $150; four lots to J. N, Weav er, $100: and two lets to C. A. Trailer a'nd W. S. Brown. S4OO. All of thgse i lots are in “Miller Heights,” Gold Hill township. Vance B. Miller to James W. Eagle and wife, small tract of lnad on national highway, between Salisbury and China Grove, adjoining J, L. Bostian lands, $1 and other considerations. Lee Gillespie and wife to A. B. Wil son, undivided interest in 38 acres land adjoining the J. T. Goodman land, $271.43. J. E. Youncc and 11. L. Arey and wife to James I\ Mattox, lots on Moeksville Avenue, being lots 2 and 3, block 72 j “Confederate Park,” SIOO and other con siderations. J Granite Realty and Insurance Co., to j Grover Saunders, lot on Thomas Street, j former Goler property. $5 and other con siderations. New Tork is to have a skyscraper church. It will be located in the up per part of the city, and the cost i< ex pected to be about $4,000,000. Atop the temple, r bring to a height of fifty four stories, will be a thirty-two foot cross, the loftiest thing in New York tSty. I Your Children WILL ENJOY A ji| Combination ji Game Board for ||. Christmas jij 67 Different Games With ]i| { equipment and instructions ] | , for each gamd. .1 We have three different 1 ! styles to show you. What ] ! could be nicer than that? '\ [ MusetteM Christmas Specials 3 Lb. Box Brack’s Fancy Chocolates. SLSO value SI.OO Fancy Box Apples, sizes 100, 125 or 150 per box $2.50 Also Nuts, Raisins, Fancy Coeonnuts, etc.. Special prices on candy by the box or pail. * Let ns supply your needs for Christ mas trees. Cabarrus Cash Gro cery Co. PHONE 571 W Cabarrus Savings Bank NOTICE OF SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PRftPERTY. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, executors of the Will of the late J. R. White, and by , virtue of authori ty conferred in said Will, will on Satur day, "January sth, 1924. at the Court House door in Concord, N: C., at twelve o’clock M„ sell for cash to the highest bidder, the following described personal' property, to-wit: Three, State of North Carolina, Bonds, 4 per cent., interest bearing, Arch $300.00. One $1,000,00, FUBftk Liberty,, Rrfml, 4 1-4 per cent, interests be;cri4g. H;/ ! cJSialfTt °k North lf^ na H-araad Two shares of Cooaord National Bank J This the 13tb dayef Peeetnbw, iti&. I yer t St* f f ’ * L- 1 *- £■ • • DINNER STORIES A farmer was having his house re covered. The old tin .roof had been torn off and rolled up la a heap in the corner of the yard. A friend happened by one day and suggested that the farm er ship the tin to the Ford plant. .He went on to tell the farmer that Ford would pay him well for the tin. The fanner thought it over and decided he would send It to the Ford plant, for even though he .got. nothing for it the tin would be out of his way. In .about three weeks after he shipped it, he re ceived a letter ,which read something like this: ' • “Your old car wos tore up jp bad we decided to ship you a new me, but be careful next time.” *T am not going to talk long this ev ening,” said the speaker. - f “I've b?en cured of that. The other night I was making a speech when a man entered the hall and took a seat right in the front row. I had not feeen talking an hour when I noticed he was becom ing fidgety. Finally he arose and asked: “ 'Shay, how long yon been lec turin’? » “ ‘About four years, my friend,’ I re plied. “Well,’ lie remarked, as he sat down, ■l'll stick around; you must be near through’.’’ Seventh Child Named “Enough.* > The office was crowded with the wed ding party. All were silent while file bridegroom filled in the blanks. For the purpose of this story we’ll call him Smith,, says the New York Times.’ j The secretary looked ove'r the jnar rifegC-license. It gave the groom's name as “John Enough Smith.” He said: % “The clerk at theflicense bureau has pinde a mistake: see what a ridiculous middle, .Jiame he has given you— ‘Eno'ugK’.” Without looking up the groom replied dryly: “No wristakp on the part of the clerk. My mother gave me that middle name —I was (the seventh child.” An Innocent Good Time A colonel who was _ai stern discip linarian gathered his officers about him ami issued orders for the regiment's forthcoming train journey to the coast. “I don’t object to an innocent good time on the men’s part during this jour ney,” he said, “but you will see to it that there's fio swearing, no sky lark ing, no card playing, and as little cig arette smoking as possible.” “Pardon me, colonel,” said a timid voice, “but would you object if I tolfk a little plain sewing my com pany and myself?” The speaker waxed eloquent, and after his peroration on woman's rights he said: “When they take our girls, as they threaten, away from the co educational, what will follow? What will follow. I repent?” And a lomf masculine voice in the' audiepce replied, “I wijl.” • A In the New Hint Six-Cylinder Sedan i ■ provides a capacity power that establishes a new standard of motor utility. The car is both beautiful in appearance combin ed with genuine distinction and performance. Why not select one of these for an Ideal hrist mas present? They will cost very little mpre than the open cars. We have Durant and Star cars in stock also. In them you will find a serviceable, sound invest ment. Search the market over. You cannot match them for ex cess values. Don’t fail to select one of these models for your Christmas gift. J. C. Blume Garage I. r ll "*! You SHOULD MAKE ) CERTAIN YOU'LL BE WARM WHEN GOMES/ v-—J We’re reliably informed that cold weather’s coming. You know that your home needs the installation of a new heating system and you are quite reliably informed that we are the proper plumbers to attend to that , matter. l;i> - ' iC.'J. GRADY it PIMhRU# dlit R ii rinmuipgjtßa Heating i{ I lift firlfji hL 0m fiflAMßf ii V. ■ - ■ i! Mlir ™ Come to Overcash’s to Buy Presents For Men and Boys /Suits Caps Overcoats Gloves , Top Coats Shirts- , Vests - - Silk Shifts Trousers ‘ Mufflers . Sweaters J Neckwear f Rath Robes Handkerchiefs Suit Cases and Bags Belts with Sterling Buckles Hosiery .. , Cuff Buttons and Pine Garters • , , Underwear Suspenders ’j Box of Collars. Pajamas ~ Bradley’s White Sweaters Hats for Daughter. I STOKE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS W. A. Overcash | Clothier and Funushef EsDERFUL FURNITURE OP- I PORtUNITIES I . I : are fortunate in haViqg’.d large and complete stock 8 lie Latest Design FurhitfUre in all periods on hand ! 'X present time, which was contracted for at pricey 9 nwer than the present market value. > -Ml'i* : cheerfully' offer you these bargains at I *» nd term's much easier than any othter furnittfr? store 8 :ord. Money used in the purchase pfygood furni- ■ well invested, for such lives a lorife/liealthy life, g e young people in a community delight in enter- 9 their friends in their own homes, provided they are * rnished, and a little sacrifice in order to do this is n said by the renewed interest and love of home life 9 he young folks in the family will display. 8 vill be a treat to come in our store and see the won- I alues offered during the holidays. LL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO -Don’t forget to see our line of stoves and ranges. H. B. Wilkin- Doft’t worry hurra ing and scurrying af ter gifts? For the boy, or girt of a family—send a gift that will last a whole year through. Send in the address and we will furnish the magazines. ‘ 4 , •/ PEARL DRUG CO. .iWjnrirgnfiwflfiwgwit TKursifay, Decemßer 20, m The New Hardware •' Store -j -I - Has Christinas Goods For All 1 to ’ * -•- Silver Ware, Pearl Handle Knives, Girls’ Bicycles, Boys' Wagons, all sizes. Everything to Make All Happy. Ritchie Caldwell §jL.s company, loc. V: * The New Hardware *